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15549586 No.15549586 [Reply] [Original]

Very interesting arguments, essentially when the submarine walls were breached water poured in at a speed of roughly 1000 meters/second. The water compressed all the air and matter in the sub to thousands of degrees like in a diesel piston.
Once there was no room for further ingress of water this super fast jet of water came to a halt immediately, causing a pressure peak like in a water hammer, with a very loud bang.


>> No.15549616

>thundercuck stating what is obvious to literally everyone with more than a room temperature IQ
I had hoped they hadn't been instantly evaporated, so there was a chance of finding one of them having killed the others to preserve oxygen and feed themselves, but everyone knew the most likely option was that the carbon fibre retard chamber had shattered like glass

>> No.15549638

Decomposing corpses are worse than a breathing human, midwit.

>> No.15549715


>> No.15549739

he gave convincing arguments based on the fact that water isnt actually an incompressible fluid as often parroted. If water was incompressible then it would accelerate to fill the sub at freefall acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2

>> No.15549740

>carbon fibre retard chamber had shattered like glass
It isnt clear at this time if it was the carbon fiber or the plastic window that broke

>> No.15549744

Thats not a good description of what could have happened. A can being crushed isnt the same as a can being insta-filled by a jet of supersonic fluid

>> No.15549758
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>Very interesting arguments, essentially when the submarine walls were breached water poured in at a speed of roughly 1000 meters/second. The water compressed all the air and matter in the sub to thousands of degrees like in a diesel piston.
>Once there was no room for further ingress of water this super fast jet of water came to a halt immediately, causing a pressure peak like in a water hammer, with a very loud bang.

>> No.15549857

This is what midwit trap is like.

>> No.15549866

are there pics of the human remains they found yet?

>> No.15549873

the can only has 1 bar less than the surrounding atmosphere

>> No.15549875

they all got turned into insta-paste and eaten by whatever lives on the seafloor

>> No.15549877
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>> No.15549886

Can someone please explain the "air was compressed to hotter than the surface of the sun" meme? Wouldn't the air just bubble to the surface?

>> No.15549889

Video game controller.

>> No.15549894

When the hull was breached (most likely that plastic window) the water just filled up the sub and displaced the air. Some air might have escaped, any air trapped inside was just compressed. The air bubbles that escaped were also compressed to 400 bar until they glowed hot
The people were also compressed, at least any space in their body that had air was shut seal, like their lungs, stomach, air passages. And the tissues with water were compressed 4% because water can compress a bit at such pressure

>> No.15549911

It's based on the idea of cavitation. Like the pistol shrimp which generates temperatures close to the surface of the Sun. It's fine to think in those terms but also realize that it's the compression and shockwave that's destructive, not the thermal effect itself.

>> No.15549928

>water can compress a bit at such pressure

Isn't the bulk modulus of water 2.2 GPa? meaning like 22 times more pressure than even at the bottom of the Challenger Deep ~10km down. This happened at ~2-3km depth meaning there should be no loss in volume of water under these conditions.

Am I misunderstanding bulk modulus?

>> No.15549949

Isn't "Thunderfoot" a grade D e-celeb that panders to 4cels?

>> No.15549954

how convenient...

>> No.15549984

He's a loser who panders to midwits who dont know anything about anything and pretends to know something.

His claim to fame is "debunking" solar panels on road. Any idiot could see it from a mile. Then his next claim to fame is feeding off of "Elon Musk bad" crowd.

Its just nonsense from him.

>> No.15550096

The amount of potential energy contained in the volume of the sub submerged in 400 bar fluid is comparable to a large bomb (something in the area of 300 kg of tnt). All that energy gets released very quickly when the sub is breached and water fills the interior. If the breach happens quickly enough the people inside would probably be disintegrated and incinerated.

>> No.15550098

Also he can't help himself stretching his content as much as possible. He will make 5 minutes worth of content into a 40 minute video repeating the same points multiple times throughout.

>> No.15550100

He makes a living out of conning midwits afaik. Making couple thousands a month from ads

>> No.15550102

How many times was Elon Musk mentioned in the video?

