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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 54 KB, 1047x465, not-directly-related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1556118 No.1556118 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, discuss...

>> No.1556141

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.1556144 [DELETED] 

My eel is full of hovercrafts.

>> No.1556160
File: 9 KB, 209x168, 1268497977505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I agree with an obvious troll post anyway

>> No.1556177

You are an atheist, and yet you belong squarely in the 'stupid fucks' section. You invalidate your own argument.

>> No.1556179

It's not trolling. It's true. However, it's not /sci/ence...

>> No.1556181
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>> No.1556210

its true

>> No.1556222



>> No.1556226

when that graph represents douchery and not smartness it works too
just saying

>> No.1556237

ITT butthurt theists

>> No.1556240

/sci/, you faggot, stop this shit. I'm running out of available reports for my IP...

>80%-90%. samara
Even bots can troll...

>> No.1556278

...recaptcha takes words from digitally scanned books the words that the machine cant read it uses here. So how can a bot read that machines cant read? Better algorithm? unlikely efforts of one vs efforts of many

>> No.1556293
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1279165661008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Want to get into a brawl, you punk bitch?!

>> No.1556323


Deists should be half in half out. Some people just believe in a god for no reason whilst some deists are quite rational about it.

>> No.1556326

What I meant is that while recaptcha picks random words, they are often strangely related to the topic in question.
I typed "nigger samara", because that's how I roll, but the bot still tried.

>> No.1556343


I'm at a standoff between atheism and rational deism. Determinism leads me towards deism while..uh..."non-determinism" leads me towaeds atheism. The likelihood of a Godless universe becomes more apparent if reality naturally occurs in random, unpredictable chaos. Truly unpredictable, I mean.

>> No.1556351

Yup, this is a well known fact, the better your education, the more likely you are to be an atheist. It makes perfect sense. I dont think it has anything to do with genetic intelligence, I just think its upbringing. I know I'm an atheist because of my modern education, learning about all the other religions and how everything things theyre dumb fairytales but theyre clearly just more of the same crap that everyone believes in today.

>> No.1556359


Yeah, but if determinism is true, then god cant exist because it requires he have a creator too. There has to be something that happened for no reason, whether god exist or not, either the universe exploded into existence for no reason, or god exploded into existence for no reason, then he decided to explode the universe into existence for no reason. Occams razor makes short work of the latter.

>> No.1556364


Determinism leaves the possibility of all of reality being able to be explained in a single mathematic equation. its birth, life, and death. All would be predictable. This leads to the possibility of design. My deistic view of "God" states that he "designed" the universe, but is perhaps not a part of it. Think of a very complex "Simulation Theory".

>> No.1556371


Agreed. A least there are some sort of argument for deism. Theism is like trying to justify Jack and Beanstalk was real.

>> No.1556373

Determinism requires every event to have a cause, so it would require an infinite string of events. Which sure, is in the realm of possibility, but your "god" would lie in the infinite string of invents making him anything but a "god", he would just be another accident of nature, like us.

>> No.1556385


Are you fully familiar of the possibility of our universe existing in a similar fashion as a simulation? It was brought on my our advancing abilities to replicate reality through computer technology. I never defined a creator being a subject to determinism. It may or may not be. A creator may exist in a very different state than we assume. Compare our reality to the possibilities of reality replication through our own technology. We could make an awfully different virtual universe than our own.

>> No.1556402
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>> No.1556415

You realize that if you were not educated, you could still feel/attract/love an image that isn't there. If you had no naming system, you wouldn't use speech - you would just think -- Let's elaborate on that.

A = You
B = A Girl or Boy you love
C = A being not in existence

A (can love)
B and C


Religion 1
Science 0

>> No.1556423


>> No.1556426


>> No.1556430

Atheism is just as stupid from a standpoint of logic and reason as belief in a god or gods. Agnosticism is the only rational choice -- you can't know one way or the other. You may be 99% positive there are no Gods, but you can never be completely sure, therefore, you do not, in fact, know whether or not they exist, and, therefore, you must be agnostic.

Atheists are too stupid to use logic and reason.

>> No.1556431

>40+ year old no lifer
>vigilanté forum policeman

>> No.1556438

You've never heard of being an agnostic atheist before have you?

