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File: 63 KB, 684x936, Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 18-18-26 Getting a 1st and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15539274 No.15539274 [Reply] [Original]

>One first dose plea- ACK

>> No.15539279

So Safe and Effective they banned it. Nice.

>> No.15539307

why would they do this? there's no angle from which this makes any sense
if it's safe, why discontinue it, unless covid is just not a big deal anymore?
if it's dangerous, why discontinue it, since they obviously never had people's best interests in mind when forcing them to get it

>> No.15539309 [DELETED] 

What about all those colleges and places of work that require vaccination now? Are the vaccinated permanently banned from college and work until they become "at increased risk from COVID-19"

>> No.15539311

if you have never received a single dose, it means you're anti-science and must be banned from society. at least, that's what I assume these creatures want.


>> No.15539312

What about all those colleges and places of work that require vaccination now? Are the unvaccinated permanently banned from college and work until they become "at increased risk from COVID-19"

>> No.15539323

because the NHS got turned into shit by briish politicians, and they cant keep vaccines free/without appointment forever

>> No.15539335

>if it's safe, why discontinue it, unless covid is just not a big deal anymore?
Money. Also, it's consensus that covid is not a big deal anymore, have you left your basement recently? Nobody wears masks anymore. Most people either got the vaccine or covid or both. The population in general has developed a degree of immunity (not sterile, but if you get it, you'll most likely be fine). Most people who are still unvaccinated had covid, so the marginal benefit of the vaccine is minuscule.
>if it's dangerous, why discontinue it,
If it were dangerous and we just found out, that would be the only right thing to do.
Leave your basement. No place has required a vaccination in forever. Although I like the idea of banning schizos permanently from public life.

>> No.15539340
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>Most people either got the vaccine or covid or both
>or both

>> No.15539341

even my clinic doesnt have masks anymore

>> No.15539344

i assume he meant people getting it before being vaccinated, but yes it is possible to rarely catch it when vaccinated
depending on which vaccine and how recent it was when you took it

>> No.15539348


>> No.15539351

yeah, a breakthrough is rare if you are vaccinated but it can still happen
and it ends up being weaker due to the nature of vaccines

>> No.15539368

Sorry anti-vaxxers, you're now officially permanently excluded from the global social credit system based on digital vaxx passports. Once CBDC is introduced, you will not have access to a bank account anymore, you will not get a job anymore, you will not be allowed to leave your 15 minute city anymore and you will not be allowed anymore to rent an apartment. Homeless, jobless and exlcuded from society because you didn't obey.
PS: This also includes those who didn't take the 4th booster due to vaxx injury from one of the first three doses. Collateral damage.

>> No.15539381

literally everyone I know who got the vax also got the vid later

>> No.15539389
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>> No.15539395


>> No.15539408

Two more weeks until the Great Reset trust me bro. Any day now.

>> No.15539411

>the vaxx provides such an effective protection that you have to get another booster every 3 months in order to keep your protection up to date
>frequent vaccination with the same vaxx totally doesn't exhaust your immune system
>vaccinating against the Wuhan spike protein totally provides a good protection against omicron even though omicron is so far evolved that it's basically a new virus
>nooo, you can't take the omicron booster without being vaxxed against the now extinct Wuhan variant first
Mainstream media science denial is so hilarious.

>> No.15539436

you can't expect me to read all that

>> No.15539440

the memory hole is real this is some animal level stupidity

>> No.15539488

kill yourself

>> No.15539625

>a breakthrough is rare
I won't say you're FULL of shit, but this take is delusional.

>> No.15539633


>> No.15539652

how these are breakthrough cases if everyone got it?

>> No.15539659

but that's not true

>> No.15539665
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why even shill? it's joe over trannys. now go back to your corner and shut up.

it's not a vaccine if i can still get the disease (not mutated).

just stfu and go away from my site. REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.15539667

nice meltdown

>> No.15539679


>> No.15539693

the best possible move than only gods played was to just wait it out completely isolated from the world.
everybody knew it was extremely dangerous at first, as we all saw in china in those very early videos. that was the most potent version of the virus, the one where it all started from. sains and evolution dictated that it will only get weaker. brilliant minded gods knew this from the very start. even if they get it now, it doesn't really matter anymore.

