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File: 268 KB, 734x882, rabies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15553567 No.15553567 [Reply] [Original]

I mean it is fucking simple.
>anti vaxers claim vaccines correlate with health downgrades and sudden death or disease in formerly healthy recipients

Why don't they do the following with the data that is actually available:
>get vaccination dates
>get onset of new disease dates
>see if there is a clustering of onset of diseases or death closely to the administration of disease
>see if amount of vaccines correlate with all over health of recipients

>if clustering happens it is a indicator for causation because it is strong correlation
>to verify causation or debunk it a few new questions should be answered

>is it really the vaccine or did those people recieved just a bad lot, and the medical oversight did not do a proper quality control?
>meaning with every single vaccine the administered batch is noted down aswell
>so now you take all people who ever received this batch and look at their health outcomes
>investigate what the contamination was that lead to this outcome, and based on that establish safety rules to make sure it does not happen again.

>if all batches have the same amount of undesired outcomes
>then we might still investigate the mechanism of action of that undesired outcome
>for that, we do an additional investigative trial, in which not the manufacturer does the trial, but a publicly funded one
>which contain real saline placebo group and a vaccinated group
>with the only outcome to find risks

And this could be easily be done with all the data available because it gets all collected anyways.
And then boom you can debunk the antivaxers just like that.

>> No.15553583

They do and you asking this question/making this post shows that no amount of effort will stop the sealioning.
Also, "science" (and more importantly the medical field) has no interest in convincing everyone. They tell you once and provide sufficient information and then you're on your own.
My aunt went to the hospital with chest pain. She was waiting for some blood test results to come back from the lab, but she grew impatient and started arguing with the doctors and nurses. They told her to wait, but that she was free to leave at any time. They made her sign a document that she was explained the risks, that the doctors' recommendation was to stay and wait for the results in case this was a heart attack and then she left. She died like the Karen she always was. Why would the doctors waste their energy to argue with this woman? They have better things to do. And so does the CDC.

>> No.15553591

They make vaccines with the explicit understanding that it is impossible to make them safe, and enjoy indemnity from liability for a reason.
They don't.

>> No.15553600

>They do

>> No.15553605

>They don't.
Okay, have a nice day. Personal recommendation from me: avoid ticks if you live in central Europe and dislike vaccines. TBE is nasty as fuck. But again, I won't spray you in tick repellant or stop you from walking in tall grass.

>> No.15553646

post primary source providing evidence that the collection of unspecific symptoms called TBE is transmitted by ticks and then a primary source providing evidence that the vaccine against TBE is safe and effective.

>> No.15553679

>post primary source providing evidence that the collection of unspecific symptoms called TBE is transmitted by ticks and then a primary source providing evidence that the vaccine against TBE is safe and effective.

duh primary source is reality.
ticks a disgusting.
why do you request a information that is common knowledge and self evident?

>> No.15553687

>get bitten by a tick
>develop migraines 20 years later
>it's because of the tick


>> No.15553709

Ever heard of latent asymptomatic infection?
Do you even know how immunology works?

>> No.15553724

post a primary source providing evidence that a latent asymptomatic infection may occur due to a tick bite

>> No.15553746


Approximately 1.6%–7% of infected individuals may have asymptomatic infection

>> No.15553757

Why would I put in the effort? You getting TBE sounds like a (you) problem, not like a me problem. It cost me 2 seconds to tell you to avoid ticks, it'll cost me significantly more time to provide you with the requested proof, and it won't g stop you from sealioning anyway. So even if I had to pay your medical bills out of my own pocket, I would rather pay than dig up the literature.

>> No.15553767

Current vaccine implementation 60 years from now will be viewed with similar regard to lobotomies. Both show no respect for complex systems

>> No.15553792
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>So even if I had to pay your medical bills out of my own pocket, I would rather pay than dig up the literature.

>> No.15553815

>meta study
>primary source

>> No.15553822

it's one thing to say that ticks are disgusting and another thing to claim that tick bite causes neurological disease that can be prevented by vaccination

>> No.15553841

Lyme disease can vary.
It can express via multiple different symptms:


so it can be flu like and mild, but then you have it forever.
And even if you have healed, the latent infection can break out many many years later randomly.
Thats why vaccination is important

>> No.15553851

It's quite simple, really. Anti-vaxxers are just contrarians that want to believe they are privy to some suppressed knowledge that the rest of society isn't.

They'll rattle their sabers online but if they're in contact with a bat that seems unusually friendly, the least retarded ones will put aside their combative attitudes and get the shot. Fortunately, natural selection will take its course and the more retarded ones will refuse and ultimately end up with skull soup.

>> No.15553878
File: 261 KB, 825x673, 1660199821720524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are privy to some suppressed knowledge that the rest of society isn't.
so it's easy to debunk them.
Just use the data and the science to show them there is absolutely zero causality indicating correlation with:
>autoimmune disease
>neorological issues
>chronic inflamatory diseases
>diabetis type 1

>> No.15553895

>60 years from now
I took a screenshot of your post
you better be around in 60 years

>> No.15553903

>Why don't they do the following with the data that is actually available
Many already have, all the schizos yelled "SHILL SHILL JEW SHILL PROPAGANDA NIGGER JEW SHILL" and then everyone who actually cared about this topic stopped engaging with them. That causes an echo chamber and now you get the mess that this board has.

>> No.15553904

that's quite a lot of unsubstantiated claims

>> No.15553910

>Many already have,
please show me the sources.

>> No.15553911

Literally every disease can be asymptomaticall and you can get it later on or it eats to your brain and heart if your are not vaccinated enough.
Even the flu.
It's literally a accepted fact.

>> No.15553913

Everything tends to be an "unsubstantiated claim" when you're a barely literate fucktard

>> No.15553914

>It's literally a accepted fact.
sounds convincing

>> No.15553917

Because you never provide a counterargument when the likes of Back to the Science criticize the likes of John Campbell. Any criticism of vaccine skepticism gets ignored or shamed. Don't get me wrong: I haven't taken the vax and I don't believe in debate anymore, but if you want to debate then you have to defeat the devil's advocate, but Back to the Science keeps getting ignored.

>> No.15553918

Yeah man.
It's literally in the literature.
Just look it up bro.
You dumb unvaccinated loser.
Denying science on a science board is hilarious.
I do not need a proof if its science.
Science is self evident.
If its in the literature it becomes fact.
And if you are unable to read it, you are just uneducated.
If you are to dumb to find the resources for your self, its on you.
I get to side with the settled science, and you should accept the science also.
Otherwise you will die with the same fate all science deniers die with:
>infected by a latent virus you just could have got vaccinated against.

>> No.15553923

>Because you never provide a counterargument when the likes of Back to the Science criticize the likes of John Campbell
I literally have not a single Idea of what you even mean. could you elaborate?

>> No.15553925

>please show me the sources.
so you can call them jewish propaganda and call me a shill for posting them? Fuck off.

>> No.15553931

>so you can call them jewish propaganda and call me a shill for posting them? Fuck off.
So you do not have any sources, and just believe in the church of medical mysticism.
Ok I get it.

>> No.15553937

You don't want a source, you want a reason to disagree. Go fuck off to >>/pol/

>> No.15553945

>You don't want a source,
You do not have a source I get it.
You just believe in the church of medical mysticism.
Bro it's totally fine, you can stop replying to this thread, you have stated your point and wont post sources, that also not exist.
But thats fine, everyone is free to believe in a religious thing.

>> No.15553946

Here are some ideas.

>> No.15553953

I do not believe any youtube guru.
And this one is as wierd and horrible as the most meme gurus.

>> No.15553960

You don't want a source, you want a reason to disagree. Go fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.15553968

I do not understand.
You can just present the source you said you have, so that it can also convince me, I rather would be calmed down about vaccines than have the retarded fight going on with the points antivaxtards provided.
If all the research has been done, then this would pull the carpet under the feet of all antivaxxers and boom, the science denialism is ended, and the world can become a fully vaccinated place with no single individual beein uninjected and everyone would be healthy.
While antivaxxers exist, this cannot be done, and you either excecute and kill them all to stop the spread of disease or convince them of the science.
And I am rather not into the whole killing part, so please give the resources you have which proved that antivaxxers are far of from the path.

>> No.15553977

>It's literally in the literature.
is it?
>300 ticks allowed to feed on 8 rabbits
>suprisingly, 40 ticks sucked on a rabbit's belly caused a rash
>at least 2 ticks sucked on each rabbit were found to be harboring the spirochetes
>always in the intestines, never in the salival glands
>no spirochetes found in the blood or skin of any rabbit
>no transmission proved at all
>36 patients diagnosed with lyme disease
>spirochetes found in the blood of 2 of them
>34 patients out of 36 weren't harboring the pathogen
>but it's the pathogen that caused their condition

there you go. there is your settled science.

>> No.15553979

>I don't want to spend time getting to know the reasoning of people I dislike and don't agree with.

>> No.15553980

How about you select one of the videos you find most debunking and important to this whole discussion of vaccines and their effectivness and safety.
I will not watch youtube gurus, I do not even watch "antivax" youtube gurus because all they do is doom and gloom and read headlines of papers but never discuss methodology of a paper.
Everyone who focuses on headline, and conclusion is a feeble minded retarded and has no place in discussing the topic.

Anyone who presented actual plausible and scientific sound arguments is not found on youtube anyways.
But I will try, I will watch a video of your choice and then comment on it here.

