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File: 316 KB, 608x767, jpost_whoopingCough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15530332 No.15530332 [Reply] [Original]

why don't people believe in science and vaccines anymore

>> No.15530336

Everybody has the Karen mindset now.

>> No.15530358

>make a cold into the plauge
>promise a cure all
>it only works if you also get sick
>people overcorrect
Imagine my surprise. Now wait for ebola-aids where the vaccine goes into the urethra and spine. Death toll will make the chines wince.

>> No.15530377 [DELETED] 

7 genders etc.

>> No.15530429
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Big question is:
Was the baby vaccinated?
Because brochiospasm, high fever, and unstoppable crying until the baby is exhauseted literally a admitted side effect of literally ALL vaccines.

They literally torture babies and tell you:
>Oy vey its normal,
>its not literally blood poisoning with neurotoxins
>if the baby cries 20hours non stop and has 40°C fever its normal and that means its working
>if the baby cries it does not mean it is in horrific pain
>it means its a psychriatirc problem
>trust me we have written it in the side effects that it is just a psychriatric problem so it is.

>whaaat you believe its metal poisoning because we put aluminium and dispersion agents in the vaccine?
>nonono you must be a caren
Neurotoxins are safe if they are in vaccines.
>Outside they are toxic but everything is safe as soon as it is in vaccines

>> No.15530437

>Was the baby vaccinated?
no it wasn't that's the point, maybe you should read it before posting in the thread

>The Health Ministry announced on 5 June that a 10-week-old unvaccinated baby from Jerusalem died of whooping cough. The baby was treated at Hadassah-University Medical Center at Jerusalem's Ein Kerem and died about three weeks ago.
>The baby first started showing symptoms at five weeks old and was admitted to the hospital two weeks later. An epidemiological investigation discovered that neither the baby nor his mother had been vaccinated against whooping cough. Anyone who had been in contact with the baby was checked and given medicine to prevent them from developing pertussis, the formal name for whooping cough.

>> No.15530439

because the internet allows everyone to have a platform, including schizoids who manage to convince retards of their retardation
even ITT there will be retards replying to you probably saying that the vaccine did it, like this dingleberry here >>15530429

>> No.15530442

>rush out shitty untested shots that don't work to the point of having to redefine the word 'vaccine'
>respond to any criticism claiming they work like all other vaccines
>instead it backfires and people don't trust the other vaccines anymore either

>> No.15530443

you should stop eating meat, it contains small amounts of aluminum as well

>> No.15530447

you should show him that apples contain cyanide

>> No.15530477

>jerusalem post

>> No.15530509

> *anybody anywhere dies from anything*
> conservacucks: it's that dang vaxx I've been tellin' you bout!

>> No.15530916

My Girlfriend is 5 months pregnant and I've been debating getting this vaccine. I've been too lazy to look into it and still have time to make a decision.

What's known about this vaccine?

>> No.15530967

>vaccinated against whooping cough

Alle vaccines do the same shit.
Thosen assholes pretend they are specific.
Yet they all have the same ingredient.

Vaccinate baby against hepatitis.
Contains aluminium and formaldehyde and polysorbate 80.

Literally causes bronchospasms.
Is literally neurotoxins.

Whopping cough is a meme name for a non specific collection of symptoms which is ALLEGEDLY caused by a meme Virus.

But in fact its happening because they inject neurotoxins into the infants.
Which then express:
Fever, spasma, cough, rashes.

EVERY single vaccine does this.
>child gets vaxxed against one disease
>gets symptom cluster because of the reaction to the adjuvants
>idiot doctor comes and claims: oh its now a disease your child is not vaxxed against....

When in fact ALL childhood diseases have the exact same optional symptoms:
Fever, rash, cough.
Really every single childhood disease is technically the same.
And its all vaccine adverse events or poisoning. All rhe same. Just explained away by memes about specific diseases

>> No.15530978
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Do you know that there is a difference between ingestion and injection?

If no we can do a challange.
I eat 100 Apple seeds.

And you inject the liquid cold pressed contents of 10 appleseeds.

>> No.15530986

fair enough, then why do your kind always want to injest vitamin c for covid?

>> No.15531069

Vitamemes are memes.
> your kind
My kind is rare.

Sceptards and consoomers are the same idiots as the normie sheeple who eat everything doc tells them.

But sceptards simply fall for product sold by Youtube meme Gurus.
The whole Vitameme is a different topic butas retarded as the "vaccines protect against specific diseases" it's all memes.

Vaccines do not work.
And Isolation of vitamins is a synthesis and no vitamin has been proven to exist except vitamin B12 everything else is alchemistic memes.
There is no isolation.
You need like 5 chemicals and 3 nature distant steps to "isolate" a vitamine.
Which reveals by using 10% of brainpower, that it is not isolation but a chemical synthesis of a compound not present in nature in that form.

>> No.15531153


liberals who politicized science are responsible for these deaths.

>> No.15531174

One person in the world dies of whooping cough
>Evil tragedy. 6 billion more vaccines, now
10000 people die of vaccine-induced myocarditis
>You're killing grandma. Safe and effective

>> No.15531190

>why don't people believe in science and vaccines anymore
Quite often people stop trusting what you say if you keep lying to them. Maybe something like that happened here too.

>> No.15531352
File: 42 KB, 645x1844, delusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10-week-old baby dies of common cold
Still not taking Bill Gates' globohomo WEF-approved AIDS-engineered microchip that makes you mind controllable through 5G.

>> No.15531776
File: 135 KB, 1200x730, Leftizts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberals who politicized science are responsible for these deaths.
LEFTISTS, they are not "liberal" at all, but fascist, just like their previous versions.

OP, "vaccines" have become another depopulation agenda. That's why people don't trust the medical establishment anymore, along with all the lies they were exposed telling during the so-called "pandemic".

>> No.15531792

Some babies die of infections it's sad but it might have died anyway. Look who died during COVID, no healthy people, barely any young

>> No.15531804

My children won’t be vaccinated. If they die, they die. I won’t tolerate weakness.

>> No.15531811

Odds are 99.9999% they won't if unvaxxed. It's extremely rare to contract the diseases that big pharma vaxx's for anymore, unless you live near the Mexican border or near a major city in the EU that is importing shithole "people" as "refugees".

>> No.15531818

Malaria, black plague, typhus, and measles are back in the US now thanks to mass importing turd worlders. Don't be too sure they won't bring it to you.

>> No.15531824

And thanks to this attitude, all those diseases will be back in force to infect your dullard children, and unfortunately many innocent bystanders who can't be vaccinated for legitimate reasons

>> No.15531843

>Malaria, black plague, typhus, and measles are back in the US now thanks to mass importing turd worlders. Don't be too sure they won't bring it to you.
So the logical thing to do is eliminate those 3rd Worlders!

>> No.15531845

What's your point?

>> No.15532067

Why arent we mandating vaccines for everyone now?

>> No.15532141

how come refugees don't need to be vaccinated before they're imported? do euro governments have no concern for the health of their native populations? if not, why do they care so much about vaccinating the native population? if they do care about the native population, why aren't they vaccinating refugees?

>> No.15532167
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>> No.15532189

Whooping cough is a disease the parents should be vaccinated against, not the baby. The recommendation is to get vaccinated at the beginning of the third trimester.

>> No.15532192

>absolute retard doesn't get what herd immunity is

>> No.15532193

It's not recommended for pregnant women to get vaccinated at all. Any immune response could cause a miscarriage.

>> No.15532202

acellular pertussis vaccine is recommended in pregnant women, dumbass. Besides, the point of the article is the outbreak is caused by the many retards not vaccinating against the bacteria. The kid missed his first dose by two weeks, usually nothing happens as almost nobody has fucking pertussis around.

>> No.15532213

It is in Germany. No idea how American puritans do it. Maybe they just recommend a daily bowl of unsweetened cornflakes instead.

>> No.15532223

>some fucktard on tv is "science"
Instiutions and people aren't "science" you fucking retard

>> No.15532243

because "science" is for the most part propaganda and vaccines leave too much destruction in their wake

>> No.15532245

Please provide a proof in which the exact bacteria is transmissable and causative for the coughing.
I would love to see a controlled transmission experiment in which it is proven that the bacteria in question is causal for the cough.

>> No.15532252

>I would love to see a controlled transmission experiment
Psychopathy is worse than whooping cough.

>> No.15532280

Herd immunity is fake.

For some reason it is not psychopathy, to inject infants with neurotoxins 10× the amount a adult would get proportional to body weight.
And then normalize SIDS, HHE, Apneia and push blame on the parents.
When it is all literally observed adverse events to all childhood vaccines.

Absolute kek.

>> No.15532289

Again, the whooping cough vaccine is given to parents, fucking retard.

>> No.15532291

Pertussis vaccinate is indeed now recommended in the third trimester.
And it is amazingly funny how often now so called:
"Pregnancy poisoning" is happening in the third trimester.
And it of course not the vaccines which are filled with aluminium and other """inactive ingredients""" which are considered poisons or at least unhealthy and questionable in every other application.

And they tell the story that "pregnancy poisoning" happens due to "aterial hypertension".
And one of the most commen adverse events after vaccination is:
Fever and aterial hypertension and HHE

>> No.15532312

>And it is amazingly funny how often now so called: "Pregnancy poisoning" is happening in the third trimester.
How often does it happen? How often did it happen before the vaccine was recommended?

>> No.15532328

>Eclampsia is a major complication of pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia affects 0.56 per 1,000 pregnant women in developed countries and almost 10 to 30 times as many women in low-income countries as in developed countries.[6]
Ah yes, the hypervaxxed third world.

>> No.15532382
File: 280 KB, 2128x1511, jah37095-fig-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trend is increasing:

"Rates of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension increased significantly (by 25 and 184%, respectively)"


Also its not only ONE vaccine pushed into pregnancy. Its Flu, MMR and Pertussis beeing pushed.

