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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15520837 No.15520837 [Reply] [Original]

should someone who wants to be taken seriously as a scientific authority be discussing comic books on twitter?

>> No.15520844

>in a mirror, you can kiss yourself, but only on the lips
Why does he jerk off to this sentence? Why do low IQs have such an obsession with mirrors? Is it fundamental somehow?

>> No.15520955
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>> No.15520957

Should people even pay attention to him now that Tucker Carlson has become the premier science educator in America today?

>> No.15521062

Just imagine black science man spending hours in front of a mirror kissing his own reflection.

>> No.15521128

Isn't the reflection still distanced by whatever thickness the glass is?

>> No.15521662

this dude definitely spends way too much time admiring himself in the mirror

>> No.15521665

>before his reflection knows about it.
you weren't kidding he is fucking retarded

>> No.15522562

How old is Black soience man? He is still fascinated by the mirror test. White children have that one all figured out by the time they're 3 years old

>> No.15522654

I'm supposed to take this guy seriously?

>> No.15522687

is this a repost or does he repeatedly post this shit
I'm not going on twatter to check

>> No.15522701

He’s just a nerd trying to have some fun nobody gives a fuck. Your post seems like something an insecure teenage girl would write about another girl that she thinks is prettier. LOL stop being such a loser.

>> No.15522704
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>> No.15522728
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>> No.15522732

Whatever helps you cope anon. I will gladly pretend that is me if it helps you sleep at night.

>> No.15522923

If Neil degrasse tyson cycles backwards fast enough he can eat the bucket of fried chicken on his bagage holder

>> No.15523039

Mirrors rotate stuff in the 4th dimension, that fucks the brain of midwits.

>> No.15523383

Oh look something I learned on the first day of optics class in highschool

>> No.15523422

He's meant to inspire young black people not to be violent animals.

>> No.15523425

Not if you use a special mirror for projectors that doesn't have that layer. Or you know... just kiss a spoon

>> No.15523512

it's not working

>> No.15523517

Mirrors are literally magic to anybody with a two-digit IQ.

>> No.15523520

>he didn't understand mirrors until highschool

>> No.15523534

He's obviously black, anon. Black people don't begin passing the mirror test until multiple years of adulthood and extensive schooling in basic optics.

>> No.15523538

it's funny because it's true

>> No.15523551

You mock him but shall I remind you that a good chunk of the zoomer and alpha population does not know how mirrors work?

>> No.15523563

>they don’t actually understand how mirrors work

>> No.15523564

>he is actually a negroid

>> No.15523574

Explain how mirrors work

>> No.15523576

He will now take an hour of research to reply, or else post a copypaste from some highschool website

>> No.15523577

They bounce light at the same angle. That's all the understanding you need to understand how >>15522704 works
If you can't wrap your mind around >>15522704 without highschool instruction, then you are literally a nigger.

>> No.15523578

Actual nigger.

>> No.15523594

>didn’t explain how the image’s location is calculated

>> No.15523624

>no replies
Keep googling losers

>> No.15523634

I like mirrors I think they're pretty. The idea of a mirror being silver is "relatively" new, and I think that's neat too.

>> No.15523806

>black soience man gets a night of observing time at one of the big telescopes
>next morning theres lip marks all over the telescope mirrors
thats why they kicked him out of astronomy

>> No.15524147

>The idea of a mirror being silver is "relatively" new,
What do you mean? What were mirrors before? I thought I remembered that the "vampires can't see their reflection" thing came from mirrors originally being made with actual silver so vampires being allergic to silver meant mirrors didn't work. Or idk. What were mirrors made from 1000 years ago?

>> No.15524158

Often times highly polished cast iron or bronze were common, silver mirrors weren't a thing until the 1800s, and aluminum didn't replace it until 100 years later.

>> No.15524465

Speculum, which is a copper tin mix, was what they were using for telescope mirrors before vaccum deposition on glass was invented.
The copper tin version would've been conductive, so you could run a current through it in order to prevent negroes from kissing their reflections

>> No.15524467

My friend, perhaps you got lost coming from /g/ but reality doesn't "calculate."

>> No.15524985

>he doesn’t understand mirrors either

>> No.15525256

>They bounce light
when light reflects off a mirror its a "kiss" not a "bounce"

>> No.15525467

Interacting with a mirror is about as close as your average goy brained normie will ever come to understanding basic group theory. Obviously, your average normie will never fully comprehend a subject abstract algebra or group theory, but I think when they look into a mirror or something like that, they probably just have this vague sense or intuition that they're something more that they don't fully understand.

>> No.15525493


>> No.15526188


>> No.15526198

>The copper tin version would've been conductive, so you could run a current through it in order to prevent negroes from kissing their reflections
Fucking kek!

>> No.15526254

On one eerie morning, mine eyes did convey an my own visage with the aid of a well constructed looking glass. So enraptured was I, as was clearly known by my own reflected countenance, that I chose to play the part of Narcissus and, with an open mouth kiss, place my mark on my rosed cheek. But, to my surprise, as I backed away from the glass, I saw that I was only locked in a lover's embrace to myself lip-to-lip. My folly had been revealed: In a mirror, you can only kiss yourself on the lips.

