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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 154 KB, 720x420, aspartame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15530405 No.15530405 [Reply] [Original]

For years, /sci/ has championed that aspartame was absolutely safe. Since it was used for decades, and the science was proven. It was a safe and reliable replacement for sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.

But now, it's been discovered that it is INDEED a carcinogen.

What now, /sci/?

>> No.15530422

Everything is a possible carcinogen nowadays.
Like boric acid or titanium dioxide. Stuff that has been used for decades everywhere is suddenly, for no reason at all, considered (((possibly carcinogenic))).

>> No.15530600
File: 65 KB, 586x341, california cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're obviously trying to cyclamate it so they can replace it with something patented.
>The released study was showing that eight out of 240 rats fed a mixture of saccharin and cyclamates, at levels equivalent to humans ingesting 550 cans of diet soda per day, developed bladder tumors.
>Abbott Laboratories claimed that its own studies were unable to reproduce the 1969 study's results, and, in 1973, Abbott petitioned the FDA to lift the ban on cyclamate. This petition was eventually denied in 1980 by FDA Commissioner Jere Goyan.

>> No.15531089

scientists will lie about anything in order to make money for themselves.

>> No.15531092

lucky for me i've always expressly avoided aspartame because it tastes nasty

>> No.15531097

people who share those headlines have no clue how oncology works whatsoever

>> No.15531102

I remember every other week there was an article about how sausages gave you cancer and other shit back in the day.

>> No.15531110

What is cyclomate derived from?

>> No.15531155

it's not a lie if someone says "We don't know much right now, we'll fund some research, but as far as we can tell it's safe," and then they do research and admit they were wrong. Why are you trying to pathologize a series of independent people's actions like it's some godking's decision every single thing that happens in society?

>> No.15531206
File: 83 KB, 653x654, 1682537574951653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shopping for bike tools
>according to California the lockring remover I want will give me ball cancer

Just live your fucking life, anything could kill you under the right circumstances.

>> No.15531209

It a bit unfair how I can do anything off the top of my head. I'd have no competition and it would be a simple as tensing my hand led on bed thinking 'do my best'

>> No.15531257

i don't give a fuck what is declared carcinogenic at this point.

>> No.15531279

I find your behaviour quite toxic tbqh senpai

>> No.15531295


>> No.15531308

i find your behavior carcinogenic.

>> No.15531336

Coal tar probably.

>> No.15531359

>Don't believe in X
>New evidence comes out
>Now believe in X
I don't see the problem here.

>> No.15531365

I mean, I'm pretty fearless myself, but for some reason I'm still heartbroken at times, in placidness. Seems to be some logic involved. I might not be stupid.

>> No.15531385

>For years, /sci/ has championed that aspartame was absolutely safe.
/sci/ is not a person, nor a unified group.

>> No.15531426

the people I know have always said aspertame was toxic garbage

>> No.15531506

didn't read, please kill yourself retarded tripfag

>> No.15531507

midwits regurgitating """facts""" from conspiratards so that they can feel smart

>> No.15531516

dont care
still better than sugar
still drinking diet sodas

>> No.15531549

Thank you literal who on Twitter.

>> No.15531555

Same always felt sick after drinking that zero sugar stuff with it in it
Was it true it turns into wood alcohol at room
Anyway these additives need to be take out

>> No.15531559
File: 312 KB, 1080x1473, 8639BF26-2946-4930-BC46-F78AAC4A9DB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be grateful California is the only state looking out for the rest of America

>> No.15531607
File: 627 KB, 690x862, 1660238292397485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unspecified "other countries" did something therefore it's good
The only thing I'm grateful for is that California is thousands of miles from me and has zero influence on my life other than providing entertainment (and not the movie kind).

>> No.15531654

Thus always to califags

>> No.15531670

I'm new on sci, I'm used to be on out.
Are you the average user ? Are all sci users as retarded as you ?

>> No.15531768

Pol "people" believe there is always some big bad controller, presiding over everything everywhere. It comes from a juvenile mind.

>> No.15531794

stay obsessed lmao

>> No.15531829

Go back.

>> No.15531838
File: 2.99 MB, 2812x2522, Bad Vax Coverup Propagandas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that couldn't possibly be it.

>> No.15531847

Literal Facebook boomer tier 'infographics'. Yes you're very educated and special.

>> No.15531883

>seething glowie government big corporation noises

>> No.15531903


>> No.15532061

so how does an artificial sweetener change your dna?

this shit is not adding up

>> No.15532071

The preservatives in the sausages? Absolutely.

>> No.15532140

>nitrates cause cancer
better stop eating lettuce too, its filled with nitrates, so is every other plant.

>> No.15532142

This board is hoarded of obese people ngl enjoy your aspartcuck.
Sugar is glucose/fructose and is the most efficient carburant for life.
And some fat fucks you can't control their urge to be fat obese cucks wanted to replace sugar with aspartame even tho if it's highly correlated to diabete 2.
Sci = fat cucks

>> No.15532147

the glownigger janissary admits defeat

>> No.15532297

What part of "possible" do you morons not understand? If you read the article, it's obvious that it's not really based on any good science. They didn't even take the amount consumed into account. It's just like...
Drinking that much soda would kill you from water poisoning, so cancer would be the least of your worries. Part of me wonders if these medical researchers just hate rats and want to torture them.

