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15530094 No.15530094 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you plan to get Bill Gates' malaria vaccine?

>> No.15530217

malaria spreading goes hand-in-hand with global warming.
simple as.

>> No.15530234

If malaria causes global warming then why are they inversely correlated?

>> No.15530636

malaria appearing in new areas isn't exactly the same as total amount of cases.

>> No.15530637

you're not in a country it's being developed for, quit scaremongering. Want to have a SCIENTIFIC discussion of the vaxxines instead of a political one?

>> No.15530651

Part of the reason why the CDC is headquartered in Atlanta instead of DC is because it was setup to fight malaria in the area it was common. Texas and Florida are part of the disease's natural range and had been held at bay by eradication programs. The alteration of those programs to including breeding mosquitos instead of eradicating them is causing a resurgence of malaria.

>> No.15530654

So is this why he created all those genetically engineered mosquitos?

Fuck future biowarfare is looking scary

>> No.15530658

Hydroxychloroquine only treats specific types of malaria, bill gates didn't release mosquitos or cause a malaria outbreak
i won't be getting a malaria vaccine unless needed (which i dont see happening anytime soon)
kill yourself OP, for the love of god

>> No.15530712

It is not out of the question to reverse engineer a mosquitos makeup and alter its saliva that injects with every bite. You could even prep the mosquitos beforehand, feeding them compounds that would modify them while alive. Bugs are the simplest creatures besides microscopic to edit. To believe surface face journalism is to be a dumb nigger. I see people ITT are already being retarded.

>> No.15530790

I rather just get the malaria desu

>> No.15530899
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i always check, it's scary how the schizos are right every time

>> No.15530948
File: 412 KB, 3105x1433, Previous-prevalence-of-malaria-world-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>malaria spreading goes hand-in-hand with global warming.
That turns out not to be the case.
Look at the historical range of malaria -- this is what it was with the good old climate we used to have -- malaria in the US up to the Great Lakes and Maine, malaria in most of Europe, malaria in fucking Siberia...
Today we think of malaria as a tropical disease because the poor countries who never successfully wiped out Anopheles are mostly (but not entirely) tropical.
Whatever the climate does, malaria will spread to any region where people exist and efforts to control Anopheles mosquitos are abandoned or cut back. Anopheles will re-expand into its old range if we let it, and malaria will as well.
Nothing at all to do with climate change -- startlingly, some bad things happen that are not caused by climate change.

>> No.15530961

>first US spread
Who is this defined, known cases of US citizens/residents getting infected? Or could it just be migrants who came to the US while infected?
All depending this could just be due to mass immigration.

>> No.15530989

i'll rush out to get it once npr tells me that it would be racist not to

>> No.15531004

i'm aware of the whole breeding mosquitos out thing with infertile mosquitos nonsense, the OP is still a retard

>> No.15531018

yeah it's the male mosquitos they were studying and not the 50 gorillion migrants from malaria-infested countries the US is blindly taking in each year

>> No.15531019

how is he retarded if he is right?

>> No.15531037

cuz A bill gates did not release mosquitos like that and B noone fucking released mosquitos like that

>> No.15531043

so why he breeds billions of them systematically?

>> No.15531049

he doesn't? there is a company that breeds mosquitos for research called world mosquito program
they do not genetically modify them nor are they owned by bill gates

>> No.15531051

the factory in this image is owned by the company i linked

>> No.15531062

>the mosquitoes being released don’t terrorize the local population. Far from it. They’re actually helping to save and improve millions of lives.

stop lying

>> No.15531075

bill gates doesn't own that factory, it is indeed the same factory i posted where you replied to me you retard

>> No.15531082

and before you schizo out about GMO mosquitos, we don't have the tech for that yet
they simply infect them with a bacteria that is common to all bugs that the virus competes with reducing transmission
>We discovered that when Aedes aegypti mosquitoes carry Wolbachia, the bacteria compete with viruses like dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever.

This makes it harder for viruses to reproduce inside the mosquitoes. And the mosquitoes are much less likely to spread viruses from person to person.

This means that when Aedes aegypti mosquitoes carry natural Wolbachia bacteria, the transmission of viruses like dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever is reduced.

So, at the World Mosquito Program, we breed Wolbachia mosquitoes. Then, in partnership with local communities, we release them into areas affected by mosquito-borne diseases.

Which means less risk of disease in communities where Wolbachia is established in the local mosquito population.


>> No.15531094

>and before you schizo out about GMO mosquitos
are you serious?
he breeds then release them and now he have a vaccine for the most common mosquitos disease

>> No.15531103

he has nothing to do with that factory you retarded faggot
the malaria vaccine existed since 1987

>> No.15531105

if bill gates was trying to eradicate malaria, dont you think it makes sense that he would do both of those things? make a vaccine + release mosquitos with disease inhibiting bacteria? could you maybe stop imagining youre in a movie for 5 god damn minutes?

>> No.15531113 [DELETED] 

>nothing to doits in his personal youtube channel and in his website article, what else? do you want me to investigate further, it's pretty obvious at this point

>> No.15531117

>The World Mosquito Program actually has a number of mosquito breeding facilities worldwide. The Medellin mosquito factory is merely its biggest. To be clear – Bill Gates does not own any of them

>> No.15531126

>nothing to do with that
its in his personal youtube channel and in his website article, what else? do you want me to investigate further, it's pretty obvious at this point
so people who got malaria in these areas should thank him?

look this is surreal, if you want to defend him so hard go ahead im not going to repost to any of you this is fucking insane

>> No.15531136

>its in his personal youtube channel and in his website article, what else? do you want me to investigate further, it's pretty obvious at this point
he does not own it my man, look it up anywhere you want
>so people who got malaria in these areas should thank him?
said factory has nothing to do with florida or texas, check its location faggot

>> No.15531158
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>normie discover who bill gates is for the first time
>immediately gang up by shills

>> No.15531160

>he falls for (((journalism)))

>> No.15531276
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i go on 4chan to defend bill gates' WEF agenda from criticism
how organic

>> No.15531284

bill gates is not a part of the world economic forum
i don't even know why you people made them into a boogeyman, they are a bunch of libertarian retards which are the kind of people you like isn't it?

>> No.15531296

>Who is Bill Gates?

Newfags please take a little time to acquaint yourself with the man, the myth, the legend

>> No.15531347

this one is a lot shorter at only 14 minute

>> No.15531387

So that's a no, 10/10 bait anon you did it, you made a bunch of idiots mad

>> No.15532143
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too bad bill gates doesn't stick to murdering 3rd worlders with his vaccines, but i guess wiping out american science trusters isn't all that bad either

>> No.15532190


>> No.15532238

Just like covid with mosquitoes. Thank you anon.

>> No.15532873 [DELETED] 

>ugh ugh me start another antivaxx sub-80 IQ Facebook boomer thread

kys to avoid forced vaccinations

>> No.15533125

sounds like you plan on taking Bill Gates' malaria vaccine

>> No.15533913

I'm not a vaxxxxxie because i'm not low iq

>> No.15533918

How the fuck are infertile mosquitoes supposed to breed?

>> No.15533971

i might as well max vax at this point

>> No.15533979

And the malaria range has decreased even more since the end of that map in 2002. China is now malaria free as of 2021:
>Following a 70-year effort, China has been awarded a malaria-free certification from WHO – a notable feat for a country that reported 30 million cases of the disease annually in the 1940s.

>> No.15534250

Are you aiming to get into the sºyence hall of fame as the most vax'd goyim of all time?

>> No.15534279
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small man syndrome. he couldn't handle the disrespect.


>> No.15535275
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>> No.15535634

that's why they are called schizos and not wrongos, incorrectos or disprovedos

>> No.15535644

actually it's due to another invasive species that's been spreading uncontrolled across the south

>> No.15535657

Only if it comes with 5 free boosters.

>> No.15535666

What's hillarious about all of this is all of this garbage making those Twitter posts "thinking" they are "fighting" something, when they don't do shit. I can't even compare it to the hamster turning 180 degrees and running the wheel in the opposite direction as a way to escape the wheel, because if that hamster was real he would be actually doing something, to put it lightly if we extrapolate it into the human world, unlike you.

>> No.15535674

You are not doing anything, forget changing anything, in the real world. All you do is sit on your ass, run your mouth and post on Twitter which your overlords created for you specifically for that reason. So you can entertain your pathetic demonic evil garbage sad self and literally your only goal of making yourself feel good and stay out of the way of their plans.

>> No.15535683

Evil selfish, mentally ill, against the truth/reality, pathetic and sad.