>> No.15539696

"everyone got it" is objectively false

>> No.15539700

over 80% according to the CDC and fauci

>> No.15539705

not true

>> No.15539712

>medical insurance company
LOL. Might as well ask a felon if they're guilty.

>> No.15539719

do you have an argument against their point made? or are you going to concede?

>> No.15539731

>Published December 23, 2021
>Of the 43 cases attributed to the omicron variant, 34 people had been fully vaccinated
you must be a bot or extremely retarded individual

>> No.15539734

it's a study of omicron, when it first came out
the control group was mostly vaccinated people, mentioned in the link i posted
>you are a bot
kill yourself

>> No.15539739

also in said CDC study (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7050e1.htm)) you can see the deaths only happen in unvaccinated people
>One vaccinated patient was hospitalized for 2 days, and no deaths have been reported to date

>> No.15539740

it has nothing to do with the fact that over 80% of the population was infected with covid regardless the vaccination status

>> No.15539746

show death stats on age groups. the most avoided statistic in the whole pandemic.

>> No.15539748
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that is literally the entire story, about that retarded twitter claim
80% of people didn't have covid, it was a test group
so old people dying of covid is fine?

>> No.15539751

>you can see the deaths only happen in unvaccinated people
how do they determine death from covid?

>> No.15539762

by autopsy, done by a medical professional that determines the cause of death to be covid caused?
what do i answer? coughing to death? covid kills in a myriad of ways as a virus that attacks the respiratory system and causes blood clots

>> No.15539766

>retarded twitter claim
here is one of your cult priests preaching

>> No.15539768

yes? what is wrong with that video? he is correct as covid is something that spreads rapidly?

>> No.15539772

>done by a medical professional that determines the cause of death to be covid caused?
so as long you are an expert you can prioritize every death factor as covid, got it.

>> No.15539775

yes man
every doctor, in the entire world from the west coast of the US all the way to japan have all worked together to write covid as a cause of death for everyone all so trump loses the 2020 election

>> No.15539776 [DELETED] 

so how is it a breakthrough if everyone got infected with it?

>> No.15539779

so how is it a breakthrough if everyone got infected with it?

>> No.15539781

if there would be a way to exclude kids that were already on chemo, and other shit like that, you'd have an ever higher age mortality in that graph.
they went for the kids, they indirectly forced kids to get the jabs. think about that.

>> No.15539782

yes, its a policy

>> No.15539783

i assume you replied to the wrong person
>how it is a breakthrough if everyone has it
>A breakthrough case is defined as “detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in respiratory specimen collected from a person 14 days after receipt of all recommended doses"
you can get covid, but it won't breakthrough if you are vaccinated most of the time
this part counts as "getting" covid as per the fauci video you posted
even if a breakthrough happens, a vaccinated person would only get a mild case

>> No.15539789

so fuck kids on chemo and everyone who is immuno compromised
people that would've been alive otherwise, let them die cuz reasons?
what exactly is your reasoning to justify the murdering of 1m americans? they are "too old"?
>they went for the kids
>le think of the kids, right after you just fucking mentioned letting kids with cancer die and excluding them from that list
yes, they vaccinated kids as that is how herd immunity works and kids can still get it and transmit it
protecting immunocompromised kids is a thing people want to do
lmao, you really need to take your meds and stop thinking you are in a movie or something

>> No.15539790

omicron produce only mild cases

>> No.15539791

incorrect, omicron still kills people as well
what it lacks in lethality it makes up for in how infectious it is allowing it to reach more vulnerable people faster
if you need to be hospitalized, your chances are the same regardless if it's omicron or not

>> No.15539792

>corruption and frauds are only in movies
>i have nothing to say and i never read the actual death determination protocol