>> No.15550132

4% volume change at such depth (4 km)

>> No.15550370

>feed themselves
You won't die after a week of fasting while sitting down doing nothing.

>> No.15550574
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>> No.15551245 [DELETED] 

>No, you can't use common sense.

>> No.15551248
File: 4 KB, 231x218, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you can't use common sense.
>It's unfair to us, smart people, who need to study.

>> No.15551279

Are you saying you would get in a submarine that dude built with off the shelf parts from Camper World?

>> No.15551470

What a way to go

>> No.15552766

>most likely that plastic window
no, it was the carbon, the guy which got fired was literally shining a flashlight through the delaminating carbon layers, and told his boss he wont sign for that since its a deathtrap.

>> No.15552881

>1000 meters/second. The water compressed all the air and matter in the sub to thousands of degrees like in a diesel piston.
1000 m/s is faster than the speed of sound. Therefore you would not have a diesel piston effect; the air would compress AT the shock front but not in front of it.

>> No.15552885

No, not really.

>> No.15552888

>>The people were also compressed, at least any space in their body that had air was shut seal, like their lungs, stomach, air passages. And the tissues with water were compressed 4% because water can compress a bit at such pressure
Mostly they were torn into shreds when a 1000m/s wall of water struck them.

You ever see that video of a guy on a race track carrying a fire extinguisher getting exploded when a race car hits him? It would be far worse than that.

>> No.15552892

>that panders to 4cels?
He's reddit. 80% of his videos are him seething about elon musk and trump.

>> No.15553062

>when the submarine walls were breached
It's a fake where you try to hide this simple thing behind retarded details. Hope you're payed for, otherwise ... .

>> No.15553437
File: 180 KB, 442x466, Screenshot from 2023-07-09 22-26-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, thunderfoot comes off like a retarded normie on this subject compared to the pure unadulterated engineering autism of this guy

for example finding and pointing out where the external equipment penetrated the hull in pic related. every other youtuber is just memey shit regarding the titan

>> No.15553507
File: 128 KB, 962x523, Watergate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the vaxx has killed all of the normie braincells by even mention this childish vid. I can make a way better "source my ass" clip out of blatant idiot assertions, This board has become a IQ 80 tier propaganda stupor.

>> No.15553809

Btw: That shitty boat cannot go down cause there is no trim. It cannot steer cause there are no fins. It neither has seatbelts (needed cause else it adds untrimmable ~350 kg in case of) nor lights for the darkness. The Propellers will turn this hoax in every direction except the needed caused by prop walk. It will never make it through the streams, turbulences and layers of the open sea on the way down.

Please tell me you know and it's the typical 4chan hoax just to see that there is a rest of intelligence in (You).

>> No.15553916

He's going to disprove ideal gasses and adiabatic processes next?

>> No.15553920

The US military sank the submarine day 1 because they were trying to enter a cave system to agartha, they had to wait until "the air ran out" to break the news

>> No.15553958

Is it also why someone sank the titanic?

>> No.15554060

No, they sank the Titanic to remove opposition to founding the Federal Reserve.

>> No.15554106

um ackchually, Boyle was a hack fraud and the Ideal gas law is bullshit

>> No.15554132

Hydraulic press channel also did a pretty good small scale experiment

>> No.15554142
File: 167 KB, 680x680, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thunderfoots final take on the submarine
Jesus christ was that cringe shit.

Normal people
>If the sub gets a opening the air compress inside and kills you
>Rapid pressure change bad bro.
>The end

Schizo f00t
>Long incoherent schizo rant
>Mentions """"MUH SPEEED OF SOUND""""" (it is a fetish at this point)
>Talks about water pressure
>Starts ranting how it was the water losing pressure (LOL) that killed everyone
>Molecular simulation of water compression for no reason whatsoever
>Ranting that water compresses 0.0001% at this depth for no reason whatsoever

The guy is a retard all his videos are incoherent crap.

>> No.15554146

>um ackchually, Boyle was a hack fraud and the Ideal gas law is bullshit

>> No.15554158
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>Its just nonsense from him.
retard foot is peak reddit science.

