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15552713 No.15552713 [Reply] [Original]

If mind-matter interaction is statistically likely:
Then why is it that it's taken as a joke by scientists and laymen alike?

>> No.15552735

Scientists deny phenomenon like this for the same reason Catholics/Christians talk about inspiration from God but never ever elaborate. For fear of heresy. Institutional control.

>> No.15552736

>for the same reason Catholics/Christians talk about inspiration from God but never ever elaborate.

>> No.15552741
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It's become a state secret.

Ridicule and blackballing are necessary deterrents for anyone persuading any group to avoid this topic of research.

>> No.15552743

It the regular practice for the Judeo-Christian God worshippers to claim inspiration from God in their day to day life, but if you ask for details you will be met with silence. At best you get very basic things like "never give up" or "keep trying". They do not explain long complicated communications that are readily available. That would be heresy.

tl;dr Catholics/Christians fear liars more than they have faith in God

>> No.15552746

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Every time I've talked to someone about that they've been quite forthcoming with what they think God is trying to instruct them on with events in their life.

>> No.15552751

Conversations with friends around a campfire is different than in the church. Inside of a church you will get "we all feel it" but nobody says more than that.

Of course people do in depth analysis of their feelings with their close companions.

>> No.15552753

Do people at your church regularly bring up those things in settings where they're not comfortable enough to explain them fully? It sounds like you live in a very atomized community and I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.15552762

Nah, I am in rural appalachia. The realest church you'll ever find. I've never found a church of any denomination where people actually explain intimate interactions with God. It is ALWAYS kept private. This is so different than an emotionally biased person over-interpreting their world. Of course people can say freely entire chapter books worth of what they think God wants out of their life, but when referring to literal communication this is unrelated.

>> No.15552764

To say another way people go into vast detail in regard to "sensing God" but go into no detail whatsoever in regard to actual communication with God.

Sensing a message is NOT having an active conversation with God.

>> No.15552776

I think you might be hung up on the difference between special revelation (which is what you think inspiration is) and the intercession of the Holy Spirit (what inspiration actually is). When God inspires you, it's done so without speech and you come to a sudden and oftentimes uncharacteristic realization of what the correct thing to do is. For example criminals and addicts who become saved often discuss having their mindset completely shifted by a moment of unusually clear realization that came to them unprompted, and which they wouldn't otherwise have the lucidity to experience.

>> No.15552784

See, this separation is specifically because cultists poisoned the well of honesty and they had to real it all back. It's about control. You can't just have folks running around shouting about what God is telling them. That would make them cult leaders. You cannot even maintain the structure of the religion if this is allowed.

>> No.15552788


>> No.15552796

No it's definitely not. The separation is as old as Christianity itself. If you read the Church Fathers you can see some mentions of the different kinds of guidance, especially starkly with some of the Eastern Fathers (as in Eastern Orthodox) who had a fascination with inspiration as a state of oneness with the Spirit.

>> No.15552809

It's quite simple. It's absolute bollocks to suggest that God doesn't talk. It is STRUCTURALLY NECESSARY for the religion for God to be non-verbal. This of course, is due to the fact that humans are making the rules here. God doesn't have rules. If he wants to talk, he will. Humans have no say in this. It is all about control, every person that has ever claimed direct communication with God has been silenced and thrown away.

Now see, I can't respect this at all, because I have met God and I know that God talks.

This is a simple matter of Christianity fearing liars and schizos more than they have faith in God. With a total faith in God, nothing would ever phase you.

>> No.15552810

Oh I see what your deal is now.

>> No.15554130
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well this thread got thoroughly derailed. I wonder how that happened.

Anyone wanna talk about parapsychology now?

>> No.15554345
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What is it?

>> No.15554427

>Then why is it that it's taken as a joke by scientists and laymen alike?
Most people are not ready to interact with the consciousness field. This is the next great adventure if we can crack it open.
Before anyone assumes I'm shitposting, I'm a natural skeptic but there is some striking proof to psionic abilities. There has been research that suggests people share thoughts while sleeping, for instance. The most compelling to me, however, is the CIA/SRI remote viewing experiments of Mars. The experiments were done in the mid-70s. The viewer relatively accurately described chaos terrain on Mars, decades before we had the ability to resolve those regions beyond a reddish smudge in an old Viking orbiter image.

>> No.15554561

>the consciousness field.
You're as schizophrenic as the guy being talked to by demons up above.

>> No.15554669

No, I think it's an interesting concept.

>> No.15554764 [DELETED] 
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Yes, me. Have you heard about the robo chicken experiment?
I currently work in parapsy and all the data regarding PK suggests a decrease in entropy in every single one of its forms (though all ar related through shannon's definition). Although the increase of entropy is a statistical law, I believe there is a way to relate it to the information being sent in cases of PK, information sent through some channel is again what Shannon's information theory is all about, so maybe, just maybe, the decrease of entropy in a physical system is somehow compensated by the information input recieved through a spooky channel mediating action at a distance.

If the purpose of a psi operation is to make more certain a particular subset of outcomes in a sample space [math] \Omega [/math] then it feels an awful lot as if the entropy should decrease. Moreover, if we think about adding information as conditioning the random variables in the sample space we would be inclined to think that if the original probability distribution is given by [math] p(X) [/math] and the probability distribution after the psi operation is given by [math] p(X|Y) [/math].
Following this line of throught, the information entropy related to the change would be: [math] H(X|Y)-H(X) [/math].

Now for the interesting bit. If [math] H(Y) [/math] is the entropy associated to the additional information that is being added and we only know [math] H(X) [/math] and [math] H(X|Y) [/math], we would like [math] H(Y) [/math] as a function of these, or at least, try to give it upper and lower bounds.
We know that [math] H(X)-H(X|Y) = H(X)+H(Y)-H(X,Y) [/math] therefore:
[math] H(Y) = H(X,Y)-H(X|Y) [/math], but unfortunately, we can´t give any meaningful upper and lower bounds to this using only [math] H(X) [/math] and [math] H(X|Y) [/math].

Using info theory for this has been fairly recent and the work that is out there is my own, I'm barely a novice, but we'll get there.

>> No.15554934

The best days of parapsychology were the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Old psychic-research journals are very comfy.
Then Rhine destroyed the soul of the field by introducing tedious guessing experiments and statistics. The premise is fundamentally wrong. Psi effects shouldn't be that fucking weak to begin with.
Also, the fact that the Americans and the Soviets did psychic research of their own doesn't validate the field. One could argue that the main reason they declassified a lot of shit is that they didn't find anything.

>> No.15554968
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>The premise is fundamentally wrong. Psi effects shouldn't be that fucking weak to begin with.
>Implying you have such vast knowledge that you think you know better than nature instead of looking for correlations.

>One could argue that the main reason they declassified a lot of shit is that they didn't find anything
One could argue that the reason they declassified a lot of shit is to get people to reach this conclusion.

There would be less debate about the validity of the subject if people could levitate cars with their minds on command, yet it's not what we see. Imo the robot chicken experiment proves parapsi and validates that the reason why humans can't do PK as easily is because of needless noise in a communication channel.

>> No.15554972

"para" is latin for bullshit

>> No.15555027

>Noooo you cant talk to God thats illegal!!!

t. Pope

>> No.15555043

Like all schizophrenics he's proud to say everyone is wrong but deeply ashamed to say what he's being instructed by his voices.

>> No.15555051

Wrong, it is the religious folk that never elaborate. I am simply pointing it out. God told me to stop drinking. Ripped me out of my body and told me to knock it off.

No religious person will ever elaborate, they will only describe sensory nonsense. i.e. they just want to believe it

>> No.15555054

>No religious person will ever elaborate, they will only describe sensory nonsense. i.e. they just want to believe it
And yet that's entirely false. Many people talk about being told explicitly not to do sin just like you said you were told.

>> No.15555057
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>not transcendental phenomenology
Phenomenology is using the organs of your body as tools of measuring reality.

>> No.15555098

No no no, you are quite wrong. Religious people stay exactly 1 tier below in specificity. They never exit sensor communication, they never go into verbal communication. That it outright heresy no matter what the conversation is about.

And let's be quite clear, I was experiencing alcoholic delirium tremens, I merely keep a foot in the door of "what if it was real". It is quite simply a willingness. I use this as an example because it is a great bridge between the stages of what a religious person does versus what they imply they do.

It never goes beyond "did you feel it?" "Yeah I felt it too!" "wooooah".

>> No.15555102

And to be even more clear. ANYBODY that claims a conversation with God WILL BE EXCLUDED from their religion. There has never been and will never be an institutional endorsement of someone's conversation with God. This has VERY CLEAR reason too.

>> No.15555133

>There has never been and will never be an institutional endorsement of someone's conversation with God.
The Catholics have an entire bureau devoted to cataloging the genuine apparitions of Christ and sainted intermediaries. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary delivering messages from God are highly respected and recognized, for example the message and miracle witnessed at Fatima by thousands.

>> No.15555143

There have been a hundred documented in history, easily...how ignorant could you possibly be of religion!?

Jesus...STFU, everything you posted was pure pulled from the ass...