>> No.15539794

corruption and fraud are a real thing, but you are claiming a global fraud that involves countries that hate each others guts and third world shithole countries all over the damn place
humans can barely cooperate to stop the starvation in somalia and other african shitholes you think they can cooperate to that fucking degree? get real
>i have nothing to say and i never read the actual death determination protocol

>> No.15539795

>reach more vulnerable people faster
but we already agree that the vaccine is useless in preventing infection, your post make no sense

>> No.15539797

no idiot, you vaccinate kids with existing conditions, not ALL the kids. you fucking moron.
this shit should have been "mandatory" for people over 50 years of age.
they and us knew right from the start that it does jack shit to transmission.
proving it reduces the load or something like that, some misinterpreted technicality, does not mean that spending 16 hours with them daily won't get you infected. in most cases infection still occurs, even if the vaccine reduces something that was forcefully interpreted as "thus reducing transmission"

>> No.15539799

>countries that hate each others guts
>countries have feelings
maybe you should take your fucking meds freak

>> No.15539801

>we agree
i am not agreeing with that, the vaccine prevents infection
getting covid without a breakthrough is not an "infection"
the kids with existing conditions can't vaccinate mister retard
herd immunity is to protect everyone, including the ones who can't be vaccinated due to health issues
the vaccine reduces transmission

>> No.15539804

ah yes, america and russia surely work together
poland and russia? china and taiwan? all those countries would absolutely conspire together to push something
pakistan? afghanistan? pfft they dont care about all their past grievances with india and the west

>> No.15539806
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Almost everyone I know who took the vax got the coof, meanwhile I never took it, never tested, never got it despite numerous confirmed exposures.

Anyone remember the diamond princess? Where 20% of the people on board got covid? How exactly does that happen with a virus with an R0 of 3 on floating sardine can?

Since it's likely bots going on about "breakthrough cases", I'll ask the question that bots can't answer: Which nations experienced a decrease in covid cases after mass usage of the vaccine?

>> No.15539807


>> No.15539808

yes all you shills including the media kept lying with a straight-face knowing it. you have no play but to say the same thing over and over again, that's how propaganda works.

>> No.15539814
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>Which nations experienced a decrease in covid cases after mass usage of the vaccine?
most of them recieved a reduction in the infection rate, but the number of "infected" will never drop but increase as the infected don't stop being infected but are counted as "recovered" or "dead"

>> No.15539815

all the western countries has lined up with china and took the same measurement to deal with covid

>> No.15539816

i literally proved everything you claimed wrong, your copes are boring
go back
>all western countries worked with china
man i didn't know western countries used the army to force everyone indoors or locked people into a mall cuz someone was infected
what about india? pakistan? russia? literally every fucking country in the world managed to put everything aside to conspire against (you)
off yourself

>> No.15539819

>the vaccine prevents infection
this is just false, you saw your priest here >>15539766
and you still didn't able to answer me about the breakthrough cases

>> No.15539820

>fauci says everyone will be exposed to or get covid eventually (which is correct)
this is all so tiresome
what about breakthrough cases?

>> No.15539822

no you really didn't. how many myocarditis kids because of the jab? how many died? you kinda conveniently don't factor that. how many chemo you protected with herd immunity (lmao everyone in the hospital got it, hospitals were hotspots of infection). and how many died because of it, or have life long damage or will die the first time they cum?

>> No.15539824

>man i didn't know western countries used the army
no they just used police to brutally arrest people who go outside, or not putting their mask etc...

>> No.15539828 [DELETED] 

>the vaccine doesn't infection
>the vaccine works and saves the lives of vulnerable people from infection
your endless sequence of contradiction is tiresome.

>> No.15539829
File: 189 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230703_124101_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool selective time period, bro.


>Diamond princess

A quarantined cruise ship where no one can come or leave is as close as you're going to get to a scientific test of transmission in the real world, and you know that.