>> No.15532318

>leaked reports that the World Health Organization's (WHO) sub-agency for cancer research (IARC) intends to classify the common low-calorie sweetener aspartame as "possibly carcinogenic," the same classification IARC applies to using aloe vera and eating pickled vegetables
So, maybe it's possibly as carcinogenic as pickles, perhaps. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.15532611

/sci/ is pretty fucking stupid, they refused to acknowledge that NAC and the nicotine from cigarettes smoking prevented covid virus infection, shit turned out to be true

>> No.15532614

that's only cuz your lungs are so fucked even covid can't live there

>> No.15532622

We've known that for years already

>> No.15532632
File: 245 KB, 460x431, 1630946718997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DHMO is no joke

>> No.15534277
File: 134 KB, 1920x1516, british doctor's study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cigarettes only cause early mortality in people who smoke past 40 years old

>> No.15534290

I too believe that in 1995 we already knew everything there is to know about the body and substances.

>> No.15534615


Nice one, Punchy!

>> No.15534642

The chemical difference between nitrates in sausages and nitrates in leafy vegetables lies in their respective forms and how they are processed within the body.

In sausages, nitrates are commonly present in the form of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) or sodium nitrite (NaNO2). These compounds are added as preservatives to enhance the color, flavor, and shelf life of processed meats. During the cooking process, nitrites can undergo a chemical reaction with amines in meat to form nitrosamines, which are known to be potentially carcinogenic.

On the other hand, nitrates in leafy vegetables occur naturally and are primarily in the form of potassium nitrate (KNO3). Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, and kale, absorb nitrates from the soil and convert them into nitrites through enzymatic processes. These naturally occurring nitrites have a different fate in the body compared to the nitrites formed during meat processing.

The key difference is how these nitrates/nitrites are metabolized in the body. In leafy vegetables, the nitrites are converted into nitric oxide (NO), a beneficial molecule that plays a crucial role in various physiological processes. Nitric oxide helps to relax and dilate blood vessels, thus improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. It also supports the immune system, aids in oxygen delivery to tissues, and promotes cardiovascular health.

The health benefits associated with nitrates in leafy vegetables stem from their conversion into nitric oxide, which positively influences several aspects of human health. However, it's important to note that excessive intake of nitrates from any source, including vegetables, can have adverse effects. High levels of nitrate consumption, particularly from contaminated water or excessive intake of nitrate-rich foods, can lead to a condition called methemoglobinemia, which affects the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.

>> No.15534656

yes, the problem is smoking for a long time without breaks like chain smokers do
your lungs heal given the time, like everything in life the dose is what determines the poison

>> No.15534661

Safe and effective normalgroid remover. I don't see the problem.

>> No.15534662

Shut your fucking anti-sweetener mouth, you fucking retard piece of shit. Artificial sweeteners are perfectly safe. Trust the science.

>> No.15534677

>we incubated this cell culture with 10000mg/kg of aspartame for 6 months and it showed signs of cancer
so how does it cause cancer
>it just does, okay?

>> No.15534760 [DELETED] 

She voted for it.

>> No.15534769
File: 30 KB, 600x600, frog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save your faeces for a month just to throw it all at a random woman
Dangerously based.

>> No.15535413 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 569x490, 4scianon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is probably the lowest iq board on 4chan, thats what makes it so fun. also the massive discrepancy between the average /sci/ poster's real iq and their self assessed iq really adds to the amusement level.

>> No.15535611

I cannot comprehend how medical science is able to even function with how retarded their methodology is.

>> No.15535612

Life expectancy has dropped precipitously since the 90s, so the answer is that it isn't functioning.

>> No.15536504

zoomers are the first generation to have a lower life expectancy than their parents, yet they're the ones who are zealots about trusting "the sºyence"
they must be extremely low iq

>> No.15537584

thanks for the globohomo soience spam, chatgpt

>> No.15538525

>everything must happen at random and by accident
>because i'm an atheist
but also
>everyone who posts anything i disagree with is definitely part of an organized raid from /pol/

>> No.15539580
File: 67 KB, 700x464, vegans are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have an eating disorder, go see a psychiatrist

>> No.15539708

Do not eat ze meat it's also a carcinogen. You vill be happier eating ze bug

>> No.15539715

This was a really long winded way of telling me you bought into propaganda

>> No.15539724

and people like you contribute to its retardation

>> No.15539726

If our metric of human safety is "might cause harmful effects" realistically all non-fruit veggies are off limits for oxalic acid reasons. Corn wheat and rice are known to heavily uptake lead, and all of your root vegetables are even worse for lead as well as cadmium and arsenic. Beans contain protein analogues that cause disease if eaten in too high quantities or undercooked. Guess we gotta stop eating those too.

>> No.15539730

and you're part of the problem shiteater

>> No.15539732
File: 287 KB, 1920x2560, 71Lc4BRvswS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat ze powda

>> No.15539745

Nope, that contains onions, which has the aforementioned protein analogue problem, as well as limiting estrogen uptake in the human body by binding with weak affinity to the same receptors and hogging the space a molecule with real effects would provide, which can make people very sick. Try again.

>> No.15539769

It contains no ꜱoy, goy

>> No.15539771

Oh my bad, it's three different grains (lead contamination), and peas (still a bean). Oh and Flaxseed, which has all sorts of unsaturated fat problems. Like I said retard, try again, find a food without a health risk.