Inject neurotoxin which causes hypertension.
Phenomenon of gastrational hypertension increases.
*suprised picachu face*

>> No.15532402
File: 25 KB, 800x420, Preeclampsia Epidemiology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the predictions for the market are also realy nice and profitable.


>> No.15532425

Why is it more common in countries with less-vaccinated populations?

>> No.15532433

Compare kobalt mine and toxic waste trashed countries with UN medical experiments against Western countries.
100% ignore that people there are chronically environmentally poisoned and experimented on.

Please compare countries with similar hygienic Standards and dissimilar vaccination rates during pregnancy.

>> No.15532444

Why does health in general go down with increased medical and prophylactic measures?
Shouldn it be the opposite?
Why does the prediction get worse and worse with more and more medical interventions?
Does this not raise a slightest bit in suspicion in you?

>> No.15532445

I'll gladly compare them if you name them.

>> No.15532454

if its so obviously true, then why do you need a government to force you to abbide???

>> No.15532457

Also, which government forces its population to vaccinate against whooping cough?

>> No.15532461

bioavailability isnt that much different between consumption and injection. Some substances a little more than others

>> No.15532474

Heroin addicts must be truly stupid then. Just eat the heroin.

>> No.15532475

Blatant lie

>> No.15532477

some people do

you are stupid

>> No.15532484

Drug bioavailability is the fraction of the administered dose that reaches the systemic circulation. For the clinician, the most relevant consideration is the percentage of active drug that reaches the central compartment. Bioavailability does not take into account the rate at which the drug is absorbed. Bioavailability is affected by factors that influence absorption. The absolute availability of a drug may be determined by comparing the respective areas under the plasma concentration curve (AUC) after oral and intravenous administration:

Absolute availability

This measurement may be performed so long as the volume of distribution (Vd) and the elimination rate constant (Kel) are independent of the route of administration.

>> No.15532486

Bioavailability from drug solutions
A decrease of drug bioavailability from orally administered solutions is not uncommon when viscosity enhancing agents are used in the drug formulation. In fig. 6.13 the time courses of the quinine concentrations in plasma after oral administration of a series of test solutions are given (Sakiya et al. -1981b). Cmax decreases from 0.52 ng/ml for the aqueous solution of quinine to 0.27 ng/ml for the solution in aqueous 1% CMC. The AUC values from 0 to 240 min were 47.5 and 33.8 ng.min/ml for these drug formulations, respectively. A comparable effect is noted on the absorption of sodium salicylate from solutions containing methylcellulose (Davison et al. -1961).

In situ absorption of drugs (perfused as a solution) from the ligated stomach or intestine is retarded by viscosity-enhancing agents when the movement of the drug to the absorption sites is the absorption rate limiting process. Gastric absorption of salicylic acid over a 90-min period was 59% from an aqueous solution and 36% and 22% from a 1% and 1.5% methylcellulose solution, respectively (rats 120–180 g; fasted for 20–24 h; water deprivation for 1 h; urethane anaesthesia; 5 ml solution containing 2% ethanol and 100 mg% salicylic acid in 0.1 N HCl) (Levy and Jusko –1965).

>> No.15532490

only retards who watch too much tv think injecting something makes it super potent or some shit. The reason people do it is because it is a rush due to crossing the blood brain barrier faster. You can lose some of the substance because of stomach acids but it depends on the substance. if you can eat or smoke x amount of heroin without OD'ing you can inject that same amount safely

>> No.15532500

btw you can shove drugs up your ass and avoid losing any due to stomach acids and be just as biovaiolable as injecting it

>> No.15532513

Lets do a challange.
I drink 100ml of Vodka.
And you inject 10ml of vodka and see what happens.

>The reason people do it is because it is a rush due to crossing the blood brain barrier faster

Oh it getting to the brain and not neutralized in the digestive system is not affecting its """potency""" I get it bro.

>> No.15532528

not him but please don't inject vodka

>> No.15532532

So that makes it magically safe?
Ok. Then insert the equivalent proportionally to your bodyweight in your anus.

If a infant is injected with 5(6) vaccines at once during month 2 of its life.
So in month two alone it will recieve: 4x 0.25-0.625mg of aluminium with vaccines.
Which would be 1.2-2.5mg of aluminium fo a on average 5.1 kg infant.
> a infant is approx 80% water
> so 4.08 kg
> so it is ~ 0.24mg - 3.125mg/l (Al/litre)
> so a infant can be considered contaminated with aluminium according to EPA, CDC, Trinkwasserverordnung (TrinkwV), definition.

Also its directly in its interstidium and blood and not ingested, so it will not be excreted immideatly.
So its generally accumulative with a unknown period of excretion.
Within the first 15 months of their lives they will recieve 18 vaccine doses (each with 0.25-0.625mg of aluminium):
> which is a accumulative amount of aluminium of: 4.5mg-11.25,mg
> injected
> not ingested

So meaning if you weigh arround 80kg you need to insert ~15 times the infant amount in your butthole.

>> No.15532535

jesus christ you are retarded

>> No.15532536

this entire discussion is retarded cuz vaccines are not injected into your blood but into your upper arm muscle

>> No.15532546

Oh boy.
So you imply that there is no exchange of nutriends, compounds and blood cells between interstitium and the circulatory system?
Nothing passes between?
By no mechanism?
So a snake bite safe if no capillaries are hit?

>> No.15532549

He said, there is no differency in potency between ingestion and injection.
So I offered a bet to consume 10 times more via ingestion, then he should via injection.
It is a easy to win bet because I should then be way more drunk because I drunk 10 times the amount and he should be sober AF... or dead.

>> No.15532550

you are discussing IV injection, it's not the same as a muscle injection
the mention of aluminum or whatever is retarded too, as the dose makes the poison in everything

>> No.15532554

Aluminium has zero benefit and is neurotoxic.
It is dirt and a irritant with no busniness in the body.

And if it's safe, then accept this challange:
Just with injection insead of analy inserting it:

Please inject the proportional amounts of excipients and adjuvants (Aluminiumhydroxide) in your Muscle.
And if you have no adverse outcomes then its fine.

>> No.15532558

>Aluminium has zero benefit and is neurotoxic.
nonsense, it helps the body build it's immunity against the germ in question better, and is not neurotoxic in the amount used
>And if it's safe, then accept this challange:
>Just with injection insead of analy inserting it:
inject what? i am not the namefag you were arguing with

>> No.15532561

like you want me to inject the same amount of adjuvants vaccines have? if so i already did with all my vaccines?
yeah a needle into the muslce will cause it to be inflamed for a while
i am confused

>> No.15532562

Read this:

And then inject in your muscle the relative proportional ammount of alluminium into you as a infant gets.

>> No.15532565

i wouldn't need to inject 15 times the amount, the amount is too small even for an infant to absorb
increasing the amount will have unknown effects
me weighing more has nothing to do with the body absorbing and filtering things
please quit posting nonsense and trying to sound smart, it hurts to read

>> No.15532571


The inject way more than in adults proportional to their bodyweight.
They declare every "episode" as normal.

And incidentally the highest chance of sids is between 2 and 4months axaclty in the time where all the infant vaccines peak.

Also HHE is arround that age.
Also apnoe.
Also brain inflamation.
All things that happen if you inject a neurotoxin.

You do not need to get vaxxed. Just proof that the adjuvants are safe and have no neurological effect which is induced at a age when literally nobody can make a assesment of their motoric and verbal skills.

And it only become apperent when the child should walk and talk and then they claim "oh it was always retarded".

Show me that that amount of excipients ad adjuvants do nothing but a localized reaction by taking the same proportional amount an infant receives.

>> No.15532579

i don't know exactly where i'd go to get someone to inject me with childhood vaccines, but aside from a bit of pain from my immune reaction to the needle i doubt anything would happen
i did take the flu vaccine followed by the covid vaccine on the same day and nothing happened to me

>> No.15532595

I doubt that nothing would happen.
As I explained, to prove it to the Antivax-tards.
Do what they request:
Prove that the exipients and adjuvants are safe in the dose infants recieve them proportional to their bodyweight.

Just do it. And show them all.

>> No.15532615

but i don't have a stock of vaccines in my house anon, this is a retarded request as you know i can't do it

>> No.15532661

You do not need vaccines.
Aluminium hydroxide is freely available same for sodium chloride solution and umulsifiers such as Polyorbate.
Only the neomycin and streptomycin is hard to get.

>> No.15532669

are you retarded? this is not the same thing as vaccines
oh i get it you are trolling maybe?

>> No.15532694

>So in month two alone it will recieve: 4x 0.25-0.625mg of aluminium with vaccines.
Not all vaccines use adjuvants. Which vaccines are you referring to and how much aluminium do they contain?

>> No.15532697


Merck vaccines uses this one.

>> No.15532700

The ones in use:

>> No.15532704

Just like with organic mercury .
It magically gets safe when its put in a vaccines.
I get it.

>> No.15532706

> so a infant can be considered contaminated with aluminium according to EPA, CDC, Trinkwasserverordnung (TrinkwV), definition.
Look at the Trinkwasserverordnung. I'm sure babies are also more than 0.2mg iron per litre. Without vaccines they also exceed the thresholds in Anlage 3 Lfd. Nr. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 19. I don't think that drinking water regulations are a sensible way to determine a baby's health.

>> No.15532708

I don't trust schizoposts. The way they highlighted every use of the word aluminium makes me doubt the entire thing. Proper source or GTFO.

>> No.15532711

Shut the hell up you retarded boomer. Liberalism itself is the cancer that begat every other cancer. The 18th century was a mistake.

>> No.15532719

cuz it's mixed with other things and is in a small amount
you are actually genuinely insane

>> No.15532722

you know small children died of covid as well right?

>> No.15532723

I wonder if the people who are genuinely scared of aluminium use deodorant. And no, aluminium-free deodorant doesn't work. If you disagree, you probably smell.