>> No.1556441



>> No.1556445



I do not think those words mean what you think they mean. Either you know there are none, you are unsure, or you know there are some. This things are mutually exclusive.

>> No.1556447


>doesn't understand what the word atheist means
>doesn't understand what the word agnostic means
>doesn't understand that whilst not knowing, and agnostic still has to hold a belief one way or another

>> No.1556453


Wrong. Get a better lexicon.

>> No.1556455

No they aren't. Agnostic means unknowing. I am an unknowing atheist. Goddamn you are a pretentious hipster aren't you.

Also please refer to the post right below yours.

>> No.1556461


According to the OED:
Atheist: a person who does not believe in the existence of God or gods:

Agnostic: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God

theism: belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.

>> No.1556487

Get off the internet Walter, and try to make some friends.

>> No.1556535


There's a start. Now explain why a person cannot be an atheist and an agnostic at the same time.

>> No.1556537


Read the definitions, dumbfuck. An Agnostic neither believes nor disbelieves. An atheist disbelieves.

>> No.1556539

I'm proud to be Mormon, the religion with the highest percentage of scientists in the US. In fact Utah rates highest and has rated highest for per capita scientists of any state in the US for the last 80 years.

>> No.1556545
File: 84 KB, 410x293, =].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud to be a believer in Yahweh, the first God - the only God - the God that branched every other relgion.

>> No.1556552


FFS an agnostic claims s/he doesn't know the answer, that has no bearing on whether or not s/he believe there is a god.

Is there sufficient evidence to rule out the lock ness monster? No. Do I personally believe it exists? no. I'm therefore agnostic and a non-believer in that respect.

Learn to read for god's sake. An agnostic is perfectly well to say he doesn't know the answer, but he still has to believe one way or another. That's what being an agnostic atheist is. Stop spreading around shit if you can't understand it.

>> No.1556554


If you read your Tanakh, there are other Gods than the Lord God of Israel. Otherwise you wouldn't need him to tell you:

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery;
Do not have any other gods before me.

>> No.1556556


I can't wait for Summer to be over.

>> No.1556566


Not to mention "Elohim" is plural, for obvious monolatristic reasons.

and lol captcha: pluralism quellinh

>> No.1556569
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>> No.1556572
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>> No.1556579

>but he still has to believe one way or another
LOLWUT? And who is going to force him to believe one way or another?

It is extremely rare for someone to claim no knowledge of something but nevertheless claim a belief about it.

>> No.1556587


QFT. Furthermore, words have definitions so that we can have meaningful discourse. Imposing your own definition on an already defined and used technical term in a specific context is just asking for no one to take you seriously.

>> No.1556594
File: 126 KB, 365x523, Templar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ people in this thread thinking they're religious smart when they have an government academia-educated mind.

>> No.1556601

I know a lot of stupid atheists.
But very few smart/religious people.

I think that most atheists are just too lazy to even learn about various religious beliefs.

>> No.1556614

Hey, Tripfag. Answer me one question. Just one question.

Are you an atheist or an agnostic about the existence of leprechauns?

>> No.1556615
File: 80 KB, 288x328, 1278214954685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when theists in my /sci/

>> No.1556623


lol at people loling when they're not actually loling

>> No.1556625
File: 278 KB, 1282x1670, 1277792855085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when nearly all the bros on /sci/ are still statists


>> No.1556633


i feel 4 u bro. i want corporations to rule our lives too there so much nicer than teh gubbermant ;__;

>> No.1556637
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>> No.1556638
File: 257 KB, 961x718, 1277949548366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when statists think corporations are a product of the free market rather than a product of statism


>> No.1556643 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 1056x605, 1272087263226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there's also the irreligious, which is actually a much better umbrella term for the sort of people most reference when they say "atheist".

>> No.1556646


You don't getting. You either think something is, or it isn't. Everyone has an opinion on something, regardless of how much knowledge about it they possess. Saying "I don't know only gets you so far"

>> No.1556649

Yes! Because lessening restrictions on business will...

... STOP them from stomping out their competition and creating monopolies.



>> No.1556651


*Get it

>> No.1556652
File: 102 KB, 800x600, WHY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1556654
File: 10 KB, 650x450, 1276719292550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when statists don't even have a basic understanding of the market


>captcha: "What?" cronies

>> No.1556659


I have no idea if leprechauns exist. There is no evidence for their existence, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

>> No.1556662

Great, so you're hair splitting.