>> No.15539831

>the vaccine doesn't prevent infection
>the vaccine works and saves the lives of vulnerable people from infection
your endless sequence of contradiction is tiresome.

>> No.15539835

>how many myocarditis kids because of the jab?
like. 5 or 8 people?
>how many died
like 4 recorded cases, and no your retarded boomer memes are not real
>how many with chemo you protected
probably a lot, including me a cancer survivor that got told to go fuck myself at the start of covid and "let the weak die off"
>how many died of it again
you repeated the same thing twice
>or will die the first time they cum
utopia is not real life, stop thinking tv shows are reality
where? you mean the few people who were issued fines? or you are gonna bring up the australia camp where they put the infected where all their needs were tended to like a hotel and they went to it willingly?
the vaccine stops infection, with few breakthrough cases here and there
i dont know why you cant wrap your brain around that
>diamon princess
i don't browse your retarded forums or /pol/, spare me this retardation a cruise ship is not enough of a sample size to build anything out of

>> No.15539845

>like a hotel and they went to it willingly?
literally none based bullshit assumption
>the vaccine stops infection, with few breakthrough cases
same retard
>fauci says everyone will be exposed to or get covid eventually(which is correct)
you are contradicting yourself again

>> No.15539853

>if 1 or 2 people get infected, that means the billion people that didn't get infected can go fuck themselves it wasn't prevented
>you are contradicting yourself again
how is being exposed to covid the same as having a breakthrough? are you incapable of reading?

>> No.15539854

that's the devil's detail. myocarditis or death from it "eh, shit happens anyway, not the vaxx". motherfucker got split in two in motorcycle accident and happened to have the virus "ah clearly a covid fatality".

>> No.15539859


Not an argument. Diamond Princess had 3700 people on board. How many people would you think is a sufficient sample size? Also, it's a cruise ship. Everyone packed together in cramped 8x10 (at best) rooms and shitty thin walls and ventilation. Perfect for transmission of a disease, which is why they have a reputation for it.

The reason I'm bringing it up is because if only 20% of the people got infected (they did), then that means a significant number of people were not immunologically naive, as was claimed, and that this would have to have been known from the very beginning.

>> No.15539860
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anyways i am tired of your antivaxx nonsense, thanks for helping me kill an hour or so
have a pic of your so called "dystopian" covid camps, and they were never ever mandatory
goodnight retard anon, don't let the fauci scare you at night

>> No.15539864

>>if 1 or 2 people get infected, that means the billion people that didn't get infected can go fuck themselves it wasn't prevented
who are you even quoting at this point you type like a neurotic fuck
>how is being exposed to covid the same as having a breakthrough?
are you fucking retarded genuine question

>> No.15539871

i looked into it just for (you)
so let's do the maths
>As of 16 March, at least 712 out of the 3,711 passengers and crew had tested positive for the virus.[22][23] As of 14 April, fourteen of those who were on board had died from the disease.[24] On 30 March, the ship was cleared to sail again after the ship was cleaned and disinfected
712 (confirmed) cases out of 3,711 (who knew of covid and took precautions to avoid each other
712/3711 * 100 = 19.1862032, or 19.2% which is pretty standard infection rate
out of the 3711 people and 712 cases, 14 died
14/3711 * 100 = 0.377256804 or 0.38% (about standard death rate)
even higher if we go by the infection rate
14/712*100 = 1.96629213 or 1.97% death rate
what about diamond princess prove anything of your retarded points?

>> No.15539873

>gotta run, i.. i totally win this

>> No.15539874

being exposed to covid is not a breakthrough, you are boring me
>neurotic fuck

>> No.15539881

serious question if someone talking about X you usually ask something like "why you talking about Y? Y has nothing to do with it"
are you retarded from birth or is it some kind of physical injury?

