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15543003 No.15543003 [Reply] [Original]

>Pave over all the fields and natural areas
>hey why is it so hot now? Must be those cow farts

>> No.15543006

Are you suggesting getting rid of cars? What's next, (((15 minute cities)))?

>> No.15543012

Cities are the problem, not the solution.

>> No.15543017

So we're all just supposed to become farmers and eat dirt like the soviets tried?

>> No.15543018

vegans are mentally unstable. they have the delusion eating cucumbers all day is good for the earth.
plants destroy forests the most to have farm lands and they constantly need harmful pesticides and fertilizer.

>> No.15543021

The Soviets built thousands of square km of disgusting khruschyovkas and ruined the land.

>> No.15543187

Don't forget eating bugs and living in the pod. Very important to fight climate change.

>> No.15544172

Being a farmer is based

>> No.15544188

Phoenix Arizona, a dish shaped piece of land that turned into a parabolic heat mirror in less than 40 years

>> No.15544334

And the self-proclaimed saviors of humanity want to turn the entire Earth into a disgusting parking garage just like that.

>> No.15544430

Threadly reminder that cows are carbon neutral. For each gram of carbon they produce, they need to consume a gram of carbon, which comes from the atmosphere through photosynthesis in plants.
They also don't waste much water, unlike vegan propaganda. They piss and shit most of the water they consume, with little lost to sweating and breathing. Their piss goes back to the ground. Now let's compare cow milk with almond milk: a cow turns a gallon of water to 0.25 gallons of water. With almonds, it takes 101 gallons of water to make just 1 cup of almonds, plus an additional 3 or 4 cups of water to make a small serving of almond milk.
Remember kids, vegans are the sons of satan. Do not be led astray, eat your meat and drink milk like your white forefathers did since the dawn of history.

>> No.15544435

Mean to say: a cow turns a gallon of water to 0.25 gallons of milk.

>> No.15544438

>Threadly reminder that cows are carbon neutral. For each gram of carbon they produce, they need to consume a gram of carbon, which comes from the atmosphere through photosynthesis in plants.
They're carbon-negative because their bones sequester carbon in mineral form.

>> No.15544440

you know what
i'll fucking take it
sure let's abolish cars and roads, i'm okay with this

>> No.15544443

good post but you have forgotten that water is renewable
cows do not eject water out of earth's fucking gravity well on a god damn rocket ship (citation needed)
anyone who at any point tries to use muh water as a climate argument is just a retard faggot californian trying to steal more Texan water because they're too stupid to build their own damn desalination plants.

>> No.15544447


>> No.15544469

>because they're too stupid to build their own damn desalination plants.
>guzzles consumable fuel to generate the energy needed in the first place

>> No.15544476

this has to be the most retarded i've read today and i read a post about someone arguing that JFK never died but got raptured

>> No.15544478

wait nevermind this post is even more retarded than the other one

>> No.15545329

california doesn't even need desalination, they have plenty of water, but they haven't built a new reservoir since the 1950s, so most of their spring runoff goes to waste. the state has enough water to convert all of it's deserts to fertile, verdant farmland, but the state is also managed by an organized crime family, so their resources are intentionally mismanaged

>> No.15545332

Don't forget the federal government turned the entire Los Angeles river delta into a concrete funnel that shoots water into the sea as fast as humanly possible while storing none of it.

>> No.15545354

>(((organized crime family)))

>> No.15546159

Gavin Newsome is Nancy Pelosi's nephew

>> No.15546465
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>yfw capitalists want this more than anything and being against bugs and pods makes you anti-capitalist by definition

>> No.15546468

Why is more sunlight hitting the surface now?

>> No.15546470

How do you know there was less hitting it before? """science"""?

>> No.15547448

they are both shabbos goys

>> No.15547471

Never ask an omni what cows eat.

>> No.15548629

the jew fears the dirt farmer

>> No.15548674

The inability for the common city-rat to realize the integral importance of farming as a stable of human existence and civilization is alarming, but not unexpected. They will suffer.