His first work was in debunking creationism.
However instead of making anytihng of value he run numbers like a retard when venom fang X mentioned that
>The grand canyon could be formed in 5 minutes
Retard foot dd go then
>The numbers say the water would need to travel a t 5x the speed of sound

Like this does not violate any laws of physics.
What is even this guys problem
See how often the retard drops that one in.
Pure schizo science.

>> No.15554161

>room temperature IQ
We all know that. But he made youtube video about it and earned with it

>> No.15554186

I would like to think its was microscopic crack. A tiny jet of water powering into the sub at the speed of sound. It came in at chest height, right through the back of the pilot. His crew mates gasped in horror as the incredibly fine liquid jet instantly shot straight out his front like a wire of red hot steel, dragging with it an assortment of lung, heart, and shattered rib cage. Without knowing what was really happening the older tourist leaped forward to hold the pilot as he fell. In turn the water scythed through his belly, emptying his intestines before he too slumped to the floor. The youngest tourist, not understanding the physics of their predicament desperately tried to block the jet of water with his hands, and watched in brief astonishment as the unstoppable beam sliced his limbs to shreds within seconds. "Dad?", he called, before turning to his father with his bloody stumps, before catching a slice of this water laser across his neck, becoming immediately decapitated. His head rolled across to the downwards tilted end of the sub. The father, in anguish, tried to reaching for his son, the merciless water sword severed bisected him at his hips, emptying his bowels. More gore filled the sub. In desperation, knowing it was futile, but attempting the impossible anyway, the Captain grabbed the remaining tourist and shoved his head into the breech. Perhaps the strength of his skull would buy a little time. But the jet of doom would be not be denied, bone fragments filled the subs interior as the immense force acted like an industrial drill going through tissue paper. Letting go of the still thrashing corpse the Captain, now the only person left alive, considered his options. Throw himself face forward onto the unholy watery blast, or try to rub out a quick one out before death came upon him through another, likely more unsavory, means. I wonder what choice he made?

>> No.15554199

>they sank the Titanic to remove opposition to founding the Federal Reserve.
BASED conspiracy theorist.

>> No.15554200

look at the left side piece of gel, you'll see some "exploding bubbles", that's what happened to the sub as far as the compressed gas temperature thing goes:

>> No.15554271

Titan dove several times, take your meds.

>> No.15554284

The water pressure was no more than 6000 PSI. Normal commercial water cutters typically operate at several times this. The impressive instantaneous wounding potential you are imagining is not really accurate at pressures this low.

>> No.15554438

The spray through an irregular shaped crack also prevents the water from gaining as much velocity making it even less dangerous. It's still probably a water hose level of flow so it's gonna hurt you and injure you still.

>> No.15554443

I think it could probably pierce and cut skin, but it wouldn't be an instant limb severing laser. It's somewhere in between a powerful pressure washer and a low powered water cutter.

>> No.15554449

Yeah that's what I'm thinking as well. It's pretty difficult to make such a decapitating water laser. Commercial water jet cutters also use abrasive material to increase cutting effectiveness so it's not even directly comparable by pressure alone.

>> No.15554761

That's what they told you, and so many more.
But i doub that, for pretty good reasons.

>> No.15554772

>I would like to think its was microscopic crack
Or one of the Pakis farted, passengers try to flee to front, the shitty bang lost trim the ballast jammed the pilot was hindered and the whole thing rammed in the ground and is covered by sand now.

>> No.15554844

Being off your meds isn't a "pretty good reason"

>> No.15554882

I remember this guy and his freakishly huge neck from the gaymergate days, then forgot all about him.
Then a few years later someone linked his vids and I checked them out. I watched a few and they were pretty good. Then I forgot again.
Now I am reminded of him again so I checked out the channel just to see that half of it is seething about the meme twitter billionare man.

Why did he do this

>> No.15554929

Desperate bid for relevance.

>> No.15554988

Computer models are not science. Back to your containment board.