>> No.15532724

no no no you have to shove the deodrant up your ass for it to be the same thing according to our local schizoid

>> No.15532725

Yeah just like when you eat organic mercury from fish and don't die

>> No.15532728

there is no mercury in vaccines, there hasn't been for some 20 years
its use has been discontinued despite there being no evidence it caused harm

>> No.15532730

no idea, but we should be

>> No.15532735

I wanna see if you'll be saying the same thing after 3-4 of your children die
that was actually the average number of children a woman was expected to lose in the 1800 to what are now completely preventable diseases
you probably won't have much luck finding a wife who won't vaccinate their children anyway

>> No.15532739

i hate this paradox so much
>fix something
>people think that the fix we are doing is pointless cuz thing is not a threat anymore
>they stop doing the fix
>it comes back
what is this paradox called?

>> No.15532740

That would make them based. The world is overpopulated. We don't need the survival of people who lack immunity. I won't be vaccinating my kids. I'll just have another one of it dies. Which it won't. Odds are about like one in 100k from these illnesses. Literal meme.

>> No.15532748


>> No.15532793

being antivax kinda seems like a very jewish thing

>> No.15532798

Forcing through a law in the 80s that absolves those making and marketing vaccines of any legal responsibility seems like the most jewish law possible.

>> No.15532799

I have a deodorant which is essentially just a crystal of some aluminium salt. I'm sure I absorb more aluminium through my skin than there is in a vaccine.

>> No.15532801

After all the lies, manipulation and coercion during Covid I ignore anything said by politicians, media, scientists, doctors, experts, billionaires, NGOs, IGOs, corporate spokespeople, government officials and government regulators.

>> No.15532833

Let me guess: you'll keep listening to /pol/

>> No.15532844

You know what hurt the most.
2017 my wife an I had a son.
And one day, without any reason, he started crying.
It wasn't the typical hunger or diaper needs change type of crying, it was extreme and nothing could stop it.
He cried for 24h straight, we went to the docotor and he was not only not helpful but looked at us as if we were retarded and said somethin like: "pff you are just unexperienced parents who are unable to make the child stop crying."
Then he gave us some suppositories.
They didn't help.
Two additional days straight crying with only rare 20 minute breaks in which my wife was able to breast feed him.

Then when we were totally exhaused, there was this moment our son stopped crying and in our naivity and exhaustion we took the chance and slepped to be renegergiezed for for the next session of crying.
When we woke up our son was white from head to toe.
He was dead.
The most horrible day in my life.

It turned out he had a stroke of unknown cause.
We tried to move on.
Then when covid hit and the Antivax position came to my attention, and I watched one or two documentaries, I started to feel the rage.
And I looked into my sons medical papers.
4 Days prior to his death, he recieved 4 Vaccines in one session.
He had a vaccine reaction.

And I realized It will never occur to most parents because if they were like me, they all see vaccines as nothing. I though a vaccine is less harmfull then drinking a can of coke.
It was so far out of my reach, that I could not even fathom a slightes relation between the vaccine and the agony of my son.

And I just give up. It does not even make sense to talk about it with anyone.
It is part of our life. It is the russian Roulette or the caesarian decimation Process.
Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody cares. It always was the new normal.
Nobody deserves health. We are just cattle. Just accept it.
The world is ment to be inherited by trannies and unfuckable unlovable incels.

>> No.15532855
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>> No.15532866

The formatting of this shitty copypasta is too obvious.

>> No.15533470

The vaccine cause autism to vaccines are genocide weapons journey has been amazing to behold. I actually do blame health authorities though.If they just admitted babies could receive vaccine injuries (not autism)earlier the schizos would have never been able to have a platform. I guess this whole thing has kind of proven why technocrats are poor leaders, since they don't consider the human condition when they make decision.

>> No.15533569
File: 257 KB, 1268x660, WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LEFTISTS, they are not "liberal" at all, but fascist, just like their previous versions.
>OP, "vaccines" have become another depopulation agenda. That's why people don't trust the medical establishment anymore, along with all the lies they were exposed telling during the so-called "pandemic".

>> No.15533677

Not him but "boy who cried wolf" is both salient and predictive here. If you blatantly lie to people over and over again, from a position of authority, with no remorse or apology, then they will not only refuse your advice but grow to deeply hate you and intentionally antagonize your advice, regardless of whether or not it's finally true.

>> No.15533681

The vaccine cause(s) autism(.) (The) vaccines are genocide weapons(, the) journey has been amazing to behold. I actually do blame health authorities though.( )If they just admitted babies could receive vaccine injuries (not autism)( )earlier(,) the schizos would have never been able to have a platform. I guess this whole thing has kind of proven why technocrats are poor leaders, since they don't consider the human condition when they make decision(s).

This is C+ work anon, you're not applying yourself.

>> No.15533713

yup the political elite and news people are some of the most despised people on the planet.

>> No.15533879

But simultaneously some of the most revered people on the planet. If "81" million americans were all licking your cock, balls, and asshole at the same time, would you even be able to think, let alone care, about the other 250 million who hate you?

>> No.15533935

>Odds are 99.9999% they won't if unvaxxed.
Hmm I wonder why this is?
Your stupidity is actually painful

>> No.15534156

Only if you were a jew or a similar kind of scum. Normal people have immune systems.

>> No.15534167

Just don't like getting shots. Plus I avoided all these diseases my entire life just by being clean and careful. Not putting fingers in mouth eyes or ears after touching stuff before washing them, avoiding sick peoples cough spread by closing eyes so the particles do not enter that way and holding breath while the area airs out a bit. Keeping my house and belongings clean and not being a trash human.
I was forced to get a bunch of shots for a job for things that were no threat to me, even if people insisted they were. I have been fine. I never got covid even after being around some who had it. Being forced makes me want to resist. It is not cool being forced. I will take things if i need to and if i want to.

>> No.15534641

leftists don't control science, noone does
political elites can suck a dick

>> No.15534690

>leftists don't control science, noone does
No one cares about your abstract ideals of "real science" and "real scientists".

>> No.15534691

don't vaccinate your kids then i don't really care

>> No.15534698

>don't vaccinate your kids
Ok. Now make the psychopathic tard wranglers you call government officials stop trying to force me to and make sure your kids get every Pfizer injection available :^)

>> No.15534707

look up what child mortality was in europe pre-industrial revolution and then after it

>> No.15534712

Proof that child mortality rates have improved thanks to people injecting their children with corporate toxins.

>> No.15534717

i doubt anything i can show you will change your mind you're too far gone

>> No.15534723

It used to keep retards and other mentally defective people at bay, as bad brain = bad immune system.

>> No.15534727

No proof? Ok. Thanks for playing. Now fuck off back to whatever social media platform you came here from last week.

>> No.15534728

can you name the "corporate toxins" in vaccines?

>> No.15534731

See >>15534727.

>> No.15534732

you mean other than the fact that all those diseases people used to die commonly couple hundred years ago are basically eradicated now?

>> No.15534734

Mortality from disease collapsed long before the introduction of vaccines.
Vax fags like to claim the achiements of hygienists and sanitation for themselves

The introducion of the Polio and smallpox vaccines actually caused a spike in illness

>> No.15534735

Notice how you will shit out dozens of asshurt posts trying to evade your burden of proof.

>> No.15534736

can you please name what "corporate toxins" are in vaccines?

>> No.15534739
File: 273 KB, 1525x1157, vax_measlesUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15534742

measles is a developmental process kids who go through it are healthier and less prone to inflamation

>> No.15534744
File: 186 KB, 928x1024, 1640376917953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vaccination vaguely correlates with X
>therefore X is caused by vaccination
>b-b-but only if X is a good thing and the pharm-lobby-infested medical establishment says so
LOL. I accept your full concession.

>> No.15534745

let me ask you something: are you religious? catholic perhaps?

>> No.15534746

My only reply to >>15534707 is >>15534723. Diseases helped people to crawl out of the dark ages.

>> No.15534751 [DELETED] 

No man,they become extremely intelligent critical thinkers,they are chad absolute truth enjoyer.the facebook science academy enlightened the humanity and help us to counter against the plauge called basedince.

>> No.15534752

>vaccination vaguely correlates with X
>therefore X is caused by vaccination
>b-b-but only if X is a good thing and the pharm-lobby-infested medical establishment says so
>m-muh religious boogeyman!!!
Now you're really seething.

>> No.15534754 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 680x314, covid_vaxSwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i knew you weren't really interested in a serious conversation

>> No.15534761 [DELETED] 

no, it is a disease which lead to many deaths and hospitalization and caused deafness or encephalitis


>> No.15534763

>unsourced jpeg with generic vaxxoid claims
Still waiting for your proof. I see you cretin spamming the americorporate narrative in every thread. Do you get paid for this, at least?

>> No.15534765 [DELETED] 

none of your claims are sources either

>> No.15534802

Ok prove it wrong then you fucking moron. Oh that's right you cant which is why you are squealing like a fucking retard instead of posting data like I did. Eat shit and die stupid nigger

>> No.15534804

it is literally a medical treatment. it is perfectly harmless

>> No.15534805

alcohol is actually one the substances that will make a difference. I said very clearly above it depends on the substance

>> No.15534809

I didnt say or even allude to any of this. I warned you idiots not to take the vaccine for years before covid even happened

>> No.15534813


>> No.15534817
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15534823

It was conservatives that politicised science. Remember when they used to call themselves the party of logic? Conservatives simply got their shit pushed in when it came to real science because they had no idea what they were talking about. So now they face the consequences of actively being retarded.

>> No.15534824
File: 28 KB, 1347x114, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found ya again didnt I schizo?

>> No.15534828

neither of those images have anything to do with me

>> No.15534830

>Remember when they used to call themselves the party of logic?
Yes. That started around the time when you and your crew started telling people that men can be women, you monumental cretin. Nice self-own by you and your buddies because I remember a time when conservatives were the party of backward anti-science idiocy, before you came along to lift their image.