>> No.15539858

Meanwhile stevia in vip getting numbers

>> No.15539866

You know, I was thinking about them beans

>> No.15539869
File: 47 KB, 640x621, 13246357485769754353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't thought of this image in years topkek

>> No.15539870

How many days must we have such an autistic wordfilter, are jannies awake? Someone needs to unfilter s o y thanks

>> No.15539872

You have to go back.

>> No.15539926

During the last 30 years i have drank on average 4 liters of aspratame containing liquid every day.

>> No.15540005

Unsaturated fats are good for you, they reduce LDL. You posted no studies suggesting a dangerous level of lead contamination. Typical sci schizo.

>> No.15540743

its funny seeing the people who've consumed tons of carcinogenic aspartame ITT defending their stupid mistake because they're too lame to ever admit that they could have been wrong about anything.

>> No.15540771

So what exactly will change if the FDA puts it as a "possible carcinogenic"?
I assume they will not outright ban it, I also assume that multi billion dollar companies will fund anything to get it off the list because it's a high profit market. Scientific research became pretty much a joke, where institutes research everything when they receive multi million dollar research money. I saw it first hand at the institute I was working at a couple of years ago. We even joked about certain projects we worked on because they were so stupid but made so much money.

>> No.15541066

Artificial sugars were always worse than common sugar. What else is new? If you can't handle sugar maybe stop ingesting it at all instead of trying to cheat your way out of it
Isn't it funny how fatties stay fat despite falling for cola light meme?

>> No.15541943

caffeine is unpalatable to juvenile palates without sweeteners because caffeine is bitter

>> No.15541978
File: 1.20 MB, 1x1, HeavymetalaccumulationinriceOryzasativanearelectronicwastedumpsandrelatedhumanhealthriskassessment3.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15543115

>I saw it first hand at the institute I was working at a couple of years ago. We even joked about certain projects we worked on because they were so stupid but made so much money.
I had the a similar experience working for a federal government agency that was getting $100 million annually for a 20 year old project which had shown no sign of progress during it's entire lifetime. Regardless the failure, the project was a top priority and changing anything about it to make it work was off limits, because if that happened there was a risk of the problem the project was supposedly working on being fixed, which would mean the end of the cashflow

>> No.15544126

>pissing in an ocean of piss

>> No.15544134

>it's been discovered that it is INDEED a carcinogen.
by the same agency that refuses to correlate COVID with Wuhan's biolabs

>> No.15544137

fuck you

>> No.15544142

There's one brand of hot dog that gets its nitrates from celery extract, but I don't recall which

>> No.15544149

>/sci/ is probably the lowest iq board on 4chan
I'm from /tv/ and we won't stand for this

>> No.15544152

>zoomers are the first generation to have a lower life expectancy than their parents
their parents aren't suicidal troons obsessed with piercings and gummies

>> No.15544156

>The study site is located in the Khong Chai district of the Kalasin Province in Thailand
>The rice field was located near an open E-waste dumping area
This may come as a surprise to you but in most developed nations, rice fields are not right next to electronics dumps

>> No.15544158

>Corn wheat and rice are known to heavily uptake lead, and all of your root vegetables are even worse for lead as well as cadmium and arsenic.
And you have studies indicating that these foodstuffs as found on supermarket shelves (individually and in processed food) are high in those elements?

>> No.15544171

Aspartame ("NutraSweet") was accidentally discovered by a scientist working on kidney function who stuck his finger into it then tasted it not knowing where it had been.
It was absolutely rushed to market in the 80s and it made news for that at the time. Its popularity outside of processed food was substantially cut back by the fact that it breaks down under heat, meaning it's useless for baking or cooking and can only be added to room temperature products. That being said, no researchers in the last 40 years have discovered what WHO did, and the cyclamates brouhaha (let's give rats the equivalent of 500 diet sodas in one day) is warning about appropriate testing for toxicity.

>> No.15544174

>there is no lead anywhere else in the world
Just like animals have the potential to raise the temperature of the planet, these plants have the potential to harm humans. These grounds are enough to ban them outright.

>> No.15545307

>Just like animals have the potential to raise the temperature of the planet,
they don't

>> No.15546146

newfags don't get this meme

>> No.15546151
File: 146 KB, 750x500, 1684103392727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought people knew aspartame was toxic for years already?

>t. pic related

>> No.15547378
File: 90 KB, 750x500, 1688665196122240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't happen like that by accident

>> No.15547392

I'm literally discussing issues of heavy metals and hormones you fucking sperg, learn to read dipshit

>> No.15548774

Correct, the temperature of our planet is determined by the sun

>> No.15549194

Interesting. The nice scientists said something was safe, turns out they were lying. I am detecting some kind of pattern.

>> No.15550372
File: 42 KB, 850x400, einstein says soyentist are shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kind of toxic shilling is how scientists make money

>> No.15550397

>take a small dose of poison every day for months
>develop chronic health condition
>"Well, it can't be the poison because I've been taking it all this time and this condition only started recently!"

>> No.15550409

>muh dihydrogen monoxide
>heheheh I'm so smurt
You're downplaying the real dangers of all the toxic chemicals used in industrial food processing which are literally slowly poisoning the entire population just so you can act smug about chemical names.

>> No.15550436

>correlation is causation

>> No.15550459

>toxic chemicals used in industrial food processing
>distracting from the fact that unprocessed food is loaded with everything from the periodic table that is harmful and poor in everything from the periodic table what we need
Coincidence? I think not. For example: Dutch government pushes bread to prevent iodine deficiency. Another example: anemia from iron deficiency is a frequent world wide problem. See PubMed for countless studies over many decades to make plants more rich in iron and poorer in anti-nutrients. Still no results to be found in the grocery stores. What a joke. They fuck with us on purpose, especially the more educated are more naïve.