>> No.15526440

He has made the same post a half dozen times a year, every year, for multiple successive years.

>> No.15526464

You just got pranked bro.

>> No.15526745
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>> No.15527189 [DELETED] 


>> No.15528206
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>> No.15529277

this one is more realistic

>> No.15530096

quality shoop
someone on /sci/ finally made quality oc

>> No.15531002

its his only meme, he could never compete here on 4chan, that why he stays in the babby pool on tranny sjw moderated twitter

>> No.15532116

Is that what he's up to these days? Writing Barry Allen selfcest fics?

>> No.15532171
File: 41 KB, 387x543, NDT-83-Topps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should've never left professional baseball for science, he wouldn't have to humiliate himself on twitter regularly if he was a batting coach somewhere

>> No.15533269


>> No.15534261

If black soience man were truly as skilled with optics as a professional astronomer should be then he would be able to devise a means of kissing his own ass using mirrors and maybe a few prisms. what about elliptical mirrors with dual focii?

>> No.15534333


>> No.15535376
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>> No.15535474
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Delete this

>> No.15536415

You can suck your own dick using fiber optics

>> No.15537608

yet faggots complain /sci/ has no oc

>> No.15538344


>> No.15539508

>in a mirror you can shit on yourself, but only on the ass

>> No.15540722

65 years old

>> No.15541907

they're aluminum

>> No.15542217

im glad we could see this nigger brain go unscripted, he has the wiseness of 10 white year old learning about speed of light for first time

>> No.15542225

>"before his reflection knows about it"
>implying reflections have knowledge or perceptions or sentience
He promotes the same humanism lies taught in the schools, that's why he's promoted as an authority. If you were still wondering, OP.

>> No.15543180

Maybe someday soon he will kys in order to see if his reflection also dies

>> No.15543263

you're ALL gay

>> No.15544266

its cringey how soience nerds all worship the guy.

>> No.15545478

they want to suck his bbc

>> No.15545603

Is he THAT bad? If you're interested in space as a pop-sci entertainment thing, what's wrong with watching his show? He brings on legitimate scientists to interview and it's entertaining to know what they're up to.

I know le smug atheist is cringe and so on but how is he any worse than your kind of entertainment?

>> No.15546328

watching tv shows is making you stupid

>> No.15547294
File: 127 KB, 1125x555, TV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, TV is brainwashing, it is intended to make you dumber
Don't fall for the "infortainment" meme

>> No.15548464

>black soience man posted cringe again
has he ever posted non-cringe?

>> No.15548509

He feels pressure to post "science mic drops" because he is supposed to be black reddit man. He probably sits around all day watching Marvel and desperately thinking of something to post.
He is a canonized saint in the liberal cathedral and he is on a holy mission to inspire le underserved and disadvantaged kids-who-aren't-white and this is what he comes up with.

>> No.15549267

he redefined a word one time
give him a round of applause

>> No.15550391
File: 49 KB, 675x789, f1bd98b60ceae3722b94a8e4bbb61308_a11c11c9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15550445

In a mirror you can slap yourself, but only on the hand.

>> No.15550452

I'd find this joke funnier if it wasn't so insulting for him to openly consider himself an equal with Carl Sagan.

>> No.15550453

OP the thread was almost dead stop bumping it

>> No.15550515

How can your eyes be real if mirrors exist.
Big thought bro.

>> No.15550921

>Carl Sagan
who is this

>> No.15550955
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>> No.15550974

I dunno i think it was kinda cool...

>> No.15551467

He got bullied so much for that his mirror lip kiss tweet compilation that he has to give tribute and mention it an 8th time

>> No.15551471

thats one swarthy lookin jew

>> No.15552388

>If you're interested in space as a pop-sci entertainment thing, what's wrong with watching his show?
an individual who volunteers for popsoi television brainwashing harms society because that individual is a member of society and everyone else has to interact with him and be affected by his individual stupidity

>> No.15553236

The fact that Black Sºyence Man has a PhD and other degrees from Ivy League schools just goes to show how stupid Ivy League graduates really are.

>> No.15553374

>They bounce light at the same angle.
with all due respect this sentence means absolutely nothing

what is "they"? my nuts?
what do you mean "bounce light"? the way my nuts bounce while i smash your mom?
what is "the same angle"? what has the same angle as what? the same angle of my dick in your mom?

speak precisely and with purpose or just shut the fuck up

>> No.15553381

>taught in the schools
that's not what's taught in the schools though, at least not the good ones.
every time someone in my qp101 said something about an electron "knowing" anything they were quickly corrected by the professor

>> No.15554331

how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.15555222

>how can mirrors be real if our lips aren't real?
>t. Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson, PhD

>> No.15556257
File: 21 KB, 1024x546, tyson soyence man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15556566

Spoon has an oxidation layer.

>> No.15556649


Gravity goes up!

-William Lie, the Mechanical Engineering Guy