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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 191 KB, 672x488, midwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15552934 No.15552934 [Reply] [Original]

Name some other good ones

>> No.15552937

monty hall problem

>> No.15552940

saving this image to your pc

>> No.15552956

> told someone that i've heard psychopaths are drawn to certain types of jobs, like policeman, ceo, lawyer, etc
> fucker gets his screech on and tells me that his friend is a policeman and a top guy, not at all a psychopath

is this midwit territory or below average?

>> No.15552957
File: 254 KB, 1170x894, 1688947440889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dimwit filter: Believing in Aliens as a grown up.

>> No.15552960

This is a woman or a low test fag. Has nothing to do with IQ.

>> No.15552966

Kek this one. 90% of /sci/ got filtered.

>> No.15552967
File: 123 KB, 672x488, 1688946357587691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15552970

definitely, they don't understand outliers

>> No.15552984

cringe, OP is a faggot once again

>> No.15552988

below, hard to tell tho since our feminized society is full of emotional retards

>> No.15552992

spotted the midwit 'we are the only ones believer

>> No.15552996

aww it has a hat :)

>> No.15553108

Posting wojaks

>> No.15554834

Show me proof and I'll believe you. Until then your beliefs are just faith in the unsubstantiated, making you a retard.

>> No.15554839

Philosophy is for midwits who can't into science and math.

>> No.15554853
File: 77 KB, 886x499, 7s5epq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15554857

Which app do you use to make this meme?

>> No.15554859

>Name some other good ones
Your pic isnt a "good one"
abiogenesis would imply aliens can exist
whoever made that picture is a retard

>> No.15554861

Believing IQ

>> No.15554864

>abiogenesis would imply aliens can exist
That's very different from "we are not ALONE!!!" because
A) Can happen doesn't mean did happen, and
B) Even when surrounded by bacteria, plankton, and other archaic life, you're still alone. So even discovering extraterrestrial microbes (which they never have) wouldn't count

>> No.15554865

Obsessive looking for reassurance of not being a midwit is really the best one.

>> No.15554873
File: 73 KB, 886x499, 7s5gcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15554877

>That's very different from "we are not ALONE!!!" because
It's also very different from "we are alone"
ergo the person who made the image is a retard

>> No.15554897

Literally the other way around. Everyone believes in aliens.
this is not a midwit filter, it's a retard filter.
True philosophy doens't have to do with intelligence, but is written by intelligent people.
However most people believe that reading some well known philosophy books makes them smart
Studying infinities (countable or otherwise) led to some very important computation theorems

the most correct answer until now

>> No.15554921

Exactly, we have to ignore multiple fatal issues to get to the star trek aliens-probe-my-anus level
>Abiogenesis complexity reqs are high
>Humans are extremely early
>Humans are early and probably extremely distant
>Humans are early and distant and ayys would be less advanced than us by the time their signals reach us
>Humans are early and distant and are guaranteed to be more advanced than any approaching observers with very high certainty
Like if we found sci-fi ayys we're in a simulation or god is messing with us or they seeded life like the schizos say. That's how extraordinary it would be.

>> No.15554927

>It's also very different from "we are alone"
It's not because there's no evidence that we are not alone. Until there is, we are alone.

>> No.15555280

Honestly asking people to think in averages is incredibly difficult

>> No.15556082

Some common midwit filters
>conditional probability
>hypotheticals / thought experiments in general
>distinguishing between different concepts of infinity
>hard problem of consciousness
>ethics beyond utilitarianism or nihilism
>independent reasoning instead of mindless regurgitation
>the left vs right dichotomy
>recognizing irony

>> No.15557230


>> No.15557235
File: 80 KB, 1106x1012, 1689141744790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lazy but smart.

>> No.15557264

Midwit territory. One of the defining traits of the midwit is to insist that malfeasance never, if rarely occurs within institutions ("never ascribe to malice what could be ascribed to stupidity"), and if proven beyond a reasonable doubt, to minimize it and isolate it so as to never indicate a trend.

>> No.15557277

dumb and hardworking here

>> No.15557333

>Literally the other way around. Everyone believes in aliens.
It's far more likely that we're the only intelligent life in the entire galaxy, and that's a good thing.

>> No.15557445

>It's far more likely that we're the only intelligent life in the entire galaxy
that likelihood can't be assessed since we don't even know how the first cells formed.