>> No.15534832

noone in the history of mankind ever claimed that men can be women
you are misunderstanding trannies if that is what you think

>> No.15534836

Ban evasion? Tsk tsk.

>> No.15534837

>you are misunderstanding trannies if that is what you think
the irony, you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.15534838

oh you are the OTHER schizo, my bad I get you confused

>> No.15534839

The fuck? Whooping cough is caused by Bordetella pertussis you uninformed dumbass.

>> No.15534840

i saw the other guy get wiped but he's not me
they really don't, from what i understand
i am open to you correcting me but they know that they can't be biological women

>> No.15534841

i have never interacted with you before, i've really no clue what you are talking about
i don't post on /sci/ often

>> No.15534843

bro you have been in a coma, a lot of things have changed since you went into cryo sleep

>> No.15534844

>he's not me
Thanks for confirming it was indeed you. You're so fucking stupid it hurts.

>> No.15534846

oh you always show up on forums and call people the "local schizod?" How the fuck would you know what the "local" anything is somewhere you are not local too?

>> No.15534849

enlighten me
don't get me wrong they are unbearable creatures but they admit they are not really women right?
you are retarded, i've no clue why you think i am that other faggot that got wiped but have a (you)

>> No.15534851

i meant local schizoid as in the schizoid ITT
you really do need to stop thinking everything is aimed at you

>> No.15534853

nah I already told you it is a brave new world. They want to compete in womens sports now, wait not "want to" they have been doing it for quite awhile.

wtf are you on about "aimed at you" you were talking about me motherfucker who the fuck else could be "aiming" at?

>> No.15534854
File: 56 KB, 645x729, 352343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, you are too stupid to figure out what your mistake was.

>> No.15534858

Please slow down guys, filling out these off-topic forms is time regulated

>> No.15534859

i was talking about him >>15532532

>> No.15534860

they really should just make tranny sports a thing
female to male sports and male to female sports

>> No.15534862

why did you say something about shoving something up your ass then? I am the only one who mentioned anything about asses. But of that is the case my bad, honest mistake

dude there are professors being mocked who literally are saying there is no difference between men and women. It is the mainstream liberal position and if you disagree they will crucify you


>> No.15534864

Trannies don't want that. They want external validation from everyone and everything in society for their chosen gender. A tranny league would deny them the one thing they value above all else.

>> No.15534867

man, i should look into a ballet career then if my hipbone is the same as a woman
eh, i don't think trannies are going anywhere
there must be a middle ground somewhere, right now everything is so polarized it's hard to see sense anywhere

>> No.15534869

have you not kept up with the terf wars? JK Rowling has literally been at twitter troons for years because she wont say trannies are real women

>> No.15534870

>have you not kept up with the terf wars?
i don't really have any social media, and don't exactly like browsing /pol/
i just see the occassional tranny bait thread on /v/ where everyone resorts to shit flinging

>> No.15534872

literally been at *war*

sorry I have a wireless keyboard and type laying down so I make a lot of typos and am too lazy to proofread kek

>> No.15534881

well it is a huge thing I assure you, probably one of the hottest political topics there is right now. The left is trying to erase women they are re-writing literature calling them birth givers and uterus havers and shit and this is in actual fucking medical journals. It is straight fucking bonkers my dude

>> No.15534887

well thanks for telling me anon, i knew about the JK rowling thing but i didn't know about how big that was
i thought it was self contained on twitter

>> No.15534894

>i thought it was self contained
>on twitter

>> No.15534900

kek no worries. look into the buf light and target boycotts. Shit is getting heated in this fight

>> No.15537197

>Bordetella pertussis

Can you provide a scientific proof of the causality, that this specific organism, beeing the cause of the specific symptom collection which is called "whooping cough" ?

Please provide sources.

>> No.15537198

Can you provide a scientific proof of the causality, that this specific mRNA vaccine, beeing the cause of the specific symptom collection which is called "vaccine injury" ?

Please provide sources.

>> No.15537217

Never said or mentioned that.

>> No.15537245

btw this only makes a difference because of the time it takes your liver to clean your blood. Injecting x amount all at once gets into your blood stream faster than your liver can filter it out. Going through your stomach first gives you an hour before it actually fully gets into your blood stream

>> No.15537281

Oh yeah. Of course and that makes injecting and ingesting stuff equal.
I guess anaesthetist are useless and narcotics are then wrongly used.

>> No.15538600
File: 1.99 MB, 250x245, WindHimUpJorge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worthless unless you're a government official trying to determine what percent of your population are servile ring-kissers. Worst case scenario you, as a pleb, will have a bad reaction to it and feel shitty for anywhere between less than 1 year and all of the years.

>> No.15538611

>Whooping cough is caused by Bordetella pertussis

I am uninformed.
I would like to get the information you obviously have.
Could you please share the said information with the established sciencen and experiments which determined that Pertussis is the definitive cause of "whooping cough"?

>> No.15538637

Ok to break down how The Science knows that pertussis is causing the Whooping cough and is transmitted via droplets and and is Airborne ans so on:

>obtain so called pertussis from a lab
>then put it in: proteose peptone (which is 3% amino-nitrogen), 15% defibrinated sheep blood, 40 µg/mL cephalexin (a antibiotic which causes some neat side effects see: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682733.html))
>then you take some baboons bred for laboratory purposes
>Baboons were anesthetized with 10–15 mg/kg ketamine administered intramuscularly
Thats for you dude:

>and animals were intubated using a 2–3 mm endotracheal tube to deliver 1 mL inoculum to the top of the trachea.
>A 24-gauge, 3.2 cm intravenous (IV) catheter (Abbocath) was used to deliver 0.5 mL inoculum to the back of each naris.
>Animals were placed in a sitting position for 3 minutes, returned to their cages, and observed until they recovered from anesthesia.
(which is totally the same pathway of transmission as getting sneezed on)
>then you introduce uninocculated baboons (some for direct contact, and some 7 feet apart)
>cage them in stainless steel empty cages for 19 days
>of which none get sick over the period of 19 days
>but we daily draw blood and swab them like it is normal
>we also do no control to see if the swabbing and daily drawing of blood causes issues and enough irritation to cause a raise in lab parameters
>of which the 7 feet and direct contact baboons had the same lab parameters
>only that the direct contact monkey had slightly better parameters (maybe because they were allowed to socialize, and not get fucking depressed)

>only the ketaminized and invasively inoculated baboons got sick with the clinical symptoms which is called "whooping cough"
>100% of them
>the naive baboons did not express any clinical symptom but had mildly raised lab parameters
>from that we conclude pertussis is airbone

>> No.15538657
File: 336 KB, 1088x2060, whoopedy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did vaccination ever helped with "whooping cough" ?
Whooping cough and its epidemiological anomalies:

>> No.15538667

Why did we go from 200,000 cases to like 2,000 in the USA?

>> No.15538680

Within which timeframe?

>> No.15538681

I closed the tab again, but a couple decades.

>> No.15538683

Which specific decades and whcih sources.
Go to your browser history and recover the url...

>> No.15538711

I use the private mode of my browser. Be my guest and google "whooping cough case numbers USA" and you'll see around 200,000 cases around 1920-1930 and you'll see around 2000 in the recent years.

>> No.15538724
File: 2.32 MB, 832x412, 1658749346695013 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could have lead to whooping cough, during the early to mid 1900s ?

Maybe the spraying of DDT and Lead Arsenate and Paris green around that time, that stopped in the 50s...

>> No.15538739

Why do we still have whooping cough today? Why does it almost exclusively affect unvaccinated folks? Do unvaccinated people huff DDT?

>> No.15538742

god what a retarded post

>> No.15538779
File: 118 KB, 900x2316, memes_cold_flu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whopping cough is not a specific disease.
it is coughing.
It is not caused by bordetella pertussis.
Maybe just maybe there is a bazillion reasons, why a fucking human being gets sick.

And there is also no real distinction between a infant brochitis and "pertussis" except doctors looking at "vaccination status".

\text{Child has rash}=\begin{cases}
Measels , & \text{child is not or incompletly vaxxed}.
Erythema+Fever , & \text{if child is vaxxed}.

It's a game of guesstimation.
Also lets look into vaccine side effects from literally all vaccines for children:
Post marketing experience of adverse events of vaccines:
"6.2 Postmarketing Experience :
Respiratory, Thoracic, and Mediastinal Disorders
Apnea, cough. "

Cough/runny nose

And of course the Hepatitis B vaccine for infants:

"Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, bronchospasm, and urticaria
have been reported within the first few hours after vaccination. "

Your belief is: That doctors can and will and do perfectly and acuratelly diagnose a specific disease.
And the issue is and that appaerently nobody cares about: "is the child healthier"
All the medical system carses about "is a label for a collection of symptons less frequently used"
Which is retarded, because the label for "cough and fever" and be multiple and they diagnose only what is favourable.
And all methods of diagnositics which are attempting to establish, that only ONE specific type of organism is CAUSAL for a specific collection of symptoms, are not based on science, because there is not a single experiment nor study which proves or remotely shows that Dry cough of an infant is caused by a specific organism.
It is all memes.

>> No.15538783

not him but a simple google search
>Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a very contagious respiratory illness caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. The disease is only found in humans.
i don't need to read your wall of text

>> No.15538784


\text{Child has dry cough}=\begin{cases}
Whoopingcough , & \text{child is not or incompletly vaxxed}.
bronchospasm, bronchitis,RSV , & \text{if child is vaxxed}.

>> No.15538785

they tested the child in the OP and he had the disease
your copes are pointless

>> No.15538787

>Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a very contagious respiratory illness caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis

Please provice a study or experiment which explicitly shows that:
>Whooping cough is caused by Bordetella pertussis

As requested here:

And the most referenced study which is considered "proof" is here:

And the decline of dry cough without vaccine intervention is here:

>> No.15538791


>> No.15538794

and here is the CDC study too

>> No.15538800

tested for what?
A organism which is not causal for the disease.

