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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15528186 No.15528186 [Reply] [Original]

Will I be forever castrated as an inferior IQ because I went to a state school while rich girl Stacy and star foot player Tyrone go to Harvard

>> No.15528199

No, literally no one gives a fuck outside of rare instances like finance or silicone valley where they mostly hire their frat brothers and shit from the ivy league. After your first job is on your resume literally no employer will ever give a shit about any of your school shit, only your work history and references. Getting into a "good school" is a meme

>> No.15528200

What about for academia?

>> No.15528204

Not really, a job is a job academia is still just a job. I taught Visual C++ .net at a uni for a couple semesters and I only have a bachelors degree.

>> No.15528276

Stop larping. You can't even solve fizzbuzz. You don't know shit about programming.

>> No.15528281

You sound like an underaged pajeet kek
Undergrad doesn't matter, but you must do your PhD in a good school

>> No.15528284

wtf did you just say to me street shitter?

>> No.15528288

"bodhi" is the underaged pajeet, lol. He's constantly larping here, pretending to be something he isn't. As soon as you ask him for a proof he'll reveal his ignorance of basic concepts. For example he didn't even know what an IP address is.

>> No.15528294

you are a literal schizo who is nigger tier retarded. I dunked on your stupid ass so hard I am surprised you didnt leave this board in shame. But of course you dont feel shame because you are fucking psychotic

>> No.15528298
File: 11 KB, 569x86, bodhi admits they are retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15528301
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the level of retard this schizo is on most normies cant even process. A Literal psychotic incapable of understanding basic concepts like satire. As always you are incapable of making a post in a thread relating to the actual thread topic you are fucking moron and only come here to create chaos for attention. Eat shit and die schizo.

>> No.15528302

Tell me, what kind of software did you write, bodhi? Let us test your claims.

>> No.15528304

I have a better idea, take a fat scoop of shit out of my ass and eat it

>> No.15528311

>can't answer the question
And once again you're exposed as a larper who doesn't know shit about programming.

>> No.15528312

you know all about eating shit in a straight jacket dont you?

>> No.15528314

ok retard, you totally weren't just looking for attention and inciting off topic chaos when you made the first post begin with "No, literally no one gives a fuck...".

>> No.15528320

I answered OPs question you psychotic fucking moron

>> No.15528323

Another of bodhi's patterns: when in cognitive dissonance he begins spamming his gay sexual fantasies.

>> No.15528325

So now you deny eating shit? I was here when you made your blogpost describing your time in the psycho ward eating shit Paki schizo.

>> No.15528326

literally no one gives a fuck, retard

>> No.15528328

>Im totally not a schizo
You need to come to terms with the fact that you are batshit crazy and incapable of having adult conversations curry nigger.

>> No.15528329

Bodhi is still talking as if eating shit was somehow offensive. It's pride month 2023. Eating shit is a totally normal sexual activity.

>> No.15528330

Nobody is denying your shit eating fixation, you bring it up all the time, it is in fact one of your dominating personality characteristics.

>> No.15528331

Isn't that similar to what you were saying last time you admitted you were just a trolling retard too?

>> No.15528334

So you finally admit it? Good, go back to eating shit and stfu

>> No.15528335

Nobody ever denied you have a shit eating fixation, they actually pointed out that it is your dominate personality trait.

>> No.15528337

I know your dominant personality trait is eating shit and the neighbors know you as " that shit eating paki" but no one here cares

>> No.15528339

You obviously do since you are the one with the fixation who constantly steers the conversation towards shit at any given opportunity.

>> No.15528341

You are obviously fixated on eating shit which is why you consume it nonstop

>> No.15528344

Did you learn that from your tard wrangler?

>> No.15528348

Stop bullying bodhi. You're making him cry.

>> No.15528349

You mean your turd wrangler who keeps you fed?

>> No.15528352

he cant stop, this is the only reason he comes here to screech like a retard at people to get a response. It is like oxygen to cluster Bs like him. He can never post about anything in any threads because he is a psychotic moron so all he ever does is find someone in the thread to attack for no reason and screech schizo retard shit nonstop. He's fine he loves the attention, just dont ever try to engage people like him in genuine conversation because you may as well be speaking to pigeon, they are about as intelligent and coherent as he is. Just realize they are here simply to entertain you with how retarded they are

>> No.15528363

hey you are like twins

>> No.15528367

There's no discussion with you because your educational background is insufficient.

>> No.15528370

go eat your shit and stfu when adults are talking

>> No.15528408

>Undergrad doesn't matter, but you must do your PhD in a good school
This is completely backwards. People might care about undergrad university, but absolutely nobody gives a fuck what university your PhD was from (except idiots). It matters who your advisor was and what you published, that's it.

>> No.15528418

This, except its really mostly about what you publish and how high impact it is. PhDs are all basically the same anywhere you go, you just research something and publish a paper on it, as long as it passes peer review and it says something interesting that's all that matters. For anything below a PhD your school is more likely to matter because there is actual education involved with lectures and professors etc and so there could be different standards of education

>> No.15529275

But wouldn't ivy league schools have better advisors and more funding for research?

>> No.15529603
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x787, cow-urine_wide-792c1ffc1cad807180b9b837222b582f7c07aec8-s1400-c100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a shitskin sir
That's even worse than the gook on /his/ imagine this dung eater thinking he's better than africans maybe history but literally not everything else imagine being pooskin that similar to them but have none of the physique, height or dick, I kill myself lol.

>> No.15529647

Aren't you the fucktard anons were thought was a troll because the things you were saying were so stupid they thought you no one could actually be that stupid, because you didn't understand how memory works in computers?

>> No.15529651

Is there some psyop to post garbage shit tier threads to this board or something?

>> No.15529653

>not science or math