>> No.15557538

NAXALTing is a defining midwit trait

>> No.15557714
File: 176 KB, 296x381, 1667375127849787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb and hardworking is better. The movies 'forest gump' and 'good will hunting' show the dynamic well.

>> No.15557740

MS Paint

>> No.15559338

Calling Trump stupid. For Trump to do what he has done, he has to be of above average intelligence. Midwits haven't stopped and thought about it, they just go along with the orange man bad rhetoric.

>> No.15559364

insisting that highly intelligent people have jobs that use their intellect to its fullest potential so that they can make 'maximum contribution to society'

>> No.15559419

Shitposting on the science board of a Korean dog meat trading forum is peak midwit.

>> No.15559468

>people who diagnose themselves with autism when their kid gets diagnosed, because they don't understand how genetics works

>> No.15559472

Did the invention of microscopes create the cell? Because we had no evidence for cells before microscopes

>> No.15559646

both are badly written sentimental garbage for chicks though

>> No.15559821

They each still demonstrate my thoughts on the matter at hand regardless.

>> No.15559983

>get the election stolen from under your nose while you whine and shit yourself
>h-he's a genius!
I bet you believe in QAnon too you hopeless boomer

>> No.15559987

He's at least upper midwit.

>> No.15559990

Honestly I think trump is probably around average int but his wisdom score is completely trash making him a slave to his narcissistic personality disorder. Everything that seems baffling to people or completely dumb about Donald Trump makes sense in that context.

>> No.15559999

He's got to be above average he has impressive on the fly oratory skills.
I think Peterson estmated around 120-130 for whatever that's worth.

>> No.15560002

>Impressive oratory skills
Sure, for someone with dementia...

>> No.15560005

seems to be a common problem with american presidents

>> No.15560082

the early internet basically. we were all either students or graduates of higher education.

some people of back then still wonder why youtube is full of literal babies.

>> No.15560744

I hope the dark forest theory is real and the reply we get from Arecibo message is a neutron star sent from 20 million light years away through a wormhole over Chicago

>> No.15560751

Hahaha. That's a good one. Only applies if posting unironically. Quick, someone make a midwit meme about this!

>> No.15562002

Philosophy is for social rejects.

Being socially rejected forces you to cope, by yourself, which phl is great at. Being socially rejected also destabilizes you emotionally, and emotional stability is necessary to maintain the kind of long-term work ethic required for math and science. Additionally, philosophical thinking is empowered by idleness, so you have even less reason to obtain a strong work ethic. A Lazy-but-smart attitude is a guaranteed midwit generator without any additional inputs

>> No.15562018

Based and accurate. Saved for reposting.

>> No.15562022

Aliens exist but we won't meet them nor are they as complex or civilised as us. We will need to civilise them when we meet them as we teach them how to better utilise their resources.

>> No.15562079


>> No.15562116 [DELETED] 


>> No.15562771

This meme relies on the idea that retards and smart people never agree on stuff. Only a terminally online moron with functionally zero experience with humans could, let alone actually would, believe that.

>> No.15562775

The fact that you believe this means your statement is only half-true. Guess which one?

>> No.15562825
File: 386 KB, 1600x1025, midwit_math_set_theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15562829
File: 365 KB, 1600x1200, morality_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15563076
File: 71 KB, 507x307, becausecool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, but pic rel

>> No.15563088
File: 72 KB, 1024x682, atheism vs religion midwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15563096

>pick door A, cursing it permantly
>monty opens lets say B
>C now has less curse because it just does okay!!

>> No.15563170
File: 257 KB, 753x555, Screenshot 2023-07-15 020051 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15563215
File: 195 KB, 672x488, viromidwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virology is my favorite midwit filter lately.

>> No.15563223

But we have electron microscope images of viruses.

>> No.15563224

>Dunning-Kreuger: the image

>> No.15563253

Case in point.

>> No.15563280

So every single independent educator in independent countries across the world are all in a shared conspiracy to fabricate evidence for virology for what reason exactly?
How is this shared conspiracy being managed between countries that hate eachother to the degree that somehow everyone agrees with eachother?

>> No.15563283

filtered lmao

>> No.15563300

No, it's not an orchestrated conspiracy the way you're describing.

>> No.15563313

Many countries have scanning electron microscopes, you're telling me not one of them has tried to look for a virus?
If it's not a grand conspiracy then why wouldn't these people be motivated to tell the world, especially in countries competing with the west academically.