>> No.15553982

>there you go. there is your settled science.

whatever dude.
Get bitten by a tick while unvaxxed, and then we talk.
And also remember:
Correlation != causation

>> No.15554018

You got it backwards. Vaccines are "debunked" by default, you don't need scientific evidence to know that injecting toxic shit into your organism is not beneficial. The burden of proof is entirely on the proponents of vaccination; and there is not a single vaccine for which a randomized double-blinded study exists that would compare a vaccinated group with a placebo group by observing their health status for a prolonged period of time and conclude that the vaccine is safe and effective.

>> No.15554031

As you already might have noticed, the benefits of a vaccine is not even part of the discussion anymore.
The goalpost has simply shifted to becoma a dare-game:

>pro vaxxie goalposts

Goalpost shifts
>take vaccine to protect others
>take vaccine to protect yourself
>take vaccine to protect yourself from death and severe illness
>take vaccine to maybe protects you a little from death and severe illness
>just take vaccine. it doesn't kill or maim you most of the times

Nowhere in any discussion ever since 2020 is there a debate about the "benefit".
Because the fact that there is no proof of the benefit because most of the disease were already gone long before the vaccinations are introduced is a fact, that is rarely disputed anymore.
It's all about "just consoom the god damn product".

>I dare you to take a huff of mercury vapor
No, its toxic
>Oh I did it multiple and I didn't die, you loser, take huff of the mercury vapor

It's all about the dare, and consoom product.
It is a humiliation ritual to accept getting injected or to inject your 2 month old infant with it.

>> No.15554043

Sad but true.

>> No.15554091


It is really easy now to convince anyone that all diseases are gay as fuck relabeled astroturfed PR-Campaigns.
They really admit to it, but the issue is, for some reason I simply cannot fathom nor understand and even if they agree that:
>sanitation and hygien and social standard did more to prevent disease then vaccines
>polio was a covered up poisoning
>measels is a minor discomfortable experience
>tick borne disease is widely overblown
>pertussis is not even serologically provable
And all this shit, all of it they somehow say, "yeah lifestyle and hygine is important, but still get vaccinated bro"

I am baffled, by the amount of Brainbending required to cling to the fact that science juice is squirted into them for no apparent reason.

>> No.15554206

It's just repetition and an appeal to social norms. Nothing special. These people don't genuinely believe in anything.

>> No.15554211

I'm not google, if you wanted a source it is much much easier to find one than pestering a retard on 4chan for one. If you wanted a source, you'd get them. You don't want a source, you want to disagree. Fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15554254

>I can't provide a source
>but I'm sure it exists
>and you're lying if you say can't find it
>because the source exists
>even though I have never checked for myself
>I just know

>> No.15554276


>> No.15554294

>show me proof that sticking a rusty nail in my belly is bad for me
I don't think I will.

>> No.15554303

Straw man

>> No.15554309

Did you hear some adult use that word in a discussion? Go ask him what it means.

>> No.15554322

show me a proof that sticking a rusty nail into your belly is bad for you *because* of transmission of clostridium tetani. show me a proof that sticking a rusty nail into your belly is not bad for you if you're vaccinated.

>> No.15554330

well yeah, there is no causality. I don't see your point Mr Wakefield.

If you want to prove that what I'm saying is wrong, do exactly what I said in my original post. Go find a friendly bat or two, let it crawl on your arm or until you feel a bite, don't get the vaccine, and document your journey. Maybe set up a livestream.

>> No.15554338

his point is that there is no proof. if you disagree with that the burden of proof is on you. saying go do 'x' does not amount to proof. you're just disagreeing with him because he's contradicting your irrational faith based ideas of how the world ought to be.

>> No.15554343
File: 360 KB, 1030x1670, 1671002536498070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neurotoxins are neurotoxic.
Neurotoxins which are based on reactive metals is retained by tissue.

They can literally make mice allergic against everything by attaching aluminium to it:

Aluminiumhydroxide is in vaccines. Stemcells are used in vaccines.
Lung cells are used in it.
Imagine beeing allergic to lung tissue?!
Would that become a problem... maybe in your lung?

>> No.15554373

Let me correct.
The natural state is untained.
With no human intervention and espcieccialy no alchemistic brew with emulsifiers, aluminium phosphate/hydroxide and residue of monkey, chicken and human cells.
So humans decided that they need to intervent with this brew by injecting it in humans.

So somebody proposed this and need first justification to do this to nature.

And then showing that the outcomes are actually better.

They claim that, nature cannot sort itself out and humans are so fragile, that we have to inject this crap.
Where is the scientific justification for that?
And where the proof that this intervention does not other or harm?

>> No.15554383

Why do you think I care so much about whether or not you stick a rusty nail in your belly? It's nice enough of me to tell you not to do it, but if you insist on doing the retarded thing, knock yourself out. I wont dig up some proof that helmets save your head in a bicycle accident either. That's really not the "win" you think it is.

>> No.15554386

>if you disagree with that the burden of proof is on you.
There's no burden of proof. This is for your own good, but if you wanna fuck an armadillo and get leprosy, then feel free. But don't cry because no one warned you your dick would fall off.

>> No.15554399

So a rusty nail has a problem and that is:
>nails are non clean metal
>so they contain residue of lead, arsenic, antimony, nickle
>if rusty its brittle
>if you poke yourself with it, you get sick
>now the question is why?

Is it because:
a) you get a metal poisoning
b) a bacteria that for some reason likes to live on rusty nails, with no proof whatsoever that the bacteria on the nail alone has the power to induce a deadly set of symptoms that literally resemble metal poisoning within a few hours to a day.

Which one is it and why?

>> No.15554402

If you don't care to argue your point against his then I guess you concede.

>> No.15554415
File: 70 KB, 600x486, 1680700547636992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no burden of proof. This is for your own good
This is a falsehood.
The interference with a natural system without proof or justification for that intervention leads to unforseeable problems.
Also if the System has a problem the identification of the cause and the proof of the cause of the system malfunctioning, is the initial step required before a solution should even be proposed.

So there is a phenomenon in our system which indicates malfunction of the system.
It's called a disease.
And this phenomenon has at least one cause, but most likely multiple causes.

The materialist reductionist view is: It must be a bacteria/virus/protozoa.
The holistic view is: it is our environment and our consumption of good.

The materialistic view is preferred because otherwise we would have to adjust: life style, environmental pollution, poisoning of the waters, changing the diet, taking care of the world arround us.
But this is not possible because it interferes with the societial goal of: comfort, consoom and coom.

This conflict of interest leads me to the suspicion that there something of in the beginning with the notion of "little germs" are killing us, when we are actually pretty busy with poisoning us with drugs, alcohol and industrialisation arround the time when this idea started to gain traction.
Then they started to administer toxic crap, like arsenic, mercury and antimony which poisons everything, and therefore it must als kill the "germ".
This alone was a big mistake.
The the idea switched to: "we inject mercury, chemical coloring residue and glycerin, together with tissue of the diseased, to protect us" which is frankly retarded.
But it sticked. And even though the improvement of sanitation, food and environmental protection coincided with the decline in diseases, we are taught that vaccines helped us, which were mostly invented or only widely used after the diseases all declined already.
I have all reason to quesion this narrative.

>> No.15554460
File: 1.60 MB, 1038x480, 1688537775949682.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"science" (and more importantly the medical field) has no interest in convincing everyone.
then why are they the world's biggest advertiser?
vaccine manufacturers spend more money on advertising than any other industry on the planet

>> No.15554461

you could easily find all of these sources on google, in such a way you want have a retard on 4chans individual bias selecting 2 or 3 links but with the ability to find them yourself. You haven't because you don't want to. You don't want a source, you want to disagree and be angry. Fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15554465

>I guess you concede.
I guess I concede. Feel free to not brush your teeth, wash your hands or get vaccinated. You've earned it. You beat me fair and square.

>> No.15554468

You're free to decide for yourself. Don't pretend anyone owes you any proof if you aren't forced to do something.

>> No.15554496
File: 318 KB, 483x839, sachs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't pretend anyone owes you any proof if you aren't forced to do something.

Sadly this is not a issue that involved me alone.
It is a issue in which my children will be born into, and a environment in which every human I like lives.
There is a amount of deception and marketing going on which lead to a decline in moral and vitality among us.
And it baffles me that so many seem to care, but no body seems to dare questioning a practice with no proof whatsoever of it beeing of any benefit to humanity.

I do not like that people are exploited and people do not like beeing exploited.
But they will if they cannot realize it.

And you are right this is a contract.
I have to agree.
It is my choice, and thats it.
But the agreement is binding and it is a unfair advantage to those in power, that also puppeteer the broadcasting of fear to those who are good hearted believers in the righteousness of science, because you cannot verify everything nor spend time on it.
But it would be fair and moral to at least not conceal the contract they agree to, by disclosing their deception.
But this request is fruitless because who would cut the tree they are sitting on.
You are right.
It always is and always was a free choice to just believe.

>> No.15554499

>You haven't because
the sources do not exist.
If it does not exist it cannot be found.

>> No.15554554

>Don't pretend anyone owes you any proof if you aren't forced to do something.
Many vaccines are mandated by law. Can you show that they have a beneficial effect that outweighs the risks?

>> No.15554732

>Can you show that they have a beneficial effect that outweighs the risks?

>> No.15554784

>Many vaccines are mandated by law.
I'm sorry you live in North Korea, but if you keep acting like this, you'll bring three generations of forced labour on you and your kin.

>> No.15554799
File: 67 KB, 1080x1215, 1679634138737906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry you live in North Korea, but if you keep acting like this, you'll bring three generations of forced labour on you and your kin.

>> No.15554810

Where I live, vaccines aren't mandated and haven't been since the smallpox vaccine. Sucks to be you. (Or you're lying and there are no mandated vaccines kek)

>> No.15554814

Where do you live?

