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15536073 No.15536073 [Reply] [Original]

So Harvard confirms the IQ of whites is lower than average.

>> No.15536083

If this is true, I'd wonder if it's so much an IQ thing as a culture thing. Asian parents tend to push their children to overachieve to the point of depriving them from having any sort of normal childhood. I'm sure IQ plays a part but they aren't accepting students on IQ, they're doing so on SAT scores, extra-curricular activities and GPA.

>> No.15536089
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White people don't study.

>> No.15536110

Asian numbers are off because a lot of those who would be admitted are foreign students, whereas the white, black, and hispanic are practically all American.

>> No.15536114

Not the master race huh? Thought so.

>> No.15536122

like 1/3 the black students are probably rich ethiopian intl kids

t. ivyfag

>> No.15536131
File: 168 KB, 1362x1304, 1688255629901646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are going to regret what happened this week in the future. You basically signed your own second class status into law.

What you thought was designed to protect blacks and Hispanics was actually protecting you from us. Now that affirmative action laws are over, you will see a world that will be dominated by us to a degree that you have not even dreamed of before.

We are already over achieving in terms of academics, household income and politics. Removing these last holds will basically make whites and underclass in the the Western world.

Whites were never really intelligent, they just got a bunch of lucky breaks. Now that the playing field is level, you "people" will feel the full force of our success.

Good huntin'.

>> No.15536177

East Asian here. Our IQ superiority over whitey is limited to bugman shit. We're docile as fuck.

>> No.15536184

They're correlating White with Jewish. Jews are EXTREMELY over-represented at Harvard in relation to their SAT etc. performances.

>> No.15536203

kek. they’re refugee kids from the dmv who pretend to be african american on their applications although with affirmative action gone you’ll see that change

>> No.15536204 [DELETED] 

glad to know white genocide is scientifically justified :)

>> No.15536206

It doesn’t exist if you select for anglos
The reason the ivies are filled with Jews and WASP is both have average iqs of 115

>> No.15536418
File: 74 KB, 640x412, 1677983315439694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 0.9/ 15.8 = 0.05
> 95% of niggers at harvard are there because of affirmative action
I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was this bad. I would have guessed 75% if I was feeling particularly cynical, but 95%?

Wew lad.

>> No.15536422

Literally nothing will happen because Harvard / etc will defy the courts and continue to discriminate, now using proxies for race instead of race directly.

>> No.15536430

surely that wont cause a pattern easy to prove in court

>> No.15536433

They've already been in flagrant defiance of the law for literally decades, even though SCOTUS hasn't ruled against it until now. They'll happily be in defiance of the law again and spend decades going to court over it again and again until they get their way or until somebody purges them. They're not going to stop trying, ever.

>> No.15536447

That won't happen for long.
This is only because of the first gen immigrants who are still hard working and have a work culture they got from their parents.

Now all Asian-Americans are worse than nogs. You must have noticed it. Males are fat, lazy or emulate black behavior and are ultra woke and completely conformist to the system while women are the trashiest skanks around. Typically your archetypical OnlyFans whores.

They got corrupted very quickly.

>> No.15536448

IQ isn't some innate value you're born with. Studying increases IQ

>> No.15536536

As much as I hate gooks, I'd rather go to a college where they are the majority than going to one where there's more than a few blacks or hispanics.

>> No.15536541
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I can tell you've never lived in England.

>> No.15536563

Specify which asians

>> No.15536565

Damm bro so there's hope for me?

>> No.15536566

if you want to know what happens to America if all important positions in society were run by niggers, look at Liberia.
why the fuck do you want to diversify your government with niggers?

>> No.15536570

no. studying doesn't increase your IQ. it only increase your IQ test score which. IQ test score is only a valid indication of IQ if you haven't done or seen any IQ test before.

>> No.15536578

Americans think every British person is David Attenborough.

>> No.15536593
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Oh, yeah. ITT indians larping as gooks to make another outrage circlejerking thread about muh whites. Rent free, street shitters.

>> No.15536629
File: 108 KB, 761x701, fact_checkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harvard confirms
>studies show
>the research suggest
>literature proves

>> No.15536634


>> No.15536638

>check the first one
>they didn't say the number is correct
so basically whatever else you are saying or is in your image is false

>> No.15536639
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forgot pic

>> No.15536652
File: 31 KB, 595x495, sci_fact_check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sources give
>some "authority" said x
its unclear what you are trying to communicate

>> No.15536661

you made a retarded bullshit post, i proved your image wrong
i did the literal definition of "doing your own research" and found your post wrong
what now, faggot

>> No.15536669
File: 138 KB, 337x370, putin_banan_happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after 15 minutes of intense googling the sniveling rebbitor fartsniffer returns, eager to "win" som internet points
here he is, in his full rhetorical glory:

>i proved your image wrong
you "proved" jackshit
>i did the literal definition of "doing your own research"
yes, and you fucked up
try again, samantha
>found your post wrong
i find you existence wrong, failure at life

>> No.15536672

i accept your concession
also saved that rare putin

>> No.15536673
File: 210 KB, 1440x1977, obama_incel_moments_college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reply to me, bitch

>> No.15536830

high IQ is a fucking trap! everybody will only try to use you for mostly nothing in return. being high IQ makes you ripe for work, for your whole life. you will never get out, high IQ people never do, they are enslaved forever. this has deep historical roots

>> No.15536856
File: 36 KB, 500x481, CC43C12A-95B8-445E-A59A-BE4B79882AF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15536863

Elite white castes were the smartest people on earth. the class system allowed them to maintain a distinction from the average white.
Jews have systematically targeted whites, subverted, disenfranchised and murdered them because they were the only ones who could pose a threat to them.

