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15547329 No.15547329 [Reply] [Original]

>carbon fiber hull that was connected to bits of titanium

>> No.15547375

Because he was too cheap to build it properly. By his own account, he chose carbon fiber because it was light. That was important because he needed the submarine to have positive buoyancy without the use of syntactic foam, and that was important because syntactic foam is expensive.

He could have built it entirely out of aluminum, like the Aluminaut submarine which was made back in the 60s (and worked well). But he probably didn't have the time for that, or the brains, or thought carbon fiber was better. Hard to say, since he's dead and can't properly explain himself now.

>> No.15547388

>syntactic foam is expensive
Well so is titanium and he was willing to use that in fairly significant quantities

>> No.15547389

Cyclops 2 got renamed to Titan, of course.

>> No.15547390

It's probably the only material that could plausibly work in that role, so that expense was forced on him. If he could find any way to twist the math and convince himself that carbon fiber would work for that too, he probably would have done that. Steel would give him bouyancy issues.

Also titanium sounding fancy might have played a roll in this. Titanium and carbon fiber are both meme materials that boomers are in love with.

>> No.15547396

> are both meme materials
Is there a definitive list of meme materials, because I have an idea

>> No.15547399

whatever materials the manufacturers of luxury products like to brag about using because they know it will be appealing to rich boomers.

A meme material is not a bad material per-se, titanium is great, but the public perception and desire for that material is the meme. So you see shit like people getting titanium belt buckles or carbon fiber interior panels in their cars, with conspicuous weave patterns exposed of course because that's the whole point.

>> No.15547424

> carbon fiber interior panels
Like how Musk wanted to use Carbon Fiber on the original roaster before his board battle with Eberhard and Tarpenning?

>> No.15547425

I don't know much about his car stuff, but probably.

>> No.15547477

White people love to take risks.

>> No.15547482

Jews are cheap.

>> No.15547503

No need to bring [math] \mathbb{THE~PHENOTYPE} [/math] into this

>> No.15547508
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>> No.15547531

Hello Yes, we talk about materials and their properties on the science board

>> No.15547533


it was glued with epoxy.


>> No.15547537

That's actually pretty standard when using carbon fiber as a structural material.

>> No.15547606

Cheapest way for this scam. It has to make at least a few 100 ft or meters. You will never get to a depth where it's dark with that. Consequently they did not put any lamps on it.

>> No.15547614

Because he wasn't a faggot like Cameron who overpaid and overdesigned his shit. Rush did his thing against liberal "diving community", shat on their "consensus" and literally made it four kilometers down to the titanic in his simple almost homegrown vehicle THIRTEEN TIMES. His idea didnt work in the end but every right to work even when faggots were saying different. Even when he died he just painlessly winked out of existence and took two pakis with him.

We need MORE people like Stockton Rush

>> No.15547619

Why are you so mad?
And didn't Cameron just buy an old soviet subs that just worked?

>> No.15547636
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He deserved it desu

>> No.15547638

Cameron visited the titanic more times than that thing was tested

>> No.15547676

>daily mail
You deserved to be on that sub

>> No.15547825

He literally wasn't Jewish?

>> No.15547832

Yes he was Irish. And a Jew would focus on self-preservation over profit to the death.

White people are the only ones willing to give their lives for capitalism. He knew how cheap he was, and he still put himself in his own death trap. He got off on the adrenaline of being close to death. Jerking himself off about imploding

>> No.15547865
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Yes, that was the point. No need to bring up Ashkenazi Brain Bvlls at all ITT.

>> No.15547893

Carbon fiber isnt cheap

>> No.15548734

I guess not compared to your mom

>> No.15549301

Took me a while to figure out it's a video of some mammals played in reverse.

>> No.15549321
File: 232 KB, 995x1015, NASA is retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15549328

given the overhwhelming symbolism of the event and the fact that two billionaires were onboard i can safely say that the entire incident is an occult elite ritual sacrifice

>> No.15549402

I like the titanium spork I got as a gag gift

>> No.15549404

>We need MORE people like Stockton Rush
You mean rich and dead? 100% agree
The rest of your written diarrhea is just plain ignorant. People told iom from the beginning that this was a bad idea and even some potential customers ran when they learned more about this dumbass and his cavalier attitude. James Cameron actually listened to people who were experienced in doing this shit and Rush just said "fuck em." Care to guess who was corrent?

>> No.15549406

Silicon Valley "start up" culture is and has always been retarded. Established Companies in an old industry taking reasonable risks > Startups saying "Fuck it we ball"

>> No.15549413

this is a quirk of evolution, there's always some retarded humans taking serious risks in the hopes of good feelings from social recognition and of-course money/resources.
some times it pans out, sometimes it ends in tragedies. it's just retarded humans probing for absolute limits so they can extract as much value as possible out of anything we can.

>> No.15549415

Good DSVs like Alvin last for decades. 13 (lol) dives before imploding is pathetic.

>> No.15549418

James Cameron rented Russian DSVs to make the Titanic films and whatnot. But he also commissioned the creation of a new DSV for visiting the bottom of the Mariana Trench. 11 kilometers deep, compared to the Titanic's 4 kilometers. >>15547614 is a massive retard.

>> No.15549424

>hehe le dead rich people is le based
>wtf a migrant drowned off the coast of turkey this is..........LE BAD the entire world must le mourn for him

>> No.15549440

why would you expect some cultural magnum opus from fucking nerds? have you seen how they dress?

>> No.15549461

>That's actually pretty standard when using carbon fiber as a structural material.
To a metal ring? Do they have identical thermal expansion coefficients?

>> No.15549549

They were out of syntactic foam at Camper World.

>> No.15549742

This. "Big Sub" saw People's Champion Rush as a threat for bringing honest prices to Deep Sea Tourism Industry.
First they tried to discredit him. When that didnt work, they sabotaged his DSV with sub-standard materials to protect their obscene profits.

>> No.15549751

steel spheres are cheaper

>> No.15549759

This. The Trieste was just two steel hemispheres forged together with a really big fuel and ballast tank on top.

>> No.15549798

>Reject White male privilege (and all the science and progress that goes with it)

ass-clowns with more money than brains

>> No.15549810


>> No.15550504
File: 129 KB, 1909x1073, William H. Gates the 3rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates

>> No.15550533

Time to boycott grocery stores and only buy from Amish farms.