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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1556841 No.1556841 [Reply] [Original]

A few semi-scientific questions:

How were colours formed? Through Red Shift / Blue Shift?

How did the Mayans predict the alignment? If we don't know, then why have we not found out?

Did scientists find the "God Particle"? If so, why keep it secret?

Is it possible to create a nuclear bomb that can wipe out a country the size of America?

Why are there only three equators when the earth is a sphere with an distinct north and south pole? Shouldn't there be four equators? If not, then please explain why.


>P.S; if you're gonna troll, then I'll just go back to posting in religion threads.

>> No.1556849

It's easier to troll if you pace yourself to just one or maybe two silly questions per thread.

>> No.1556868

Ignore that faggot sage.
Answer the questions.

>> No.1556875

For a branch of people that seem to contemplate themselves by saying "We can answer many questions" fail when it comes to actually answering them. I don't think /sci/ has any literal scientists browsing. Just wannabe /b/tards.

>> No.1556879


>> No.1556884

why dont you tell us your theories and let us have a laugh at them?

>> No.1556893

You're posting once every minute on a slow board, and one half of your questions is complicated shit while the other half is absolute bullshit.

>> No.1556909

>3 equators
i dont even...

>> No.1556918


HOW <<----
>in what way or manner; by what means?: How did the accident happen?

WERE <<----
>is past tense of are: "Maud and her fiance were at the ball last weekend".

COLOURS <<----

FORMED <----
>having or given a form or shape



Good luck guys!

>> No.1556921

One, "colors" are how our eyes differentiate between the different frequencies on the visible spectrum. They technically never formed, it's an abstract marker made for our minds.

Next, the Mayans watched the planets move and after seeing their trends they did some basic math. This formed the basis of the various Mayan Calendars. Third Long Count ends this 2012, pre-order your Fourth Long Count today... yes they made an extra Calendar to use post-2012. The world doesn't end, just the fucking Calendar.

No, nobody found a "God Particle". there is no unified theory, theory of everything, string theory, M-Theory, or anything else. That is all bullshit and anyone who says otherwise is a moron, uneducated, trying to troll you, or some combination there-of.

It's physically possible to make a bomb to do significant damage to the American population and infrastructure to "destroy America". It is presently not possible as it is outside current technology and infrastructure.

Multiple equators? Ye be trollin'. Tryin to catch me ridin' dirty. I am really really white and nerdy.

>> No.1556923

If you see an exclamation mark followed by letters or other characters following a 4chan poster's name, it's a code that indicates they're more concerned with having attention paid to them than they are with having an actual discussion. And yes, I regret the irony of this very reply.

>> No.1556935

>How were colours formed? Through Red Shift / Blue Shift?

>How did the Mayans predict the alignment? If we don't know, then why have we not found out?

>Did scientists find the "God Particle"? If so, why keep it secret?
no, and because the general populace would probably go insane with that implication.

>Is it possible to create a nuclear bomb that can wipe out a country the size of America?
who cares

>Why are there only three equators when the earth is a sphere with an distinct north and south pole? Shouldn't there be four equators? If not, then please explain why.
fuckin magnets

>> No.1556940

>How were colours formed? Through Red Shift / Blue Shift?

Evolution saw fit for our ancestor species to be able to discern various different electromagnetic wavelengths in order to understand the environment around us.

>How did the Mayans predict the alignment? If we don't know, then why have we not found out?

I assume that the "alignment" that you're referring to is the accuracy of the Mayan Calender. The Mayans where amazing mathematicians. Since we live in a Eurocentric society, the advancement of non-Western societies (either past or present) is of no concern to us, so we ignore them.

>Did scientists find the "God Particle"? If so, why keep it secret?

Scientists have not yet found the so-called "God Particle". And even if they did, there is no reason to keep it a secret; all it's discovery would do is prove Unified Field Theory.

>Is it possible to create a nuclear bomb that can wipe out a country the size of America?

Yes. It could be done with with minimal effort if you somehow aquired perhaps a few hundred pounds of antimatter. Other than that, a Cold War style MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) bombardment of atomic weapons would do the job just fine.

>Why are there only three equators when the earth is a sphere with an distinct north and south pole? Shouldn't there be four equators? If not, then please explain why.

Once again, I'm going to go on an assumption and believe that you are talking about cardinal points. Either that or you are confusing the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as equators. An Equator is simply the imaginary line that bisects a astronomic body into two equal halves.

>> No.1556973

You guys are the kind of people that should make and contribute to threads.

I'm with you on the questions so far. Apart from the Mayan Calendar and the Equator one.

If we have a north and south pole. Wouldn't there be 4 specific points around the earth that are equators or alike equators. Rather than one line in the middle? A river-like line that split into four river-like lines, connecting both poles in the middle of the earth. I hope that explained what I'm trying to get across -- If not I'll make a diagram.