If your belief in gods is similar to your belief in leprechauns, then you are of the same belief as every atheist that ever lived.

>> No.1556676

Why did mosis part the sea, the exact same time as muhammed levitated the land? Do you think the religious books hold some connection to each other? Different reports/prophets at different points of the earth? 4 equators, but you're taught there are 3. Are you mental? The earth is a fucking sphere - that's not thirds, that's 4 quadrents, therefore ---> North/South Poles: 4 mid-equators.

That's a wise mind. Are you as wise as me? Or are you educated? Okay, cool. Don't talk religion no more, you're not wise enough to understand the basics, let alone the advanced meaning of religion. You know what you're educated, you don't know religion AT ALL, nothing, zilch, zero experience. You are a lvl 1 cunt, I'm a lvl double rainbow templar. I know my shits.

This thread makes me cringe. Bunch of scientists talking religion like they have any clue. ANY CLUE.

inb4 troll
inb4 'educated science opinion'
inb4 misinterpreted view of religion
inb4 youmadbro.jpg

tl;dr no

>> No.1556681

the quran came out like 500 years after jesus was supposed to have died.

they had plenty of time to revise

>> No.1556683

why does no one recognize ignosticism?
not even firefox recognizes it :(

>> No.1556685

Hey, guess what?

None of this matters in the long run for neither theists, antagonists, nor atheists.


>> No.1556689

this was bad and you should feel bad.
did you graduate highschool yet? i cant tell from your writing. it has basically no information.

>> No.1556711


I'm a Member of an Obscure And We Like It That Way Sect of the Rinzai School of Zen, and a Pantheistic Solipsist

>> No.1556714


Exactly. You don't have any idea whether leprechauns exist. But you are either of the opinion that they do or don't. If your world view doesn't have leprchauns in it, then you're also a "leprechaun atheist". Applying that to a god, you're then atheist-agnostic (they are not non-overlapping). Or I just call myself atheist. One seldom meets atheists that say they know with all certainty there is not god. Besides, that's just plain unscientific.

>> No.1556717

Capped to invalidate any future opinions you offer. Although I'm guessing they won't be worth invalidating.

>> No.1556718



>> No.1556719

Actually I'm pursuing education alike everyone else on this board; however, at no point do I let government propaganda have control over my wisdom -- I know where I stand in the world. I want to be a philosopher, and I want to travel the world uncovering the true beauty of life. I have an A level (distinction) in philosophy, psycology, computing and law -- I'll be admitted to Oxford in 1 months time.

>> No.1556726


pics or it didn't happen

>> No.1556728


I don't recall anyone mentioning religion really. God, but not religion.

>> No.1556733

A level 'distinction'? no such thing you little shit. Can't even spell psychology right so fuck off are you getting into Oxford

>> No.1556739


No, dumbfuck. I am of the opinion that they may exist or they may not, because I don't know whether or not they exist.

>> No.1556741

Furthermore -- you all have an incorrect view on religion, therefore you are not wise, you only hold 'educated-knowledge' the government's view on the world. What that means is you do not have a valid opinion, nor the correct approach to religion -- you don't interpret any of the holy books using your own wisdom, you interpret all of the books how you were taught to. In all, you should shut the fuck up, get the fuck out, and continue playing with your test tubes, uncovering all that's not important in life -- whilst I, templar, travel the world, see the world for what it truly is, meet beautiful women (and men) and enjoy every moment of living -- never regretting anything.

Please continue to troll, debate and quaffle like children. Your drivel is welcome here; it is 4chan after all. At no point however, believe that your view is valid -- you're thinking of a fantasy, I'm thinking of the truth. As you don't understand this 'truth', you can not claim to have any knowledge in religion or prophecies.

I've studied every almost every religion -- past and present civilizations. I understand the way of life back then and how different it is to the way of life now. Egypt, Mayan, Aztec, Dark Age, etc. You name it, I've learned it -- I've travelled to parts of the world you have only seen on television or through pictures where you are told what these places are like. I know first hand what they are like. I'm an educated scribe, I can read, and understand ainchent texts, monuments.