Because it is first of all only present in 20-39% of all clinical cases.


And its """""Asymptomatic""""" in most cases:

"77% of infants with strong molecular evidence of infection were asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic."

"Focusing on those with the strongest molecular evidence for pertussis infections, we identified 188 mothers and 177 infants who met our criteria for a ‘Strong EFI’. Within these groups, 130/188 (69%) of mothers had no symptoms, 55/188 (29%) had minimal symptoms, and only 3/188 (1.6%) had moderate to severe symptoms."


So there is apparently a disease, which is neither present in the mayority of clinical symptoms nor if present is causal for symptoms.
This shit means literally nothing.
>if you have whooping cough, in the majority of the time they are unable to isolate the "claimed cause"
>if they are able to detect the organism in question, people rarely presenting clinical symptoms.

Hence this is meaningless.

>> No.15538804

Do you even know what a study is?
This is just a "governmental info page"


This is a assay which literally has not a single study referenced which shows:
>that a microorganism is causal for the disease

It just says it in the abstract without any reference, to a experiment or study which proved the causal releationship.

>> No.15538808

>goalpost moving

>> No.15538812

even with the goalpost moving

>> No.15538814


>> No.15538818

and finally, the name of the specific toxin the bacteria creates and its effects

>> No.15538841

Not a study or specific experiment:
This is a review summarizing folklore about whooping cough...


Same here. It all stories and memes.
I would like a specific experiment, in which it is shown that the the specific germ in question is causal for a violent cough, so that it is feaseble to even make the claim that A causes B.
>the bacteria causes a specific disease.

I provided an example of a "transmission" experiment here:

Which is of course absolute retarded, yet one of the most referenced studies.

>> No.15538873

Never move the goalpost.
I requested here:

A really specific thing you are unable to provide.
You send large summaries which only tangentially talk about stuff.
I requested a specific coherent study which does a simple thing:
>proving that Bordetella pertussis is causal for violent coughing disease called "whooping cough"

it's so simple.
Yet you only provide reviews and opinion pieces.
I want a specific study, which is the foundation of your posted links.
Because once upon a time, someone had to establish this causal releationship, so that the work you are posting is more then fantasy talk.

>> No.15538876

nevermind that 0.1% of kids straight up die from it then

>> No.15538878
File: 3.28 MB, 888x4160, differences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nevermind that 0.1% of kids straight up die from it then

please elaborate further on this meme.
Do the kids die because of measels, or because measels get misdiagnosed, and it is actually a indistinguishable similar diseases like idopathic thrombocytopenia with purpora or a aspirin allergy, which is indistinguishable from measels...

>> No.15538879

>A organism which is not causal for the disease.
Your grammar is as bad as your understanding of microbiology.

>> No.15538880
File: 301 KB, 600x536, 1629347904907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your grammar
It has no arguments nor proof

>> No.15538882

>idopathic thrombocytopenia with purpora or a aspirin allergy, which is indistinguishable from measels...
Why would it be indistinguishable from measles? You diagnose measles from antibodies in the blood. Why would a child with an aspirin allergy have antibodies against measles?

>> No.15538886

>You diagnose measles from antibodies

You can have antibodies for any retarded reason:

False-positive IgM results for measles may be due to the presence of rheumatoid factor in serum specimens. Serum specimens from patients with other rash illness, such as parvovirus B19, rubella, and roseola, have been observed to yield false-positive reactions in some IgM tests for measles.


Antibody tests are typically just a immunoglobulin M test, which indicates nothing but "higher amoun of white blood cells".

And as a expert you should know that several conditions can raise the amount of antibodies... such as:
>other diseases


"We observed that 57% of patients with clinical ITP had increased levels of IgM on their platelets, compared with normal controls and patients with thrombocytopenia who did not have ITP (less than 10%)"

>> No.15538891

> you should know that several conditions can raise the amount of antibodies... such as:
>other diseases
Do you think that antibodies are a generic thing? That when you have hay fever your body creates antibodies against hiv? No, you fucking retard, it creates antibodies against pollen.

>> No.15538898

>That when you have hay fever your body creates antibodies against hiv

Are you dumb?

"The most common cause of a false-positive HIV result is when the test detects antibodies for a different infection or substance. For example, recent viral infections may cause a false-positive ELISA test result."


"False positives may be associated with medical conditions such as recent acute illnesses and allergies"


"However, autoimmune conditions, kidney failure, cystic fibrosis, multiple pregnancies, blood transfusions, liver disorders, lymphomas, intravenous drug abuse, hemodialysis, and recent vaccines for hepatitis B, rabies, or influenza have also been described in young women with false-positive HIV tests"

You have no idea how retardedly unspecific antibody tests are.
It a amazing meme.

>> No.15538906

>The most common cause
..is still incredibly rare. Or do you think that when you have the sniffles, literally every test comes back positive?

>> No.15538918

good. they shouldn't. They shouldn't trust their governments and they shouldn't trust vaccines and tap water etc everything governments have control over and can inject stuff into.
People shouldn't trust any institution or any organization because trust breed exploitation. if it can be exploited, it is already being exploited by the government and hurting people.

>> No.15538922

Right, you should make your own water at home from hydrogen and oxygen.

>> No.15538924

>Or do you think that when you have the sniffles, literally every test comes back positive?

first of all it does not matter what I think.
And what you should do, and ask yourself how do they ever established the specificity and accuracy of antibodies?
Because what you currently have is a BELIEF that antibody tests are working as you BELIEVE.

I know you will probably not intrigued by the Idea that they just made up shit and simply ran with it, even though it is completely retarded if you would use one 10% of your critical thinking ability:
>antibodies mean you are immune
>but antibodies also mean you are sick
>and antibodies mean nothing because it can be false positive

somewhere in this incoherent meme shit, you should have asked:
>when antibodies mean I am immune, because it apperently meany my immune system is working, how can it also mean i am sick?

And especcially with the covid shit:
> antibodies actually mean neither you are infected nor immune


So what in the fuck do they mean?

So maybe you should get some insight into the views of the critiques and then consult the literature of "The Science" to not believe, but really know how THEY know that antibodies say what they claim.

And here is a guy reading and analyzing every source material of antibody claims:
It is a real lecture (9 h)

>> No.15538929

>It is a real lecture (9 h)
I'm sure you have watched it.

>> No.15538938

I have. You do not have to.
You can. But you can also simply believe in the ever changing claims about antibody specificity of against a disease.
I really cannot understand how you do not raise any questions about:
>antibodies mean you are immune
>but antibodies also mean you are sick
>and antibodies mean nothing because it can be false positive

This shit is has more holes than swiss cheese, and it requires religious believe and a naivity and laziness to simply not ask the question: "How do they know?"

You can simply believe, it makes the world really easy, and give them a lot of power.
>you have antibodies, that means you are sick
>but antibodies mean you are immune because antibodies fight the disease
>but it also means you are sick
>but then you are not immune, meaning antibodies don't mean anything
>except when we need you to build bombs and fighterjets for us then 2+2=4

>> No.15538949

Let me give you a explicit paradox of antibodies and tetanus:
"There is no diagnostic laboratory test for tetanus; the diagnosis is entirely clinical. C. tetani is recovered from wounds in only about 30% of cases, and the organism is sometimes isolated from patients who do not have tetanus. Serologic results obtained before TIG is administered can support susceptibility if they demonstrate very low or undetectable anti-tetanus antibody levels. However, tetanus can occur in the presence of “protective” levels of antitoxin (>0.1 IU by standard ELISA); therefore, serology cannot exclude the diagnosis of tetanus."

>You cannot diagnose if you have or are immune against tetanus with antibodies
>isolating it means also nothing because is isolated even when you have no disease

So it is amazing to me how there for some reqason it cannot be diagnosed with laboratory methods, yet we somehow can diagnose it, but also they can't.
Trust the science

>> No.15538950

>I really cannot understand how you do not raise any questions about:
>>antibodies mean you are immune
>>but antibodies also mean you are sick
>>and antibodies mean nothing because it can be false positive
Because those are the questions of a schizo. Antibodies mean that your immune system has dealt with a pathogen or is currently dealing with it. If you have a high count in IgM antibodies it means your body is currently encountering the corresponding antigen. If you have symptoms of measles and your body has a lot of IgM antibodies for measles, it means that it very recently saw a lot of measles antigens. I wonder what that could mean.
IgG antibodies are more of a long-term memory. It allows the body to react faster the next time the antigen is encountered. No one claims that antibodies alone prove absolute immunity. You can get the same disease twice, the second time maybe less severe. For some diseases we know empirically that you can only get sick once, so the antibodies would be proof of immunity, but that's highly dependent on the disease.
Just something can be false positive or false negative doesn't mean it doesn't tell you anything. That's the most schizo take of them all. If you have a test with a specificity of >99%, that's the opposite of "it means nothing". Your claim is incredibly lazy because it allows you to dismiss every test in existence because no test will have zero false-positive and false-negative rates. You don't even need to understand statistics to feel smug, but truth be told you're just a pathetic brainlet who doesn't even understand Bayes' theorem.

>> No.15538964

>If you have symptoms of measles

are unspecific.

How about the following, instead of using a buckload of words and reification fallacies:

Show me a specific study with a disclosed methodology which demonstrates, specificity of antibodies with proper controls.

What do proper controls mean?
>show that the antigene or toxin or agent of disease is in fact causal for the collection of symptoms
>and that collection of symptoms alone

>demonstrate antibody only react to a specific antigene and not another, by exposing them to a large pallete of foreign toxins and agents
>retrieve antibodies that are "not specific" to lets say measels of someone with a different disease and expose it to the antigene of measels.

