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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 95 KB, 653x490, 1686567917309723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15526716 No.15526716 [Reply] [Original]

Global warming is a hoax. Nothing is "trapped" by the atmosphere, rather, things are regulated by it.

>> No.15527255 [DELETED] 

"the greenhouse effect" is a concept only a moron could believe in.
greenhouses have rigid walls and ceilings in order to prevent convective cooling. the same effect cannot be reproduced by a gas, gases are subject to convection.

>> No.15527457


>> No.15527624 [DELETED] 

people who believe in global warming do so as a result of their ignorance of science

>> No.15527630

its called climate change now chuds.
try to keep up with things science deniers

>> No.15527631

>try to keep up with things science deniers
Excuse me sweaty, it's called "science change."

>> No.15527805

>Global warming is a hoax.
Congrats, you realized what 96% of humanity already knew.

>> No.15527817

This thread is made by Indian shillbots responding to each other

>> No.15527851

Please to be out going from of this ongoing scientific thread please sir! Thank to you again.

>> No.15527862

Cool. So are you gonna like, tax protest the fraudulent environmental programs? Maybe ignore some regulations?

Doesn't seem like this knowledge matters or changes anything in any way.

>> No.15527868


>fraudulent environmental programs
don't participate with them. wreck them in whatever way you want or able.

>ignore some regulations
if you don't believe in a regulation or law, you are not obligated to obey it.

>> No.15527869

Well Mr. Glowie, are you?

>> No.15527977

This. I assumed everyone already knew it was fake. Even Californians don't believe in it.

>> No.15528011

>His guilt is showing already
As long as you never defy your god, it's not a sin. You can talk all you like. Have a nice day

>> No.15528321

schizo is off it's meds again

>> No.15528362

projection, the post

>> No.15528380

Climate change is a very serious threat. This planet will literally become uninhabitable unless we immediately stop having white kids, start eating insect based food and downsize our living space. Since there are too many science denying extremists we can only save the planet by introducing and enforcing a digital social credit system.

>> No.15528421

I'm sorry to say I fell for it back in 2010. Now I'm older, wiser and have seen the same academics claiming we're in for a "climate catastrophe" start claiming we need to cut mens dicks off to let them be women I'm sure they were all full of shit the entire time.

>> No.15529316
File: 450 KB, 620x620, 1684215059719880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been saying the same lies since the 1980s and the climate hasn't changed even slightly yet. Back then they were claiming 5ºC temperature increase by 2100. 40 years later were're 1/3 of the way to 2100 & there has been no measurable temperature increase at all

>> No.15529413

ce sera sera
whatever will be will be
ill be dead before it really affects me
ce sera sera

>> No.15529495

Like every fake calamity, climate chaos will always be 20 years away.

>> No.15529769 [DELETED] 

>5¢ have been added to your Shell Fuel Rewards® card.

>> No.15529889 [DELETED] 


>> No.15529911

>40 years later were're 1/3 of the way to 2100 & there has been no measurable temperature increase at all
The climate has warmed approximately 1.3 degrees celsius compared to preindustrial temps.

>> No.15530990

>The climate has warmed approximately 1.3 degrees celsius compared to the little ice age
nice try shlomo

>> No.15532156

The global warming narrative can only be supported by lies

>> No.15532814

More like Big Oil

>> No.15533119


>> No.15533451

you are literally the biggest conspiratard on this board

>> No.15533545

>climate tax
>red tape
>this is science in 2023

>> No.15533547

where do you think gases go?

>> No.15533722

>NO U!!!

>> No.15533760

can anyone provide an actual, verifiable argument that global warming is not real? there are always skeptics on four channel and no one EVER posts anything compelling to question the status quo

>> No.15533775
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i come to 4chan to defend the status quo
how organic

>> No.15533841

No, they just simply state that measurements are not real

>> No.15533858
File: 2.18 MB, 1x1, 1684060306970281.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15534193

yep, they would not need to lie about global warming like that if were truly occurring, the idea of lying an manipulating public opinion would not even have occurred to them if they had honest data that showed what they wanted it to show.

>> No.15534198

This was basically a massive hoax in the 2000s. All of that supposed "proof" is just normal email shit taken out of context. It's not even actual scientific proof.

>> No.15534378

So no proof. Got it.

