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15560230 No.15560230 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not asking from a position of hate; I'm genuinely asking; how can you prove you're gay from birth?

the weirdest shit of all is the official stance of most trans people; they literally believe that they have a psychological condition called gender dysphoria; then wtf: you would logically say that it's curable that way or at least ask of it is curable.

>> No.15560247

how do you know that you're straight? attraction, obviously.

>gender dysphoria
nobody has found a cure yet. trans people may not consider it something to be cured, they may think that what needs to be 'cured' is their birth sex.

>> No.15560251

>how do you know that you're straight?
we know a dick getting into a vagina can produce a baby so we know it's the default most probably as a scientific conclusion.

>trans people may not consider it something to be cured
that's where it completely makes no sense. if you do believe you have a condition then it completely unscientific nonsense to assume that 100% there will never be a cure (and not to change sex but to stay on the sex because that would be one possible cure (without even saying it might be the simplest)).

>> No.15560257

>how can you prove you're gay from birth?
No such thing.

>>gender dysphoria
>nobody has found a cure yet.
Massive indoctrination and psychological conditioning is the cause. It's not genetic.

>> No.15560293

>we know a dick getting into a vagina can produce a baby so we know it's the default most probably as a scientific conclusion.
not sure how this is related to trans people.

>it completely unscientific nonsense to assume that 100% there will never be a cure
the fact is that there isn't a cure.

>> No.15560298

>Massive indoctrination and psychological conditioning is the cause. It's not genetic.
this contradicted by the accounts of many trans people who claim they felt dysphoric from extremely young ages.

>> No.15560302

>we know a dick getting into a vagina can produce a baby so we know it's the default most probably as a scientific conclusion.
You asked how we know we're gay, not whether being gay is the default

>> No.15560322
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>this contradicted by the accounts of many trans people who claim they felt dysphoric from extremely young ages.
>implying young impressionable kids are less susceptible to propaganda and indoctrination

>> No.15560329

and most of them will tell you that they had no exposure to any pro-trans stuff at the time.

>> No.15560336

>from birth?
You can't quite reliably, only a certain percent of people who report as gay were found to have nay genetic source at all, and evidence for that way hazy.
>the weirdest shit of all is the official stance of most trans people; they literally believe that they have a psychological condition called gender dysphoria; then wtf: you would logically say that it's curable that way or at least ask of it is curable.
Well, as an extension of your first question, how can you prove that your gender identity is male?

>> No.15560344

>fags tell lies
What a shocker. You'd have to live under a rock not to be exposed to gay or feminist propaganda.

>> No.15560350


>> No.15560351

cure is a bad word and no medical professional worth their salt will ever use it. Many things are treatable: an organ failure can be replaced, but with limits to how well your body can use the organ - cancer can be treated, but only by causing damage to the surrounding body, hoping the increased metabolism of cancer cells will kill them faster than you - and gender dysphoria is treatable with hormones and in extreme cases surgery. It's largely only lumped into "Disorders" and left to be treated like this because of a larger society that demands a gender binary, many people on hormones before surgeries report alleviated stress and despair from dysphoria just being on the hormones at all, and if anybody on this board ever spoke to one, many trans people admit to feeling detached from that gender binary more than they feel the need to transition directly to the other - the forced gender binary is part of the problem. This forced binary is also responsible for all of the fake outrages american political grifters use, if binaries weren't forced "odd" categories wouldn't "be there to invade gendered spaces" because there is no "category" anymore to separate peoples spaces.

>> No.15560355

is this propaganda in the room with us now?

>> No.15560357

>feminist propaganda
Where the hell did that come from? lol

>> No.15560360

>how can you prove you're gay from birth?
I think theres a global conspiracy involving major religions on conducting silent eugenics. they want us to believe there isn't a gay gene so they can use subliminal programming and varrious other information psyops, like having modern psychology encourage dysphoric people to reject reproduction.

people literally act like transitioning doesn't hurt ones ability to reproduce and thus participate in life

>> No.15560366

Cognitive dissonance.

Dishonest LGBT pederast.

>feminism promotes women acting like men
I get that the average 4chan user is a retard, but try to keep up.

>> No.15560383

You know, with the way you're behaving, I'm starting to think this is a troll thread and your questions were never in good faith

>> No.15560410
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Fags ITT are literally pretending like they don't target kids with their nonsense and have the audacity to claim others aren't arguing in good faith. They literally take their kids to sodomite pride parades where they expose kids to nude sodomite perverts committing perverted acts in public. They mandate by law their LGBT bullshit in schools. They put it into kids' cartoons. And that's not even getting into them targeting kids to send them hormones without their parents even knowing about it or all the rest of it. This is only the tip of the sodomite iceberg.

Half of the LGBT movement is literally about normalizing pedoshit.

>> No.15560413

>Half of the LGBT movement is literally about normalizing pedoshit.
It really is, because nobody is "born gay" nobody is born sexually active.