>> No.15539885

i am starting to think you can't read

>> No.15539886
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>and they were never ever mandatory

>> No.15539890

can't read what? be specific, because so far you mumble unrelated shit and contradict yourself constantly

>> No.15539894

nice source my man, keep it up

>> No.15539898

being people exposed to covid does not mean they are infected
if they are vaccinated, their immune system is likely to prevent them from getting infected
a breakthrough case is one of the rare cases where covid manages to break through the immunity which is again rare and ends up being extremely mild due to the gained antibodies in your system from the vaccine
i do not give a fuck what fauci said or what you intepreted him to say
yes everyone will be exposed to covid, no not everyone will be infected
i am not american, i don't care what you fuckwads do in there

>> No.15539899

>a breakthrough is rare if you are vaccinated
hahahhaha, retard. for several months in 2022 it was displaying negative efficiency, then they stopped tracking infections by vax status entirely.

>> No.15539900

>don't listen to the actual people who were locked in those camps, listen to the people who built this camps

>> No.15539903
File: 96 KB, 1257x877, 98712398123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, totally
i can make a website and use it as a source, like pic related
that website is a literal who website

>> No.15539905

>being people exposed to covid does not mean they are infected
so why do you even mention this?
everyone got covid period, the vaccine doesn't prevent infection period.
how do you defend a vulnerable population from getting infected with a vaccine that doesn't prevent this?

>> No.15539908

>everyone got covid
not correct, but if it helps you sleep better then sure man
>a vaccine that doesn't prevent this
but it prevents this, all studies and all data show that it does
including the fact that I as a person with cancer can go out and not feel scared anymore and hospitals are not getting flooded anymore

>> No.15539909
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You're doing the wrong math.
The basic reproduction rate (r0) of the virus is related to the herd immunity threshold (HT); approximately,

HT = 1- (1/R0)

Covid was alleged to have an R0 or 3 (for the wuhan/alpha strains), so about two thirds of the diamond princess ought to have been infected. They weren't.

So either the model is wrong, the reproduction number of the virus is wrong, or not everyone was immunologically naive. My claim is that it is that latter, that this was known, and that the vaccine reduced people's pre-existing immunity.

I don't care about the fatality rate right now.

>> No.15539910
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you're literally years behind 'the science'

>> No.15539913

>i can make a website and use it as a source
same for your source, what stopping them from writing whatever shit they want?
at least you can see the person itself testifying, not some bullshit opinion by the same people who managed those facilities

>> No.15539914

or the fact that it's a cruise ship and people knew about covid (including the death of some of them) and they all hid? compared to open populations that went out and got exposed more?
>i don't care about the fatality rate
of course not, if noone died you'd be bringing that up though

>> No.15539915

>not correct
so you know better than fauci and the CDC director?

>> No.15539917

one is the literal CDC with multiple citations at the bottom, and the other is a christian news website making shit up

>> No.15539919

>but it prevents this
how it prevent this if fauci himself said that everyone will get covid?

>> No.15539920

fauci said "omicron will find just about everybody"
you intepreted that as everyone will get infected, get real

>> No.15539922
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>but it prevents this, all studies and all data show that it does
no they don't you retarded faggot. even the government 'experts' backtracked on that 2 years ago.

>> No.15539924

again, to quote him exactly
>everybody will be exposed, everybody will be infected but if you are vaccinated the chances of you getting sick are very very low
you intepreted this as everyone will get covid, vaccines don't work cuz your brain is wired backwards

>> No.15539925

this is meaningless lol.
>christian news website
its not religious by any means as far as i can see, why don't you hear the people who were locked in there instead of those who locked them?

>> No.15539930

>source is a literal powerpoint presentation citing https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/weekly-reports.aspx and https://covidbaseau.com/historical/?title=People%20Vaccinated%20NSW&return=https://covidbaseau.com/nsw/
>neither of those support said chart in question
stop copy pasting images from twitter

>> No.15539931

>>everybody will be exposed, everybody will be infected
>you intepreted this as everyone will get covid
it seems i understood correctly and you are probably too retarded to process simple and clear words

>> No.15539933

because any retard can pretend something happened, i can pretend a helecopter kidnapped me and then have someone do an interview
you can't fake the CDC website and its statements which cite data from research institutes all around the world

>> No.15539934

he literally in his speech says you will do fine with the vaccines
i really dont think fauci meant to say that everyone will get covid regardless of the vaccine, he is saying that everyone will be exposed and infected with it and the vaccine will protect you

>> No.15539936

>i really dont think fauci meant to say that everyone will get covid regardless of the vaccine
so you are the most dumb fucking ape shit eater alive because he said EXACTLY that, no room for misinterpretation, ask anyone you want.