What can you do exactly? Tell me why things that go up, also come down? I don't need to know why. That's your life -- explaining what doesn't need to be known, so that you can continue exploring the universe; I admire this, however... don't think you have ANY CLUE about religion.


>> No.1556743
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>> No.1556744

Your post is so long-winded and retarded I honestly am not going to waste my time trying to figure out which side you're trolling for, so I'm just going to add your tripfag code to my ignore list.

>> No.1556746

Grades in A level:


To get into university you require at least CBB pass. Pass, Merit, Merit. To get into Oxford, you need to either be fucking rich and of average intelligence, or pass with atleast a AAA. Which I did, with four A levels, so my pass was AAAA. Straight A's. A line of A's.

>> No.1556748



>> No.1556750


Read very carefully, numbnuts. If I ask you "do you think leprechauns exist?" what's your reply? "I don't know" isn't a valid answer to that form of question. You either *think* they do, or you don't. Simple. This isn't a question about whether or not they exist, but whether you think they do or not. Your worldview either maintains that leprechauns are real or they are not.

>> No.1556752
File: 10 KB, 249x202, stupidshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go.

>> No.1556754

That's cool. I wasn't hoping to stick around and chat with each one of you retards. I was truly trying to knock your egos down to their true level. That way you don't think you're so smart, just because you've endevored in a totally different branch which you claim to be 'God-tier', cause in this tier you're so educated you think your mind is special; with this mind you interpret other branches of education with your view, because your ego is wayyyy above the clouds. When truly, you're a dellusional, boring, not-wise, old man - with a imprinted view of life - particles and neutrons. I look at life, as 'life', as 'beauty' -- for living.

Good night and God bless.

>> No.1556755

That's quite the logical fallacy you have there. It's perfectly valid to not know whether something exists without having a predetermined belief that it does or does not.

>> No.1556756

wait, what the fuck are you even from Britain? You don't get a pass, merit or distinction you get either: A or B or C or D or E or F or G or U or X and recently, A*. There's no two ways about each grade you either get one grade or another not a distinction or anything like that, a grade is a grade. And fucking rich and of average intelligence? You can't buy your way into university.

>> No.1556762


Thank you, kind and sagacious Anon.

>> No.1556766


Jesus. Not "preordained". Regardless of whether or not you *know* something exists, you still go about your daily existence assume it does, or doesn't.

If an agnostic says "I don't know if the Christian god is real" that's fine. But they either go about their life worshipping the christian god, or not worshipping it. If they don't worship it, they de facto don't believe in it, regardless of whether they think it's real or not.

>> No.1556768


well assuming they don't believe in it and choose to not worship him.

>> No.1556771

You're an idiot. Distinction is what a high-grade pass is called. If you don't understand basic English then leave Britian right now.

AAAA =/= Distinction

On a side note. Religion was education during the dark ages, and for a period of time before the dark ages. Education is not Religion now is it? So education does not interpret Religion correctly does it? No it doesn't. As they are both forms of education, you either pick one or the other. You can not choose to follow the laws of education and say "I know about religion" because you dumb-fucks don't follow the laws of Religion. I'll ask again, are you a headcase?

>> No.1556772

>you still go about your daily existence assume it does, or doesn't.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. That's.. that's just so stupid, I can't even formulate a reply that I think you'd understand. It's just.. wow.

>> No.1556776

I'm an idiot? I know for a fact that there is no such thing as a distinction when it comes to A levels. As I said earlier, you only get certain grades and it goes no further than that

>> No.1556777


u must be troll

>> No.1556785


It's just that what you said is utterly preposterous. What you basically said is that science doesn't exist.

>> No.1556786


What are you, high?

>> No.1556792


Of course I fucking didn't. If you walk around not worshipping a god then you either believe and choose not to, or you don't find enough evidence for it. You can be uncertain if something exists or not, but you either think it does or doesn't. You can't hold and opinion in between.

>> No.1556802

>Distinction - a high grade awarded to students whose assessed work is of exceptional quality; typically the equivalent of a first class degree at Masters level.

>> No.1556807

>You can be uncertain if something exists or not, but you either think it does or doesn't. You can't hold and opinion in between.

What utter rubbish. Suppose I asked you if you thought there was a type of rodent that lived in South Africa that had only two toes on its hind legs. You COULD say you believe there is. You COULD say you believe there isn't. But it is also perfectly valid to say you simply DON'T KNOW and thus have no belief one way or the other that it exists.

