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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 165 KB, 2048x1204, love-the-lord-your-god-2048x1204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15528111 No.15528111 [Reply] [Original]

Is there /sci/fags that unironically believe in god? I don't really like the idea but overtime I really think how long we are still here and haven't been extinct for many insane reason. I feel like there is something truly protecting us and wanting us to succeed for curiosity.

>> No.15528124

Not a particularly good reason to doubt but Jesus is the Christ and savior of mankind

>> No.15528150

Why hasn't he return in these crappy unmotivating times? Young people have no future, our economy isnt getting better, a war is brewing between the U.S and China. Why is the world still hasn't changed or gotten better? When will they all fucking return and help us already?

>> No.15528160

I'm an atheist but I believe that the fact that the universe came into being at all means that an act of creation took place. I don't see any difference between that force and any creator deity. I just don't believe in a conscious power that meddles in human affairs but only before cameras and video recorders were invented. There should be nothing but there isn't nothing, and if you want to attribute that to God I won't argue.

>> No.15528162

i am intellectually a hardcore atheist but i follow Lubos Motl’s model of being a “Christian atheist”. smart people can see the truth that at best we should be agnostic on the existence of a deity, but at the same time humanity rapidly degenerates without a mainstream ideology that encourages people to be pure at heart. anything besides christian or muslim ideology inevitably leads to rapid cultural degeneracy and cultural collapse. so of those two i pick Christianity. and not protestant bullshit. that also rapidly turns into chaos

>> No.15528166

>protect us
Lol. This is false for 99.9999% of humanity. Most people have completely shit lives that they will pass down to their off spring until they are eradicted. However, it does seem that there are certain groups of chosen people who do not suffer like the rest of us. Perhaps that is reason to believe the Abrahamic god.

>> No.15528175

> I feel like there is something truly protecting us and wanting us to succeed for curiosity.
A completely subjective and non-scientific conclusion. Just like religion itself.

>> No.15528183

I dont see how darwin's evolution or any other theory is at odd with god does x explaination.

>> No.15528196

Because it contradicts whatever creation myth people believe in. For example not a lot of evolution can happen in 7 days.

>> No.15528212
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"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
>Great Year
Age of Prophets, Ram, Pisces...and Aquarious, our Age.

"“I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Jesus

You need the ability to abstract meaning from basic language as the meaning was mean to be conveyed across millenia, and languages, and it needed to be basic enough to not lose said meaning.

>> No.15528221

>thinking these retards will understand this shit
you may as well drop a paper with the equations for nuclear fission in ancient rome as post this to these dudes. They will be able to make as much sense of this the romans could have of the equations.

>> No.15528224

> What was the Scopes Monkey Trial

>> No.15528226

7 days is symbolic of the 7 circles in the seed of life

>> No.15528230

The Scopes Monkey Trial was a trial in which an atheist falsified evidence and perjured himself in order to convince a jury that his conclusion was correct.

>> No.15528231

> 7 days wasn't 7 days it was something else, we can't agree on what, because instead of writing what we meant we wrote 7 days.
you guys are funny.

>> No.15528232
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Hey..........Archmedes might find it.

>> No.15528234
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the language of ancient manuscripts are written in codes to keep peasants like you from understanding their true meaning. This isn't an obscure factoid, it is well known Da Vinci was known to write backwards and alchemists always wrote in code etc. It is still done to this day which is why we have encryption software for sensitive and proprietary material. You can fluff up your ego and deny it all you want but it is true none the less

>> No.15528235

Or 7 Dei's, or 7 Prophets, one for each Age, making it 25,920 years, which...lines up with Rh- bloodline, and pits the flood in the middle at about 10-12,000 years ago.

You....dont know much about anything, do you? Decyphering things that happend thousands and thousands of years ago isnt for the simple minded.

>> No.15528239

Had other math on calculator...

That fits way better for Genesu

>> No.15528240

>whoa whoa one second there bud let me finish this measurement

>> No.15528241

cope harder

>> No.15528242

how novel, I have never seen brainlets do this when they get filtered before

>> No.15528246
File: 76 KB, 720x720, 2023-05-26_21.29.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been to every corner of the world studying every religion, every cult, every folk tale I could find in search of the history of Humanity...

There isnt a Theologian or Scientist on the planet that will shake my knowing, for I have no "faith or belief", like you do with how the world works.

Your cope is present and we can see it.