>> No.15535704

you seem upset

>> No.15536499

its gonna get confusing when vaxxies start dropping dead from gates' malaria vax and noboy knows if they died from gates' poison or from the long term effects of the clotshot

>> No.15536542

Didn't happen but it should have
Fuck florida and fuck texas especially

>> No.15537237

oh finally a mosquito thread, my boss worked on a Gates' funded GM mosquito project with genedrive before, and I'm currently working with synthetic baculoviruses as a way to target mosquito ovaries to mess with their innate immunity.
to put it briefly, there are many ways a "genetically modified" mosquito can work out. I focus on piRNA systems, but I know some labs work on genedrive/cas9 mosquitos, which *IF* released, could have inserted genes to kill malaria or some sort of suicide gene that makes them infertile after a few generations. Some are just irradiated males to be infertile. Others work on finding ways to understand and attack their olfactory systems or water treatment that can safely deal with the larvae, and use gm mosquitos as a tool. My boss worked with mosquito innate immunity and eventually moved to genedrive as an option to KEEP inserted sequences around, but there's a lot of concern with genedrive in nature and I could go on about how piRNA modified mosquitos won't really get out of labs.
My job is to make the tools these guys ^ need to modify mosquitos more easily
Wolbachia and Oxitec mosquitos aren't trying to keep a GM mosquito alive, and are more similar to the irradiated mosquitos, sterile insect tech. Wolbachia holds up to it's MGS camio and makes infertile males (just in mosquitos tho), and Oxitec mosquitos makes the next generation infertile. the end goal is that you'd never be bitten by a male mosquito, no harm of the damn gmo mosquitos injecting you with vaccines.

>> No.15537241

yea, it should be noted the mosquitos most work on are from africa or south asia, other than aegypti. Everyone should be aware of what's going on with them, because they can still invade like other insects.
>The alteration of those programs to including breeding mosquitos instead of eradicating them is causing a resurgence of malaria
I hope you know a standard way of how the US killed off screwworm, and SIT is still used as a pesticide alternative. Been used since the 50s.
no, he wants to deploy tech like this in far wider, far poorer, and far sicker regions. Standard SIT only works within the small region that a single generation of males can fly to, that's why Oxitec is testing the GM method in the real world. piRNA and innate immunity modifications, to replace mosquito genetics instead of trying to kill all mosquitos, are also a kind he sponsored research for before.
The bill and melinda gates foundation have paid for gm mosquito research that goes beyond sterility. OP should kill himself tho, the ones being released are all just extensions to SIT, not a conspiracy.
>we don't have the tech for that yet
uum, I work on the tech, bill has paid for that tech, Oxitec has their own deployments of gm mosquito tech, hell my vector could be swapped out for a mosquito NPV and deployed as a pesticide.
>This makes it harder for viruses to reproduce inside the mosquitoes
Partially true, but at least for Verily/Google's (Wolbachia) and Oxitec's (gm) deployment they only deploy males, which follows SIT. For Wolbachia that means a specific strain that makes males infertile unless they breed with a female who has that same strain. As long as you only, only, only ever send out males, they compete, are infertile, and suppress the growth of some mosquito populations.

>> No.15537294

>said factory has nothing to do with florida or texas, check its location faggot
Obviously, you don't know about the Colombian mosquito trade, every single one of those mosquitos came from the asshole of a migrant. All it took was one burst and a lucky mosquito to make it out with malaria
no, I go on 4chan to subtly talk about how synth viruses are pretty easy to work with

In the end, what matters is people really should be more aware of the types of tech coming IMO, because it'll get confusing when next generation ones come along and people try to dismiss the tech like it's the same. Bill spends a lot of money in multiple fields for malaria specifically, so he can have his little control over the health of the 3rd world or whatever.
I'm really mad about how synth vectors are represented. Both in the techbro space where they think the possibility of someone making bioterror recomb viruses means my freedom to make tools has to be limited with dumb policy, or the antivax space that hates novavax for no fucking discernible reason or the vectors that could be used in mRNA vaccines. Hopefully, this clears up my biases

>> No.15537308

>startlingly, some bad things happen that are not caused by climate change.
i find this unlikely.

>> No.15537313

I don't live in a turd world shithole, so malaria is a non issue for me.

>> No.15537359

>the end goal is that you'd never be bitten by a male mosquito

I thought only the females bite anyway?

>> No.15537361

yea, that's the point, or lack of one in this case

>> No.15537396
File: 32 KB, 640x320, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bill gates is not a part of the world economic forum
HAHAHAHAH. did you expect anyone to believe this? he's attended dozens of times and given multiple speeches there.

>> No.15537397

>bill gates predicts virus apocalypse
>bill gates funds covid lab in wuhan
>it somehow "leaks"
>kills millions/destroys trillions in economic value in US and trillions more around the world
>his friends come up with "vaccine"
>somehow makes them money
>is seen as a savior by the left

>> No.15537421

Plan to?
You will take it whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not.

>> No.15538311

>How many of you plan to get Bill Gates' malaria vaccine?
Is it "safe and effective"?
Is it "the right thing to do"?
Will I get a sticker showing I'm vaxxed to the max?
Will they keep the dirty unvaxxed for malaria peons out of McDonalds for me?
Will I get an increased sense of superority if I get the vaxx?

>> No.15538552
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>proprietary vaccines

>> No.15539565

>taking a vaccine from a guy who could never put together a decent operating system

>> No.15539570

he's not a member as far as i know, he just gets invited like they always invite people
and again the second part of my post, why are the WEF such a boogeyman? they are a bunch of libertarian capitalists

>> No.15539608
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>> No.15540638

mandatory vaccines is a libertarian policy?
forcing everyone to pay for mandatory vaccines is free market?

>> No.15540641

>mandatory vaccines is a libertarian policy?
then why do people fucking call the WEF libertarian?!
>forcing everyone to pay for mandatory vaccines is free market?
well yes actually, market price or you can't get it.

>> No.15540658

>then why do people fucking call the WEF libertarian?!
Who says that?

>> No.15540661

every single conspiracy I see has called them libertarian, if they aren't then the common definition of the word has changed like "communism" has

>> No.15540836

You get your "conspiracy" from tranny site

>> No.15540840

>every single conspiracy I see has called them libertarian
I would love to see even one person calling them libertarian lmao.

>> No.15540871

ill get it since someones obviously spreading malaria intentionally now

>> No.15541088

Could you make your shilling more obvious? How much does Gates pay you?

>> No.15541442

0 dollars and 0 cents.
I'm paid well by the TX state gov, and I dont feel like anyone baiting me into to telling them how I'm couldn't a shill *really* cares about my personal life story, so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.15541444

4chin is tranny site?

>> No.15541452

>libertarian capitalists
self contradictory scheme, its literally ingsoc

>> No.15541457

>infinity niggers
RIP Earth

>> No.15541471

are you perhaps comparing neoliberalists to libritarians
because the damn libs aren't libritatians you fucking autists, both of you for keeping this up so long in a fucking sci thread.

short little lesson here:
the libs want to connect gov with globalhomo business; like right now with sam altman trying to push for "regulataion" in the AI space by going to congress and lobbing governments. He is appealing to neolibs on both wings of congress to create US government-enforced roadblock to obfuscate competition. (sam also has many billions of dollars in exclusive deals with microsoft)
gov and big business together to prevent what's good and free about america, the libs. Not even a real conspiracy, unless you think bribery counts pretty high on the bloodless crimes list.

>> No.15541472

WEF are not neolibs

>> No.15541485

you both misconceptualize neoliberalism.
its basically say, 0 government intervention in the corporate market, unless it benefits the corporate entities

>> No.15541545

Don't forget their new tuberculosis vax that has the exact same percentage efficacy as the existing BCG vaccine.

>> No.15541568

>I as a person that doesn't work in the same field on a keyboard from my house thousands of miles away just read something and I know the absolute truth for a fact

you are just as retarded as they are

>> No.15541589

WEF is a world government.

>> No.15541623

Who on 4chan is saying WEF is libertarian? LMAO

>> No.15541632

WEF is not a world government nor do they try to do that
they are just a bunch of business men that encourage globalization cuz it allows them to invest easier and exploit third world countries easier
nothing more nothing less, everything else is a fucking meme
they have 0 power

>> No.15541640

if the red states get good and vaxxed, does that mean joe biden will win reelection?


>> No.15541801


Is that a business leader? Sounds like the world government to me

>> No.15541853

i am not even bothering to read all of that, but kill yourself regardless

>> No.15541854

Why dont you kill yourself first?

>> No.15541864

cuz i'm awesome

>> No.15541984
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There sci fi book about it.
Bio corporation started to play game release decease then sell cure, it went out id hand and ruined Earth forever.

In book they they went soft mode attacking crops, nevertheless it ended bad. But IRL bio corpo terrorists went straight to human life, who would have thought!

>> No.15543116

Gates already has a history of releasing computer viruses in order to sell antivirus software

>> No.15544128

it would be awesome if you would kys

>> No.15544162

WEF is the sales conference for the UN agenda of the future. Klaus is basically an elite 'influencer' who collects retarded simps like Trudeau or Arden. The UN is the enforcement arm of the globalist agenda through their sustainable development goals and other accords.