>> No.15560423

I knew I wanted to be a girl before I even knew transgender was a thing like back when I thought I could change my gender by growing my hair out lol. Or thoughts about killing myself to reincarnate into a girl when I learned about Buddhism in elementary school.

>> No.15560426

Imagine being so breeder brained to think that reproduction== participation in life.

>> No.15560430

>not taught the truth in schools
>think long hair = female
>thinks reincarnation is true
Thanks for proving the point, gay retard.

>> No.15560433

Dude this is literally when I was in elementary school I know better now. That's why I transed with the powers of modern medical science. I'm just saying it's def not from big trans propaganda.

>> No.15560445

yeah dude you got pushed out of a vagina and were born with functional genitals so that you could post about anime online

we are animals and if it bothers you maybe spend more time thinking about dying because being delusional is maladaptive

>> No.15560449

>That's why I transed with the powers of modern medical science.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.15560450

You're a sexless incel, your opinion on sexuality is worthless

>> No.15560462

>be very young boy
>try to play with dolls
>trusted adult freaks out and tells you dolls are only for girls
>every time you say you like dolls or try to play with dolls everyone around you berates you because dolls are only for girls
>still like dolls anyway
>dumb kid mind concludes that you must actually be a girl since only girls like dolls and you also like dolls
>too young to form coherent and solid memories
>all that sticks around in your mind is the general emotions surrounding this feeling that you must be a girl
>"I dunno, I guess I just always knew I was really a girl!"
wa la

>> No.15560560

>the fact is that there isn't a cure.
that's where you are caught in a loop of illogic.
how do you know and why are you so sure that there won't be one 24 hours from today?

is it maybe because people are cutting off their dicks and breasts when you know there is a possibility to have a cure 24 hours from now according to your own theory (since you admit there could be a cure)?

>> No.15560562

that proves shit. and kids have shitty memories.

not a hater btw.

>> No.15560567

I'm not doing anything active to affirm any gender on me (and actually I like the a-gender ideologies around these discussions because they're the only ones not that schizo in general).

But: if we assume a "default: obviously vagina pairs with dick to make baby.

the crucial part here is that some people cut off their dicks and breasts based on something that supposedly could be cured according to their own theory in the future while others just do nothing at all.

>> No.15560569

fetuses have been caught masturbating in utero.

>> No.15560574

>they are just wrong about their feelings
you could've said it in one line. but it's a pretty flimsy argument

>> No.15560578

if there were a cure, it would be world-renowned, every soul would know about it.

yeah, maybe there will be a cure in 24 hours. but that seems like a pretty stupid thing to bet on, to be frank

>> No.15560584

>yeah, maybe there will be a cure in 24 hours. but that seems like a pretty stupid thing to bet on, to be frank
you know what: I don't give a shit: I'm fine with that. you assume that the probability of finding a cure is very low so you just cut off your dick or breasts.

personally I wouldn't do that easily because I know how fucked up the human brain is with delusions (see religion) so I don't trust it at all.

>> No.15560595

I don't have any interest in removing parts of my body, but I will take hormones, change my diet, permanently remove my facial hair etc because I prefer being a woman. I'd say this is more common than you would think -- the surgeries are kind of extreme and not a final result of transitioning in every case

what i'm saying is, I think most trans people who don't get surgery don't want it (because the result sucks or they don't feel like they need it) NOT that they can't afford it or the doctors aren't available

Dysphoria can be cured by taking hormones, and that's enough for me

>> No.15560598


>> No.15560620

If I go to /lgbt/ I mostly find people saying they want to be women. Not some sort of "nonbinary" creature. Occasionally they complain about "theyfabs" (people born female who call themselves nonbinary and want to be called "they") with no gender dysphoria taking over trans spaces and making them hostile to people who actually desire transition.

>> No.15560629

>we know a dick getting into a vagina can produce a baby so we know it's the default most probably as a scientific conclusion.
If the reason you know you're straight is
>it's the default
>it's scientific consensus
it sounds very much like you're in denial. It's okay to be gay.

>> No.15560662

>It's okay to be gay.
stupid take. I've purposely tried to wank on gay porn. I can only do it with very feminine twinks and even then it's always worse than cis women.

>> No.15560665

There's a big difference between that whole explanation with the logic behind it and, "They're just wrong." Where does a boy's feeling that he's really a girl even come from if not observing what is expected of boys and girls in society and determining he matches the social expectations of girls better than the social expectations of boys? Ever noticed how many fewer FtM transpeople there are, and also how much more readily society accepts girls with traditionally-masculine interests? Girls who like sports get praise and attention and become tomboys. Boys who like dolls and makeup get ridiculed and scorned and become transwomen.

>> No.15560682

>Boys who like dolls and makeup get ridiculed and scorned and become transwomen.

That's because no woman would like a boy who is interested in feminine things... and they would be unmanly like there is no appropriate male equivalent to tomboy, maybe you could say femboy but that usually just means a gay twink.