>> No.15555168

>Institutional control

You are both asses.

>Pope decides if you actually talked to God

>> No.15555169


>> No.15555173

The Pope doesn't have a say in any of it. If he did, the Fatima prophecies which criticize the pope's failures wouldn't have been printed.

>> No.15555177

Look broski, I will be even more clear. The existence of an institutional filter for has or has not talked to God is enough for me to not acknowledge any of the many hundreds of events you reference. It's all dogshit from the mere basis of human consent alone. Humans have no say in whether or not a conversation with God occurred.

>> No.15555182

You can use your rational discernment to assess whether someone is lying about speaking to God. In fact that's what we're instructed to do in order to avoid being misled by false teachers.

>> No.15555184

That's a one way trip to institutions protecting pragmatic, earthly interests.

>> No.15555187

Earthly, pragmatic interests like obeying the word of God and rejecting worldly sins? Because every time some crackpot schizo claims special revelation it's their excuse to allow sin. Almost always those sins are sexual sins like bigamy and homosexuality, which are abominations before God.

>> No.15555189

For your initial question, earthly pragmatic interests are economic choices and the control relating to this. Have you ever heard the Amish refer to something as "worldly"? It means they couldn't have the slightest interest, and in fact are averse to it.

As for the rest of your state, yes, and precisely these fiery awful schizo liars must NEVER be an excuse to dismiss the remainder of religious claims. You must NEVER fear liars more than you have faith in God.

>> No.15555190

As for the rest of your statement*

>> No.15555195

>As for the rest of your state, yes, and precisely these fiery awful schizo liars must NEVER be an excuse to dismiss the remainder of religious claims. You must NEVER fear liars more than you have faith in God.
Nobody disagrees with this. Like I told you they just use their God-given discernment to throw out false teachers and evaluate claims based on whether they agree with God or are in opposition to God's commandments.

>> No.15555198

That's fine. I contend that it is not balanced appropriately. I contend that more genuine religious claims are thrown out than kept and this is the result of fear of liars. AKA people fear liars more than they have faith in God.

If someone truly had total faith, their fear of liars would be nonexistent.

>> No.15555204

I think you're arguing against some strawman out of a bizarre mental hangup.

>> No.15555206

I think this is kind of important actually. The other side is infinite and eternal love, and we humans are doing some fucked up shit because were afraid of other humans. It's dumb.

>> No.15555207

Your personal bugbear is something that only bothers you because of a perceived slight someone did to you in your personal life. It isn't relevant to anyone else. The strawman you created doesn't exist outside your diseased mind.

>> No.15555208

You just don't like my point so now you're playing armchair psychologist.

I will recap: Let every liar run unperturbed, so that we may never lose a truth teller.

>> No.15555544

Fucking Moses you retarded jackass.

Everything you think is wrong and retarded, SHUT THE FUCK UP.


>> No.15555574

para psychology is basically the retarded sub discipline of the retarded discipline called psychology.

Since you take an interest in this field for retards, let me explain in a way you can understand:

If psychology is /pol/ then para psychology is /b/.

>> No.15555590
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>let me explain
No, Dave, the human psyche doesnt operate on formless chaos, its pro/anti, which is coherent and logic based (regardless if the action/belief is counter logical).

You learned nothing from there...go back until you level up, kiddo.

>> No.15555611
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>the retarded discipline called psychology
Always do the opposite...of the people that have spoken about for thousands of years...but dont try to learn, son...

Just...order another Nacho Cheese Supreme and Baja Blast, turn on the radio and let the cyanide take you home.

>> No.15555614
File: 88 KB, 396x464, 2023-07-11_11.46.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Psychology" after Psychology is Phenomenology, and if you can master that you can begin to distinguish Physiological Cognition in others.

Doctor means Doctor, not "fellow retard".

>> No.15555774

Anon, Moses is pre-institution. Your argument is the very definition of invalid.

>> No.15555869
File: 56 KB, 720x720, 2022-09-08_20.42.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Church is Communion, the Hivemind being in Communion with the Chosen One. It used to be that when the Chosen One was awakened they would take him to the center point of civilization to rule, ye olde Pharaoh style before the recorded history started. Long before Moses.

The people in power hated losing power to new rulers so they simply rejected the new one, killing the Messiah by killing all the babies when word got out. They j
hated being usruped by new ways of life that did not affirm their obsolete certainty of what was Devine. The "Insitution" is not the

>Your argument is the very definition of invalid.
Did the Institution stay in Cairo? Was a new Temple formed? What is "New Jerusalem"? Why is Cairo no longer the center of power?

Maybe it still is...under a New Name. A mina nation inside of a Nation, like Rome to Italy or City of London to the UK...

Pope is the mini nation inside the greater nation, a figure head as an aspect representative of the Chosen One.

Youre very fixated on the world you see with your eyes and not the one that shifts between lines and divisions. "Institution", hrmph...stone and careers make not a Church.

You dont speak on behalf of Heaven, I do.

>There has never been and will never be an institutional endorsement of someone's conversation with God.
Revelation, Ezekiel, Enoch, many books have "Devine Revelations", its actually quite common.

>> No.15555879

Oh...and one religion didnt reject the new Chosen One. Rome accept with indignation, Orthodox was fine with it. Buddhism took a while to come around (for reasons beyond anyones understand by my own), and various other smaller ones seemed alright. Hinduism seems to accept it fine. Cults generally love me, I got a nod (atleast after I gave one) to Scientology (it hit a couple correct notes that no "normal understanding of reality" would have made.)

So, yes, there will be infighting between "institutions" but that is infighting for control of the steeringwheel of the world.

>> No.15556851

You never really addressed my argument you just decided to go into greater specificity. I re-apply my argument to all of your new words.

>> No.15556866
File: 173 KB, 600x900, 2022-10-01_01.10.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh...and one religion didnt reject the new Chosen One. Rome accept with indignation, Orthodox was fine with it. Buddhism took a while to come around (for reasons beyond anyones understand by my own), and various other smaller ones seemed alright. Hinduism seems to accept it fine. Cults generally love me, I got a nod (atleast after I gave one) to Scientology (it hit a couple correct notes that no "normal understanding of reality" would have made.)

"No but I want to win, not realize I was wrong..that always sucks, fuck that, I just want affirmations to my delusional retardation."

Im literally trying to explain the entirety of human history to an ilkiterate retard....read more books and post less.

>> No.15556868

Now youre just using words you dont really understand.

Go back to /b/.

>> No.15556880

I don't think you have ever talked to a Christian in real life ever.

>> No.15556904

what are the claims being made? no, im not clicking your shitty links. just summarise in a few words.

>> No.15556916

I live in appalachia and go to church :^)

>> No.15556920

Because the claimed "evidence" doesn't stand up to even the slightest modicum of scrutiny. Parapsychology is the poster child of the replication crisis.

>> No.15556922

Pilpul is precisely the word for what you're doing, and you're butthurt about it. You have still never addressed my argument, you simply moved the goal post. "It's not an institution!! reeeee". Cope and seethe. You can distill words all you want you will never evade my argument.

Christianity relies strictly on sensory communication, and post-institution all verbal communication is reduced to sensory communication via confirmation by another human. Pre-institution claims of verbal communication can be readily made safely, because this does not threaten the power of the institution. Stay mad. Christians are limited to "woah bro do you feel that?".

>> No.15556926

To make this more clear, because you have a massive arrogant ego and can't see your own faults.

The reduction of verbal communication into sensory communication by another human means that when you suggest you've had verbal communication with God, it is only legitimized by the sensory capacity of other humans. Therefore, the event is reduced into sensory communication.

Verbal communication with God is liberated from confirmation by other humans, but you will not see this in the church.

>> No.15556934

Theologians even acknowledge faith as a necessity to the structure of Christianity, and people like Blaise Pascal struggled deeply with this because they had actual encounters with God and thus felt robbed of their faith as they then knew for sure.

Sensory communication = faith
Verbal communication = experiential proof

The mode of Christianity is to downgrade experiential proof into faith. You are arguing against this.

>> No.15556938

Read this all as one post Mr.Passion Culty thank you I am going to bed see you tomorrow

>> No.15556972

Oh sweet, a schizo thread.

>> No.15557494

No, youre an arrogant retard stuffing flaggerant asshattery into my posts.

You are 100% wrong, I dont engage disingenous liars and charlatans, youre overly certain about what you are 100% incorrect about.

This discussion is over...and...


>> No.15557502


>> No.15557519

No, three pages of posts just to LIE is seething. Infantile "no u's" and "oooo he mad". LITERAL ADOLECENT BEHAVIOR.

Psychology....yoy mother fucker DO NOT KNOW IT.


>> No.15557522
File: 9 KB, 225x224, fatwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the opportunity to formulate a counter argument at any time. :^)

Pic related, you.