>> No.15544164

sustainable development is a code word for population culling and obedience training

>> No.15544813

Based Argentina, truly the white man's land

>> No.15545082

sounds like a guy who was drafted by the dallas mavericks
marlarious washington
marlarious jackson

>> No.15545453

diversity is a code word for white genocide

>> No.15546264

i kind of like this world where everyone except me poisons themselves with toxic """"vaccines""""
it makes me superior by default instead of having to work at it

>> No.15547323

what a stupid thing to do with your life. mosquitos are just fine, wear some deet if you don't like them. africa's population is already doubling every 25 years, why are you so dead set on making life even easier for them? what have they ever done for you? you wouldn't feel the need to virtue signal so hard if you just lead a decent worthwhile life instead of being a gay cuck

>> No.15547405
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>eagle project
what a stupid thing to do with your life. kids are just fine, give them a toy if they dont like a baren field. the citys population has already expanded 10fold in the last 25 years, why are you so dead set on making life even easier for them? what have they ever done for you? you wouldn't feel the need to virtue signal so hard if you just lead a decent worthwhile life instead of being a gay cuck

>study at vocational school
what a stupid thing to do with your life. your brain is just fine, just take the skills tests and take an entry level job. this market is already doubling every 25 years, why are you so dead set on making life even easier for them to hire you? wh...

>work in phage lab
what a stupid thing to do with your life. drugs are just fine, stick chinese herbs up your dickhole if you don't like them. TB infections are already 1/3ing every 25 years, why are you so dead set on making life even easier for them? w...

>afford enough for state school
what a stupid thing to do with your life. your job is just fine, you know the machines, work in biotech sales if you don't like tech work. automation in the past 25 years stole all the BA/MS jobs unless you want to be a tech or QA/QC, why are you so dead set on making your life ev...

>be an engineer in the biotech space
It's certainly better than the bioinformatics plan. I get to not only have the autonomy of doing my own research now, I get to develop kits and tools that allows anyone to hack life itself. and fuck mosquitos, kill them all.

virtue signalling enough? I found a nice opportunity out of my shiny degree and took it. I could talk about all the wacky ideas of using portions of human antibodies to fight malaria or how DARPA spent billions on a bacteria cream that makes you invisible to mosquitos.
...or give you a sappy paragraph on how RVFV prevents herders from making a fair living and how I'm changing the world. just absolutely happy to give my perspective from the inside. :)

>> No.15548441

>get massively triggered
>write a big wall of text
>nobody reads it

>> No.15549250

>fat anon tells lectures you on the subject you're paid to research
>paste text 4 times
>"buuh no one reads it"

>> No.15549330

Last I checked his GMO tranny mozzies actualy worked and killed off the local mozzie population. These people are damn heroes. And welcome in my third world.

>> No.15549885

>the subject you're paid to research
You're incapable of being objective since your career depends on this project.

>> No.15550584
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global warming is fake

>> No.15551502

Thats why Bill Gates needs to artificially spread malaria in order to sell his vaccine

>> No.15552403 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, professionals only care about picking up the next paycheck so they can go home and spend a nice weekend fucking their dog, they gear all of their work towards that end rather than in the pursuit of truth.

>> No.15552410


>> No.15553343

vaxxxies will all be dead by the time gates' malaria vaxxxx is available.

>> No.15553365

>If malaria causes global warming
but that's not what he said...

jesus christ man
my first time visiting sci in like a year and it's gotten even more retarded
my god

>> No.15553403

>This, professionals only care about picking up the next paycheck so they can go home and spend a nice weekend fucking their dog
this is the way everyone should be
the dog part too

>> No.15553875
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>pursuit of truth
lol. LMAO even. I have an autistic obsession in solving puzzles, truth is what god can give you.
do people work the greeter spot at walmart because they have a moral duty to say hi? I've barely any experience compared to my co-workers here, and they'd say the same thing. Professionals first come in to learn, they work with the system enough to have a shared understanding of how a system works. Publishing is sharing testable proof of you solving a problem in the system.

It's the same motivation that drives an engineer under contract to design, the automatic churning of technology is driven by consumption, not the noble pursuit of new tech. The churning of research is driven by consumption just the same. I get my enjoyment out of solving problem, which keep the churn (and therefore my paycheck) continuing.
it's the knack. I still get confused how normies don't understand that.

Truth is for BAs.

>> No.15554917

India is Africa tier
>b-b-but superpower by 2030
never gonna happen

>> No.15555376

mosquito extinction would have no negative impact on food chain or ecosystem.
probably ticks extinction too

we need anti-lyme vax next

>> No.15556282
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same can be said of the jews, they could all be eliminated without anyone or anything suffering any negative consequences

>> No.15557178


>> No.15557626
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untrue, while their pollination and prey niche as an adult dont do much (they still contribute a large % where a lot of mosquitos swarm), the larva/pupa are often very important. copepods that eat mosquito larvae can't switch to exclusively chironomids or other fly larvae. They make up a pretty important part of aquatic ecosystems and act as a natural control (for native mosquito species).

That being said, invasive species from africa should be wiped off the americas. And copepods are not free of sin either, they live in brackish water that if people drink, can transmit some really nasty parasites. TIME would rather have them dead too, it seems.
>sponsered by J&J/Carter foundation

>> No.15557655

>muh eggshells are thinning
in the long run, mosquitos and their associated diseases have likely been the #1 killer of man; we find a solution that could at the least separate wild mosquito pops from malaria infested regions. We had a good thing going, but you just had to blow it up, with your pride and your ego. If we had sprayed just DDT instead of all the BS derivatives, we would be fine by now.
no kidding, carson has blood on her hands. int agencies moved from effective+cheap methods to provably reduce the coverage of malaria to chloroquine, vax, and expensive treatments that have complications that NEVER happened with DDT.

>> No.15557666

It's (((our))) strength, after all.

>> No.15558159

>in the long run, mosquitos and their associated diseases have likely been the #1 killer of man
misguidance from the medical community is currently the leading cause of death

>> No.15558253

Going to see the doctor is the most dangerous thing a person can do

>> No.15558318

>>his friends come up with "vaccine"
years before the outbreak, which has the same nucleic acid sequence as the spike protein on the virus that got released

>> No.15558323
File: 19 KB, 325x293, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a bunch of business men
>they have 0 power

>> No.15558749

correlation =/= causation

>> No.15558953

low IQ post here

>> No.15560384

this, bill gates should vaccinate the jews

>> No.15560615

>implying we will have a choice
When people refuse to get it they'll just spread it via the moquitoes.

>> No.15561306

they won't be able to, their ability to do something like that is as real as covid was. people only believe in that kind of genetic engineering because they're bombarded with the idea in hollywood popsci and scifi, in real irl life here on earth nobody has those abilities

>> No.15561842
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thank you for your service

>> No.15561984

Lmao retard

>> No.15562380

why should the vaccinated care about that?

>> No.15562899
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he's not wrong about that being a possiblity tho
I know a paper that discussed deploying "flying syringes" that would be modified to ilicit an immune response if you're bit. The idea has floated around for awhile...
> https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fitd.2022.850111/full

There's also the article on pic related, this was with kissing bugs but whats-his-name discussed how immunizing against the saliva or plasmodium cuticle could be used as a way to immunize a bite.
> https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.1093/embo-reports/kve218

>> No.15563778
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>> No.15564889

How much mercury is in it?

>> No.15565789


>> No.15567392

reddit =/= 4chan

>> No.15568114

how come 3rd worlders haven't just evolved immunity to malaria? are they low iq?

>> No.15568154
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they did...
that's what sickle cell trait does, you're immune to malaria, but your kids might get anima.
it works when your birth rates are > the 1/4 chance

>> No.15568649

What happened to even the basic principle ‘first do no harm.’

Even officially they claim only a 30% hospitalisation reduction and worst side effects than a fake ( as not a-true placebo )control group .


AS01E adjuvant seem to be in the approved Malaria Vaccine.


RTS,S/AS01 (trade name Mosquirix) i

It requires at least three doses in infants by age 2, with a fourth dose extending the protection for another 1-2 years.[3]
The vaccine reduces hospital admissions from severe malaria by around 30%.