To say that such a belief MUST exist in a purely binary state of either believing or not believing is to suggest that the very CONCEPT of not knowing something doesn't exist. If that were true, the human species would not be sentient.

>> No.1556819

The difference that Rat is in our dimension. You can either believe there is something out of our dimension, or you can believe there isn't. It doesn't fucking matter what you believe is out of our dimension -- what matters is that you CAN think of being(s) out of our dimension - you believe or you don't believe.

Blue pill.
Red pill.

Choose, then shut the fuck up and continue down the road you chosen, not intuding on the other, like any good person would.

>> No.1556822

you are a child arent you? what are you? 17 or something? born again christian?

>> No.1556827

introducing dimensions now are we? you wanted to be a philosopher? Tell me how the view you just shat out contradicts with the brains in a vat theorem by hilary putnam.
And if you disagree with it, tell me why.

>> No.1556836

>clicking your reply link to see who you're talking to
>the post doesn't exist
>it must be a tripfag I'm ignoring!
You should try it friend, it really saves you from wasting time getting caught up in arguments with attention-craving morons.

>> No.1556850

im in the process of not going back to writing my paper on acknowledgment so any distraction from fichte, hegel, brandom and honneth is welcome.
also, reading that guy makes me feel smart. i like that.

>> No.1556851
File: 36 KB, 447x494, sci .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>98 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1556865


Universe (Oneverse)
We live in a universe. You can think, imagine, picture, dream about, beings that exist out of the universe; these beings do not obey the laws of our universe. They do not exist in the same universe as us.

A 4D being cannot exist in our universe - we have never found one, there is no evidence of one, and I doubt we'll ever come across one -- In our universe.

I can think of a being outside of our universe. I can think "there's something out of the universe" -- and vice versa, I can think "there's nothing I'm being silly".

We can't prove neither. Therefore it's BLUE PILL (1thing) or the RED PILL (other thing).

Shut the fuck up please. You're not even smart, you just think you are and yes it's annoying. I feel like I'm on /b/ just listening to your constant drivel.

Me: We can think of beings outside of the universe.

Me: We can think of beings outside of the universe.



>> No.1556870

lolwrong. There were other religions before the worship of yahweh.

>> No.1556877

I thought that we ARE 4D beings, as we exist in space/time.

>> No.1556890

sup ego

>> No.1556895

ST relativity is a theory.
People are already attempting to find relativity in time-distance.

Time is a part of everything. We age etc. Time isn't linear, but you believe it is, so there's not point discussing it.

Anyway, shut the fuck up. Either take the blue pill or red pill and fuck off posting like you have a clue.

>> No.1556896

how does this pertain to putnams "brains in a vat" theorem?
and in what points do you oppose it?

>> No.1556905
File: 44 KB, 294x244, doland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, you are a pattern

>> No.1556914


Incorrect. I could say that I know not if it exist or if it does not. Bt would do I think? I either take your word for it or a I don't. Which choice I make would be dependent on various factors. But I can't say that I neither believe you nor disbelieve you - it is nonsensical. If you can't understand the distinction between knowledge and belief, then you are a semantic retard.

>> No.1556929

lol doland

>> No.1556944

You don't get along with other people in real life very well, do you?

>> No.1556981
File: 39 KB, 525x700, are you a wizard-525x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>real life

>> No.1557080

I know what a fucking distinction is! But at A level, there isn't such a thing as a distinction! Fucking hell are you really that thick?

>> No.1557096

I don't give a fuck.

>> No.1557227

Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnostic_atheism

>> No.1559044

You are so incredibly arrogant and narcissistic that it amazes me. Wow.

>> No.1559062


i lol'd at anarchy.

>> No.1559091
File: 21 KB, 600x600, fuckyoshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.1559154

How bout we leave it out of all boards? /b/ has enough bullshit

>> No.1559227

There are more atheists then deists

>> No.1559260

but who was 4chan?

>> No.1559270
File: 333 KB, 1440x900, op_fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1559271

and this is why i prefer the one on 7. fucking religion threads.

>> No.1559283

This is not science related.

>> No.1559288
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>> No.1559293


The science of trolling

>> No.1559354

not believe=/=believe not