>> No.15528248

btw it was called job security, you have never had a job where what you did was complex or important enough for you to want your obscure your work from prying eyes which is why you dont know this. If the peasants could read and understand the manuscripts for themselves what the fuck would they need you for?

>> No.15528250
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Jewish Museum, Warsaw Poland.

>> No.15528251

PSS This was a schism that Lutheranism brought up in the reformation. The books were written in Latin so only the priests could read, Luther wanted them written in German so the peasants could read themselves. Funny enough just being able to read the words did not help the peasantry understand the true meanings however as it was still coded language using metaphors that allude to things peasants are not taught. You are historically illiterate so of course you didnt know any of this either.

>> No.15528252

I believe that sculpture has more than 7 circles, Dr. Schizo.

>> No.15528253


>> No.15528256

that isnt the seed of life mouth breather, it is the tree of life

>> No.15528263

>Is there /sci/fags that unironically believe in god?
Science is a death cult that avoids any life because not calculable. God id life. So anyone who believe in science cannot believe in god.

Has nothing to do with religion which is a death cult too and way nearer to science than to life. Both are dogmatic and authoritative institutions usually a tool of the one in power.

>> No.15528264

>as it was still coded language
I actually think this is built into on purpose, as the these mindless NPCs are destructive and careless to said destruction as a built-in aspect of nature. Some of the things I learned would be extremely damaging in NPC hands, as it would show them how to...."do things", like artificially ascend via "sinful ways".

Related to Biochemistry or Manipulation of Nature via..."ways and means", wont go into because, well, theyre listening, but its there....deep in them thar tomes.

Parts of Nature are mechnical in many respects, for Nature is both murder and the murdered, raper...and the raped.

>> No.15528273

Yah I agree, knowledge, like everything else, needs to be earned lest the recipient does not respect it

>> No.15528274

>Manipulation of Nature
One example is after major wars, where all the men die, more males are born after to compensate for the loss.

At a certain point...Physics and Biology blend to become indistinguishable.


>> No.15528275

The Universe is always working to maintain balance, brahma creates, shiva destroys and vishnu sustains

>> No.15528277

you can also see this in predator/prey relationships like wolves and hares. One booms and one declines in a cycle

>> No.15528280
File: 58 KB, 720x720, 2023-04-23_02.18.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brahma creates, shiva destroys and vishnu sustains
I believe this is the three hemispheres of the brain, and the Dajjal is missing the creation. I am missing the Destruction (partially), as I can but under such strict conditions that Nature uses it as a means of manipulation on me.

One must earn my closed fist of justice, "social" justice isnt justice to me.

>> No.15528283
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I wonder which one is which.

>> No.15528340

A shit ton of cosmologists and astrophysicians believe in God

>> No.15528416

>There should be nothing but there isn't nothing,
Yes there is, I am holding nothing right now, its all around us and between us, it is what separates you from you.

>> No.15528417


>> No.15528422
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>it is what separates you from you
Based and Subliminal Schizo Psyche-Driven pilled.

>> No.15528424

The only problem with your logic is that christian leaders molest kids too, they aren't stopping any degeneration, they are actively contributing to chaos just like secular teachers, so if they could stop it, they would, but they can't even control themselves.

>> No.15528425

Eh? Jesus died and that was it
We have to help each other, but we want to be retarded abd follow evil people. I'll give you an example:

Everyone believes the Chinese are genociding the Uyghurs
The "Uyghurs" have ties with terrorists, want to secede from China and have commited more than 50 attacks in China.
China, instead of bombing them sent them to education camps to stop the radicalization and attacks to chinese residents
Have you ever heard of this? Nope, let's blame the yellow man and let's follow the whore of babylon

>> No.15528427
File: 403 KB, 640x559, follow-up-if-the-kork-were-so-amazing-how-did-the-ork-de-v0-54fcoyssc7x91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why hasn't he return in these crappy unmotivating times?
Age of Prophets, Ram, Pisces...and Aquarious, our Age.
"“I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Jesus

Until the END of the AGE.
Pisces (Fish) is Over.

Guess who...

>> No.15528429

Its not just code, its metaphor which is exactly why you are wrong and none of you people can agree on exactly how long a day is.

>> No.15528430

Why would you need to obscure writing from people who can't even read?

