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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15520369 No.15520369 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15520371

Kill yourself.

>> No.15520587

The sad part is you faggots actually believe this faggotry. Would you like a serious link?

>> No.15520968

i managed to get my hands on a bunch of dark matter, not saying how i got it cause it might be a valuable secret. how much is this stuff worth? i bets some universities would pay a lot to study my stash of dark matter

>> No.15521014

He has an ubearably faggy face

>> No.15521057

This might shock you, but adding dark matter is, get this, a new model.

>> No.15521118

It's not predictive. Cope

>> No.15521237

dark matter is fucking retarded but your post is even more so

>> No.15521402

Yes it is, retard. And that wouldn't change the fact that dark matter was not a trivial thing to add, as if astrophysicists were like "phew, all we had to do is add a ridiculous amount of extra mass and we've saved our precious Jewish models! Muwhahahaha!" or whatever you dipshit schizos think.

>> No.15522111

Yes, that is literally what they did.

>> No.15522199

Checked and correct.

>> No.15522203 [DELETED] 

why are /x/ schizos obsessed with LE DARK MATTER. nigger it's minor work around until a better theory has been found / an experiment conceived that can prove/disprove it. It's not the epic gotcha you idiots dream of

>> No.15522227
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>G-guys stop bullying the scientists for being lying hacks that push dis-info and materialistic nihilism! it's not fair that they're so inept that they can't earn a living by providing actual value to society!

>> No.15522253 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 426x304, 1675367966332774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shove a rod of dark matter in your ass

>> No.15522257

>meanwhile gigabrain youtubers:

>> No.15522261 [DELETED] 

>look at this troon talking about science raps for 40mins this proves dark matter!
the absolute state of you cucks it's C O M I C A L

>> No.15522263

no amount of insults will make dark matter real, scientist-kun.

>> No.15522266

>has never red an early cosmology model in his life
Glad you read about dark matter for the first time, there's a promising career for dark matter deniers, it just will never make them happy because they don't want to disagree with dark matter, they want to be the one who invented physics so they can be the Big Smart Boy. Settle into your place in mediocrity, buckle up, and if you're serious get ready for a career of people who have a lot of evidence to say otherwise saying you're wrong because you (probably, but not certainly) are wrong. I do genuinely encourage you go through the rigorous process of getting whatever counter theory you have formulated formalized.

>> No.15523079


Implies space-time ( [math]\eta_{{\mu}{\nu}}[/math] ) has properties like energy and pressure, just like aether predicts. In the end Einstein's retarded theory of relativity led him exactly where he started, back to aether theory that is.

"Dark" Energy and "Dark" Matter = Aether
Aether exists.

>> No.15523095

Aether doesn't explain the invariance of the speed of light.

>> No.15523112
File: 51 KB, 800x600, Aether Theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invariance of the speed of light.

The invariance of light speed is a postulate of special relativity and thus can only be argued to be true in that theory, not in aether theory. Aether is the preferred reference frame. In dialects most recent video (only shown a day ago) he shows how relativity inherently must have a preferred frame of motion for acceleration. This is no issue for aether but is an issue for relativity.


>> No.15523120

There is no inconsistency. Absolute acceleration is a result of inertial reference frames.
You can measure acceleration without any outside reference but there does not exist an experiment capable of measuring speed without any external reference (absolute speed).

>> No.15523134

Well according to a person in an accelerating frame the inertial frame would be the accelerated one. This leads to 2 frames that do not agree on who is accelerating. The only way a preferred frame can occur is if something constant and everywhere can be measured relative to the accelerated frame. That would only be an aether.

>> No.15523145

Except they do agree because the person in an accelerating frame is not in an inertial frame and can independently measure its acceleration. There is no preferred frame.
Aether would make velocity objective but it isn't. Acceleration being objective is not a contradiction and does not require aether (and it's not like it's fully objective either because different frames of reference measure different acceleration of the same object due to relativistic effects).

>> No.15523154

How would we be able to measure if we where inertial or accelerating?

>> No.15523158

You can use an accelerometer.

>> No.15523169

Measuring equipment must be calibrated and choosing where and when is impossible. For example if we where accelerating up then calibrated it, then we stopped, we would think we experienced a force. This comes up in the video I linked at 6:25

>> No.15523173

I meant to reply to >>15523158

>> No.15523191

You can in fact calibrate it without knowing if you are in an inertial frame or not. Just measure acceleration in each axis in each direction using the same instrument. If you are being accelerated along a particular axis there will be a discrepancy between the two measured directions of the same axis.

>> No.15523797

imagine being low iq enough to believe in dark matter

>> No.15524145

half the population has IQ less than 100

>> No.15524468

you're just upset because even midwot normies on tiktok realize that dark matter is fake af

>> No.15524485

dark don't matter, so $0

>> No.15524488

who asked? go back to crystal cafe femcel

>> No.15524492

no, once you saw all your models are wrong, you came up with this "fit-anything" model called dark matter, the same way you invented one called "wave function collapse" you invent these pointless models as your last resort to be right to keep your taxpayer money funds

>> No.15524612

No way this dude was an Aetherchad all along.

>> No.15525278

those fit-anythings model stand in the way of learning anything, because you get your career canceled via the peer review process if you try to contradict the fit anything models and actually learn something. in astronomy and particle physics peer review applies not only to publication, but also to accessing the experimental equipment, so the peer review process is that much more potent when it comes to ruining careers and preventing investigation.
plus in the case of dark matter, if you question the einsteinian gravity theory you will also be accused of antisemitism

>> No.15526193
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus in the case of dark matter, if you question the einsteinian gravity theory you will also be accused of antisemitism
same goes for calling into question any of the jewish particle physics theories
>oy vey, this goy thinks hes smarter than us

>> No.15526203

pics or fake and gay

>> No.15526416

>98% of the population has an IQ lower than 130

>> No.15526441

Great, come up with a better theory that fits the evidence.

And good luck because the evidence is literally not in your favor.

>> No.15527223 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i go to 4chan.org to defend NPR, a government propaganda agency, from criticism

>> No.15527491

the scientific method is about disproof, not "better theories"
if the best theory gets disproved then that just mean the best theory is "i don't know"
people who are unable to admit that there is something they don't know are mentally ill

>> No.15527635

Is I think therefore I am guy mentally ill?

>> No.15527640

By this we are talking about Ha Zeus.

>> No.15528254

descartes was a genetic dead end, if you believe in evolution then you have to agree that he wasn't all too bright

>> No.15528255


>> No.15529279

the greek god with the lightning quick wit

>> No.15529944

>fit-anythings model
jewish pilpul straight out of the talmud. the talmud and a number of other jewish religious texts are filled with ideas about how to fool the goyims, most seem to involve overly complicated circular reasoning