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15536543 No.15536543 [Reply] [Original]

>Racial differences in narcissistic tendencies
>In essence, this explanation suggests that being a member of a stigmatized group may serve as a buffer against adversity because members of devalued groups are able to externalize negative experiences by attributing them to discrimination or prejudice.
>The results of the present studies provide consistent support for racial differences in narcissism such that Black individuals tend to report higher levels of narcissism than White individuals.

>> No.15536544
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>find that niggers are narcisistic
>need to explain it through systemic racism or something of that sort to get the article published

The absolute state of basedence

>> No.15536545

That's a man.

>> No.15536546
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>> No.15537224

Those flowers are all male.

>> No.15537236

>Niggers are spoiled, egocentric, self-obsessed, self-made victims
>This is all a defense mechanism against Whites

>> No.15537621

>spoiled, egocentric, self-obsessed, self-made victims
average university student

>> No.15537680

>live in a society with a centuries long track record of belittling you
>learn to cope by inflating your ego so you aren't in a permanent state of depression instead

That's a no brainer and the article you referenced op seems to agree the same.

>Importantly, these differences only emerged among individuals who refrained from engaging in self-deceptive enhancement which suggests that socially desirable response tendencies may generally mask the fragile nature of the high levels of self-esteem reported by Black individuals. That is, Black individuals may not be completely forthcoming in admitting their insecurities and uncertainties. This possibility was further supported by a subsequent study showing that Black individuals reported significant decreases in self-esteem compared to White individuals when they believed the experimenter would know if they were lying about their feelings of self-worth during a bogus pipeline procedure (Zeigler-Hill et al., submitted for publication, Study 2). Taken together, these results suggest that the high levels of self-esteem reported by Black individuals may be at least somewhat uncertain and possibly inflated.

>The fragile feelings of self-worth reported by Black individuals are consistent in many ways with the classic psychodynamic mask model of narcissism that is derived from the perspectives of Kohut (1966) and Kernberg (1975; see Bosson et al., 2008 or Zeigler-Hill & Jordan, in press, for a review). Despite important differences in their conceptualizations of narcissism, Kohut and Kernberg agree that the grandiosity displayed by narcissists may conceal underlying feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem. That is, the grandiose self-views of narcissists are believed to serve as a façade that disguises their deep-seated negative feelings about themselves

>> No.15537695

Intelligence is correlated with positive moral and ethical traits as well, why can't we just be blunt?

>> No.15537719 [DELETED] 

That's also true.
Niggers in college are extra egocentric for this reason.

>> No.15538289

>i need global warming to be real because otherwise i can't play the noble victim environmentalist role
>i don't care about the evidence, i don't care about the physics, global warming has to be real to allow my to use it as a means of virtue signalling
>i need it for my falsely constructed public image

>> No.15538294


>> No.15538442
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What other groups constantly try to paint themselves as victims as a means of manipulation in order to extract compensation for their imaginary victimhood from the majority population?

>> No.15538488

feminists, environmentalists/animal rights activists, trannys & faggots and every other flavor of sjw

>> No.15538499

Of course. Niggers are gross.

>> No.15539133


>> No.15539233
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This is the hierarchy of shit starters at American universities:
Raised by their white families and given the whole "my son's black is beautiful" treatment, so they have extra nigger entitlement. Slightly smarter than full niggers and know more words, so they can make themselves sound smarter than they are.
>Black men/White women
Black men confidently spit sophistry like it's street poetry and everyone claps. White women are the most consensus seeking creatures on the planet, have been discouraged from racial allegiance, and they're desperate to get in on the oppression scale, so they overcompensate hard and shamelessly use their female vulnerability as a weapon.
>Black women
Like black men, but louder and more frantic. Most just want to get fat and bred by their own, but a good portion are shit starters. The shit starters unconditionally have white boyfriends.
>Asian men
Undersexed, extreme complexes about being labeled feminine. Easily the most zealous about anti-white stuff if they buy into it, but don't have the oppression points to use it as much. Hated by niggers too much to cooperate well or for very long.
Lower ranking on the oppression scale than niggers. Generally too invested in their own cultures to get involved much.
>Asian Women
Embraces hypergamy. Is all talk and really just wants to score that white boyfriend.
>White Men
Gimped by his status as oppressor, even if he gets involved in the shit starting. Worst sin is that he enables others, particularly white women.