Because all your claims are build on the assumption, that they are specific already. And as said and is "warned" about by the Science.
So what typically happens is a so called "selffulfilling prophecy" by only conducting a single test for a thing that is already assumed.
If you immunesystem is agitated, it will react to foreign material, as the science warns.

I would love to see how in the fuck this shit is even established because what you do is regurgitating folklore.
Please show me how you know that they are indeed specific.

>> No.15538986

Ok, lets play along.
Even if antibodies would be specific to some extend.
You said:
>Antibodies mean that your immune system has dealt with a pathogen or is currently dealing with it
Which can mean:
a) you are already immune
b) you are on the way to getting immune

And if you have the symptoms of measels:
Which are a crude collection of:
>skin irritations and fever
Which are indistinguishable from other diseases as shown, their is only the option of interpretation.

Meaing a individual who is already immune to measles, but has now a idopathic thrombocytopenia with purpora or erythrema multiforme, will be observe under the lense of "we suspect measels" so they test for measels, but since:
>antibodies mean you are sick and immune at the same time
there is a chance of misdiagnosis and therefore the wrong treatment, which might be deadly for the patient.

so if antibodies mean you are sick and immune at the same time, and the disease is non specific, then leaving it up to lab parameters is still not feasable to determine causality between so called pathogen and diseases, because a antibody test is a indirect method with two different meanings if positive.

Do you understand the issue?

>> No.15539072

>Show me a specific study with a disclosed methodology which demonstrates, specificity of antibodies with proper controls.
That would be every pivotal trial of such a test. There are countless antibody tests. Just look at the documents of any of them submitted to the FDA, EMA, SwissMedic or whatever agency. Do you think that medical tests get approved on the grounds of "trust me bro"?

>> No.15539097

>That would be every pivotal trial of such a test. There are countless antibody tests.
Provide one.
Don't tell me memes about:
>I don't show you because its just basic stuff bruh
>I don't need to look it up bro
>Just goolge it and read the literature bro

You don't know you just regurgitate memes, if such thing is so easily found, then go and debunk me with the specific source that has the proper controls.

Go ahead show me.

> Do you think that medical tests get approved on the grounds of "trust me bro"?


>> No.15539122

>Provide one.
Seriously, take any Covid antigen test you have lying around, type the name into google and add something like "approval study". You sound like "show me proof that traffic lights can't show red and green at the same time". Like, I'm not a civil engineer but I'm pretty sure that it's a basic requirement for traffic lights and that there are codes that have to be followed.
Please don't tell me that you're a schizo about traffic lights as well.
>green, Muslim colour means go, red, American colour means stop
>literal war on Santa
>what's amber supposed to mean?

>> No.15539136
File: 92 KB, 720x897, db7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cannot provide a single study.
I get it.
You just deflect and use memes about "google it".

>> No.15539144

I'm not going to google the most common type of document submitted to the FDA in your pathetic attempt to question the most basic working principles. Because even if I do, you come with some obscure demand to fuel your next fallacy. "The control sample doesn't control for moon phase, see? It's all rigged"

>> No.15539148
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>> No.15539173

It should not be hard, to find such a pivotal trial.
As requested:
>show that the antigene or toxin or agent of disease is in fact causal for the collection of symptoms
>and that collection of symptoms alone

>demonstrate antibody only react to a specific antigene and not another, by exposing them to a large pallete of foreign toxins and agents
>retrieve antibodies that are "not specific" to lets say measels of someone with a different disease and expose it to the antigene of measels

You can leave out the first part.
Just demonstrate a specificity for a antigene.
A antigene test is constructed with a bespoke antibody which is allegedly specific to a specific antigene.

And it would be really easy to show that such an antibody is specific for a only that antigene, by exposing it to a large amount of common "antigenes", toxins and foreign proteins.
And showing it only reacty to the antigene it is """trained""" for.

Otherwise it is not specific.
All the studies or "pivotal trials" do not show specificity by demonstrating it does not react to other substances.
All the pivotal trials do is: "we show how similar it is to PCR"
Thats it. There is never a comparison and demonstration of specificity by showing it exclusively reacts to the """antigenes""" of concern.

>> No.15539228

>Just demonstrate a specificity for a antigene.
Just fyi, it's "an antigen"
Just an arbitrary study, here's one with a 99.4% specificity (95% CI is 96.8–100%, so you could say that the specificity is statistically compatible with 100%)

>> No.15539230

>All the studies or "pivotal trials" do not show specificity by demonstrating it does not react to other substances.
But they do? You have all sorts of stuff in your nose or blood, not just whatever some antigen test is designed for.

>> No.15539457

Where is the test for the reactivity to specific differend antigenes, of the bespoke antibody here?

All it does is comparing it with PCR which is as flawed as and even more as antibody tests.
As I requested please provide, a study in which it is shown, that the antibody, is only reacting to the specific antigene, by exposing it to other antigenes.
Comparing a test with a test is not proving specificity, since PCR is not specific aswell.

As I requested:
>demonstrate antibody only react to a specific antigene and not another, by exposing them to a large pallete of foreign toxins and agents
>retrieve antibodies that are "not specific" to lets say measels of someone with a different disease and expose it to the antigene of measels

>You have all sorts of stuff in your nose or blood, not just whatever some antigen test is designed for.

Exactly and all types of so called antigenes can produce a illness that resembles so called covid.

See picrel here:

Since covid flu and other raspiratory diseases magically disappeared, which is a impossibility.
Only when the vaccination campaign plummeted they memed the other diseases up again:
>oh now dear vaccinated cattle please remember the cold
>the rsv
>the flu
>it is reaaaallly similar to the coof

>> No.15539460

>Exactly and all types of so called antigenes can produce a illness that resembles so called covid.
Yet the test is highly specific (99.6%). Seems like none of those things trigger the test.

>> No.15539507

Specific when compared to a test that is also not specific which comes out as positive when swabbing a pineapple, kek.

Please do not deflect.
Or lets be specific, since the coof was the most retarded fuckup for providing questionable data, how about you do as I requested and as you claimed here:
>If you have a high count in IgM antibodies it means your body is currently encountering the corresponding antigen.

Please provide a proof for that claim, that a antibody is specific to only reacting to a designated antigene.

Long before covid this allegedly has been "established" or as I claim "became folklore".

>> No.15539511

i literally posted you a whole article on the goddamn toxin and how it causes the disease
you retarded faggot

>> No.15539515

you can't reason with him, he's retarded

>> No.15539610

If you keep blatantly fucking people over eventually even the most inattentive everymen will withdraw their trust.

>> No.15539630

No you posted a article that compared antigen with pcr tests.

"Methods: The clinical performance of Roche SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test was evaluated vs. a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) laboratory-based assay (Seegene AllplexTM2019-nCoV)".

I know that mongoloid retards and unfuckable underachievers are unable to read beyond abstract and instantly jump to conclusions and results, because of the hedonistic impuls to squirt too early.

You did not provide not a single thing of a toxin and causing a disease.

I asked for antibody specificity and not a test which compared to a different test.

You did not even posted the thing you are claiming.

>> No.15539632

i am not reading all that, but i think you have me confused with the other guy so i get that
i didn't say anything about plants, go talk to him

>> No.15539645

>a toxin
Why do you keep talking about toxins? That's really not how viruses kill you at all.

>> No.15539660

Can you point me then to the post you meant?

>> No.15539672

>i got 2 threads confused
>i didnt read your post so i thought you got me confused with someone in another thread
holy brainlet moment
i can't apologize now i look so bad
fuck you!

>> No.15539694

I do not care about the toxin shit.
I requested as claimed here:
>Antibodies mean that your immune system has dealt with a pathogen or is currently dealing with it. If you have a high count in IgM antibodies it means your body is currently encountering the corresponding antigen

>demonstrate antibody only react to a specific antigene and not another, by exposing the antobodies in question to a large pallete of foreign antigens and pathogenic agents
>retrieve antibodies that are "reactive to a different antigen" which is measels of someone with a different disease and expose it to the antigene of measels.

>> No.15539738

>demonstrate antibody only react to a specific antigene and not another, by exposing the antobodies in question to a large pallete of foreign antigens and pathogenic agents
Okay, you got me there, antibodies are not infinitely specific. Hey, did you know that the antibodies against the relatively harmless cowpox also work for smallpox? Maybe we can use this to make people immune against smallpox! Let's name this phenomenon after cows, but of course in Latin because that sounds cooler. The Latin word for core is vacca so we could call it vaccine. What do you think? Your insistence on the fact that antibodies are not specific to a single pathogen led to an incredible discovery. The world can thank you and people who think like you for vaccines!

>> No.15539800
File: 101 KB, 594x397, mercury_burge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you now deflect and tell a new folklore.

>maybe we can use this to make people immune against smallpox! Let's name this phenomenon after cows, but of course in Latin because that sounds cooler. The Latin word for core is vacca so we could call it vaccine. What do you think? Your insistence on the fact that antibodies are not specific to a single pathogen led to an incredible discovery. The world can thank you and people who think like you for vaccines!

This story is nothing but a meme or folklore.
It never was that way.
Let me tell you how the smallpox vaccine actually went:
>nobody was sick with a specific disease
>some had rashes, some had fever
>some had nothing
>but then the governments did a nice collab
>introduced a vaccine and mandated it
>told a meme story like you tell it

But what was required for "vaccination" ?
"By the 1750s, purges
containing mercury and antimony were the standard medicines used in
p re p a ra tio n .^ As in the treatment of smallpox, writers gave more and more
precise instructions as to the form of medicines, most of which contained
mercury and antimony. Aethiop’s mineral, calomel, and James' powder were
45 m ost commonly recommended. Most writers advocated giving three or
four purges interspersed with smaller doses of calomel and antimonals.
Schultz described British practitioners giving calomel at night, which was
purged off the following morning. "
And only when the vaccination campaigns started people fell horribly ill, because the were required to consume purges made from mercury and arsenic and antimony.