>> No.15534726

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4qUwVSao_4 [Remove]

George Hunt Stumbles Into NWO Meeting, Exposes 1992 Earth Summit (Agenda 21)
Famous video of George Hunt who happened to stumble into a meeting of the "elite" while they were hijacking the environmental movement and in the process of pushing the NWO through the UN. He was shocked what he heard there. The 1992 Earth Summit was where they created Agenda 21.
this video expose rockeffeler,rotschild etc on summit please watch the entire video
this video is cool it's a shame that this video is not viral

>> No.15535418
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>> No.15535438

the forest fires will continue until moral improves

>> No.15535546
File: 139 KB, 1786x1162, IMG_7443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passing regional temperature as global
>cherry picked timespan

>> No.15535553

>gold standard climate reference

>> No.15535627 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, NASA faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: nasa
nasa is s political propaganda outlet, not a scientific organization.

>> No.15535633

Is there a single human here or is this all FBI/AI circus for anyone passing by?

>> No.15535642

1. Posting facts here gets you banned
2. This thread has 0 substance and is here seemingly to create a perception of "stupid deniers" just with the OP or serve as a base for future circus installations
3. Everywhere are meaningless stupid maligning posts which have absolutely 0 substance and only call to the mentally ill stupid emotions like "it's called climate change now, science denier" or "why would I trust you over [x, y, z]" as a reply to a person literally saying that science is not about believing ( meaning tesponse completely ignores the message it is "replying" to)

>> No.15535645

I posted data here in the past and got banned for it for months

>> No.15535650

Great arguments here

>> No.15535658

That graph doesn't say what you think it says. Of course denialists would misrepresent data.

>> No.15535660

Do they switch to AI or is there still a meatbag behind this post?

>> No.15535665

If you want a refutation of the graph, here it is:
Each data point represents a monthly average minus the average monthly temperature over the preceding 30 months. This is not raw data, you have to add up all the deviations to get actual changes in temperature. You're just making shit up.

>> No.15535676

It's not a "regional temperature" nor is it cherrypicked, It's actual misrepresentation of data, probably by /pol/ tards who don't even know what a "deviation" means. It's like they saw "graph near 0 mus not warm!!!".

>> No.15535700
File: 357 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_5524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misrepresenting data means that he took continental US data which is regional and passed it as global while being disingenuous about how the anomaly is calculated.

>> No.15536025

kek I made that screenshot

>> No.15536474
File: 44 KB, 473x468, Za3enbgRCHt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats another one of those fake charts that start at the end of the little ice and deletes the dust bowl era in order to produce the desired result.
and the source is a bunch of globohomo government agencies
>Misrepresenting data
that what you're doing, intentionally, in order to shill for your stupid messiah complex false narrative

>> No.15537428
File: 1.60 MB, 750x420, bill nye earth on fire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15538072


>> No.15538547
File: 327 KB, 1850x1544, local warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misrepresenting data
AKA "climate science"

>> No.15538682


We're trapped

>> No.15538754

Sure, but poojets are more than happy to work for their scams for some cow dung.

>> No.15538762

You sure do enjoy talking about yourself on social media.

>> No.15538807

>nothing is trapped by the atmosphere
that's right, oxygen just stays on earth because it feels like it

>> No.15538870

This is true. The spirit of deceased great scientist Albert Einstein told me in a dream.

>> No.15539722
File: 374 KB, 1134x1143, 1684839880243673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15540753

>seemingly to create a perception of "stupid deniers"
Virsues Don't Exist stopped posting pretty recently, I guess his contract with the JIDF ran out

>> No.15541264
File: 57 KB, 510x198, wuwt_icecoreanim_image71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking it'd be nice to stay where we are a little longer, maybe get a bit warmer even, certainly looks nicer than plummeting way tf down there.

>> No.15541266

>to fall very quickly and suddenly (according to Cambridge dictionary)
>shows a decrease over the course of 50,000 years
Are you ESL or retarded?

>> No.15541922

what happened 120,000 years ago to make it hotter than it is currently? too many cars?

>> No.15542206


>> No.15542212

>data source
Better question, who was collecting data then?

>> No.15543212
File: 33 KB, 1488x198, 1688464356116990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, now it doesn't look quite as dramatic

>> No.15543592

People who don't understand derivatives shouldn't post on /sci/.

>> No.15543988

this, all the fakery surrounding global warming is there because global warming is an outright fraud and there is not real data which supports it

>> No.15544013

15% of posts on /pol/ are made by bots, I wonder what's the percentage on /sci/?

