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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 151 KB, 1178x843, Carlson on science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15518309 No.15518309 [Reply] [Original]

Tucker Carlson did a Twitter video about the current state of science, its only been up about an hour, already has 1.3 million views

>> No.15518321


>> No.15518341


>> No.15518346

He's a dumbass who has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.15518349

Why do you say that? His analysis seemed reasonable and comports with the current scientific consensus.

>> No.15518351

>comports with the current scientific consensus
He cherry-picks shit he likes and often lies about what the studies say. I've seen him do this with a Washington Post article about the Ukraine war, and he took on faith with 0 hard evidence that UFOs exist because some guy heard another guy talk about it. He's a hack if you want somebody who is rigorous and sceptical.

>> No.15518357

Dude his lawyers literally said his show was entertainment and could not be taken factually. Anyone who cares what he thinks is a subhuman.

His voice is retarded too.

>> No.15518360
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>Washington Post

>> No.15518361

>consumes peer reviewed media
>turns off critical thinking, brain=off
Bro, trust me, bro.

>> No.15518362


>> No.15518363

Ah yes, the great scientific authority, Fucker Carlson. Excuse me while I go vomit over there.

>> No.15518368

>scientific authority
No, he is a Logician, and if you were too you would see it, but youre not, so you cant.

Logic doesnt equal truth or fact. Logic operates just fine without either, but can poke holes in either as well, hence the need for scientific inquiery, hence his message.

>> No.15518369

>he is a Logician

>> No.15518371

Anon, that try doesnt work on me. Youre a student at best, charlatan at worst.

Which is it?

>> No.15518460

>That's the moment that Kennedy published a magazine article suggesting there might be a link between the rise in diagnosed autism cases and the ever-expanding schedule of mandatory childhood vaccines. The day that story was published, Kennedy's reporting was considered so solid that two outlets ran it simultaneously: Rolling Stone and Salon.com
If anyone else said that, I'd think it was satire

>> No.15518467

>lawyers are the are motivated by what is True, not by what is legally expedient for their client to avoid losing cases

>> No.15518491

He's pandering to the left because those two are trusted by left wing as trusted authority. Not that he's saying these sites are solid.

>> No.15518496

He is pointing out that how before he was declared an enemy of the Party they published his works, then they Party declared and he was an agent of Oceania because always so shut up and stop asking questions.

It would humorous if I knew you were not genuine.

>> No.15518563

Wow, the right really hates science and I just don't understand why. Intellectual inferiority complex maybe? or perhaps because science doesn't rely on fear and superstition like everything they revere so much?

>> No.15518564

why is it 18 minutes? just say it's gay and dumb

>> No.15518572
File: 118 KB, 718x412, 2023-06-23_04.59.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite of Under-Stand.
>like everything they revere
If you revere only what you truly grasp then you must either know everything or you know nothing but the definition of Dunning-Kruger, not what it entails.

>> No.15518600

sorry, fag, science says niggers are dumb and theres only two genders (no swapping, either, sailor).

>> No.15518612

Yes you can cherry pick because it should be almost perfect and we rely on past experiences, you aren't a scientist or you are just a bad one
Aaand science isn't hard

>> No.15518618
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science says that liberals are worse at estimating conservative opinions than vice versa

>> No.15518624


>> No.15518653
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>> No.15518723
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>> No.15518742

Heil victory gentlemen. Heil Hitler.

>> No.15518793

So are we


>> No.15518820
File: 1.25 MB, 606x640, 1653340814441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tucker is a literal ex glowie who thinks white people advocating for their own interests is nazism, don't know why people here like him so much desu.

>> No.15518827

Yea him fully believing that Aliens are among us and reporting it as true with a straight face was crazy. Like he’s purposely trying to make 95% of his audience lose faith in him, or discredit himself so that he can become a niche conspiracy guy and get the target off his back

>> No.15518831

A pregnant man fingers typed this post.

>> No.15518842

It's the Amerishart circus bro.
Here is a scientific analysis of leftshits
Most leftshits I know are absolute failures who throw tantrums like little children.

>> No.15518844

>mfw conservicucks
shooting negroes is always justified, they are violent and murderous and they want to commit white genocide as much as the jews do.
this video shows what happens when you relax around blacks as a police officer

>> No.15518898

no, they hate hegel's science

>> No.15518905 [DELETED] 


>> No.15519089 [DELETED] 

he says science is fake and gay. video now has 12 million views, 4x more than Fox's most popular show gets in a week

>> No.15519091

>seems reasonable
so that's it folks, truth is what sounds reasonable!

>> No.15519095

tucker isn't involved in science in any way.

>> No.15519104

>Oh my gawd this twitter video has got loads of views!!1
Are you a fucking zoomer?

>> No.15519118

He really try hard to stay relevant after he got fired from fox news huh?

>> No.15519455

i seem to remember a few other media personalities doing this, it's a legal tactic they use to weasel their way out of any consequences should anyone sue

>> No.15519470

Oh gee, only 30% of conservatives are unabashed racists, not over 50% like we guessed. Boy am I red in the face. Also, people never lie on surveys (shy Trump voters, anyone?).

>> No.15519646

he is more involved than you are, he gets 19 million ppl listening when he talks about science.
you get 1 reply when you talk about him, you didn't even watch the video and have no idea what science content it contains, you're less involved in science than he is

>> No.15519960

He get more views on Twitter than on Fox because Fox is propaganda network owned by a globalist degenerate that everyone hates.

>> No.15520019

John Leibowitz did it in a debate with Tucker in fact.

>> No.15520215

People aren't under oath when they're on TV, thats only in court. Everything on TV is a lie.
Unfortunately it turns out that you need an IQ over 105 to differentiate reality from on screen entertainment, so most people are unable to understand things like the fact that people on TV are paid to tell misleading lies or that Star Trek isn't a documentary.

