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15559594 No.15559594 [Reply] [Original]

What are the philosophical implications of terminal lucidity? Does it suggest consciousness is not entirely generated by the brain?

>> No.15559617

I'd literally heard about this for the first time yesterday. WTF. Why does this keep happening to me? /x/ or brain damage?

As for the question, my guess is that it goes like this: brain hard at work coping, overreacting like an immune response and making you foggy, then something triggers a relaxation, things are superficially good but catastrophic rolling failure is going on beneath the surface now that nothing is stopping it - dies.

>> No.15559637

Alzheimers doesn't completely destroy the brain per say, just that the neurofibrillary tangles build up and disrupt communication between neurons. All the memories, thoughts, feelings, etc. are still in there, they're just unable to be "expressed", the neurons can no longer physically fire.

As to why terminal lucidity exists, it might have evolved as some sort of social cohesion mechanism. If you are conscious before death you can resolve whatever conflicts you had with other people, give closure so that people move on from grieving faster.

>> No.15559648

That would be annoying to realize they're dying, isn't it?

>> No.15559649

Frequency illusion.
I'm not going to humor wtffunfact.com's claims.

>> No.15559668
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I am not conscious, and neither are you.

I am not conscious, and neither are you.

I am not conscious, and neither are you.

I am not conscious, and neither are you.

>> No.15559671

Some organ gives up (likely the liver) and releases nutrients, that the brain uses to restart itself.

>> No.15559713

>no medical explanation
It's obviously the demon leaving their body at the last moment to torture their loved ones

>> No.15559718

If there is such a thing as a sudden DMT release in the brain as death comes closer, I can imagine this could explain it. DMT creates lots of connections in the brain that normally don't exist, and for a normal Brian it would be the trip. However, for a brain where the neuroconnectivity (?) is already massively impaired, it may just be about normal. I'm not stating fact, just my hypothesis

>> No.15559725
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>normal Brian
>Oh yeah? What about me?

>> No.15559728

Imagine having altzheimer and in your near death state you suddenly remeber everything even that one loli hentai and your last words are "need funny cunny, licky licky gimme cunny quickly quickly"

>> No.15559737

The last line is bullshit. There is an explanation. The body is spending all its energy and resources trying to stay alive and slowly failing. But at some point all the various problems pass a critical threshold and it can't do anything else to help so it stops trying and puts everything left into a single critical area such as the brain.

>> No.15559741

>If you are conscious before death you can resolve whatever conflicts you had with other people, give closure so that people move on from grieving faster.
nah, that sounds like some feel-gooder feel-good theory based on muh feels.

more likely, its due to the fact that the body, body-brain chemistry, and the personal psyche, personality, is in the p[process of shutting down, breaking down and surrendering all it energy, resistance or blockages, releasing all emotional, chemical barriers while you're dying. and when certain of these "barriers" are removed, old existing or even new neuro-pathways to conscious memory are opened up, even if only briefly and if only for certain portions of memory or present-moment awareness

>> No.15559761

I had nde once. I was im white void which had no lenght or space, there was no time abd felt like hub to gather or home, real home. You knew evrything, literally all. Then i woke up back in body and time had progression again like from left to right, got massive panic attack because i was alive and went to kitchen to kill myself but then i snapped back and realized i have to keep living for some reason which only i knew but could not express logically

>> No.15559766

So if anyone here fear death then you are basically telling yourself you cant go back to this gathering hub and still have work to do

>> No.15559770

i feel like i really don't want to die. not so much as that i "fear death"
but i am horrified by the idea of the pain that might accompany whatever happens leading up to the death

>> No.15559775

All sensory inputs like fear or pain are fake, even if you feel them but they are sort of empty. Its hard to explain, not enought iq points.

>> No.15559889


>> No.15559893


>> No.15559912

Is wtffunfact.com peer reviewed?

>> No.15560064

Survivor bias

You think of thousand things each day, only nootice the thing that repeats shortly after. Not the 999 thing that never repeat

>> No.15560068
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Thank you /x/. very cool.

>> No.15560140

I mean

What's with all this fuckin qualia then

>> No.15560143

Kick of adrenaline is all you need to be lucid. I'd just inject all old people with synthetic adrenaline

>> No.15560147

>If you are conscious before death you can resolve whatever conflicts you had with other people, give closure so that people move on from grieving faster.
This sounds like Just-So horseshit, how would you even test such a thing?

>> No.15560189

I also operate a website and I have just reviewed the claim of wtffunfact.com as TRUFAX.

>> No.15560193

>It's obviously the demon leaving their body at the last moment to torture their loved ones
I'm a demon and I can confirm this.

>> No.15560392
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>…what did he mean by that?

>> No.15560398

Is there evidence terminal lucidity even exists and isn't just cope by whoever is watching the person die?

>> No.15560414
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still no explanations about pic either! :<

>> No.15560439

Yes, it's documented in the scientific literature.