>> No.15557560

NTA, but your argument has a few fundamental flaws:
>1 - Default assumption that no religion accepts personal revelations. For example, Catholics do.
>2 - Assumption that any institutional process related to verifying the veracity of the revelations is automatically an attempt to silence the revelations and maintain the authority. It's the classical Bulverism or in other words the appeal to motive, where you automatically assume that the other side is wrong and try to make up their motives.
>3 - Assumption that the reason why people err on the side of caution is fearing liars more than they love God, when the same God straight up tells them to be cautious of the deceivers. To follow your ideal of accepting all personal revelations, one must reject God's direct orders to be cautious.
>4 - Defaulting to the assumption that the communication with God must be completely verbal, even when it contradicts the actual way the communication is supposed to go 99.999% of time. Reason why people typically end their descriptions at sensory level isn't because they fear telling about their actual, verbal experiences, it's because there was no verbal experience in a first place.

>> No.15557568

Only nazis believe in this occult mumbo jumbo because of their low IQs trying to make sense of a world they don't understand. Look up how the Third Reich was into this paranormal bullshit, a bunch of fucking mentally ill freaks all of them.

>> No.15557659

Already did.

It went over your head because youre tourist from /pol/.

Go back.

>> No.15557679

not enough clarity for the cia to use as wallhacks

>> No.15557823

You did no such thing. You called me a liar because you are mad and mentally weak.
Thank you for a mature reply. Obviously, I am throwing stones. The core component of my argument is the insulating factor of faith. It makes actual proof impossible. Even with a real act of God, after enough time, this too becomes reliant on faith.

>> No.15557837

And another thing, I am a shit tier philosopher so I simply use terms in my own way. Of course, this is frustating.

You can think of "institution" as "structural direction factor"

>> No.15557846
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>> No.15557894
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>the consciousness field.

You wanna talk BioPhysics, lets dance, but keep your charlatan Pseudo-Psycho-Analysis to yourself, youre not a Doctor. Environmental Genetics explains where your BioChemical understand of Biology fails.

>> No.15557897

>Pilpul is precisely the word for what you're doing
Youre a Political Activist, not a Scientist, so go back to /pol/, youre not competent enough to be genuinly engaged.

I did, youre blind and pushing a narrative of deluded certainty, you do not meet the prerequisits of my lectures.

>> No.15557956

Say it again. Humor me. I am no political activist, you are a bad person for making such assumptions about one word, which was quite correctly used. Your brain is mush. Deranged lunatic.

>> No.15557963

My point can be condensed down to "faith is a structural prerequisite of christianity".

Go ahead, be mad about that. All proofs are reduced to a level of uncertainty by nature of the religion itself. Cope. Cope. Cope.

I am a christian, by the way.

>> No.15557976

Thread blatantly derailed. OP, it probably became shunned after being completely aboveboard in the 50s and 60s at prestigious universities because they started getting results whose implications were, in their eyes, not fit for the plebs.

>> No.15558076

I was the first post. Some spergs couldn't handle my statement. Blame them. I came here for parapsychology too.

>> No.15558695

Thanks you to for the mature response. Still, I'd like to point out that in many cases the institutional validation does happen within short enough time frame to still have the even in the fresh memory. Still, it was a fun discussion we had.

>> No.15558718
File: 2.56 MB, 3208x1560, 2023-03-12_12.04.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you do not meet the prerequisits of my lectures
You do not meet the prerequisits.
>Deranged lunatic.
Youre not a Doctor, youre LARPing as one.
>Your brain is mush.
Youre not competent enough to do a cognative assessment on others, youre deluded in your ignorance.
>which was quite correctly used
Youre not a linguist, you used that word incorrectly but correctly in the slanderous way /pol/ would use it...because my assessment was accurate.
>"faith is a structural prerequisite of christianity"
Tell that to Jesus, Mohammed, Abraham, Noah, Moses, and many, many, others that they are operating from a postition of FAITH.

No...they were operating from a position of KNOWING. As do I. You cant even handle parables, you see pipul because youre cnfused about yourself, you look in the mirror and see a genius because you dont actually engage with other geniuses, you engage with morons and this has deluded your sense of self.

>I am a christian, by the way.
No. Youre a product of modenrity.

>> No.15558726

Thanks for the laugh, truly you are insane. I enjoyed reading this a lot. Get help.

I ask, when Jesus asked why his father has forsaken him, was he experiencing omniscience? Omniscience is required in order to evade the decay into faith. Without it, all experience eventually reduces into being faith based.

And as for each person you mention, I refer back to my point here >>15557823
"even with a real act of God, after enough time this too becomes reliant on faith".

>> No.15558728

>I came here for parapsychology
Then you will need the prerequisits of Physics, Environmental Biology and Psychology.

*How* such a thing as telepathy is possible; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Returning_soldier_effect

How animals evolve in tandem, seperated symbiosis, mimicry, and many others.

This is not /x/, this is Advanced Biology.

....and THAT is why you do not meet the requirements.

>> No.15558732

Morphic resonance, a-priori knowledge, collective consciousness, these are all concepts that I'm VERY receptive too. It follows quite well with my natural mode of thinking about things.

Also, you really need to chill out, cupcake.

>> No.15558733
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>Thanks for the laugh
>[clapping monkey]
Youre a jackass and know nothing of God or Jesus.
>truly you are insane
Youre uneducated and filled with Ego and Pride, this is why you do not know God...youre married to sins that pollute your soul.

Begone...you are too ignorant to educate.

>> No.15558735
File: 8 KB, 193x261, TheKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I can worship this guy then

Relax. This could have been a great conversation. I won't call you anymore names, it's fun for me, but clearly something is going on with you that's serious.

>> No.15558744

>you really need to chill out
Youre not the one that knows the answers to this entire thread, its litereally my Thesis, but instead of meeting with eager students...Im met with uneducated charlatans shitting up the thread with lies and bad faith arguments. Lies about me, again and again, then expects respect and decency in return.

I dont take lying as a joke, its polluted the entire education system, all of academia, is polluted.

How telepathy works, the Hivemind (Holy Spirit), all of Theology, how it works in Physics, (NOT FAITH, but CONCRETE STEM).

>> No.15558747

You did not refute anything here >>15558726 by the way and I would like if you made an attempt.

>> No.15558753

>Get help.
Youre a wolf in sheeps clothing, a snake in a garden...

>something is going on with you that's serious
Ive been to every corner of the globe studying everything in the world, from religions, genetics, cultures, cults, politics, ecologies, psychology, phenomenology, all while studying physics, maths, and countless other things online.

I can speak to a magnetic field, the same one Noah did...who the fuck are YOU to address me with such BAD FAITH?

Corrupted, your soul is...son...

>> No.15558754

That's fine. No more snide comments from me, you're too sensitive and can't stay focused when I do this.

How about the actual content of my posts?

>> No.15558755

>You did not refute anything
Youre not the Judge of what was or was not refuted, you failed to even underatand YOUR OWN BAD FAITH.

Youre too dumb, dude....YOU ARE A LIAR. There is no "Prove me wrong." You simply ignore whats presented as "Mnyeah...not good enough." so you can feel superior.


Go back to your faithless faith, liars dont get into heaven...

>> No.15558756

Not an argument.

>> No.15558760

>you're too sensitive
Youre tok insulting and refuse to accept you make bad faith posts while pretending to be faultless.

You are not the judge of your sins, dumbass....otherwise sinners would be sinless by them simply seeing nothing wrong with their sins!


>> No.15558762

>There is no "Prove me wrong." You simply ignore whats presented as "Mnyeah...not good enough." so you can feel superior.

>> No.15558764

I am completely open to being proven wrong, but I suspect you are too fearful to even try.

>faithless faith
This is the polar opposite of every post I've made ITT. If you read this wrong this entire time, you are in a really bad position.

>> No.15558766

You have only defended against mean words, you have made no argument.

>> No.15558769

>I am completely open to being proven wrong
I audibly laughed at your delusion.

Youre a sinner, begone...you are no Christian, youre not even a Godly person...youre a charlatan, a "Lord Lord Lord" but was never saved...

>> No.15558772

I would genuinely like to be proven wrong, I can only benefit from a more accurate framework of reality.

>> No.15558773

>faithless faith
>This is the polar opposite of every post I've made ITT
>a "Lord Lord Lord" but was never saved...

Case closed.

>> No.15558774

Also, I've been baptized. I'm saved.

Still waiting on a counter argument.

>> No.15558776

Not an argument. I can wait until bump limit until you provide one.

>> No.15558777

>Oh...and one religion didnt reject the new Chosen One. Rome accept with indignation, Orthodox was fine with it. Buddhism took a while to come around (for reasons beyond anyones understand by my own), and various other smaller ones seemed alright. Hinduism seems to accept it fine. Cults generally love me, I got a nod (atleast after I gave one) to Scientology (it hit a couple correct notes that no "normal understanding of reality" would have made.)

>> No.15558779

>There is no "Prove me wrong." You simply ignore whats presented as "Mnyeah...not good enough." so you can feel superior.

Truth doesnt change because youre too dumb to recognize it...your ignorance means nothing to the Truth.

>> No.15558780

Alright, so the reason that THIS is not an argument, and the reason I used the term pilpul is BECAUSE the TYPE of argument I'm making has no bearing whatsoever on the actual events and occurrences throughout history. It is applicable regardless of what has happened, because it is an ontological argument. Not a historic argument, not a theological argument. It is related to the very basics of how things work. Don't just willy nilly think this "went over my head". It was entirely irrelevant.

