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15551512 No.15551512 [Reply] [Original]

We all basically eat the same goyslop junk. But why do some of us get absolutely dunked on with acne while others have effortlessly perfect skin? asians seem to have lower rates even though their food is also complete slop (have you seen japanese food labels?).

so what's the deal. is it some genetic thing that keeps people immune from whatever is causing mass-acne in our society? i refuse to believe acne was common pre-civilization.

>> No.15551519


>> No.15551522

most people pre Neolithic revolution weren't mass consuming carbs. its hard to gain perspective because it wasn't recorded, but speaking from personal experience, carbs are in general very inflammatory and not meant to be eaten in large portions

>> No.15551523

>>15551522 (me)
but yeah its genetic

>> No.15551524

why are some people not affected by this at all then. i had a chinese roommate who literally ate piles of white rice a day and tons of processed garbage. dude had perfect skin it almost made me gay. also there's people who notice it's meat that causes their acne.

don't post again please. back to rebbit with you.

>> No.15551529

most people (even if their eaten shitty food) are getting all the required vitamins and minerals, plus sleep and lack of stress. but the biggest factor to getting acne is if your parents had it.

most people scoff at those who ask 'is this gluten free', but just like how africans cant consume milk, certain families cant consume gluten (and other inflamatory things)

just like with lactose intolerance, since it doesnt kill you many people dont even think ask if their allergic.

TLDR rid grain from your diet

>> No.15551536

Grain is ofyen iron poisoned, which blocks the absorption of at least seven other metals.
Most people are malnourished.

>> No.15551541

Stop touching your face, your hands are filthy, and you only exacerbate whatever issue you have, clean your pillowcase, And dont overwash your face. Most people with bad acne do all three of these things

>> No.15551561

i swear people post this to troll.

>> No.15551564

If it was that it wouldnt start at puberty and get better with age. It must have something to do with testosterone and its derivatives. It would be easy to do a study between finger length and acne.

>> No.15551565

Nutrients spent on growth and sexual development.

>> No.15551741

Subdermal subcutanous injections with contaminants.

>> No.15551746

like everything else, it's all luck and out of our control. some people get unlucky. it's brutally unfair.

>> No.15551751

grace of god

>> No.15551754


>> No.15551960

It's half genetics half hygiene.

>> No.15551982

same reason why some people lose their hair and why some have lego hair

notice how they give out fin for hair loss and accutane for bad acne? both are potent 5ar inhibitors but it's unclear what [exactly] causes both, it's just somewhere in this area

>> No.15552111

Diet genes an hormones is probably a big one. I'm trans so my hormones are scientifically regulated and Just washing my face with water and maybye just a gentle cleanser if I get really messy for some reason and I have almost zero acne ever. Despite the rest of my family struggling with it and eating the same stuff and themputting more effort into skincare

>> No.15552340

My naturally greasy wop face caused my acne anon
What caused my facial psoriasis?

>> No.15552461

>I'm trans

>> No.15552472

change your pillow case daily
stop touching your face
stop eating garbage food
get a basic skin care routine that you do daily, avoid fragrance and westoid products unless it’s Paula's choice
learn about skin care routine
Never had ache since I started doing this shit 4 years ago, you won’t notice a difference in your skin till about 3 months in. also talk to your doctor about tretinoin for serious ache, that will help a lot.

>> No.15552511

>Stop touching your face, your hands are filthy
>stop touching your face
You touch yourself anywhere else and you don't get acne in those places retards. Before you think dirty thoughts I'm sitting here with shorts and wife beater in sukhasana (cross-legged meditation position) touching my bare feet, arms, legs and chest and there's not even one blemish anywhere but on my face. Please kill yourself with your mentally handicapped advice.

>> No.15552521

Kill yourself you uneducated retard, learn how facial pores work.

>> No.15552812

it's actually unbelievable that im being given bro science advice.
you stupid fucking niggers i don't even have acne anymore. i outgrew it years ago. i'm asking out of curiosity for the SCIENTIFICALLY RIGOROUS EXPLANATION.
i am not asking for your shitty fucking advice, because that's not the point of the thread. go back to /adv/ you stupid incel faggots.

i repeat. i am interested in this conundrum from a SCIENTIFIC STANDPOINT. not a personal endeavor to hear niggerblab from you freaks who didn't even read my post.
commit suicide immediately. it'll be like hygeine for our planet!

>> No.15552816

>You touch yourself anywhere else and you don't get acne in those places retards
If you have bad hygiene you can get acne anywhere. A lot of people get it on their backs.

>> No.15552840

>Get rid of grain
>Have french Canadian parents
C'est impossible. Baguette is life. Baguette is love.

>> No.15553051

Cutting out dairy cured my backne

>> No.15553307

Seed oils.