>> No.15539939

you are literally intentionally taking a single fucking sentence he said to make a whole deal out of it
no, people who are vaccinated won't get sick
you are a literal waste of time arguing with

>> No.15539943


I don't care about the fatality rate because I wasn't arguing that. You seem to know my opinion on it and want to shift the discussion that way, though, why is that?

Okay, well I guess even China-style lockdowns couldn't stop the spread, but people hiding in their 8x10 rooms on a cruise ship, having food prepared and brought to them by the crew, who have to go about and interact for ships ops, that really stops the virus. Is that your argument?

>> No.15539947

>because any retard can pretend something happened

>> No.15539957

if you read the book "quarantine" written by one of the people on the ship, she describes in detail how it went, highly recommend you read it
with that aside, yes the ship was easier to quarantine due to the smaller number of people ergo easier to control
china can boast about its police state all its wants, it can't control a billion people almost and get them all to comply, meanwhile 3700 people on a ship are very easy to control and guide
the crew took precautions, and passengers were ferried out in the hundreds from the ship during the lockdown which is another variable you are not counting
tldr, read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_on_Diamond_Princess

>> No.15539959

i'm not giving that retard a view, tldw?
or maybe use an actual source instead of a youtube video?

>> No.15539962

see >>15539881
>why you talk about Y, Y has nothing to do with it
you dumb fucking cuntwise moronic chimp is the most retarded sack of shit i ever seen this week, you are being obliterated by an ESL like me and you utilize cheap shit theoretic to save your tranny ass, fine. fuck off
die in hell flames

>> No.15539968

>or maybe use an actual source
like what?

>> No.15539969

i am an ESL too my friend, i mentioned i am not an american
>impotent rage
alright, sleep tight

>> No.15539972


>> No.15539981

>sleep tight
i have 0 empathy to "people" like you, i wish you the most painful death imaginable, this is not a joke i truly mean this

>> No.15539982

that's alright friend, i still wish you the best of sleeps!

>> No.15539983

you can't read 2 words?

>> No.15539986

you don't know what a source is as opposed to a youtube video?

>> No.15539987

i also gave you a website i don't know what your standards are, you want a government approved source?

>> No.15539992

those are not sources
ah whatever, goodnight anon i'm going to sleep

>> No.15540009

>gotta run, i.. i totally win this
another one bites the dust
just imagine if people were like you in WW2
>hey hitler bro do you enslave jews and gypsis in working camps and then move the survivors to extemination camps and burn them?
>NO ve vill never do such a horival ting
>k hilter bro just checking

>> No.15540011

a weird comparision but how do you suppose we procceed? we are at an impasse

>> No.15540012

this is backed by the entirety of "approved media". they won't stupidly report on anything that was the slightest critical of the vaxx. and maxvaxxers are asking for media reports from a select few approved. see how it always works out when they ask for sources? they are not even thinking about it, because "of the algorithm", it never let's them down. they know they won it before you even read their "sources?"

>> No.15540017

>sources always align with my opponent's view? it must be cuz of a conspiracy!
this is a retarded post
you know you are fighting an uphill battle being a contrarian, quit acting like a little bitch

>> No.15540028

maybe ask someone who was in this place and you can validate
pro tip: you won't do that
so its problematic to give you a source that approved these kind of things from the same entities who are responsible for that

>> No.15540031
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>The population in general has developed a degree of immunity
Right, that's why some people have contracted covid 4 times or more. The immunity.
Where do they even hire you shills? At the circus?