>> No.15558783

I stopped insulting you.

>> No.15558784

>when Jesus asked why his father has forsaken him, was he experiencing omniscience? Omniscience is required in order to evade the decay into faith.
Youre literally trying to use the logic of ignorance to checkmate God.

Peak Idolatry of the Self, you speak from a positition of superiority to God, but you are not Christ, you are a talking anus...

>stil waiting for an argument
The error is you, nothing I say matters to you because YOU SEE YOURSELF AS ABOVE GOD.


>> No.15558789

So Jesus was all-knowing, then?

>not even God can convince me
That's quite silly. God can will anything.

>> No.15558790
File: 23 KB, 275x183, 2023-04-19_22.47.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every post you make is an insult.
All of them. 100%. Its all an insult.

The only way to teach your closed brain and heart is through physical pain...literally, beat the devil out of you.

Developmental Psychology and Physiology via Biochemistry and Bioelectric signalling...You are not a Scientist so YOU ARE NO JUDGE OF MY WAYS, SON.

>> No.15558792

I am not afraid of you. I have no enemies.

>> No.15558795

>God can will anything.
Youre telling God what it can and cannot do, AGAIN.

God to you is a fantasy in your head that you can say or do with it whatever you want, totally detached from reality....

Pharisee...you are the Pharisees that hated Jesus but like you they had a idea of God that was detached from reality...when they met God's representstive they killed him, because the idea in their heads was superior....IDOLATRY OF THE EGO.

You are not Christian, youre a heretic.

>> No.15558797

When do you present your argument, sir?

>> No.15558802

>I am not afraid of you.
Youre not afraid of yourself...thats the problem, son...

>I have no enemies.
You do...its your the one in the mirror...it tricked you on a Biochemistry level, delivering feel-good chemicals that protect you from shame or disappointment in your failures.

You brainwashed yourself...only you can get yourself out, not even God can change your wicked ways as you chose Satanic ideations instead.

>> No.15558805

Please respond to this >>15558780


>> No.15558810

Also I can touch holy water just fine thank you

God bless!

>> No.15558815

>BECAUSE the TYPE of argument I'm making has no bearing whatsoever
Fucking retard.
>ANYBODY that claims a conversation with God WILL BE EXCLUDED from their religion
Your soul is corrupted by your ego.
>and one religion didnt reject the new Chosen One. Rome accept with indignation, Orthodox was fine with it. Buddhism took a while to come around (for reasons beyond anyones understand by my own), and various other smaller ones seemed alright. Hinduism seems to accept it fine. Cults generally love me, I got a nod (atleast after I gave one) to Scientology (it hit a couple correct notes that no "normal understanding of reality" would have made.)

"Not an argument."
You cannot accept you sold your soul....

>> No.15558818
File: 19 KB, 252x394, Dali_Crucifixion_hypercube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God bless!
You never knee me.

>> No.15558821

I have absolute faith in Jesus Christ, and as well I have had an out of body experience and met God.

Still waiting for an argument, good sir!

>> No.15558823

I fucking hate typos when trying to type so fast...

Youre not smart or educated, I know you better than you know yourself, MY SON.

>> No.15558825

>I have absolute faith in Jesus Christ
Youre a faithless heretic and a habitual liar.

>> No.15558826

>claiming to be God

I would never dare. Why do you? You can't even type correctly.

>> No.15558828

I go to church and have been baptized, I am thankful for it every day.

Ready to make an argument yet?

>> No.15558832

>Why do you?
Because I am the Vicar of Christ.
See...when I said you have bad faith?

I already told you, you dont even consider the other person doesnt lie like you do...you automatically assume everyone lies too and thats normal.

Its not. Youre a liar, I am not.
>I can speak to a magnetic field, the same one Noah did.

Its very common throughout history, ITS VERY COMMON.


>> No.15558836

>I go to church and have been baptized, I am thankful for it every day.
Youre heretic and a liar, you may have recieved a message (doubt) but you DO NOT KNOW GOD.


You DO NOT know Jesus, you DO NOT know the Holy Spirt.

Youre a product of modern invention and a habitial liar with a corrupted spirit.

>> No.15558837

If you're a vicar, then you are not my father. You did lie.

I believe in a-priori knowledge, and I believe it is accessed from the ether, this is exactly what you claim you do and what you claim Noah did. I believe in this capacity, and have engaged with it my entire life. To the extent that I've always felt that post-priori knowledge is not necessary.

>> No.15558839

I yearn for enlightenment at all times, it never ceases.

When will you present your argument?

>> No.15558841
File: 76 KB, 720x720, 2023-05-26_21.29.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're a vicar, then you are not my father
I am the All Father.
I do not lie because I DONT HAVE TO.

>> No.15558846

And yet you have no argument

>> No.15558848

>I yearn for enlightenment at all times
Heh...the lies you tell the world but only you believe. If you profess loudly enough surely even God will believe you too....

>> No.15558851

Argument pls

>> No.15558853

>And yet you have no argument
You will only learn from physical beatings, nothing spoke or shown will enlighten you.

>> No.15558854

Schizos arguing with schizos. Neither one is able to leave because of their delusional narcissism. Amazing.

>> No.15558855

Do better, my retarded and sinful shit for brains son....

>> No.15558859

Quite an odd statement from someone claiming to have a comprehension of the mind and body and spirit. Would my spirit take the beating, too?

Again, I would love for you to formulate an argument.

>> No.15558861

To be fair this website is my hobby and it's been really downhill the last few years, at least there's (you)s here...

>> No.15558867

Your too dumb and egocentric to realise I engage with these retards as an open case study for other people to see.

Half the time I argue is simply an options to show when why how and in which ways certain subjects apply.

I can "say" Im a psychologist but actaully breaking a patient down until theyre logically blocked into a two-wrongs corner, people just say "nuh uh" to me.

Ego of the self, a Psychological perspective of Cognition, which parts of the brain he is viewing the self as, as they CAN change with processing, ergo...Reborne.

I could go on...but, yeah, yours "some dude".

>> No.15558869


>> No.15558874

>Quite an odd statement
Youre not a Psychologist, you wouldnt know....stop lying by means of assumption of expertise in fields youre utterly ignorant in.
>someone claiming
Not a claim, its self evident in the posts Ive made that I know what Im talking about....BUT YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR, you are not one to say one way or the other about this; ergo...STOP LYING.

>Would my spirit take the beating, too?
It would become alive...for the first time in your life.
>formulate an argument.
Youre too stupid to see you lost one.

>> No.15558876


>> No.15558879

It's odd to me. Things can be odd to anybody. I'm not a psychologist, but I also don't think they have much validity. Especially not if God is all powerful. I'm not a doctor. Never said I was.

Please sir, your argument! Any time!

>> No.15558881
File: 403 KB, 640x559, follow-up-if-the-kork-were-so-amazing-how-did-the-ork-de-v0-54fcoyssc7x91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology and /sci/ never mix...this is a Math and Phsyics board.

Since its a field where people can assume its about how one feeeeels then they can always smirk as say "nuh uh".

>> No.15558884

>Since its a field where people can assume its about how one feeeeels then they can always smirk as say "nuh uh".
Like you did when you were diagnosed with schizophrenia.

>> No.15558887

It's so fucking hilarious how a genuine schizophrenic has an authoritarian complex about psychologists. Fuck I can't stop laughing.

>> No.15558888
File: 221 KB, 602x421, 2023-05-20_07.55.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially not if God is all powerful.
You have no clue what God is, just a concept in your mind thats blinded your soul...an Ego-Idol.

If you met Jesus 2,000 years ago you would act EXACTLY the same to me, you would have cheered at him being killed.

THAT is the Argument, that EVEN JESUS IN THE FLESH wouldnt have changed your mind, for your soul is sold to a different power.


>> No.15558889

Nah man I like nice people

>> No.15558890

He has very funny insecurities, like when he rants and raves about having a doctorate and being a doctor.

>> No.15558892

>Like you did when you were diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Another one out of the park...bravo, sir.

You sure do dig yourself deeper....that soul waaay down in that abyss....lost...so cold....

>> No.15558893

>replies to himself
>is also replying to the wrong anon
>is still not providing an argument

Poetry in motion

>> No.15558895

>I like nice people

You like people that submit to your lies and delusions.

>> No.15558898

Ironic projection.

>> No.15558899

I am quite literally begging you to prove me wrong


>> No.15558900

The picture dumbass...EXTRAPOLATE.


>> No.15558905

I don't believe in harming others, though you have threatened me with physical violence. Are you a roman soldier per chance?

Don't forget about the counter argument! I'm waiting!

>> No.15558906


Ive proven myself to actual professionals, youre a bunch of midwits thats been nowhere and seen nothing, you have no education, no expereince and nothing ro you name.

You hate being wrong but put no effort into being right, worst of both sides combined, clown world.

Post Thesis.
Post Thesis.

>> No.15558908

Not an argument.

>> No.15558910
File: 471 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230713-021815_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't forget about the counter argument! I'm waiting!
Youve already been shown why that isnt possible.