>> No.15553461

giggling like a retard because I had a whole post typed out with anecdotal shit but you're right that would belong on /fit/ or /fa/

Hygiene alone really has 4 major foci that haven't really been brought up and those are:
>soap and water type used to wash face / frequency
>skincare or makeup used
>environment and humidity and sun exposure
>pillowcase type / cleanliness / sleeping position

once genetics and diet and medication and stress and age (possibly age of puberty onset matters? what about hormone balance? does your in-vitro exposure matter?) come into play there are a LOT of variables

I'd put in your OP next time you want to see some papers etc. I'm too busy to research myself rn but I wonder if it might be scant since the subjects of interest are mainly teenagers which are one of the hardest groups to acquire legally and logistically.

>> No.15553479

this, I also get a few pimples on my chin any time I eat a lot of sugar, specifically taco bell. Also don't do physical exfoliation every day

>> No.15553566

>most people scoff at those who ask 'is this gluten free'
If you can't digest gluten you shit blood for days and you potentially die if you eat the stuff.

>> No.15554140

Your face skin is a little different you retard lol

>> No.15554234
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This is plaeodiet chudscience bullshit. Take you conspiracy theories back to stormfront, nazi bigot.

>> No.15554268
File: 32 KB, 739x415, F465BAEB-EC5B-419B-A0B0-7CBAEB502354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My acne went away the instance I started having sex.

>> No.15555350

superior genetics and lifestyle

>> No.15555357

environmentally (including vax) induced autoimmune fuckery

>> No.15555407
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almost every medical problem we are having nowadays is because of our shitty food and low physical lifestyle. literally 99% of our health issues would disappear if we all became hunter gatherers again.

>> No.15555408

Idk. But when I was in Iraq no one had acne and I even lost some of my acne so maybe it’s the air and food. I don’t remember changing my hygiene habits much when I was there even though I think it plays a big part

>> No.15555421

>modern society
Nope, Ancient Romans also had acne.

Modern factors are using hardwater+soap, eating sugar and air pollution. People with "flawless" skin minimise these, among many other possible factors. The fact that acne is not universal is proof that it is not inevitable with a modern lifestyle.

>> No.15555429

This is true, when I do carni diets (zero carbs, fats only from meat) my acne disappears regardless of what else I do. While I'm bulking on carbs I break out within weeks regardless if my skin routine is perfect or not.

Our ancestors in the pre-neolithic ate 90% meat, 10% plant based diets. It's how we developed our brain mass. Grains were a mistake (except for use in a pastorialist lifestyle like Indo-Europeans did).

>> No.15555434

>I'm trans
Lol, what a dumbass, imagine falling for the most obvious self regulated eugenics programme in human history.

>> No.15555440

Thanks for posting again, I was annoyed at the retards give their shittakes and personal anecdotes.

>scientific explanation
The truth is there are many different types of acne and that some of them -especially hormonal causes- almost certainly affected pre-historic people (since it is known in very early Ancient History already which did not differ significantly from neolithic lifestyles).

The general underlying mechanism is inflammation and anti-inflammatories can lower inflammation, but inflammation in the skin is the most difficult to reduce (and not always in the interest of person's health). Most studies on "anti-inflammatory foods" (of which old world foods are fruits, greens, nuts and olive oil) are contradictory and not reproducible. The only consistent and reproducible benefit I've seen is from phytochemicals that accumulate in the skin. This has the benefit of both protecting the skin (from UV damage) as well pigmenting the skin which does not reduce acne, but hides it better, giving the impression of "flawless skin".

>Tl;dr: "Modern lifestyle factors" are vastly overstated in the debate. There has always been causes of inflammation and inflammation is a protective mechism which is not always a bad thing. Perfect skin is more often due to a combination of phytochemicals hiding minor inflammation as well as minimizing sources of skin damage in general (which is easier, not harder, to do in modern life).

Simple evidence:
>The fact that acne is not universal is proof that it is not inevitable with a modern lifestyle

>> No.15555475

Sup guys, Derek here, more plate more dates dot com. Today we’re going to be talking about…

>> No.15555482
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yup, xhe's mindbroken

>> No.15555483

I eat goyslop, I drink every day, water at my place is exceptionally hard and my cosmetic regime is scrubbing my face with literal soap and little else. I have no "skin care regimen".

I have zero acne. Like, NONE of it. Even when I was young and going through puberty the whole problem was a couple zits. It was satisfying to squeeze them out. Stop blaming "goyslop" for your shitty genetics, pizzaface, the food isn't even as bad as you think.

>> No.15555486

Reality: you smell bad, but nobody has told you directly

>> No.15555493

I use deodorants (you know like normal, non-genetically defective people) and I dont smell bad at all.

>> No.15555634

Define "goyslop" in your own words.