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15556944 No.15556944 [Reply] [Original]


NDT bros, I don't feel so good...

>> No.15557000


>> No.15557043

seethe harder butthurt philosocuck. your field is a joke and even black science man can btfo you pseuds. get a real degree

>> No.15557045

Neil, stop it. This isn't a good look.

>> No.15557943
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>> No.15558099

idk if he was btfo it was a generic discommunicated conversation between 2 pseudo intellectual retards

>> No.15558988

Bill Nye, Tyson, et al. are just the way TPTB are mocking the average normie. "Look at how they gush and fawn over this puppet! Awwwww!". Kek.

>> No.15559512

Why is Tyson such a surly little bitch in that video?

>> No.15559552
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He hates things that are related to spirituality. I cant really blame him, because everything related to it is corrupted and scammy.

>> No.15559554

How will black soience mancels ever recover

>> No.15559589

Tyson, being a Black man of African heritage, lacks a Faustian spirit and curiosity in the nature of reality. For him, It's all just "How can this benefit me, how will this help me hunt and gather for my meal"
The host, being a Caucasian man of Aryan heritage (by virtue of being Indian) possesses a Faustian spirit and curiosity in the nature of reality, and hence is the polar opposite of Tyson.

I don't really watch Tyson ever, but this showed me that he is not much different than the rest of his fellows in Blackness. He is just a Narcissistic Manic pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.15559670 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15559868

>uhh, let me be more process, and less process, at the same time
This is where he fucking tripped.
He was saying that a practicing scientist wouldn't need to spend extra energy after the meanings of the physics when he/she can spend the same energy figuring out more physics and how they can be used practically in technologies.
That is absolutely true, no more no less.
The trap where scientists, physicists especially, get into is they think their field can yield "meanings" regarding the universe, and somehow need to, to justify its existence. An urge that is unfortuntely at the foundation of Scientism.
Science cannot yield true meanings and understandings regarding the universe, but nor does it need to. Anybody think that's a problem can get off the computer they are using and go back to hunting deers.

>> No.15559905
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>> No.15559920

best part is when he says "it disturbs when people use something we dont understand to describe something we dont understand," you mean like gravity? This pretty much sums up the entire field of physics

aryans dunking on darkoids once again

>> No.15559940

PBS Spacetime dude had a much better interview with this host. That was nice to listen to, this interaction is so crass I had to quit half way, and this isn't even the whole thing.

>> No.15560065

this lmoa

>> No.15560114

Tyson acts like anybody can build and manipulate matter, energy. In reality it's only possible through globohomo corps and their expensive machinery which is all hidden behind patents. Not only that but they charge you an arm and a leg for service because it often breaks down and malfunctions. I'll give an example here: the Trumpf CNC machines which cost up to a few million euros each.

Same with processor manufacturing, only doable in very tightly controlled environments by big corporations. Sure they are decentralizing now from the Taiwan/Asia area but it's a long way until we can build processors ourselves and have the knowhow to do so.

So the powers that be at the top understand it and developed processes over decades that got us here, but the average person can not replicate them and most certainly there is no consensus for understanding because it's all hidden behind theories that probably are wild goose chases to begin with.

>> No.15560527

Full podcast is up now.

>> No.15561287

why are his eyes so red, is he high on weed?

>> No.15561311

>who the heck knows what reality is
lmao dumbass psued

>> No.15561369

He's not black. He's a mulatto. Half puetro rican and half black. Raised by lazy and delusional PR mum. Why are people here so retarded and lazy?

>> No.15561383


>> No.15561386

>T. Leftoid Mutt

Africans hates race mixed people.

>> No.15561448

What is reality anon?

