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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 51 KB, 777x535, 1687451794727625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15517668 No.15517668 [Reply] [Original]

With this announcement, medical error has moved up a spot and is now officially the 2nd leading cause of death in America, now edging out cancer by several hundred thousand.
Why had trusting the advice of a medical professional become such an unhealthy pastime? At the turn of the century medical misadventure wasn't even in the top 10 leading causes of death.

>> No.15517673 [DELETED] 

Trump is done!

>> No.15517692

I hope you didn't take the TrumpVax anons...

>> No.15517695

May I see the data? And is this also observable in literally every single country with vaccination rates above 80%?

>> No.15517776

>May I see the data?
It's literally in the OP pic, dummy.

>> No.15517781


>> No.15517827

Why is UK data relevant to america?

>> No.15517968

Because they were more honest about vax deaths, so corrections can be made using their rates.

>> No.15518202


>> No.15518218

Really? a whole SIXTH of every death in the US? From statistics from UK data? DO tell more!

>> No.15518221

>draws a shocking conclusion from UK government health data
>600,000 Americans Per Year
hmmmmm, I wonder (((who))) might be behind this lie? Vester(((berg)))?

>> No.15518315

>its le jews
Back to >>>/pol/ with you, antisemite.

>> No.15518691
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>medical error has moved up a spot and is now officially the 2nd leading cause of death in America, now edging out cancer by several hundred thousand.
surviving cancer also turns on ignoring doctors, their only goal is to get you to agree to the most expensive treatment so they can maximize their profits

>> No.15518738

how dumb do you have to be to believe this

>> No.15518770

Hard to say. A lot of people with higher education got the vax, so gauging their IQ is difficult.

>> No.15518826

whats wrong, don't you trust the science?
shiggy diggy on your science denialism

>> No.15519765
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much science denialism in this thread from the vaccinated, just goes to show you they don't even really trust the science after all

>> No.15520208

I'm still surprised that Democrats were all head over heels in love with the Trump vaccine and Trump's people were the ones opposed to it…and now RFK jr is running for the Democratic presidential nomination as an anti-vax candidate and is leading in the polls over an incumbent.
Can anyone explain this timeline to me?

>> No.15520407
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>so much science denialism in this thread from the vaccinated, just goes to show you they don't even really trust the science after all
so much true

>> No.15520409
File: 88 KB, 798x1084, Ass Sniffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still surprised that Democrats were all head over heels in love with the Trump vaccine and Trump's people were the ones opposed to it…and now RFK jr is running for the Democratic presidential nomination as an anti-vax candidate and is leading in the polls over an incumbent.
>Can anyone explain this timeline to me?
Glitch in the programming. Clown World 2.0 in beta testing.

>> No.15520491

Trump's plan worked. He managed to get all of the democrats to inject his untested "vaxxine" even though they promised they would never do it.

>> No.15520538
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>> No.15520848

kek I suppose you want to "do your own research". These scientists are much smarter than you, you ignorant bigot. Stop being racist and seeding distrust in the establishment by pushing misinformation you flat earther conspiracy theorist. You are a threat to our democracy.

>> No.15520946

its sad how these mental cases on 4chan all have such delusions of grandiosity that the "know" that they're smarter than the professionals
they should just trust the science, life would be so much easier and better for the that way

>> No.15520965

>now RFK jr is running for the Democratic presidential nomination as an anti-vax candidate
It’s a bit late to do a flippidyflop on the vaccine thing, don’t you think? Even democrats have stopped taking boosters

>> No.15521690
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feels good to be a pureblood, how many of you vaxxxxxies are jealous of me?

>> No.15521738

most people who died of Covid had died in hospital because of the WHO's guidelines on how doctors were supposed to treat covid patients. People had pneumonia, so the most logical expression of dealing with it would have been hunched over available to cough out.
Instead, the WHO suggested sedation and keeping patients on their backs. They drowned in their own fluids while pumping an acutely voluminous amount of oxygen into their lungs, stretching and tearing what wasn't filled with fluid.

You gotta be a retarded to go to a doctor now. They're just gonna kill you lmao.

>> No.15522010
File: 165 KB, 1280x1280, vax exemptions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vax kills 600,000 Americans anually
That means it is working.

>> No.15522014

>You gotta be a retarded to go to a doctor now.
I learned this in 2004. Haven't been since. Got my own medical equipment now. See a vet friend for any extras that need, like an x-ray or something.

>> No.15522202


>> No.15522207



>> No.15522213

Pfizer was caught sending more deadly vax batches to red areas for testing.

>> No.15522216

>Pfizer was caught sending more deadly vax batches to red areas for testing.
I remember when that was in the news back in 2021/2022. Was sent to conservative areas in Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, and California.

>> No.15522578

Yep, the vax is killing all the people who were low IQ enough to fall for the covid hoax. We will all be far better off once they're dead and forgotten

>> No.15522624


>> No.15523723

And yet somehow people stopped talking about it.