>> No.15550466

Tobacco industry used this sort of rhetoric. Now pharma and food industry will confuse, deny and distract anyway they can until they can't anymore.

>> No.15550500

You are correct.
Did you know that if you stop taking in enough of a necessary vitamin it will also take months for symptoms of vitamin deficiency to start and then once your stores of the vitamin are so depleted that it causes health problems it can take months of increasing intake of that vitamin to alleviate the symptoms of that deficiency? This is in large part why vitamin deficiencies are under-diagnosed and often overlooked by people.

Let's say you stop eating dairy and seafood and then months later you start to experience symptoms of iodine deficiency but you don't know that's the cause. "Of course, it can't be the lack of dairy and seafood in my diet causing these symptoms," you think to yourself, "I stopped eating those things months ago and these symptoms just started last week!"

Chronic conditions developed from the slow but consistent dose of toxic substances in the environment or food supply are the same way. "It can't be the aspartame causing my symptoms, I've been drinking Diet Coke for YEARS and this cancer only developed last month!" But no one stops to consider the fact that consuming Diet Coke regularly for so long is exactly why it eventually caught up to making you sick. Changes in the body don't happen overnight, it's actually very resilient. Conditions develop unnoticed for a very long time and you only notice when they get so bad that they become disruptive.

See also, people developing diabetes "suddenly" in their 30s and 40s and being surprised because, "I never had to worry about my sugar consumption as a kid or in my teens or in my twenties!" But again, that reckless over-consumption is what actually CAUSED the diabetes and it just took a long time of consistent poor habits for your body to actually fail and develop a disruptive disease.

>> No.15550512

The phrase, "Everything is made of chemicals," is one of the most genius and effective pieces of propaganda I can think of in recent years. It not only gets people to never look into how their food is made and simply accept being poisoned by corporations for profit, it gets many people to actively defend those very corporations for doing it.

>> No.15551437

>Still no results to be found in the grocery stores
they have steaks in grocery stores

>> No.15552465

>I cannot comprehend how medical science is able to even function with how retarded their methodology is.
Its doesn't, medical error is now the leading cause of death

>> No.15553526

>medical error is now the leading cause of death
no matter how sick you are, going to a doctor is only going to make things worse

>> No.15554065

It's no error.

>> No.15555065

Lol based.

>> No.15556241

Yep, doctors enjoy murdering patients and getting away with it

>> No.15556292

I'm still working on my 6-11 servings of Bread, Cereal, Rice, & Pasta. Surely it's for optimal health.

>> No.15556550

People forget 2 very important things about the food pyramid:
1. The food pyramid was literally designed to help people survive as well as possible on sparse rations during the war, so of course grains and starches were the foundation of that because they're very cheap and very filling. They just never stopped pushing the food pyramid because agricultural lobbyists liked using it to generate business.
2. Grains were a lot less adulterated back when the food pyramid was made, and they had a lot more nutrition in them. Bread didn't have to be artificially fortified because they hadn't yet bred all wheat to have near-nonexistent wheat germs that would be removed entirely to enhance shelf stability.

>> No.15556555

The food pyramid didn't exist until 1995

>> No.15556584

I don't care when they actually decided to shape it into a literal pyramid (which is actually something that started in the 1970s), I'm talking about the basis of the recommendations and when they were actually created in the first place.

>The food pyramid has its origins not in recommendations for a balanced diet but in food shortages. The USDA released the Basic 7 food guide in 1943 to help U.S. citizens cope with food rationing during World War II. As its name indicates, this guide divided foods into seven groups, among them bread and cereals, several covering fruits and vegetables, and meat and poultry. In Sweden in the 1970s, the National Board of Health and Welfare was tasked with tackling rising food costs. It came up with two food groups, titled “basic” and “supplementary.” This was a nutritionally problematic categorization, however, because “supplementary” foods included fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish. The Swedish government also relied on a dietary circle that resembled a cake divided into seven pieces. It did not tell the reader how much to consume of each piece.

tl;dr - Expensive foods in short supply during WW2 (meat chief among them) were discouraged and cheap foods that were more abundant were encouraged. These guidelines just stuck around forever and the USDA memoryholed the original purpose of them for profit after shortages stopped being a problem.

>> No.15556631

Even taking 1960's food, you can't tell me 6 servings of carbs was good for anyone, even if the serving sizes were smaller.

>> No.15556643

It's better than starving, that's all I'm saying. I agree that those guidelines shouldn't be pushed on a population that isn't trying to avoid starvation in a food crisis during a world war.

>> No.15557224

masonic symbology

>> No.15557530

The problem isn't the liars. The problem is the people going to the liars for their information.

>> No.15557686
File: 38 KB, 896x896, 1654849703927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food is scarce
>government: eat more food. here's a chart

>> No.15557708

>certain foods are scarce
>government: eat these particular foods: here's a chart

>> No.15558156

This, the previous model was the 4 food groups, why they switched that out for masonic symbology has nothing whatsoever to do with health or science

>> No.15559233

fake sure tastes like what it is, a very bad substitute for sugar that is toxic and unhealthy.

>> No.15560269

The problems only came with 50x...100x overdosing vs recommended levels.
Water overdosing 100x will result in 100% death.

