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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15530489 No.15530489 [Reply] [Original]

>"the universe is actually just a bunch of little balls moving around."
>"color isn't real, the experience of color is just caused by little balls hitting the eye and then that causing a cascade of little balls to move around in the brain."
>"smell isn't really either."
>"these are just created by evolution for survival benefit, the brain constructs reality."
>"except three dimensional space is absolutely real as is volume and depth and spin, and little balls can have these."
>"this idea is scientific even though it was proposed as early as the dawn of philosophy and is definitely not itself the result of the structure of the human sensory system."

Uh, don't people just feel more comfortable thinking about little balls moving in space because models of this sort can be cross checked in everyday experience by touch, sight, the vestibular sense, and hearing (sounds are perceived to come from a given direction)? It seems like our ability to conceive of reality breaks down at very large scales (relativity) and very small ones (quantum mechanics), which makes sense if only medium sized objects were relevant to survival. But then this suggests that our preconceptions are just likely to be wrong in general. Discrete objects don't even seem to exist, there are no closed systems, "little ball," analogies are just relying on a model backed by 4 senses instead of all of them.

>> No.15530496


>> No.15530497

OP you are such a midwit. You're not an egghead like you think. You don't compete with the big boys. Lousy faggot.

Your theory was interdastish to say the least

>> No.15530756

>OP you are such a midwit.
That's being a bit generous to him

>> No.15530760

Where does it mention I accept critique from faggots? Huh? (You're a faggot and I dislike you)

>> No.15530789

>little babby discovers solipsism

>> No.15531499

I like collecting all the schizo youtube videos

>> No.15531572
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>that opening track
flat earth is a glow op for retards though

>> No.15531576

it's not just archaic, it's also gay
>you're being assaulted by balls by all five senses
>this is okay
fucking faggot, come up with a new theory you exhibitionist queer

>> No.15532094


OP, I think you like little balls.

>> No.15533322

they are not balls. they are points.
balls have a volume. they are three dimensional. the points are just information at a specific location.

>> No.15533327

>He's not a boltzman brain just making incoherent judgements about reality

>> No.15533961

The little balls aren't real either. Nor is the concept of "space" as a plane/field real either.

Particles are bound to a 2-dimensional reality, possibly less, and our mind just creates a 3d subfield for all the objects to stay afloat.

>> No.15533973

>the universe consisting of particles means that senses aren't real
what bollocks is this? kastrupian-tier fallacy.

>> No.15534033
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Autists uses the crutch called "matter" (and now, "fields")
Schizos uses the crutch called "spirit"
Everyone have to use some sort of crutch to model and predict the physical experiences to function.
The problem with autists is that they arbitrarily defined some experiences as "outter" while others as "inner" and completely invalidate "inner" experiences and try to reduce them to a function of "outter" experiences.
The problem with schizos is they don't have enough attention span to model anything and would rather just escape to their own inner worlds.

>> No.15534038

It's okay to get frustrated with the idea of abstraction at first, it's not comfortable! The more you get used to it the easier the math to do it becomes.

>> No.15534040

>which makes sense if only medium sized objects were relevant to survival.
single cellular organisms, found the mistake, post disregarded, checkmate chud, go back to /pol/, etc faggot etc

>> No.15534068
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>The problem with schizos is they don't have enough attention span to model anything
this isnt true, these things have been modeled for 1000's of years. It just isnt taught anymore because our school systems are built to train retards to be good wagie slaves, not enlightened thinkers. You can find the models but you have to ...... wait for it ....... actually look for them! But to want to go looking for them you first had to be smart enough to figure out what you are being taught doesnt add up, /sci/ werent smart enough to figure that out hence why they never went looking for them and had to spoonfed them by me