“A chemical adjuvant (AS01, specifically AS01E) was added to increase the immune system response”


Unbelievable the disregard for safety to approve the “vaccine”.
It had worst side-effect than the control group . And the control group as usual , did not use a true placebo but a licensed rabies or meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine


AS01 is a liposome-based vaccine adjuvant system containing two immunostimulants: 3-O-desacyl-4ʹ-monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) and the saponin QS-21
Rationale for the selection of AS01 as adjuvant in two candidate vaccines

4.1.1. RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine candidate

The first malaria vaccine that used an Adjuvant System was an RTS,S/AS02 candidate formulation, an adjuvant system containing MPL combined with QS-21 in an oil-in-water emulsion

In a large Phase-3 study, efficacy against any malaria due to P. falciparum over 12months of follow-up after dose 3 was 31.3% in infants 6–12weeks of age with coadministration of EPI (Expanded Program on Immunization) vaccines and 55.8% in children 5–17months of age at the time of the first dose
Efficacy waned over time, but a fourth vaccine dose enhanced and extended protection

>> No.15568650


Given the magnitude of the malaria burden, even the partial prevention of malaria has the potential to provide substantial public health benefits, especially in areas where children can have several disease episodes each year

To date, more than 10,000 children have received the RTS,S/AS01 candidate vaccine

RTS,S/AS01 has an acceptable clinical safety profile.
In a Phase-3 study, systemic symptoms, including fever, drowsiness, and irritability, were reported more frequently in children who received RTS,S/AS01 than controls who received licensed rabies or meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine

Febrile seizures within 7days of immunization with RTS,S/AS01 occurred in 0.1% of children (rate in 5–17month olds 1.04/100,000, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.62–1.64)

In pooled analysis of safety of Phase-2 studies, children who received RTS,S/AS01 had fewer serious adverse events after vaccination than children who received control vaccines

In the Phase-3 study, meningitis (any etiology) was reported more frequently in RTS,S/AS01 recipients than in controls for up to 18months after vaccines

>> No.15568653
File: 293 KB, 700x3516, malaria3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me drop some redpills on Muhlaria.
Muhlaria is and was the same scam as Covid.

>Tell people there is a dangerous disease
>claim: "trust me everybody has it even though they are not sick, they are just asymptomatic"
>make them take a prophylaxis against it
>prophylaxis causes side effects which resemble the disease you want to protect them from
>claim: "Oh the disease is just to strong for our meds"

Muhlaria is also a disease that has a shitton of "asymptomatic" cases.

And also very unspecific range of symptoms:
Signs and symptoms of malaria may include:

General feeling of discomfort
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Muscle or joint pain
Rapid breathing
Rapid heart rate
And literally:
>having no symptom at all.

> Same symptoms like almost every disease, or poisoning.
> But is mostly asymptomatic.
> But if you have one on these symptoms, trust us, its the muhlaria
> But only if you were or are in subsaharan africa, othewise it just a cold/flu/whatever
Picrel are the "prophylactic medicines" to """prevent""" malaria...
And it's side effects, express like a "tropical disease" kek.
I hope it makes click sooner or later for anyone.
>picrel is the side effects of prophylactic malaria meds
I think you will see the pattern arround "muhlaria" when you see through the covid bullshit.

>> No.15568654

the fuck am mentioned for, I posted about mosquitos, not covid vax

holy shit you're still posting about this

>> No.15568655

t. Ai bot

>> No.15568662
File: 105 KB, 804x1400, malaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it is to note, that even though, they claim "malaria" is such a "well studied" phenomenon, that in 2022 they did a exstensive search for any evidence that even showed so called:
Human-mosquito-human transmission.
And the conclusion is:
"there is limited evidence" which means, there is none.

They never ever were able to transmit the disease by the pathway they claim.
Not only that but it is to not that their "laboratory" methods, are positive for asymptomatic cases.

And since laboratory tests are rarely done, the general method of declaring malaria is:
"In areas where malaria is common, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends clinicians suspect malaria in any person who reports having fevers, or who has a current temperature above 37.5 °C without any other obvious cause"

Which means they just "suspect muhlaria" and thats why the cases are so high, literally ignoring the fact that africa and south america are the most polluted, mined and wasted countries.
Not only that by their forced administration of so called "preventative" meds and the medical "studies" conducted on those people, literally cause these symptoms.

>> No.15568665

This is not the covid vax you retard.
Its about the "malaria vaccine".

>> No.15568672

>immunity to malaria
Your false believe is:
>they do laboratory tests to confirm malaria
Which they do not do.

Do get a diagnosis of "malaria" all that is required is having fever or "pale" palms.
Thats it.
Those people there do not have "laboratory equipment".

Also africans are the GAVI lab rats, so they test out all types of meds on them.
When they then get side effects or get sick:
>malaria it is

Also the relevant countries are the mining countries of the west.
Meaning who gets the Muhlaria?
Children who work in cobalt mines and drink poluted water.
But trust me, its not that they are poisoned.
They have the muhlaria.
And we know because le pale palm.

>> No.15568679

the fuck do I care, again, mosquitos.

Immunize mosquito bites.
Fuck with mosquito immune systems.
Use DDT to kill mosquitos.
Castrate mosquitos.
Roundhouse kick a mosquito into the concrete.
Slam dunk a mosquito baby into the trashcan.
Crucify filthy aedes.
Defecate into mosquito traps.
Launch mosquitos into the sun.
Stir fry mosquitos in a wok.
Toss mosquitos into active volcanoes.
Urinate into a mosquitos' water puddle.
Judo throw mosquitos into a wood chipper.
Twist mosquitos' heads off.
Report mosquitos to the IRS.
Karate chop mosquitos in half.
Curb stomp pregnant anopheles mosquitos.
Trap mosquitos in nets.
Crush mosquitos in the trash compactor.
Liquefy mosquitos in a vat of acid.
Eat mosquitos.
Dissect mosquitos.
Exterminate mosquitos in the gas chamber.
Stomp mosquito skulls with steel toed boots.
Cremate mosquitos in the oven.
Lobotomize mosquitos.
Mandatory abortions for mosquitos.
Grind mosquito fetuses in the garbage disposal.
Drown mosquitos in fried chicken grease.
Vaporize mosquitos with a ray gun.
Kick old mosquitos down the stairs.
Feed mosquitos to alligators.
Slice mosquitos with a katana.
Kill all mosquitos.

I couldn't give a shit about vax if the simple solution to mosquito-borne disease is killing mosquitos.

>> No.15568689

>mosquito-borne disease
provide scientific proof or evidence that this is even remotly true.


>> No.15568708
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>provide scientific proof or evidence that this is even remotly true.
...that mosquitos transmit disease?

tell me how a net that magically reduces child mortality by 20% is a problem

>> No.15568720

That is a meta study which did not account for anything by nets used.

Please provide a scientific study which shows that a plasmodium parsite causes a specific disease called malaria, with the pathway of mosquito transmission.

mostly comparing "well earning" families who can not only afford food but also "mosquito nets" and poor people who couldn't afford neither of them.
Hence it is not even looking at malaria prevalence but at ALL cause mortality rate...

So please I be very specific:
Show me how the Soicence knows that there is a specific plasmodium, that is transmited via mosquitos, which causes a specific disease with unspecfic symptons, of which 87% of all positive test results, have a asymptomatic case.

Please explain how the causation aspect comes to be, when over 50% have no symptoms at all.

>> No.15568742

holy shit you cant even refute it.
it's a net. nets don't care about how much money you make, all they do is prevent mosquitos from biting you while you sleep. If the mode of transmission is blocked, which a net obviously does; and there's a clear drop in mortality and malaria... where's the problem?
>Please provide
>So please
>Show me
It's blatant, mosquitos spread disease. The point I made. I have no obligation to spoonfeed you on the shit you so obviously want to fight about with plasmodium. You can't refute a fucking plastic net preventing vectors, so why should I or anyone here trust you on being able to refute malaria itself.
>Show me how the Soicence knows that there is a specific plasmodium, that is transmited via mosquitos, which causes a specific disease with unspecfic symptons
I will not play to your bullshit if you can't even refute clear evidence of mosquito-borne disease, furthermore I only agreed to talk to you on mosquitos, so you can fuck off with your anti-vax 'tism as well.

>> No.15568764
File: 92 KB, 720x897, db7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i believe
>i do not know
>don't threaten my religion
>memelaria and memeSquitos
>without fear and obedience I have nothing
>proof? Evidence?
>good is real! Unless you prove that god isn't real, he is
>checkmate trust the soience

>> No.15568768

>holy shit you cant even refute it.
I did.
There is no evidence, that malaria is caused by mosquitos.

Here is my proof that no proof exists that shows that there is an protozoa which is transmitted via mosquitos, that causes a disease with the name malaria:

End of proof.
Because non exists.
See these empty lines?
It's the nonexistence of proofs.

>> No.15568780
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A really wierd way to say:
"I never looked at the primary sources and just believe what is told to me"

>> No.15568898
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>> No.15569082
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goddamn, 4 replies! I must be real special to get 4 replies!
I'm not going to be baited into debating the existence of fucking malaria. it's on historical record since roman times. you can see the little fuckers in blood and mosquitos.
peddle your retarded theories to someone who gives a single fuck about plasmodium, I have no time for something so fucking autistic that you have to spam a thread to get a single reply, then refuse to give any serious rebuttal to a goddamn mosquito net.

you replied to my post about GM mosquitos and kissing bugs, yet refuse to talk about anything to do with the mosquitos, unless *I* spoonfeed you with papers YOU want to refute. that's not how this works.
if you're gonna spam me with shit like "I never looked at the primary sources" while you're pinging someone with a thesis DIRECTLY involved with genetically modifying mosquitos, at least beg for the correct info.