>> No.15558913

Also, link to thesis? You're the only one claiming to have one. Let's see it champ!

>> No.15558915


But hey for shit's and giggles let's see that counter argument!

>> No.15558918

>You're the only one claiming to have one
I already posted some of it here, you simply need to inquire further, and recieve more....but you didnt, because youre a liar and assume everyone else is a liar too.

A sinner...that doesnt understand someone that doesnt sin doesnt sin...a paradox in your eyes, so he MUST be sinning too, like you!

Why couldnt you see it?

>You're the only one claiming to have one
I have a dozen. I keep no records because I have too much to keep track of. I move on after formulating one then another....and another, its a lifestyle, not a goal.
>link to thesis
Post Thesis and lets settle your deficiencies right now.

>> No.15558919

You lack it, correct, and so since you do not self regulate, physical punishement must do it for you, because youre heart (soul)is CLOSED to God, you do not know God.

Youre a liar and heretic, simple as.

>> No.15558924

>you simply need to inquire further, and recieve more
Can you post it here? Perhaps in PDF form?

>> No.15558925

I have no thesis.

You mean to say you have no thesis either? I'm disappointed. I was excited to have my mind blown.

How about just a simple counter argument? Shouldn't be hard for someone with a dozen theses!

>> No.15558926

Doesn't sound like an argument. I refuse to harm you physically, and the thought literally never even crossed my mind. I've felt no anger or deceit in a long time. God helped me a lot with that kind of thing.

Post thesis, produce counter argument. Now.

>> No.15558927
File: 906 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230711-170508_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean to say you have no thesis either?
>I have a dozen. I keep no records because I have too much to keep track of. I move on after formulating one then another....and another, its a lifestyle, not a goal.
You are a sinner and have no soul, you simply spit on anyone that speaks truth.

>you simply need to inquire further, and recieve more
>Can you post it here?
Why are you retarded, why can you not understand basic English?

What is your cognitive malfunction?

>> No.15558928

So inquiring further won't make you post your thesis? Why did you lie?

>> No.15558930

I wonder if you're just trying to hide your embarrassment by chasing the bump limit. The archive will still have it.

Thesis and counter argument at your earliest convenience, sir

>> No.15558931

>So inquiring further won't make you post your thesis?
You didnt.

Why are you retarded, I already posted fields of research, why dont youbread posts, why are you lying, why cant you make a good faith request, why can you stop lying?

Why cant you stop lying?...

>> No.15558934

Why cant you stop lying?

>> No.15558935

Seattle is a terrible place to live.

>> No.15558936

Posting "fields of research" is not posting a thesis. You told me to inquire further and you would post your thesis. I inquired further, and yet you seem to act like you have no thesis at all. Why did you lie?

>> No.15558937

Not an argument.

>> No.15558941

>Posting "fields of research" is not posting a thesis.



Why cant you stop lying?


>> No.15558943

Oh great one please enlighten us with your infinite knowledge please we are weak and weary please quench our thirst with your divine providence please we beg you

>> No.15558944

Yup, leave. I did.

I would suggest overseas or midwest if thats not an option, Wyoming is nice.

>> No.15558946

Thats not a request.

>> No.15558948

What is a request
You'll be back

>> No.15558950

Please post your thesis.

>> No.15558954
File: 338 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230713-023944_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a request
Thats not a request.
>You'll be back
To visit Grandma then back to Asia for a little rest from my detour in Spain.

You dont pay attention to shit....flat out oblivious to reality, solipsistic, EGO....

THAT is a Psycho-analysis, one of the soul.

>> No.15558956

I somehow missed your reply because of the clinically insane person we have here. Yes, this does happen, however, over time, this still does decay and retract into faith alone.

>> No.15558957

>Please post your thesis.
Thats not a request.

(Should have read the posts and not "felt" the emotions of what you *think* Im emoting when I type...a catagorical error).

>> No.15558958

>doesn't pay attention
>yet I know you've lived in Seattle

Sir you could make an argument any time and you could also provide your thesis, I am suspecting that you are running and hiding!

>> No.15558962

>yet I know you've lived in Seattle
I flat out said "I did."

HOLY SHIT YOURE RETARED...fuck man....I couldnt imagine being this stupid and certain at the same time.
>your thesis

>> No.15558963

I attained this knowledge before you acknowledge it, why else would I have mentioned Seattle at all? Please sir, don't be so silly.

Provide all dozen theses, and provide the counter argument that has been requested. Thank you.

>> No.15558968

>I attained this knowledge before you acknowledge it
Youre a liar and that isnt a citation, I need proof from liars, their word means less than nothing.

>Provide all dozen theses
Write a book, now.
>provide the counter argument that has been requested
That isnt a request.

>> No.15558969

You have no thesis. You have no argument. You have no doctorate. You are no doctor.

>> No.15558986
File: 220 KB, 719x466, 2022-10-02_17.57.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no thesis.
I have a dozen, most require degrees in other fields to understand because they are all so multidisciplinary, some even formulating quasi-new fields of research.

>You have no doctorate
Four is the reasonable answer, as I do not count Psychology as one, even though I would trounce Peterson on a number of aspects of it.

>You are no doctor.
Been called one by one, whats your thesis on?

-Doctor of the Church

...oh, and still waiting for that inquiry, you dont seem to be able to follow basic instructions made in plain English...thats...kind of a prerequisit to most PhD classes...

>> No.15558989

>I have a dozen, most require degrees in other fields to understand because they are all so multidisciplinary, some even formulating quasi-new fields of research.
Youre a liar and that isnt a citation, I need proof from liars, their word means less than nothing.

>> No.15558992

You have no thesis. You have no argument. You have no doctorate. You are no doctor.

>> No.15558995

>I have a dozen. I keep no records because I have too much to keep track of. I move on after formulating one then another....and another, its a lifestyle, not a goal.

>keeps no records
You have no thesis. You have no argument. You have no doctorate. You are no doctor.

As well you are a liar! Congrats!

>> No.15558999
File: 66 KB, 804x509, 1559166499395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youre a liar
Stop lying.
>that isnt a citation
Thats a reference for inquiry.
>I need proof
I got citations.
>from liars
Stop lying.

>their word means less than nothing.

>You have no thesis.
I have more than you can verify.
>You have no argument.
That isnt an inquiry.
>You have no doctorate.
I have four.
>You are no doctor.
I am a Doctor, Developmental Psychologist specializing in Phenomenology and Cognition.

>> No.15559002

You have no thesis. You have no argument. You have no doctorate. You are no doctor.

>> No.15559005

>You have no thesis.
Thats isnt an inquiry.

>> No.15559008

Tell me, if you have 4 PHDs, how do you plan to visit grandma in Seattle? Has she been dead for a decade or two?

>> No.15559011

You know what's not an argument? Every post you've made ITT.

>> No.15559012

>You have no thesis.
I have more than you can verify.
>You have no argument.
That isnt an inquiry.
>You have no doctorate.
I have four.
>You are no doctor.
I am a Doctor, Developmental Psychologist specializing in Phenomenology and Cognition.

....you need to inquire about specific fields, dumbass, youre basically asking wikipedia "Whats on wikipedia."

Things....you fucking retard, things and stuff and junk....

>> No.15559015
File: 55 KB, 720x720, 2023-07-13_03.09.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you plan to visit grandma in Seattle?
By plane. This is about 2/3rds of the total flights.

>Every post you've made ITT.
Thats not an inquiry.

>> No.15559016

My brother has an eidetic memory. He literally has the entirety of Wikipedia in his head. You are a shameful liar. You will never come close to the capacity that my brother has.

Please produce your counter argument, do you even still remember what argument you have been evading?

>> No.15559017

Ayyy, Im almost to the moon!

>> No.15559018

This is nothing compared to what remote viewers do in just a few moments. Pathetic.

>> No.15559019

>eidetic memory


...and STOP LYING.

>You will never come close to the capacity that my brother has.
He is a retarded midwit and I would beat the shit out of him for kicks, because FUCK WORDS, EAT FIST.

Thats how you present an argument.


>> No.15559021

lol....youre such a pathetic goal post moving faggot......

No...it means you defeated yourself....

>> No.15559022

How Roman of you to threaten violence, this is not within Christ's teachings.

>still doesn't have an argument

>> No.15559024

>he can't even remote view

There are big players here, kid.

>> No.15559029
File: 239 KB, 720x720, 2023-06-28_10.05.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christ's teachings
Youre not a Christain, how would you know?

>MATTHEW 28:20
"teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”"

Whats an "Age"?
>astrological age is a product of the Earth's slow precessional rotation and lasts for 2,160 years
What Age was Jesus?
>Pisces, the Fish.
What Age are we in?

...ruh roh...

Thats a sample of my works....Ive given you ZERO effort or works, JUST bullshit.

>> No.15559031 [DELETED] 

I will not be slowing bumping this thread, to keep it alive for as long as possible so that as many anons as possible may view this hilarious case study of schizophrenia.


>> No.15559032

Im the One that God communes with, as Jesus did.

Who gives a fuck about you...youre supposed to ensuring youre not damning your soul, dumbass...