>> No.15563315

not him but brother you need to explain. what are we seeing under microscopes?

>> No.15563326

Covid like all of virology is a lie. The ceo of illumina inc is on the board of directors of pfizer and also was commissioner of the fda
>Person sick
> take sick persons mucus
> add it to monkey kidney cells
> add genetic contaminants, like bovine embryonic calf serum
> add toxic to kidney antibiotics like Streptomycin, Neomycin, Gentamycin
> then wait
> if monkey kidney cell dies
> then look at the cell debris on a STILL image
> done via Electron microscopy (because its in the nano size Spectrum)
> which requires toxic staining (uranyl acetate)
> dry freezing
> and then shooting it with hot electrons
> then only see some phages and exosomes of dead monkey kidney cell
> interpret these as virus
> then DO NOT take a single nano sized of these "as Virus suspected" partices
> BUT take the concoction with the antibiotics and monkey cells
> which is contaminated with different Genetic material, such as calf DNA and Monkey kidney DNA
> then shredd it so the DNA and RNA breaks into pieces
> then put them into a sequencer mostly by Illumina Inc.
> tell the machine "It is xy virus"
> then it assembles the shreds of genetic material, to what you predict it is
> this must be the cause of the disease
> self fullfilling prophecy
> and never within these experiments, they take the particle (virus cells) they claim causes the disease
> and infect some other organism with it to prove that this causes the same range of symptoms
> they skip this
> no scientific method applied
> just interpretation of dead monkey kidney cell debris which was poisoned, starved and contaminated
> and never acknowledging the noise of the experiment or absence of any control

>> No.15563328
File: 127 KB, 672x488, dsBuffer.bmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15563330

there is a good argument to be made on the galactic level that we might be the first intelligent life to develop in our galaxy, presuming our model of the age of the universe is true, the amount of time it took life to become complicated is relatively consistent and then considering the influence our possibly unusual moon had on the development of complex life due to tidal forces, but obviously on the universal level that's a ludicrous idea.

>> No.15563336

>what are we seeing under microscopes?
Cell debris from dying cells breaking down. The process that virologists call "isolating" a virus involves placing a culture of monkey kidney cells and a sample of bodily fluid from a sick person into a mixture of antifungal and antibacterial chemicals, some of which are known nephrotoxins (kidney poison, see the problem?) and leaving them for a while with no nutrition. These starved and poisoned cells start to die and break down and produce various debris from the process of dying, which can be seen under a normal microscope and is attributed to the presence of viruses rather than the presence of toxic chemicals and absence of nutrients for the cells.

The viruses are claimed to be too small to see with a normal microscope so they have to put it under an electron microscope. Preparing the sample for viewing under an electron microscope involves macerating the sample and mixing in staining agents and then spreading it thin over a plate to view it on. At this point you can see various tiny specks that only appear under the electron microscope and they're simply declared to be viral particles, all the while ignoring all the stress the sample was put through to get it to that point.

Oh, and all the while virologists never do control experiments where they prepare the cells in the same manner without adding the fluids from a sick person. Do you know what happens if you do that? Exactly the same things because it's the toxic suspension and lack of nutrition that's killing the cells rather than any virus.

>> No.15563341

viruses are real, but covid possibly isn't. there is a good chance the flu was manipulated by the media for a couple of years given its complete disappearance during that time, which doesn't make any sense at all and there isn't any reasonable explanation for it.

pharmaceuticals are a trillion dollar industry and the most corrupt force in the world. over 50% of americans consume some form of psychiatric medication in their lifetimes. modern medicine is somewhat of a pseudoscience to support legal drug dealing. but viruses are a real thing, they make complete structural sense and we have pictures of them.

>> No.15563345


>> No.15563346
File: 120 KB, 342x255, 1689386268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any kind of proof that you would ever accept? like doing it yourself or something like that? grow some cultures etc?
what you are saying sound extremely retarded and doesn't make much sense.
why did you choose to believe this? you like the feeling you get out of it? do you like how doing this feels?

>> No.15563348

I highly recommend that you read the book Virus Mania if you'd like to know more about the no-virus position. It can be found on libgen.