>> No.15539821

Since you never even researched you cow squirting charlatan: Edward Jenner

Let me go on with some interesting behind the scenes.

Jenner concluded that cowpox not only protected against smallpox but also could be transmitted from one person to another as a deliberate mechanism of protection.
His papers were never printed, but alongside the innoculation fairytail all arround the world and especcially the UK they tortured and quarantined people based on the claim that "people who live with domesticated animals, may have the small pox".

So the innoculated them but before of course they required a purge.

And since it is now pretty established that arsenic and antimony and mercury are fucking toxic I would say it was not a surprised that so many perished during the 1700-1950s from such diseases.

>> No.15540891
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>> No.15540938

Oh shit, I broke the schizo

>> No.15540973
File: 356 KB, 624x863, propaganda_required.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you literally fall for Gov population control propaganda.

Mr. Marson, the Surgeon of the Small-pox Hospital, told the Select Committee, 1871, answer 4,190:—”The public are pretty largely vaccinated now, and will be more so every year, I should think as time goes on. There is one point which has not been very cleaily brought forward this morning, and that is the increase of Small-pox after vaccination year after year. When I first went to the hospital, 35 years since, from 1835 the admission of patients into the Small-pox hospital was 44 percent, of Small-pox after vaccination; from 1845 to 1855, 64 percent.; from 1855 to 1865, 78 percent.; and during 1863 and 1864, 83 and 84 percent. Those are patients who have been vaccinated.”


>> No.15540984

So, after some time the vaccine didn't work as well? Are you advocating for boosters now?

>> No.15541009
File: 70 KB, 600x486, 1680700547636992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boosters now?
bro just take the blue pill

>> No.15541047

Was "immunity can wane years after the vaccine" not your point and are boosters not the solution to this problem?

>> No.15541129
File: 352 KB, 688x1744, 1656620397021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot understand how this shit is a scam right?
>oh trust me it works, it wanes
>oh it works except it didn't then you developed """"non-neutralizing antibodies"""
>oh it works except when it mutates
>oh it works except when a unvaxxed infects you
>oh it works except when you get sick with the same exact symptom cluster but we just rename it then
>it works bro, just consoom product.

>> No.15541132

>one obviously fake gene therapy doesn't work
>everyone knows it doesn't work, and it's impossible to hide that fact
>therefore real vaccines are all fake
Do you see the leap in logic your broken brain is making?

>> No.15541146
File: 640 KB, 813x434, maxresdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was the AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15541176

>therefore real vaccines are all fake
never made that leap.
No vaccine ever worked because they didn't.
I never thought about it because I literally did the dumbest thing ever, and took the flu vaccine to prove I am not a antivaxer, and just did not wanted to take the memeRNA Coof vax.

And then it hit me like a brick, and over the course of time, I came to the understanding what in the fuck is happening and why this notion of anti vaccine existed at all, and when you go back into the past and the papers... they are all lies, and schemes to downgrade humanity into consoomer cattle which are dependent on the system.
It was always the same.

>> No.15541181

>What do you mean I need another haircut, I got one last year! It's a scam! Haircuts don't exist!

>> No.15541182

I wonder why polio isn't around anymore.

>> No.15541190
File: 325 KB, 704x485, 1655647918170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big whoop!

People are supposed to survive illnesses naturally as most people did before the existence of vaccines. That kid was of poor immunological stock. Also I doubt he didn't have other things wrong with him. Very sensationalist story.

>> No.15541192
File: 516 KB, 1070x486, polio4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they redefined the condition and stopped spraying lead arsenate and DDT on people:

they just renamed it after the introduction of tha vax

>But the most incredible discovery is a change in the rules by changing the definition of “paralytic poliomyelitis” before and after the 1955 introduction of the Salk vaccine. It is like comparing a sneeze and pneumonia. “Prior to 1954,” Joan Beck, in reporting this same panel in the Chicago Sunday Tribune (Mar. 5, 1961), observes, “any physician who reported a case of paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a favor because funds were available to help pay his medical expenses (from a large voluntary health organization). At that time most HDs used a definition of paralytic poliomyelitis which specified “partial or complete paralysis of one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations at least 24 hours apart.” Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. “In 1955, these criteria were changed. Now, unless there is paralysis lasting at least 60 days after the onset of the disease, it is not diagnosed as paralytic polio.

They did the solve and cuagula Trick:
> before 1955, 24 hours of: anything causing limb numbness or stiffness or aches = polio
> after 1955 60 days of persistant paralyitic symptoms.
> Also split it up in menegitis, chinese paralytic syndrome, flacid myeltis, acute flacid myelites, myelitis transverse, MS etc, gullian barré syndrome

>> No.15541193


Beating trannies to death should be sport

>> No.15541197

>stopped spraying lead arsenate and DDT on people
Here it was supposed to cause whooping cough: >>15538724
Great, DDT was mysteriously responsible for all diseases for which vaccines and cures were found, yet for none that are still around.

>> No.15541219


Bro breathing in a toxic substance, will cause of course a multitude of issues...
Because it is fucking toxic.

Try breathing in some phsogene or arsine gas or mustard gas.

First you cough, then you develop systemic issues.
Absolute retarded logic.

>> No.15541225

How convenient.

>> No.15541246
File: 1.45 MB, 880x2700, ddt_italy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Slightly toxic effects (eg, with methoxychlor) to highly toxic effects (eg, with dieldrin)

Vomiting (early or delayed), paresthesias, malaise, coarse tremors, seizures, pulmonary edema, ventricular fibrillation, respiratory failure

Throat constriction, dysphagia, burning GI pain, vomiting, diarrhea, GI hemorrhage, dehydration, pulmonary edema, renal failure, lactic acidosis, liver failure, shock

Absorption via skin, inhalation, or ingestion: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, excessive salivation, increased pulmonary secretion, headache, rhinorrhea, blurred vision, miosis, slurred speech, mental confusion, difficulty breathing, frothing at the mouth, coma

Toxic substances especcially when mixed cause a buckload of sympotms.

>> No.15541252

And you think that doctors just come up with all sorts of viruses they "find" even though it was all the same molecule?

>> No.15541292

>that doctors just come up with all sorts of viruses
docters don't came up with it.

Biochemists did horrific experiments on animals and then claimed they died because of a virus.
They didn't even had the technology to even discover a so called "virus".
Only in 1954 John F. Enders hypothesized some debris under a microscope on monkey kidney cells to be a measels virus, not even showing it's causality.
before they just did random horrific shit.
It's all memes.

>get bunny
>get corpse of person with neurological disease
>get nerves
>grind them up
>put them in solution
>inject solution directly in the testicles of rabbit
>if rabbits get sick "poliomyelitis virus is proven"
>but wierdly only testicle are swollen but none got sick with polio
"The testicle of the fourth animal was injected into the 4th ventricle of a fifth. No symptoms occurred in the final animal or in any an|real of the
>inject solution into the brain of a monkey
>if monkey gets sick, its proof of "virus"
>but monkey does not get sick
>only slighlty irritated
"An emulsion of the brain and cord of this animal injected intracerebrally into a monkey produced no
symptoms. "

>take three more monkey and directly inject solution in brain after drilling hole
"Three of the animals, two of which died, showed other symptoms
including spastic leg conditions, salivation, convulsions and postural abnormalities."
>inject in another group
"Two died without showing symptoms at 21 and 30 days."
>must be the virus

They literally pretend injecting ground up rabbit testicles in the brain is the way to prove the pathway of transmission...

>> No.15541296

>Le poor bunny
Yeah I'd rather die at 30 from tuberculosis than have some bunny injected with pathogens.
Or let me guess, tuberculosis is also just DDT?

>> No.15541298

>Yeah I'd rather die at 30 from tuberculosis than have some bunny injected with pathogens.

thats not the point.
It's the retarded experiment design with a lack of control.
How in the fuck, does grinding up rabbit testicles and injecting it into a monkeys brain resemble the assumed and hypothesized natural pathway of transmission?
What in the fuck does that even prove?

>> No.15541301

>It's the retarded experiment design with a lack of control.
I'm sure you would've been a much better virologist in 1954. Why didn't they use PCR to identify the virus? Why didn't they use immortalised cells instead of a bunny?

>> No.15541305
File: 154 KB, 626x463, 1673759151585533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not reply to this troll playing dumb.
He's just trying to reach the bump limit.

>> No.15541325

As if the bump limit would stop antivaxx schizos from creating a new thread. It's been 2 years since I got the covid vaxx and they're still not over the fact that I survived it.

>> No.15541680
File: 318 KB, 483x839, sachs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antivaxx schizos
Can't stand the irony in that:

>antibodies means you are immune
>antibodies means you are sick
>finding the germ means you are sick
>if you are perfectly healthy and we find the germ, you are asymptomatically sick
>you are a healthy diseased person
>the nanoscopic non living particles pray on me and squirt their genes into my cells thats why I get a cough
>except when I don't get sick
>but test positive then I am asymptomatic
>but if I am vaxxed the unvaxxed are a danger to me
>because the vaxxed protects, except against unvaxxed germs

Yes they are everywhere and are conspiring to kill you.
And the other humanoids also conspire with them to kill you.
Be afraid the germs are very dangerous.
We know because we saw them on dead tissue.
They kill everything. Except when they don't. But then you are asymptomatic.
And you are very very very sick. Trust me.
You just do not notice.
It may break out any moment. Maybe in a year.
But I have some supplements and medicines that will help you with the germs.
And protect you.
You should buy them.
Trust me.
If you don't you might die.

>> No.15541686

that image
i have cancer, i took the fauci ouchi so i dont die as i can't handle covid
the reality that curing cancer is not curable terrifies me, especially since it is true
curing cancer will never be profitable, it will never be cured as long as everything is controlled by profit

>> No.15541688

>curing cancer is not curable
curing cancer is not profitable*

>> No.15541742

All vaccines are unnecessary. Yes, even the polio one. Polio was caused by DDT toxicity and polio cases reduced in lock-step with reduction in DDT use and the vaccine was merely a coincidence.