>> No.15562358

lmao dumbass psued

>> No.15562518

Wow, Tyson is so full of shit, incredibly arrogant, everytime the Indian guy suggests he may be wrong he attacks the Indian, and often he says stupid and irrational argument in doing so. Examples: when they talk about the Aristotle writings, or when he says he doesn't have beliefs just for the sake to be difficult and argumentative (since he use that same word before and after), or when he attacks he Indian guy for saying that the bet should be adjusted for inflation. This latter one is funny, because the retarded Tyson himself proposes to lower the bet while maintaining the same ratio, what a retarded piece of shit, really despitful. I think he has NPD, look at how he laugh, he doesn't experience emotions

>> No.15562547

Honestly I think Neil's autism just makes him come off as rude
Seems like Neil's thinking is that while some philosophical thought is fun, and it was useful to get definitions in the first place, spending time on frivolous philosophical thought gets in the way of science
Don't know much about the other guy, both sound like pseuds but Neil made actual novel contributions during is PHD

>> No.15562581

>Seems like Neil's thinking is that while some philosophical thought is fun, and it was useful to get definitions in the first place, spending time on frivolous philosophical thought gets in the way of science

Sure. The only problem is that this is just a blatantly bad take. Anyone even remotely knowledgeable in philosophy of science and the history of science in general can appreciate the contributions philosophy had, and continues to have, even in modern physics.

>> No.15562629

What recent contribution has philosophy had on physics?
Was this contribution made by someone who strictly studies philosophy of physics?

>> No.15562667

>but Neil made actual novel contributions during is PHD
no he didn't

>> No.15562691

>google Neil Degrasse Tyson research publicaitons:
The Faint-End Slopes of Galaxy Luminosity Functions in the COSMOS Field

C. T. Liu et al., 2008, Astrophysical Journal Letters, v.672, p.198

COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope Observations

N. Scoville et al., 2007, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v.172, p.38

The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS): Overview

N. Scoville et al., 2007, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, v.172, p.1

Optical light curves of the Type IA supernovae SN 1990N and 1991T

P. Lira et al., 1998, Astronomical Journal, v.115, p.234

(See also Erratum: 1998, Astronomical Journal, v.116, p.1006)

BVRI Light Curves For 29 Type Ia Supernovae

M. Hamuy et al., 1996, Astronomical Journal, v.112, p.2408

The Type Ia Supernova 1989B in NGC3627 (M66)

L. A. Wells et al., 1994, Astronomical Journal, v.108, p.2233

The Expanding Photosphere Method Applied to SN1992am at cz = 14600 km/s

B. P. Schmidt et al., 1994, Astronomical Journal, v.107, p.1444

On the Possibility of a Major Impact on Uranus in the Past Century

Neil D. Tyson et al, 1993, Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Notes), v.275, p.630

An Exposure Guide for Taking Twilight Flatfields with Large Format CCDs

Neil D. Tyson & Roy R. Gal, 1993, Astronomical Journal, v.105, p.1206

Radial Velocity Distribution and Line Strengths of 33 Carbon Stars in the Galactic Bulge

Neil D. Tyson & R. Michael Rich, 1991, Astrophysical Journal, v.367, p.547

On the possibility of Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies in the Lyman-alpha Forest

Neil D. Tyson, 1988, Astrophysical Journal (Letters), v.329, p.L57

Bursting Dwarf Galaxies: Implications for Luminosity Function, Space Density, and Cosmological Mass Density

Neil D. Tyson & John M. Scalo, 1988, Astrophysical Journal, v.329, p.618

uvby Photometry of Blue Stragglers in NGC 7789

Bruce A. Twarog & Neil D. Tyson, 1985, Astronomical Journal, v.90, p.1247

Wow, that was hard

>> No.15562692

>rejects facts
t. Carlós Hernandez

>> No.15562706

I guess he really is a planetarium director.

>> No.15562738


>> No.15563069

I found myself agreeing with every point Tyson made. As someone with a Unified Theory, its applicability is virtually zero. Everything useful is at way smaller scales and segmented. Parts of Physics is useful, all is untenable.

Wienstien talking about "getting around Einstien's gravity" for spaceships is very shirt sighted, space colonization would be done with spores and evolution beyond our lifetimes. Bodies will not be fine frozen for thousands of years flying through radiation, then surving on a alien planet.

My unifying time and gravity will do nothing for spacetravel, at least not for a hudreds of years.

>> No.15563312

I'm curious about your unifying theory
I have a disunifying theory, so your unifying theory should be theoretically impossible

>> No.15563586

I was thinking "I wouldn't dunk on testimonies like that, they are there to push investigation", and then the host said exactly what I was thinking.
Seem like NDT was the only one thinking about camera and evidences and such, aka "too stupid to see meaning of things"
His talking was incredibly unpleasant too. Literally can be made into a vidya antagonist

>> No.15564373
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15564808

He is a nasty person when off camera, everyone he works with hates him

>> No.15565824


>> No.15566006

He looks like he hasn't slept in a week.