>> No.15539639

Good breakdown

>> No.15540547

Was watching it until "Flat Earth", then I stopped.

>> No.15540553

So this is justification for killing blackies?

>> No.15540878

Whats your assessment of homosexuals?

>> No.15540944
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>Gay men
Slowly being escorted out the oppression circus these days, particularly if they're white. Typically still finds ways to assert themselves. Can be a bit of a wild card.
Former top dogs of shit starter hierarchy. White ones are too oblivious to realize they've been demoted and replaced with the nigger spectrum. Most aggressively outspoken among them will stop identifying as gay by late twenties.
Apex shit starters. Shit starters by their very nature. Base their entirety identity entirely around how the perception of others interacts with their own self-image. No one "discovers" their gender on a desert island. Their identity does not exist without your perception and they see your eyes only as mirrors in which to flatter and validate themselves. They think the world is theirs and they act like it.

>> No.15541954

consecutive identical trailing integers consecutively
what are the odds?
must be like a million to one

>> No.15542210

It emphasizes his correctness.

>> No.15542923

>and they're desperate to get in on the oppression scale

>being a member of a stigmatized group may serve as a buffer against adversity because members of devalued groups are able to externalize negative experiences by attributing them to discrimination or prejudice.

so the desire to see yourself as a victim is the desire to pass off all your failures as someone else's fault

>> No.15543332

>so the desire to see yourself as a victim is the desire to pass off all your failures as someone else's fault
Is someone who constantly attempts to evade responsibility for their own actions an adult or a child?

>> No.15544273


>> No.15544368

Is someone who fails to pass the mirror test an adult or a child?

>> No.15545345

You see peoples' desire to proclaim themselves a victim in order to justify theft or violence throughout society. Its rare to find an example of anyone who admits that they killed or stole just because they wanted to

>> No.15546173


>> No.15547365

Theres no reason what that description needs to fit racial minorities exclusively, anyone who identifies as being any kind of minority could fit that description. The self identified "high IQ" science nerds who think that they're different and superior to everyone else fit just as well as your average negro does

>> No.15547370

good breakdown.

>> No.15548513

Bioleninism explained

‘Bioleninism’ describes a familiar phenomenon in Clown World – social rejects coming together to force their will on society at large. A feature of Clown World is that people who normally keep themselves hidden away out of shame are out and proud. Even worse, they are organised and controlling the narrative. Bioleninism is the thread that binds them all. The original Leninism was a kind of slave morality that attracted many of society’s misfits. Much like Christianity in the Roman Empire, which first became popular among slaves, Leninism first became popular among those at the bottom of society. In the case of Russia, it wasn’t slaves but drunkards, prostitutes, petty criminals and those shunned for cruelty. Characteristic of all popular slave moralities is that they bring together the resentful. Christianity did this, the original Communism did this, and now the bottom-feeders of Clown World are coming together to do it again – this is Bioleninism.

>> No.15549340

I wonder if this effect occurs in wiggers too

>> No.15550410

the appealing prospect of attaining negro victim status is probably what attracts them to becoming wiggers to begin with, same thing goes for trannys who want to become feminists and get affirmative action gibes

>> No.15550413

Does the self-loathing taught by Christianity counteract this in any way?

>> No.15550442

Does the self-loathing taught by Buddhism counteract this in any way?

>> No.15550461

Buddhism was made by slaves for slaves.

>> No.15551485

Christianity only causes self loathing in sinners. Just stop jacking off and telling lies and your self loathing will evaporate

>> No.15552414

>science proved that being a negro is a form a mental illness without resorting to the IQ argument
good stuff, but unfortunately negroes can't read so it won't ever have any impact

>> No.15552427

Nice projection fedora-loving kike

>> No.15553380
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>> No.15553394

I love jacking off to novel and interesting things

>> No.15554613

no it wasn't

>> No.15555909

>Buddha, a literal vedic prince

>> No.15556313

reminder that NPDs are the most easy people to manipulate emotionally.

>> No.15556345 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1184x816, average scigolem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be a golem.

