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15566854 No.15566854 [Reply] [Original]

At what level of math knowledge are you allowed to brag about being very high IQ?

Please tell me the topics and the theorems. I want to learn them as quickly as possible to prove my intellect. No reddit answers allowed like e.g. "when you solve a millennium problem". Only serious answers please.

>> No.15566866

>normie level
arithmetic, basic algebra
>kind of smart
precalc, trig functions and identities
>smarter than 90% of the people you'll meet
calculus, linear algebra
>smarter than 99% of the people you'll meet
differential equations

anything past that goes too far and you're now just an autist with a math obsession

>> No.15566877

I guess I should be clear that "past that" just means anything not on this list.
If this seems too low level, remember that most normies unironically think fractions are annoying to deal with.

>> No.15566913

Well uhm I didn't intend to compare myself to normie scum. What's the intellectual hierarchy among those "autists with a math obsession"? As far as I can see, even a 130 IQ midwit can understand Lie groups or differential geometry, so clearly we need to go deeper.

>> No.15566919

If you don't care about others' opinions, then you can just declare yourself to be high IQ without studying anything.

>> No.15566920

>At what level of math knowledge are you allowed to brag about being very high IQ?
None, but you may brag about how long you've studied it. That's realistically the only thing that's separated you.

>> No.15566929

yep, I remember back in primary school how everyone had the exact same understanding of all the material.
>b-b-but the smart kids were secretly studying 10 hours per day at home!

>> No.15567003

Percolation theory.

>> No.15567067

Your fundamental understanding of how people work stopped developing in primary school?

>> No.15567079

>None, but you may brag about how long you've studied it. That's realistically the only thing that's separated you.
Cool, I practiced counting to ten for ... years (sorry, it's more than 10 so I don't know the number).

>> No.15567082

>t. engineer jerking himself off

>> No.15567085

That's pretty impressive sport, but all the other kids going into fourth grade are much further ahead than you are, so you will be taking the course again.
>has this kid been diagnosed with autism yet?

>> No.15567087


>> No.15567104

I mean yeah but it's still true

>> No.15567250

you asked a reddit question, expect a reddit answer

>> No.15567290

>At what level of math knowledge are you allowed to brag about being very high IQ
when you have a very high IQ :^) scared to be tested?

>> No.15567387

If you want to brag about IQ, take an IQ test
If you want to know math, learn math

>> No.15567718

if yu publish in a maths journal (respected one), that could show you are likely high iq

>> No.15568699

Getting published is about acadummic obedience and social networking, not intelligence. You could solve a literal millennium problem at home and nobody would even read it as long as you're not a math professor at a university.

>> No.15568750

infinite categories + Inter-universal Teichmüller theory will get you there

>> No.15568774

>What's the intellectual hierarchy among those "autists with a math obsession"?
Leaving off at differential equations:
>BA in math at an American state university level
non-Euclidean geometry, modern algebra, statistics
>BS in math at an American state university level
real analysis, complex analysis, point set topology
Someone who's done graduate study in mathematics can take it from here
>even a 130 IQ midwit can understand Lie groups or differential geometry
Oddly specific. Something you'd like to get off your chest?

>> No.15568862

>infinite categories
Interdasting. I'll take a look.

>> No.15569273

If you get through a first course in differential geometry, group/ring/module theory, general topology, complex analysis and a proper PDE class, you are very high IQ. Basically if you have a respectable Math BSc.

>> No.15569279
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>> No.15569326
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>> No.15569329

If you were high IQ you wouldn't need to brag

>> No.15569380
File: 473 KB, 2048x819, JoAeMqX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what level of math knowledge are you allowed to brag about being very high IQ?
None. Oxford Mathematicians tested at 128, picrel. So by 128, you can understand most if not all of mathematics. And 128 isn't particularly high, not even 98th percentile. And that is the highest level of a mathematician.
All you can brag about with your math knowledge is perhaps that you aren't a dimwit.

>> No.15570264

Society has never jerked anyone off as much as engineers are jerked off today

>> No.15570291

Not a lot of PhD mathematicians have ever taken a partial differential equations course, if you take such a course of learn it from a textbook and complete, you are arguably smarter than 99% of people in this world.

>> No.15570344

If you actually know what a manifold is you're arguably smarter than 99% of the people in the world already, it's an incredibly low bar.

>> No.15570370

Not even close. Once you take precalc in 10th grade you're already pretty much at calculus which only need a few techniques, and that's only a stones toss away from calc II and then you're already doing ODE's towards the end. Then again you just build on it with a few more steps in Calc III and now you're ready for pde's. Kids in highschool can do all of this. But taking this false premise aside, even being able to complete a class like real analysis doesn't mean you're smarter than someone who didn't. Most people in university have the mental ability to complete the course, they're just not interested in it, which is a requirement to do good at most things.
There is nothing in an undergraduate math curriculum that makes you high IQ. 110 is a safe bet f you have a dense degree from a school known for being tough.

>130 midwit
130 is likely well into completed PhD and mathematics professor territory. If that isn't smart for you, then I guess it really is only millennium prize problem solvers that are high IQ.

>> No.15571614

>130 is likely well into completed PhD and mathematics professor territory
I've seen PhDs and professors who were fucking retarded. Surely they may have some knowledge in their very limited area of research, but they were genuinely stupid in general. Like can you imagine a PhD in statistics who can't even do first year topology anymore?