>> No.15560291

Twitter reports Specator index reports Reuters reports WHO reports one single fag cokewar scientist report aspartame may cause cancer in a non-controlled diversity hire done study

>> No.15560296


*aspartame might cause cancer according a study.Study its available at gov.who.org

>> No.15560303

you have good genes, trust your senses, always

>> No.15560894

Which particular foods are you referring to? Seems like they specifically choose those the sugar industry would benefit from. If you were starving, fats and oils would be used anything but "sparingly".

>> No.15560897

Grains were more readily available than meat. The USDA guidelines outlined how people could feed their families despite food scarcity and rationing and all that stuff.

>> No.15560902

I did not bring up meat. Try again.

>> No.15560903

a possible carcinogen is a substance that may increase cancer incidence at SOME dosage.
That dosage for aspartame is at least equivalent to drinking 4L of diet coke daily for years.
Aspartame is perfectly safe given the current state of knowledge.
Read the definitions and studies before jumping on every clickbait.

>> No.15560908

Where exactly do you think fat comes from?

>> No.15560911

50 replies until 1 guy actually reada the damn studies.
stay classy faggots

>> No.15560915

From the large can of lard that people during the Depression would use to supplement food.

>> No.15560927

The lard that comes from pig meat? The lard they cooked vegetables in and spread on bread made from grains because cheap greens and grains were more readily available staples of their diets at the time due to the scarcity of meat?

>> No.15561039

Yes the lard from a pig. So why would the government tell you not to eat too much fat in a starvation situation? Was it being rationed for the war effort? No. If it was about scarcity and survival they'd tell you eat loads of eggs. You're getting fooled.

>> No.15561042

>Was it being rationed for the war effort?
Yes actually. The fake research against pork was part of Vietnam propaganda to drive down prices so that consumers wouldn't feel the costs of the war. The fact that it's still believed despite the government admitting to the fact later on is down to societal inertia. Like people thinking carrots improve eyesight due to WWII propaganda.

>> No.15561054

>Was it being rationed for the war effort?
>On August 28, 1941, President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 8875 created the Office of Price Administration (OPA). The OPA’s main responsibility was to place a ceiling on prices of most goods, and to limit consumption by rationing.
>Americans used their ration cards and stamps to take their meager share of household staples including meat, dairy, coffee, dried fruits, jams, jellies, lard, shortening, and oils.

>> No.15561057
File: 321 KB, 562x680, tucker-carlson-as-a-kid-v0-nqqei9slk02a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now you both understand the real reasons for the food pyramid.

>> No.15561071

I've been the one explaining the reasons for the food pyramid the whole time. It's literally been my entire point since my very first post ITT (>>15556550). The USDA created guidelines to help the American government plan its WW2 rationing measures and to help Americans navigate those restrictions and feed their families as well as they could given the restrictions in place. It made sense for the time, the PROBLEM is that once those guidelines were around for long enough they just became the norm and the agriculture industry had a profit motive for keeping it that way. The food pyramid is based on nutritional guidelines designed for navigating WW2 rationing and should not be used during times of plenty.

>> No.15561838

>advocates against cured meat
>gets called vegan
fucking retard

>> No.15562324

the pyramid is masonic symbolism

>> No.15562359


>> No.15562623

Why don’t you retards just eat less sugar. Like really think about it for a second do you REALLY NEED an artificial sugar in your life to replace sugar you fat monkeys

>> No.15562633

I hate how much people actually care about losing out on eating goyslop to the point of public outcry. Then they want free healthcare in the same time. Disgusting people.

>> No.15563604
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Theres a big MSM campaign going on currently to try and save the reputation of aspartame. Its not advertising, is on the MSM news shows, CNN & MSNBC and the rest of the gang are all reporting that aspartame is safe and effective. But no doubt they're all doing so at the behest of their advertisers who sell aspartame laced goyslop

>> No.15563630
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>It's just a plant bro it can't hurt you

>> No.15564125

Correct but also research doesn't support aspartame being a significant problem.
If you're a goyslop consumer, replacing the sugar in it with an equivalent amount of aspartame is a more healthy choice if you don't have the funny gene that lets you taste the difference (since if you were in control of what you consume you'd just not consume it in the first place). It is also cheaper than sugar.
What even is the argument here? That tv channels and programs protect the interests of their sponsors? Amazing discovery, Einstein.

>> No.15564765

>research doesn't support aspartame being a significant problem.
wrong it causes cancer
why would anyone even want to eat a food substitute?

>> No.15564933

>wrong it causes cancer
Meaningless statement unless you pair it with the dosage that significantly increases the risk.
>why would anyone even want to eat a food substitute?
Because the alternative is not good for you. Excessive sugar consumption is leads to a lot of other things (including conditions that increase the risk of cancer such as obesity).
Not consuming either is better (arguably, as normal consumed amounts of aspartame have not been shown to increase the risk of cancer) but that's a non-solution for obese people with eating disorders. It's like saying "just eat something" to an anorectic or "cheer up" to a depressed person.

>> No.15565053

Yeah the WHO announced that if you drink 5 liters of diet pepsi a day you're at a risk for cancer. Woweee, amazing.

>> No.15565105

>Meaningless statement unless you pair it with the dosage that significantly increases the risk.
Your kind says the same about heavy metals in vaccines. People don't want your artificial fake food satan

>> No.15565117

If I eat artificial food will the dementors come and take me away to azkaban?