>> No.15557211

>Base their entirety identity entirely around how their projection of their self-image onto their imagination of others perception interacts with their own self-image
or in other word they get angry because they presume everyone knows they're pedophiles and child molesters

>> No.15557607

>>live in a society with a centuries long track record of belittling you
>>learn to cope by inflating your ego so you aren't in a permanent state of depression instead
>That's a no brainer and the article you referenced op seems to agree the same.
But native Americans are depressed AF. A delusional level of arrogance and inflated ego is really only present in blacks.

>> No.15558114

you've never met listerine drinkers

>> No.15558849
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>> No.15559503

>wypipo did this
>gibes me dat reparashunz

>> No.15559669 [DELETED] 

That's because you are a dumb golem

>> No.15560530
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its insane for nonconformists to expect acceptance, but the jew media teaches them that they're entitled to it and the result of that is mental illness

>> No.15560649
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>> No.15560787

ding, ding ding, winner, winner chicken dinner

>> No.15561402
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>Black individuals tend to report higher levels of narcissism than White individuals.

>> No.15562269

That explains why he is always trying to kiss himself in the mirror

>> No.15562283


>> No.15562285

just a matter of time and we will start seeing
bionazism too

>> No.15562296

someday science will create a mirror where you
can actually kiss yourself. FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE !!!!

>> No.15563718
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Yes, that is a classically narcissistic activity

>> No.15564797

typical soientist

>> No.15565817

how come the NBA doesn't have to accommodate short basketball players, but science has to accommodate low iq scientist wannabes?

>> No.15567499

There is no answer to this question

>> No.15567523

It's so self evident that sociologists have been using the opposite model for decades, arguing that society is suppressing their self esteem which is consequently lowering Black educational performance.

>> No.15568284

it makes no difference at all if a mentally ill person has an excuse or justification for their insanity, they are still insane and should be locked up in a rubber room until they expire

>> No.15569165

What happens when everyone thinks that they're a victim who deserves to live off of gibes rather than working?

>> No.15570521

It must be because NBA basketball is more important than science, there is no other possible explanation.

>> No.15570538

My fourteen year old sister is a orgasmic GODZILLA.

>> No.15571521

Because the NBA is primarily black and blacks can't do racism, sexism or any other form of bigotry, blacks are all perfect saints

>> No.15572837

>members of devalued groups are able to externalize negative experiences by attributing them to discrimination or prejudice.

so that wouldn't just be racial groups, it would also apply to feminists, homosexuals, trannys, cripples or anyone else who identifies themselves as part any minority group

>> No.15573903

pretty much

>> No.15574973

>blacks are all perfect saints
or how about blacks are so stupid that they can't be held to the same standards as everyone else

>> No.15575299

What's up with these descrimination pay outs?
>Legal papers quietly filed over the summer reveal that a court-appointed special master has recommended paying a total of $91.6 million in damages to just 219 of the plaintiffs in a long-running class-action suit against the former Board of Education — now the Department of Education — over a racially biased certification exam.

>The teachers’ case involves the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test, a state-mandated exam that city educators and job applicants were required to take from 1993 to 2004.
>More than 90 percent of white test-takers passed the 80-question multiple-choice quiz — one version of which asked teachers to explain the meaning of a painting by pop artist Andy Warhol.
>But black applicants scored passing grades only between 51 and 62 percent of the time, and Latinos had an even lower passing rate, just 47 to 55 percent.
>The failures resulted in full-time teachers getting demoted to substitutes and prevented aspiring educators from getting hired.

>> No.15576218

imagine getting a half million dollar reward for failing an exam

>> No.15577382


>> No.15577413

by god, I'd be richer than elon

>> No.15578212

>schizoid shut ins and bully victims >believes themselves to be the true masters

>> No.15579113
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>muh /pol/ boogeyman!!!!