Unlike tomboy girls who tons of men are interested in, when a man is un-manly, straight women instantly lose interest

>> No.15560683

>Ever noticed how many fewer FtM transpeople there are
FTMs outnumber MTFs by 3 to 1, faggot

>> No.15560687

Of course there are all sorts of people. And /lgbt/ really really likes to classify people into classes and then engage in shitflinging between those classes, since it's still 4chan after all. And while society didn't invent the binary, social norms of exaggerating sex differences and trying to force people all one way or the other are certainly a thing.

>if binaries weren't forced "odd" categories wouldn't "be there to invade gendered spaces" because there is no "category" anymore to separate peoples spaces.
This is a bit off the mark. Society didn't invent the categories, biology did. If the social norms of exaggerating sex differences and picking one or the other went away, then the separate categories and spaces would still exist. But maybe people would be less worried about spaces being "invaded."

>> No.15560691

>no male equivalent to tomboy females
sure there is, a boy who has effeminate interests and likes dolls and dresses and playing house and that stuff is a sissy

>> No.15560696
File: 554 KB, 507x900, Lt Governor Minnesota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not asking from a position of hate; I'm genuinely asking; how can you prove you're gay from birth?
VERY VERY few people are that, like less than .1%
Most of the faggots are just larpers, who cannot get women or been groomed by degenerates.

Many are mentally ill also, possibly from vaccines, or parasites that infect the brain, which causes all the strange degenerate behaviours such as crossdressing and trooning.

>> No.15560698

>from vaccines or parasites that infect the brain

This is a science board, a reasonable level of academic discourse is expected. Please take conspiracy theories to /x/ or /pol/

>> No.15560700

there is but there is no reason for extreme femininity since there's the common 'metrosexual'. I was such a bitch all my college life. A feminine straight asshole; my subconscious goal was most probably to make friends with as many girls as possible; other men hated me because I always had a gigantic company of women but it wasn't that great since it's friendzone by default.

>> No.15560701

He posted science.

>> No.15560705

unfortunately i'm gonna need some kind of a source that either vaccines or any specific brain parasite leads to crossdressing...

>> No.15560758

>Where does a boy's feeling that he's really a girl even come from
we don't know.
>if not observing what is expected of boys and girls in society and determining he matches the social expectations of girls better than the social expectations of boys?
there is no reason whatsoever that it has to come from here, just because this is the only thing you could think of.

>> No.15560760
File: 109 KB, 640x412, tomboygh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't, nigger.
>The prevalence gender dysphoria has recently been estimated as high as 390 to 460 per 100,000 with a consistently greater prevalence of trans women (MTF) than trans men (FTM).
>Consistent with many reports, we are seeing an increasing number of gender dysphoric individuals seeking hormonal therapy. The age at initiation has been dropping over the past 25 years, and we have seen a steady increase in the number of FTM such that the incidence now equals that of MTF.
What's literally been happening is pic related.

>> No.15560762

call it a delusion, it doesn't matter. ultimately it is causing these people immense suffering (the feeling that they aren't what they want to be) and there is no known cure for that feeling, except sometimes looking enough like what they want to be.

>> No.15560769

Do you support voluntary amputations for people who say that one or more of their limbs doesn't belong on their body?

>> No.15560780

yes. as long as they are rigorously warned of the irreversibility of the procedure.

>> No.15561004
File: 455 KB, 300x268, racist_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n word is racist

>> No.15561187

yeah you shouldn't be projecting like that, because maybe if you'd listen to actual sex havers once in a while you'd realize how fucking dumb you sound

>> No.15561195

No, racist starts with an R.

>> No.15561211

Homosexuality is a learned trait, noone is born with it

>> No.15561214
File: 180 KB, 1200x1672, 1200x0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noone is born with it
What makes Noone the exception?

>> No.15561219

Because he's confused

>> No.15561463

>the fact is that there isn't a cure.

>> No.15561480

>how can you prove you're gay from birth?
Because they cried and whined a lot more in especially effeminate ways and are just generally more needy compared to normal baby boys.

>> No.15561482

>the forced gender binary is part of the problem.
Blame nature for having a forced sex binary.

>> No.15561757

you're not gay from birth, you develop into gay

>> No.15561763

>I know I am drawing the right conclusion because I know my brain is an untrustworthy retard.

>> No.15561778

You already forget that Toxoplasmosis Drugs are gay drugs now that Shkreli is out of prison?

>> No.15561779

>there is no reason whatsoever
What happened to the whole "Gender is a Social Construct" argument?

>> No.15561902
File: 177 KB, 425x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. I know I'm untrustworthy to trust it to cut off my dick or breasts so easy.

it's also why people with tattoos were retards (when it was impossible to remove them at least).

>> No.15561907

That's the reason why 50% of men are expected to develop some level of gynecomastia through their lifetime and why women go through menopause which causes their hormones to more closely resemble a males. It's less "2 boxes" than you think it is, in the same way "solid, liquid, gas" is a child's approximation of the states of matter.