>> No.15555170

The burden of proof is on you. You fucking stated all that shit is caused by vaccines. Link some DOIs so I can read them or, again, go get bit by a rabid bat, forgo the rabies vaccine, and document your journey.

>> No.15555328

Hobson's choice is what I think he's talking about. Lose your career, ability to pay mortgage, access to education and socialization. Enabled or enforced by the state, it is a type of mandate I guess.

>> No.15555333

Switzerland had none of that. For a few months we had 3G in restaurants and bars, which means you needed proof that you were previously infected, vaccinated or tested negative, which was done by the government for free. For 3 more months we had 2G, which is the same as 3G only that tests weren't accepted.
So in the worst case that you dodged the disease for 2 years and refused the vaccine, you couldn't go to a bar for 3 months. Who the fuck loses their career, ability to pay mortgage, access to education and socialisation by not going to a bar for 3 months? inb4 waiters, the rules only applied to customers.

>> No.15555344

>Switzerland had none of that.
Not even for children attending at school?
Then you migh know anita Petek Dimmer.
A former Big Farma Women who blew the whistle in 2008 on the concealing of childhood deaths and infant deaths and retardation caused by vaccines.


And there were a lot of doctors from switzerland who blew the whistle long before covid on the senselessness of vaccines and pediatritians witnessing the transformation of a giggly healthy child into a vegetable of agony more then once.

>> No.15555347

Oh that's nice. In New Zealand people lost their jobs, houses etc. Some committed suicide. There was no consideration for previous infections or anything reasonable like that. A very bleak time. Paradigm shift tier. Many of the choices were punitive above all, for example, they took away the income from unvaxxed boomers caring for their disabled/retarded family members, even if it meant that the disabled/retarded person would get no support from elsewhere, because no care is better than unvaxxed care. They preferred nurses who had Covid symptoms to unvaccinated nurses who had previously been infected. The list goes on. Since then there is no acknowledgement that most of these rules made no sense and achieved nothing but harm. No entity with any power dissented in any way, nor will they in the future.

>> No.15555356

this is why normie deodorants are cancer

>> No.15555368

I wasn't even talking about the covid vax, but that's definitely the worst example. In the USA you can't go to school if you haven't been vaccinated with the 70-injection mandatory panel, and it's illegal not to go to school.

>> No.15555370
File: 7 KB, 404x125, 1646474207148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be retarded.
There is a distinction in absorption and injection.

And also in Deodorants is not Aluminium hydroxide but alominiumchlorides.
Vastly different chemical capabilities.

Also puting on deodorant after shaving is retarded even with no alumium in the deodorants because the perfume, benzoles and other emulsifiers are also toxic and can be retained in fatty tissue.

The aluminium in deodorant hype is to explain away the aluminium findings correlating with various inflamatory and neurological diseases.
>guuuys its the deodorants not the vaccines
>get vaxxed.

>> No.15555373

>shilling vaccine toxicity
>ignoring deodorant toxicity
Listen up you stupid nigger. Aluminum deodorants are toxic directly to the skin on application. Many people get terrible rashes resulting from this toxicity.

>> No.15555394

Its calle type 4 allergy. Because you ger literally made alergic to aluminium by injecting it.




You get overly sensible to quasi inert or low toxicity and route of toxicity products.

A metal allergy.
Deodorants are not the cause.
Deodorants are the canary in the coalmine exposing the aquired sensibility to aluminium after getting injected with aluminium.

>> No.15555496
File: 64 KB, 924x517, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me neither.

All vaccines are used as a downgrade mechanism for health.
Almost no kid has no allergies, chronic disease, chronic inflamation, fatigue syndromes, cognitive and attention disorders.

Also the infant death rate is increasing.
Not the "SIDS" because this only includes "sudden and unexplained".
But death by apnoe, epilepsy, seizures, brain inflamation, dieahrea (shit to death) or sudden onset of juvenile diabetis type 1 (or also called infant diabetis) AND SIDS together.

And SIDS happens exactly between 2 and 4 months the most.
Childhood epilepsy happens the most around 3 months:

And guess when the Western world decides to put a minimum of 4 vaccines at once into a child?
At 2 months and 3 months and 4 months.

>> No.15555575



>> No.15555882

why would anyone bother, nobody important or competent in any way is an antivaxer beyond the scope of basic caution, it's like debunking flat earthers, it does nothing

>> No.15555888

I am not google, if you wanted sources you'd read them. You don't want sources, you want to disagree and be angry. Fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15555920

Weird to see vaxxies coping like this. If no evidence exists showing they are safe then no rational person would take them. Surely some evidence exists?

>> No.15555988

>Here are 500 papers showing that vaccines work
>Why not 501 huh? Suspicious.

>> No.15556044

Because they know they did the shady shit people call them out for

>> No.15556075

I didn't take and won't take covid vaccines or any other vaccines now.
If you did accept that you fucked up in probably the largest way in your life. No amount of whining on the internet like this is going to reverse it. You failed.

>> No.15556081

but we knew since before this started that they aren't safe, this isn't anything new, it's just that the benefits by far outweigh the downsides

>> No.15556107

>it's just that the benefits by far outweigh the downsides
Prove it

>> No.15556258

each time they try they get fucked by their own findings.
remember when they try to blame the heart complications on covid?
even though the phenomenon started alongside the vaccine distribution
>We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.

>> No.15556264

The funny thing is that you never needed data, studies, or even recent development to know not to take the vaccines. It should've been apparent that they were the wrong choice considering the evils of governments, medical corporations, and news outlets. Pfizer had been sued billions by 2020 for fraudulent data, product-induced injuries, and bribery.
I mean come on, you had to be REALLY dumb to not think of any of this.

>> No.15556302

Nice Try Nazi Chud

>> No.15556381


oh reuters fact checks.
The pinacle of science.
With no dick in the game and financiers or boardmembers of the pharma industry.

Fact checks.
Because it has fact in the name it means it's fact.


>> No.15556404

>We did not observe
Did they observe the Higgs boson? No? Then it must not exist. That's your logic, isn't it?

>> No.15556476

Any one with half a brain cell understands Covid "vaccines" are pseudo gene editing and refuse them on principles of anti retardation. They aren't eradicating polio or HIV or AIDS, it's a shitty slop work solution for a escaped weak ass bioweapon.

>> No.15556486

Maybe you'd be smarter if you had a full brain cell or two.

>> No.15556556
File: 81 KB, 683x1024, 61Lyob7R5XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your input science believer, make sure not to read anything but MSNBC flashy headlines

>> No.15557250

>Did they observe the Higgs boson? No? Then it must not exist.

If it cannot be shown to exist then it is nothing but a hypthesis.

Myocarditis exists.
Therefore you can show how often it occurs.

>> No.15557276

That's not how particle physics works. You are also looking for excess events. The authors of the paper linked above didn't find excess events in the mass range of the alleged Higgs boson -> it doesn't exist.

>> No.15557815


>> No.15557817

>Did they observe the Higgs boson?

>> No.15558038

good one

>> No.15559698

the treatment of rabies is generally funny.


>A few physicians recommended that
cauterization be preceded by vigorous ablution by pouring water into the wound from
a great height, sometimes for a period of several hours after the bite
>Lancet recommended that every adult carry caustic at all times so
that cauterization could be carried out immediately after the bite. The
usual caustic was nitrate of silver, but stronger substances such as caustic potash, the strongest nitric acid ), or even sulphuric acid
>one finds recommendations for the use of boiling oil
and of red hot iron, one physician recommended exploding
gunpowder in the wound

"It is generally agreed that medicine became scientific through the course of the
nineteenth century"

And to my astonishment, there is not a single case of rabies documented in which they really observed the natural cause of the disease.
They literally poisoned and tortured the people, with wierd procedures.

And retrospectively they never take these into their view when talking about rabies.
They act like "rabies" alone had this horriffic cause, when it might just be iatrogenic sadistic treatments and overvaccination which lead to the deadliness of the disease.

>25 injections slightly stronger each dose

Big brain time-

>> No.15559714

>And to my astonishment, there is not a single case of rabies documented in which they really observed the natural cause of the disease.
What's that supposed to mean? You don't believe in rabies viruses?

>> No.15559729

>What's that supposed to mean

It means:
>to my astonishment, there is not a single case of rabies documented in which they really observed the natural cause of the disease.

and nothing else.
There is only invasive and questionable treated patients.
So I wonder how they even know if it was not their retarded treatments, that worsened the cause of the disease to a level that made the disease so fearsome.
Also I presented the source of the treatment, and even they state, that the disease has the exact same symptoms as:
>mercury, lead, strichnyn, mushroom etc poisoning

So since they also adminstered calomel and put mercury ointments on the wounds, how can they know what the course of the disease would typically be.
They even restrained people to beds and surgically cut on them without ansethesia, which is torture.
And if you are sick, and get a surgury without ansethesia, I bet the pain and shock and trauma worsens the disease.

>> No.15559828
File: 234 KB, 802x840, 1626642320859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one physician recommended exploding
>gunpowder in the wound

>> No.15559838

How can we have a discussion about vaccines when the definition of vaccine isn't stable?

>> No.15559844

A more apt analogy is that current vaccination will someday be looked at the same as General Washington knowingly killing one percent of his own men with smallpox.

>> No.15559849
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>> No.15559931

>You don't believe in rabies viruses?
do you?

>> No.15560166
File: 57 KB, 480x712, 1628030600323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did they observe the Higgs boson? No? Then it must not exist. That's your logic, isn't it?

>> No.15560759
File: 257 KB, 1268x660, WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then boom you can debunk the antivaxers just like that.
But they cannot, because you cannot debunk facts, and all facts point to "vaccines" being a major health problem.