>> No.15541759
File: 3 KB, 189x250, youtestforcracknigger?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a real scientist and I do my research!
>b-but your paragraph is too long I'm not reading all that!

I myself am retarded but when vaxx shills argue with informed antivax chads they never come out of it looking good

>> No.15541761

>antibodies means you are immune
Only you claimed this to "debunk" it. I think that's called a strawman.
>antibodies means you are sick
A particular type of antibody means that your body has dealt with the counterpart very recently. If you haven't been vaccinated, you must be/have been infected. Not sick. Another strawman born to your schizo mind.
>finding the germ means you are sick
Infected. See above.
>if you are perfectly healthy and we find the germ, you are asymptomatically sick
Again, infected.
>you are a healthy diseased person
Infected. Yes.
>the nanoscopic non living particles pray on me and squirt their genes into my cells thats why I get a cough
That's a surprisingly good description of viruses.
>except when I don't get sick
If the viral load is small enough you might not get symptoms, yes.
>but test positive then I am asymptomatic
No, you're asymptomatic when you have no symptoms. It's in the word.
>but if I am vaxxed the unvaxxed are a danger to me
No idea where that comes from, but ok.
>because the vaxxed protects, except against unvaxxed germs
I think it's time for your gummy bears, Mr. Anon.

>> No.15541770

>informed antivaxx chads

>> No.15541777
File: 63 KB, 1068x1009, mercy_kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antivaxers usually have done more """research""" than your average layman, but then resort to being schitzo like this anon here >>15541680
Hes making 10 different claims about stuff that are retarded most likely being picked from people even more retarded than him and then thinks this is proofs for anything. Antivaxers are just more expert in tiring out anyone trying to argue with them with posts like that

>> No.15541782

I wonder if antivaxxers truly believe the shit they spew or if they are trolls who want to get reactions out of others. If they do believe it, I am afraid what kind of other retarded shit you can make people believe. Maybe our society isn't so far off bush folks who believe it rains when they dance in a particular way.

>> No.15541784

>Antivaxers are just more expert in tiring out anyone trying to argue with them with posts like that
kek this
also checked

>> No.15541804

Prove to me, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Bordetella pertussis does not cause whooping cough.

>> No.15541806

not this shit again but in reverse this time

>> No.15541839
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>> No.15541847

kill yourself

>> No.15541865

Great argument. Really well thought-out and eloquent.

>> No.15541937

So it appears that two things that are claimed are pretended to just be treated as a fact, when no proof of it exists:

>antibodies are specific
>nanoscopic non living particles pray on me and squirt their genes into my cells thats why I get a cough

For both exists not a single proof.
Nor a controlled experiment.
Just mystic interpretations of some badly stained, still and artifact rich TEM Images.

>> No.15541988

>antibodies are specific
Who claims this? >>15539738 says the exact opposite: they're not 100% specific.
>Nor a controlled experiment.
I have an idea. Why don't you become the first one to prove that viruses make us sick, or that they don't? No matter what the outcome is, you'll revolutionise the field of virology. Why do you waste your time if there's such a low hanging fruit waiting for you? If you're right and there isn't such proof, you'd be an utter fool to not work on a controlled study to test this.

>> No.15542035

Smallpox was simply defined into and out of existence at the convenience of those who benefited from it. If you actually care about the topic, I suggest this video as the most concise breakdown of the history of smallpox and how new diseases are defined into existence using the same symptoms: https://odysee.com/@katie.su:7/thetruthaboutsmallpox:9 (the original video was in Russian, this is an English dub just FYI)

>> No.15542049

This link gave my pc smallpox

>> No.15542053

>Why don't you become the first one to prove that viruses make us sick, or that they don't? No matter what the outcome is, you'll revolutionise the field of virology.
Stefan Lanka performed proper control experiments that show cytopathic effects occur even when tissue samples from perfectly healthy individuals are used, proving that the toxic preparation of the medium is what causes everything virologists claim are caused by viruses. Surprise, surprise, he can't get it published anywhere mainstream. The idea that just doing a study that disproves the status quo is enough to actually change anything is extremely naive.

>> No.15542068

So the profiund claim of THE SCIENCE is that a specific virus is the specific for a specific disease.
This profound claim has never been proven.

I do not need to show the contrary since I did not make the claim.
People just like christcucks simply believe in this ridiculous meme.

>> No.15542069

>Surprise, surprise, he can't get it published anywhere mainstream.
Oh dang, I didn't consider that every single publisher on earth is part of this great conspiracy. My bad. I only ever got manageable request from the editors like "please also measure xy and show the result". Am i part of the conspiracy as well?

>> No.15542079

>Who claims this?

The SCIENCE when using antibodies to determine if hmyou habe for example measels see this retards comment:
>Antibodies mean that your immune system has dealt with a pathogen or is currently dealing with it. If you have a high count in IgM antibodies it means your body is currently encountering the corresponding antigen. If you have symptoms of measles and your body has a lot of IgM antibodies for measles, it means that it very recently saw a lot of measles antigens.

This post specifically.
If antibodies are not specific then antibody tests mean nothing regarding illness.

>> No.15542087

>Oh dang, I didn't consider that every single publisher on earth is part of this great conspiracy.
That's not what I said, you're being disingenuous. If you think there's no political underpinning to which studies get published you honestly need to grow up and spend some time in the real world. This fairytale world you were sold in school where all science is perfectly meritocratic and only evaluated based on the pure quality of the experiments and research is a farce.

>> No.15542091
File: 29 KB, 203x221, 1686756204508017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg why do people link to non-mainstream sources when discussing non-mainstream ideas?

>> No.15542096

>schizo posting

>> No.15542105

>If antibodies are not specific then antibody tests mean nothing regarding illness.
You know that there's a difference between small uncertainties and "meaning nothing"? If them being unspecific means "the patient either has smallpox or cowpox", then that doesn't imply "maybe the patient just ate a banana which made the test positive"

>> No.15542107

>political underpinning to which studies get published
Now it's suddenly political? The conspiracy involving scientists, universities and journals just got three times bigger. Which political power has an interest to claim that viruses make you sick? Socialism? Conservativism?

>> No.15542113

>Which political power has an interest to claim that viruses make you sick?
That's not what I said. Calling a process "political" is a metaphor that people use on a daily basis. I can't tell if you're profoundly dishonest or just profoundly retarded.

>> No.15542121

If you look at the circumstances under which each and every antibody test is yielding so called "false positives":


Which implies if your body is "poisoned" or by whatever reason has agitated antibodies, the antibodies react to every foreign substance.

>> No.15542123

it's all a plan by the WEF to make communism rule the new one world government
it's all in the bible. the one world government will be ruled by the antichrist
no, i did not take my meds
what do you mean humans can't cooperate to that level let alone keep secrets that big? shut up SHILL SHILL SHILL

>> No.15542136

>If you look at the circumstances under which each and every antibody test is yielding so called "false positives":
We've had that already: they typically have a specificity of greater than 99%. False positives are essentially a construct of your twisted mind.

Also, antibody test specificity is a fundamentally different concept from antibody specificity. One means: your cowpox antibodies also attack smallpox. The other means: your smallpox test reacts to cowpox antibodies in your blood. But in either case, "false positives" aren't either reacting with microplastics but typically close relatives of the virus. The influenza A test shows a positive signal for subtype foo and subtype bar.

>> No.15542144
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Nobody has to be involved in a so called "conspiracy".
It is a feature of the system that people are smug and fearfull when you threaten their source of income.

The virus shit is a gravy train for big pharma and vor scientists who obfuscate their papers to co ceal that their research is fruitless.
Thats it.
Its a system sucking its own dick. And exposing this brings shame upon every sointist, because it is a admission of:
> nobody does controlls
> most science is fake
> and nobody looks a the validity
> and that scientists are not virtous but mostly wearing a chain of gold arround their neck and are in fact just lapdogs of the people who funds them

You do not need a bunch of evil men in a secret vulcano hideout sitting arround a big oval table.

You just need money and pride.

>> No.15542159


Why in the fuck then does pregnancy yield false positive results for HIV, Hepatitis, Measels etc. ?

I asked here several times for the specific controlled experiment which demonstrates specificity.
Let it be narrow, but show me how specific it is, and how it is determined.

>demonstrate antibody only react to a specific antigene and not another, by exposing the antobodies in question to a large pallete of foreign antigens and pathogenic agents
>retrieve antibodies that are "reactive to a different antigen" which is measels of someone with a different disease and expose it to the antigene of measels.

>> No.15542251

>Why in the fuck then does pregnancy yield false positive results for HIV, Hepatitis, Measels etc. ?
Never heard of that. Can you point me towards more info that it does? Then I can help you think about what might be going on there.

>> No.15542283
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Not him, but here's a good example of a wide range of false positives related to HIV: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/could-pregnancy-cause-false-positive-193542338.html

>> No.15542285

One baby? Only one? Out of thousands, tens of thousands, millions? Only one baby dies of whooping cough? We risk maiming or killing millions upon millions of babies by injecting them with toxic chemicals just to avoid a couple deaths. Wow, it's almost like vaccines are useless and you don't need them at all.

>> No.15542297

>So, can pregnancy cause a false positive HIV test? Not exactly, but false positives do happen. Experts say pregnant people can experience false positives simply because they're tested more often

>> No.15543039

which "toxic chemicals" in vaccines do you have a problem with?

>> No.15543083

he should have gotten pfizer or novavax

>> No.15543085

i wish this was true desu

>> No.15543214

Aluminium hydroxide, aluminium Phosphate, Aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulphate, formaldehyde, Triton-X, neomycin, streptomycin, animal protein residue, squalene, manitiol, polysorbate 80/20, sorbitol, Phenyl red, aceton, poly ethylene glycol, dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin, ferric (III) nitrate, betaproiolactone