>> No.15524390

medical "error" AKA the doctor killed you, was already 400,000+ annual deaths before this 600k was tacked on. heart disease, the former leading killer is only 700,000 death annually.
so the medical industry is now the leading cause of death in the usa

>> No.15524422

How come the journalism industry isn't trumpeting this fact to the masses? I thought they loved telling people bombshell information.

>> No.15524433

>Trump is done!
Unironically the best way to respond to all Trumpnigger antivax threads. The Trumpnigger obviously doesn't really believe his own shit when he's screaming "VAXXIES R DEAD" out one side of his mouth and "TRUMP 2024" out the other, because Trump is vaxed. In fact, I think it's all performative and they got the juice the moment Trump told them it was safe & effective.

>> No.15524435

I wonder how Trump convinced so many democrats to take his rushed Trumpvaxx. You'd think that those high IQ Biden voters would know better, especially after Kamala said that she would never take something so dangerous.

>> No.15524437

>I wonder how Trump convinced so many democrats to take his rushed Trumpvaxx.
Many Dems knee-jerk do the opposite of what Trump says, so he could've convinced more of them to take it by saying it was unsafe and ineffective.

>> No.15524441

that's also why the miga le 5d chess excuses don't work for trump the pfizer salesman

>> No.15524444

But I thought Biden voters were supposed to be intelligent. Why did they take a deadly vaxx created by someone who obviously hated them?

>> No.15524449

who cares what dumb libshits do
point is that miga retards are supporting a vaxed guy while saying that all vaxxies are gonna drop dead
they obviously got the vax too the moment he told them it was safe

>> No.15524451

>The Trumpnigger obviously doesn't really believe his own shit when he's screaming "VAXXIES R DEAD" out one side of his mouth and "TRUMP 2024" out the other, because Trump is vaxed. In fact, I think it's all performative and they got the juice the moment Trump told them it was safe & effective.
This. If they don't want a Sudden Death president, they'd be supporting RFK Jr, who didn't get vaxed (and who isn't a fat fuck, to boot). Their actions speak louder than their "fitting in with 4chan" words.

>> No.15524512

> bongs
> honest
maybe the plebs but not the gov they are all liars just reas the lockdown files

>> No.15524516

The NHS data was still the most honest, even if by accident. They had to force them to stop publishing public records after it was proven that the vax made people more likely to get sick.

>> No.15524527

My conclusion as well though I saw the writing on the wall leading up to this. Doctors are retarded, indifferent and confident at the same time; an incredibly disturbing character

>> No.15524592

we all knew it anyway

>> No.15524620

if it wasn't for the vax they would have already died to covid long ago, sweaty

>> No.15524899

he didnt, they were all against it until biden won

>> No.15524912

RFK jr is a gun grabber and pro-abortion, so he has no chance with the right even if they agree with him on being against vax mandates.

>> No.15524987
File: 112 KB, 750x392, 1687539930365892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was the AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15525259
File: 455 KB, 300x268, racist_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n word is racist

>> No.15525435

Palestine people are Semites, jews are demons who moved there to kill and steal.
Get educated you stupid ignorant.

>> No.15525436

Happens all the time. Only complete morons waste money on corporate cancer treatments.

>> No.15525443

First I want to see Fauci fried in the chair, only then I will believe they will use that against Trump. They will not do it because that would expose big pharma, their main investors like Gates, Soros, and those who facilitated the installation of bio terrorism labs in China and Ukraine like Biden and Obama.

>> No.15525456

Was it 4D chess all along and unironically?

>> No.15525530


>> No.15525787

Back in the late 20th century, every young nerd read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" trilogy and in that collection was the story of Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B, they are now putting that strategy into play in a less dramatic and more cost effective fashion
>The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B was a way of removing the basically useless citizens from the planet of Golgafrincham. A variety of stories were formed about the doom of the planet, such as blowing up, crashing into the sun or being eaten by a mutant star goat. The ship was filled with all the middlemen of Golgafrincham, such as the telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants.

>The ship was programmed to crash onto its designated planet, Earth. The captain remembers that he was told a good reason for this, but had forgotten it, although the reason was later revealed to be because the Ark Ship B Golgafrinchans were a 'bunch of useless idiots'.

>> No.15525822

I love the reference. Read the book in 2021 and I was thinking about the vaxxies, since "Frankly we can't trust the unvaccinated. Now is the time to do what you're told. Screw your freedom, incubator" was the contemporary hotness. Those useful idiots seemed the sort who'd be shipped away.

>> No.15525993

>top insurance analyst
Top kek

>> No.15526056

They used to. We don't have real journalism anymore it's a corporate press.