>> No.15559033

I will now be slowing bumping this thread, to keep it alive for as long as possible so that as many anons as possible may view this hilarious case study of schizophrenia.


>> No.15559034
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>> No.15559038
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...one citation filled swing and POOF...he folds.

Thats why I posted nothing STEM to him, all 100% over his head, he needs orientation from his false perception of self, his idolatry of ego.

It poisons everything he reads, he is blind to Truth. Only a spiritual healing can save that man, no Psychologist would find that, they would engage his delusions genuinly, a affirmation of the damned.

>> No.15559059
File: 112 KB, 960x565, 939793d9483836778d5c3a3172af96d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seek with a Pure Heart and ye shall find.
The Gate to Heaven is unlocked.
Only the Pure of Heart shall pass through.

>> No.15559084

Wouldn't a faraday cage remove interferences, and garranty reproducibility ?
And if interferences makes the practice irrelevant, what's the point ?
Would psychic emissions be transmissible in EM shielded cables like optic fibers ?

Why do i have to believe ?
Why can't you display impossibility ?
This is on the level of the holocaust, global warming, globe earth or space.
Give me an experiment that i can do on my own for less than 500€.
>it's in its infancy, we don't understand it well enough to have results that are noticeable except thrugh statistical analysis
Then accept that i will keep thinking you are either lying filth or retarded filth until then.

>> No.15559093

Secret Gov. science ofc it’s shunned publicly. Like anti matter.

>> No.15559133
File: 31 KB, 417x395, 1665822640415028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't a faraday cage remove interferences
"Faraday cages cannot block stable or slowly varying magnetic fields, such as the Earth's magnetic field (a compass will still work inside)."

I believe it uses magnetic fields as a substrate, as you have plenty of electrical charge inside of your to manipulate in the same manner as your own body does.

>Would psychic emissions be transmissible in EM shielded cables like optic fibers ?
Perhaps not, but the second its converted back into an electrical charge its open to interference again.

>Why do i have to believe ?
Thats like saying "Why do I have to believe there is a Matrix, this steak tastes real."
>Why can't you display impossibility ?
Because you have to be able to reverse engineer its evidence to conclude it as a certainty, otherwise you will have plausible deniability to which you will occums razor aware, even if that would require a massive conspiracy involving every empire in human history, like covid lockdowns...

>This is on the level of the holocaust, global warming, globe earth or space.
Bigger and encompassing all of human history.
>Give me an experiment that i can do on my own for less than 500€.
Your own insight and discernment is all that is needed, the "smoking gun" is beyond you for reasons I stated above.
>it's in its infancy, we don't understand it well enough to have results that are noticeable except thrugh statistical analysis
The results were pretty conclusive, read the literature from the CIA or otherwise you'll have to parse Theological scriptures and use youre own insight.

>Then accept that i will keep thinking you are either lying filth or retarded filth until then.
Youre not the Judge, what you "think" is ireelevent to reality so stop acting like the world needs to prove itself to you as some arbiter of Truth, you aint that guy...I am.

>> No.15559220

>Youre not the Judge, what you "think" is ireelevent to reality so stop acting like the world needs to prove itself to you as some arbiter of Truth, you aint that guy...I am.
Why communicate at all, then ?
Are you seeking sycophants ?

>> No.15559239
File: 6 KB, 275x183, download - 2023-04-01T015444.091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why communicate at all, then ?
I usually speak to the clouds, the walls, an electrical device as it usually communicstes back via the electrical circuits.
>Are you seeking sycophants ?
No, Im trying to educate you so you can understand reality better and stop sinning so I will be closer to my home; a world of non-retarded sinners.

I literally have more in common with an oyster than I do with you, as it exists without a brain and I can comprehend what that is like, pure central nervous system experience, as well as how it relates to its shell, its growth formation, is very mathematical, as well as feeling the world via magnetic fields.

They can sense planetary movements, changes to the Earth's core, etc. Ive sensed that, I know what that is. Makes celestial cartography seem simplistic, like Archemedes figuring out how to measure the volume of the moon.

This isnt my planet, you are not my species, I do not belong on in this world.

>> No.15559242

> a world of non-retarded non*-sinners.

>> No.15559256

>Archemedes figuring out how to measure the volume of the moon.
Correction, I believe he *had* everything needed to do so, as this citation is one of mt earliest ones its a bit dusty, his calculations were rough even by his own admission, but his works covered many many fields of research that were mostly unknown little known.

So....when I ascended and saw his works I immediatly recognized what I could do with what he had, which was use his measure to measure the sun via the moon, but this would have taken a lifetime to do, and coubtless calculations and measurements, but given a lifetime (wrapped up in my head in a few moments) its possible.

I like that memory, not *just* measuring the volume of the sun but doing it indirectly from the moon. Just....would have taken a lifetime to *actually* calculate it that way.

>> No.15559273

Or feeling a sense of the density of the moon and the sun as they both are the greatest gravitation forces wobbling the core of the planet. Not the Schumann resonance but the gravitational tug of war between the two bodies and the Earth, like a water droplet thats foating in space but gets touched...its waves back and forth, except its *constantly* being touched and harmonized into a pattern. Similar to why moons harmonize their orbits with other moons (Jupiter's). A constant heartbeat (two distinct beats) on the core of the planet.

Minute, imperceptible, wobble, reverse measure it and you *in theory* will get the mass of the sun, add in the distances and volumes and its a pretty accurate "sense" of some of the solar system.

Ive seen Saturn when its at its closest to Earth and you can see the rings very clearly with the naked eye, Saturn isnt that far away.

And since Jupiter's pull on the sun is so strong that their two orbits occupy a space outside of the sun's circumference, that same pull is also applied to the Earth's, so if one had a device to measure the core you could in theory detect other body's mass as well.

In theory if you had a device sensative enough you should be able to detect the whole universe but thats retarded, like using the microwave background to reverse triangulate the universe's bodies.

Math beyond reason, precision beyond Planck.

>> No.15559683

>He thinks my leaving had anything to do with him, no no no, we're just too close to bump limit and I want this thread to be here for a while for all to see!

Please keep it up! I encourage you!

>> No.15559686

>why is it a joke?
no working models that accurately predict stuff.
>bicameral mentality was the normal and ubiquitous state of the human mind as recently as 3,000 years ago, near the end of the Mediterranean bronze age.
they are an older more primitive type of human. they are the schizos that dominate the gene pool. some of them still kill other people because the hallucinations and voices made them do it because [random nonsensical zealot reason].
that part of their brains has such a hold over their perception of reality that you usually can't even reason with them. they just repeat what the voices/spirits told them is true. they really have no choice.

>> No.15559825
File: 347 KB, 720x1480, 2023-07-13_13.27.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I would clinically classify the entire human species as some degree of multiple-personality schizophrenics with a heavy dose of delusions of grandure. Everyone thinks themselves smart, strong, experienced, moral, while being none of those. I get its often to protect themselves emotionally but man...these pieces of shit will kill Jesus because he made them feel inferior, thats why Hitler went to war. These same people are all around us, fucking digusts me...


I can literally tell when one cognitive physiological component overrides another and with that they will often undergo a shift in morals (which is concerning as right can become wrong and vice versa in an instant). Usually its internal struggles of cognitive control, whoch part of your bpdy is the one "in control" of your lived experience.

Weak willed people are under complete control of subhuman (literally, submammal) aspects of one's physiology, with the polar opposite (me) internally dissecting via perception databa physiological component processes as seperate parts or use them as tools to process data from other parts of my body, each one being a unique measure of data of some aspect of reality (sight, sound, touch, taste, etc).

Plug sound data into the visual processing area of the brain, or visual to the touch part of the brain/body, crossing mamy types of wires in the process, some never really went back to normal and I dont believe ever will, being a physiological change and not just a conceptual one.

Splitting the mind by teaching myself to read in multiple directions ag the same time, each eye being a component of an individual hemiphere, ergo induced schizophrenia and dyslexia at the same time. Took years to not be dyalexic, but it was a super power for mathematics and physics, anyone who is whould self teach themselves math/physics or perhaps a musical instrument.

..humans never changed...I havnt even spoke about Holy Spirit sending ideas into people minds.

>> No.15559840
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>Usually its internal struggles of cognitive control, whoch part of your bpdy is the one "in control" of your lived experience.
>...I havnt even spoke about Holy Spirit sending ideas into people minds.
Discerning which is fun, I like grabbing "God's" wrist and saying "Ha, gotchya, again..." Knowing what was said was beyond the comprehension of the NPC (some rando), that theyre were simply a vocal box to use like a tool by the collective nature of beings...

Proof is literally everywhere, it is the "Hued-Man's" that is the problem, head full of false labels and certainties of false perceptions.

>See but not see, hear but not hear, yet with no eyes they shout how beautiful the stars in the sky are...

>> No.15559850
File: 22 KB, 220x176, 44D98103-93F2-44A9-9926-10080C091A8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How dare you have a theory of consciousness!

>> No.15559874
File: 37 KB, 718x419, 2017-11-20_05.41.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks my leaving had anything to do with him
He is an NPC, the fact you think he is anything conscious is laughable, he cant even see himself in the mirror.