>> No.15534085

kek btw I knock you guys all the time as retards but I dont really mean it. There are a lot here but not all of you. If I believed that I wouldnt waste my time here. I am just knocking down your egos a notch so you realize you arent a gigabrain genius, you are just one of billions who has been brainwashed your entire life and were better at memorizing the brainwashing than the other retards you shared classes with. When you are young you are just interested in trying to learn what you need to in order to get good grades and graduate and get into a good uni. You are so busy trying to be a good memorizer you dont have the time to question any of it. That comes later. I have faith in you little faggots and came here to save you the wasted time believing in nonsense by teaching you what it took me decades to figure out. The future is what you make it homos dont waste the gifts you were given by people who did all the work before you were even a forethought

>> No.15534122


correct. egotistic basedientists can't cope with this fact. idealism is real. gg no re

>> No.15534146

>these things have been modeled for 1000's of years
Like what the tree of life? That's as general as it come. Which schzio model is detailed enough you can build a bridge or computer with? None.
If the schizos have the attention span to actually autistically model experiences like autists do we wouldn't be in this materialistic paradigm.
Point is autists put in the hardwork and thus we have this computer and internet we are typing on.
Schizos might be right about the big picture but they just want to alt-f4 on a mat.

>> No.15534165

Well the tree of life is one sure, the vedic model is the most accurate imo but you are talking about modeling things you can not sense with your corporeal senses using strictly math and logic (we assume who knows what other people's minds have been able to access in the past in this regard). These are the same methods quackademia uses who models are dogshit in comparison so what is the problem?

>> No.15534168
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>t. model

>> No.15534172

in fact here you go I have something for you, try this


then this


if you want all the math it is all there on the website

>> No.15534183

btw thw author of the first link is an AUTIST schizo

Sadaputa Dasa wrote eight books, produced six videos on science and philosophy, and wrote many articles for scientific journals and for Back to Godhead. His last book was titled God & Science: Divine Causation and the Laws of Nature. His previous book Maya: The World As Virtual Reality explains how this world can be considered a virtual reality. His explanation accommodates empirical evidence for many phenomena that contemporary theories of consciousness cannot explain. Another book, Mysteries of the Sacred Universe, discusses evidence of advanced astronomical knowledge in India’s ancient Puranas.

>> No.15534188

oops forgot this part

In 1974, he received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Cornell University, where he specialized in probability theory and statistical mechanics. He went on to do research in quantum physics and mathematical biology at the State University of New York at Binghamton, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, and the La Jolla Institute in San Diego.

>> No.15534192
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where schizo meets autism is where the magic happens

>> No.15534205

Look, I don't care about some abstract math or theory on either side.
Which schizo model have been meticulous enough that it yielded applicable technology? It's a simple question.
Last time I took a detour around /x/ schzios are saying aliens runs on techs based on consciousness that allows them to pull phaseshift FTLs.
I don't want to hear anymore theortical bullshits. If schizos are going to talk to talk then they better walk the walk.
Make something instead of putting words on paper.

>> No.15534207

>which schizo model have been meticulous enough that it yielded applicable technology? It's a simple question

Tesla and Viktor Shauberger (third Reich),

>> No.15534211

I mean you could all of science itself since it was the schizos who invented the shit. materialist hacks just hijacked it and haven't produced anything

>> No.15534212

funny you mentioned the internet above and gave the autists credit for it. you know what the network is called? ETHERnet

>> No.15534227

Right and which operational piece of technology today are based on these gentlemen and is outside the models of mainstream science?
Why wouldn't I give autists credit for it.
Last time I checked people didn't summon a network with a pentagram from the ether with their mind.

>> No.15534236

>Right and which operational piece of technology today are based on these gentlemen and is outside the models of mainstream science?
things that dont let people like us know about. Free energy, anti-gravity, probably multi-dimensional devices to travel to other dimensions (die glocke). Did you know bell labs did experiments with a monoatomic elements called ormous (this is monoatomic gold) that would vibrate in and out of the 3rd dimensions? Do you know the Egyptians knew about and consumed this material that is found naturally occurring in the environment?

>Last time I checked people didn't summon a network from the ether with their mind.
They didn't? Where do ideas come from in your paradigm? Your pentagrams in your ass?