>> No.15520231

you posted that top video here before a few months ago. Good vid, you should post it more often

>> No.15520277


22 MILLION VIEWS. Whoa, lefties on suicide watch

>> No.15520289

>one who tucks

>> No.15520498

Is he the #1 most watched science educator in history?

>> No.15520558
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>> No.15520560
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The only journalist left.

>> No.15520678


>> No.15520685

If your standard for journalism is screaming into the Void, then sure.

>> No.15520687

So is Tucker's whole schtick to spread FUD? I haven't even watched the video, but I already feel like that's what it's going to be.

>> No.15520688

He surpassed black meme science man for sure

>> No.15520691

His audience is now over 20,000,000 people. He's the most prolific science educator of the 2020s after just one video.

>> No.15520740

Can't cuck the Tuck.
He has a 150+ I.Q. and "fuck you money".

>> No.15520767 [DELETED] 

/sci/zos on suicide watch

>> No.15520812

UFOs are real though.

>> No.15520816
File: 44 KB, 716x900, Baroon US Gov Defense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UFOs are real though.
NTA but True.
UFO doesn't automatically mean ET.
If you cannot identify it, and it is flying, it is a UFO.

>> No.15520818

I just don’t understand why people dont get this hammered down their thick skull. We use the term UAP/UFO in the military all the time.

>> No.15520828

Roger that. If it is not DOD/DARPA experimental shit, then it is usually China fucking around.

>> No.15521654

ppl don't pay attention to, respect or wish to emulate usa military retards because ur all homosexuals and you lose wars to semi-evolved 3rd world cavemen and you can't even defend your own country's borders, all this despite having by far the largest budget of any military in history

>> No.15521881

that's how many people scrolled past the tweet, not how many people watched the video lmao.

>> No.15521884

your involvement with science isn't related to how many clicks you get on twitter

>> No.15521955

it is, the high IQ successful, influential minority of scientists become major celebrities. the low IQ majority of NPC scientists who have meaningless careers that accomplish nothing whatsoever are forgotten the second after they're buried

>> No.15521984

My thoughts: As child you are taught scientific process, debate and other altruistic things that you believe are part of science. When you grow up you realize its always been the rebels vs the ivory tower. The "current climate" of the establishment putting down dissent has always been there from way before Darwin and Einstein.

>> No.15521997

>ppl don't pay attention to, respect or wish to emulate usa military retards because ur all homosexuals and you lose wars to semi-evolved 3rd world cavemen and you can't even defend your own country's borders, all this despite having by far the largest budget of any military in history
But muh "mil-spec" and "military grade"!

>> No.15521999

You need to learn how the new twitter counts things. You are still thinking pre-Elon when twitter was US GOV controlled.

>> No.15522006

Tucker has nothing to offer other than his opinion and outrage. Maybe if he contributed something other than empty platitudes, I'd give him the time of day. As it stands, he's just a rich white man whose made millions stoking furment amongst the uneducated.

>> No.15522018

he's literally right about everything

>> No.15522047


>> No.15522051

This. Until universities are openly stating niggers are inferior and should be removed from our societies, I have no respect for any "Science"

>> No.15522272
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>he's literally right about everything
He's not the only one that sees it, just the only one on TV that ever speaks of the truth.

Mainstream media is very biased and controlled by evil people with an extreme and evil agenda, as the picrel shows.

>> No.15522283

>You need to learn how the new twitter counts things
That's how twitter counts things now.
>when twitter was US GOV controlled.
ahahahahahaha. I see you didn't actually read muh twitter files and instead just parrot your circle jerk.

>> No.15522367

>he took on faith with 0 hard evidence that UFOs exist

You miss the department of defense releasing that report 2 years ago stating this unequivocally?

>> No.15522384

>Science is based on observation and empiricism
>You cannot know a counterfactual

He's the only person in media espousing what science is actually about. Anyone who talks about 'faith in science' needs to board a submarine built by a cargo cult.

>> No.15522406
File: 64 KB, 624x900, FED Terrorists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>when twitter was US GOV controlled.
>ahahahahahaha. I see you didn't actually r
>Continues with glowie noises.

Yeah sure thing efff B aye!

>> No.15522412
File: 98 KB, 1125x1124, critical race theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's just a rich white man
so you're jealous of him be he is white and you wish you were white and because he is high iq enough to earn a lot of money and you are not.
don't be so butthurt, he pays a fortune in taxes that contribute to your welfare gibes and food stamps. maybe you should focus on self improvement and making something of yourself instead of focusing on being envious of others who did so.

>> No.15522415

kek, that was a funny moment. She be all quiet n shit then!

>> No.15522426

He really made some points they can't dismiss, which is why they need to memoryhole him.

>> No.15522573

>just the only one on TV that ever speaks of the truth.
He got kicked off of TV for doing that, thats why he is on Twitter now.

>> No.15522594


jewish russian living in canada

fuck off.

ed is alright

>> No.15522858

>h-he CHANGED his views after receiving new facts!?!?!??!?!?

>> No.15522863

This is why is a complete waste of resources to allow leftists to stay alive. All of them must be sent to the meat grinder to save the planet.

>> No.15523165

Heil Hitler.

>> No.15523167

Did someone make fun of your BFF?

>> No.15523185

Look up David Dukes radio show. Excellent analysis of the Tucker phenomena.

>> No.15523258

he parroted whatever he was told to parrot that day. his ilk never has a "view".

>> No.15523263

Because he’s an eceleb who’s job is views

>> No.15523264

I see the same shit takes a hundred times a day on /sci/ so maybe you're not in a position to throw stones

>> No.15523268

>new rock catch cold give

>> No.15523295

>The virus went from being impossible to escape a lab to near certainly escaping the lab

It's almost as if the old 'facts' were lies.

>> No.15523321

ukrainian actually thoughever

>> No.15523366

who cares what this guy has to say, he'd get filtered by a Calc II class lol

>> No.15523393

>Because he’s an eceleb who’s job is views
Anyone notice how language in the hands of zoomers is gradually losing any sort of nuance or refined meaning?
For example, "eceleb" now just means "celeb"
"larp" (live action roleplaying) just means "roleplaying"
"nostalgia" just means "liking something old"
et cetera

>> No.15523399

Based=Thing I like.
Cringe=Thing I dont like.