>> No.15560447

materialists will come up with the most retarded, creator God-tier level of nonsense to justify their failing philosophical paradigm
I actually hope, from the cotton of my heart, you get help anon

>> No.15560455

if there is any truth at all to the idea that DMT is released when people die, then this would literally be the explanation

but then again should it be really easy to study someone's kidneys and figure out which cell death enzymes are signaling the release? this is always why I doubt the DMT theory because its literally never been analyzed.

>> No.15560494

Maybe you heard about it from the same source as op, or perhaps your source and op read the same source.

>> No.15560500

Define "I" and "you" if neither are conscious.

>> No.15560511

Poorly understood neurological phenomenon. Must be souls.

>> No.15560626

Same thing here, man. Sometimes I kind of wondered whether my brain just makes up all reality, like a dream.

>> No.15560720

Materialists will look for the most perfect reasons to discredit something that challenges their religion.

>> No.15560754

please refrain from taking horseshit with your ridiculous explanation for why it exists
in fact stop giving opinions on anything ever

>> No.15561274

>it might have evolved
>If you are conscious before death you can resolve whatever conflicts you had with other people, give closure so that people move on from grieving faster
What is the evolutionary pathway for closure? how do potential mates can even detect how much closure will you give on near death scenarios? do you even think before you make these shitty posts? you are honestly retarded

>> No.15561277

This post has been fact checked by real american patriots: TRUE

>> No.15561381

The answer is that neural circuits are extremely redundant. Destruction of part of a circuit doesn't necessarily destroy a memory. It may just mean that there are less connections to the neurons encoding that memory, making it less probable that those neurons are stimulated.

>> No.15561826

>pssst, hey Gramps, want top buy some synthetic adrenaline?

>> No.15561839

how do they encode information? also I've seen they have multiple links to others, does the length or thickness of that connecting arm matter? I mean can that encode information by how long it is for example?
also can a neuron be fully simulate-able?

>> No.15561840

consciousness is entirely generated by the brain.

>> No.15561841

>As to why terminal lucidity exists, it might have evolved
I'm sure terminally lucid individuals reproduced a lot more than non-terminally lucid ones before instantly dying.

>> No.15561845
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Now I want to read the other 12202 fun facts.

>> No.15561848
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after deep and careful consideration I came to the conclusion that there are high chances you can do that if you go to the website from the photo.

>> No.15561851

Thanks, that's an interesting fun fact. Didn't know that.

>> No.15562204

>become terminally lucid
>don't immediately take the opportunity to impregnate every woman in the vicinity before you die
What are you even doing with your life?

>> No.15562256

They are possessed by demon. Demon leaves body before death. Easy.

>> No.15562770

>terminally lucid
>talk to all your family, tell them it's not their fault, it's your time, talk about the past, etc.
>family members grieve your death a lot less
>can get back to living their lives faster and thus are more fulfilled
>you can tell your kids where you buried the family gold and they can become rich

>> No.15562786

When you're about to die your body stops putting energy into maintaining all the bodily systems, your organs, skin and so forth, after this happens it will dedicate everything towards maintaining the brain. Same thing happens when people are drowning, the brain will sacrifice the body to survive, even if blacking out is disadvantageous for survival.

Terminal lucidity is just this, your brain metabolism has been "supercharged" because your body knows it's about to die.

>> No.15562838

You can google this. I've seen this personally myself too. It's definitely real.

>> No.15562851

It might be evidence for quantum multiverse theory. The brain might exist in multiple universes and dimensions. Terminal lucidity is a temporary interaction between these brains.

>> No.15562863


>> No.15563081

Don't dare assume my experience you filthy hylic NPC

>> No.15563722


>> No.15564469

>, it might have evolved as some sort of social cohesion mechanism.
Why would this evolve?
How would it evolve?
You seem to have a low IQ creationist tier understanding of evolution.

>> No.15564970
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Thanks for sharing your experience anon :]

>even if you feel them but they are sort of empty
What I've found to be an interesting meditative practice is specifically to try, find and "grasp" these sensations and feelings wherever they may be inside your head/mind "space".

Often they seem to do just that, dissolve, you find they really aren't there as concrete present things; (maybe always, would have to be someone more advanced speaking) one can use then this to endure or get rid of unwanted sensations - just "look" and search for them and you will literally feel them being empty or not really there at all.
Seemed to work pretty well for adjusting to cold water at least.

>> No.15565831

there isn't such a thing, fortunately

>> No.15565863

>social cohesion mechanism. If you are conscious before death you can resolve whatever conflicts you had with other people, give closure so that people move on from grieving faster.

This is the dumbest theory I've ever read in my entire life. Congrats.

>> No.15565949

Only an idiot would believe that evolution is only about reproduction. Human evolution is far, far more complicated, otherwise Grandparents wouldn't even exist and people would just die when they can no longer reproduce.

>> No.15566738

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15566741

it does kill your neurons though

>> No.15567417

It does, but the parts that it does kill are selective. It doesn't kill off most of the parts which store highly used memories, just sort of disrupts them. The fewer connections a neuron has, the faster it dies. The neurons which terminally lucid people access are still there, is the point.

>> No.15567428
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Synchronicities are caused by quantum entanglement interacting with the brain