Here is the scary part, it is on purpose. To create more pharma-dependent populations and to make the populaces of certain areas weaker and easier to control overall, by the rich 1% elite.

>> No.15561396

What are the proofs that vaccines cause autism?

>> No.15561412

There’s no proof but there is evidence. A better question is where is the proof that they aren’t a major contributor to autism? And the answer is they aren’t tested against a proper control, so we don’t know

>> No.15561435

>There’s no proof but there is evidence.
I bet this sounded much smarter in your head.

>> No.15561441

Regardless of your judgement, there is a distinction between proof and evidence

>> No.15561458

Are you hinting at "3 sigma is evidence, 5 sigma is a discovery"? That's semantics.

>> No.15561471

Evidence can be an observed pattern which leads to a hypothesis. It doesn’t need to be defined by your sigmas

>> No.15561511
File: 30 KB, 420x294, 1401235551520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aluminium is a neurotoxin
>aluminium experiments cause neurological issues in various mamals
>biopsies of autistic kids reveal a high amount of aluminium in the brain
>way higher than in the baseline
>aluminium is in vaccines
>Aluminium is a neurotoxin, except if it is put in vaccines
>just trust the science.



Aluminium neurotoxicity is not "autism causing" its causing neurological degeneration in all nerves.
Autism is only ONE effect.
It depends on where it goes and which nerves get damaged.
It can cause motoric problem, enteric nervoussystem, autonomous nervoussystem problems and cognitive problems.

It is diffuse because it is not like a "homing missle" it just damages nerves.

>> No.15561520

>aluminium is in vaccines
Aluminium is also in MacBooks and deodorant.
>Aluminium is a neurotoxin, except if it is put in laptops and deodorants
I think you're taking quite some leaps there, chud.

>> No.15561541
File: 246 KB, 672x1920, the_excipients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aluminium is also in MacBooks and deodorant.
Do you INJECT deodorants or macbooks into the interstitium of a infant or child?

>buuuht its not inject into the bloooood stream

Injection is always bypassing all detox pathways of the body.
Also in the vaccines is not "Aluminium chloride" or "aluminiumoxide" like it is on "macbooks" or in "deodorants".
But it is aluminiumydroxide (amphoteric) and
> aluminium phosphate (corrosive irritant, which after corrosion turn into AL3+)

which are both reactive and will convert to AL3+ , which is literally noted in all vaccine inserts:

"The ion form of aluminum (Al3+) is biologically toxic and readily infiltrates the central nervous system and accumulate within the brain, leading to severe diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease"

>> No.15561564

Aluminium is the most prevalent material in our eath crust.
Yet it is in a inert form.
Thats why we are fine.
Here is a fine documentary from 2014 abou the "manufacturing" of aluminium and how humans turn it to a toxin by "solving it from its mineral form":


It is bound to silica or is oxidated, hence inert.
Even swallowing tinfoil is not that porblematic because it has a oxide layer on top, and if reacting with your bodily fuilds when eating, it binds to oxidants in your digestive system again, which makes them inert.

The substance aluminium hydroxide or phosphates or other aluminium salts are reactive.
They react.
And vaccines are specifically created, to make sure the chemical reactions happens when the vaccine solution is injected, then it reacts, which causes a "irritation", which is specifically why it is used as an adjuvant.

But the issue is:
>what happens with the products of the reaction?
Does it go away?
Does it get excreted?
And the answer is astonishingly "we do not know".
Nobody knows because nobody dares to look, and those who dare to look, will get ignored and there concerns get dismissed.

>> No.15561565

what is the evidence?

>> No.15561581


>> No.15561797

Rabies is a deadly disease and to cure it you used to get injected a ton of times to not die
Idk your picture

>> No.15561801

>cure it you used to get injected a ton of times to
still die

>> No.15561812

My bad, I didn't post a reference to some evidence, I posted the reference to a bunch of non sequiturs. I don't know how to delete my comment, so please ignore it.

>> No.15561828

>Aluminium is the most prevalent material in our eath crust.
Lol wut

>> No.15561832
File: 59 KB, 793x391, alum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be accurate aluminium is the third most abundant element, and the most abundant metal, in the Earth’s crust. The principal ore is bauxite, which contains a mixture of aluminium hydroxides, which will be seperatey by the use of the caustic chemical sodium hydroxide.
You can watch the documentary I linked

>> No.15561889

Yeah, he's pretty far gone.

>> No.15561920

Implying that:
>injecting 25 times phenolized vaccines with nothing by the ground up nervous system of "rabid" dogs is not far gone
>pouring water into the wound from a great height, sometimes for a period of several hours after the bite is not far gone
>cauterization with nitrate of silver, but stronger substances such as caustic potash, the strongest nitric acid, or even sulphuric acid is not far gone
>the use of boiling oil is not far gone
>cauterisation by red hot iron is not far gone
>exploding gunpowder in the wound is not far gone

>> No.15562004

These things sound like 18th/19th century quackery. If that's your bar, then it's an extremely low one.

>> No.15562020

so you're saying that people in the 18th/19th century didn't know whether rabies virus exists and rabies vaccine works?

>> No.15562041

>Virtually all infections with rabies resulted in death until two French scientists, Louis Pasteur and Émile Roux, developed the first rabies vaccination in 1885.
So, vaccine > everything else, including gunpowder

>> No.15562053

just don't get bit by weird animals retard

>> No.15562060
File: 86 KB, 508x462, iatrogenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok maybe you can raise your IQ to above room temperature for this.

Imagine the following scenario:
>there was never a rabies case minimaly invasive treated

>the people were restrained to bed, not when scientifically diagnosed "rabid" but simply by just being bitten by an animal
>equating "animal bite" with "rabies".
>inducing panic
>then they cauterized their wounds and used mercury ointments and medicine "cure them"
>sometimes even aputating them without anesthesia
>then they died

And this was the trick they did every time:
>patient bitte, PANIC!!!
>throw kitchensink at them and poison them
>oh it was the rabies that killed them

then some idiot with a nonworking retarded injection came along

>patient gets bitten, gets one needle
>gets better and sometimes dies.

All they had is:
>beastialic treatment vs. retarded treatment

How about people stopped dying from "rabies" because they stopped fucking poisoning them to death just because they were bitten by an animal?
Do you know what Iatrogenesis is?

>> No.15562065

i wish I was this dumb. The day that dumb people are happier in life. Is it true? Are you happy?

>> No.15562077

>I believe (thing) without investigating myself, because I Trust The Science(makes hurried gesture of obeisance)
>W-what? Why is no one debunking my predetermined sociopolitical enemies for daring to disagree with me?? Help! HELP! I need Science Army to crush anyone who does not genuflect before my Consensus!

>> No.15562083

No one who posts like you do is acting intelligently, anon. Half-assed, pseudo-witty sarcastic remarks do not an argument make. It just proves your ego is inflamed and you need to win the virtual anonymous e-points in the pathological blood feud you've given your allegiance.

If you have a point to make, make it and provide support for it. I have no idea if the other anon is accurate about rabies or not, but your complete kneejerk of a response lends more credence to his side that you would have gained had you made an actual counterpoint.

>> No.15562087

>my aunt made a bad decision, therefore I blindly trust propagandized vaccine pseudoscience that has a decades-long track record of purposely hiding safety data
Hmm, no, very unwise.

>> No.15562095

>If you have a point to make, make it and provide support for it.
You think that diseases aren't real. You're about as far gone as someone with rabies towards the end. I honestly don't have a point to make. Your mind and reality have diverged long ago and merging reality back would only lead to all sorts of conflicts. There are videos of rabid animals and humans. There are microscopes images of the virus, there are genetic sequences. What point could I possibly make to bring you back to reality?

>> No.15562104

>You think that diseases aren't real.
No I don't? Now you're just strawmanning. You've descended to posting disingenuous nonsense and there's no reason to take anything you have to say seriously.

Do you see what happens when you don't act in good faith, anon? How do you honestly think you can convince anyone of your "side", when you act like this? It's terrible.

>> No.15562109
File: 1.66 MB, 1284x1008, zinc_inhale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think that diseases aren't real.
Nobody said here that diseases aren't real.
The natural course and cause of the diseases is just called into question.
Whats wrong about that?

>> No.15562117

You claimed that rabies is caused by tying people to a bed. Go ahead, tie someone to a bed and see if they start foaming and find swallowing water impossible.

>> No.15562119

I did not. You're so pathologically dedicated to shitposting you don't even read what you're replying to. You have made no arguments. You're just screaming into the air, angry you got called on trying to pretend to be intelligent with sarcastic nonsense posts like this one >>15562065

>> No.15562135

How the fuck could you have meant >>15562060 in any other way than to spread doubt if rabies existed? Are you so retarded you forgot what you wrote or so retarded that you meant something entirely different?

>> No.15562139

>I don't understand, I did have breakfast

>> No.15562140
File: 1.22 MB, 956x1692, mercurial_past.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said that.
The foaming and "swallowing" of water issue is not a exclusive issue to rabies.
And this is known by the time as well, as it is written in the lancet here:

A neurological poisoning leads to hydrophobia.
Like for example with mercury.
And the increase of salivation:

And they did really horrific shit to those people.
I mean imagine a dog bites your ankle and then the police comes and brings you to the doctor, because you might get rabid, then they tie you to a bed, give you mercury, and discussing amputating your leg and then put cuastic substances in the wound.
I would get rabid and too.

And he:
Is a different guy.

>> No.15562152

you belong on reddit

>> No.15562195

>There are microscopes images of the virus, there are genetic sequences.
You have never checked this for yourself.