>> No.15566032

A broken clock is right twice a day. Just because Tyson is a retard that doesn't make opposing "philosophy" retarded. That's guilt by association, you'd expect philosotards to be above fallacies like that.

>> No.15567547

he is high on weed, thats why his eyes are red

>> No.15567961

I just realized that I only disliked Tyson because of the retards on 4chan
He seemed reasonable and collected when dealing with all that bullshit sophistry, and I honestly don't care that Tyson posts cringe on twatter

>> No.15568054

Is that why the highest bleaching in the world is Nigeria?

>> No.15569096

>He is a nasty person when off camera
and on camera too

>> No.15570220
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>> No.15570261

This isn't really a fair battle. This poo has been talking to everybody, but even more, he is reading everybody. Neil would have to care about philosophy, which he simply doesn't. He hardly cares about soience. This is watching someone lead a baby to a candy shop and then kicking the shit out of it.
On the backdrop, Curt couldn't have this convo with someone like Langan because idealists all fundamentally think the same way. They simply don't care about the unveiling of a mechanistic cosmos as something other, this is baked into every possible philosophy. It is mundane. I am not sure who would be a good target to actually bounce this idea off of.
From a perspective that isn't lost in the delusion of the hypothetical: -t is irrelevant. It is like saying a radius less than zero. It is a silly notion to have a premise and then to assume the opposite or paradox of the premise. We are talking about a shift in form, an orthogonal to causality. Veiling it in silly deterministic paradox does very little to carry it up.
I don't know, maybe these popsci fags really just need their dicks kicked in so they learn reasoning and aren't so easily seduced by "thought experiments."

>> No.15570319

Yeah, the cumtown interview with black science man was much better.

>> No.15570343

I watched your video. Black science man actually BTFO the Indian guy, if we want to put it that way.
Ultimately, philosophers aren't in a position to make any "philosophical investigation" in material which they do not understand. A philosopher that has less than an undergraduate level understanding of mathematics and physics has nothing to say on the matter.
Reminds me of that meme where the wife is a scientist and her husband thinks atoms are little marbles hitting each other and is obsessed with some 18th century german guy. Most philosophy is just word salad that can't be proven or measured, just opinions on meanings.

>> No.15570346

Thats simply not true,
scientists are just making mundane observations with no meaning beyond their immediacy, crunching numbers and memorizing patterns of words. If you actually want to understand what space-time, observation, cause and effect etc actually is, then you need to study philosophy like the rest of the great thinkers

>> No.15570379

And yet all black soience goy does is preach to the ignavi. How curious. I guess that is just side stepping your point, but it draws a parallel where you are arguing for something he couldnt believe in good faith. Which is fine. It is likely that I wouldnt agree with him on anything either.
Everyone falls to a common language. and reason is the best possible science, scrutinizable and testable by all. Very practical in every regard. It offers something for the ecumenical and the greedy and the pious. You propose that science has some uncommon tool but you wouldnt be able to name it. As if looking at a textbook grants the magic power of knowing, as if chinks of all races arent cheating in universities everywhere.
The LCD brings everything to shit. So we must pretend there is some dividing line between the priests and the cheats. What would that be? Is it citations?
Every metric you will think of will be outshined by a class that certainly isnt among the greats. And so we get are left with the circle jerk. They are great because they say so and we believe so.
Not that this matters to you. There is no ohysishition particle to describe their motion.

>> No.15570462
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If you want to understand space-time, observation, and cause and effect then you need to understand the mathematics behind them. Philosophy has not had a hand in physics or in any sciences for almost a century. It is a dead profession for all intents and purposes. Philosophy has been usurped by quantum mechanics and set theory.

>> No.15570503

Maybe shitty institutionalized academic philosophy. A philosophical mindset is key to being a wise person. It literally just means love of wisdom.