>> No.15572283

i-it's almost like beyond proper cognitive development intelligence is really not all that important and other factors that affect one's time preference and level of interest and focus take precedence (but don't tell the power level autists that)

>> No.15572302

Yes I too have a STEM degree and know how to solve higher order differentials
That's not even scratching the surface my friend.

>> No.15572318

answer my question about ODEs on math general

>> No.15572424

What paper is this from?

>> No.15572436

130 IQ midwit? make sure you are sober before you post

>> No.15572649

130 is peak midwit. Midwit is 120-150.

>> No.15572665

Post your proctored IQ results anon

>> No.15572692
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das rite! i ain't a midwit fr gang, but dat field medal guy sure is!

>> No.15572705

Wanting to brag automatically makes a person seem low iq. People that are actually smart don't need to prove it just like people who are actually rich or actually strong. It's the rule of life that it's the debt-trapped dummies that drive around in new sports cars while someone who has a mind for investment only buys secondhand

>> No.15572724
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>130 IQ midwit
You retard, the SD for IQ is + or - 15. If you are above an IQ of 115 you are not a midwit statistically. And no, this does not refer to the dogshit pajeet studies online designed to inflate your fragile ego hinging on your "intellect" because you perceive yourself as nothing without it.

>> No.15572783

>People that are actually smart don't need to prove it just like people who are actually rich or actually strong.
The ability to recognize and comprehend X is inversely proportional to the actual magnitude of the boast.

It's much more severe than the case of wealth or physical strength where at least a smart person could understand the quantitative difference, it's more like ones skill or ranking in a game: the person knows proving it is completely futile.

Same reason someone 700 elo up on you won't brag to you - you cannot comprehend such a gulf anyway and in fact you can't even demonstrate these gaps in intelligence or skill *except* to someone close to you in the first place.

>> No.15572824

A-infinity categories, elliptic curve cryptography, de rham cohomology, riemann problems, floer homology, modularity theorem, tomita–Takesaki theory, post–Markov theorem... if you understand any of it let my know

>> No.15572828

It's from this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5008436/
Here's an excerpt for their explanation to why this is. tl:dr, Math professionals are good at math, but not too good. Being too good is a sign of mental illness (like Autism) and hence the ones that are too good wouldn't usually be able to become Mathematicians.
>Professional mathematicians usually display high intelligence and good reasoning skills, whereas their calculation skills might be above the average but not necessarily exceptional (Pesenti, 2005). In fact, exceptional calculation skills might be the consequence of an intensive and protract drill, which may become an obsessive–compulsive behavior as in clinical conditions such as Asperger and savant syndrome (Fehr, Weber, Willmes, & Herrmann, 2010).

>> No.15573125
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that is all nothing to me and I consider myself a mathematical failure

>> No.15573359

Most normies can't even grasp how percentages work

>> No.15573398

I know de Rham cohomology and elliptic curve cryptography. They seem to be rather basic compared to the rest of the list.

>post-Markov theorem
Not quite sure what this is about. A quick search wants to redirect me to Post's theorem which I'm vaguely familiar with.

>> No.15573458

>At what level of math knowledge are you allowed to brag about being very high IQ?
bragging about high iq is exclusively a low iq activity.

>> No.15573464

Midwit detected. There is nothing wrong with bragging about my high IQ. I'm a loser in any other category. I'm fully entitled to base my self-esteem on my intellectual abilities.

>> No.15573498

>Midwit detected. There is nothing wrong with bragging about my high IQ. I'm a loser in any other category. I'm fully entitled to base my self-esteem on my intellectual abilities.

Do you actually have a high IQ?

>> No.15574040

Higher than 150.

>> No.15574476

No you don't.
I tested at 142 in my youth and my roommate from college tested at 150 in his youth. Extremely smart guy. at t10 and highly accomplished. I have interacted with enough people near that level to know that it is really hard to fuck up your life if you are actually that smart. Many of them lacked very basic discipline and life skills, yet they still coasted through life with ease simple on account of their intelligence. You had some students who would study for hours on end, and then there was this guy who wouldn't study at all and still get good grades. I remember for some classes he literally didn't go to class the whole semester and just studied a day before the exam and aced it. Obviously, if academics become that easy, life is going to be easy as well.
You should stop LARPing.

>> No.15574487
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>no mention of probability or stats whatsoever ITT

>> No.15574603

>frog posting on 4chan
You’re like 105 at the absolute most

>> No.15574677

People that talk about iq at all deserve to be lynched publicly

>> No.15574763

That just means per 100 right? I'm not sure I have 60 IQ

>> No.15574945

>anything past that goes too far and you're now just an autist with a math obsession

>> No.15574964

You know nothing about me besides my IQ. Why do you feel the need to project so much of your unwarrented imagination onto me?

>> No.15575208

Have you taken a proctored iq test? Name the test, and when you took it. Also tell indices.

>> No.15575228

I proctored your moms anus last night, does that count?

>> No.15575247

>Not quite sure what this is about. A quick search wants to redirect me to Post's theorem which I'm vaguely familiar with.

> I never studied math, just learned it peripherally. Post-markov porblem is a key problem in term rewriting systems. https://planetmath.org/semithuesystem#:~:text=The%20word%20problem%20for%20semi,semi%2DThue%20systems%20is%20unsolvable.

>> No.15575310

What if I understand differential equations but not identities?

>> No.15575778

Your linked article does not contain the word "Markov". I'm familiar with the word problem for groups, so I'm not surprised to see the same statement formulated in a slightly different context.

>> No.15576224
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>I proctored you moms anus last night, does that count?

>> No.15576382

Trig identities are a waste of time. You can derive them ad hoc when you need them.