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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15551317 No.15551317 [Reply] [Original]

I'm genuinely asking. Lately I've been thinking that I might be the only person that exists. The thought terrifies me. But why would I exclusively exist? I don't know anons. It's very very scary stuff. I need answers.

>> No.15551318

You don't exist

>> No.15551321

Explain. I can get behind this one. If I don't exist then that means I have an expiration date, correct?

>> No.15551335

You just have to acknowledge that you don't exist and stop thinking

>> No.15551341

Why are you asking non-existent people to confirm that you don't exist?

>> No.15551343

Explain :c

>> No.15551344

Fuck you. I love the pain. I wouldn't trade this for anything.

>> No.15551349

If I don't exist, why do I take enough opiates to feel like I don't? Checkmate liberal. Venezuela.

>> No.15551376

'we are all one and the same' aka none of us exist. Just trillions of lines of code in a simulation simply being studied by the architect(s) when they feel like and providing them with a fuel source.

>> No.15551401

Imagine a TV tuned to static. You press pause, and there is a pattern of pixels on the screen. That pattern is so complex that if you waited an infinite amount of time you would not see it come up again on the screen. That pattern is you. Actually it's me, at this very moment, and you are merely something that I observe. You are a tiny patch of pixels on a screen with so much information that it includes your life, birth, and complete ancestry going back to the beginning of time and the big bang. The only thing that's real is that screen and you were only on it for a single frame. Do you feel real?

>> No.15551428

>Imagine a TV tuned to static.
this motif is so analog and ancient that zoomers don't understand what you're talking about, they have never experienced the world of broadcast television and CRTs

>> No.15551460

If they can't at least figure it out based on context then there is no hope.

>> No.15551479

your feeling is correct, but you're not ready to learn who you really are


>> No.15551493

isn't tv static akin to a gif of pixels looping? it's not based on anything to be "random". you'd see that same picel arrangement multiple times.

>> No.15551517

this is retarded just go outside and look at other people. that confirms they exist. how can you doubt it?

>> No.15551530
File: 81 KB, 1024x742, montano waukegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related thought the same thing.


>> No.15551542


>> No.15551543

Yep, spoopy exsistential visual description aside, meaning is context based, so if we exist in a sea of infinite nothingness, we are by effect THE somethingness.

>> No.15551556

too sad 4chon only paid attention to this kid after he died, you could have saved him.

>> No.15551656

I went outside looking for an honest man, yet I was unable to find one

>> No.15551678
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1688894904526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every 10 year old had these "deep" thoughts about solipsism and overcame them eventually. If you're an adult and still bothered by such puerile nonsense you're intellectually deficient. Why do such immature morons feel entitled to shitting up the science and math board with their infantile non-science and non-math philosopseud crap?

>> No.15551718

>you acknowledge
>you don't exist
That doesn't make sense. If you don't exist then who does the acknowledgmenet?

>> No.15551722

TV static is environmental noise, it's more random than most things that you consider random

>> No.15551728

the whole dillema stems from the fact that you don't understand what exactly you are.
most people would not accept it, because we're biased into thinking we are special, thus offering and extra reason to keep existing.
once you explore the concept of two identical yous existing at the same time, which is clearly possible since you exist (and with advanced enough tech), then you will start working towards what/who you really are.
if you are fucking weak, don't do this. enjoy your fragile stories and stay the fuck away from science places.

>> No.15551729

Meme on the left should be a lot more simple. Most of those things aren't that bad. Needing to work every single day and living paycheck to paycheck is worse than all of those things combined.

>> No.15551872
File: 184 KB, 938x1024, image01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15551973

Whether anyone else actually exists or not, all you can do is try and live a happy life. In the end, there's no way for you to prove any of it since reality is technically subjective as your sensory inputs can all technically be manipulated, so why waste your time trying to find an answer to an unanswerable question? Go outside, read a book, play a game, just enjoy your life man

>> No.15551975
File: 288 KB, 1024x680, 7stroad+with+walking+person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in pic related tho

>> No.15551986

I, for one, do exist

>> No.15551991

that's too much yellow than any human should be forced to experience. go for more green. ah but you like having all commodities as close as possible. I see

>> No.15552006

You will never know, act like people are though, its common courtesy and will make life easier.

>> No.15552432

Prove it.

>> No.15552770


>> No.15554350


>> No.15554368
File: 102 KB, 1080x602, 20230630_023625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a philosophical question, entirely unrelated to both Science & Math.

But the mods are fags and won't move it to /his/, /lit/, or /x/. Where this question belongs.

>> No.15555224

based as fuck