>> No.15562365

Fever and anger and the urge to flee the meidcal ward were declared as signs of rabies.

And when I read this lancet article and how they treated these "cases", it is not far fetched, that physical trauma by cutting and burning your wound with chemicals, while getting restrained to a bed while all doctors and nurses look at you with terror because they fear you beeing rabid, you would indeed appear "rabid".

>> No.15563817


>> No.15563895
File: 1.05 MB, 966x920, 20230715_100442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctors never really changed.
They know every bone and muscle by its latin name.
They can name every disease and assign it by looking it up in the ICD-10 and DSM-5 books.
Yet they speculate on the cause of disease and give medicine that just supresses the symptoms, and generates new diseases. Then obfuscate everything with Buzzword Bingo Lingo

> have High blood pressure
> "take blood pressure lowering pharmaceutical"
> "But doctor what is the cause?"
> "Uhm so yeah, there are a lot of reasons for high blood pressure, diet, excerise and age, and so on."
> "But doctor why do I have high blood pressure"
> "Uhm so yeah, there are many factors that play a role..."
> "Can we treat the cause of my high blood pressure?"
> "Uhm the cause of your blood pressure is that it is high, or as we call it Hypertension, high blood pressure is classified as primary essential hypertension or secondary hypertension, hypertension was believed to have been a factor in 18% of all deaths."
> *doctor rolls frantically with his small Doctor's chair towards you & pulls down his glasses slightly*
> "Severely elevated blood pressure, equal to or greater than a systolic 180 or diastolic of 110, is referred to as a hypertensive crisis, and that is what we want to avoid. Hypertensive crisis is categorized as either hypertensive urgency or hypertensive emergency, according to the absence or presence of end organ damage, respectively."
> "That sounds bad, but how can I improve my health further, I am young, do sport and eat healthy. And you still did not elaborate what is the actually cause of my illness."
> *doctor writes angrily the prescription*
> "Take it or leave it. I studied medicine and not you!"
> "But you only regurgitated the definition and mechanism of action of high blood pressure with technical terms"
> "leave my office now and take the meds"

>> No.15563911

Because boomers are consoomers that need to be reminded about vaccine as if it was some cereals

>> No.15563923

You're confusing medical doctors with scientists. A doctor is exactly this: They apply an established best practice. You don't do fundamental research in a hospital. If the patient shows symptoms of a known disease, the lab tests show that the patient tests positive for whatever bug, they treat the patient the way others have found to be optimal for when a patient has that bug and those symptoms. That's literally their job. Do you complain about your car mechanic if just applying some grease without looking into the deep cause of friction between two different alloys?

>> No.15563928

See >>15553600

>> No.15564135

your mistake lies in the assumption that "estabilished best practice" means that some time ago some group of very wise and moral men put their heads together and did their best to figure out what was best for the patient. but the truth is that a Merck executive shook hand with a CDC executive and that's pretty much it.

>> No.15564171

I'm not assuming anything, I was only explaining the job of a doctor. However, your assumption most certainly is wrong. Medical guidelines aren't dictated by your national CDC, so whatever corruption in your shithole might exist doesn't imply a global conspiracy between government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, medical guidelines are based on clinical research, which isn't conducted by your GP. Your GP's job is to know a lot of things and look up the details in the guidelines.

>> No.15564203
File: 784 KB, 1032x3140, modern_is_better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude nearly a third of all approved meds get pulled of the marked after they were "studied" so well.

Also there is a massive cover up and a neglect on patients who were harmed because of these meds, who then require care for life because of these meds.

The cdc is funded by 80% by big Pharma and not by the government:

Here is a excerpt on "gifts" given to the CDC through the fiscal years: 2018-2019.

>> No.15564225

Why do they get pulled off the market if all it takes is a handshake? Does Merck regularly forget to pay its monthly fee?

Also, stop bringing up the CDC. I don't give a flying fuck about your shithole country. Also, not even in your shithole it's the CDC that approves new drugs, it's the FDA. So not only are you making irrelevant points, you're also wrong about them.

>> No.15564230

do you read that medical research?

>> No.15564244

No, I'm also not interested in a conversation ridden in moved goalposts. The chain is the following:
Medical research -> guidelines -> doctors applying these guidelines
It would be audacious to claim that as a physicist I understand medical research better than those writing the guidelines. I don't even understand solid state physics well enough to be able to review a scientific paper. And then there are these high school dropouts on Facebook who read some medical open access article and wildly misinterpret things.

>> No.15564281

Not the anon you are talking to but interesting that you mention a mechanic...

Recently I took my car to a mechanic because it was misfiring. He said it's the spark plugs and replaced them. Waste of money. The fucking retard was too lazy and greedy to check the actual cause. The car was still misfiring, so I bought a OBD2 scanner and it came up with "Misfire on cylinder 1" so I swapped coils 1 & 2, and now it was saying "Misfire on cylinder 2". I replaced the coil that was originally in cylinder 1 and the car runs great now. Stupid mechanic.

A similar thing happened with a doctor. I had a rash. Doctor said it was "eczema" just by looking at it for 5 seconds, he told me to stop using too much soap and gave me corticosteroid cream. It worked to alleviate the symptoms but the rash kept coming back as soon as I stopped using the cream. I took it upon myself to get the rash tested because the doctor refused, and the test came back positive for staph infection. So I washed the fuck out of the rash and stopped using the steroid cream. The rash was gone in a week. Stupid fucking doctor.

>> No.15564287

>Medical research -> guidelines -> doctors applying these guidelines
*Pharmaceutical company funded medical research -> guidelines -> doctors applying these guidelines
Fixed it for ya

>> No.15564325

>Why do they get pulled off the market
To stop angering the people and drawing to much attention.
To give a sense of "orderlyness" and "fairness" and "justice".

It is a PR stunt.
>see guys we protect you
>consoom this new product by the same company we just approved
>won't happen again
>big bro promise

You need customers to keep coming back.
The question is always:
>can we hide it and use plausible denyability
>if no we need to pull the plug

>> No.15564350

You argue like a women try to argue the point instead of getting emotional because somebody does not belief the same as you. Its really showing how your beliefs are attached to your emotions religious freak

>> No.15564355

so you blindly trust the experts

>> No.15564362

What other choice do I have? I can't become an expert in everything myself.

>> No.15564383

>What other choice do I have? I can't become an expert in everything myself.

What a dumb argument.
You do not even have to become a expert.
I do not have to have a degree in engeneering nor to be a pilot to know that a burning turbine is bad for a plane.

>> No.15564405

You don't call an engineer to tell you if a turbine is working or not. You call them if the turbine rumbles so they can give their judgment if you should reduce throttle, turn it off completely, or if it's okay to inspect it after landing. They will also tell you what regular maintenance is recommended to avoid critical mistakes. Yes, I listen to the mechanic telling me to replace my brake pads every x kilometres the same way I listen to my doctor telling me to get a tetanus shot every 10 years.

>> No.15564425

you think your doctor can give you a scientific evidence that tetanus shot every 10 years is beneficial for you?

>> No.15564803

Not knowing the basic functions of a car and what parts do what, lead to car mechanics ripping you off.
Its a fact that it is pretty common that car mechanics or most mechanics are using scam tactics to push services on you, that are not required.

Same for computer/electronic device repair.
You strawman this like there are only two options:
Being naive and uninformed or beeing a top level expert.

Either you are trolling or are really pretty dumb and cope with: "I do not have time to be well informed" to conceal you naivity, lazyness or inability to compute information that is not dumbed down to ELI5-Style.

>> No.15565822

science is just as autocratic and toxic today as it was back then

>> No.15565829

You think your mechanic can give you scientific evidence that you need to replace your brake pads after 100,000 km?
I'm sorry you're a woman, but tits or gtfo

>> No.15565861

why do you trust your doctor when he tells you to get vaccinated then?

>> No.15566159
File: 29 KB, 500x375, brake-pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think your mechanic can give you scientific evidence that you need to replace your brake pads after 100,000 km?

This is literally established...
Because there is literally scientific evidence that this happens, there is scientific evidence that frictions exists, there is scientific evidence that friction causes wear and tear.
This is actually "settled" science, because you can simply investigate break pads, by isolating them from the car and see the effect.

>> No.15566182

Post evidence that this is related to distance traveled. You're claiming that driving 100,000km without stopping causes the same wear as driving 1m, stopping, and repeating this 100,000,000 times.

>> No.15566196

>You're claiming that driving 100,000km without stopping causes the same wear as driving 1m, stopping, and repeating this 100,000,000 times

I never claimed this.
Nobody drives that way.

Average driving requires a break and frequent usage of it adjust speed and stopping.
Under Real life conditions:

Are a you a carless loser?

>> No.15566204

>real life conditions
As dictated by the brake industry. You should do your own research and not trust what they want you to believe.

>> No.15566208

Nta but yeah, my primary care physician probably can. If your PCP can't, you should get established with one that can.

>> No.15566209
File: 59 KB, 500x361, 9.-Bayer-Heroin-Hydrochloride-Heroin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you literally switch topic like a women.

>rabies and tetanus is a dangerous as the 150 year old folklore is telling us, while we ignore the foundational "Standard of care" which involoved torturing and poisoning the patients, because it is the same as car breaks.

>> No.15566214

>You should do your own research and not trust what they want you to believe.
Funny that you can say this, because I do this everytime.

You know what you can do, when a car mechanic says: "You need to change your break pads." ?

You can literally just say: "show me"
And then you can easily verify for yourself if the break pad is used down to become a risk.

