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File: 191 KB, 1283x1275, 355417619_6062627330525795_8169638171911902813_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15517401 No.15517401 [Reply] [Original]

>A rescue expert says the debris found in the search for Titan was "a landing frame and a rear cover from the submersible".

>Mr Mearns told Sky News the president of the club, who is "directly connected" to the ships on the site, said to the group: "It was a landing frame and a rear cover from the submersible."

>Mr Mearns says: "Again this is an unconventional submarine, that rear cover is the pointy end of it and the landing frame is the little frame that it seems to sit on."

>"It means the hull hasn't yet been found but two very important parts of the whole system have been discovered and that would not be found unless its fragmented," he added.

>Mr Mearns also spoke about the fairing of the submarine - shaped like a fishtail - and said: "If the faring is off and the frame is off - then something really bad has happened to the entire structure."


where were you when titan die?

>> No.15517408

scratching my balls

still am

>> No.15517410


>> No.15517413

Stop spamming this shit

>> No.15517416

>waa waaaa stop talking about interesting stuff

>> No.15517427

the odds were always like 98% that it imploded and 2% that it was snagged in the titanic

>> No.15517428

Please seek autism therapy, for the love of god

>> No.15517434

noooo you don't understand, I HAVE to be contrarian about everything, how else will I form my opinions?

>> No.15517439

Does anyone have an animation how the bodies and the submersible would react once the hull shattered at that depth under that pressure? I can't imagine how this would look like.

>> No.15517440

>No you don't get it, I just need to make another thread about the submarine!

>> No.15517443

there was a scientifically accurate scene in the movie The Abyss that portrayed it


>> No.15517449

Something as utterly retarded as this but also as interesting happens only about every 20 years. We're not going to get something to talk like this again for a long while. It's just a few days of these threads, get over it. You could even join in and have fun for once.

>> No.15517450

you presume I'm not having a great time doing this

>> No.15517451

The quick death of a catastrophic failure of the 'carbon fiber' hull isn't able to be romanticized like huffing farts in the dark knowing death is creeeping down.

>> No.15517452

What? Posting caps lock autism every thread? Sounds gay to me.

>> No.15517475

i saw one cable news network literally had an "oxygen countdown timer" running on their screen all day, similar to their "covid death toll" counter in 2020. kind of ghoulish if you ask me

>> No.15517489


>> No.15517496

Oh fuck they IMPLODED, I wonder what more than 100atm feels like.

>> No.15517499

I mean, it's a pretty big step down of sensationalizing some Darwin Award winners who did it to themselves in an absurd scenario, vs covid where you're holding the entire planet hostage to absurd hysteria.

>> No.15517505


>> No.15517509

Probably nothing, at pressures that great it would be instant.

>> No.15517514

>Darwin Award winners
Everyone I've met who says this is always insufferable and nasty to be around. They love laughing at other's misfortune and think they're smart enough to not make the same mistakes.

>> No.15517516

im glad zyzz isnt in that pic, he doesnt deserve it

>> No.15517519

hold up, i thought they heard knocking
is it possible that they were alive for hours on end and only in the past day or so it failed and imploded? jesus christ. imagine gradually hearing creaking sounds as it reached the failure point, just sitting there in the cold darkness.

>> No.15517520

Play stupid games etc etc etc. At least you fags can stop spamming this now.

>> No.15517525

pretty sure the navy or someone came out shortly after the knocking reports to say that those were just general background ocean noises

>> No.15517530

They never said the knocking was from the sub, only that they heard some sort of knocking sound. The media is what pushed the whole "they're alive" narrative. Anyone with half a brain knew they imploded right when the support vessel lost communication suddenly.

>> No.15517538
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implosion chads win this round

>> No.15517544


>> No.15517546

it is effectively a explosion. instant death and mangled corpses. At the USS scorpion they even found bits and pieces of bone before the ocean dissolved them

>> No.15517551
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I'll address the elephant in the room.

Under water aliens.

>> No.15517567

No, just crab people.

>> No.15517575 [DELETED] 
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stfu cameron. there are no ayy lmaos in the mariana trench and no blue cat people in space

>> No.15517586

I am smart enough to not die like a retard in a carbon fiber cylinder 4km under water, yeah.

>> No.15517592

If this were advertised to you before all this happened and you were interested and could afford it I bet you fucking would

>> No.15517605
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>> No.15517606

The moment I saw that it's controlled using a GAMING CONTROLLER, I would bail out.

>> No.15517609
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My theory is that one of the pakis took a gnarly shit on the toilet and due to the cramped nature of the sub combined with the fact that the only thing seperating the toilet from the rest of the sub was a thin curtain the smell spread quickly. After wretching from the stench the submersible pilot quickly lost consciousness and slumped over onto the controller sending the Titan plumetting to the ocean floor. The banging sound heard were the occupants hammering the interior with their fists trying desperately to get out believing the freezing and crushing embrace of the ocean depths would be preferable to being stuck in a can that reeked of Paki shit. It's the most logical conclusion.