It used to describe what something was independently of the user's opinion, now its just an anus-opinion to declare to the world how one feels.

"I feel some type of way."

>> No.15523430
File: 338 KB, 1200x680, 1651175255262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>um sweaty we changed our minds as we got new data that doesn't make us wrong for stating the old obvious lies-er I mean facts- previously
>the chuds were only coincidentally right the whole time

>> No.15523756


>> No.15523778
File: 47 KB, 700x360, ted-kaczynski-135295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most leftshits I know are absolute failures who throw tantrums like little children.
its ideology for immature people who are adults by age and by law, but still children psychologically

>> No.15524224

Somehow they're right every time but it's just an accident. Dilbert Man said so.

>> No.15524280

>t. person who can't reason

>> No.15524343

“Envy is the consuming desire to have everybody else as unsuccessful as you are." -- Frederick Buechner

>> No.15524369
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>> No.15524402

you know it is peak clown world when they call a man whose father and uncle were killed by glowies in front of the whole nation while holding the highest political offices in the nation, a conspiracy theorist

>> No.15525226
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>> No.15526044
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2023 Edition

>> No.15526071
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>> No.15526077

tucker is a political commentor, not a scientist.You should not take his opinions on scientific topics, unless he is discussing the politics involved in science today

>> No.15526127
File: 78 KB, 828x909, settled science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless he is discussing the politics involved in science today
He most definitely is.

So much corruption in "science" these days due to all the government slush funds and money laundering going on with it.

>> No.15526130

Based Kanye! Smartest black man around these days.

>> No.15526137

>all the government slush funds and money laundering going on with it.
How can you even solve this? Maybe make .gov even bigger and hope it gets better? There's no way out of such a death-spiral.

>> No.15526138

>>Most leftshits I know are absolute failures who throw tantrums like little children.
>its ideology for immature people who are adults by age and by law, but still children psychologically
Something needs to be done about them on a very large massive scale, globally really.

>> No.15526140
File: 108 KB, 500x672, Politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>all the government slush funds and money laundering going on with it.
>How can you even solve this? Maybe make .gov even bigger and hope it gets better? There's no way out of such a death-spiral.
When the whole system in place crashes, or when there is a revolution.

Looking at history, they often happen about the same time, just hard to say which will preceed the other.

>> No.15526143

Getting the government out of science would help.

>> No.15526151
File: 43 KB, 589x680, Government Worthless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>How can you even solve this? Maybe make .gov even bigger and hope it gets better? There's no way out of such a death-spiral.
>When the whole system in place crashes, or when there is a revolution.
The bad part about this is people never learn that government in of itself is the common factor and main problem.
Any kind of government.
The USA developed one of the best system of checks and balances the world has ever seen, and started off with very limited governmnet, and only people who paid taxes were landowners and certain manufacturers, and they were the only ones who got to vote as well.

Now that the USA is allowing non-citizens to be sworn Law Enforcement Officers and even vote in elections, it is crashing fast.

If only people would learn to NOT create a new government when it does.

Peaceful anarchy is the only way. Criminals always infiltrate and take over a government and corrupt it, forming a feudal system of tyrants (governent officials and rich 1%), knights (military-police), and serfs (everyone else.)

"The only winning move is not to play."

>> No.15526312

So why does he have millions of viewers and you masturbate alone?

>> No.15526507

>thinks liberalism is on the left
retard amerimutt, opinion discarded
data is american-centered


>> No.15527228 [DELETED] 

childish tantrum on full public display

>> No.15527276 [DELETED] 

>“Basically Over Without Tucker” – Fox News in Turmoil as its Popular Streaming Service Crashes and Burns – Staffers Getting Dismissed in Droves

>> No.15527825
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>science says that liberals are worse at estimating conservative opinions
Because leftists are low I.Q. types or mentally ill fuckups.
The left thinks conservatives love the big-government left-wing gestapo police? LMAO! Holy fuck they are stupid.

>> No.15528050

New Tucker video

>> No.15528303
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impressive deductive reasoning in this one, but its wrong

>> No.15528400

>Smear everyone saying it came from a lab for over a year as "conspiracy theorists" and "science deniers"
>Whoopsie doodle, turns out the lab theory was right and the facts supported that all along, tee hee.
They can change their opinion after receiving "new facts" (they're just the old facts they couldn't sweep under the rug, but anyway). It's more the fact they went on a concerted smear campaign to attack everyone who disagreed with them as being loons before finally being forced to admit they were wrong.

This is why people lose trust in the media. They're only interested in pushing a specific narrative and if you disagree with that narrative they claim you're a fringe conspiracy theorist even if your own position comports with the given facts just as well, if not better than the medias preferred position.

>> No.15528496
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Tucker would've been a great scientist, but he was high IQ so he went into a more intellectually challenging field

>> No.15529345

Its funny because its true. There has never been a scientist who was able to leverage their supposed high IQ to being successful in politics. If they really were super geniuses like they all claim to be then they would be able to do that easily, the lack of success proves they can't.

>> No.15529408

>i see shitposters on an irrelevant anonymous imageboard that means i get to ignore the modus operandi of journalism and other people involved in any sort of media from hollywood actors to e-celebs

>> No.15529442

Tucker Carlson's dad was the head of Radio free europe or some other propaganda outlet.

All is controlled speech

>> No.15529463

Nancy Pelosi's dad was Mayor of Baltimore, under his leadership Baltimore went from being a nice city for working class Americans to being a crime ridden impoverished hellhole. So why did Nancy Pelosi get to be speaker of the house or even get elected to congress at all? And why is her nephew governor of California and why is he running for president?

