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15569352 No.15569352 [Reply] [Original]

Do I drink too much milk?

What will happen to my body over long binges of milk? I regularly drink three gallons a week like in pic rel.

>> No.15569364

try >>>/ck/

>> No.15569367
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calcium overdose your bones will solidify into a distorted unit its called abnormal bone formation
pic rel

>> No.15569371

Find an emu. Make it chubby and then ask it.

>> No.15569381

Ca also inhibits iron absorption. If you feel tired and less energetic you might be low in iron.

>> No.15569450

Clean your fucking fridge.
Just take that shit out and get a spray bottle with your favorite cleaner and spray that shit down and wipe it clean.
It will take maybe 15 minutes, and your fridge wont be filthy and gross. The clear shelves on the top and bottom, in particular, look pretty bad.

>> No.15569468

It’s like drinking soda. It will likely make you break out.

>> No.15570160
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>I regularly drink three gallons a week like in pic rel.
Is not that much really.
It is Nature's Perfect Food.
If drink too much, you gain weight, same as any other food, but you won't get fat as easily as with fruits or grain-based foods.

>> No.15570171

grains are high calorie and the digest more rapidly than protein and fats, they're just slightly complicated sugar

>> No.15570190

>grains are high calorie and the digest more rapidly than protein and fats
That's why they make you gain weight quicker.

>> No.15570192

Can't say Asians who relied on rice were overly fat. It's only when they introduced actual fat that they got fat.

>> No.15570209

>Asians literally lived on rice only, they didn't have meat, fish, eggs, or dairy! They just ate pounds of rice daily!
When will this stupid myth die? First of all, Asians just genetically fatten less easily than Europeans in general. Secondly, the cause of their problems is processed foods such as white rice, white sugar, and seed oils.

>> No.15570215

Kek, it's not a myth, the peasant farmers had access to rice and not a hell of a lot of animal products. Am I saying it's ideal? No, but it's hard to get fat eating only carbs. The potato diet proves that. And white rice is what they primarily ate, especially in Japan, which still has a very thin population. Of course you can go the other way and eat only meat, it's hard to get fat on that as well. Point being, carbs aren't the devil, they're fine, same goes for meat, but eat a lot of both and you're going to get fucking fat.

>> No.15570448
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>storing ketchup in the fridge
What the fuck is wrong with you Americans?

>> No.15570524

Everyone calls me disgusting for leaving thr ketchup bottle on the kitchen counter instead of the fridge.

>> No.15570545

Dairy is textbook white supremacy.

>> No.15570586

Room temperature ketchup sounds gross.

>> No.15570590

>Asians just genetically fatten less easily
you don't actually believe that do you?
rice is a superfood

>> No.15570596

What do you mean? Lactose is literally just sugar, drinking milk is basically like drinking any other drink with added simple sugar, though it wont be absorbed quite as fast.

>> No.15570598

White rice is an abomination, though. Rice from ancient times is nothing like modern white rice. Industrial processing with a focus on profitability and shelf life ruins absolutely everything.

>> No.15570610

>though it wont be absorbed quite as fast
that's literally the reason why its considered better than sodas, apart from the fats and proteins check glycemic index

>> No.15570694
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>What will happen to my body over long binges of milk? I regularly drink three gallons a week like in pic rel.
You will look like this

>> No.15570704

I don’t get it do you eat no cheese. Why do you only have milk and fruit. Did you fake your fridge to make it look good for 4chan?

>> No.15570714

I eat and cook it all too quickly to store in the fridge.

>> No.15570715

It's the difference between consuming table sugar and fructose, which is like the difference between Satan and Mega Satan.
>the fats and proteins check glycemic index
This is such bullshit, junk science. The fats/proteins don't change anything, you're just drinking sugar. Except Milk's sugar isn't even sweet so it's easy to over consume.

>> No.15570759

Calcium competes for absorption with iron and magnesium.

>> No.15570846

>fats/proteins don't change anything, you're just drinking sugar
learn about digestion cunt
if there wasn't any fat in milk you would probably feel like complete shit after drinking it because the fats are being consumed after and due to the sugars being consumed
skim milk is part of the depopulation plan because they trick you into thinking skim milk is healthier and then you start to think if skim milk is so good why do i feel like shit so you go to alternatives or drop milk altogether like a fucking lemming

>> No.15571243

>This is such bullshit, junk science.
>Joe Rogan told me so

>> No.15571247

Imagine drinking pleb milk instead of fairlife. More protein. Less carbs and sugars. More calcium. More nutrients. Same amount of fat. It's a win win and is a good value considering its nutrient density. Only time to drink pleb milk is if you want raw milk.

>> No.15571389

He's actually correct that pasteurized homogenized milk you buy in the store hits your gut hard with a bomb of lactose. In raw milk, the lactose is encased by fat and protein that has to be digested before the lactose is released, but after homogenization and pasteurization all the fat and protein is damaged and broken apart which frees up all the lactose and causes it to digest much more quickly than it should.

Homogenized pasteurized milk is like eating a cookie or cake: it's full of both fat and sugar, but on a molecular/chemical level they're separate and get digested apart from each other rather than one having to digest before the other in sequence the way it works in raw milk and other whole foods that contain natural sugar.

>> No.15571416

I think there is *some* truth to it. Asians at least develop NAFLD at much lower body weights than other races. They still seem quite capable of getting fat on a Western diet, though.

>> No.15571421

So? Your body quite likes glucose, that's why it has mechanisms in place to eat itself, glucose is that important.