>> No.15562186

>50% of men are expected to develop some level of gynecomastia through their lifetime
Because of modern diets high in processed carbohydrates which increase estrogen.
>women go through menopause which causes their hormones to more closely resemble a males
They don't sprout dicks or lose their tits.

>> No.15562198

>the forced gender binary is part of the problem
I agree insofar as transgender feelings and gender dysphoria seem to be caused by trauma from bullying over not adhering to gender norms. If kids were just allowed to express non-gender-conforming preferences and behaviors while their gender is positively reinforced (i.e., telling boys who like to wear makeup that it doesn't make them any less male like we tell girls who play sports that it doesn't make them any less female) then those kids would never question their gender in the first place and never have these problems. If you don't tell a kid that wearing dresses, using makeup, playing with dolls, etc make you a girl and that the only thing that makes you a boy is your anatomy then gender dysphoria would vanish. It's getting worse lately because there's an active push to reinforce gender stereotypes and confuse kids into thinking that their feelings and behaviors are what define their gender instead of their anatomy.

>> No.15562907

>muh feelings

>> No.15562909

Well thought out and cohesive criticism, I'll sit on that and really consider what you've said today.

>> No.15562972

In the 90's and 00's there was a big push for gender equality in terms of not restricting people as much based on gender expectations. We had media telling boys they can be both masculine and do ballet; telling girls they can be both feminine and watch football; generally spreading the message that who you are doesn't define what you should be allowed to do and what you do doesn't change who you are. In those times, transgenderism was all but unheard of and kids simply didn't become gender confused until more recently when people started pushing the idea that a boy with feminine preferences must be a girl born into the wrong body and other pseudo-mystical bullshit. Transgenderism reinforces gender roles and gender stereotypes to a militaristic degree by insisting effeminate boys ARE GIRLS and masculine girls ARE BOYS.

>> No.15563070

I'm mostly attracted to female animals and also some males on the side, also humans but exclusively female (mostly BBW slampigs) but sometimes I jerk off to M/M hentai yet IRL males smell nasty. I'm also attracted to dolls but I don't think it has any relation to either of the above, just a fun side thing and I don't humanize them. The question is, what's my gender?

>> No.15563086

>The question is, what's my gender?
Were you born with a penis or vagina?

>> No.15563091

I'm not telling. Diagnose me. You should be able to solve this, doc.

>> No.15563107

Your anatomy is the only relevant factor to your gender.

>> No.15563111

Then explain gender dysphoria. Am I gay? Am I not gay?

>> No.15563130

>Then explain gender dysphoria.
I already did here: >>15560462 >>15560665 >>15560760 >>15562198 >>15562972

>Am I gay? Am I not gay?
I can't even begin to consider an answer without knowing your gender.

>> No.15563132

>uses a mocking meme from psychiatry to imply that commenter is mentally ill
nta but, yes, faggot propaganda is in this thread, now.

>> No.15563142

Identifying as gay is basically nothing more than a dating strategy. Talking with a lisp, rainbow dress, limp wrist, all of it exists to signal that you have an interest in getting dicked. That's it. Learned behavior.

Some idiots, unfortunately some of them with academic titles, seem to think that some guys' bumholes are magnetically attracted to male dicks and they believe that putting the dick inside is an automated process and isn't a conscious weighted decision at every single point. Further they seem to postulate that because you put in a dick in your bumhole once, you'll continue to do it for the rest of your life. Kinda like how you play the same videogame for the rest of your life or eat the same meal for the rest of your life. And that all this is somehow defined by a set of genes that effectively prevent themselves from replicating in the first place, so clearly all the several percent of the world's identified gay population are all spontaneous mutations, making it the most frequent spontaneous genetic mutation in the entire genome by a landslide.

>> No.15563149

>if there were a cure, it would be world-renowned, every soul would know about it.
No, it would be banned and memoryholed immediately, because it's "politically incorrect" and "infringes on individual self-expression" (because a supposed genetic trait is CLEARLY somehow self-expression)

>> No.15563213

There's only one natural human sexuality, reproductive sex, anything else is a deviation from this, usually involving sodomy.

"homosexuality" or "heterosexuality" for that matter are social constructs used to normalize sodomite behavior. they're real in the same way "transracial" or "cisgender" is real, i.e. they're pretexts for people with various mental and emotional problems to become accepted in society, and normal behavior becomes subject to the categories these deviants define. Same thing is happening now with "MAP"s.
>dude i cant help it I'm ___sexual

When something is identified as an inherent part of you, any critique of the behavior becomes a personal attack and a violation of your "rights". It's an obvious game once you see through it.


>> No.15563220

Interesting theory, actually. Typing here as a 49 year old str8 male who flitted about the goth scene aged ~17-24.
I figure what people like me needed, who liked to dress up, was an *outlet*. Be the nerd the teachers and parents needed by day; play dressup every few weekends at night.
At a place every other young idiot is playing dressup at night. No judgement.
But now it seems nerds can become Protected Groups by playing dressup in classroom / work time. I don't think this is right; I don't think it's in the order of things.