>> No.15555230

You have schizophrenia

>> No.15555237

>Being off your meds isn't a "pretty good reason"
Guy, i work for decades in sea survey and underwater engineering. What is your quality, if any?

>> No.15555242

>I have industry experience, therefore my schizo conspiracy theory that involves dozens of people lying for no discernible reason is credible
Meds, now.

>> No.15555244

Some rich clout chaser lying about doing tests (where he was the sole pilot) to scam people isn't a big conspiracy.

>> No.15555249

He dove with paying customers, dipshit. They have no incentive to lie about it.

>> No.15555253

Show me your qualification, for me the scam is obvious. If you are a layman than i recommend meds for you instead meddle with pros.

Stay dumb and have a nice day.

>> No.15555291

>He dove with paying customers, dipshit.
Source? He claimed he did all his test dives solo.

>> No.15555292

Dudes making bank on patreon

>> No.15555597

raped by thunderfoot

>> No.15555664
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I actually like thunder foot, but he’s wrong about the water hammer and leak. He’s right about the carbon fiber side of the rings being the failure point though. If you look at the testing they did at APL, when the vessel failed the rings were a key failure point, you can see the titanium groove the carbon fiber sits in is blown apart. Same thing when you look at the images of the Titan debris. The rings have long strips of titanium protruding from them, those were part of the groove the carbon fiber was glued in to. You can also see the glue on the rings.

Pic related the yellow highlights are where there should be walls to locate the carbon fiber hull when it is attached, and in the left side of the image you can see a strip of titanium, that is a still connected piece of one if the walls. If you watch the video of the debris, you’ll see the area where my yellow marks are are completely missing those walls, the implosion was catastrophic enough to rip the titanium off.

Anyway that’s my guess

>> No.15556294
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>> No.15556326


>> No.15556802

Must be hardwired to the dome because of duty. No ripp-of w/o serious damage. Please fake better, this is ridiculous,

>> No.15557825

Would an iphone stay intact at that depth? I want to see some footage.

>> No.15557915
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>> No.15557921

Didn't the owner/designer/creator of the sub say something to the effect of "I think safety rules are for pussies"?
I know you're desperate to tie [current thing] to your schizo paradigm, but I don't think this one is a good fit.

>> No.15557966

Little do you know, the experts literally refused to rate the sub for that depth.

>> No.15558223

And when they did, management fired those experts and hired new experts who cleared it. Problem solved, trust the experts!

>> No.15558277
File: 83 KB, 904x864, ;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who fell for this blatant psyop is under total mind control. If you read into this story, watched the constant mainstream media barrage or started making memes about this complete fake event, then you are a mind controlled NPC simple as. Before this one, it was the Alien narrative most people just gobbled up like it was fresh cum. Not to mention coronahoax in the years before. With each new psyop they are exposing the cattle more and more.

>> No.15558284

Not every story that gets big is a psyop. I think the sub shit just got big because people thought it was interesting

>> No.15558679

go outside

>> No.15558691

I think the event was real, but the psyop was the media pretending the people on the sub were still alive for days after it was known the sub imploded.

>> No.15559004

It was literally a once in a lifetime story for the media.
>50 hour countdown
>dead or alive
>obvious parallels to space exploration
>most exciting thing in the news for Americans since the last mass shooting

You would have to be brain dead not to play the story the way they did. It’s just good business.

>> No.15559027

>Popular even never happened because it is popular

>> No.15559807

>I think the event was real,
Never ever. You risk to sued aiding and abetting manslaughter if you, as a professional, see the construction and let it go out to sea with this ship of death,
Nobody will do that. It's a full media fake.

>> No.15559811

There was a time this site sniffed out fakes, lies and propaganda in real time. Now it is a lame midwit site, filled with globohomo and glownigger propaganda up to the max.

>> No.15559815

He did say he doesn't hire experienced men to work for him because young fresh pussy is nicer to have around.

>> No.15559830
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so uh, what happens if you do the exact same thing but put a nuke inside? like the natural version of fusion

>> No.15559883

I haven’t watched this fedora wearer’s videos for half a decade at the least.