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15565258 No.15565258 [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/'s position on animal testing, should scientists be allowed to use animals as test subjects or are animals too precious and only humans should be used as test subjects?

>> No.15565266

>Wei wu
They fry dogs alive

>> No.15565271

lmao, that person's bio
>Like learning. love jesus. hate detroit & pervert & taco

>> No.15565290

Why are animals considered less worthy than human's by human's? Animals are pure and happy if they are not physically sick or have no food. Can not say the same about human

>> No.15565301

Animals don't understand what's happening when they are experimented on, and they can't consent to any of it

>> No.15565306
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>maybe we test on you


>> No.15565307

So its moral in your opinion to experiment on severly retarded people if they do not understand what is happening and aren't able to consent?

>> No.15565309

Pfizer is humanely experimenting on bugmen who don't experience consciousness.

>> No.15565644

they big dumb

>> No.15565732

Virtue signalling over the plight of "muh precious animals" while showing no concern for plight of your fellow man is an indication of a deeply disturbed antisocial personality.
The same people have no problems with leopards killing chimpanzees to stay healthy, but if a human does the same thing it then the antisocial mental case suddenly they see it as a terrible tragedy, because they hate humans even though they are one.


>> No.15565760

I can't argue the chimpanzee into not killing.
I can do it with a human.

>> No.15566256

>Virtue signalling over the plight of "muh precious animals" while showing no concern for plight of your fellow man is an indication of a deeply disturbed antisocial personality.
>The same people have no problems with leopards killing chimpanzees to stay healthy, but if a human does the same thing it then the antisocial mental case suddenly they see it as a terrible tragedy, because they hate humans even though they are one.

>> No.15566265

leopards or big cats specifically tend kill their pray as quickly as possible by locking the jaw on the main artery of the animal, perform experiments such as assimilating chemicals into a living creature is immoral and causes much greater suffering

>> No.15567517

Virtue signalling over the plight of "muh precious animals" while showing no concern for plight of your fellow man is an indication of a deeply disturbed antisocial personality.

>> No.15567538

Chinese people eat dogs though

>> No.15567540

If you don't support animal testing you should probably become a vegan

>> No.15567635

I think we should be testing on MORE animals. I don't think there's ENOUGH suffering for my modern day products. I want a taste of needless cruelty. If I'm buying coffee, I hope a puppy was punched for every bean down the conveyor belt that a slave child picked themself. I think we should start breeding rats en masse just to toss em into a giant crusher, we could call it the rat crusher, and it would crush rats, just for fun.

>> No.15567912

We should be mass breeding chimps the way we do with cattle, so that drug testing and experimentation can be improved.

>> No.15567921

Personally, I do support PETAtard testing

>> No.15567960

Survival of the fittest, might makes right, etc.
The world is our bitch.

>> No.15568014

Nothing I use day to day requires any animal testing or synthetic chemicals

>> No.15568016

The severely retarded (like Down Syndrome level) shouldn't be considered people in the first place.

>> No.15568023

we always did that it's just that most of us are not aware of some of the things humans do for the shit show to go on. you want it to be done but not know about it.
it always comes down to if the gain justifies the cost.

>> No.15568038

Well said, have a (You).

>> No.15568041

You can't do it with either, because you're retarded.

>> No.15568045

well yeah true, but this gets muddy when you have mukbang shit on youtube eating live shit just for views/personal gain. poor youtuber needs money to buy a porsche.
I mean we do fuck with any other life just for kicks/income.
mukbang ASMR for fucks sake.

>> No.15568142

they should breed humans and lobotomise them at birth and use them as test subjects (the elite already do this for organs and living onaholes)

>> No.15568656

So many edgy cunts. Go listen to your goth music and cry niggerfaggots

>> No.15568664

>leopards killing chimpanzees to stay healthy, but if a human does the same thing
you don't need to kill chimpanzee to stay healthy though.

>> No.15568676

>antisocial personality
this is sane and applicable in our current society

>> No.15569354
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how do you know what animals do or don't understand?

>> No.15569436
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>> No.15569504

Less to lose.
Animals have substantially narrower sentience compared to humans. Generally much shorter lifespans. Substantially lesser potential, in terms of both what they can produce and do, and in terms of how much they can enjoy an enriching life.
You have an experimental water-purification formulation. Do you test it first on:
- the entire town's water supply
- or a liter of isolated water?
The same logic applies to testing on living entities. Depending on applicability, you test on mice, rabbits, monkeys, then eventually humans. Increasing order of loss potential as the risk potential decreases due to accumulated evidence of safety.