>> No.15563756

homosexuality is a cope for inability to score with the opposite gender

>> No.15564190

Being gay, I never fell attraction towards women, I started feeling attraction towards men at the standard age when attraction of any sort is usually developed (11-12 yo).

So it's especially annoying when people say that being gay is a choice because I have my own life experience contradicting that and they have no fucking clue what they are talking about.

>> No.15564197

that proves shit. there are psychological conditions that start before 11, and they are stronger precisely because they start before 11.

>> No.15564206

Wrong Chrstcuck. It happens to be in the blood.

>> No.15564243

I have no history of family abuse or anything like that though. I just knew I was gay since I remember.

Also some of the people on this thread are looking for reasons to demonize me based on presumptions they pulled out of their ass instead of looking for logical discussion. Just let me live my life ffs.

Also gay and trans are two completely different things and I have no fucking clue why they're lumped together all the time.

>> No.15564285

maybe it's not psychological. maybe it's psychiatric. maybe you had very low testosterone.

>> No.15564288

*raises eyebrow*
that's not what happened to me
i started feeling attraction towards women, and then jerked off so much i could only get off to cocks and mare pussy

>> No.15564289

>i.e., telling boys who like to wear makeup that it doesn't make them any less male
but it does make them less male (i'm thinking about lipstick and things like that). in any case i don't get the example, if a kid is wearing makeup i don't think anybody should tell him or her that it's girly, he or she should be told that makeup is something for grownups, not something that kids should be using day to day

if i understand you right, a better example would be if a boy liked to play a lot with dolls having tea and so on, no? then maybe some people would tell him that it's girly and that he shouldn't do it, but honestly it sounds like something that might happen 50 years ago. of the parents i know, i don't think none of them would do that. at most they might buy them car or soldier toys to see if he likes them better

my main point is that when you are a kid there shouldn't be any preference or behaviour that conforms to one gender or the other strongly enough to cause concern. if a 10 yo kid wants to wear lipstick, it's cause for concern whether its a boy or a girl. but if it's liking the color pink more than blue, nobody should care and i think very few parents really care

>> No.15564294

I see a lot of narcissism on trans women. they probably thought they are attracted to themselves so much, that had the delusion they must be a woman.

>> No.15564297

i think you missed his point, sissies are not attractive to women. they are only attractive to (some) gay men, while tomboy females are attracted to (many) hetero men

>> No.15564382

>but it does make them less male
No, it doesn't. You're male if you're born with a penis, it's that simple. No amount of engaging in feminine activities changes the fact that you're male, but now if boys do feminine shit at school their teachers start asking them if they want to go by female pronouns.

>> No.15564921

being a faggot is a mental illness

>> No.15564966

not if it's just low-test/high-estrogen or the inverse of them.
nazis like you will never understand.
it's all basic science.

>> No.15564976

no biological factors are deterministic. keep offering labels to every new form of deviance that people use to cope with the unnatural modern environment though, you'll end up in a Utopia that way for sure. just believe harder!

>> No.15565023

On average there are several biological traits that indicate your sexuality

>> No.15565026

Reddit the post

>> No.15565037

no one is born a fag, it develops over time and with growth, i thought this was common knowledge but i guess not

>> No.15565041

Thos board is flat earther tier when it comes to discussing sexuality. Literal room temp iq tier

>> No.15565044

A small percentage of people are born fags, which makes it all the more confusing

>> No.15565045

The idea your fundamental understanding of social ideas might be wrong or incomplete is very scary to people on this board.

>> No.15565046

Earth is flat cry about it

>> No.15565070

>OP isn't sure if he's gay
OP, you are ALWAYS a faggot.

>> No.15565370

>How do I know if I'm gay?
>Like, I think of slurping on big hard cocks all day while getting my bum drilled but I'm straight so obviously that doesn't mean anything

>> No.15565806

Here is my opinion as a straight zoomer who would or is more interested in having sex with certain trans women and traps than women (including bottoming):
I don't think anyone is born gay and I think anyone can just choose who they want to have sex with. However each choice is locked or unlocked by various psychological conditions and so every gay person can be cured or liberated into being striaght by unlocking that choice either by resolving the psychological factors behind their behavior or by conciously thinking the idea of being with a woman which in turn might resolve the psychological factors (maybe because of gaining an extra perspective). The latter is easier. Also this can of course work in any direction and straight people could also benefit from using it to resolve their potential underlying psychological issues. Though gay people would benefit more since in my opinion it's more common to be gay because of psychological factors than to be straight. I think I can elaborate more on this technique if there is interest

>> No.15565878

homosexuality is low iq, there is no such thing as a high iq homosexual

>> No.15565892

You guys got me soooo horny but when I tried looking for gay porn just now, all I found are shit camera angles, terrible lighting, ugly unshaven fucks with zits, pale sickly fuckers

porn sucks and faggots ruined it, even the gay porn is shit now

>> No.15566736

>Also this can of course work in any direction and straight people could also benefit from using it to resolve their potential underlying psychological issues.
There are no psychological "issues" associated with not wanting to engage in butt sex, faggot.