This is a thing you cannot do with:
>the folklore of vaccines and muh deadly diseases

>> No.15566229

>This is a thing you cannot do with:
>>the folklore of vaccines and muh deadly diseases
I'm sorry you never went to school. We unironically learnt more about the immune system than about brakes.

>> No.15566263

>We unironically learnt more about the immune system than about brakes.
Let me correct you:

We unironically were more forcefed about folklores about the the immune system than about brakes.

>> No.15566268

I am 100% certain that your primary care physician has never read any primary scientific papers about the discovery of the bacteria causing tetanus, the vaccine etc. he would be an antivaxer otherwise.

>> No.15566269

>i was homeschooled and sexually harassed by my teacher

>> No.15566290
File: 257 KB, 850x850, u274s771yuj41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never read the primary resources about anything because I am unable to compute information that is not dumbed down to ELI5 niveau

>> No.15566305

I am sure they've also told you everything about the discovery of the immune system and the experiments that have proved the theory to be correct. It's not like they simply presented the facts in front of you so that you could memorize them, right? Right?

>> No.15566657

i think its pretty clear that they didn't find any correlation for heart inflammations and covid in the large scale study that was dedicated to examine exactly that

>> No.15566800

All you have to do is chelation with NAC and you're done. It's not hard.

Except the "vaccine" for covid-19. That one is just full of shit. Never seen one perform as badly as that one.

>> No.15566802

kek, he fucking crumpled after an anon replied with two words. How fucking weak are you retard?

>> No.15566891

>muh pol
Tell me pol once ripped you a new asshole without telling me pol once ripped you a new asshole

>> No.15566927

you could just drink silver water, colloidal silver, to kill rabies and other bacteria, virus infections. studies in india are being done to make this common knowledge even with big pharma trying to stop it, why our myths and tales talk of silver stakes, silver bullets, born with a silver spoon, etc etc

i see no reason to vax anything when i can easily stop any infection with some silver water, colloidal silver.

>> No.15566958

How can fat, unemployed keyboard warriors tear anyone a new asshole? Do you think, calling someone the n-word online counts as tearing someone a new asshole?

>> No.15567170

Why in the fuck is aluminium in vaccines?!

>> No.15567237

because vaccines are like a training for your immune system. they're supposed to make you sick as fuck. that means it's working.

>> No.15568083

because its cheaper than mercury

>> No.15568225
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>Between 3 and 5 months of age, children who received DTP and OPV early had 5-fold higher mortality than still unvaccinated children.


They could study the effects of vaccines, but there has been one study comparing the vaccinated v unvaccinated. And the result, if confirmed by studies, would cost hundreds of billions in profits. Science is about private profit, so antivax is anti-science.

>> No.15568275

>cost hundreds of billions in profits
How detached from reality are you? Do you know how much hundreds of billions is? In 2019, Pfizer had a revenue (not profits!) of 51 billion.

>> No.15568391

Step one:
>vaccinate people (make money of the vax)
make people sick
>sell meds to sick people
>people become customer for life
>make money on meds

Pretending only one company exists.
Pretending they do not have the same shareholders and investors.
Merck, Sanoufi, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithClyne etc. all have same shareholders and interest.
>muh hundrets of billions
>muh take this exageration literally
>muh semantics make the argument invalid that big Pharma profits from people consooming meds and beeing sick

>> No.15568425

>muh getting called out for lying

>> No.15568436

>randomized double-blinded study
ser, this is sci, we dont do that here

>> No.15568621
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You appear like typical niggler who constantly niggardly niggles.

>> No.15568678

epic pic

>> No.15568700

my mom is a medical doctor and told me the same shit ( we were discussing vaccines and covid )
at that point, i just gave up
something changed
i suddenly understood my moms psychology and the general npc attitude
this way of thinking still strikes me as really bizzare but anyways, i cannot deny the reality, and since that moment i realised there is no one to talk to anymore, they deeply do not care

on a second thought, i think it has to do with the changing of times and the information access the internet brings with it

>> No.15568736

>i suddenly understood my moms psychology and the general npc attitude

It is a self preservation mechanism, to not get exposed to a uncomfortable truth which then threatens your percieved reality.

Because doctors HAVE to say "I did my best according to the knowledge available to me".
If they would know more, they would feel guilt.
So they rather stay uninformed, to always be able to fallback "I could not have known".

Imagine they would actually look.
>everything they did was actually bad or at least questionable
>everything they will do because they are required to do it because it is their "job"
>they will feel complicit in a fraud
>they will get an existential crisis

They will avoid this at all costs.
They do not want to know that they did nothing but having the skill to memorize a phone book full of latin and greek words associated with some conditions.

>> No.15568813

>They will avoid this at all costs.
I am curious to hear your opinion regarding the deeper implications of such behavior. Assuming the whole covid vaccine shenanaza, as we can currently see and understand, is as bad as we see. we went through the unexpected and suddenly waves and arrived at the tumor weeks era. blood has been spilled. especially by younger folks. this reality if ignored by the conscious will inevitably sink deep into the unconscious for a certain incubation period and at some point should emerge guns blazing back into reality. what do you recon its manifestation be like?
i have been debating such thoughts with myself for a while now. an analogy that usually comes to my mind, is Jung's patients dreams, propheting a leader. the on the knees situation of germany at the time and the total degeneracy in their public life. Our times are much different, technology etc. I wonder whats up is ahead for us.

>> No.15569238

>my mom is a medical doctor
she isn't, women can't be doctors, they can only larp as doctors while hiding behind feminism and affirmative action

>> No.15570499

>Why is the science and the medical oversight refusing to debunk antivaxxers?
Because they can't
Injecting mercury into babies is an unhealthy practice

>> No.15570510

Mercury is safe and effective. You can't detect it in the bloodstream after six months, because it has accrued in the brain by that point. Safe and effective.

>> No.15570635

Tell me how well your ivermectin has been working for you

>> No.15570784
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>Mercury is safe and effective
this is literally what they said, since always.

>> No.15570905

I like how every time there's an antivaxxer thread and you push them far enough they descend into denying germ theory, modern biomedical science, the physical world itself and start schizoranting about spiritualistic, alchemical voodoo bullshit >>15554415 >>15566927 , demonstrate 0 understanding of even the most basic chemistry/biology and then wonder why everyone just laughs at them when they demand 'studies' while believing in healing crystal homeopathy energies or whatever the fuck and eating spoonfuls a drug that targets nematode cells to try to kill a fucking virus kek

>> No.15570929
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>deflect with esotherics of an random retard
>not providing source
>not debating the core topic
>lost the argument
>not even slightly admitting that the medical scientific community is the most corrupt scientific community by example because it is funded by corrupt coorperations
>not even acknowledging the lies this industry has told people
>not even acknowledging the justified mistrust because of fraud that is going on since hundrets of years
>by biochemists/chemists/oiligarchs who want to push their juices into people for profit and the eternal dependent customer base

>> No.15570932

>esotherics of an random retard
but that retard is (you)
sorry didn't read the rest
try an entertaining post about how thr rabies virus doesn't exist if you want me to read it

>> No.15570936

>how every time
>they descend into denying
is that u shlomo? psyop bot broke again?

>> No.15570940

you can learn about this enough just to know when someone is trying to bullshit.
if anyone offer you an insurance you go and read about it right?
if you are going to buy a car you go and read about it right?
same fucking thing.
its like you "people" don't own your thoughts

>> No.15570941

>contrarian schizoretard malfunction
>revert to jewsposting protocol

>> No.15570952

>claim antivaxxers have 0 understanding of biology
>gets called out

>> No.15570956

my nigga you're eating ivermectin to kill a virus
i won't even explain why that's funny, it's better that way

>> No.15570959

>Ivermectin is an FDA-approved broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent with demonstrated antiviral activity against a number of DNA and RNA viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

>> No.15570980

Please do not spread this retarded meme of Ivermectin.
This is the downfall of all pandemic critics.
This shit is crap and does not even be beneficial.
In the studies it only appears beneficial because it is compared to stronger crap like:
And mixtures of sedatives and opiates.

It strong poisoning vs. lesser poisoning
But never vs. No poisoning.
You get tricked into consooming a product for a virus that simply does not exist.
it's all memes and charlatanery.

>> No.15570983
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Looked deeper into the claims.
And holy fuck:

"Having continued this plan for at least three or four hours, the next business the surgeon has to perform is, to cut away all ragged and uneven parts of the wound, and to dissect away the bottom and sides, so as to reduce the laceration to the state of a simple incision; after which, he will still pour more warm water from a height, and thus encourage the bleeding which his incisions have caused. The water having now more freedom of entering and carrying out all lodgment from the sinuosities and excava tions of the wounds, the patient becomes still more secure.
When both and practitioner are exhausted by prompt, energetic, and continued and percussion, the wound, instead of attempted to be healed by the first intention, should be dressed with a cataplasm of bread and water, upon the surface of which an ounce of strong mercurial ointment should be spread. Instead of mercurial cataplasm, a suppurative ointment may, in some cases, be applied, composed of about one ounce of cerate of black pitch, two drachms of balsam copaiba, and one drachm of the red precipitate of mercury. "


>ounce of strong mercurial ointment should be spread

So they put mercury directly on the wound of people who were bitten by a dog?
And then flipped shit, when the person developed neurological symptoms.

>> No.15570996

you assume too much i never took it.
i just response to the shithead who claim it doesn't used to mitigate virus infections

>> No.15571023

>willing to discuss anything that is either the narrative or the counter narrative ( psyos ).
>ignores substantial info not fit for neither of the narratives
I wonder who could it be.