>> No.15526219

the medical industry, particularly the pharmaceutical sector, its the largest advertiser on the planet, the journalism industry makes nearly all of it's profits by getting payments from the pharmaceutical industry, thats why they don't dare to criticize the pharmaceutical industry or the pharmaceutical industry's clients/pitchmen in the medical industry

>> No.15527173 [DELETED] 

makes sense, (((journalism))) is just another sector of the entertainment industry

>> No.15528243

>We don't have real journalism anymore it's a corporate press.
we never really did, the fact that journalism is just a means of manipulating public information was spelled out in citizen kane over 80 years ago. its just more obvious now because the people running the show care less about keeping the facade up, since they now have electronic voting machines so they don't really need public opinion to be on their side as much as they used to

>> No.15529278

>citizen kane
that was a good movie, very orsonwellian

>> No.15529298

based table turner

>> No.15529303

i think its worth pointing out that they specifically targeted african americans inside of those red areas. they aren't *just* trying to kill off their political opponents, they're also trying to kill minorities, which is a pattern all the big pharma corps seem to follow.

>> No.15529309

>when you invent a strawman to get mad at

>> No.15529315

I'm voting for Trump because we need population reduction. If the US population was reduced to 100M, it would be a paradise. It's hell on earth right now.

>> No.15529318

Literally would make him based.

>> No.15529971

most negroes weren't dumb enough to get vax'd, they had a much low vax rate than the rest of the population.
vaxxxies are that stupid, outsmarted by negroes

>> No.15529995

It's hard to believe those chuddie Republicucks ever believed scam-artist Trump and his TrumpVax. President Kamala told us not to get it so we didn't.

>> No.15530019 [DELETED] 

Did I just walk into Reddit or something? Go back you pathetic mussels.

>> No.15530997


>> No.15531017

what's with polturds invading this board?
most people don't live in the united states
I have cancer and i pay nothing for my treatment that would cost 20k USDs in the USA per month

>> No.15531025

trevor smith had laser surgery, there was no miracle cure from cannabis oil

>> No.15532123

what did you do to get cancer? how old are you?

>> No.15532344

genetic, got it before covid before you imply anything

>> No.15532345

oh and i'm 26

>> No.15532427

Is there an insurance analyst league? Does the top insurance analyst win a belt like in boxing or do they hand out medals?

>> No.15532431

It is actually a very competitive field and top firms pay for people who make more accurate risk models.

>> No.15533162

did your parents die young of cancer too?
how can genetic cancer that appears at a young age continue to propagate genetically? wouldn't that line of genetics just die out fairly quickly?

>> No.15533447

medical industry is still making profits in your country, it's just coming out of everybody's pocket instead of the patient

>> No.15533452

>did your parents die young of cancer too?
no, they are alive
i have a cousin that got cancer at a young age and recovered too
i also recovered, for now
>how can genetic cancer that appears at a young age continue to propagate genetically?
it doesn't affect everyone, just few people here and there but i get what you mean
there is also the fact that it could be pollution but i don't know
the thing is me not being a smoker has made my treatment way better, as smokers usually don't survive
fair enough, but the price of drugs is capped and negotiated by the government
we don't live in a utopia yet, things need funding

>> No.15533495

>fair enough, but the price of drugs is capped and negotiated by the government
Does the government not give additional subsidies to the hospitals / pharma companies / etc?
Nothing wrong with making a profit btw

>> No.15533498

>Does the government not give additional subsidies to the hospitals / pharma companies / etc?
i'm not really sure how it works, but i think the government does subsidize research for things of interest based on the country's needs

>> No.15533729

>everyone who i disagree with is from /pol/
>its a big conspiracy against me
you're mentally ill and paranoid
you literally think the entire world revolves around you

>> No.15533737

>there is also the fact that it could be pollution but i don't know
how many childhood vaccines did you get from your free heathcare? i bet you got all of them, necessary or not, cause they were free.

>> No.15533850

Uk data is the worst because they got infected before being vaccinated

>> No.15534200

the pharma companies make all their profits in the USA and use that to subsidize cheap medicine for everyone else. instead of being thankful for it, the rest of the world is always as unpleasant as they can manage to be to Americans, that the thanks they get for giving away free medicines and paying for all the research that goes into them.
Europeons are particularly rude in this way, always screeching about how their medical care is better and that Americans are dumb for not doing it their way, but if Americans did it the euro way then europeons would have to start paying full price for drugs, which they wouldn't be able to afford to do.

>> No.15534400

what a retarded fucking post holy shit

>> No.15535430

i can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity, but you are unable to refute anything you read, thats why you were unable to make a material, relevant response to it other than name calling, you're admitting that what you read what true and accurate

>> No.15535442

you posted nonsense
>the us subsudizes the rest of the world's healthcare
this is a retarded claim, i don't need to argue against it

>> No.15535455

This post kinda makes me hope Putin launches his entire nuclear arsenal on your so-called "country".