>> No.15563352

Argumentum ad hominem trying to social analyze my brethren because he has a different opinion. When are you guys ever going to argue the theory itself instead of your seething women argumentation. I have lots of opinion's on midwit colleage cattle also however i do not think its a argument for my beliefs

>> No.15563353

you have the platform to explain it, why send me read something instead of you explaining it.
if you can't explain it, how can you be sure it's real. that clearly implies you don't understand shit about shit, so you must be going by other factors, not reason or pursuit of truth. strangest thing is, what in the actual fuck are you trying to do on /sci/? you'll get brainraped on this subject. are you looking for that? are you into humiliation or some shit?

>> No.15563356

Obviously there's too much to condense into a single 4chan post so it's going to come off incomplete. Start with reading Virus Mania if you're interested in the topic and why someone could be convinced that viruses have not been proven to exist. If nothing else, it should better equip you to address and debunk no-virus arguments, right?

>> No.15563359

it's an interesting idea and I read plenty of countercultural books but the two years of microbiology courses I took at uni were pretty convincing, and not in the indoctrination way, but in the more "here are pictures of viruses and here is the very sensible way they function and reproduce" kind of way.

>> No.15563361

>if you can't thoroughly debunk a 100 year old institution in a 2000 character post on a wakandan basketfucking forum then your argument has no merit
Your request is unreasonable, external sources of information are necessary because the topic is complex.

>> No.15563363

first sign for any bullshit is "but you have to buy the book bruh, you understand better".
you have the same kind of mental gymnastics like flatearthers where you conveniently completely ignore certain crushing arguments, and just repeat some vague bullshit that doesn't really make any sense.
explain it or gtfo. you have a platform, you can make 5 posts. what the fuck are you doing here if not to explain to others what you know/understand?

>> No.15563364

I never said to buy a book, I said to download it for free from fucking libgen.

>> No.15563368

there is absolutely no way to move to another argument if you can't fucking explain why do we see the same things in the photos, as the shit we know should be there? you can't say "ok but there's other stuff to talk about". you really need to seriously explain, at length, why are we seeing certain forms in particular >>15563346

>> No.15563372


>> No.15563376

is this >>15563346 "Cell debris from dying cells breaking down." ???? have you no shame, or neurons?

>> No.15563377

A picture of a bacteriophage is not evidence that it causes illness. The burden of proof is on virology here, I'm fully willing to say we don't completely understand what bacteriophages do or why.

>> No.15563381

I'm with the midwit on this one

>> No.15563384

so another mental gymnastic. you are a fucking joke, and this "theory" as well.

>> No.15563385

>you have to have all the answers to literally everything immediately or else nothing matters
Your demands describe religion, not science.

>> No.15563386

Jesus christ antivirology is just as retarded today as it was in miasma days kek I implore everyone who doesn't believe in viruses to drink unfiltered lakewater, if there's no organisms in it there's nothing to worry about, besides, fluoride in your tap or something. If you deny this request for being stupid it's evidence you're scared to drink the lakewater for some reason (virus theory).

>> No.15563387
File: 141 KB, 426x253, 1689387852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo of HPV is what? is this time debris from cells breaking down?

>> No.15563392

>Somebody does not belief in virology
>This automatically means you do not belief in small organism's

>> No.15563393

If they don't cause disease it's not a problem fucktard, slurp slurp NPC suck up that tapwater buddy

>> No.15563395

>>This automatically means you do not belief in small organism's
just that specifically not viruses, any other small ones are ok but not particularly viruses seen in photos.

>> No.15563398

>Only viruses cause disease
>What are bacteria
>What are parasite's
>What is mold

>> No.15563403

>seen in photos

>> No.15563407

HIV, are you ok with making a prick in your finger and swap blood with someone with HIV?

>> No.15563408

all encompassed by germ theory dipshit

>> No.15563412

Jesus, dude, I'm not an omniscient human encyclopedia. But a picture is just a picture. There's no actual proof that this pictured thing is a contagious illness-causing virus. If there was actual proof you could post that instead of just bombarding me with pictures and empty claims about them.

I literally drink water from streams and waterfalls when hiking and it's never been a problem. Though there's plenty of stuff that can be in water (particularly still water) that would make you sick other than microorganisms (which do obviously exist), like urine and feces from animals and fish, toxic pollutants that run off into the water, etc. If you drink water and it makes you sick you can't just assume it was caused by the presence of microorganisms. For instance, if there's a lot of fecal matter in the water there may be a lot of microorganisms in the water that thrive on eating feces, but why would you specifically blame the microorganisms and not the feces for making you sick when you drink that water? Do you not see the bias there?