>> No.15528433
File: 66 KB, 960x720, slide_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You failed and proved to be the very kind of person who will never understand any of this, trying to nail down using language that which is between words, ideas, emotions, mathematics, the numbers between numbers, and here you are with your arms crossed, scoffing, like some fucking midwit pedestrian.
>you are wrong
Shut the fuck you know-nothing failure of a man. You have NOTHING but a anus farting words about a subject you cant even crack the cover of.

>nuh uh Im smart
Ive been called the most intelligent person in the world. SHUT UP and learn humility you fucking jackass.

>> No.15528438

Its to obscure it from corrupted nobels.

The priest part is probably (in my research) an attempt to have a vessal (priest) interpret for the Holy Spirit as society evokves over time as a priest class would be read up on *how* to interpret scripture as well as be the vessal.

Ive seen people say and do shit they dont remembe, it common and you do it too, you just never had it recorded.

How can you remember doing something that your Physiology info-dumped before being recorded into memory? You cant, you *have to* have an outside record and you have to happen to look at it, which you wouldnt think to do....because you had no memory for a reason why.

Cognition and Psychology, its alien to the normie, literally...

>> No.15528444

I accept you concession, you have nothing to show but words words words because you can prove nothing because you know nothing.

>> No.15528448

So peasants was a red herring, he actually meant other people and you two namefags are so in sync, you know exactly what he meant even though he said something completely different and wrong compared to your interpretation?

>> No.15528451
File: 655 KB, 719x1119, 2023-03-09_00.16.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I accept you concession
This means I won, retarded leftists always do the opposite.
>you have nothing to show but words


>> No.15528456
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>red herring




>> No.15528457

No, bodhi is clearly a higher grade expert here since you are just agreeing with them and parroting whatever bodhi says.

>> No.15528458

I am not the one pretending, you are the one pretending that peasant means the same thing as nobel.

>> No.15528459

Why won't he come back? How long will we have to wait for something big to happen? I want to see god and how all of our lives end. I can't take religion seriously enough if I don't see any proof of any of this.

>> No.15528466

Also why wasn't he just patient enough to wait until videography was developed to be alive, so he could document his life in real time in his own words directly to the people rather than waiting hundreds of years for someone else to write his life story and be gatekept by child molesters in fancy italian castles?

>> No.15528471

We're at a point where we have phone for cameras, I have no idea why he can't just fucking show up or god show up and spread his word through the phones or even on fucking youtube who knows. It's such bullshit that I have to keep waiting and praying 24/7 expecting shit to change when nothing has changed and there will still be suffering in this world.

>> No.15528473
File: 162 KB, 720x720, 2023-06-28_09.59.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why won't he come back?
Dipshit. He told you he wasnt coming back.

“I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Jesus
>“I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Jesus
“I am with you always, to the end of the age.” -Jesus




>> No.15528478

So he will forever be with us but we can't see or meet him ever? Even in the worst of times? Even in a post-apocalyptic world? What the fuck we need help, praying isn't doing shit.

>> No.15528479


>> No.15528485

>So he will forever be with us but we can't see or meet him ever?
Partially true, what he was as a Prophet, a living embodyment of pure Love/Zero Hate/Zero Destruction is eternal. The Holy Spirit will still use it as the templet for things, as the Spirit isnt just the good, but also the bad, but he was made as a marker for what "Pure Good, No Bad" looks like.

You are apart of him, its Genetic and Evolutionary Biology, not "idolotrous vision in the mind/heart", the spirit and life itself, its the eternal part, but he knew the next Prophet would not be like him. When the Muslims sealed off the Gate in Israel it was a symbol that the next Prophet *must* incorporate the Flail.

The "being Christ like" is still a thing, its...well, sounds cliche to you, but "Love", but its a verb, not a feeling, and its too complicated to exlain to someone without a heavy dose of ALL fields of STEM as its gets into everything from Physiology, Physics as well as human interactions.

>> No.15528491

>What the fuck we need help
Use the Christ in you to help yourself.
>praying isn't doing shit
Are you praying for what you can do youself or praying to change the world?

Actions upon the world open opportunities, take no actions...recieve nothing. Also, if you simply accept the ills of the world without standing up for yourself (like Jesus) you TOO will be led to the cross to be killed for the feelings of others.

The cover of the Bible is a Cross...a tool of Death...

>> No.15528493

>Zero Hate/Zero Destruction
Explain how the destruction of the change making tables squares with 0 destruction or destroying the purity of water to make wine instead as a first "miracle".