>> No.15529464

Nepotism, nepotism, nepotism

>> No.15529480

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.15529481

>politicians are responsible for businesses leaving for foreign countries leaving American cities to rot
You're correct but the blame is clearly on Republicans

>> No.15529499

Why are you so bent on saying "no u" in real life...voting "no u" is utter retardation and self delusion, its the very reason the US is a trash can nation now. You realize these crime ridden hellholes didnt manifest because "dem jobs programz" left, right?

Theyre ENCOURAGED BY THE PEOPLE TO BE THIS WAY. You get shot in Montana for this stuff...which is why it doesnt happen there.


>> No.15529509

>team red vs team blue narative

>> No.15529551

Baltimore turned into a crime ridden shithole in the late 60 & early 70s under the leadership of Thomas D'Alesandro III, Nancy's brother. At the time China was closed to the outside world, they didn't even allow foreign tourism, they had no foreign trade. Globalist trade with China did not kick off until the 1990s, under the Clinton administration. Clinton lobbied for and ultimately got China included into the WTO and thats when all of the businesses started moving to China.

>> No.15529553

Don't forget Henry Kissinger

>> No.15529683

this >>15529551 NAFTA and adding China to the WTO is what caused manufacturing to leave you and they were both Democrat initiatives you absolute moron

>> No.15529695

Newsome got cucked by Big Harv

>> No.15529780
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>> No.15529864

I've read this whole thread and I still don't know what the fucking video is about, you guys aren't scientists, you're just a bunch of nattering nellies reacting with jerking knees based solely on presupposition and prejudice. Now I have to watch an 18 minute video because you chuckle fucks can't get your shit together.

>> No.15529874

>didnt review the source material before reading the shitpost


>> No.15529879

Its 2023 and Vaccines still cause autism

>> No.15529880

*I'm also trans if that matters

>> No.15529908

>Dude his lawyers literally said his show was entertainment and could not be taken factually
That's what every "talk host" uses as a defense you clueless fucking moron. Segment shows are not the same as an actual news broadcast. They have much more leeway in the opinions they can give. Goddamn you are stupid boy

>> No.15529943

To think some crazy flying craft is a top-secret government experiment is just as baseless as saying it's piloted by aliens. You aren't the only species in the universe.

>> No.15529949

>You aren't the only species in the universe.
You will have a hard time accepting that your science fiction delusions are false.

>> No.15530132

Why? 2% of UFO sightings remain unexplained. Abduction stories come from every race and nationality. Are you trolling me?

>> No.15530146

You will have a hard time accepting that your science fiction delusions are false.

>> No.15530376

we live under a uniparty system. The Republicans and Democrats are ultimately both controlled by the same billionaire class of donors, which is why you see never any major disagreement between the two when it comes to anything actually substantial)

>> No.15530930

Kys retarded plebbitor.

>> No.15531010

>The Republicans and Democrats are ultimately both controlled by the same billionaire class of donors,
how many are jewish?

>> No.15531123

billionaires are roughly 60% jewish

>> No.15531131

Yet less than 2% of the population are jewish?

>> No.15531157

>China is the only country we ever outsourced labor to

Dude, serious?

>> No.15531301
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>> No.15531310
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>not posting the update

>> No.15531765
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About time there is some pushback!

Elon/Trump/Tucker/Jones should buy Channel 5 and have their programs on it.
Could finally have some factual news for a change then.

>> No.15531769

>we live under a uniparty system. The Republicans and Democrats are ultimately both controlled by the same billionaire class of donors, which is why you see never any major disagreement between the two when it comes to anything actually substantial)
Correct af anon.

"Elections" are an illusion.

If people could really over-ride the voter-fraud, they wouldn't hold elections, but declare some "emergency" instead, and make everyone mail-in their votes so they could be manipulated.

>> No.15532128
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>but declare some "emergency" instead, and make everyone mail-in their votes so they could be manipulated.
so like what happened in 2020?
what would happen if someone who was so wealthy that he couldn't be bribed and wasn't part of uniparty club ran for office and looked like he could win? would the uniparty try to imprison him or steal the election some other way?

>> No.15532450

you got filtered by sex ed and he has children, he won

>> No.15533205

Chris Poole is jewish
AP is owned by the Rothschilds

>> No.15534257

>nattering nellies
this is quality banter

>> No.15535263

He was only getting a five million or so viewers when he was on FOX, now he gets fifty million.

>> No.15536404
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore, Musk shut down Twitter because to much redpilling was going on

>> No.15536441
File: 393 KB, 620x439, ted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

>> No.15536630
File: 80 KB, 567x684, fit_trump_grey_sweatpants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucker tardson
why does this bumbling retard still have a platform?

>> No.15537553


>> No.15537988

got his ass

>> No.15538307
File: 60 KB, 494x680, Jan 6 Hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would the uniparty try to imprison him or steal the election some other way?

>> No.15538569

he doesn't
the jews called musk up and said SHUT IT DOWN, so he did

>> No.15538593

this webm always me kek

>> No.15538969

>Just because, legally, and under a critical, unbiased examination of someone's content, it is determined something is bullshit
>Doesn't mean it's bullshit
This is top brain fuck levels. An npc so devoid of reason he thinks "NO THING GOOD" is actually an argument

>> No.15539540

>People aren't under oath when they're on TV, thats only in court. Everything on TV is a lie.
What about Court TV?

>> No.15540501

Hilarious meme! Trump is MAGA hard.
But why gray sweats?

>> No.15540591

What’s he saying now? That western science is on its deathbed due to culture raping politics?

He is prooooobably right on that.

>> No.15540896

>were both Democrat initiatives
the 1999 WTO meeting was protested massively, mostly by leftists. didn't make a difference to their political leaders though, clinton & gore didn't care what the protestors thought

>> No.15541585
File: 270 KB, 450x360, texan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communists protested adding a communist country to WTO

>> No.15541599

Because I'm based and redpilled and every other faggot is a cringe bluepill cuck like yourself.