>> No.15571054

nice find. its so weird. u look deeper than the surface level on historical event, and enigmas just stare back at you.
>>15562109 wtf is this? wat for real?
mark kulacz from housatonic does a deep dive
into the 1918 flu pandemic, lo and behold, its kinda fake.
i don't know anymore. but i do appreciate the effort/historical posting. cheers.
and soon with the AI garbage polluting our space, we won't even be able to tell. back to mysticism we accelerate.

>> No.15571064

Yeah, that was over 60 years before viruses were even discovered as being different from bacteria.
> So they put mercury directly on the wound of people who were bitten by a dog?
I can't imagine that they treated more than a small percentage of cases like this
>And then flipped shit, when the person developed neurological symptoms.
Again, probably 99% of the people got rabies without quackery.

>> No.15571072

It alway was the same:
>100 BC - 300AD
>Leprosy pandemic
>Declare anyone as Leper who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash
>send them to leper colonies, force them to wear bells arround neck
>make people kill the lepers
>suddenly disappears after christian medical council decides: "Now someony is only a leper if their skin is rotting, and libs are falling of"
>Leprocy pandemic is over

>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>Force medicate them with mercury, scalp them and burn their farms because "it could spread"
>even execution is on the list for beeing declared as "pestilence infested"
>if people die because of the treatment or starve, collect their property and hand it over to the catholic church
>1400AD Catholic medical council decides: "Now only people who have foul bumps are pestilent"
>Pestilence is now over

>~1500 AD
>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>repeat pattern

>~1800 AD
>Syphillis epidemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Syphillis who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Calomel and arsenic as "preventative medicine " salvarsan by paul erlich
>people get sick
>must be the syphilis
>medical council now says: "only people who have smelly wierd foulish genitalia are syphilis vicitims"
>epidemic is over

>> No.15571076

>Again, probably 99% of the people got rabies without quackery

Standard of care during the 1800s - 1940s included always the use of mercruy (mostly calomel) and potassium antimony tatrate.

The use of mercury was favoured because the people salivated then a lot, and they thought because of the high salivation the people would then "get rid of the disease".

Also please reread:
Especially the picrel

>> No.15571118

now that u put that way
i kneel before u and before the playbook of the powers that be
jesus christ, growing up middle class, eating up public education, and then getting some brains via the internet really does a turn on a motherfuck
i dont know why but i remember how much hidden in plain sight doc effect my view of the world
u seem to know your shit
drop some books u find worth reading

>> No.15571162
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>> No.15571195

>Vaccines are "debunked" by default
Yes, that is how science works.
You assume thing is not true and design an experiment that would show that thing is not true. For instance, you inject people with the juice you got from a cow's pox blisters and then you find out that their smallpox infections are very mild or asymptomatic.
If the cow plague juice didn't help against smallpox, these people would be dead, but they are not.

Therefore occulation works in principle and is scientifically proven.
Everything else is just window dressing.

>> No.15571199

>Which one is it and why?
It's b, because we know what metal poisoning looks like and it isn't what getting scratched by a rusty nail looks like and the amounts of metal you absorb like that are smaller than the amounts you'd need to get metal poisoning and after you scratch yourself and wash your wound the metal isn't replicating inside you.

>> No.15571214

How do you know?
Tetanus is a clinical syndrome without confirmatory laboratory tests.
There is not a single test which is able to verify a "tetanus toxoid" nor "tetanus antibodies".

It's all a clinical observation.
The exclusion of "low amounts of rust" is sadly wrongly based on the assumption that nails are completely made from iron.
Almost every nail is nickle plated and has other impurities.

It is all based on circumstancial evidence.
There is no scientific evidence of a tetanus bacteria, producing enough toxoids to induce the effect of tetanus.
They observe a symptom complex and then claim it to be tetanus.

>> No.15571223

>The exclusion of "low amounts of rust" is sadly wrongly based on the assumption that nails are completely made from iron.
I said "metal", not "iron", not "rust", not "nickel". It is based on the correct assumption that we know what metal poisoning looks like.
Try agin, friend. But if you want the metal poisoning hypothesis, please name the metal, the symptoms and the typical amount of that metal found in a few micrograms of rust.

>How do you know?
Why do I need to know?
What specifically causes tetanus is irrelevant in the first place. I know what does not, which is trace amounts of toxic metals, we know this because metal toxicity presents differently from the syndrome we call "tetanus" and we know the amounts of metal required to cause metal poisoning. And we can easily estimate that whatever is in the dust of a rusty nail isn't enough. We could even measure the dust on something like an ICP-MS/OES to know exactly how much of each metal is there and then we can see if that matches literature or we can get a rat and put that much metal into the rat. There are ways to disprove metal toxicity in this instance.

If I have the choice between "metals" and "bacteria" in this specific example, it is obviously the bacterium, because it cannot be the metals. I know the cause, because I know what isn't the cause.

>> No.15571240

you're making stuff up. the data speak against smallpox vaccination.

>> No.15571256

>I know the cause, because I know what isn't the cause.
No you don't, you don't know the cause.
Neither does anyone, since no scientific experiment was ever conducted.
Showing on or another.

It can also be a allergic reaction (type 4 allergy) to a metal in nail, which leads to the worsening of the disease.
But is only circumstancial evidence anyways.
The absence of proof does not prove one or another.

>> No.15571257

>they descend into denying germ theory
why do *you* believe in germ theory, anon?

>> No.15571261

Man I got like 50 tick bites in Austria and Slovenia. Do I have to this virus now?
I went to the hospital after but they said I was fine and I don't think the gave me any vaccine. They just checked for symptoms of borreliosis.

>> No.15571262

How do you know it's Clostridium tetani and not some other bacteria out of the millions living in the environment?

>> No.15571264

Lthis article is about borreliosis. They were talking about TBE. One is a bacterial infection common on all continents and the other is a virus, which is currently only common in Eurasia.

>> No.15571291

Why are you posting doughnuts in here?

>> No.15571309

>the data speak against smallpox vaccination.
may I see it?

>> No.15571326

>No you don't, you don't know the cause.
Yeah, I do. In your example it is either a or b. There are no other options, because that is how you framed the question. We can reject a decisively, therefore it must be b.

>It can also be a allergic reaction (type 4 allergy) to a metal in nail, which leads to the worsening of the disease.
I can be, but wasn't in the two options you initially offered, are moving the goalposts now?

>The absence of proof does not prove one or another.
It does in this instance. If a is not true, b must be true and vice versa.

Maybe you should learn to frame your questions better and more open-ended?

>How do you know it's Clostridium tetani and not some other bacteria out of the millions living in the environment?
I do not need to know that it is Clostridium tetani. I need to know that it is "a bacteria that for some reason likes to live on rusty nails" as per >>15554399.

>> No.15571462

>The CDC has better things to do

Have you been hiding under a rock for the last 4 years?

>> No.15571725
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>he would be an antivaxer otherwise.
no, he would still profess whatever beliefs kept the most money rolling in

>> No.15571737

So she was right and needed prompt attention. Based doctors if she was old and unfit. Unbased if she was healthy and of value to society.

>> No.15571849

How do you know it's a bacteria poisoning and not poisoning by any of the million other things on the nail that got into your blood?

>> No.15572131

Its only one specific bacteria that also likes to live on rusty nails.
And when nailed then we assume vaxxine with copioius amounts of heavy metals is only reasonable to protect from the bacteria.

>> No.15572362

>How do you know it's a bacteria poisoning
Because the choiced offere were metal and bacteria. Metal can decisively be ruled out, therefore the correct answer is the choice that isn't metal.
That's how an exclusive or works.

>> No.15572456

True and real.

>> No.15572896

primary care physicians were paid big bonuses to shill the vax to patients

>> No.15573040

>car analogy

Here is a better one.
>Look at tires, no thread on them
>Go to car mechanic
>"I see they are worn, I'll replace the tires"
>3000km later all thread gone again (To nocars, this is a really short distance for a tire to last)
>Visit mechanic again
>"I see, they are worn, I'll replace them"
>I ask, "Isn't 3000km a bit low durability for new tires?"
>They are worn, I'll replace them", the mechanic repeats

So back home, you hop on the internet and it turns out there is this thing called wheel alignment which can increase wear of the tires if it's not right. So you look at your car and indeed the alignment is off.

If this was the norm, you'd rightfully be upset with car mechanics, car mechanic school, and all kinds of car mechanic institutes.

>> No.15573826
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>> No.15574893

>Why is the science and the medical oversight refusing to debunk antivaxxers?
Because they can't

>> No.15575003
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... be bothered to argue with literal retards

>> No.15575216
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Two problems with that.
1. The hysteria and increase of cases of "lockjaw" or "tetanus" coincided with the usage and wide distribution of lead, arsenic and mercury based pesticides in the 1800s-1940s.
And sharply increased in the 1890-1910.
And the tetanus vaccine was only widespread in use after WWII to be exact the tetanus vaccine was only available in 1990s to the normal population, before that only Soildiers took it.
But the tetanus cases decreased long before the widespread use, which coincided with the decrease of lead and arsenic based pesticides.
2. If it is bacteria, then why does it now only relate to accidences involving rusty metal?
The bacteria should be everywhere, in soil on rocks, tree barks, everywhere where you could get a cut or other wound?

Before every accident at a "farming site" could lead to "lackjaw" only after WWII the whole notion of rusty nails came to be.

And now only mostly infants of the age of 2-14 days after birth get tetanus, could it be maybe a involvement of the PDA and almost never happens after the 14 days of the child beeing born.
How and why?