>> No.15569597
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Not posting a single scientific study which shows that a plasmodium parsite causes a specific disease called malaria, with the pathway of mosquito transmission.

Go back to plebbit you obedient believer in memes.

>> No.15569610
File: 70 KB, 600x486, 1644827518336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Accurate summary about the memes of Muhlaria.
Get redpilled or stay blue pilled forever.

>> No.15570104

oh boo hoo the person who explicitly said he didn't want to be mentioned about plasmodium wont spoonfeed with plasmodium infection papers.
you have yet to refute the nets by the way, meanwhile I posted an image that has an antibody stain'd plasmodium cyst within mosquitos(https://rdcu.be/dg4DU)), a review article on how nets prevent malaria spread, and mentioned the fact malaria has been known as a mosquito-borne fever for 2000+ years!

>> No.15570491

>How many of you plan to get Bill Gates' malaria vaccine?
If they set it up so you can't go to college without the vax then all of the midwits will be getting it

>> No.15570505

Infertile male mosquitoes mate with wild female mosquitoes. Eggs are laid but do not hatch.

>> No.15570633

there's also gene drive, to make the next generation females lose their proboscis (making them infertile), but the males can still go out and breed.

>> No.15570673

>the fact malaria has been known as a mosquito-borne fever for 2000+ years!

This is a lie:

Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran was the first to postulate the "mosquito" connection in 1880.
And as you can actually know by the name Malaria, it was derived from the words: Mal Air => Malaria (Bad Air) .
Since it was known that swamp gases:

Which contain hydrogen sulfide and phosphine which literally induce, flu like symptoms (same type of symptoms Malaria causes).
Breathing it causes:
e headaches, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, burning substernal pain, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal distress, apnea, coma, convulsions; dizziness, headache, weakness, irritability, insomnia.

Charles Louis Alphonse Laverans proposed "agent of cause" was highly disputed because he showed nothing but broke "blood cells" with stain, which is not atypical when beeing poisoned.
So the whole mosquito meme, only started to gain traction in 1910, when the Chemical industries saw this as an opportunity to spray down the common man and poison the dissenters of colonized africa down with highly toxic "pesticide" for their "own good".
In that time they used: Lead arsenate, Mercury powder, Paris Green (also arsenic) and later continued with BHC and DDT.

To you astonishment, there is not even a proof of the alleged lifecycle: sporozoites => exoerythrocytic schizogony => erythrocytic schizogony => ookinete sporogony.
They only disected a mosquito and found DIFFERENT organism in the gut and the glands of an mosquito and "postulated" it must be the same organism, buuuuht in different life cycles, without any proof, because "they only live in mosquitos, hence in vitro observation is impossible".

>> No.15571164

As a kid my mom took me to the doctor all the time and got me all my vaccines and everything and I was sick all the time.
When I became a teenager and could make my own choices I stopped going to the doctor and stopped getting vaccines and became much healthier and stopped getting sick so often.
Then in my twenties I became convinced that I needed to be more "responsible" by going to the doctor every year and getting updates on my vaccines. Guess what? Chronic illness followed immediately and I started getting sick much more often again.
It took me a few years to connect the dots and recognize the problem, but needless to say I did eventually make the connection, stopped going to the doctor, stopped getting vaccines, and now I'm back to better health. In particular what woke me up to it was the coof, because I never changed anything about how I lived (no mask, didn't stay home, visited family as normal) but never got sick until AFTER getting the shots (symptoms after each shot plus getting sick again a couple times weeks/months later). This led me down a path of self-reflection and research and I came to the conclusion that vaccines are poison and germ theory is quackery.

So no, I will not be getting the malaria vaccine or any vaccine ever again.

>> No.15571207

My favorite study is the one where they had a malaria-infected person put their arm into a tank of mosquitos so they could get bitten and test whether those mosquitos would then transmit malaria to other animals or people, but they literally couldn't get the mosquitos to bite the sick person at all so the whole experiment was a nonstarter.

>> No.15571320

Indians aren't psychopaths like westerners or Chinese that will go out of their way to destroy life. Mosquitoes are part of the ecosystem and they are living beings. It is wrongful to spray and indiscriminately trillions of them with collateral damage. If I saw a Mosquito, I would not smack it. It is part of nature, something stupid British and Americans and all eutotrash and Chinese barbarians all would destroy it because they don't care and they don't understand. You are all cruel people with sick societies and the way you treat insects is reflective of this.

>> No.15571593

Based. I wish we in the US had that kind of outlook, maybe then people would be able to recognize that mosquitos aren't infecting people with malaria, their overpopulation is merely an indication that the environment is ripe for causing malaria in people. Pinpoint the problem in the environment and fix it, then fewer people will get sick and the mosquito population will go back down in response as a sign that the environment is being healed and brought more in balance.

>> No.15571600

Interesting. Are they actively being released?

>> No.15571604

We're not helping the situation, but malaria existed long before overpopulation and has affected more than just humans.

>> No.15571624

I'm not saying malaria is caused by humans, I'm saying it's caused by environmental conditions that humans can potentially pinpoint and change for the better.

>> No.15571734

>Indians aren't psychopaths like westerners or Chinese
sup pajeet

>> No.15571749

I don't think he was hiding or denying that fact.

>> No.15571768

People in the tropics would still get wrecked. You'd only really be helping people at the edge of the range. Heat and moisture are what allow mosquitoes to thrive.

>> No.15571783

So because we can't solve every problem everywhere we shouldn't try to solve any problem anywhere? And still, mass-killing mosquitos will not make malaria disappear because mosquitos don't cause malaria, they're merely an indication of an environment which may cause malaria. If anything, nuking the mosquitos will just remove the early warning sign they offer.

>> No.15571829

>mosquitos don't cause malaria,
They're a vector for what causes malaria. No mosquitoes = little to no malarial spread. Obviously making decisions to decrease the mosquito population without nuking them is a good one, but they're still going to grow anywhere it's warm and moist.

>> No.15571857

See: >>15570673
Swamps attract mosquitos, but it's the swamp gases that cause malaria. Mosquitos could be an early warning sign that the environment is becoming dangerous for animals susceptible to malaria, but the mosquitos themselves are not causing the disease.

>> No.15571868

If you believe it's swamp gas, then proof N-100s prevent malaria?

>> No.15571905

That would require someone to do a study which recognizes the overlap in symptoms as being the same illness. As it stands we have faulty definitions which classify an identical list of symptoms as two different illnesses, so if swamp gas toxicity is prevented with filtered masks it won't be said to have prevented malaria even though that's exactly the case.

>> No.15571934

>That would require someone to do a study which recognizes the overlap in symptoms as being the same illness
It was originally believed to be an airborne illness. It wasn't tied to mosquitoes until the late 1800s using a microscope. Surely it'd be easy enough to send someone to a malaria-ridden place while wearing an N100 as a proof of concept? Or have malaria-carrying mosquitoes bite him and see if the respirator prevents the illness? Btw, Hawaii has little problem with malaria despite high levels of hydrogen sulfide from inactive volcanoes.

>> No.15572117

>Btw, Hawaii has little problem with malaria despite high levels of hydrogen sulfide from inactive volcanoes.

Did they spray down the whole place?
Do they force the population to take "antimalarial prophylaxis" on a daily basis which literally cause malaria symptoms?

Does Gavi come to Hawaii and experiment on the population with various treatments?
Is their cobalt, nickel or Diamond mining which poisons the water?
Is hawaii a dumping ground for trash of the western world?

You eugenicist assholes pretend like, afrika just always was that way.
And colonialisstion and mass pesticide and experimental medication campaigns did never occur in africa.

As if a fucking mosquite might be the only cause why people get a unspecific symptom cluster.
Its all about plausible denyability

>> No.15572133

They use mosquito repellants. I thought the illness was caused by swamp gas. Now it's the prophylactics?

>> No.15572153
File: 1.03 MB, 984x3664, flue_like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The symptoms of "muhlaria" are:

Fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea, messed up heart rate.

Now look at literally every side effect of most medicines especcially """antimalarials"""":
Fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea, messed up heart rate.

Now look at the signs of metal poisoning or chemical poisoning due to working conditions:
Fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea, messed up heart rate.

Now look at the flu:
Fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea.

How about a non-specific symptom cluster can be caused by a lot of non specific causes which are known to be harmfull to humans?

>> No.15572158

>Did they spray down the whole place?
Yes actually. Public DDT spraying was common until the 1980s. Never had any malaria.

>> No.15572160

Typo, I meant 1970s.