>> No.15541607

Scientist here. Everybody in this thread is cucked dysgenic freak. All of you should kys

>> No.15541641

Any man who must say "Scientist here" is no true scientist

>> No.15542015


>> No.15542028

Planning for the actions began months in advance and included local, national, and international organizations. Among the most notable participants were national and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) such as Global Exchange[3] (especially those concerned with labor issues, the environment, and consumer protection), labor unions (including the AFL–CIO), student groups, religion-based groups (Jubilee 2000), and anarchists (some of whom formed a black bloc).[4] The protests also drew support from some political conservatives, such as American presidential candidate and commentator Pat Buchanan.[5]

can you read dipshit?

>> No.15542618

I honestly think this board is the most retarded board one this site
it's amazing

>> No.15543175

/sci/ will become less retarded if you stop complaining and finally leave. why are you even here if you hate the board so much? just to complain and try to act intellectually superior?

>> No.15543199

Only people with Twitter accounts can view Twitter links now. Please find another way to post this video so those of us who aren't retarded can view it.

>> No.15543285

do you masterbate to an audience?

>> No.15543303

I am not watching that.
If I wanted to see an endless river of shit spew from an orifice, I'd watch a C. diff patient without a toilet.

>> No.15543308

If you hate science why don't you go back to your containment board?

>> No.15543507

oh snap, Twitter link actually worked sort of...

>> No.15543547

Twitter views are not views; they're impressions. Not the same

>> No.15543798


Twitter count as a view it merely having appeared in someones stream. The likes tell the actual story,

>> No.15543819

>has no idea what he's talking about.
you don't need to be a scientist to understand the corruption scheme

>> No.15543867

>twitter thread

>> No.15544723

gb2/pol/ if you don't want to discuss science

>> No.15544840

>non jew
Stopped reading there.

>> No.15545357

thats just the founder, the rest of the chart plainly shows that its run by jews, including moot's old brother

>> No.15545467

Why do you think I'm from a containment board? Because I won't give a talking head ad revenue?

>> No.15545600

What does he know about sience?

>> No.15546336

more than you

>> No.15546420

Science is a scam

>> No.15546902

so did Rachel Madcow
it's SOP

>> No.15546970

There were no "new facts"
there was always the factual truth, and the shill propaganda
after Russia invaded ukraine, and the US began fearing China might retake taiwan, then the narrative switch instantly from
"Let's support China", to "Lets go to war with China, support war, support mass death, let's kill all the Chinese, believe our propaganda please we would love to go to war with China, also China probably leaked the virus so another reason to hate them"
Pure faggotry all around in the mainstream media, they don't give a shit about truth or facts, they only do things that are convenient for the current regime policy in Washington and it's donors

>> No.15546984

>posts video from a guy who lied so much his employer had to pay almost a billion dollars in damages
>pretends that this is an honest scientific discussion

>> No.15547414

you mean science or soience?
or maybe seance?

>> No.15548777

Watch the video

>> No.15548819

I watched like a third of it and there was zero science, only "waah waah everyone so mean" and a ton of quotes from newspapers. So I'd say he knows nothing.

>> No.15548839

>almost always
>somewhat agreed
That isn't giving a free pass, giving a free pass would be completely agreeing that it was always justified.

>> No.15548849

tucker Carlson is literally known for rhetoric and misinformation

>> No.15548860

wow you have a really short attention span

>> No.15548861

i'm gonna need a peer reviewed paper if you want me to believe you.

>> No.15548872

Is Tucker presenting that type of information?

>> No.15549062


We need a citation on that one, bddy. Can't have any crazies spreading disinformation on our board. If you want us to believe you, then you need to prove it.

>> No.15549182

Fake news sadly.

>> No.15549186

>I forgot to mention that Tucker was not named in the lawsuit to which I'm referring.
>But then that would have left me without an argument, so it wasn't an accident that I forgot.

>> No.15550364

Yes, his media peers review everything

>> No.15550922

Very likely.

>> No.15550966


>> No.15551325

What's not working? TLDW

>> No.15551581


>> No.15551604

Deplorable, is that you?

>> No.15551995

So he views vaccines as perfectly okay?

>> No.15551998

peer-reviewed + critical thinking is better than paid actor + critical thinking

>> No.15552005

That pic is so ridiculous, read some game theory you mong.

>> No.15552426

>peer-reviewed + critical thinking is better than
no it isn't, reading media thats been curated to fit a political agenda will only make you dumber, anything potentially enlightening will necessarily have been removed by curation process

>> No.15552435

>media thats been curated to fit a political agenda
Are you trying to defend Fox News like this?

>> No.15553379
File: 397 KB, 1170x897, march.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fox is just another internationally controlled globalist media outlet, its no different from any other ones and never has been, rupert murdoch has always been a globalist

>> No.15553428

of course most conservatives know that cops routinely murder black people with no real justification (i.e. their stated reasons would not be a justification to kill a white).

the trick is that they don't care, and many of them think it's a good thing

liberals fail to understand this simple concept. so they naively think "conservatives must not understand the truth"

>> No.15553436
File: 133 KB, 1269x629, blog_fatal_shootings_unarmed_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatal shooting of unarmed suspects is an incredibly infrequent occurrence, there are nearly a million police officers in the united states and this is the numbers they produce. the most recent noteworthy shooting of this type was committed by negro police officers

>> No.15553444

Please explain the word globalist.

>> No.15553609

>If you're murdered in your vehicle you are "armed"
Meanwhile we're about to set *another* record this year.

>> No.15553644

Uses global variables in code

>> No.15553665

I thought this was about antisemitism, but if it's about people using global variables, I'm on board for the pogroms.

>> No.15554044
File: 25 KB, 648x665, 1688574391625775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cops routinely murder black people with no real justification
You're retarded.