>> No.15528501

I'm praying for both, I want myself and the world to be at true peace, no more wars with each other and we should do a much better job in helping society all over the world flourish

>> No.15528502

Youre lost in linguistics.

Stop trying to "win", thats exsctly how this will eternally evade you. You should try to figure how it IS possibel, not find a way that it isnt like; >>15528444

If you absolute certainty (in your superior intellect) you will ALWAYS find contradictions to grasp and say "Aha! I knew it wasnt true!"


>> No.15528507

>the world to be at true peace
Me too...and I tried my best, but humans are built for war, they seek it...yearn for it, literally, and so does nature. Nature's way of "wheat and chaff" is war. "Controlled conflict" is the best we have at the moment, Im hoping to get it down to "Policing Actions", sort of nation building.

>War is Peace
When Trump ended was abroad...civil war brood, and so did other places, Russia was the last one.

Evolution is a growing pressure and the planet has no valve to release it into outer space. It must go somewhere, constructive is the hope, destructive is the alternative.

>> No.15528508

So you are saying that your worldview is incoherent and you can't actually present it in a way that doesn't give rise to numerous contradictions, but all those contradictions are somehow my fault for noticing rather than your fault for presenting contradictions as your facts?

>> No.15528510
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>all those contradictions are somehow my fault
>rather than your fault for presenting contradictions as your facts
Youre twisting, INTENTIONALLY trying to not follow instructions and instead seeking plot hole when I am trying to tie into coherence ALL OF REALITY AND THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE IN 4CHAN POSTS TO A DIMWITTED FOOL.

When havnt even touched BioPhysics, Evolution, Genetics, Mathematics...the last one is the kicker...

Sit down when you speak to your elders, boy.

>> No.15528511
File: 239 KB, 720x720, 2023-06-28_10.05.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how one of you uses the crook...and one needs the flail.

>> No.15528513

Sure you might be trying your best, but you are clearly not succeeding hence everyone notices all your contradictions and you just get mad about it and start with the namecalling instead of trying to resolve the contradictions in your own incoherent worldview.

>> No.15528516
File: 164 KB, 250x230, tenor (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, retard, you know nothing and talk from a position of "Im higher than you."

Youre not, youre an insulting jackass that deserves beatings. I wish we were in person.....you would chang your attitude real quick.

You are the problem, end of debate, kid.

>> No.15528518
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>instead of trying to resolve the contradictions
lol...you had your chance...youre a shit student and the one that would get the paddle.

The enducation is free...but you are not...youre a slave to your EGO, son.

>> No.15528519

>Shut up, retard,
There is that tard anger and namecalling I was talking about.

>talk from a position of "Im higher than you."
No, you are the only one claiming that your contradictions can't be wrong and its only the people who notice you keep contradicting yourself who are wrong.

>> No.15528522

>youre a slave to your EGO
Says the retard who claims they can't be wrong because they are just following instructions when they repeat stupid contradictions.

>> No.15528526
File: 68 KB, 500x272, 2022-10-05_04.30.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The student does not lecture the Master.
Start over...you failed with your first step.

Thankfully you post under Anonymous...otherwise your failures with me would be remembered FOREVER.

>> No.15528529

Nobody has to lecture you, your entire worldview completely falls apart when faced with simple questions.

>> No.15528532
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No, I refuse to entertain a petulant child's fanciful but puny intellect. You TRY to play games and poke holes and run around like a chicken.

You must WANT to learn, you have no desire....for you are trying to teach the professor as a first year student.

Petty you thought I would play back.

I didnt sacrifice my entire life for some punk eating cheetos to say between bites "nuh uh".

>> No.15528534
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>your entire worldview completely falls apart
Youre not a Physicst.
Youre not a Geneticist.
Youre not a Psychologist.
Youre not a Mathematician.


>> No.15528535

>I refuse to
Wrong, you already established that you tried your best, but it isn't good enough because you still have no coherent explanation for the state of things even if you have wasted your life trying only to come up with contradiction after contradiction.

>> No.15528536

Neither do you and you can't even explain it without contradicting yourself which shows how low on the totem pole of reality you really are since even your own words betray you.

>> No.15528537
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You are not qualified for the Truth, you recieve parables.

Psalm 777;1
Your life sucks because youre a dumb and immoral person, Amen.

>> No.15528539
File: 220 KB, 719x466, 2022-10-02_17.57.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neither do you
Actually I do. Its called leading the field.

I lead a few of them...I do not lie.