>> No.15572167


Have flu or poisoning symptoms in the western hemisphere or "white" countries:
>must be the flu

Have flu or poisoning symptoms in the western hemisphere or "white" countries:
>must be the muhlaria

Circumstancial evidence to relabel the same exact symptom cluster with a different name.

>> No.15572169

>Btw, Hawaii has little problem with malaria despite high levels of hydrogen sulfide from inactive volcanoes.
Everyone wishes they were inactive lol. Volcanic smog (colloquially called "vog") from the active volcano contains so much sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide that being outside in it for a few minutes is enough to cause a headache even hundreds of miles away on one of the other islands.

>> No.15572170


Have flu or poisoning symptoms not*** in the western hemisphere or "white" countries:
>must be the muhlaria

>> No.15572173

So you backtracked on your entire argument after it was proven you lied? Well, that's one way to never have your worldview challenged.

>> No.15572200

Provide a scientific proof of a plasmodium transmitted by the alleged pathway causing the unspecific set of symptoms that is only called muhlaria when the circumstancial evidence fit the narrative.

>> No.15572357

Lol, well I've taken "antimalarials" for other reasons that didn't involve malaria, and they didn't make me feel like I had malaria, so I'm dubious of your claims. Besides that, the parasite that causes malaria has been studied under a microscope.

>> No.15572359

It does more often than it doesn't

>> No.15572726
File: 1.32 MB, 2155x1468, vagueMuhlaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the parasite that causes malaria has been studied under a microscope.

What did they study, besides stains?
What are the symptoms of malaria?
do they vary?
How do you know how "malaria" feels like?
Where did they prove that a plasmodium transmitted by the alleged pathway causing the unspecific set of symptoms that is only called muhlaria when the circumstancial evidence fit the narrative?

>> No.15572741

You know there's been numerous human challenge trials, right? I'm not exactly sure why plasmodium is an impossibility to you when you're willing to blame everything else under the sun for malaria.

>Human experimental sporozoite infections carried out under strictly controlled laboratory and clinical conditions, in which volunteers are exposed to the bites of laboratory-reared Plasmodium-infected mosquitoes, are an intermediate step between Phase I and Phase II trials, providing information on preliminary vaccine efficacy. It is common practice to test the efficacy of pre-erythrocytic stage malaria vaccine candidates by experimental sporozoite infection before going into the field. In such cases, a distinction is thus made between Phase IIa trials using experimental infection of volunteers in non-endemic areas and Phase IIb field trials in endemic areas. Poor preliminary efficacy in Phase IIa trials may subsequently halt progression of the vaccine candidate to Phase IIb trials. By contrast, the efficacy of asexual erythrocytic stage vaccine candidates is generally assessed in field trials only, although blood-stage challenge models have been used.

>> No.15572743


>Malaria was transmitted to six normal human volunteers by mosquitoes infected from cultured gametocytes of Plasmodium falciparum. This method, which offers advantages over other methods of infecting volunteers, will be useful for evaluating the efficacy of human malaria vaccines.

>> No.15572788
File: 88 KB, 626x528, No_correlation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a collection of multiple studies.
Which they obfuscate and cherry pick different results.
Not a trial to show the causation of a plasmodium causing the clinical disease of "muhlaria".
They did not even did the standard test to diagnose "muhlaria" after infection.
Also they did not even observe the disease.
As soon as:
"A real-time quantitative PCR assay based
on 18S ribosomal RNA gene transcripts has
been developed for tracking the kinetics of
developing parasitaemia before a positive
diagnosis of infection can be made from a
thick blood smear using microscopy"
So they did a PCR which not even is a "gold standard".
which of course lead to:
"these abnormalities did not
result in clinical manifestations and they
resolved after a few days"

The mention a second study in which they used microscopy as a "diagnosis method":

Which did not even compare the course of the so called disease:
There is not even an "correlation" with the amount of "parasites" detected with lab techniques, but no matter if the participant of the study was symptomatic, they initiated always a therapy.
Which for some odd reason "increased" the disease.

"but there are """"alternative explainations""""" ".

And there was literally NO not a single infection group in which they simply observed the spontanous course of the disease.
All volonteers either got:
doxycycline, mefloquine, oral chloroquine, or already took a prophylaxis and then got chemo therapy.

Not a single "sponatnous course" as a control group.
And they did even did not specify the symptoms, but allowed "any symptom" as "clinical symptom" of malaria.
Yet they did not even FIND CORRELATION with the parasite but the people who took the meds had worse symptoms, when the started with the therapy.

>> No.15572797


Cannot even see the methods nor result of this study.
The text is a description of the study.
Please disclose the methods and results of this "study".

>> No.15572917
File: 60 KB, 662x790, antimalarials_cause_malaria_like_symptoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In adition I would like you to provide the side effects of the antimalarial Mefloquine:

Which is used alone or in combination with quinine and chloroquine as used in this study:

Here are the Drug interactions:
"Using this medicine with any of the following medicines is not recommended. Your doctor may decide not to treat you with this medication or change some of the other medicines you take."
Other antimalarials mentioned:

The presence of other medical problems may affect the use of this medicine. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have any other medical problems, especially:
>Malaria, severe or life-threatening

Side effects:
More common:
emotional problems
stomach pain

convulsions (seizures)
cough or hoarseness

(all very malaria like)

And as the CDC states:
"Mefloquine may also cause stomach pain, nausea,
and vomiting. These side effects can often be
lessened by taking mefloquine with food.
Mefloquine is eliminated slowly from the body
and so the side effects may continue for weeks
after you have stopped taking the drug. "

>> No.15573447

>Raise mosquitoes carrying plasmodium
>Have mosquitoes bite volunteers
>Volunteers end up ill
>"It must be the swamp gas!"

>> No.15573450

>Which is used alone or in combination with quinine and chloroquine as used in this study:
Ivermectin is also used, same for doxycycline. I've been on both for various reasons and did not develop malaria-like symptoms.

>> No.15573570

Explain the methods and the control group and how they ruled out allergies, immune responses from the bite itself, and any other variables. People can experience flu-like symptoms from all kinds of insect bites but if a bee sting or spider bite causes them it's just not called malaria.

>Some insect and spider bites or stings can cause flu-like symptoms to develop within hours of a bite or sting. Or symptoms may be delayed up to 3 weeks.

Knowing that bug bites and stings can cause flu-like symptoms which overlap with symptoms of malaria, how do they control for the possibility that the subjects would have experienced the same symptoms if bitten by any other mosquito?

>> No.15573804
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these infections can be delayed for months anon, how are 10 mosquito bites going to turn your blood smears to mush 18 months down the line

>> No.15573810
File: 796 KB, 1x1, 1685575294069466.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

article in question

>> No.15573816

nature finds a way, dumbfucks!

>> No.15573825

The factory is funded by the gates foundation.

>> No.15573827

>these infections can be delayed for months
Okay, so how did they control for other factors that might develop over the course of those months and cause flu-like symptoms (some of the most common symptoms of illness) which overlap with malaria? How do you guarantee it was the infected mosquito and not a bad cold, the flu, or some other reason?

>how are 10 mosquito bites going to turn your blood smears to mush 18 months down the line
If it takes 18 months (almost 2 YEARS!) for malaria to develop after a mosquito bite I'm pretty sure you can safely say that wasn't the cause. Vaccine-related illness is disregarded if it develops months or years after the vaccination, but mosquito-related illness is valid nearly 2 years later? This inconsistency has to be accounted for, and I'm happy to hear how the study did that.

>> No.15573835

you're a faggot and he's right

>> No.15573836

>libertarian capitalists
Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.15573929
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>nature finds a way
And? Let's say 1/100 of the male mosquitos can breed. You have 99 other mating encounters that result in sterile eggs. Nature found a way 1/100 times. doesn't change the 99 other encounters.

>How do you guarantee it was the infected mosquito and not a bad cold, the flu, or some other reason?
pic related, and the fact that these infections were DELAYED. They took drugs to delay infection! With a wimpy strain too, Coatny et al used a different strain that was resistant, and it took a couple of months.
A-22 in >>15573804 was a control, he had results 13 days after infection. Relapsing months later.
A-19 in that result is selected from one of the drug trials, as he was treated with quinine sulfate which did jack shit to delay the infections.
A-2 was an example of the drugged group, primary fever and blood thickening didnt start until 300 days
across the entire set of prisoners, only around half had a delayed reaction, with antibody tests showing positive results, while the control or unresponsive prisoners have a spike in thick smears early-on

there are multiple signs of infection (blood thickening and antibody-antigen tests) shown in their aggregated graph of the entire study, what it doesn't show is the boring numbers of people who got multiple relapses across the control group. Everyone got sick by ~7-12 months later, some continuing to be sick until the end, but at different times late in the study.

>> No.15574034

Okay Jeff Goldblum!