>> No.15535984

Is there a way to get handicapped(but still functional) from chemicals, drugs, etc? from just 1 dose? or there's only a way to become a vegetable after 1 bad dose?

>> No.15535992

This is interesting. How can I become a neet by faking symptoms like the rest of you jabboids?

>> No.15536181


▲ ▲

>> No.15536408


>> No.15536457

Uhhhhh, antivax retardbros... our response?

>> No.15536648
File: 55 KB, 720x778, black_crime_debunking_fact_check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fact check
profound mental retardation

>> No.15536651


>> No.15536655
File: 34 KB, 769x733, sci_proper_answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want to marry me, priscilla?

>> No.15536659


>> No.15536662
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>> No.15536663

imagine the smell

>> No.15536671


>> No.15537536

its up to 62% now

>> No.15538490

>I thought they loved telling people bombshell information.
they clearly don't, they've had all the hunter biden info since 2019 and they never publicized it

>> No.15538618

>they aren't *just* trying to kill off their political opponents, they're also trying to kill minorities, which is a pattern all the big pharma corps seem to follow.
uh wtf I love big pharma corps now

>> No.15539530

Pravda never publicized Brazhnev's son-in-law Yuri Churbanov's business dealing either, he stole over $10 billion of state funds in the 1970s and had it all in Deutchebank accounts when he was finally busted 20 years ago.

>> No.15540700
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>> No.15541890


same thing

>> No.15542323

victims of the vaxxx

>> No.15543186
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>> No.15543267
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>>How come the journalism industry isn't trumpeting this fact to the masses?
It is a mystery.

>> No.15543412

>a few million old fucks and fat fucks and immunocompromised die of a relatively mild respiratory illness

>> No.15544088

excellent webm

>> No.15544967
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientist will tell any lie, not matter how harmful, to make a buck. they don't have morals.

>> No.15544980

And you have learnt this because you have spoken to all scientists.

>> No.15545460

>And you have learnt this because you have spoken to all scientists.

>> No.15546224

Wow, Pfizer owns every single news TV show that exists

>> No.15546274

Is it any wonder that a company that shrugs off hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees and damages every single year as "the cost of doing business" has the resources to sponsor every news organization and indirectly control their narratives?

>> No.15547395

Yeah I remember facepalming hard when I heard that Bezos boight The Washington Post for only $250 million, when its the world's most powerful and influential propaganda outlet. He was using it effectively to shill for multibillion dollar .gov and .mil contracts within a few months of having taken over.

>> No.15548136


>> No.15548166
File: 884 KB, 1280x717, 1349048622125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lot sure try very, very hard not to type the word "jew".
>>15526219 was particularly funny.

>> No.15548414

you will never be a woman

>> No.15549327
File: 153 KB, 1147x219, trump nfts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being low iq enough to take the trump vax, they probably "invenested" in trump nfts too

>> No.15549385

Trump and Biden both pushed vaccines. Republicunts and Demonrats are two sides of the same Satanist coin.

>> No.15549396

groids get a win, but they were always an afterthought anyway


>> No.15549641

>99% of all people on Earth got the life-saving vaccine

>Medical conditions still exist

>Ergo medical conditions might affect people who took the vaccine.

I know basic Science is beyond your grasp but correlation does not equal causation...

>> No.15549815

You have to remember they all said they'd never take the Trump vaccine at the time.

>> No.15549818

It's still pretty comfy outside the cities, but yea it would be better without them.

>> No.15550510

> two sides of the same Satanist coin.
using the vax to genocide the midwits is doing god's work.

>> No.15550525

Harming people for profit under the guise of healing them is among the most evil things I can imagine.

>> No.15551037

Yes, it is evil, just like abortion.
And just like abortion, it is killing exclusively evil filth.

Killing demons and goylems is not a good act, as all killing is evil, but it is still objectively desirable.

>> No.15551059

>evil is good when it happens to benefit me
No, not at all.

>> No.15551086
File: 39 KB, 720x720, xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harming people for profit under the guise of healing them is among the most evil things I can imagine.
Welcome to the modern medical world.

>> No.15551091

Just remember that the prohibition on witchcraft was written in Greek with the term pharmakeia, which referred to producers of drugs and potions, rather than the word "mageuo" meaning conjuring or sorcery.

>> No.15551100
File: 529 KB, 927x1293, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they're not always subtle about it, either.

That is actually a fascinating and enlightening detail.

>> No.15551593

Important information

>> No.15552542
File: 46 KB, 622x504, twain sez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did they take the TrumpVax, but they also spent the past 3 years shilling for it on the internet, for free

>> No.15553546

>is curing patients a sustainable business model?
apparently not, but somehow or other killing them is

>> No.15554587

Coffins cost a fortune and its a highly regulated industry, so there is very little competition for the politically connected manufacturers