A talking paradoy of a being, all lies and propaganda, a product of a lifetime of subliminal messaging with no original ideas of his own.

I can literally see the structures of his soul and I didnt even examine him in person, which would reveal exactly which failure of evlolution he took and I could say exactly what aspect of his physiology he submitted to as a master. Which hemisphere he rejected, which mode of thought he clings to as his only truth of reality, his demons...

Master yourself before trying to "master what God is or isnt". A blind fool theorizing how pretty the night sky is...sad...Very sad...so he pretends to never lose so he doesnt have to accept he is blind.

Stop acting suprior, maggots, you are blind and morally bankrupt retards spouting certainty in a world you cannot begin to grasp.

>> No.15560006
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No one wants to talk about cognition, where consciousness comes from?


Bioelectrics, what powers lifeform's internals?

"I dont wanna be your homie."

>> No.15560145

Bump, the world needs to see your mental illness and pathetic lack of argument

>> No.15560162

>mental illness
Youre so fucking filtered it fucking disgusts me. Im in Spain to exchange research with Professor Levine you illiterate shitbag.



>> No.15560215

Please just block this fucking guy

>> No.15560219
File: 942 KB, 469x200, endogif2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I checkmate anyone that posts about this field. 100% of humans, PERIOD.

Objective reality doesnt submit to your moronic ideations that affirms your ignorance as heckin valid.

>> No.15560227


Truly amazing

>> No.15560232
File: 516 KB, 240x136, 3jaE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, its this wierd thing...where if you attend a few thousand hours of Psychology lectures, for some reason...you think like a Psychologist, especially when you start to correct professors spouting outdated informstion or flat out pulling shit out their ass.

Why do you think Jordan Peterson says the same thing about other "clinical therapists", pulling shit out their ass (just like you...)?

COME BACK WITH A PHD, that way you can comprehend how retarded you currently are; an uneducated jackass talking out of his ass to not feel so inferior to what he COULD have been had he actually tried in life.


>> No.15560238

I made a simple ontological argument that can be condensed into a single sentence.

You have no refutation of this whatsoever. You must not be capable.

Bump. Let the world see you, Captain Schizophrenia!

>> No.15560243
File: 129 KB, 632x678, MetatronInIslamicArts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made a simple ontological argument
"God is this so must be that."

You dont walk to him, sausage-link, you have a corrupted heart to which makes you lie constantly, even "I made..", No, you asserted false premises that are not backed up by any scriptures but *are* backed up by your atheistic egoism.

You are a faithless outsider telling those within whats on the inside; YOU WOULDNT KNOW AND ITS OBVIOUS.

>> No.15560246
File: 2.93 MB, 500x361, tumblr_d442499a57a9192ae457a59b17abd652_6d9f723b_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump This Shit.

I like my threads to keep at the top so chance of an actually educated PhD holder may drop it.

(To anyone that is and can show you are (we know how) I will be much gentler on you if youre in good faith, zero sympathy for liars.)

>> No.15560252

t. Doesn't know what the word ontological means

>> No.15560253

No-one does. It's one of those Jewish words like empirical and Marxist. They don't actually make sense, they're just rote educated into people's minds and dumb follower folk use them to act big and smart. There's no smart people on this planet, apart from me. Look at the state of the place - obviously everyone is doing something wrong.

>> No.15560262
File: 1.93 MB, 498x256, terminator-skull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no smart people on this planet, apart from me.
This is the Way.

If you get checked...you MUST checkmate back or commit suicide, there is no third option.

>> No.15560268


>> No.15560270


>> No.15560276
File: 660 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230713-190800_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inner Jew or Outer Jew?

There are two, padawan, the one you see with two eyes and one you can only see with one eye. One says "G-d." because they have no right to say what they cannot see (Phenomenology and the orientation of it in respect to inner Jews, as in they percieve Love as Hate, which is why they hate whatever the otherside Loves.)

>Kabul, Afghanistan Museum

>> No.15560287
File: 300 KB, 719x602, 2023-06-11_18.26.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..and Hate is *still* a Positive attributed emotion, not a Negative one, so it is an "alternative" perception of the Phenomenological perception of the emotion.
>Psychology, Peterson has noted the same thing.

Not everyone interprets the same "word emotion" the same but use the same word, so being able to conceptualize multiple variable to single words (multi-dimensional Linguistics on the fly) it very beneficial.

>> No.15560294

Nah. Ontological isn't a beneficent word because it expressed something that is false like topological. Though these patterns can exist, it doesn't mean they do, or that they are patterns. Everything comes from a source but nothing in its raw state is what it becomes by mesh - this is an act of imperfection, not perfection. Onomatopoeia is a good word, it exists. There are some good words. You can generally tell if a word is good or bad from how imperfect it looks or sounds since letters are harmonious with words. Does ontological seem correct?

>> No.15560304


>> No.15560316
File: 88 KB, 720x720, 2022-09-29_03.26.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something that is false like topological.
Love me some n-Dimensional Geometry.

Me 2-D's.

>> No.15560318
File: 57 KB, 720x720, 2022-11-02_15.32.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me 2.5-D's.

>> No.15560321
File: 60 KB, 720x720, 2021-04-02_20.33.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me 2.5-D's and me 3-D's (Pentagon (2-D's)).

'imple as.

>> No.15560339

And infinity D is? Shut up retarded kid, into mafs

>> No.15560346
File: 65 KB, 720x720, 2021-02-02_21.59.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does ontological seem correct?
Seems super vague to the point of borderline meaningless, like "What are the spiritual implications of [lust provoking image]?"

>Proofs for the Existence of God
>The Ontological Argument

This sounds so retarded it hurts. The circular logic is lead my train of thought to cross its own path and cut it, Im baffled by its stupidity.

Arguments made with presupposituons to which ensure its own conclusion or refute its alternative.
>"...it just is, ok?!" with lots of words...

Pilpul, was it, Mr.Not-An-Argument?...

>> No.15560356
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 2023-05-03_18.13.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And infinity D is?
Meaningless as these objects are hyperbolic, like multi-dimensional Penrose tiling, as to create a Combinatorics equation of Geometrics.
Number Theory of Periodic Tabels, or in lowrr dimensions like the pictures above. Also shows up in Celestial Harmonics.

Even at only a few dimensions it grows exponentially, so the maths spikes way before way higher dimensions, and is why I rail against Unified Theories that hand wave away Unifying things to simply add more dimensions (because its lazy).

>> No.15560389
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>> No.15560411
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The path to Eternal Life is through Death.


>> No.15560451

Youve got the wrong me. I'm done. I'm finished. There's a crime of ignorance of a mistake going on. Confusion as to which one I am. Words and voice being blocked.

Youve got the wrong me. I'm done. I'm finished. There's a crime of ignorance of a mistake going on. Confusion as to which one I am. Words and voice being blocked.

Youve got the wrong me. I'm done. I'm finished. There's a crime of ignorance of a mistake going on. Confusion as to which one I am. Words and voice being blocked.

Youve got the wrong me. I'm done. I'm finished. There's a crime of ignorance of a mistake going on. Confusion as to which one I am. Words and voice being blocked.

>> No.15560457
File: 397 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20171115-011453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The answer to your post is fascinating..unfortunately I am too undead to hear it."

>> No.15560492

Heavy duty schizophrenia and samefagging

>> No.15560505
File: 223 KB, 546x720, 2023-03-16_13.19.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heavy duty
The Heaviest Duty. To fully comprehend Clown World while trying to keep track of absolute reality, requires a very high dimensional thinking to view 8 billion people as poly-dimensional entities, reflecting and being reflected by, every other single entity. Sure...lots of it is redundant, but its still a lot to comprehend.

Enviromental Evolutionary Genetics via Physics, Mathematics and Phenomenological Cogniton.

>> No.15560523
File: 42 KB, 713x430, images - 2023-04-28T094412.798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are genes in you that remember what life without a brain is like, so it is higher in seniority to brains, older.

It did thinking (Cognition, cellular/nervous system) before "thinking".

>> No.15560558

Can someone write a tl;dr on what phenomena supposedly happen?

>> No.15560587
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Depends if youre giving or recieving data. If recieving it sends a constant signal to all individuals and certain indviduals intentionally block out certain signal.

This happens pre-memory, so no memory of the event is recorded in the brain, and if you inverse this flow if Physics, your subcoscious/body/central nervous system makes descisions prior to the brain in response up to conscious level where you assign its meaning, which is then emitted by you reinforcing your environment.

The brian (evolved later) processes the data with the signal its given by the body (minus blocked data) and processes that to consciousness mind.

Its actually not the different than computer components, but this all happens as a constant flow of informations going bakc and forth, eys brain, heart, cells, then also cells back to will decision, sumultaneously but sometimes convergent (Ascension) where the components of your body operate in unision.

This is a core Thesis for Phenomenology (Theology, Physics, Biology, Mathed)

Each it connected, there is no clear distnction from fields of research.

>> No.15560596

>then also cells back to the* brain* for* willed* decisions*

>> No.15560611

Meaning, there are certan signals being sent through the air that you completeky tune out to, and some you do, your reaction these vague signals is "The Matrix" and its the subconscious actions of all peoples, their reaction to their signals.