>> No.15565243

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15565873

no, reddit is your destination

>> No.15566243

they want you to eat (((stevia))) intsead

>> No.15566515

>If you don't believe in my magical sky fairy, you're le reddit
Wow, I'm so owned.

>> No.15566969

My sky fairy says you fucked up big time and there's a pile of legal responsibility we can apply to your bullshit

And we know you are a based faggot too

>> No.15567050

>/sci/ Lied, People Died
I've been thinking about this for a few days, and I've decided that it was based. It's not as though I took the vax, but virtually everybody I hate did.

>> No.15567262

I'm more of an indica guy myself, stevia gives me an anxious high

>> No.15567772

Your religion is anal sex and worship of star wars action figures. All this sperg out because you read the word satan and had to hyperfocus on it like the euphoric reddit buttpirate you are. You are not intelligent because of atheism you just share similarities with 13 year olds

>> No.15567773

>Your religion is anal sex and worship of star wars action figures.
what the fuck are you even on about?

>> No.15567779

You know exactly what he means, and that's why you're so hurt by it.

>> No.15567782

>You know exactly what he means
no, it genuinely just came across like schizo gibberish.

>> No.15567785

>i was only pretending to be mad
>im actually just retarded
This strategy will definitely help your self image.

>> No.15567787

can anyone translate this schizo gibberish for me?

>> No.15567789

Likely more than one, at this point.

I'm big into avoiding foods with preservatives, and many of the 'organic' foods use nitrates from celery as a preservative.

>> No.15567790

if youre getting cancer from aspartame then that means you're too old to be of any use to society

>> No.15567794

>This may come as a surprise to you but in most developed nations

This may come as a surprise to you, but some developed countries have allowed industrial waste products (like slag) to be disposed of on farmland soil, claiming it is 'enriching it' while actually adding toxic heavy metals that have been proven to be contaminating our food supply.

>> No.15567798

I think Zoomers are likely very diverse in opinions due to the internet.

Boomers are all pretty homogeneous because they grew up with 5 television channels.

Millennials are the first to begin breaking the conditioning due to the internet.

This should mean zoomers are even more diverse in experience and opinons. Though, they may be suffering the most from the environmental toxins, increased cultural decay, etc. etc.

>> No.15567801

>have allowed industrial waste products (like slag) to be disposed of on farmland soil, claiming it is 'enriching it' while actually adding toxic heavy metals that have been proven to be contaminating our food supply.
They do this with asbestos to. In my country they use asbestos contaminated soil to maintain nature reserves and things like ponds

>> No.15567805

The polarisation is more severe however everybody is a faggot weakling these days no matter what ideology. This is probally because of the things you mentioned and of cource the internet which has created a info overload and general noise

>> No.15567834


>> No.15568294

if ppl who eat goyslop all died then the world would be a better place

>> No.15568877

at certain temperatures it can burn your skin!

>> No.15568903
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stop being a contrarian useless fuck you know god damned well sugar was pushed because it was more calorically dense and cheaper to obtain, but you're being a little bitch pretending that you don't understand when you goddamn well fucking understand.
I hope you have a screen door incident.

>> No.15569151
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every wartime poster about it i saw said to eat meat or fish everyday though

>> No.15569205
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So does the food pyramid. The only problem is the proportions of each. Meat, eggs, and dairy should be the base if you want accurate nutrition for non-rationed times.

>> No.15569409

>Meat, eggs, and dairy should be the base if you want accurate nutrition for non-rationed times.
Which youtuber told you that?

>> No.15569498
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This one.

>> No.15569501

>one guy's pop science book

>> No.15569538
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>no refutation of the material
>literally judging a book by its cover
If you haven't read the book and refuse to engage with new information just don't bother asking for a source or responding at all.

>> No.15569557

Is not genes. Humans have a neural network infrastructure in their guts large enough to detect patterns in their gut bacteria. Learn to hear them, they know what food is good for you and what is poison for you.

>> No.15569569

>write book about how pixie dust cures cancer
>"hah, you didn't debunk it. it must be true!"
The people who post here are so fucking stupid lol

>> No.15569574
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You can eat the bug and fuck off you piece of shit.

>> No.15569577

Bugs are under the "dairy and meat" umbrella, so they're right up your alley.

>> No.15569592
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It's actually a book about the observable negative impacts of modern processed foods on human health compared to traditional diets.

>> No.15570057

>drink loads of artificially sweetened soft drinks with countless ingredients
>develop diabetes followed by liver cancer
>"It must be the aspartame!"
I personally wouldn't touch the shit, but the line of thinking is questionable. Why not ban diet soft drinks? Why not place some blame on developing diabetes through poor eating habits, which increases the risk of all kinds of diseases? I'm guessing aspartame will just be replaced by something else that's deemed safe, cancer will continue, and then we'll repeat the process.

>> No.15570592
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>> No.15571551

the silver lining there is that "healthcare" is currently the leading cause of death

>> No.15571585

What a painful misunderstanding of that statistic kek.

>> No.15571598

Not sure what statistic you or the other anon are quoting, but medical error is very common in the USA, 250k deaths a year, or 10% of total deaths per year. It's not nearly as high per capita in other first world countries.

>> No.15571808

>For years, /sci/ has championed that aspartame was absolutely safe. Since it was used for decades, and the science was proven. It was a safe and reliable replacement for sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
Source - OP’s gaping asshole.

Everyone’s been telling your fat ass to stop eating candy bars and drinking diet sodas, no matter what artificial sweeteners it used. Go eat a fucking apple you fat fuck.