>> No.15549416
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>> No.15549444

>The inability for the common city-rat to realize the integral importance of farming as a stable of human existence and civilization is alarming
i agree. They do not think much about where food comes from at this point. Farmers should get more praise like soldiers do. If they don't make crops many die. We could lose most other careers and be alright except for that

>> No.15549506

Which method of establishing the facts of reality do you recommend?

>> No.15549741

>stop having children to save the planet! humans are a virus on the environment
>oh, you've stopped breeding, we need to import 3,000,000 Africans now

>> No.15549838

And yet you use a computer. Venezuela.

>> No.15549923

>spring run off going to waste
>because it's not being captured and used to water somebody's fucking lawn
City faggots make me sick.

>> No.15549926

>you criticize society, yet you live in one
people live in cities cuz those are where jobs are, people need jobs to survive
>white collar jobs are not real

>> No.15550337

? You?

>> No.15550387

Shhh the people don’t know that. Quick! We need to ask the state to pay for a pipeline from the great lakes to avoid taking responsibility for our own mismanagement

>> No.15550390

>farmers should get praise like farmers do.
They should get paid a fair wage for what they produce. Not be subsidized up the fucking ass by the state

>> No.15550552
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>Must be those cow farts


>> No.15550606

>I built my house on a barrier island that was stripped bare and it was destroyed by a hurricane along with houses on the mainland how could this happen?!

>> No.15550646

Daily reminder most 4channers are city rats. That's why they're so incelly and/or "fight the cause" in public for a political team.

>> No.15550912

That would make food significantly more expensive, which would mean we also need to start paying workers a fair wage so they can afford to eat

>> No.15550949

>stop subsidising domestic farming
>the industry collapses due to external competition from countries that pay people peanuts
>now you have hundreds of thousands of people out of work which you have to subsidise even harder with welfare and you become completely reliant on external produce
sounds like a great idea

>> No.15550959

Yeah, that's one of the reasons

>> No.15551513

anyone with a job can afford to eat, they only can't if the prefer to spend their money on stupidity like "smart" phones, netflix, twitter checkmarks & reddit gold

>> No.15552507
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yeah, but cali is just about 100% beaner now, so who cares if they suffer. let the beaners fix it up, i'm sure they're make it as wonderful and civilized as mexico soon enough

>> No.15552519 [DELETED] 

They won't be able to if agricultural subsidies are cut and agricultural workers are paid a decent wage instead of exploiting the illegal Mexicans like we do now. Beef would cost more than $25 a pound and every fruit and vegetable that can't be harvested with a combine would be more than $5 a pound.

>smart" phones, netflix, twitter checkmarks & reddit gold
Take your boomer ass back to Facebook. All of that combined is less than a single paycheck from a minimum wage job. Next you'll start whining about avocado toast and how nobody wants to work anymore.

>> No.15553439

how did anyone manage to eat before agricultural subsidies were instituted?

>> No.15553473

They were paid a decent wage and the currency was backed with gold so there wasn't any speculation driving up inflation.

>> No.15553489

Subsidizing is a mistake
You're paying the farmers using taxes money, giving money to both deserving efficient farmers and inefficient ones, but everyone else suffers because of this, it's basically getting welfare BECAUSE you have this job

>> No.15553491

The real solution is onerous tariffs on foreign food. Autarkic food production is a necessity for any nation.

>> No.15553505

no we're supposed to live in cities, not suburbs

>> No.15554038

Yes, it's a great idea to be dependent on food imports. This is one of the few cases where it makes sense for the government to interfere with the market. Otherwise, domestic production would be undercut by foreign production using slave labor and/or a complete disregard for human health, the environment, and standards for pesticides, etc. Is that really what you want? The cheapest, lowest quality shit from overseas?

>> No.15554061

It's even crazier than that. We export a shitload of the same food we import from other countries. Some of it is done to extend the availability of certain foods throughout the year, but we export a lot of foods that can be stored and supplied year round and then turn around and import more of the same food. It's genuinely mind boggling how inefficient our current economic practices are.