On terms of the Mayans, how did they predict it so well without the use of telescopes? I know you can see planets in the night sky, but not clearly - without space travel, these guys must have thought these were 'god-like' stars, rather than other planets no?

>> No.1556975

I guess that these two posts where way to concise for the faggotty OP and he ran back up his mother's cunt.

>> No.1556985


>> No.1557009

Once again, the equator is only used to bisect an astronomical body. In fact, to be a bit more precise, the equator is the line across an astronomical body's exact middle from it's perceived top and bottom.

It's essentially impossible of an astronomical body to have more than one equator.

As for the Mayans, they were quite scientifically minded, and even if they saw the planets as "god stars" they understood that this "god stars" had a constant and precise pattern that they moved in. And seeing as they would (as long as a human civilization is concerned) always move in this way, it makes a perfect constant to make a long ranged time telling device, such as a calender.

>> No.1557013
File: 2.45 MB, 196x147, 1281079741796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aether, king of /sci/!

>> No.1557028

Slow down.

You waited for 20 minutes and nobody answered. Aww. We hurt your feelings by doing nothing.

Go away.

Don't expect any meaningful answers. You're a troll. Hiding thread.

>> No.1557057


Okay then. Check my picture.
If the equator is a line in the middle, what are the 4 points that our planet expand around.

You have top (north), bottom (south) - they don't have to be top and bottom but notice them as just opposites.

Then you have the middle. A front and back, and a left and right. What are these points called?

>> No.1557061
File: 45 KB, 365x373, sphere3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no pic

>> No.1557086


>> No.1557101

They have no name as there is nothing that could be considered (if you will) a West, East, Front or Back Pole. This directions are constantly changing, since the planet is rotating. In fact, the left-right/front-back is always changing do to rotation. The closest thing that we have to this would be day-night sides and the direction that the planet moves in it's orbit and the opposite of that.

We only have the North and South Poles due to the axis that the planet spins on and the magnetic poles.

>> No.1557103

Yes, but there are 4 specific crossover points. What are these 'points' called. I'm not talking about the axis, that would be the line before the cross over.

>> No.1557110

came in late.
okay sir.

>> No.1557113

Oh. That's mathematics.
Those are called antipodal points.

>> No.1557136

Wavelengths. We can see some some nanometer wavelength to some other nanometer wavelength, and a combination of them looks like a color to our eyes. Doplar shift has nothing to do with it.

What alignment? There is none.

>God Particle

Yes, but not with the material we have on Earth. We'd need something huge.

The fuck are you on?

>> No.1557153

worth commenting that its called the "God Damn" particle because its hard to find

actually referred to as the Higgs Boson

>> No.1557189

Earth isnt exactly an sphere so it can only have to maximum circumferences called equator and greenwich meridian

>> No.1557195

Actually, frequency is what determines light's color. For example, consider shining a red light into a pool. The color stays the same and so does the frequency, but the wavelength changes because water has a different index of refraction than air for red light. Our eyes don't detect changes in wavelength, but they do detect changes in frequency.

>> No.1557197

In what direction would your 4th equator run? The actual equator divides the top from the bottom. The international date line more or less does the left from the right.
Even the third is pretty redundant as you can use those two to work out latitude and longitude and therefore any point on the surface of that sphere anyway.

>> No.1557211

In foreign schools... they teach very strange things to their students. Please do not be alarmed.

>> No.1557216

/sci/ best board on here.

They talk to complete dumb asses and still manage to keep calm whilst keeping there sanity.


>> No.1557237

If you shout at retards they flap and cry and no one gets anywhere.

>> No.1557247

My assertion:

Life began at the poles - North and South. The most primitive form of life, even 'wind' or 'force'. The forces spread across these four points, met, and combined with each other, changing direction.

>> No.1557275


do you have any evidence to back up your 'theory'?

>> No.1557283

If it was a blank earth, without the possiblity of choice, then it could only go "Good", no imperfections.

>> No.1557289

Ah yes, the "Final Fantasy 7" theory... we have dismissed those claims.

>> No.1557298

There are various wavelengths that light can have. A very specific range of wavelengths make up the visible spectrum. Our eyes are able to perceive the wavelength of light at this spectrum, and sends signals to our brain, which we perceive as colours

>> No.1557306

you are so gay. not in homosexual way but in a mental way. and i say that in the most sincerly

>> No.1557317


So you think 'force' / 'gravity' / 'waves' have choice? They don't, so before 'living beings', there was only beings with 'no choice' and cannot commit evil, only 'good', as they obey fully the laws set by the universe without chosing to do something else.

God says, "You go this way"
Whatever he said it to agrees.

God says to us, "You go this way"
We say, wait a sec, why not this way?