>> No.15563416

yes so I am asking again, that post says cell debris.
is this >>15563387 cell debris?

>> No.15563421

swap blood with HIV person? you should have no issue with that.

>> No.15563423

none of the nitric or sulfurous compounds in your feces are exceptionally toxic, eating them on their own, in the dilute quantities they show up in in water is fine, especially once you consider the medicinal powers of aged urine. You sound like a dipshit.

>> No.15563424

>but why would you specifically blame the microorganisms and not the feces for making you sick when you drink that water?
uh, because they are literally the cause of the illness?

>> No.15563425

No one wants to engage in your dishonest gotchas.

>> No.15563431

>disprove a well established theory with counter-evidence that would prove it wrong
if it's such a big deal to you that viruses don't exist, why don't you go major in biochem and start your own lab? Bootstraps.

>> No.15563433

that's a picture of HPV virus. are you saying that is cell debris?

>> No.15563434

Based on what? Their presence among the other filth you just ingested? If you eat a handful of dog shit is it only the bacteria that might be present on it that makes you throw up after?

>> No.15563445

you seem to be so used to it you wouldn't throw up after eating it.

>> No.15563447

HIV isn't the reason I don't want to swap blood with someone.

This is the equivalent of "Heh, surely if you don't believe God exists you must have proof of his nonexistence! Prove God doesn't exist or I'm right!" The burden of proof is on virology.

I'm saying I have no confidence in exactly what it is so I'm declining to answer on account of not knowing.

>> No.15563451

>This is the equivalent of "Heh, surely if you don't believe God exists you must have proof of his nonexistence! Prove God doesn't exist or I'm right!"
Wrong, the existence of a virus and proof of it causing an illness is empirical, all religious nonsense is so unproveable and unempirical in nature it got it's own board >>>/x/ The burden of proof is on the person trying to provide a more accurate model that can explain the observed phenomena of real life - last competitor was miasma, any takers?

>> No.15563454

Think you meant to post the opposite.

>> No.15563466

That's not how the burden proof works at all.

>> No.15563469

>HIV isn't the reason I don't want to swap blood with someone.
>I'm saying I have no confidence in exactly what it is so I'm declining to answer on account of not knowing.
not sure you realize you just said "I don't have a fucking idea what it is but it is not a virus". how can you be certain it's not a virus if you don't know what it is?

>> No.15563470

Vaccines seem to be the ultimate midwit filter. You either get really dump people who are just untrusting of pharma products and vaccines by extension, or you get really smart people who've actually looked at the evidence and found it inconclusive. The typical midwit just goes by what pharma says because apparently the science agrees

>> No.15563475

Exactly how burden of proof works.

>> No.15563478

>not sure you realize you just said "I don't have a fucking idea what it is but it is not a virus".
I did not.
>how can you be certain it's not a virus if you don't know what it is?
I don't know what it is but you haven't done anything to prove that it's a virus or what its qualities are. I would be foolish to claim specific knowledge of what that picture shows.

>> No.15563491

would you have unprotected sex with someone you know has HIV?

>> No.15563495
File: 188 KB, 672x488, dunnomidwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, let's get the thread back on track.

>> No.15563503

>monty hall
if you understand it so well then explain it so that a retard can get it

>> No.15563513

Wrong. Dimwits think they know and make claims. Midwits say "I don't know" because "current things" told them that's the approriate response.

>> No.15563518

Short summary of the basic premise: 3 doors (2 goats, 1 car), you reserve a door, the host opens a different door to reveal a goat, then you're asked if you want to open the door you reserved or switch to the other unopened door.

When you reserve a door, there's a 2/3 chance that you're reserving a goat door and only a 1/3 chance that you're reserving a car door.
When the host opens a goat door you now know that there is only 1 goat and 1 car remaining.
Because it was twice as likely that you reserved a goat door originally, switching doors is statistically more likely to land you on the car now that 1 goat has been removed from play.

>> No.15563530

Why is this considered a difficult?

>> No.15563533

>I don't know
>You have to listen to what posci says
>You have to make empirical claims based on observable knowledge
shitwit propaganda

>> No.15563538

Doesn't it automatically become 50/50, regardless if you switch? Choosing not to swtich, in this case, is still picking one of the two options available?