>> No.15528546

I am fine, my life is not the problem, you are the one getting angry because you can't make a post without contradicting some other post you have made in the exact same thread.

>> No.15528550

You are only deciding on semantics rather than reality and yet still too retarded in reality to decide on coherent semantics where you don't constantly contradict yourself and stir yourself into some angry outburst where you need to start namecalling and inventing qualifications rather than just saying something that isn't retarded and self-contradicting.

>> No.15528553
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>I am fine, my life is not the problem
>you meet a highschool pal
>"How ya doing?"

You cannot regret the life you didnt know was a possibility, this is why poor people living around rich feel poorer, you have no frame of reference to how pathetic and haphazard your life is.

You have to be WILLING to see your life isnt what you want...if you maintain your grip on your shit life you will NEVER have a better one.

Youre not a Psychologist, I am. Stop speaking down to whats above you...its the VERY REASON you cannot grow up to an adult; PRIDE.

>> No.15528555

>You are only deciding on semantics
Thats you, stop playing.

>> No.15528557

>You cannot regret the life you didnt know was a possibility,
Oh, so that is why you don't regret anything, don't notice your contradictions until someone else points them out for you and then fall back to just following your master's instructions or simple namecalling when your confronted with your nonsense.

>> No.15528559

Ok mr leading pretend field inventor.

>> No.15528566
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>so that is why you don't regret anything

>> No.15528568

Biological and Physics based Mathematics. Organic Mathematics.

No, I will not "entertain you" with what took me more effort to do than your entire life combined into a single action.

>> No.15528576

Wow good job coming up with numbers that are even more imaginary than imaginary numbers to the point you can't even explain them without contradicting yourself and devolving into outbursts of fallacious rage and credential inventing.

>> No.15528580
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>even more imaginary than imaginary numbers
Theyre based off of inherent Mathematics if Biology, the same Math that tells a tree how to count in Fibbonaci, and is the source to which ALL human made Mathematics is derived from, as well as Arithmetic Geometry in accoradance to principles of Physics.

Stop, you will never win the game of "bigger intellect penis" to me.

>every other post is "nuh uh"
Stop deluding yourself, it makes you more entrentched in a false reality.

>> No.15528583

>outbursts of fallacious rage
I literally wake up disgusted by humans and their "deity" called the Holy Spirit almost 100% of my days, LITERALLY.

>> No.15528585

>based off
Oh so back to just you following instructions to be this retarded rather than actually inventing anything yourself.

>> No.15528591
File: 45 KB, 393x308, 2023-04-02_20.45.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, Ive invented math akin to Newton, Euclid and more. There is zero pride or hubris in saying that, stop speaking to me like we're equals while you spit in my face.

My travel plans changed and my Russia/Central Asia tour is on hold, so I will head back to the US and Asia before then, and while I am there I will probably contact Norman Wildberger to discuss Sociology of Mathematics, Number Theory, Organic Base Systems, maybe a bit of Physics and Biology, as well as Psychology to bring all those back into Sociology and, well....Mathematics.

Shh...you speak out of turn in, literally, every post.

>> No.15528593
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You're retarded KYADS.

>> No.15528598

Then why do you need to constantly parrot bodhi and follow their lead if you are such a big brain math inventor?

>> No.15528602

Just tell me what you posted.
What it a girl? Was she not decent?

...was it a boy?

>> No.15528604
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3+9 =?

Your mind will say 11, but the answer is in fact 12.

>> No.15528610

Two penises it is.

>> No.15528615
File: 57 KB, 885x874, 1685905896203244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you retard. I was just pretending to be (as stupid as) you

>> No.15528784

lol no...

>> No.15528812

were there people protecting the oceangate sub? the titanic? the thousands of other tragedies?

think before you post next time.

>> No.15528871

Peasants of the mind child, not social standing. Why would you feel the need to ask a question as stupid as "why code things from people who cant read?" Mental peasantry

>> No.15528960

Not only did Leonardo write with a special kind of shorthand that he invented himself, he also mirrored his writing, starting at the right side of the page and moving to the left. Only when he was writing something intended for other people did he write in the normal direction.


>> No.15528988

So how many layers of coding is enough?
If they can't read in the first place, its already coded, why code it again and if you do, why stop and if you don't stop, why did you start writing it down in the first place if you didn't want others to know?

>> No.15529021

Those are pretty good meme, I like the wolf milk and floods too.