>> No.15534247

>that would vibrate in and out of the 3rd dimensions?
When I say this I mean they would be weighing it and it literally just disappear

>> No.15534254

>things that dont let people like us know about
Right. Look, it's the age of internet. If somebody's got something and they spam it all over the net nobody can do anything about it.
I mean you are spamming stuff right now.
Point is, either schzios are completely wrong about everything, or they are too scatterbrained to put it all together and produce a piece of workable technology.
Logically only one of these two is true and you know it.

>> No.15534259

bitch I just told you the technology exists. I said "they" dont tell you about it because it is black ops classified shit. I didnt say you couldnt find it if you go looking. I can post patents and websites all day. I document all of this shit on my website. It is all there for anyone who looks

>> No.15534262

seal effect generator, Hutchinson effect, Philadelphia experiment, foo fighters, wardenclyffe towers, I could go on and on

>> No.15534263

*rodin coils

do you know what a rodin coil is? Do you know what coral castle is and how it was built? You are a fag that hasnt done the work and are saying things dont exist when you simply dont know what you are talking about

>> No.15534266

btw add eric dollard, eric hutchison and makro rodin to the above list

>> No.15534267

>I didnt say you couldnt find it if you go looking
So you have it then? Can I see?
The anti-gravity one would be nice.

>> No.15534268

I meant John Hutchison

>> No.15534270




>> No.15534271


this was for you my bad >>15534270

>> No.15534274

Interesting video.
Now where's the blueprints so people can do reproducibility tests.

>> No.15534275

the blueprints and patent number are shown in the video ffs fag

>> No.15534276

Come on now, if you are serious link a pdf.

>> No.15534278
File: 491 KB, 1366x768, wallacepatent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc what am I your nanny?

>> No.15534283

you can find countless videos of live demonstrations of rodin coils and searl effect generators with a simple jewgle search faggot

>> No.15534288

btw you can find videos of retired employees of skunkworks who will tell you they have built these

>> No.15534289

Listen, at this day and age for stuff like these videos means jack.
What is the mainstream science in deep for right now? Producibility Crisis.
If you are actually a high level schizo in the know, you would have checked out blueprints to make sure they are legit instead of getting duped by easily faked videos right?
Just link the damn things if you got them.

>> No.15534291

Son there isnt a man on this planet smart enough to dupe me

>> No.15534296



>> No.15534300

Which is honestly still fine in my opinion since concious observation of the universe is entirely subjective.

>> No.15534323


>> No.15534355

kill yourself retarded tripfag

>> No.15534369

>the technology exists!!!!
>ok, where is it?
>da gubberment is keeping it hidden!!!
>ok, then how do you know it exists?
lol, schizos are always so funny

>> No.15534385

>the government doesnt have classified technology
stupid people are funner than "schizos" will ever be

>> No.15534387
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btw I know it is you schizo, you can never hide from

>> No.15534391

>>the government doesnt have classified technology
who are you quoting, schizo? are you also illiterate?

>> No.15534398

kys psychotic moron

>> No.15534401

who are you quoting? are you even capable of writing one single on-topic reply?
you can only pivot because you're a schizo with zero answers

>> No.15534820

>the universe is actually just a bunch of little balls moving around
This has been debunked by quantum mechanics, incel.

>> No.15534834
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>> No.15534857

no it has not, faggoterino.

>> No.15534877

>particles in qm are little balls

>> No.15534897

>qm is correct

>> No.15535027


>> No.15535334

Single celled organisms are medium sized you retard. They are classical bodies.

>> No.15535336

>people just feel more comfortable thinking about little balls moving in space
Only so long as they don't touch. Things get messy when the small balls interact.

>> No.15535607

hands down, one of the best documentaries regarding cosmology and the plane we are inhabiting
me too, but once in a while, it's good to add grounded ones like this
>"if i call it glow op, i can still hang on to my globe earth programming"
hang in there, fella, your mental well being takes precedence over anything else

>> No.15536631
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oops! looks like you forgot to clear the name field faggot.