>> No.15567543

>there is no such thing as a high iq homosexual
this, they are all as uselessly stupid as downies

>> No.15567567

Why do I have to prove that I’m gay? Why do I have to be cured?

>> No.15567642 [DELETED] 

so is being white, goy

>> No.15567712

>nobody has found a cure yet
a bullet to the brain

>> No.15568152

You sound offended. I think you might suffer from these issues and you might possibly be closeted. Consider having sex with femboys. After you resolve that you should work your way back to being striaght to resolve the issues that make you gay

>> No.15568297

Good posts

>> No.15569146

>You sound offended.

>> No.15570458

>A small percentage of people are born fags
nope, homosexuality is an affectation and a coping mechanism

>> No.15571418

>Here is my opinion as a zoomer
stopped reading there, you are too immature and naïve too know anything

>> No.15571538

>here is my opinion as a gay man who is more interested in having sex with certain men and other men than women
Wow, shocking.

>> No.15572821

homosexuality is a mental illness

>> No.15573189

Yeah, those social expectations didn't magically appear out of thin air. In fact, having a dick or a vagoo is what created those expectations in the first place a long, long time ago.

>> No.15573209

Yes, gender roles and stereotypes exist for good reason, but someone falling outside of them in one way or another doesn't change whether they're male or female and doesn't mean they were "born in the wrong body." That's just bullshit.

>> No.15573217


>> No.15573302

>how can you prove you're gay from birth?
Little babies like getting assfucked. I know I did.

>> No.15573802

the theory of evolution states that people who don't have children may as well have never existed

>> No.15574770

>all homosexuals are pedophiles
thanks for letting us know

>> No.15576036


>> No.15576108


> "Well UHM THEY said they it DEFINETLY wasn't the constant phycological conditioning and it just came out of nowhere so that's it!"

>> No.15577254
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being attracted to your own gender is being attracted to yourself
>you can kiss yourself in to mirror, but only on the lips

>> No.15578115
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>unironically using the word sodomite
Retard detected, opinion discarded

>> No.15578498

>t. sodomite
why are you so ashamed of what you are?

>> No.15579448

how do you think the fact that race based affirmative action was just made illegal while gender based affirmative action is still legal is going to affect people who have been subject to constant phycological conditioning in terms of their desire to become a tranny?

>> No.15579815

All of this. The modern idea of "sexualities" is a lie. A fetish is not an inherent part of who you are.

>> No.15579852 [DELETED] 
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I wish I were gay. I tried to masturbate to gay porn, and I can only do it with feminine twinks.

>> No.15580658

gonna be a lot of negro trannys starting as soon as they realize their gibes got taken away if they're male.

>> No.15581254

Once everyone identifies as a woman then actual women will no longer be able to compete in any academic discipline

>> No.15582579

they will start identifying as men and demand special privileges as a minority

>> No.15583885

why is african television so much better than american tv?

>> No.15584098

Humans are born asexual. Both heterosexuality and homosexuality are learned.

>> No.15585969

no they aren't. heterosexuality is completely natural, every human is born heterosexual, everyone who exists has been bred from millions upon millions of generations of heterosexuals.
heterosexuality is in our DNA

>> No.15585981


>> No.15586668

homosexuality is a mental illness

>> No.15587541
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>> No.15587712

There is nothing in your DNA telling your dick to get hard when you see big breasts. Your monkey brain just slowly gets wired to it.

>> No.15587940
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>he doesn't have the BOOBA gene

>> No.15589130

only defective, genetic dead end genes have the possibility of not being heterosexual

>> No.15590638

>it's all basic science.
I understand advanced science, you only understand the basics. Thats why you're wrong and low IQ

>> No.15592379

>i'm soooo high iq omg!!
>i suck dicks and stick dildos up my ass
>i even have AIDS

>> No.15594076

>I want to fuck ppl who look like me
is narcissism, its not different than wanting to kiss yourself in the mirror

>> No.15596110
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>> No.15598215

>i was born this way
>stop being homophobic!!!
>its genetic!!!
but also
>i'm gender fluid
>i can change my gender whenever i feel like it
>gender isn't genetic, its a choice
>stop being transphobic!!!

it can't be both, which is it?

>> No.15599849
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it can't be both, but it can be neither

>> No.15599957

This doesn't answer your question, but you're being lulled into needless assumptions. You don't need to defend their notions of straight or heterosexual, this pulls you into defending some notion of sexuality or preference. It is very generous of you though to try to attack "from birth", since you obviously don't want to consider the possibility that they are simply biologically defective.

>> No.15600893

>nobody has found a cure yet.
its a fake disease

>> No.15600960

Mentally ill

>> No.15602571


>> No.15603597
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>> No.15603633

if a male has a desire to fuck or be fucked by other males then that is the indication that he is gay.