>> No.15571440

>A philosophical mindset is key to being a wise person.
No it isn't, wise people think about important things, not vague intellectualism

>> No.15571463

did you read any of these?
what was his contribution to any of it?
he wasn't even registered on some of these studies

>> No.15572004

Paheet is being annoying to a scientist because the scientist isn't wasting brain cells thinking of what-ifs with absolutely no practical connections to reality

>> No.15572023

I hate retards who use their imagination to build up fantasies only to claim they're being philosophical and need to dwell deeper out of arrogant thoughts of interest.
Philosophy has its roots in logic. That's how real philosophers would build up their theories. Some shit was quirky a thousand years ago because science meant a different thing, and it was perfectly loical to discuss the workings of divine figures. They weren't throwing hypotheses around because they could. No. They were trying to build a bigger understanding based on actual, real facts of their environments.

>> No.15572072

The philosophers already did that for them, that's why they're able to do what they do today.

>> No.15572076

Which publications is he not listed on?
Its pretty rare for scientific publications to specify who made what exact contribution, authors are listed either by contribution or alphabetically.

>> No.15572342
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>> No.15572350

I can't think of any career more humiliating than "scientist."

>> No.15572351

nobody is building up fantasy, there is a long tradition of ideas and philosophical questions that alot of people intuitively ask and have been asking for thousands of years.

People like Neil are coming into the conversation 3 thousand years late without understanding their own positions on things. Its not even that hard to get a quick rundown on metaphysics, ethics, etc. But if you dont know the simple terms and the historical and cultural trails of thought you are simply going to be mogged by people who actually do the work and think about these things.

>> No.15572364

>But if you dont know the simple terms and the historical and cultural trails of thought you are simply going to be mogged by people who actually do the work and think about these things.
It's embarrassing to see it happen to people who think they are intelligent when they get reduced to babbling baboons when it happens too. They literally dont understand their own positions from first principles in the slightest. You can see their thought process only starts from some freshman textbook premise. Like talking to a computer that doesnt have any data beyond its inception date and base data set

>> No.15572374

i think neil would be the type of person to kill himself after one tab of lsd

>> No.15572378

>I think he has NPD

>> No.15572450

>On the Possibility of a Major Impact on Uranus in the Past Century

Huh huh huh..

>> No.15572592

The context here is he has notoriously said that philosophy is no longer useful for scientists and tries to defend that to this day.

>> No.15572962

> wise people think about important things, not vague intellectualism
this, remembering whats on your grocery list is more important and valuable than philosophy

>> No.15573641

>alot of people intuitively ask
And this is exactly why a lot of people are not philosophers.
Building up an answer from the question itself is not the way to figure out things.

>> No.15574752
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Philosophychads win again.

>tfw we will never see Dennett smugly make fun out of NDT for 2 hours like he did with Krauss.

>> No.15574842

Dennett is a self-reported NPC.

>> No.15576045

He can't read, thats why he doesn't like philosophy

>> No.15577279

good pic

>> No.15577297

really verbose conversation but I think overall I'm going to go with Neil. I feel like the stuff curt cares about just doesn't fucking matter. I can sit here and say you can't prove science is the best epistomological system without using science to verify itself, so it's circular logic. Eventually you have to bring in philosophy to defend it, but ironically only to defend it from philosophers because they are the only people who give a shit about pointless rigor like that. Also the reason people perform science is to improve civilization and satisfy curiosity, which sounds like the realm of philosphy, but you don't need to understand jack shit about philosophy to want those things. It's built into human desire to do that shit. Basically ever since we got science we don't need philosphy and it's just a side hobby. Mission accomplished. There's probably never going to be a time where scientists need another breakthrough from philosophy. Humans probably need philosophy, but science doesn't. It can rape nature's secrets just fine form here.

>> No.15577314

I used to dislike Neil and sometimes he says dumb things but in this case he’s based. With philosophy you can ask the same question for thousands of years and never get an answer. So why waste time when you can study science instead? We can postpone the advanced quantum-consciousness research for when we have genetically engineered ourselves to be super-geniuses with perfect knowledge of nutrition and exercise etc. We can study all of this RIGHT NOW. So it really is a shame that the top minds are wasted on theoretical math and physics that have no real use at all, especially not anytime soon.

