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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15527658 No.15527658 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Tooker, you homeless homosexual dog-fucker you!

How's life? Remember me yet?

>> No.15527674
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This disproving proof of the probability of proving Jon Tooker to be a gay-homo-twink is polynomial.

>> No.15527678
File: 49 KB, 600x315, 7R3xLAMTcXGd4_MFHf2TYSrveRsQOMbaeK9Adk7VnME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHHA I fucking love. F of X.

A function of X, well a function of all my ex-lovers is going to be held and I'll call it a mass wedding.


>It is so hard to consistently and effectively set the global standard of crazy for the English language without it unfairly disrupting or dismantling my local environ lang.

>> No.15527681


Oh shit this is hilarious.

Jon Tooker, you are a fine Vagus jester.

>> No.15527696

Based Tooker, givin'em what for!

>> No.15527704

I felt so fucking goofy, some guy was making a video about him and I had to step in and explain the situation.
I had to defend this fucking retard because people didn't understand he's a schizo

>> No.15527709

Is it the video where he calls some random black store clerk a nigger and people tried to cancel him?

>> No.15527711

Yeah. He's a retard for sure, but he's not firing on all cylinders and I didn't think it was fair for him to catch flak without at least clarifying for people the situation.

>> No.15527714

Well it's not like they can get him fired from his job or kicked out of his house. He lives under a bridge or something and he's on gibs. I'm perfectly fine with retards trying to "cancel" someone who has zero stake in the system since they're wasting their time and he can't be damaged by it anyway.

>> No.15527715

Idk man, I just think the last thing this guy needs is a bunch of people flinging shit at him over him having a tard moment. I have a lot of sympathy for crazy people.

>> No.15527717

What I mean is, their echo chamber and his life don't overlap and probably never will. The people trying to find his place of employment quickly realized he has none and gave up.

>> No.15527726

Still, a dude with paranoid schizophrenia doesn't need that level of attention even for a little bit. I don't mean to completely compare him to Terry, but look what happened there

>> No.15527730

not science or math

>> No.15527732

A more similar circumstance would be if people on /sci/ egged him on. Since Terry pretty much went unnoticed by the people in his local area.

>> No.15527744

I mean, yeah you have a point. Idk man, there's that whole bible verse about protecting the weak and stuff, and I have a lot of sympathy toward the mentally unfit for personal reasons. I despise him and his posts but I will do anything I can to protect him in whatever small way I can.

>> No.15527749

The best way to protect him would be to permanently restrict his internet access or get a tard wrangler to do so.

>> No.15527766

>despise him and his posts
You must be new to 4chan. Welcome, fren, I suggest you stick to blue boards lil fella.

>> No.15527768

You admitted to being a schizophrenic with dementia.

>> No.15527769

Ive seen more delusions from police officers than Tooker. Politicians. Doctors. You name it.

PhD doesnt mean coherent anymore...

>> No.15527773
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Yeah, and Id stomp you and your degree at the same time...what does that say ABOUT YOU?
>But Im not cray cray like you!
If my grip on reality superceeds yours then it is you living in a delusion, son.
>But most people think like I do.
Thats not a good thing as most people are delusional retards with no moral compass.
>But you...

>> No.15527781

>If my grip on reality superceeds yours
You already admitted it doesn't, so this conditional hypothetical is false.

>> No.15527788

Youre using false logic where you ignore everything that doesnt affirm your delusions as evidence.
>Ignores exonerating evidence to "win the case".
Thats anti-scientific and counter-rational, it leads to self delusional thinking...youre living is a false reality.

Insane people do that....YOU ARE NOT WINNING THIS.

>> No.15527895
File: 289 KB, 2048x1184, 5a40b12ae1bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, you have sympathy for crazy? That sounds like a vulnerable mental state to me!

>Ever tried to trick all your male high school friends into thinking that your mother secretly wanted to fuck them and walk into her bedroom naked before? I have. It worked way more times that it should have, and one of them fell for it three times in a row!

>> No.15527899

No but my roommate once pissed me off and later told me he was worried about being schizo and for a few weeks whenever we were around people I'd only speak to him

>> No.15527901

Yay! Jon Tooker is present ITT!

I can just tell its him by the way he shitposts.

>> No.15527907
File: 39 KB, 662x393, FtBM4WuaQAA_b5H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your roommate pissed you off and then you did nothing but talk to him?

Are you unintelligent or intelligent?

Unintelligence is: Similar, stupid, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, dull-witted, witless, slow, dunce-like, simple-minded, empty-headed, vacuous, vapid, half-witted, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, thick, dim, dumb, dopey, dozy, cretinous, birdbrained, pea-brained, wooden-headed, fat-headed, thick as two short planks, opposite, intelligent, or any iteration or repetation of a synonym for a given topic, heading, title, that exceeds the number of commas in this given sentence by the writer of the words for the reader to come to some intelligent conclusion of when to give a reader of their future words to be able to give a traditionally trained Englishman some time to breathe.