>> No.1557324
File: 66 KB, 701x497, putinface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's post is so stupid he must be retarded even if he's a troll
>aether is a tremendous asshole that is as dumb as OP.
>mfw this thread

>> No.1557328
File: 175 KB, 1024x768, 1280600584125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.1557332 [DELETED] 

eyes do detect changes in wavelength, the wavelength is how "bright" the light is.

>> No.1557335


Get out of here hivemind

>> No.1557333

Cool patterns bro.

Anyone got a good argument against this bar, "troll" or any other way of saying "I'm dumb and have no answer"?

>> No.1557339

summerfag detected

>> No.1557343


wavelength is the color the intensity is the brightness


>> No.1557349
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win again :3
Love you guys.
If it wasn't for people like you I wouldn't have a reason to feel so much better/intelligent than people.

Thanks bros!!! :)

>> No.1557352

aether = OP

>> No.1557357

Aether, you're pathetic... you realize that, surely.

>> No.1557363

You gigantic idiots bumping his threads and giving him attention.

Also, this:
painting by Luis Royo is sexy.

>> No.1557368


Oh fuck forgot my sage, stupid Captcha making me forget.

>> No.1557385

I feel better people too sometimes


i feel much intelligent than people than you

>> No.1557386
File: 26 KB, 640x480, self furfillment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basking in the ambience of success

>> No.1557406

haha this is you!
you even look a little retarded. well cant help your genes so dont be sad

>> No.1557409


Cool story bro.

>> No.1557416


At least you are doing a good job at removing yourself from the gene pool more quickly :>

>> No.1557420
File: 179 KB, 320x245, a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I good-looking and intelligent /sci/? Is it because I'm religious-smart rather than government-smart?

aether - 1
science - 0

>> No.1557422


>self furfillment.jpg

You're either a furfag or completely illiterate... either way you're useless.

>> No.1557429
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 1267637208870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1557434

I swear to Sagan if you are actually not saging and this isn't OP samefagging...

>> No.1557459


I'd tap you

>> No.1557463

Saging AKA excuse for being lost for words.

>> No.1557478
File: 48 KB, 400x576, satan_haagensen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few semi-scientific questions?

Why did you murder and rape your family?
Why did you like the taste of your fathers sperm?

Why do you think SATAN LOVES YOU so much?

When are you gonna stop cutting yourself?

Where do you live? I feel the bloodlust comming on!

Would you be mad if I traced your IP? Please keep posting!

>> No.1557484
File: 26 KB, 500x375, TimeToStopPosting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1557480

What a fucktard

>> No.1557497
File: 35 KB, 528x660, 1277238195644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think SATAN LOVES YOU so much?

Becuase I am a good little faggot. I love to go to the old warehouse district and offer my self to old homeless men.

>> No.1557499

>religious smart
good one :D
home-schooled i guess? that actually explains a lot.

could you please explain again where the forces are coming from?

>> No.1557507

I haven't hurt a soul.
I find it unmoral to kill an insect, let alone a human.
Atheists aren't human, they are abominations.
I am free to kill/cuss abominations.
Gay is a term used to describe Atheists. Not homosexuals. As Gay people worship Satan, and not God.

I'm a "Good" person.


>> No.1557510
File: 2.75 MB, 1110x1264, JP2%20Scan%201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post more faggot! I need that IP!
We can meet up and worship the devil together!
Then we can cut off your balls and eat them together!

>> No.1557512


No you're not and one day you'll realize that and feel remorse for your actions.

If god exists, he doesn't like what you're doing right now.

>> No.1557514

Remember Atheists.

Hell is waiting for you.

>> No.1557521

I hear music, I dance.

You hear music, you think.

>> No.1557526
File: 27 KB, 408x400, 1276381115378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds great! How was it?
How much gay sex did you have when you were there? Did you use lube? How big is your asshole now? Like freshman engineering big? Senior engineering big? PICS?


>> No.1557528

I get attacked, I defend.

You get attracked, you run.

>> No.1557533

You attack trees, cause they can't fight back.

I water trees, cause they keep me alive.

>> No.1557542
File: 77 KB, 879x621, 1277036095840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fuck my ass!

>> No.1557546

I don't troll on /sci/ or insult "Good" people.

You troll all day, and you insult "Good" people.

>> No.1557551
File: 32 KB, 300x285, Gay%20Pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let get a gay sex thread going guys!

>> No.1557555

I, Templar, Lucifer, son of the government of evil, use the weapon of 'death(1)' to teach and spread 'life(0)'.

>> No.1557557
File: 159 KB, 363x500, 1277325392919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys

look at me, look at me, pay attention to me, look at me

Hey Im over here, look at am please look at me!
I am cool, look at me!

Please love me! I need people to acknowledge me! Please I have no friends! I worship the devil! I am a faggot! No one likes me!
please please please please please please please.........look at me

>> No.1557570
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>> No.1557573


when the mayans were around it was much darker, no light polution from cities or anything, so the stars and shiz would be clearer

>> No.1557579