>> No.15577317

isn't he a p-zombie? Why would I care what a biological computer that doesn't experience qualia concludes?

>> No.15578383

>the top minds are wasted on theoretical math and physics
those aren't the top minds, those are idiots. if they were smart then they'd be making progress

>> No.15579043

He should've accused the other guy of racism. Thats a winning move, works every time, there is no counter for it unless you're also a negro

>> No.15580229

Its funny because its true

>> No.15580253

The most you can say is that some people burn go into scientific fields to improve civilzation, but this certainly isn't the case for everyone. In fact, the more obvious and important reason is because they are actively brainwashed by the state to pursue this endeavors. And they are endeavors. For the majority, it is to give up life and enter into large debt to shit out bad papers and be a glorified technician in many regards.
Certainly, the best and most qualified scientists have a very different MO, but the average scientist is cattle.
Your whole premise is fucked in the ass by innate ability, unless you actually believe everyone is equal.

>> No.15581135

looks like his fancy ivy league education wasn't worth much if random social media faggots are smarter than him

>> No.15582462
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professionals at left, high iqs at right

>> No.15582467

>even the shitty blurry picture can't hide the noses on the left

>> No.15582490


>> No.15584082
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>> No.15585951

>86 iq

>> No.15586082 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15586106

You gonna let this downy dab on you?

>> No.15586245

>I'm a faggot just like Tyson
Powerful. You sure showed us.

>> No.15586528


>> No.15586754

Possessing a Faustian spirit is not an admirable quality you fucking retard. Imagine being so filtered by basic literary concepts that /lit/ faggots mog you.

>> No.15587555

NDT got destroyed on youtube again

>> No.15589096

lolololol all of youtube is scoring off that chump

>> No.15589452

>I feel his pain
>new breed of hippy
>laboratories vs armchairs lol
>word salad
>consciousness... sigh.jpg
>chose your path
>8:18 - 8::25

Didn't catch the btfo bit... I must have missed it

>> No.15589542

You need to have the appropriate background to catch it. The background? Having sub-90 IQ.

>> No.15590678


>> No.15592338


>> No.15594027

what was it?

>> No.15594129


>> No.15594208

Yes it is. We are not using the term Faustian spirit in it's original sense. The Faustian spirit is what leads to progress. High intelligence by itself is useless, as seen among East Asians. It leads to nothing unless accompanied by a Faustian spirit. And a Faustian spirit also leads to nothing unless accompanied by a high IQ.
Though the name may suggest otherwise, the Faustian spirit (once we redefine it based on modern scientific understanding of neuropsychology, not relying upon the original meaning) is not a 'spirit' of any sort. It is a set of biological categories that leads to creativity, progress, innovation etc. I disagree with the other anon in that Black people don't possess a Faustian spirit. I think they do. But they don't possess a high IQ. Asians possess a High IQ, but no Faustian spirit. Caucasians possess both a high IQ and a Faustian spirit. And that is why the Caucasian race was the historically most successful.

>> No.15594241

>being a Caucasian man of Aryan heritage (by virtue of being Indian)
Go to bed Rajeesh.

>> No.15596156

ripple in peat, epic racism, my favorite category of youtube videos

>> No.15597791

a very powerful potion

>> No.15598992

i can't believe youtube still allows racist content like this

>> No.15600023


>> No.15600114

>Maybe shitty institutionalized academic philosophy.
That's who's making most of the philosophy. That's why we aren't reading it.

>> No.15600961

>"thought experiments."
>i imagined doing an experiment and the experiment turned out exactly as i predicted it would
also known as confirmation bias

>> No.15601006
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>While many criticisms have been made of Norton's thought experiment, such as it being a violation of the principle of Lipschitz continuity (the force that appears in Newton's second law is not a Lipschitz continuous function of the particle's trajectory -- this allows evasion of the local uniqueness theorem for solutions of ordinary differential equations), or in violation of the principles of physical symmetry, or that it is somehow in some other way "unphysical", there is no consensus among its critics as to why they regard it as invalid.

>> No.15601268


>> No.15602562
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>> No.15603546


>> No.15604468

ppl who restrict themselves to the protected confines of a college campus and who never experience real life are incapable of philosophizing about anything other than college campus life