>> No.15574043

>Explain the methods and the control group and how they ruled out allergies, immune responses from the bite itself, and any other variables. People can experience flu-like symptoms from all kinds of insect bites but if a bee sting or spider bite causes them it's just not called malaria.
If mosquito bites are causing life threatening malaria, but it's from the mosquito bites themselves rather than the microbe, then what really is the difference? Is it not still dangerous? We don't call black widow bites malaria, but we still know to avoid them. I'm doubtful though since a lot of places deal with mosquitoes but not malaria. Not all mosquitoes carry the microbe. Therefore, it's notable when a group exposed to mosquito bites known to harbor the microbe become ill while those who are bitten by mosquitoes not carrying the microbe frequently don't become ill.

>> No.15574060

hey, Michael Crichton's masterpieces are a gift to the world, and the ideas he portrayed in the silly dino books are important for anyone in the synthbio space.
People should at least be aware of what happens when shit goes sideways, and the way it's presented in the lost world novel is unmatched.

>> No.15574117

Explain the methods and the control group and how they ruled out other factors. If they didn't include a control group or rule out other factors and variables then the experiment is faulty and can't be used to prove anything.

>> No.15574508

All of that is discussed in a paper I already posted. They would intentionally infect patients with malaria who had neurosyphilis. The very high fevers would kill the bacteria that caused the syphilis. This preceded antibiotics. Note, they were infecting them via parasite-carrying blood. No swamp gas. No anti-parasitics. Of course it went really wrong sometimes, but the effect of them getting infected was reliable. Also, you're awfully demanding for someone who's acting 100% certain about being correct with no studies to back it up. You've basically resorted to "well, other things can make you sick to, so it has to be those other things and not this thing." Where's your proof other than similarities? I was on board with the swamp gas possibility, and you were certain about it. Then you blamed the antimalarial prophylactics, then metal poisoning, then chemical poisoning. It's amazing you're so certain it can't be a parasite, but it MUST be everything else you can think of.

>> No.15575066

soience fiction is gay and so are you

>> No.15575240

>They would intentionally infect patients with malaria who had neurosyphilis
Do you understand how dumb this already is?
"infecing people who were already sick, trust me bro when symptoms recur then it is muhlaria not the other disease".

Where did they prove that a plasmodium transmitted by the alleged pathway causing the unspecific set of symptoms that is only called muhlaria when the circumstancial evidence fit the narrative?

I thought that is well studied, but the more I see:
"Criteria for the diagnosis of malaria
were the demonstration of parasites in
thick blood smears and the development
of a fever of 101 F or more."

How did they do differential diagnosis to exclude other causes in play?
They have huge bias, by looking at this, and putting everything into the "Muhlaria basket" without any other differential diagnosis.
And even after 300 days they played this game.
Do you know how retarded this is?
> stained blood smears.

How odd that they never compared any other stain of a person who is sick, with the similar symptoms, but "not in africa".
It's all circumstancial evidence and memes.
They do "science" based on folklore.
No differential diagnosis, no control of the stains.
They use indirect methods and claim a "direct result".

>> No.15575691

>How odd that they never compared any other stain of a person who is sick, with the similar symptoms, but "not in africa".
this was done in a prison for white american males.

>> No.15575705
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the way they can confirm malarial infection is via antibody-antigen tests, IE a component fixation test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complement_fixation_test

all the members needed to have 0 chance of prior malarial infection to prevent positive results, which is easy when the test is being done in America with draft-dodgeing criminals.
a flu will not give positive antigen tests to malaria proteins. that's how they know it's not a cold.

>> No.15575747
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I'm going to start up a new thread on the morals of these prison tests, Statesville prison is the famous one, used as a defense for Nazi warcrimes.
you can see in this paper >>15573810 that they knowingly used ineffective drugs like quinine, but further experimentation using more intense variants of plasmodium and various forms of chemotherapy were used.
these experiments were rushed past ethics screenings in semi-secret to support the south pacific offensive.
Statesville is a nasty prison for very bad people, but under wartime, the US experimented on its own people for military goals. But this testing found chloroquine more effective and less toxic than pamaquine (which was controlled by germans at the time) and far better than tonic water. Tests that are still the basis for more modern therapies adopted by the WHO.
(the experimental design is nearly identical to the other papers in Georgia and San Francisco, also nasty prisons)

was this justified?

>> No.15575805

>Do you understand how dumb this already is?
I never said it was a good idea, what I said is they were infecting people with malaria over 100 years ago to induce fever. It was a reliable method.

>Where did they prove that a plasmodium transmitted by the alleged pathway causing the unspecific set of symptoms that is only called muhlaria when the circumstancial evidence fit the narrative?
I'm not even sure what part you're doubting. They used malaria-tainted blood. So we can rule out swamp gas. We can rule out chemicals and heavy metals (concentrations would be far too low). I guess you can argue that mosquitoes don't transmit the same way that happens with blood, except there's studies with mosquitoes as well.

>How did they do differential diagnosis to exclude other causes in play?
So your argument is the parasite exists, the fever exists, yet the cause has to be something else at all times?

>> No.15575880
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No it does not. It is a result of the expanding settlements in africa encroaching on swampland due to increased populations.

>> No.15575888

Bring back DDT. If it isn't working, up the dosage. Kill environmentalist species traitors.

>> No.15575923

I can't imagine having this level of hubris.

>> No.15575927

Man, fuck ticks, I hate them even more than mosquitoes.

>we need anti-lyme vax next
Well there was one, but it came with its own set of issues.

>> No.15576263

because you have no self respect

>> No.15577341
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Who in their right mind would ever want to take health advice from something that looks like picrel?

>> No.15577455

>malarial infection is via antibody-antigen tests
High sensitivity. Low specificity.

Antibodies and antigenes that are not specific but sensitive are not accurate.
Agitated antibodies due to "poisoning" or a other disese, are not specific and react to a multitude of foreign substances.

No specificity is guaranteed and can be if the test has high sensitivity.
There is no such thing a "specific" antibodies.

>> No.15577459

>There is no such thing a "specific" antibodies.
Retard alert.

>> No.15577558

Please provide a proof that antibodies are indeed specific.
And elaborate how it comes that "antibody tests" for lets say AIDS tend to be false positive under the circumstances of:
>having a flu
>having recieved a vaccine
>beeing pregnant

"The most common cause of a false-positive HIV result is when the test detects antibodies for a different infection or substance. For example, recent viral infections may cause a false-positive ELISA test result."


"False positives may be associated with medical conditions such as recent acute illnesses and allergies"


"However, autoimmune conditions, kidney failure, cystic fibrosis, multiple pregnancies, blood transfusions, liver disorders, lymphomas, intravenous drug abuse, hemodialysis, and recent vaccines for hepatitis B, rabies, or influenza have also been described in young women with false-positive HIV tests"

Or measels:
False-positive IgM results for measles may be due to the presence of rheumatoid factor in serum specimens. Serum specimens from patients with other rash illness, such as parvovirus B19, rubella, and roseola, have been observed to yield false-positive reactions in some IgM tests for measles.


Antibody tests are typically just a immunoglobulin M test, which indicates nothing but "higher amoun of white blood cells".
several conditions can raise the amount of antibodies... such as:
>other diseases


"We observed that 57% of patients with clinical ITP had increased levels of IgM on their platelets, compared with normal controls and patients with thrombocytopenia who did not have ITP (less than 10%)"

>> No.15577658

minor spelling error detected

let's recap the saga here:
>Please prove malaria is real
mosquito nets work to reduce malaria
>Please provide a scientific study which shows that a plasmodium parsite causes a specific disease called malaria, with the pathway of mosquito transmission.
plasmodium from human blood and mosquito cysts can be seen under a microscope and immunostained
>What did they study, besides stains?
Modern challenge trials exist, using PCR tests and tracking plasmodium before an immune response
>In adition I would like you to provide the side effects of the antimalarial Mefloquine
Challenge trials on white male americans nowhere near natural malaria exist, using specific strains of plasmodium, within an isolated prison that can be controlled for
these tests compared multiple chemotherapies across multiple prisons for both relapsing and immediate malaria infection. Mefloquine was both less toxic and more effective than the german isolates, and far more effective than quinine that had no effect on blood smears.
>they only tested when symptoms like feaver that could have happened with a flu
>"muh blood smears" and a retarded rant on basedance
malaria's symptoms are turning your blood into gravy, they used component fixation tests to verify that's indeed malaria. They tested for both the disease and the specific immune response to plasmodium. Furthermore, they tested and made sure the entire testing group didnt have a prior malaria exposure that would alter the immune response.
>"""""There is no such thing a "specific" antibodies."""""
>Please provide a proof that antibodies are indeed specific.
I'll give a couple examples... in the next post

>> No.15577661
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alpha-gal allergy is due to a tick that previously bit a deer or rodent vomiting it's last meal into you if you pick it off wrong. your immune system releases a response against a unique carbohydrate that’s not present on primate cell walls. Your body becomes violently sick whenever you eat red meat from that point on. You can feed the patient fish, veggies, basedlet green, alligator, chicken, flesh from GGTA1 knockout animals, and ze bugs without issue, but feed them any mammalian red meat and they get sick. It’s an inducible allergy from a shitty little tick, and it’s because your body has specific antibodies against that carbohydrate.