>> No.15575223

>2. If it is bacteria, then why does it now only relate to accidences involving rusty metal?
It doesn't, actually. That's just an urban legend. The bacteria grows in organic material in the dirt. Metal is associated with tetanus because deep wounds are difficult to clean and old nails are a common cause of deep wounds. Any wound deep enough for the bacterium to evade sterilization can lead to tetanus.

>> No.15575225

BTW tetanus was identified as early as the 5th century BC. Did they have pesticides back then?

>> No.15575232

>lets torture some bunnies to learn something we already knew
Scientists just want excuses to be sadistic

>> No.15575242

>BTW tetanus was identified as early as the 5th century
No vague symptoms of neurological disease or poisoning was identified.
No tetanus.

>> No.15575341

>1. The hysteria and increase of cases of "lockjaw" or "tetanus" coincided with the usage and wide distribution of lead, arsenic and mercury based pesticides in the 1800s-1940s. And sharply increased in the 1890-1910.
Could some sort of correlation between the development of medicine as a standardized practice be found during this time period?
Just a suggestion.

>And the tetanus vaccine was only widespread in use after WWII to be exact the tetanus vaccine was only available in 1990s to the normal population, before that only Soildiers took it.
You mean the people who crawl around in the dirt, potentially with open wounds get vaccinated against the disease you get when you get dirt in your wound? Curious.
Or are you suggesting they're getting the vaccine because it makes them less susceptible to bullets?

>But the tetanus cases decreased long before the widespread use, which coincided with the decrease of lead and arsenic based pesticides.
But doesn't that also correlate with the rise of more advanced farming techniques and organic pesticides? Could it be that due to the productivity increases, less people were crawling in the dirt getting it into small cuts or blisters and such?

>The bacteria should be everywhere, in soil on rocks, tree barks, everywhere where you could get a cut or other wound?
They are and you can get tetanus from rocks and trees and the soil.

Either way, this is moving the goalposts, because I have lined out how to disprove your the rusty nail hypothesis and the only remaining explanation you offered are bacteria. Instead of offering a bad alternate explanation, try attacking the bacteria hypothesis instead.

>> No.15575371

>Could some sort of correlation between the development of medicine as a standardized practice be found during this time period?
>Just a suggestion.
Yes. They stopped declaring everything as "tetanus".

Also they stopped experimenting with horrible crap on people with suspected tatanus.
Doctors not killing patients decreased "tetanus".

>Or are you suggesting they're getting the vaccine because it makes them less susceptible to bullets?
No They were literally nothing but lab rats, that were injected neurotoxins with the premise "it is to protect you against the tetanus", when it was simply to test, how to induce poisoning of the brain, and offload the "effects" to the "war".
Inject mercury and aluminium phosphate neurotoxins. When soldier gets "neurological issues" call it shellshock.
Easy as that.

>They are and you can get tetanus from rocks and trees and the soil.
Then provide a study in which the unequivocally demonstrated the monocausality of a specific disease caused by only a specific microcorganism.
They must have such an experiment, somewhere to demonstrate the CAUSALITY because otherwise they just made up stuff.
And still to this day:
There is not a single test which is able to verify a "tetanus toxoid" nor "tetanus antibodies".

Which is odd, because HOW IN THE FUCK DO THEY ESTABLISH CAUSALITY when there are a billion factors which play into this?!

>> No.15575377

Were you once normal?

>> No.15575386

Could you once provide a scientific study in which they establish causality?

Should be simple:
>isolate germ from soil
>strip away everything that is not the germ
>insert germ in small wound

Show causality of the clinical endpoint of the symptom cluster called tetanus.

Because I simply cannot understan how this can even be established without such an experiment.
Especially when they say:
"Typically, illness is asymptomatic or mild in the vast majority of infected persons, with a small proportion
experiencing severe disease."

Asymptomatic ILLNESS is literally a oxymoron.

>> No.15575408

Do you realise that you cannot just infect people with tetanus?

>> No.15575431

vaccines pair the pathogen to be inoculated against with a strong as fuck toxin, which your body confuses as the effect of the pathogen and trains an immune response
turns out the strong as fuck toxin makes the overall cost/benefit strong as fuck negative especially when administered to babies
and they use aluminum because mercury became politically unviable

>> No.15575457

Yeah, but you can do the same with your metal theory. And people actually have studied this subject exhaustively, so we know how much metal it takes for such symptoms to manifest.

This is how we know we can rule out your metal poisoning hypothesis.

>> No.15575460

Yes, you generally do need toxins to keep things sterile. But the immune system shows no response to organic and inorganic toxins, it only responds to biological ones.
You can let a snake bite you every day to build up resistance, because antibodies that can combat the toxin exist.

You can't inhale mercury every day to build up immunity.

>> No.15575461

I was thinking to ease my growing anxiety with this is vax situation getting a blood test. What should I look out for to see if I still have a normal human blood?

>> No.15575487

>but then you have it forever.
not necessarily

>> No.15575582

>a strong as fuck toxin
Are you referring to adjuvants? Aluminium hydroxide, for example? That's not a strong as fuck toxin. It's not even toxic. It triggers the release of uric acid which stimulates the immune system.

>> No.15575584

>What should I look out for to see if I still have a normal human blood?
With your specific question you should talk to a psychiatrist

>> No.15576153

how many boosters are you on?

>> No.15577289

>Do you realise that you cannot just infect people with tetanus?

>> No.15577315

Normal white blood cell count.

>> No.15577812

Daily reminder that the germ theory is a fraud. Contagion have never been proven. So called "virus" "cell culture" are done without control experiment. It's a giant fraud.

>> No.15577813

By the way growing anxiety is the kind of stuff that will get you sick. See german new medecine.

>> No.15577816


>> No.15578496

5, why do you ask?

>> No.15579390

You can do that test at home, just buy a microscope good enough to count blood cells

>> No.15579684

>because deep wounds are difficult to clean and old nails are a common cause of deep wounds. Any wound deep enough for the bacterium to evade sterilization
the issue here is that c. tetani is anaerobic and needs low oxygen conditions to thrive, hence the deep wounds(+dirt/soil) only thing

>> No.15580551

>Why is the science and the medical oversight incapable of debunking antivaxxers?
because vaccines are harmful

>> No.15580587

because scientists are too busy making discoveries to benefit all of humanity instead of entertaining some retard who thinks they know all?

>> No.15580715

Because high-IQ Zhangs got sick of explaining to low-IQ rednecks how they're misinterpreting data above their intellectual level, how they're failing to discern solid study protocols from bad, how they're airing their scientific illiteracy in their mouth-breather comments, etc.
Simple as.
Shift+click, another redneck thread hidden.

>> No.15580729

>scientists are too busy making discoveries to benefit all of humanity
they don't do that, they only publish replication crisis trash.

>> No.15580914

For anyone who isn't a schizo here you go.

>> No.15580925

Here's another one for anybody who actually cares to consider the anti-vaxxer's point of view.

>> No.15580946

True and real. Only a fucking idiot would trust the government with their health.
We should be talking about the punishment all those "scientists" and "medics" deserve.

>> No.15580956

You don't know shit moron. You should be impaled alive for poisoning babies.

>> No.15581659

It is so toxic, that sub milli gram amounts cause inflamation, fever and can cause HHE and other neurological acute responses, which are literally declared in each and every productinformation of vaccines.
It is so toxic, that it is specifically used to cause inflamation, in such small amounts.

>> No.15581680

you fags that talk about "nigger fatigue", it's like that but it happened 100x faster for anti vaxxers

>> No.15581736

>If its in the literature it becomes fact.
kek, your post is a goldmine
I bet you're a proud atheist who doesn't realise he started worshipping scientism instead of religious dogma

>> No.15581969
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idk and they also use really shit rhetoric and retarded smearing instead.
maybe science is not on their side and that's why they afraid of discussions and censor everyone

>> No.15581979

>people using veterinary medicine off-label
>people not adjusting the dose, literally taking a horse's dose
>people OD and end up in hospital
What else can you write in this situation?

>> No.15581995
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>lets made up retarded shit and associate it with a group of people
>there is a word for this i forgot
how did you get here so fast?

>> No.15582002

But the other tweet didn't even mention antivaxxers. It basically said: "if you're considering to take horse medicine, don't". Why are you so offended by that? Were you considering to take horse medicine?

>> No.15582019

no is basically said that people took horse medicine which is a lie.
and they denigrate this medicine despite the fact that it is a valid drug that used to treat viruses, imagine that they would do the same for antibiotics also used on animals

>> No.15582023

I hate them a little more each day

>> No.15582034

>said that people took horse medicine which is a lie.
Anon, why was there a shortage then?
>it is a valid drug that used to treat viruses
It really isn't though. It's a valid drug that is used to treat patients with parasites.
>imagine that they would do the same for antibiotics also used on animals
The point wasn't that the molecule is also used in horse medicine. The problem was that people bought medicine for horses. In horse doses. Because you can't get the human version without a prescription. And no one gave those people a prescription, since they didn't have a disease where it helped.
And yes, if you buy antibiotics for horses to take them yourself, you're a fucking retard. Even if the same molecule is used for humans.

>> No.15582046

>people bought medicine for horses to treat covid
>source: MSNBC/CNN etc..., twitter shitpost
do you know of such an occurrence apart from these sources?

>> No.15582055

I'm not in the USA, so I don't consume US media. They bought the shit in Europe though, and I don't think that people in the US are any less retarded.

>> No.15582059

yeh i assume they also drink piss because they say so on tv.
k retard you prove my point

>> No.15582073

>science is not on their side
I think that Fauci and millions of doctors around the globe have a better understanding of Science than you Antivax

>> No.15583397
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>i come to 4chan to defend government officials from criticism

>> No.15583459
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Glowies and shills and China = 95% of 4chan.