>> No.15540037

>sources always align with my opponent's view?
yes but it also works the way I described it. that's the thing, and why it works so well.
there's also the case for "grey area news outlets", which are somewhat known and they do sometimes report on issues that go head to head with the whole vaxx thing. and they quickly get smeared. post one of those sources and you'll get the "oh so what source is that, the one who did *insert something bad and forcefully framed* and *repeat* 2540 years ago?"

>> No.15540043

It's mainly vaxed people who get repeat infections because of OAS.

>> No.15540048

I'm more laughing at the fact that an infection as liable to mutation as covid can just suddenly disappear via "herd immunity". Yeah that's how we eradicated the flu as well, good job science.

>> No.15540469

Lotta CHUD energy in here berniebros

>> No.15540475

I bet these people take a flu shot every year and don't wonder why they keep getting the flu anyway.

>> No.15541067

i take the flu shot yearly and never got it
i can't take risks, i have lung cancer

>> No.15541087
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COVID was the AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15541303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15541306
File: 1.15 MB, 800x2200, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Troll Farms Are In Space Bro, Trump Space Force Was Deceived Us, You Are Being Manipulated By Kremlin Agents!

>> No.15541308

>never tested
>never got it
Based retard, I envy in awe your retardation

>> No.15541312

this isn't /pol/ or /x/ man, you can't post walls of schizophrenia and expect anyone to take you seriously

>> No.15541313

see >>15541312

>> No.15541351 [DELETED] 
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Trump is a Russian Spy

>> No.15541692


>> No.15541701
File: 687 KB, 1440x907, rachel-maddow-russia-img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Try Ivan, Your Misinformation Scheme Will Never Fulfill

>> No.15541771

Nobody requires vaccinations anymore. Most colleges have discontinued the covid vaccine requirement for new admits, and nearly no work places requires it anymore. The very few colleges and work places that still do require it will also follow suite and stop requiring it soon as well.

>> No.15542018


>> No.15542109

>according to the CDC and fauci
ok, so we know its a bald-faced lie.

>> No.15542111

the cdc is a valid source when it supports my claims, and it's a fake source if it doesn't

>> No.15542112

correlation =/= causation

>> No.15542120

>cdc is a valid source
nope. not anymore.

>> No.15542248

t. High school Stats wiz

Correlation is usually, almost always, causation. There's less confounding factors in nature than you might think.

>> No.15542272

>Although I like the idea of banning schizos permanently from public life.
This sounds great until you're the one branded a schizo for wrongthink because the rightthink changed to something you no longer agree with.

Me and everyone else in my life never got covid until after getting vaccinated. The vaccine is the illness, pure and simple.

>> No.15542278

>lefti schizophrenia
this is even more retarded than alex jones

>> No.15542298

>Correlation is usually, almost always, causation. There's less confounding factors in nature than you might think.
Chud antivaxxer.

>> No.15543101

>Most people either got the vaccine or covid or both.
Anecdotal but I never got any shots and I never got covid in all this time.

>> No.15543103

That's because the vaccine IS the "virus." It's what causes the symptoms. Everyone I know who got vaxed started getting covid after the fact, multiple times, even when they hadn't had a shot recently. Everyone I know who didn't get vaxed has never had covid symptoms.

>> No.15543109

nice logic except that people have been getting the symptoms of covid as well as long covid long before the vaccine existed

>Everyone I know who didn't get vaxed has never had covid symptoms.

all i saw all my life were white swans which means black swans can't exist

>> No.15543112

People were getting the flu and every respiratory illness symptom under the sun was being reclassified as a covid diagnosis and the numbers were being exaggerated in the first place. All those emergency covid wards hospitals kept erecting everywhere were all empty.

>> No.15543157 [DELETED] 

Long covid is one of those things women make up to get attention.

>> No.15543181

because you're too low iq to read?