>> No.15554048 [DELETED] 

>A man who has no science background and is known to lie for views put up an anti-science video on twitter
>300 replies
>It's been up for 17 days


>> No.15554066

a study done at Harvard by a negro debunked this lie over 7 years ago troon. Always remember kids leftists always lie about everything


here is the thing, I have been a left leaning liberal my entire life but when you mouthbreathers got co-opted by the race baiting grifters you completely lost the plot. There is plenty to be said here about government overreach with the patriot act NSA exposed by Snowden, all the corruption exposed by Assange on wikileaks etc but you dont care about any of that, you know ACTUAL civil rights violations and domestic terrorism committed by the government against its own citizens. You in fact support all of that, the people that do it bankroll you and your band of screeching retards. You want to vote for Biden again when it has been proven CONCLUSIVELY that he and the weaponized branches of the government deep state working hand in hand with big tech actively censored and oppressed political opponents ie the REAL resistance who actually pose a threat the established (((order))). You are just jackboot useful idiot hacks, or maybe you are just a shill, I will let anons decide for themselves. Either way you are a dysgenic mouth breather

>> No.15555202
File: 63 KB, 750x767, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15556254
File: 2.18 MB, 1x1, 1684060306970281.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always remember kids leftists always lie about everything
even the weather

>> No.15557173

>leftists always lie about everything
Atheists don't believe that "thou shalt not lie" is a commandment from God and the breaking it is a sin, thats why only Christians are trustworthy

>> No.15557177

Christians shit on the Ten Commandments. That's why only Jewish people who still believe in the Torah are trustworthy.

>> No.15557185

I see the Tuck has finally matured into a true rambling Facebook Boomer

>> No.15557993

His latest video is an interview with Andrew Tate, he is more in touch with younger generations than you are. 50 million views in less than 24 hours, every tiktoker on the planet watched it

>> No.15558075

Only Vedics respect truth as bhagavan which is why you can never trust Abrahamists

>> No.15558132

Rambling Facebook boomers can interview groomers and grifters.

>> No.15558434
File: 104 KB, 485x723, osVQLjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Vedics still haven't developed sanitation and indoor plumbing that the civilized world figured out thousands of years ago

>> No.15558447

A lot of things he says are true. I bet a lot of the "basedientists" in this thread are getting triggered without even watching the video.

>> No.15558460

>Vedics are only in India
christcuck IQ moment

>> No.15559490

>bodhi is a streetshitter

>> No.15559504

>only Indians shit in the street
Wow, racist.

>> No.15559726

It is no surprise that the zoomer generation is brain broken. Having a smartphone at a very early age will do that. Seeing infographs before you have aquired critical evaluation skills will distort your view on reality

>> No.15559732

>be elite
>scientists are meddling with your business
>hire tucker
>convince the people with lower than 80 IQ that actually the REAL elite is a shadowy cabal of woke wokers who are just evil. and they have science in their pocket
>get "red pilled" retards to do the antiscience shilling for free
It is actually quite impressive. Real 4d chess

>> No.15560556
File: 73 KB, 640x427, chris elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15560633

It's actually not a conspiracy, it's individual bad actors.

>> No.15560640

Oh the level of intelligence in that post is astoundingly high, like, it blinded me.

>> No.15560699

>old leftist hippie boomer noises

>> No.15560712
File: 60 KB, 750x1010, crime rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cops routinely murder black people
Nowhere near as many blacks are killed by cops, as whites.

On average in the USA, cops murder around 500+ whites, and around 50 blacks.

Even per capita in LEO stops, cops murder around 4 times the % rate of whites as blacks.

Also, blacks kill around 10x's more whites than whites kill blacks.

>> No.15560716

>rupert murdoch has always been a globalist
He is no longer in charge, and was "halfway conservative" only in name.

His kid runs the Murdoch empire now, and they are all big Obama/Clinton cronies.

>> No.15560722

>On average in the USA, cops murder around 500+ whites, and around 50 blacks.
Go lie in another board. /pol/ comes to my mind.
>In 2021, police killed 1,145 people; 1,152 in 2020; 1,097 in 2019; 1,140 in 2018; and 1,089 in 2017.
>The racial disparities have also persisted: Black people were 24% of those killed last year, while making up only 13% of the population. From 2013 to 2022, Black residents were three times more likely to be killed by US police than white people.

>> No.15560724

Now do it by proportion of violent crime.

>> No.15560729

How much more likely were they to go for a gun?

>> No.15560735

Now take that goalpost and move it aaaaall the way to /pol/

>> No.15560784

>Black people were 24% of those killed last year, while making up only 13% of the population.
I love how they'll quote this side of the DESPITE BEING 13% copypasta with glee while condemning the other side that points out the disproportionately committed crimes as racist.

>> No.15560826

No such thing as racism anymore, but there should be something done about blacks.

>> No.15560828
File: 66 KB, 520x442, Blacks Crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks males between 12-40 years old commit around 75% of the murders, despite being only around 4% of the population of the USA.

>> No.15560833
File: 94 KB, 656x960, trot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There never was, the idea of racism as a thought crime was invented by jewish bolsheviks as a means of breaking the collective spirit of conquered Russian empire. "Racism" is as real as transwomen

>> No.15561395

negroes should stop committing so many crimes if they don't like being shot by police, or maybe the police should shoot more negroes until the crime problem goes away
either way would work

>> No.15562259

using "gay" as a slur is homophobic

>> No.15563712

no it isn't, faggots are genuinely reprehensible people

>> No.15564795
File: 57 KB, 828x530, 1689407875952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15564823
File: 142 KB, 600x600, 2020politics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15565137

>Tucker Carlson did a Twitter video about the current state of science
Why would I be interested in a news anchor's opinion about the "state of science"? Has he contributed anything useful to any field?

>> No.15565160

He has a Phd in Chudtology

>> No.15565194

>Why would I be interested in a news anchor's opinion about the "state of science"?
Because scientists sure can't be trusted to talk about the state of science.

>> No.15565202

That's like saying an engineer isn't qualified to talk about the state of a suspension bridge. Utter nonsense.

>> No.15565204

qualifications != trustworthiness
Don't put words in my mouth.

