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File: 138 KB, 1500x1211, bill-gates-father392-f3c9134e4d4d47b59d999d15d896770a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15519684 No.15519684 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how does this happen?

>> No.15519691

He inherited the height of someone else in his family retard. I'm much shorter than my father too, the shortest male in my extended family somehow.

>> No.15519709

Gates is short due to spoiled brat eating disorder. His father grew up eating meat and William H Gates III (AKA "Bill") was pampered and only wanted to eat cake and candy so he ended up as a manlet, same as you did. Bratty spoiled children commonly suffer from this, one of the reasons manlets all have repulsive personalities

>> No.15519733

I find the way you aggressively assert your assumptions about my family and myself to push your hypothesis to be quite repulsive. I'm less than an inch shorter than my grandfather before old age so that's clearly where I got it from.
>one of the reasons manlets all have repulsive personalities
Very funny you should say this because it's always taller posters mocking and insulting us, it's unusually the other way around.

>> No.15519744

Find Bill's "wife"

>> No.15519746

And I should add I was raised on a pretty strict diet, my father was drinking when he was an early teenager so I can't imagine my grandparents were very strict on that front

>> No.15519847

it's called "regression to the mean", which is something you should learn in first couple of lectures of your first statisitcs course

>> No.15519855

>64in ought to be enough for anybody

>> No.15519877

>He inherited the height of someone else
>In the family
Kek, no. His mom cucked his "dad" with the manlet milkman

>> No.15519885

>be named Bill
>name son Bill
>Bill marries Belinda
their whole family is deeply fucked up

>> No.15520439

>Gates is short due to spoiled brat eating disorder. His father grew up eating meat and William H Gates III (AKA "Bill") was pampered and only wanted to eat cake and candy so he ended up as a manlet, same as you did. Bratty spoiled children commonly suffer from this, one of the reasons manlets all have repulsive personalities
This makes sense.

>> No.15520850

holy shit the older bill gates is over 2 metric meters tall

>> No.15520855
File: 142 KB, 1068x737, vBRKYgfQPhM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your height is usually average of your parents'.

>> No.15520954

triggered because nail hit on head by >>15519709

>> No.15521686
File: 65 KB, 960x546, jews and servants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

willam h gates jr being tall again

>> No.15522059

>I made up several incorrect assumptions and insulted you and you're le triggered so that means I'm right

>> No.15522819

if that were the case then women would be the same height as men

>> No.15522996 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 648x864, c5fe6ef2b1d2d92362c9ef32b3957734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think again.

>> No.15523031

Malnutrition. Probably some retard in his family went for some stupid fad like veganism or drug addiction that fucked his development and turned him into that jealous manlet.

>> No.15523036
File: 83 KB, 645x645, cvirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he got fucked by some vaccines that turned him into a manlet with a micropenis, and that is why he want to take his revenge on the world by fucking all the kids with the covid boosters.

>> No.15523726

william the 3rd with his legal, but not genetic father

>> No.15523817

Bill Gates' wife looks like a man. Why?

>> No.15523876
File: 50 KB, 640x530, 659cefb13857f4c8509f9aee6473fee2bab60adb993389345bf2554b2d32f21e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe so people do not envy his too much.

>> No.15523879

explain the bizarre hip angles?

>> No.15523897
File: 131 KB, 1230x1202, p9rRyVcant5X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15524081

he's extremely sleep deprived in his teenage years

>> No.15524470

because "bill" gates was born female

>> No.15525267

>nipples protruding

>> No.15526195

Disgusting and disrespectful

>> No.15527182 [DELETED] 

"bill" gates is part of the satanic tranny cult, she was born with no penis

>> No.15527185

Well the camera was invented in 1816, and has undergone many technical revolutions to be able to display a digital image on the internet. I don't know what you mean. How people get rich?

>> No.15527187

The left sure has confused you on genders.

>> No.15528071

>How people get rich?
inheritance &/or theft

>> No.15528445
File: 224 KB, 897x531, 1662493510556359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be eugenicist mogul
>work together with other eugencists moguls kike rockefeller
>want human cattle to be weak and non threatening
>experiment on son with vaccines
>turn sun into manlet with the body type of a wet bag of sand
>roll out this type of vaxx for the rest of the world
>gen Z is a bunch of deformed feminine or androgynous creatures with all types of allergies and inflamatory syndroms
>healthy enough to be wage slaves
>but unhealthy enough to never be able to opt out of the system or revolt.

>> No.15528472

A pharma shill who sucks and fucks.
Never got anything going to nake vaccines safe.
Looks like a dildo and sounds like a vibrator.

Takes hormone replacement therapy to keep his T up so he can do as all kennedys.
Fuck and drug and suicide the women in his life.

Runs guilt trip on dumb single moms who vaxdamaged their children, and believes they will be absolved from their stupidity if they give im money and suck his cock.
False heroes are as bad as the villians.