>> No.15563547

Because the odds are unintuitive. In the final choice, switching is a 2/3 chance of getting the car while staying is a 1/3 chance of getting the car. Midwits get really thrown off by the fact that you have 2 choices but your odds are out of 3 and appear unbalanced.

>> No.15563551

you'd be shocked how many people don't get it no matter how it is explained to them. They just insist over and over that it's 50/50. And not just people shitposting here, try it in real life.

>> No.15563740

Cultural relativism has to be the most retarded theory even conceived. It is literally 'cuck the theory'

>> No.15564159

perhaps. early internet on the right - 2010s internet in the middle - current on the left.

you have to be offline most of the time to retain your brain.

>> No.15564389

>bring up any other claim on /sci/
>"Show me the source so I can read more about this."
>bring up the failings of virology on /sci/
>"No, don't you dare give me sources! You have to explain it all yourself and defend yourself with no outside help and I will absolutely never read any sources or learn about the topic no matter what you say!"
Every fucking time. Why is this such a common response to no-virus posts?

>> No.15564419

Thanks, but really I've just described my life

>> No.15564562

I feel you bro.

>> No.15565006


>> No.15566162

Explain why
>virus geni look different from each other even under the same observation conditions
>bacteriophages are an effective treatment

>> No.15566437

Let's say there are ten doors. You reserve one. The host opens up 8 other doors that all have goats behind them. Now there are only two doors closed, the one you reserved and one other. Are you switching or keeping the first one you picked?

>> No.15566542

>Dumb and hardworking is better. The movies 'forest gump' and 'good will hunting' show the dynamic well.
forest gump was a literal cuck and the kid in good will hunting was a moody loser

>> No.15566690

Just a little tip: posing the question in this way won't actually help someone understand the scenario if they already think that 3-door Monte results in a 50/50 scenario even after the odds are explained. You need to actually lay out the odds in detail because they won't just suddenly come to the right conclusion with this type of open-ended hypothetical. When teaching someone, you have to put yourself into their mindset and give them information that will help change it.

>> No.15566778
File: 83 KB, 503x499, 1689450755333586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15567406

that's due to both shit-tier phrasing and willful(if know by the one that tries to teach the problem and its solution) omission of what happens when one increases the number of doors

>> No.15567410

anon, there are people in this world that when you ask them "how would you have felt if you hadn't eaten breakfast?" they answer with "but i've eaten breakfast"

>> No.15567647

> believing in something with zero evidence
Fun as food for thought but damn people into this are stupid

>> No.15567770

For real I'm agnostic because I cant' really prove or disprove the supernatural. I won't be sacrificing my happiness to appease some sky daddy that's statistically not the true sky daddy, but I'm not just going to be close minded and reject it as possible.

Also if you stretch the definition of go just a little bit. In the strict materialist world view the mind is a pattern that arises from the interaction of a large network of physical reactions. And the entire universe is essentially an infinite network of physical and quantum interactions, so maybe it's possible that the universe has some sort of mind in some incomprehensible way to us. That would line up with a pantheistic god.

>> No.15567774
File: 59 KB, 780x560, 1633068484371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting warmer.

>> No.15567795

not really lets see if I can explain it. So initally there are 3 cases. In 2 of them the prize is in the door unpicked and in the third one its the one where you picked the prize correctly first try. Now they reveal it like so. Lets say you chose the middle door.

>door A:prize
>door B: no prize (chosen)
>door C: no prize (revealed)

>door A:no prize
>door B: has prize (chosen)
>door C: no prize (revealed)
it doesn't really matter which door they revealed in this version you lose if you switch

>door A:no prize (revealed
>door B: no prize (chosen)
>door C: prize

So basically in 2 of the 3 possible starting positions you would be right to switch. But in the 1 out of three where you got lucky and guessed first try you lose.

>> No.15567817

This should be the opposite. Believing in alien is BY FAR the predominant and default take, especially among "midwits". I'd wager (not much tbf) that you couldn't find a single r/science dweller or adjacent that doesn't think aliens must exist because the "universe is so big it's impossible for them not to."