>> No.15544309

>Better question, who was collecting data then?
Al Gore asked a stegosaurus.
Source: trust me bro

>> No.15545120
File: 33 KB, 540x285, al gore neck too fat for collar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15545167
File: 38 KB, 751x484, IMG_0475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cools story however you’re once again using regional data and that ice core temperature estimates end before the instrumental record which is not included in that dataset. Curious why you you purposely mislabeled the graph as if it included modern temperatures

>> No.15545170


>> No.15545172

>the hockey stick meme
long since debunked

>> No.15545178
File: 208 KB, 1100x700, cfsr_world_t2_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I keep refusing to accept simple measurements that’ll make it not real
Amazing arguments here

>> No.15545184

No hokey stick is measured. It takes significant data tampering with both past and present to produce one.

>> No.15545188

Do you have any specific arguments about the methodology of the PAGES 2k project or are you just going to continue your flat earther tier denial of facts?

>> No.15545190
File: 116 KB, 1065x652, temperature adjustments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15545202
File: 339 KB, 1416x942, IMG_7444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep deflecting with yet another regional dataset that has nothing to do with the one I posted and ignore that globally, raw data overestimates warming?
Answer the simple question. Do you have any specific arguments about the PAGES 2k methodology?

>> No.15545203

If you were right, you wouldn't need to constantly lie about the temperature.

>> No.15546133

a government propaganda agency, not a scientific organization

>> No.15546142
File: 460 KB, 1194x3653, 1684604866366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their timelines are all wrong anyway.

Charles Lyell was wrong. If those rock layers were millions of years apart, you'd see millions of years of erosion and channeling (formation of rivers) between them; but they're parallel in most places or have some odd peculiarities that couldn't happen if they were millions of years apart. Radiometric dating also produces wildly different results, some parts of the same animals have been dated to be millions of years apart or different radio isotopes producing hundreds of millions of years of difference in result. Further, there are endless assumptions and baseless "givens" with radio dating that they refuse to address to even acknowledge, like change of rate of decay. How can some fossils that are supposedly 50 millions of years old or so still have soft tissue and fragile proteins? That soft tissue is a dating method, but they try to explain it away or they just outright ignore it. Their radio methods are proven inaccurate and faulty, even a recent volcano spill can be dated as billions of years old. And Mt St. Helens supports catastrophism rapidly changing the landscape rather than assuming everything always was as it is now. Ultimately, people are willingly ignorant of the plethora and worldwide evidence of the great flood, because they don't want to admit anything that supports the scripture could be true (meanwhile, they entertain the idea of a global flood on mars -- or how a child in the womb "isn't life" but if they found a single-cell on mars they'd shout they found life on mars). There's also soft bodied sea creature fossils on the tops of mountains and they have no explanation for it that aligns with the rest of the data. I could go on about their hypocrisy and science denial, but you get the idea.

>> No.15546149

OP here. Tripping up to make a comment.

Global warming is just a buzzword to disguise the mess of air pollution, water pollution, waste, overconsumption, overpopulation, desolation, etc.

>> No.15546156

Doesn't exist. If it's crowded where you live, then move. You have to be a midwit to fall for that meme. The entire world could live in certain US states alone if they were structured like places like Paris. There's even a pic for it, with population density based on different cities and comparing them to certain states or countries. I don't have it otherwise I'd post it.

>> No.15546158

But Global Warming does/might. FUCK off shillpot

>> No.15546174

I have a theory. It's called evil human species.

>> No.15546186

.t never been on Venus

>> No.15546207

Congrats, you realized what 96% of humanity already knew.

>> No.15546251
File: 247 KB, 1887x1180, GlobalTemp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man-made climate change is real

>> No.15546577


>> No.15546589

How can we be so dumb that people actually think man made climate change is a hoax? That's like arguing plate tectonics isn't real or there's no such thing as electrons.

How did we reach this point?

>> No.15546628

Unsourced assertions by idiots like you are why nobody takes this hoax seriously.

>> No.15546655


>> No.15546741

>how can you even think something thats shilled constantly by government and media isn't true!?!?!?!
why are you on 4chan if what you see here makes you so angry? the rest of the internet is a safe space for people like you, stay or reddit and facebook and you won't have to suffer with seeing your fake news contradicted

>> No.15547042

Yes, NASA. Oh yeah I forgot, schizos don't trust NASA do they. Even if you took a schizo down to Florida to see the SLS taking off first hand, the schizo would still try and claim it's CGI.