>> No.15572269

>it is POSSIBLY a carcinogen
fixed that hysteria for you

>> No.15572906

that stat predates the covid vax, healthcare now causes more deaths than heart disease or cancer

>> No.15572920

Also, based on the possible carcinogenicity, they recommend an intake of 40mg per kg of body weight. Let's assume a 70kg person, that would mean they can consume up to 2.8g of aspartame. I found some values of 30-50mg of aspartame per 250ml serving. Let's assume the worst, and we end up at 14 litres of diet soda per day.
If you drink 14 litres or anything, then aspartame is probably the least of your worries.

Also, this category 2B is significantly less carcinogenic than processed meat, alcohol, exhaust fumes, passive smoking, sunlight and shift work, which are all known to be carcinogenic. If you're not avoiding all of these, why do you even care about stuff like aspartame? Go read the list of everything that's in the same category as aspartame. It's ridiculous. You must be a complete retard to worry about aspartame.

>> No.15573221

What you're missing is that when doctors follow protocol and the patient dies it's not considered a medical error even if their intervention obviously worsened and killed the patient. For example, if you get injected with a vaccine and become sick from it that's not considered a medical error because it's a known side effect, but it's clear that the healthcare process of vaccination is what caused your illness.

>> No.15573310

Is it teflon all over again?
>"If you use le teflon you have 50% increased risk of pooper cancer"
>which equates to .... 1 extra case in 5000000

>> No.15573317

Funny thing is greger will outlive all the >veggie bad meat good types by 2 or 3 decades

>> No.15573774

Hospitals is where people die, going to see a doctor is suicidal

>> No.15573786

>primarily in the form of potassium nitrate (KNO3)
If it's dissolved in the cell, then it will just be nitrate. I don't know, maybe there's more K than Na in veggies.

>> No.15573788

The hot dogs are going to have a shit ton of sodium in them so it doesn't matter.

>> No.15573858

>It is widely accepted that new thing is a safe replacement for old thing.
>>I Don't believe it, they are replacing old thing with something that I believe is poisonous.
>Scientist now agree new thing is poisonous.
>>I don't believe it, they are trying to replace new thing back with the old thing to poisonous us again.
Could anyone explain why this happens?

>> No.15573879

A mixture of contrarianism and sunk-cost fallacies. The people who balked at the skeptics don't want to admit the skeptics were right all along so they start rationalizing why ignoring the science is actually correct now instead of before.

>> No.15573934

Like porn , one of the reason being if their research gets used they get payment. Look at electrical engineering I study those same old shit which was invented in 1960.

>> No.15574988

>reeeeeee eating meat is bad!!!!
you have an eating disorder, you are mentally ill

>> No.15575014

there's also the fact that teflon shrinks your balls to consider, idiot

>> No.15575598

>sodium is bad
How are you posting here from 1995?

>> No.15575725

nothing should be banned. if people want to eat goyslop, let them. Natural selection will solve the problem. The free market is an extension of natural selection.

>> No.15575792

>Natural selection will solve the problem.
It won't because those people all develop chronic diseases that don't prevent them from having children who then grow up with the same or more chronic diseases and so on, creating undue burden on all of society.

>> No.15575800

Capitalist hands typed this.

>> No.15575820

>If you read the article, it's obvious that it's not really based on any good science
since when did that matter for setting government policy? if anything worse is better, tells you who's really on board

>> No.15576009
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the Sugar lobby exists and has funded fraudulent research in order to retain their monopoly thoughever

>> No.15576049

>Only recently were the neurobehavioral effects of aspartame investigated in a population free from mental illness. Healthy individuals were split into two groups—half were given a higher dose of aspartame (the equivalent of about three liters of Diet Coke’s worth) and the other half received a lower dose (a single liter of Diet Coke’s worth). Then the groups switched. After only eight days on the higher-aspartame dose, participants exhibited more depression and irritability, and performed worse on certain brain function tests. So not only may aspartame cause adverse mental effects in sensitive populations but it may also harm the general public at sufficient doses.
All artificial sweeteners are awful, avoid them like the plague.

>> No.15576056

but at what cost?

>> No.15577008

Sodium is bad in excess, yeah. Significantly increases hypertension.

>> No.15577070

No, seriously, do you have a magic computer or something? We figured out that sodium isn't linked to hypertension years ago. Find a time machine if you can and join us in 2023.

>> No.15577440

NPC conventional wisdom scientific knowledge is typically about 15 or so years behind everyone else

>> No.15577817

This isn't true at all, btw.

>> No.15578481

Yes it is

>> No.15578531

Is that what Joe Rogan told you?

>> No.15578583

Basing anything off a single "study" is absolute retardation. Medical and psychological "science" has abysmal methodologies. Why do you think we keep having these conflicting reports? Why do I have to keep saying this?

>> No.15578603

>We figured out that sodium isn't linked to hypertension years ago
Totally disagree with this. Sodium reliably raises BP. People on keto consume copious amounts of sodium because their electrolytes tank on the diet.

>> No.15578629

>at levels equivalent to humans ingesting 550 cans of diet soda per day
Well that sounds reasonable. Also, drinking water at the equivalent of an Olympic swimming pool is unhealthy.

>> No.15578639

You'll have to experiment on yourself, you're not really missing out on any potential benefits by cutting out sweeteners.

>> No.15578640

>It's still up
This was one of the better baits I guess

>> No.15578750

What's bait about it?