Intelligence is: Ternary, Honorable, Inferrable, Synchronizable, Explainable, and Expressive, and never is it exhaustible nor can it ever be exhaustive. It only does its best each and every time that it can.

I hope next time you have a problem with your roommate that you are able to actually not speak with them when you are experiencing any sort of difficulty with them.

>> No.15527908

>Your roommate pissed you off and then you did nothing but talk to him?
Nice reading comprehension

>> No.15527912
File: 175 KB, 640x500, 4cb0e37687e7_Bindiposter_Gang_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so your rommate got angry at him and didn't want to talk to him so told him he was schizo just to get him away from the creepy roommate that couldn't keep to themselves?

>nice life skills you have there

>> No.15527917

No, I made it seem like I was a figment of his imagination

>> No.15527925
File: 263 KB, 680x798, b9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you pretentiously believed that somehow you had sufficient willpower to dominate another human being's perspective on reality? That's hilarious. I wonder how much of a incestual-narcissist you must be in real-life.

>> No.15528858
File: 233 KB, 2048x2048, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they finally dragged him back to antarctica

now he will have to wait in line and order sandwiches... FOREVER!!!

>> No.15528872

This happened in 2020.

>> No.15529341

This man is free, and I envy him.

>> No.15529635
File: 450 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20230628-235409_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah...free to accost maidens after 16 meads at Τσίλιες. Meanace of the eons...

>> No.15529690

Does Tooker really post here ("Jealous" namefag), or is it anons shitposting?

>> No.15529693
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There as genuine as Wayne Lambright posts.

>> No.15529697
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder than OP is a literal sociopath who gets off on attacking people for attention. He cannot add anything to any discussions here because he is a fucking moron so he only comes here to insult people and create chaos for attention. He is lower than dog shit and no question the biggest loser on this board. Tooker is worth 1000 of you and everyone who has ever met you will attest to it which is why you have no friends and everyone abandons you

>> No.15529948
File: 23 KB, 548x560, 1606558811405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just leaves the question of what that makes you. What justifies your existence on this board other than to troll Tooker and make similar shitposts. We have enough people doing that, in case you're a casual observer. I've noticed you've been around just about, if not longer and don't put out anything other than rehashed souless buddhist crap. You're now stooping down to screencapping and infographing your own posts like the same mentally ill people you make fun of.

>Tooker is worth 1000 of you and everyone who has ever met you will attest to it which is why you have no friends and everyone abandons you

A village only needs one idiot and you're not as charismatic or funny. Your own post surmises it well, I'd rather have 1000 Tookers than one of you.

>> No.15529951

Yes it's really him. He also posts on stackexchange.

>> No.15529977
File: 360 KB, 2224x788, TIMESAND___GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15529982

Tooker, do people ever recognize you in public over the nigga incident?

>> No.15529986
File: 40 KB, 498x441, 1660737941199094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not what was said, Anon, dont be modest.

>> No.15529989


>> No.15529990

He really gave it the hard R.

>> No.15529991

>sociopathic seething
wow never expecting that

>> No.15529993

There are tools who report any hint of racism outside /pol/, and I can't be bothered restarting my router.

>> No.15529997

I call it the Super Market Slur incident.

High emotions all around, she fucked with a man's sandwich.

>> No.15530097

There is something disturbing about yhis guy. That kind of things that for some reason seems deeply off, like when you see something bizarre during a nightmare

>> No.15530111

Yeah, because he's schizophrenic idiot. That could be you in the mugshot if you were unlucky.

>> No.15530117

>itt a river-dance-like stage wide row of namefags
lol https://youtu.be/brkp2VhzdDI

>> No.15530123

That was a white man that I was speaking to in that video.

>> No.15530189

>echo chamber
made up pseudo-sociological concept invented by idiots and idiot-journalists who fundamentally don't understand the way people interact on the internet

>> No.15530204

>source: my ass

>> No.15530213

the source is the shitwit came up with the term, but since I've never seen a definition that makes nontrivial predictions about human behavior, I'll just cite all known definitions of the phrase

it's not a real concept, people generally don't desire to hear echos of their own opinions back to them. That's why you're on 4chan, right? This is the site where the most controversial threads get the most bumps. It's boring to listen to stuff you already think.

This would happen all the time back when there were tons of forums. A moderator would ban everyone they didn't agree with, until they had successfully killed their entire forum. It didn't create an echo-chamber, which is what you would predict. It just made the discussions banal and boring.