>> No.15567829
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>> No.15567839

People don't get it because of the person describing the problem almost never does it correctly, as this thread demonstrates since no one mentioned the entire crux of the problem, which is that the host ALWAYS reveals a door with a goat. He doesn't choose randomly and just so happen to reveal a door with the goat, specifically a goat choice is always deliberately eliminated from the pool of choices.
The answer is actually 50/50 if that is omitted, and the person being asked the question is led to believe that the door was chosen at random. But with the knowledge that it isn't at random, it becomes a lot easier to realize how switching is advantageous.

>> No.15567846

Morality is entirely relative. This was made by a brainlet.

>> No.15567851
File: 95 KB, 1024x576, christcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christcucks are the ultimate brainlets when it comes to intellectualism. They are literally a cult of jewish skydaddy worshippers trying desperately to contain and define the infinite into the framework of their book of jewish fairytales.

Atheists are unironically more capable of spiritual development than Abrahamic deathcultists.

>> No.15567970

>People don't get it because of the person describing the problem almost never does it correctly, as this thread demonstrates since no one mentioned the entire crux of the problem, which is that the host ALWAYS reveals a door with a goat.
That's part of why it's a midwit filter, because the problem comes from a real TV game show and it would make no sense for the host not to know where the prize is or for him to randomly reveal the prize before the player even gets to actually open a door. Even considering that as a possibility is a sign of an over-thinking midwit trying too hard to jerk off to himself breaking the scenario with his superior intellect.

>> No.15568172

viruses are real since they were being described before the Titanic sank

>> No.15568319

Control experiments using "uninfected" samples also missing. People who do have identical results as with samples of sick persons but were (as always) ignored.

>> No.15568794
File: 78 KB, 960x513, atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15568823

he literally posted photographic evidence which supports his argument, you're dodging the question because he also made fun of you.

>> No.15569757

Here's one: falling for the troll claiming he doesn't believe in viruses.

>> No.15569808

Pictures of bacteriophages are not proof that they're contagious pathogenic viruses. You can't just declare something to be the case and then demand your opponent disprove it. He needs to provide the proof that bacteriophages do what he claims before it can be discussed. It's no different from blaming bacteria for causing illness just because they're found proliferating at the site of disease; maggots are also found proliferating in the carcasses of dead animals but it would be foolish to claim that a maggot infestation killed the animal for that reason alone.

>> No.15569915
File: 36 KB, 680x466, PoE Templar enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss that fucking schizo so much it's unreal

>> No.15569927

You could actually stop tallking about IQ and put that same effort you put in this shitty threads and tribalisation into teaching people.

>> No.15569931

Not quite. Whether or not the host knew if the door he would open contained a goat or not; you knowing that the door contains the goat is enough to change the odds. Again, this becomes obvious in the many door example.

>> No.15570628

The kid in good will hunting was a loser yes, gump on the other hand represents a good natured and traditional man.

>> No.15570644
File: 56 KB, 197x350, 1688143514586861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwits didnt like this one bit did they

>> No.15570661

>it would make no sense for the host not to know where the prize is or for him to randomly reveal the prize before the player even gets to actually open a door

THAT is complete bullshit. The player has every right to suspect, given the lack of other information or context, that the host could be selectively choosing to reveal or denying to reveal a goat door, with the goal of mixing things up to make things more varied and engaging for the viewer and keeping them and the contestant on edge to keep up sponsorship, which is what Monty wanted to do, and why the actual show had him making 'deals' with the contestants. It's you who are naive and presumptive for thinking this wouldn't be in the interest of a game show host. A gameshow that had the same thing happen every time with a gameable 'best response' would get old very quickly.

>> No.15570663

He correctly identified a big midwit filter.

>> No.15571091


>> No.15571467

the entire problem is that people think their intial odds (1/3) of winning increase to (1/2) after the goat door is shown
but the remaining odds of winning the car always go to the door that you didnt choose

>> No.15571612

I don’t think it’s dementia
I worked with a carbon copy of trump in business

The guy was a good guy but it was all him and proving to himself he’s a good person and the best as what he does and everything was to trumpet how great he was and how clever.

His mother savagely beat the shit out of him as a kid and made him take care of his siblings. I get the feeling trumps mom was a cunt too and he is always is validating himself to her

>> No.15572225

This. You don't become POTUS by accident or luck.

>> No.15572234
File: 767 KB, 1080x1080, 1688933239921223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't be sacrificing my happiness to appease some sky daddy

>> No.15572300

>believing in something with zero evidence

That's what modern physics has been doing for the past 50 years.