>> No.15528796


>> No.15528816
File: 234 KB, 802x840, B5FF4EC0-B913-45C6-9A13-DCDCEC134D56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15529338


>> No.15531133

they're both bald, william the 3rd wears a toupee

>> No.15532173

baldness comes from the mother's genetics

>> No.15532287

Wouldn't surprise me if little billy was on ritalin.

>> No.15532419

Regression to the mean. Francis Galton.

>> No.15532774

Wow, buncha famous people in the same pic.

>> No.15533171

its a big club and you ain't in it

>> No.15533178

some got rich through exploiting the .com bubble like the zuck steve jobs and bill

>> No.15535210

he got rich when a jewish relative who was working for the cia handed him fb for free

>> No.15535219
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's lean and muscular therefore he's healthy
Kek you probably think pic-related is healthy too

>> No.15536519

post physique

>> No.15537547

Thats how Duckduckgo started too, the CIA guy is the Duckduckgo owner's uncle and is currently on the Duckduckgo board of directors

>> No.15537579

>What you look like minutes before dying in your 30s
Nobody (not retarded) thinks their life isn't being shortened by a bodybuilding hobby. It's not about health, it's to get attention from gay men.

>> No.15538119

Bill Gates grew up extremely wealthy in case you didn't know. Obviously not billions but not the normal "my dad's a lawyer" wealth either.

>> No.15538124

I'm gonna guess your main source of information is chad vs. virgin memes.

>> No.15538318

why do those memes emotionally trigger you so much?

>> No.15539529

Which CIA guy? always thought ddg was weird

>> No.15539539

gen z is taller on average
why the fuck am i even trying to reason with this retarded post? you probably watched utopia and now think you live in that show

>> No.15539547

In-Q-Tel is the CIA wall street venture capital arm, theres a "former" In-Q-Tel/CIA executive on the DDG board of directors who directs all the censorship and propaganda for the site.
Literally every website that was founded on story "College student starts website and suddenly gets rich" is actually run by an older relative of the figurehead and that older relative always is a "former" government employee

>> No.15539553

just like tiktok and other chinese tech corps

>> No.15539973

Gwn Z is way more retardedly variable than every other generation.
Midgets, manlets and slender androgynic large and fragile.
They are a dysgenic freak show.
Rarely anyone is normal either a manlet or a x-legged wierd walking slim giant.
And of course the AVERAGE is impacted by that.

I live in a large Metropole and I am not too blind to see this dysgenic shit.

>> No.15539999

It takes about 3,6 billion years of evolution to have two ape like bipeds stand in a photograph and to have the necessary technology to do so.

>> No.15540039

high t levels seal off the growth plates earlier
gen z are low t thin faced lanklet fags

read helmut hyborg, and alt hypes video about living in a low t world

>> No.15540832

China runs on the exact same system of control as America because the two countries are totally enemies in the communism vs. capitalism struggle.

>> No.15541689

>gen z is taller on average
No they aren't

>> No.15542009

OK, but they're definitely dumber

>> No.15543099
File: 397 KB, 1170x897, march.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the communism vs. capitalism struggle.
Wall Street banks funded the Russian revolution

>> No.15543119

Communism is simply a consolidation of wealth and power, of course the demonic international banking cabal loves it. But the useful idiots fall for the "if we just give the banker-owned government total control over our lives, we'll have utopia!" meme in the propaganda. How dumb do commies have to be to complain that the government and corpo monopolies are corrupt, then demand a state-run monopoly over every industry. It's literal retardation.

>> No.15544139

>How dumb do commies have to be to complain that the government and corpo monopolies are corrupt, then demand a state-run monopoly over every industry.
they fantasize about themselves being the ones that wealth and power is consolidated under, thats where the "atheist power fantasy" meme comes from

>> No.15545285
File: 211 KB, 891x980, the atheist power fantasy meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15546153

>they fantasize about themselves being the ones that wealth and power is consolidated under, thats where the "atheist power fantasy" meme comes from
Thats the "world building" fantasy, the daydreamer falsely imagines itself as a god as means of emotionally compensating itself for the true reality of it's insignificance and powerlessness.
>This is how it would work if I was in charge!!!
>Everything would be perfect!!
>I'm sooooo much smarter than everyone else!!!
Its a cringey masturbatory fantasy, but extremely common

>> No.15547367

left hand side is actually kinda cringe too, bunch of bugman fantasies. whats wrong with nature?
the garden of eden is the ultimate fantasy, don't need no gay flying cars or phallic architecture, just some nice plants and animals and good weather

>> No.15548771

bugman's fantasy life is sitting inside all day playing children's games on the computer with occasional breaks to eat children's food (delivered, so they don't have to clean any dishes)

>> No.15549112

>it's always taller posters mocking and insulting us
The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.15549121

(You) happened. (You) fucks.

Also whos mimi

>> No.15549493

thats the natural order of things