>> No.15569561
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>wei wu

>> No.15569958

>Animals have substantially narrower sentience compared to humans.
Define sentience. Just because animals are le stupid does not make their pain less real
>Generally much shorter lifespans
Depends on the animal. Btw same logic is it more moral to test on humans that we know will not grow old because of a complication?
>Substantially lesser potential, in terms of both what they can produce and do
The only fair point but then again you probally feel differen about.>>15565307 You are programed by nature to not give a shit about the suffering of other animals because our ancestors used to hunt them to survive with pointy sticks.
>and in terms of how much they can enjoy
I think animals have more joy in their life than humans when they have the basics necessities which i could argue make their life's more worthy than that of humans
>an enriching life.
Implying this is a good thing

>> No.15569964

i say animal testing if it can help humans out in the long run. Its not like they are torturing animals for fun

>> No.15569968

"fellow " men . jews are not men, we should experiment on them

>> No.15569987

People argue about if certain genocide's did or did not happen however every day globally we kill million's of animals after having had brutal life's. Every day is a global genocide for chickens creatures that truly dindu nuffin wrong at all.

>> No.15570005

>Just because animals are le stupid does not make their pain less real
Not less real. But less of a complex cognitive network attached to the pain. Less potential for higher levels of suffering.
Despite what you might believe, I don't think that most scientists that are performing tests on animals are sadistic recreational animal torturers - they take care to minimize suffering and select test targets that maximize the potential value (in information gain) per hypothetical unit of suffering they must necessarily inflict. In many ways, and touching upon your later hunting point, this mirrors many old world philosophies of hunting. The hunted animal's suffering and death is necessary for survival and it should be respected and honored for its sacrifice. It's not trivial or meaningless.
>Btw same logic is it more moral to test on humans that we know will not grow old because of a complication?
I won't speak to the morality, but this does happen. Patients with known terminal diagnoses are able to participate in more experimental treatments for their condition that healthy humans would not be eligible for, because of the aforementioned risk/benefit ratio. Their risk is low: they're liable to die soon anyway, so suffering is the only question. The benefit is enormous: a successful human treatment, plus the continuation of one's life.
>animals have more joy in their life than humans
On a relative scale maybe. If we consider joy to be "happiness_units divided by happiness_capacity", I think you're right, but only because I believe an animal's cognitive capacity for happiness and joy are much lower than ours. They reach saturation faster. On an absolute scale though, I don't think this is true at all. I think the human "happiness_capacity" value is incredibly high, and our "happiness_units" value can be much higher than an animal's, but of course, the resulting ratio of units/capacity is liable to be lower. It takes a lot more for us to reach saturation.

>> No.15570051

>I don't think that most scientists that are performing tests on animals are sadistic recreational animal torturers
Like fauci and his beagles puppies experiments in Tunisia?

>> No.15570076

I say this, knowing there are obviously outliers, then you select the most morally corrupt high-profile "scientist" currently known as a suitable stand-in for attacking every scientist. I could do the same with anti-animal-experimentation activists and PETA, who unnecessarily and senselessly slaughter animals in massive quantities (for NO gain to anyone or anything) to keep their massive """non-profit""" moneymaking advocacy machine rolling forward. Why do you want to depopulate the planet of animals so much, are you some kind of strict human supremacist?
You clearly have no interest in a discussion of any kind. Enjoy the fleeting false sensation of superiority your outrage provides. You're exploiting the test animals more selfishly than even Fauci is, you're just using them to get your fix of synthetic moral superiority.

>> No.15570079

Just test stuff on dindus, problem solved.
>inb4 that's animal cruelty

>> No.15570081

>. I could do the same with anti-animal-experimentation activists and PETA, who unnecessarily and senselessly slaughter animals in massive quantities
Wtf are you talkng about?

>> No.15570118

PETA kills animals on a regular basis because they hold that it is fundamentally immoral to have animals as pets. They advocate directly to animal control agencies regularly to advise a kill-first policy for stray cats and dogs, for instance, despite the fact that strays can and often are rehabilitated into loving homes when they go through non-PETA shelters. Conveniently, they offer these services to local governments as well. $$$
Despite false advertising to the contrary, PETA shelters have been documented (via required government reportings) to have kill rates in excess of 80%, despite there being many less lethal opportunities for a pet to be re-homed or rehabilitated. Upon investigation of these shelters, they are structures less like structures and more like strict euthanasia clinics. After being caught dumping animal corpses into dumpsters, two employees of one of these shelters admitted that they were instructed to kill the "most adorable" animals to ensure the "shelter" adoption rates remain low enough to justify their kill rates to the state.
PETA is regularly hired as a government contractor for the purposes of extermination of stray dog and cat populations. While they do this, they have been documented several times intentionally attempting to lure nearby housepets into the wild to kill them as a matter of policy, including one well-documented case of luring a little girl's beloved chihuahua past the fence so they could execute it, which PETA was rightfully and successfully sued for millions of dollars over.
Even by my relatively neutral sense of morality, they are a reprehensible organization. If you'll generalize scientists by Fauci, I'll generalize """animal rights""" activists by PETA, and we should be all happy in our respective outrage corners, yes?