Western blots, this is a fairly simple way to demonstrate how a monoclonal antibody will attack only one specific protein. Take a sample of proteins, separate them out using native PAGE, and expose this new gel of separated protein to the antibody that targets the specific protein you’re looking for. Stain the gel with a radioactive or fluorescent marker that targets the antibody and you’ll see one singular line (or spot if you use 2-DE) or a couple if there are multiple proteins being targeted by different specific antibodies. This is the gold standard of finding if the immune system (for now, COVID research is now using cryo-EM to find the protein structure and simulate antibody binding) is targeting one of your proteins of interest today. For malaria, the proteins you’d run PAGE on would be plasmodium, as you could then use this data to find what specific proteins to make vaccines for.

both of these are clear-cut cases of how antibodies themselves are specific, and the immune response to them are also spesific.

>> No.15577691
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since I work with anopheles, I'll include a relevant example with a western blot

figure 1 C; shows a protein stain and a ladder to the left and the western blot of the protein of interest before and after the knockout protocol. In this case, it's showing mosquito innate immunity instead of human blood stains, but the point remains the same. LacZ is the control with an infected mosquito showing AgP47Rec (the protein plasmodium interacts with) is within the midgut, while the RNAi knockdown of that proteins shows no more protein is being made.
This is my job. I make the tools to do these sorts of knockdowns. By removing or modifying that mosquito protein, you could possibly make them immune to malaria.

>> No.15577697

>plasmodium from human blood and mosquito cysts can be seen under a microscope and immunostained

And how does any of this releate to a clinical endpoint, such as actually developing a disease?
>Challenge trials on white male americans nowhere near natural malaria exist, using specific strains of plasmodium, within an isolated prison that can be controlled for
these tests compared multiple chemotherapies across multiple prisons for both relapsing and immediate malaria infection. Mefloquine was both less toxic and more effective than the german isolates, and far more effective than quinine that had no effect on blood smears.

There is no control group which follows spontanous course of the disease.
They never study the DISEASe they study hypothetically and vaguelly correlating lab parameters and Stains.

You cannot simply admit that there is not a single scientific controlled experiment, which shows the causality of the DISEASE with the plasmodium.
They flee into lab parameters to avoid the obvious conclusion, that monocausality of this "parasite" cannot be shown with the DISEASE with the label Malaria.

They produce lab results and interpret them to fit their hypothesis.
It's all about spraying, medicating, sterilizing and harming third worlders and have palausible denyability.

>> No.15577706

you are getting more unhinged on every post anon, but at least you've given me the opportunity to talk more about GM mosquitos

for anyone trying to read this mess of a post, only one sentence makes any response to the actual text I recapped
>There is no control group which follows spontanous course of the disease.
Which is still fucking retarded. It's a prison. A giant concrete building. In the US. during DDT spray times. Where there is no native malaria.
You don't spontaneously get malaria. This is fucking autistic.

>> No.15577760
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>You don't spontaneously get malaria
You use this term like it is a distinct special disease with unique symptoms.

Not only did they spay DDT but also PCBS and Paris green (arsenic).
All these compounds are poisonous and lead to "Flu like diseases" and even paralysis.


"Pest control"-Pesticide exposure:
>human symptoms can include vomiting, tremors or shakiness, fever,
and seizures

They do nothing but relabel:
>hay fever, flu, summer flu, polio, poisoning etc.
To what ever fits their definition.
All is the same.
They poison people and induce flu like disese, which is also the side effect of a buckload of medicine "flu like disease"

You act like "Malaria" is somehow distinct in its presentation, when it is not.
it is a label to describe the same exact symptoms with the only difference beeing the circumstancial "evidence".

Where is the CAUSALITY proven, when lab parameters are the same in """"asymptomatic"""" cases.
HOW is causality proven?

>> No.15577780

>these prisonors where in an isolated enviroment with the least possible chanse of ever getting malairia naturally
>DURR pesticides bad
you dont spontaneously get anti-plasmodium antibodies, lining up with the onset of thickened blood smears and unique symptoms alighting to a distinct special disease, across hundreds of prisoners from US-wide pesticide exposure.

>> No.15577910

>unique symptoms alighting to a distinct special disease
"Criteria for the diagnosis of malaria
were the demonstration of parasites in
thick blood smears and the development
of a fever of 101 F or more."
>distinct special disease

No control group was involved, hence this study is not controlled for:
>effect of meds
>effect of chemo therapy
>effect of prison hygiene

They expended the onset of disease to 200+ days and ONLY assuming one "cause".
The absence of a control in a study is unscientific.

" The control group is just as important as the experimental group; without it there would be no experiment. Without a control group it is impossible to confidently determine which changes or outcomes are due to the intervention as opposed to being due to some other variable."


>> No.15577947
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>minor spelling error detected
Or... was it?

>> No.15577963
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>muh "distinct special disease"
you dont get a fucking worm in your blood with a flu
it's pretty goddamn obvious to determine malaria

>> No.15578034

Do you even understan what staining is?
Staining is a process which highlights dents and places of absorbtion.
The """"worms"""" are not the parasite.
The worms are stain.
To be exact places where the stain accumulates.
Typically when bloocells are healthy, they are not well stained.
When they are unhealthy e.g. because of poor oxygen flow or deficiency or poisoning, the stain is different.

This type of stain is exclusively used for one procedure.
"We assume parasites".

Nobody fucking stains your blood when you have a flu therefore they have no comparison.
I would bet my ass, when they would start staining "covid patients" blood they could easily generate a "muhlaria" pandemic.

>> No.15578051
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It might shock you, but people with insurance get yearly blood smears in the US. Specifically, STI panels use Giemsa for chlamydia, which show up in negative space within the nucleus.
Thousands are being screened for this every day anon.

>> No.15578133

Being a living being means nothing as to whether it is worth existing. There are billions of Indians, for example, but they cause a provably negative impact on the environment. It is left to many human societies to clean up after them. It could be said that if Indians were to be deleted, the world would be a verifiably better place. Unfortunately, they are a mosquito which we are not allowed to use insecticide on.

>> No.15578509

>nipples protruding
very disrespectful

>> No.15578558
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You know what happens if a smear looks like Malaria, when the circumstancial evidence does not fit?
Wit will be declared as asymptomatic toxoplasmosis.

>> No.15579432

I'm taking 10 times just to prove how much more caring and woke I am than everyone else

>> No.15580112

'our world in data' is a worse source than infowars.com.
if you're not paid for posting this you should be ashamed.

>> No.15580150

what wrong with infowars? alex jones is right about everything.

>> No.15580218

He was wrong about Sandy Hook. Those parents weren't crisis actors, the government actually gunned down their kids at school.

>> No.15581124

>the government
David Hogg was the shooter in that one, his father is an FBI bigwig

>> No.15581130

And the FBI is a __________ agency. You should be able to solve this.

>> No.15582482
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just filling in the details

>> No.15583466
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imagine being a vaxxxie
how low iq and gay do you have to be to be stupid enough to be a vaxxxie?

>> No.15585123

not me
bill gates' polio vaccine just killed a bunch of people in africa

>> No.15586647
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new antimalarials aren't coming out anytime soon, so if mosquitos can be immune IDC

>> No.15586923

You're a niggerfaggot, and that's more than reason enough for you to kys.

>> No.15587557

They all died of polio

>> No.15587945
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>get polio vaccine
>die of polio

>> No.15589132
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>> No.15590633
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>> No.15592288
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is it scientifically possible for a 6' tall man to drown in 4' deep water? couldn't he just stand up and avoid drowning that way?

>> No.15592377

Does he not understand how averages work? Say you take 3 measurements:
>outer edge is 1 foot deep
>halfway in is 3 feet deep
>center is 8 feet deep
>1 + 3 + 8 = 12 / 3 = 4 feet deep on average

>> No.15592399

I plan on catching Malaria and spreading it to everyone who thinks Malaria isn't real and when they catch it and die I'll say "That's Malarious".

>> No.15592404

Curious. I thought the vaccine was just saline solution and nanobots.

>> No.15594070

Even drowning in 8' is ridiculous if there wasn't something else incapacitating him

>> No.15594078

do you have a formal and generalized peer-reviewed proof of this? no?

>> No.15596106
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>> No.15598207


>> No.15598328
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>> No.15599903

imagine trusting a guy who can't even get interrupt requests right with your life.
why aren't any unix chads in the vaccine game yet?

>> No.15599921

>the ones being released are all just extensions to SIT, not a conspiracy
Just like Wuhan Institute of Virology was not involved in gain-of-function testing on coronavirii.

>> No.15600577
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