The future is dark and dystopian

>> No.15536927

>Whites are clearly higher iq than everyone else
>ackhtually, jews and asians are...

>> No.15536977

that's only because most people in the "anglican" world are literally atheist, and we all know religious people tend to be stupid.
I lived in south england for ~10 years and I doubt I've met more than 1 or 2 religious ones.

>> No.15536982

Universities will be overrun with pajeets

>> No.15537018

It is the cultural church of the Anglo Saxon ethnicity and gives a good representation of New England founding stock in America.

There is a reason Albion ruled the world and then the USA took over.

>> No.15537029

>we all know religious people tend to be stupid.
No actually true but it's convenient for you to delude yourself that they are

>> No.15537044


>> No.15537048

still can't find you on google because of 10000000 same names, bug

>> No.15537050

Did you read the chart? Jews and anglicans are smarter than atheists

>> No.15537063
File: 63 KB, 615x481, chineseeatingdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also have to take into consideration that most Asian students are from recent immigrants, who will have a higher IQ. That would be like if you took the highest performing white students and air dropped them into China and then said that was proof whites are smarter than Asians. There are plenty of dumb Asians and most of them are back in Asia and not applying to Harvard.

>> No.15537095

Lol no, legal immigrants are not representative of their average countrymen. They're typically children of college educated parents, obviously they're going to be more intelligent than the average white person. The average intelligence of white people in western countries is still higher than the average of their countries.

>> No.15537139

You forget a key point: leftist retards are sterilizing themselves across the country. The next generation of whites is going to be very different from the last. A legitimate contest in rigorous testing would be very interesting moving forward. Unfortunately, that isn't what we are going to get though. Universities are going to ignore/bypass this decision and return to business as usual. We have like 5 more hurdles to clear before affirmative action will really be dead

>> No.15537145

With this research out could the jews hurry up and kill off whitey? It would speed this whole pod bug shit up.

>> No.15537184

>depriving them from having any sort of normal childhood
dude stop coping, white pipos are just lazy as fuck

>> No.15537193

I remember an asian friend I had in middle school who really wanted to play basketball(not even for the school team, just to go play afterschool and shit), but his mom wouldn't let him because he had to practice the violin for an hour a day and the piano for an hour a day on top of all the other schoolwork(as you can imagine he also had to do all AP classes later on + acadec etc). Thats no way to have a childhood.

>> No.15537216

Asians are overworked and then still outcompeted by white kids who put in half the effort. This is not a win

>> No.15537258

Sounds like a win to me

>> No.15537307

With all that IQ you’d think they could innovate…

>> No.15537334

The Asians (especially Indians) were such mediocre students in my eng program. They used chegg for everything and would beg for homework answers in various discord servers nonstop.

>> No.15537357

Who cares? Only jews have racial supremacist psychosis

>> No.15538387

nta, but also go to a t10. Really large amounts "African-American" kids that get into elite instituitions are from Africa instead of being slave descent African American because they get in on the AA action as well. But these Africans that are actually from Africa (or they're parents are from there) are not particularly stupid. Many excel academically, they speak proper, they act proper, they dress proper etc. and most would get in without AA even, I presume though I'm not sure. But of course, majority is still regular African American, owing to their large numbers. But I genuinely wouldn't mind if they let in actual Africans. They're typically good people as well as intelligent people. Especially those from West Africa (like nigerians are pretty smart, but maybe somalis not so much). Really unlike regular blacks if you actually talk to them. I believe it's probably due to selective immigration. Which is not the case with regular blacks or Somali refugees.
>inb4 you are nigerian/black
I don't care what you think, just my thoughts on this.

>> No.15538391

Why do they think that playing an instrument would still give you an edge in life? They're literally living in an 19th century mindset. In today's day and age, being able to play basketball or any sport would be much more useful in life, and would be ranked much higher on apps as well.

>> No.15538437

Damn, /pol/ is still going on about this retarded fud talking point?

>> No.15538759

that is exactly what i meant tho dumbass

>> No.15538764

Yes, it's been commonly observed that various African ethnic groups (and especially their elite expats) do remarkably well academically and professionally, which either means they lack whatever genetic defects are plaguing the descendants of cotton picking slaves or that said descendants are just incredibly lazy and self-indulgent for cultural reasons.

>> No.15538771

...and despite that, they're almost at the same level as asians... interesting.

>> No.15538971

You didn't say that at all.

>> No.15538997

It could also be that the asians we have in this country are not a representative sample of all asians in asia.
We are getting the best ones.

I agree they probably do the most to actualize the most of their potential which helps game the metrics. That does become a problem if you want your metric to select for those with the most potential and not just those with the most actualized potential.
There have been education reforms in China and Korea that actually try to ban extracurricular studies (can't have cram school past a certain time, I think they also limit them on weekends) and make the public school system offer free afterschool study programs to help the poorer students.
They all engaged in the metric-gaming arms race and performance on the tests just became a function of how much extra time and money a student (mostly depends on parents) had at their disposal and not necessarily intelligence.
Honestly, the metrics would probably perform better if they were just IQ tests you couldn't study for. They would be a better measure of potential and it would save everyone time and money.

Gaming metrics is a part of asian culture.

>> No.15539003

Who cares. They haven't been granting real educations in a while. It's basically a ticket puncher to the your socio-economic elite card where the Uber rich and powerful in the NE send their children to socialize and mingle. The graduate school is basically a money printing machine with far laxer qualification.

If you want a general idea of the level of critical thinking and thought pervading Harvard's undergraduate campus today, go read a couple articles from the Harvard Crimson.