>> No.15580176
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>> No.15580991
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>brown people get cash prizes for failing
Ever play the game Mass Effect? There's an alien species in that game called the Krogan. Krogans are basically overgrown frog beasts that are almost impossible to kill and breed like crazy. They irreparably fucked their own planet with nuclear war and were only given spacefaring technology by another species because they were useful in a big galactic conflict. That conflict ends and the Krogan immediately become a problem. They start a new war, kill billions, invade recklessly, destroy everything they touch, and become the biggest threat ever to every civilization, anywhere. Intelligent life is doomed if this continues. To defeat the Krogan, the race that uplifted them engineers a virus that makes them infertile and devastates their race. That virus is presented as the biggest moral important dilemma in the series, but the writers clearly want you to think it's evil. Most players feel the same way, too. In the eyes of virtually everyone, making the Krogan sterile was unnecessary and unforgivable, even when faced with total destruction. Comparing the Krogan to Africans is the obvious joke. That's not the thing worth noting. The part that really matters is that the Krogan are worse than Africans. They're worse than even the most bigoted caricature of the blackest retard gorilla nigger you can picture. They are the worst case scenario, and yet here is everyone unanimously agreeing that the universe doesn't have a right to defend itself against the archetypal space niggers. There is no thought experiment extreme enough that the average person would turn against a nigger analog. That's the reality the fiction shows. Logic is being completely circumvented. There is literally nothing these people wouldn't allow niggers to do, nothing they wouldn't give them, no excuses they wouldn't make. I hope none of you are waiting around for things to get too silly, because there is no ceiling. The nigger heuristic has no brakes.

>> No.15581170
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>> No.15582620

Humanity is a species that once happily hunted woolly mammoths, dodos, and many other species to extinction. All is not lost

>> No.15583904
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i hope you're right about that

>> No.15584392

>There's an alien species in that game called the Krogan. Krogans are basically overgrown frog beasts that are almost impossible to kill and breed like crazy.
There's an american cartoon series called Black Dynamite I came across once.
One of the scenarios was about a character called Kurtis the Frog

>> No.15584503

>Most aggressively outspoken among them will stop identifying as gay by late twenties.
college gay takes a while to work out of their system

>> No.15585995

I guess being a mason explains how he manages to be successful in science without being able to contribute

>> No.15586020

don't they already accommodate women? Kinda the same thing really.

>> No.15586048

>prevented aspiring educators from getting hired
But that's the whole point of the exam.

>> No.15586068

puffing up black egos is a trillion dollar business. also works with women.


>> No.15586099

>>learn to cope by inflating your ego so you aren't in a permanent state of depression instead
That makes sense.
Seems the native Americans took a different route. They mainly cope through alcohol, which their people did not evolve to handle. They become unbearable on the stuff

>> No.15587439

WNBA is full of men

>> No.15588732

How many people here on /sci/ self identify as part of a stigmatized minority group? Anyone?
Any jews, homosexuals, trannys, naturally born females or shitskins here?
What about people who presume that they're of superior intelligence and the world wasn't organized for their benefit as it should have been? Do we have any of there here on /sci/ with us?
How about environmentalists or animal rights activists who feel that their unusual concerns and minority viewpoints aren't taken seriously enough?


>> No.15590429

>They mainly cope through alcohol
false, they get more gibes and affirmative action than any other group, except jews of course

>> No.15592233

>What about people who presume that they're of superior intelligence and the world wasn't organized for their benefit as it should have been?
whats the deal with people who think that they're smart but also paradoxically can't figure out how to get what they want?

>> No.15594009


>> No.15595038 [DELETED] 

Whites do this all the time when they talk about Jewish conspiracies. Somehow, according to their own doctrine, Jews are subhumans yet capable of tricking and manipulating whites with ease.

>> No.15596446

>negroes have personality disorders
that explains why although they are only 13% of the population, they commit over 60% of all violent crime

>> No.15596819

>Somehow, according to their own doctrine, Jews are subhumans yet capable of tricking and manipulating whites with ease.
So they're NEETs?

>> No.15598281

whats the deal with people who think that they're smart but also paradoxically can't figure out how to get what they want and who as a result spend their entire lives suffering from the frustration and anger brought on my cognitive dissonance until they die young either at their own hand or as a result of their own action without ever figuring out the paradox of being a failure while presuming that you're highly intelligent rather than learning from past mistakes and by observing others who are doing better than you and subsequently changing course to become successful?

>> No.15599908

>cognitive dissonance
People who can hold two conflicting ideas in their head without realizing it and trying to resolve them are low IQ people

>> No.15600876

it also means that he has gay buttsex with underaged boys

>> No.15600950

It's like this because people are too comfortable and can afford to moralize and generally behave suboptimally from a survival standpoint. I know the collapse is a meme, but history shows that worse times will come, and that will force people to act more rationally or face death instead.

>> No.15601102

Niggers are the women of race.

>> No.15601258


>> No.15602598

Good article

>> No.15603561

another black soience man thread?

>> No.15604483

That seems to be the case