>> No.15543344

>Me and everyone else in my life never got covid until after getting vaccinated. The vaccine is the illness, pure and simple.

>> No.15543351

The UK ordered too many COVID-19 vaccines and even cancelled a domestically produced vaccine that would have been far more palatable (and effective) as it was a inactivated whole-virus vaccine.

>> No.15543352

That but unironically.

>> No.15544067

the vax doesn't prevent the disease because the disease doesn't exist

>> No.15544740
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who "trust the science" are the disease and the vax is the cure

>> No.15545475

amoral powerhungry atheistic ZOG liars
>christian news website
christians believe "thou shalt no lie" is a commandment from god

>> No.15545829

The CDC's website frequently lacks citations or cites its own other uncited Q&A articles and other bullshit. Their website is for propaganda, not knowledge.

>> No.15545836

i laughed, cuz i know you are the type that uses pol screencaps as citation

>> No.15545843

I often find made up things I imagine for no reason to be funny as well.

>> No.15546003

>being extremely mild due to the gained antibodies
wat stage of infection antibodies come into play? wat other mechanisms before antibodies the immune system uses?
go boost u retarted "science" believing transfection pushing worth nothing shill npc

>> No.15546203

Not true. My uni requires people living in dorms or student apartments to be vaxxed.

>> No.15546211

I'm so sorry you live in a dystopian shithole.

>> No.15547342

>My uni
Your brainwashing center requires utter unquestioning compliance with all rules, no matter how ridiculous because thats how you train the slaves in training to behave like proper slaves

>> No.15548436

they must learn to never question authority, but to obey thoughtlessly
>i'm high iq because i went to university and got lobotomized
nope, thats why ur low iq

>> No.15549333

its hilarious how they withdrawing the vax, but still giving it to aids faggots. hitler was never this subtle or clever about genociding the faggots

>> No.15549336

People are questioning the vaccine scam.

1) Who made the virus?
2) Who profited from it?

Answer: Its the same fucking group.

>> No.15549393

There's no virus, only age-old symptoms being regrouped and reclassified at the convenience of people in charge to exert control over the population by making them frightened and dependent. This has been going on for hundreds of years at this point and people keep falling for it: https://odysee.com/@katie.su:7/thetruthaboutsmallpox:9

>> No.15550555

>My uni
sounds like a slave training facility

>> No.15550575 [DELETED] 

They deprecated the vaccines because the virus evolved.


sage and /thread

>> No.15550583

Extremely convenient.

>> No.15550717

>you can see the deaths only happen in unvaccinated people

Wow, a flat out lie.

No deaths were reported at all, yet you make 0 out to be greater than 0 for unvaxxed. Almost like the vaxx was a lie the whole time.

>> No.15550720
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>Which nations experienced a decrease in covid cases after mass usage of the vaccine?

I wonder if there were a way to control for natural immunity.

>> No.15550978

The infrastructure required to store and administer vaccines is not free and those resources could be applied to other public health matters.
I would imagine there is now almost no-one who wants a vaccine and hasn't had it by now. The only exception that comes to mind might be teenagers/young adults whose parents didn't let them get one at the time. But that group is also the least vulnerable. (Unless they have some health condition, in which case they CAN still get a vaccine, as the message explains.)

>> No.15551610

announcing a sage is against board rules

>> No.15552113

>population experiences little to no cases of a disease
>deploy vaccine
>population booms with disease
Is there any clearer evidence that the vaccine is the cause of the disease? There's no virus, the drug manufacturers just needed an excuse to make money off another poison.

>> No.15552815
File: 46 KB, 622x504, twain sez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like purebloods were right & vaxxxxxies were wrong

but vaxxxies are too small minded to ever admit it

>> No.15554314
File: 123 KB, 1169x1184, TOsT9tCvZtdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are "conspiracy theorists" always right about absolutely everything?

>> No.15554646

It's almost as if there's actually a concerted effort to mislead the public at every turn and anyone who merely catches onto it is labeled paranoid by the same people attempting to deceive everyone.