>> No.15604680

If the Taliban hurls someone bodily from the roof of a structure more than 4 stories in height, that means they're gay

>> No.15605028
File: 29 KB, 564x564, shes literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I've had enough...

Trans woman of color here. Before I say what I'm about to say I'd just like to make it clear that I never post here, mainly due to the fact that interacting with so called "4chan culture" is quite disheartening. So I'm going to say this as clearly and efficiently as possible.

Fuck. All. Of. You.

There, I said it. If you'd like an explanation, all you have to do is look at your own behavior, and understand how it effects the world around you. As a trans woman I feel the deep rooted forces of oppression you sick fucks emanate every day of my life. The shit I have to go through to please disgusting individuals such as yourselves. It doesnt help that I'm a woman of color. So on top of that, I have to deal with the fucking systemic racism YOU and YOUR people started and continue to promote. My life is a living hell because of you people. But that's not why I hate you. Oh not even close sweetie.

The problem lies with YOU. Your behavior is so sickening. I know most of you are white men so bigotry comes naturally, but you make no attempt to hide it. No attempt to better yourselves or the world around you. And no attempt to soothe the scars caused by you sick fucks. Your treatment of others is ugly.

"Durr nigger. Durrr tranny. Durr fag. Durr cunt. Durr durr durr durrrrr look at me I'm a nazi haha doesnt this make me so quirky and a free thinker durrr"

Sorry, not sorry. You're just getting what you put out. You constantly berate the disenfranchised and the unfortunate. Using your privilege as some sort of pedestal. You think you're better than me and my community when you're not. You're the scum of the earth. I hope you all rot in hell....

>> No.15605091

the n word is racist

>> No.15605113

If you had an alternative social support group or system, would you abandon the LGBT cult? Would you admit trans women are not real women if the threats from the cult went away, or if you knew they couldn't hurt you?
Not trying to be offensive, I genuinely want to know how the cult operates.

>> No.15605130

start a thread on 4chan

>> No.15605142

Only suicide can help gender dysphoria.

>> No.15605151

Let me ask you a question.
Do you still have your dick?

>> No.15605169

I can tell you that the 2 times I got sick from COVID I felt significantly more gay. I would think more about sex with more manly trans women while masturbating. I am usually only attracted to real women or trans women that aren't very masculine.

>> No.15605252

You can be born a certain way without it being genetic, like it is with fetal hormones. If the mother has developed antibodies that prevent testosterone from allowing part of the hypothalamus to maculinize (such as when she has already made multiple sons), then it can make the next male baby gay.

>> No.15605896 [DELETED] 

>Trans woman

>> No.15605907

>Trans woman of color
*man of color
>As a trans woman
As a *man
>I'm a woman of color.
*man of color

>> No.15605932

According to Dick Swaab homosexuality is related to brain development. Swaab is highly respected and although you can't find too much about the specifics online, he has detailed it in multiple books and papers, both purely scientific writings and pop-science releases, including the best seller "Wij zijn ons brein". Swaab's work is purely scientific and he does not approach this subject from a pro or anti gay point of view.
However, despite Swaab's research's fame I am not aware of any other scientists who have studied this subject.

>> No.15605947

I had a Dick Swaab once when I had to be tested for gonorrhea.

>> No.15605958

A trans women is a type of male. Being specific is ok.

>> No.15605987

All of-age males are men.

>> No.15605994

No one rediscovers their sexuality in a vacuum.
Gender dysphoria is basically an exploration of people with narcissistic or borderline personality disorders and psychotic disorders.
And yes, I completely disagree with the AMA and APA stance on this but I believe that they are financially motivated to support this nonsense. Btw I am a Doctor.

>> No.15606586
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>> No.15607769

Africa is based, they've avoided 99% of all globohomo brainwashing in by being so-called uncivilized
>return to monke? but we never left
>t. Africa

>> No.15608007

Sir, may I ask what the purpose of your post is?

>> No.15608031

As a white woman, I am so sorry for what you have to go through every day. I know my priveledge. These white men disgust me. Black lives matter. Trans lives matter. Fuck the patriarchy.

>> No.15608159

I mean, think about how we usually try to treat other diagnosable mental illness.

We prescribe hormone medication that we think will alleviate symptoms.

We hope that the individual who is going through a difficult problem will receive support from family, friends, and the community.

We address the problem using psychiatry.

Its rare for mental illnesses to have some kind of magical super-cure.

And regardless, I think the overarching cause of this is inherently sociological and caused by a society with an extreme over-reliance on labels of all kinds. This will never change, because labels and divisions based on those labels are way too profitable for the elites.

>> No.15608167

This is a crazy amount of delusion lmao. What have the chuds been feeding you?

>> No.15608766

tits or gtfo

>> No.15608776

>how can you prove you're gay from birth?
I've had homosexual urges and feelings since I was at least 6. As a child I remember trying to see my father, grandfather and brothers' penises in the shower. In first grade I tried to get another boy to show me his penis behind a tree during recess (he turned and ran away). Later I pressured a different boy into kissing me.