>> No.15554080

rural > city rats > suburb

>> No.15554090

t. ancap retard

>> No.15554507

Anon, it's very efficient (at lining the pockets of whoever bribes the policy makers)

>> No.15554551

Outlaw imported goods if they dont meet certain standards, otherwise I don't see what's the problem

>> No.15554555

>dies of starvation

>> No.15554584
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rural > suburbanite > urbanite > parasite
suburbanites are at least decent enough to be repulse by the downtown degenerates even if they're still too sissified for rural life

>> No.15554594
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>earth in 1800 has 1bil people
>things are going ok, not great but we manage

>earth in 2020 has 10bil people
>things are bad, but no one can decide why

>> No.15554636

Nitrogen fertilizer is a hell of a drug

>> No.15554675

Didn't the guy who created modern nitro fertilizers also help develop Zyklon?
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I seem to remember him having a lot of guilt later in life over both.

>> No.15554683

If you're so concerned about overpopulation then why aren't you willing to do something about it? Just kys, its easy, you'll never have fret and be upset about overpopulation again if you do

>> No.15554694

>CO2 gets absorbed by trees
>trees die
>trees get covered
>turn into oil
>oil gets extracted
>gets turned into gasoline
>car burns gasoline
>releases the same amount of CO2 that was already there million of years ago
>therefore petrol is carbon neutral
nice logic retard, unfortunately different forms of the same thing can have different effects on your life

>> No.15554708
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Cities are a more efficient use of resources than suburbs so they would actually be the solution.
You wouldn't need to cut down entire forests for 10 Mexican cardboard box houses.
Pic related the future

>> No.15554745

I'm not concerned, just noticing correlation.
Why do you people get so defensive when I nootice things.

>> No.15554747

You're not "noticing" anything. You're spoonfed the exact conclusion you came to by the television.

>> No.15554750

>You wouldn't need to cut down entire forests for 10 Mexican cardboard box houses.
Pray you never marry an American woman

>> No.15554755

Which television program did that?
It definitely couldn't be a study of history which has led to my realization that exponential population growth is detrimental to the environment. Was it Jersey Shore? Is that why I realized having 10x the population would lead to problems? Was is Zaboomafoo? I really want to know.

You also couldn't explain why you got so defensive. Do you think I'm gonna start a One-Child policy or something? Random anon on 4chan noticed something, it's the end of the world!

>> No.15554779

Except the rate at which combustion engines introduce CO2 into the air is nowhere near the rate at which trees or vegetation consume it. We essentially release carbon that was locked underground back into the air.
With cows you don't get involved with underground carbon. Every gram of carbon they consume came from the atmosphere, not from the underground.
If you had a triple digit IQ, you would make a better argument like this: "well cows release methane which is a worse greenhouse gas since it stays longer in the atmosphere". While true, we will eventually reach peak methane in the atmosphere when the rate of methane breaking down into CO2 and the rate of methane production reach an equilibrium. By then, we will commercialize products that reduce methane production of cows.

>> No.15554780

>We essentially release carbon that was locked underground back into the air.
And thank goodness for that. We were getting to a level of CO2 where any further decrease would have caused a mass extinction.

>> No.15555215

4chan is a 20 year old website, you're the outsider here, kid. Nobody ever invited the newfags in, you were never wanted here, the site is for 18 & older

>> No.15555372

Stay mad or fuck off, boomer

>> No.15555484

Haber did quite a lot of chemistry, yes. Turning nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas into ammonia in a reactor also decoupled explosives from bird poop and animal piss, which was a big part of why Germany started WW1 so strong

>> No.15555541

Are you too stupid to understand that the vast majority of meat calories are produced under the extensive use of CAFOs, i.e. intense feeding lots where the cattle are fed large amounts of agricultural onions?

>> No.15555860

did you take into account the ~800 billion USD spent every year in the US of A alone, to treat diabetics, who are practically victims of the "pyramid of foods" fiasco?

>> No.15556098

Franz Haber! That was it.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.15556124

Not without agricultural subsidies and the exploitation of illegal Mexicans. Beef would be more that $25 a pound and any vegetable that couldn't be harvested with a combine would be more than $5 a pound.

>"smart" phones, netflix, twitter checkmarks & reddit gold
Fuck off back to Facebook, boomer. All of those things cost less than a single paycheck at minimum wage.