>> No.15579133
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It triggers me emotionally therefore it was definitely post maliciously. Its not that I am easily triggered and have a massive sense of entitlement and little self control, that couldn't possibly be the case.

>> No.15580171

"big sugar" and "big aspartame" are the same people

>> No.15581117
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>Salt has long been vilified as the harbinger of hypertension. However, as research into the condition has delved deeper, it is becoming clear that the story is more complex. The latest study in this arena goes some way toward absolving sodium.

its time to admit that your 20th century old wives tales about medical science are wrong, but everyone knows that you never will

>> No.15581154

Did you even read your article? Potassium lowers blood pressure even in the presence of higher sodium. However, high sodium in the absence of potassium reliably increases potassium. So sure, you can consume high potassium AND high sodium and have normal blood pressure, but the standard diet is low in potassium and high in sodium. So you have two choices if your blood pressure is high, get more potassium or reduce sodium (or both).

>The magnitude of blood pressure lowering achieved with sodium reduction showed a dose-response relation and was greater for older populations, non-white populations, and those with higher blood pressure. Short term studies underestimate the effect of sodium reduction on blood pressure.

>> No.15581161

Also, this quote from your article:

>Moore also makes it clear that there may be certain people who are particularly sensitive to sodium and who might, therefore, benefit from reducing salt in their diet. Perhaps in the future, methods of screening for salt sensitivity might help to establish which individuals need to be more careful.

So there's a select population that probably needs to limit sodium even if they're getting enough of the other electrolytes. I'm not vilifying salt btw. If you can consume a lot of it and have normal BP, then great, but to act like it has no link to hypertension is disingenuous.

>> No.15581762

>Did you even read your article?
none of these loons read anything other than what specifically confirms their biases lol

>> No.15582780

so you're saying that salt doesn't cause hypertension except in a few cherrypicked cases

>> No.15582929

>except in a few cherrypicked cases
Yup, a few cherry picked cases, cherry picked meaning almost every case. That's a lot of cases nowadays.

>> No.15582937 [DELETED] 

BTW, do you know how potassium mainly protects against hypertension? It causes you to piss out excess sodium.

>> No.15582948

BTW, do you know how potassium primarily protects against hypertension? It makes you piss out excess sodium.

>> No.15584197

Food pyramid was created post war against scientific advice to help the industry sell more grains in a surplus, it has nothing to do with WW2 or making people healthy.

>> No.15585058

I'm confused. WWII was from 1939 to 1945. The USDA Food Pyramid was created in 1992. They seem unrelated.

>> No.15585081

schizos will find a way to connect anything.

>> No.15585303

The food pyramid is based on guidelines from WW2 rationing. I'll try to make this as clear as possible:

GOOD IDEA: Helping a population subjected to strict rationing make due in the best ways possible given limited access to certain foods.

BAD IDEA: Using guidelines based on rationing in times of plenty as if they're just generally healthy.

The creation of the food pyramid in 1992 was bad because it used guidelines inappropriate for the times based on a profit motive instead of health. I just hate when people try to get all schizo about how the guidelines themselves were created to weaken the population or whatever the fuck. No, they were created as supplementary advice during rationing, the problem was just continuing to use them decades later due to a mixture of complacency (people just got used to it over a couple decades) and profit motive (it encourages sale of the highest-margin products for the industry). So yes, I agree the food pyramid is based on non-healthful guidelines but the original creation of those guidelines and how they ended up continuing to be used is more complex than just "The USDA wants everyone to be fat and diabetic" or whatever the fuck.

>> No.15585435

Besides whatever the USDA wants, there's obvious corporate interests involved too. That can be the meat and dairy lobby, the grains lobby, etc. Pro-animal consumption paints grain and vegetable growers as the bad guys, and vice versa. No idea who really has only financial interests in mind (maybe both), but I'm sure the USDA succumbs to social pressures and handouts.

>> No.15585439
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Share it
Declare it
In the public domain

>> No.15586476

No idea how people didn't know Aspartame was cancerous. You can taste it. Your body is one of the world's most sensitive biological computers and it can sense a lot of shit if you just listen to it.

>> No.15586962

People are taught not to trust their senses from a very young age. For instance, kids are very sensitive to bitter tastes and don't like vegetables but they do like fruit and meat. What do parents do about that? Feed them more of the fruit and meat they like? Nope, they force kids to choke down vegetables for every meal and tell them that their instincts are wrong. By the time a kid is grown up he's completely brainwashed with the idea that "things which taste bad are good for you and things which taste good are bad for you," so when they drink something with aspartame they think, "that bad aftertaste is a sign this is healthy," instead of, "that bad aftertaste is a sign I shouldn't consume this."

>> No.15587014

>For years, /sci/ has championed that aspartame was absolutely safe.

The science has changed.

>> No.15587029

No, it didn't.

>> No.15587242

I've never tasted straight aspartame, I thought it was like a weak sugar flavor. We also taste poisons in plants (bitterness), but they can often provide anti-cancer effects. Regardless, aspartame is just a vehicle for plenty of things we probably shouldn't be ingesting.

>> No.15587254

>I've never tasted straight aspartame, I thought it was like a weak sugar flavor
Aspartame is many times sweeter than sugar but also has a nasty aftertaste that has to be covered up with other flavors.

>> No.15587338

Ah, I've heard about the aftertaste when it comes to artificial sweeteners, didn't know that applied to aspartame as well.

>> No.15588339
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