More than anything else I remember being fascinated by penises. I vividly remember a dream I had probably around age 7 where a clown slipped a sock onto my cousin's erect penis. Around the same time I remember searching "boy wiener" (lol) on my bedroom computer, but because safe search was enabled there were no results. I can't place the memories exactly, but I suppose it was around this age that I first started sticking fingers up my butt. I don't remember feeling any homosexual urges from this point until I was about 10. It was around that time that I first started watching porn, straight (!) at first but increasingly male-centric until eventually I was exclusively watching gay porn. I had my first homosexual fantasies about fellow classmates and started masturbating around this time, and have been a fully realized homosexual ever since.

I should note now that I was never molested, abused, or mistreated in any way. I'm not sure how universal my experience is, but I'm as "gay from birth" as they come.

>> No.15608779

>Ever noticed how many fewer FtM transpeople there are
They're about equal.

>Since 1990, there has been a steady increase in the percentage of FTM such that it is now equivalent to MTF.
Thank you for linking proof.
FtMs also pursue surgery at a far higher rate than MtFs, it's not even close.

>> No.15610791 [DELETED] 

>i was born this way
but also
>i can change gender whenever i want

>> No.15611489

I mean the issue is our culture's dogged, unyielding need for excessive labelling of everything.

The simple reality is that gender can "change" because its a socially constructed organizing label. People want to "change" it because our society is constantly forcing the idea that gender is the most important part of our existence, and dividing us strictly based on that. If gender was not so important as a label in the first place, I honestly don't think there would be so many people who are so troubled and afraid about their gender that they are willing to undergo surgery and hormone treatments to feel better.

Same with sexuality. Its not like the gays created their own labels. Western society has unconsciously chosen to lend importance towards sexuality as an important category, and divide the populace based off of that. Consider the Greeks and Romans. There probably weren't many pride celebrations, because the populace was not hard split based on sexuality in the first place. As in, the gays didn't really care because nobody else did either.

>> No.15612508
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>> No.15612536
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Anecdotal experience from a gay guy, but I didn't experience attraction at all in my puberty. Ironically I did masturbate but only because it felt good, I never had a visual while doing it. I imagine thats what animals feel like when masturbating. Around 17 I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and got that fixed and suddenly I had wet dreams about a friend etc and realized pretty quickly I found men sexually attractive.
Never had a problem with my parents, never was molested, but my mum died young when I was 11y so it might be connected?

In the end it doesn't matter how I "turned" gay, I'm in a loving relationsship with a guy rn and I'm pretty happy. life is gud

>> No.15614491
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>I have no response so I'll just post this thing that implies you're stupid based on nothing.

>> No.15614501

>based on nothing
>Being this stupid

>> No.15614505

Noone is gay from birth, it comes from porn addiction and/or molestation

>> No.15614525

Also ass worms

>> No.15614567

IQ isn't determined by word choices, but that's all that site measures, so it's as good as nothing. Do you think IQ tests are just vocabulary quizzes?

>> No.15614608

When did i mention it being a reliable way of measuring iq if such a test would even exist btw? The fact is it isn't based on nothing. You claimed originally it was

>> No.15614729

It's based on none of the criteria that IQ is actually based on, which means it's based on nothing.

>> No.15614749

>It's based on none of the criteria that IQ is actually based on
>which means it's based on nothing.

Just forget the iq before the number and see it as a writing score A.K.A the writing is still retarded

>> No.15614802
File: 30 KB, 785x584, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a writing score, either. It's literally just looking for density of advanced vocabulary. I looked up "difficult English words" online and added a bunch of them to the end of the exact same text, not even in a valid sentence, and it nearly doubled the IQ score.

>> No.15614829

Ok then you are right

>> No.15614937

You can't prove it because there's no evolutionary basis to suddenly not want to reproduce, or to be the opposite sex when you aren't a species that can just switch. There has never been any proof that either homosexuality or transgenderism is a genetic trait. It is purely a behavior learned based on life experiences in childhood and adolescence.

>> No.15616741

I like to trick them into saying
>You cant change them they were born that way!
And then accuse them of believing in the gay gene. It is really funny you should try it out.

>> No.15616746

>And then accuse them of believing in the gay gene.
Did homosexuality stop being considered genetic? That was literally the whole argument in favor of gay marriage.

>> No.15616764

What they believe literally depends what argument the chud is making. Like I said, try it out.

>> No.15617367

I had a huge crush on a feminine boy in high school. He used to brush my hair.
We even had a "if we are single by 30 let's get married" pact.
I think I actually loved him.
He had lots of female friends though, so I never had the guts to pursue a relationship. I figured he's either in the closet or if he's straight I couldn't ask him to give up his female friends because of my own selfish jealousy.

Now that I'm older I found out my brother is gay and my father is a misogynistic bisexual. I think there might be a genetic component (even though it hasn't been proven) so I don't want my children to have a feminine father because If I had to choose I don't want gay children. Current BF is very masculine.