Hence...everyone is a part time Agent Smith, even you....even me (not often...). Its still "you" but its you without a sense "self".

>> No.15560702

Bumping for total lack of counter argument to a simple ontological assertion

As well, every anon needs to know the names of the schizophrenics ITT so that they can filter them in the future

>> No.15560739
File: 124 KB, 604x604, 1677821447723320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ontological assertion
Your conceptual reality is incongruent with actual reality, it lacks coherent logic and you hold too many assumption about things you have no clue about..
This not up debate, youre a novice of novices, a not even a Barkun-kid brother.

Engage him...youre less an ant to me.

Oh...and I am known here, you are not.

>> No.15560761

Anonymity is a great thing, the world needs more of it. Names are silly.

I know you're just sperging to bump limit because you are ashamed of the deblitating illness you suffer from.

>> No.15560773

It protects you from people like me...who assign a permanent record of the levwl of cognition you have, IQ is of little interest to me. I would remind you fo where youre not advancing in every threat you post in, incorporating the thread OP, so you will have no excuse for not being able to advance with instruction.

How you view a small child oblivious to dangers or magnitutes of events, I see you.

You posting back means nothing when you lie, your "truth" isnt "lead" by your ego...not are reflection of reality.

>> No.15560776

>not are reflection

>> No.15560778

>your "truth" is* "lead" by your ego...not are reflection of reality.

Youre literally lying to yourself while proclaiming a higher truth...dude, youre seen.

Your name means nothing the reality you push.

>> No.15560785

>[unable to define his reality or comprehend mine, he simply grasps at what he does understand; basic English]

Humility would open doors for you...but doors opening isnt what youre ready for.

>> No.15560794

You don't even know when you're replying to a different anon lol

But you can see my soul ;)

>> No.15560804

Same paradigm presented, same paradigm fixed. Solutions do not change based on you ego, dumbass.

You are not smart, youre retarded and smitten to lie as if lying does yourself any good, youre literally brainwashing yourself into delusions detached from reality and thinking its funny.

Its sad.

>> No.15560809

>describes the plot to being a human
>thinks hes said anything

Lol. Lmao.

Donald Hoffman would be able to answer my ontological statement about christianity, because he isn't schizophrenic.

>> No.15560817
File: 228 KB, 220x224, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donald Hoffman
Wont look up because an idiot reveres him. You dont like learning, this means he isnt a teacher or researcher, he is a "personality" dumb enough you would agree with him.

Hes an idiot. Humans are retarded, Ive take this conversation beyond the cutting edge of several university fields, NO ONE you have heard of has done that, I look for them.

Youre laughably stupid and full of shit.

BRING ME STEM OR STFU, NEWFAG. Not tell me the problem you cant solve and then say I havnt solved it because you cant, youre an idiot...not the measure of Man.

>> No.15560834
File: 206 KB, 466x728, 2022-03-27_23.16.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldnt help myself...

>His research subjects include facial attractiveness, the recognition of shape, the perception of motion and color, the evolution of perception, and the mind–body problem.[

LMFAO I LITERALLY SOLVED THAT IN THE THREAD. This shit I pull out of memory as a working model in a matter of hours culminates some dudes life's work....

Yeah, I have flights to catch and museums to catalog in my brain, weights to lift.


>its relationship to physics; Automotive Lighting and Human Vision (2005) applies vision science to vehicle lighting.
>Hoffman uses the metaphor of a computer desktop and icons
Conouter Archutecture mirrors Physics and isnt a "Human Social Construct".

Catagorical error, Operatong Systems are the design of human babble, not base reality/Physics/Mathematics.

DUNKED ON HIM, HARD...thats last one is a dunk, he's schooled and I would take him as a student to orient him a dimension deeper

>> No.15560837

Tell me of Pope Honorius III oh wise one

>> No.15560841


>> No.15560842

Don't just talk about it be about it twinky

>> No.15560846

>facial attractiveness
Genetic and Evolutionary Phenotype/Lineage/Species
>recognition of shape
n-Dimensional Geomtry isnt a joke.
>the perception of motio
Synonymous to the passage of Time, unify gravity (matter) and time.
>evolution of perception
Evokutionary Cognition supercedes what he counts as "perception".

>and the mind–body problem
Already covered that here.

>> No.15560850

I travel too much, it hurts my mind and body sometimes, the miles and the number of museums is staggering, I have to be damn near the most in the world, if not the most in the world.

>> No.15560851

>Ive take
>Not tell me
>Operatong Systems

>> No.15560867
File: 78 KB, 720x720, 2022-09-29_03.43.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pope Honorius III
I prefer Seven of Three. Pope Seventh the Third.

In honor of Pope Sixtus V, who did many things related to the Church and in the neme of the relations of Hexagons and Pentagon, like in this picture.

>> No.15560874
File: 516 KB, 500x375, 8601501fb04679f42238c2ec5eee15d0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have to remember that if I dont be better than, then Im not better than...

>> No.15560887
File: 247 KB, 703x657, 2023-07-14_00.33.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare numbers in nature, more so 7, *very* rare.

>> No.15561112
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>> No.15561121
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>> No.15561544


>> No.15561748
File: 7 KB, 194x260, Hoffchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizos fear me

>> No.15561908

>probability space
He's an idiot spouting nonsense, he isnt autistic or an aspie, he is a "regular dude" with midwit ideas.

Simulation babble, "qualia" (midwits use this term, its a false one, whenever words are made up that add nothing to the specificty its there to trick novices with something novel and differentiate them from other people), "pseudo-physics probability computable", adding specificity to seem complicated.

He is an amature at best, I would debate him in front of his peers.

>> No.15561910

Pick another one and he better not buy into charlatan ideas to con idiots with their loosh.

Hell, Jordan Peterson would be a better choice, but his works align heavily with mine, so...I would teach Jordan about BioPhysics and Theology.

>> No.15562047

What is that?

>> No.15562054

The Neuroticism of these fads is fascinating...


Dissociative, deceptive projection (fake emotional reactions, reverse psychology emotes, clearly her mind is on other things (checking phone/other things in the room)), robotic, and says much of the people paying tokens, why early 2000s videogame-esque paradigm, there is a lot to read into here.

>> No.15562326


Still cant form a counter argument

Had multiple days to do so

>> No.15562367
File: 28 KB, 445x318, 36e37e799184d4df32c5f22e27d14c08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ontological assertion
>>>15560346 (You) #
>Your conceptual reality is incongruent with actual reality, it lacks coherent logic and you hold too many assumption about things you have no clue about..
>This not up debate, youre a novice of novices, a not even a Barkun-kid brother.
>Engage him...youre less an ant to me.
>Oh...and I am known here, you are not.


Not just you...but the Philosophers that promote that concept as well, I defeated you AND your Master.


>> No.15562370
File: 26 KB, 230x146, 64----Pai-Mei-power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps getting checkmated
"Nuh uh."
"Nuh uh."
"Nuh uh."

You must become BETTER to become the BEST.

>> No.15562421

Still waiting

>> No.15562458
File: 133 KB, 1080x1068, tumblr_n0gfa3ruDf1qi9msoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You recieved but are too stupid to comprehend it...because youre not a scientist, youre not a philosopher, youre a physicist, youre not a psyvhologist...

Youre just a fan of those who are but youre a fan of idiots because you find them relateable.

>> No.15562467
File: 60 KB, 560x564, fauci-saint-560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loved by idiots, promoted by idiots...yet they know nothing of the Medical Arts, just have strong opinions about science they couldnt care less about. Its about popularity and egoism by proxy.

Hoffman, your Master, is a Sophmore to me. He could be a student, but his old ways must go....he missed a turn and didnt sig deep enough.

Stop being a fan...be the one that has fans.

>> No.15562471

Actually, hes just a person with some thoughts and I felt you may be interested. I was actually just giving your schizophrenic ass a rabbit hole to play with. I could name 50 others. Your illness cripples you immensely.

>> No.15562481
File: 2.73 MB, 2880x2112, Drill_instructor_at_the_Officer_Candidate_School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I felt you may be interested
Then you learned nothing from me.
>a rabbit hole to play with
You have learned NOTHING.

*I* am the rabbit hole, *I* am the one that sends some proffesors off on tangents for years, you STILL speak from above me in your head...

Its fucking bewildering how delusional and detached from reality you are...
>Your illness cripples you immensely
Ive been to every corner of the world doing cutting edge reseach in a dozen fields. I lecture people with PhDs all the time.....WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN?



>> No.15562508

t. Feeble bodied and feeble minded

>> No.15562516
File: 425 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230714-212208_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein.

If you never read my posts...then youre not the kind of person to read books...or attend lectures, or do personal research to advance a field of science.

>> No.15562541
File: 109 KB, 162x2173, 1662844680572388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo namefag thread.

>> No.15562544
File: 1007 KB, 500x354, 49b12f2bb0c31c988ab61e0458077a81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, I dont want people not qualified to speak about this subject partaking in it.

Now...GET OUT.