>> No.15565205

Why shouldn't I trust scientists? Because a news anchor told you they weren't trustworthy?

>> No.15565224

You can't trust scientists to communicate the actual state of science because they're in the system up to their elbows and can get funding removed or otherwise blacklisted for being too critical of the wrong things. Every industry needs impartial critics from the outside for this reason.

>> No.15565232

>You can't trust scientists to communicate the actual state of science because they're in the system up to their elbows
That seems like it would make them uniquely qualified to communicated the state of science. Why would I trust someone on the outside who has zero experience in any scientific field, let alone a pundit who is obviously politically motivated?
>and can get funding removed or otherwise blacklisted for being too critical of the wrong things
Every single thing here also applies to the pundit you're cock slurping, with the added bonus of him not actually understanding a single thing about how research is conducted.

>> No.15565233

>impartial critic

>> No.15565259

>Why shouldn't I trust scientists?
Where does this infallible faith in authority come from? You see it all the time in both normalfags and otherwise delusional people, but it has been shown again and again that authority does not equal to competence.
Is it a way of coping, perhaps? A mental safety net to prevent them from losing the comfort of thinking that "the system" that supports them is perfect and incapable of failing?

>> No.15565264

>Where does this infallible faith in authority come from?
It's not "faith", it's trust, which has been earned. Science produces results. Scientists invented the cochlear implant. They invented the MRI machine. They sent astronauts to the moon.

People like Tucker Carlson have given us nothing but bland entertainment and shallow political commentary.
>authority does not equal to competence.
No, in general it does. There are exceptions, of course, which is why consensus has more value than random 1% clowns that peddle shit studies to morons.

>> No.15565279

>Science produces results.
You are a certified fucking retard and I will not be replying to you any further than this post, for I would be wasting my time.
"Science" does not fucking exist. The scientific method does. The term "scientist" means someone who employs that very same method.
Most people with authority are not scientists. The cochlear implant was not invented by scientists, they were invented by engineers.
>People like Tucker Carlson have given us nothing but bland entertainment and shallow political commentary.
There has not been a single attempt at disproving anything he has said in his career, only allegations and arguments against strawmen.
>No, in general it does.
I'd ask you how you'd know this (or ask for proof), but I feel that argument would boil down to;
>aha! but you could still have it worse, ergo the leaders of the world are doing a fantastic job!

>> No.15565284

>"Science" does not fucking exist. The scientific method does.
When one refers to "science", they are broadly referring to the scientific method and institutions that engage with it. Not sure how you didn't know that. Maybe you are an autist that struggles with basic inferences.
>Most people with authority are not scientists.
No, all authorities in scientific fields are scientists. If they aren't a scientist, then they aren't a scientific authority.
>There has not been a single attempt at disproving anything he has said in his career
You might be clinically retarded.

>> No.15565291

>The cochlear implant was not invented by scientists, they were invented by engineers.
This is an utter lie, by the way. The inventor of the cochlear implant was William F. House, who was an otologist and medical researcher, also known as a scientist.

>> No.15565710

he isn't a logician though

>> No.15566394

>You might be clinically retarded.
You're only proving him right lmao

>> No.15566414

>There has not been a single attempt at disproving anything he has said in his career
Didn't he just lose like a billion dollars because of his lies?

>> No.15566428

If you're talking about being fired from Fox News, that was because of two defamation lawsuit that Fox News decided to settle instead of resolve (meaning that there was never a trial).
They figured it was best to let him go rather than put limits on him. Extremely retarded move, considering they've lost a very large amount of viewership as a result.

>> No.15566440

So, if dominion didn't submit any proof that tucker lied, then why did they fire him? Why did they pay that money instead of going to court? This settlement is admission of guilt and you know it.

>> No.15566458

>then why did they fire him?
>Why did they pay that money instead of going to court?
Because it's literally impossible to prove or disprove that Dominion had an active role in election fraud back in 2020.
It's like a mother claiming that her son stole a cookie from the cookie jar when he was younger; any evidence of that event is long gone by now.
>This settlement is admission of guilt
Absolutely fucking not, on both a logical and legal standpoint.
>and you know it.
Oh, this was supposed to be your zinger? Your "Aha, got you!" moment?
Shame real life doesn't work like you'd like it to, huh?

>> No.15566490

i used to think like that but this is pure impulsive based assumption, if you can refute one of his claims just show it.
each time you see him you are overflown with connotations about alex jones and /pol/ and dismiss everything he say.
generally he does not say anything that contradicts reality and does not rush to establish facts, you are either misinterpret him or don't even bother to listen and your only impression came from external interpolation.

>> No.15566504

Stunning argument, scooter.
>Because it's literally impossible to prove or disprove that Dominion had an active role in election fraud back in 2020.
Then why didn't Fox go to court? Defamatory has an extremely high burden of proof, if defamation can't be proven, which you said is the case, Fox wins. You're retarded, aren't you?

>> No.15566511

>Because it's literally impossible to prove or disprove that Dominion had an active role in election fraud back in 2020.
So, tucker lied when he said that Dominion definitely had any role in election fraud? How could he have known?

>> No.15566522

>if defamation can't be proven, which you said is the case
How naive and retarded. Judges are allowed to rule however they want, and most of them are selected by the same fraudulent system Fox is accused of defaming. They can rule for Dominion by default and no one can stop them. They can award Dominion 1 trillion dollars and no one can stop them. And they will. That is exactly what happened to Alex Jones.

And that is still ignoring the other key point: the executives at Fox are pure anti-Trump establishment. The Murdochs literally celebrated when Biden was declared the winner.

Go back to your board of drooling NPCs

>> No.15566535

It's always impressive when the schizo world evolves once again.

>> No.15566562

>anything that disproves the conspiracy is part of the conspiracy
There it is. It always devolves into unfalsifiable nonsense with you loons. Closed loop worldviews are insufferably stupid.

>> No.15566563

Meanwhile, in a certain police department located within this anon's fantasy land:
>inspector! we found footprints of the suspect leading right up to the victim's bedroom window!
>>now hold on there, sergeant. did anyone see the suspect kill the victim?
>w-well no, sir, but aside from the footprints, the suspect is also missing a knife from his home, the same model used to stab the victim!
>>yes, but no one saw the suspect use that knife to kill the victim, or did they?
>what do you mean, sir? we have several witnesses! the very same ones that you interviewed the last few days!
>>unfortunately none of them saw the suspect kill the victim, sergeant. only that that the suspect was in the area around the time of the killing
>>now that we've investigated all we could, i command you to release the suspect at once! it's such a shame we'll never figure out who killed the victim

>> No.15566574

But all of those things would be considered viable evidence in court. How is this analogous at all to your claim that defamation can't be proven?

>> No.15566575

>Then why didn't Fox go to court?
...why would they?
>Defamatory has an extremely high burden of proof
That depends on the judge and jury, not on the evidence provided. America's legal system is garbage.
>if defamation can't be proven, which you said is the case
What? I never said that.
I get that it's common for you to put up a strawman to argue against, but please stay at the argument at hand this time.
>You're retarded, aren't you?
No need to get upset, anon. If you're not having fun, all you need to do is move away from your computer screen.

>> No.15566579

>But all of those things would be considered viable evidence in court.
You're right! And in spite of all that evidence, the judge can (and has) rule in favor of it. Welcome to America!
>How is this analogous at all to your claim that defamation can't be proven?
See >>15566575

>> No.15566585

>in favor of
I meant 'against', naturally.

>> No.15566586

>...why would they?
To avoid having to pay enormous legal fees.
>That depends on the judge and jury, not on the evidence provided.
The judge and the jury rule based on the evidence provided. Extremely simple stuff.
>What? I never said that.
You said that verbatim:
>Because it's literally impossible to prove or disprove that Dominion had an active role in election fraud back in 2020
If it's impossible to prove that Fox was lying, then it's impossible to prove defamation. That's how it works.
>No need to get upset, anon.
It's hard not to get flustered when you're trying to reason with quivering schizos.

>> No.15566609

>To avoid having to pay enormous legal fees.
What? So Fox News should have gone to court, be unable to disprove that Dominion had a role to play in fraud during the 2020 elections (while Dominion can just put forward a sob story about hatemail) and be judged to pay exorbitant amounts of money either way?
What the fuck are you on about?
>The judge and the jury rule based on the evidence provided.
I can't tell if you're delusional or don't want to lose this argument and are doubling down despite your take being extremely retarded.
>Extremely simple stuff.
Feel free to provide any evidence for your claims if they're so simple (so far you have neglected to do so). You won't.
>You said that verbatim:
Cite that part, then.
>It's hard not to get flustered when you're trying to reason with quivering schizos.
You know what? Nevermind. You people are so far up your own asses, it's no wonder America has turned into a decaying corpse.

>> No.15566675

>...why would they?
To save a billion dollars in payment and sue for a second billion because dominion would be guilty of defamation.
Do you want to tell me that they're losing a net sum of two billions plus legal fees for no particular reason?
I mean, also, are you pretending that the evidence made public DIDN'T prove tucker and his cronies were lying?

>> No.15566680

>the evidence made public
And what evidence would that be?
The numerous (proved) instances of fraud taking place?
The massive clerical errors made due to mail-in voting?
The massive amount of statistic anomalies, pointing towards Biden getting so many swing states would be highly improbable?

>> No.15566717

Leaked emails, text messages etc. It's public. You seem invested enough for me to assume that you've seen them.
>The massive clerical errors made due to mail-in voting?
What clerical errors? Any that had consequences?
>The massive amount of statistic anomalies
Which anomalies? What p-values are we talking about? Did any of them have consequences?
>Biden getting so many swing states would be highly improbable?
Why is it highly improbable? Because you don't like him?

>> No.15566731

>Leaked emails, text messages etc.

>> No.15566746

I am not going to dignify this with a google search, since you have seen it already. If you had not, you could just google it yourself.

>> No.15566749

No source exists? Well that means your statements are factually wrong.
Not a good look, anon. Feel free to come back with a few actual sources.

>> No.15566760

>No source exists?
So, Fox News paid a billion dollars even though no source or evidence exists? Crazy.
>Feel free to come back with a few actual sources.
Feel free to stop being an obnoxious, sealioning piece of shit, scientifically speaking.

>> No.15566762

Still not seeing you provide any evidence for your claims.

>> No.15566782

Why should I? You've seen it. Show me evidence the sun exists. Spoiler: you won't, because you'd be retarded to react to such a request, as it's obviously dishonest and just wastes your time.

>> No.15566786

>Why should I?
When anyone makes a statement without a source, you'd have to trust them to take their word for it.
You have shown not to be trustworthy, therefore anything you say must be supported by an external source, otherwise none of your statements can be taken as a fact.
I'm still not seeing a source for your statements, by the way.

>> No.15566792

>When anyone makes a statement without a source, you'd have to trust them to take their word for it.
Got a source for that, chud? Otherwise I won't believe you.
>You have shown not to be trustworthy
You have not proven a single word I've said wrong. I have said things you don't like, but not untrue things. Just like you think the election must have been rigged because your favoured candidate lost, you think I must be lying because my statements inconvenienced you.
>I'm still not seeing a source for your statements, by the way.
It's must be tough to be incapable of googling.

>> No.15566794

Still not seeing a source.
I'll be fair, I'll give you two hours to provide one.
If you fail to do so, you have conceded your statement.

>> No.15566795

How gracious of you.

>> No.15567056

Well, it's been well over 2 hours now, so you have conceded your statement.
I hope you learn from this moment and will have some sources ready to back up your arguments next time.

>> No.15567216

>he replied in an autosage thread

>> No.15567245

It's a real shame people like them can't be reasoned with.

>> No.15567421

/sfg/ typically gets more than half its posts after the bump limit has been reached