>> No.15517611

Not after doing the minimal research on the security of the vessel?

>> No.15517618
File: 724 KB, 1106x1012, 14502860439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the basic gestalt is that the entire titanic sinking was a hoax made by the jew glownigger bankers and their families to make a ton of cash from the insurance and the movies around the faked event.
>Titanic was insured by the same company that insured the Hindenburg AND WTC on 9/11 (also MH17, MH370)
>as with the WTC/HB they paid out without investigation
>the exact! coordinates to the Titanic wreck are NOT public (you would need to ask James Cameron)
>Jew media had the story already prepared and pushed it way too early
>the water in April is 15 degrees celsius in that region (member icy lips DiCaprio? that was bullshit)
>Icebergs were NEVER spotted again in that region where she allegedly sunk
>wreck footage was filmed in a studio that explains why there are NO fishes seen anywhere
>the wreck was literally found by a monkey (((they))) are fucking with us)
>now they say they found a bacterium on the titanic that eats the steel away so the wreck will vanish in 10 years
>this bacterium was only found to eat on the titanic wreck (sure Moshe)
>according to the story Guggenheim a Billionaire jew refused to enter an empty Lifeboat (46 places were free) and instead sunk with the ship and let his wife escape with the money, hello? nigger are you awake?
>(((Jacob))) Astor also rich billionaire gigajew industrialist allegedly sinks with the ship, his life insurance is paid out (he only faked it same as Guggenkike)
>Titanic ship was moved to Germany where it was rebuild, mothballed and then sold to the US after WW1 and it became the USS Imperator

tl;dr: another fake and gay globohomo psyop, possibly comms being passed around or part of a larger globohomo narrative

>> No.15517622

If you take a look at that sub and think, 'yea, I'd want to win a free ticket', then no wonder you hate people that use the term 'darwin award'.

>> No.15517628
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Imagine your first internship or job as an engineer was working for ocean gate, wtf do you do now? Are you just fucked

>> No.15517629

What did he mean by this

>> No.15517632


>> No.15517633

And you're also a massive fucking retard

>> No.15517635

They died for your freedom.

>> No.15517636

Something was seen that shouldn't have been. Makes sense, anon.

>> No.15517640


>> No.15517646
File: 17 KB, 400x225, url(83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was like the submarine from Atlantis or the one from JoJo fuck yeah I'd jump in the sub. This shit though? Fuck that. Even a WWI era German U-boat would be more comfortable.

>> No.15517648

just dont put it in your resume or cv

>> No.15517653

Did their bodies dissolve into molecules or would a red underwater mist have been left? Were their bones pulverized?

>> No.15517658

they were atomized, nothing remains of their remains.

>> No.15517659
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why not just make it all out of titanium ?

>> No.15517661

one hell of a way to die

I hope it was at least instant

>> No.15517663

that wouldnt be inspirational enough

>> No.15517675

Aww, did the fishes not even get a delicious mushy treat?

>> No.15517678
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>heh... of course, i knew it all along. don't tell me you also didn't know it all along?

>> No.15517679

go back toreddit faggot

>> No.15517682

If it was catastrophic failure of the hull, they had no time to realize how colossally retarded they were

>> No.15517684

is this your first thread about the sub? anyone with a 3-digit iq was saying that, it wasn't a rare opinion

>> No.15517690

they're probably all still smart young people who just got caught up with the wrong crowd. i'd hire one out of pure intrigue

>> No.15517696
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the chink-tier viewport is what probably failed first considering it wasn't even close to 4km depth-certified

but honestly, how dumb must billionaires be. Goddamn all those niggers had a full-blown death wish, no one with a single functional braincell would've entered a macgyver'd sub that wasn't certified to go down to a place where only ultra-thicc steel-hulled vessels with even more cramped spaces had gone before, just to take le reddit selfies with the gaytanic wreck. Fucking hell that's why we need tard wranglers even in the upper echelons of society

>> No.15517698

Some experts said it was most likely stuck on the ocean floor but to me that always seemed the least likely of the 3 alternatives since they lost contact before reaching the ocean floor.
I never understood that scenario since they relied on sms contact for navigation, and so them losing contact would either have been from an implosion, or they would have released the ballast and ascended.

>> No.15517706

>implodes your department
nothing personnel, boss

>> No.15517730


>> No.15517733


>> No.15517735
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Uhm engineering sisters?

>> No.15517738


>> No.15517742
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He bought off safety for the ship, I don't know if thats cheaper than a fully safe submarine or not, but making enough money off it means it doesn't matter, quarter of a million dollars per ticket

>> No.15517744

We are talking about a current event, that's what adults do. You base your entire personality around being a contrarian faggot and a false sense of superiority which are literally based off 4chan npc wojak memes. Kill yourself.

>> No.15517763

>pretty much invulnerable
Do you really want a daredevil as your sub manufacturer

>> No.15517765

That's what clients WANTED! The NEWS said so!

>> No.15517766

would all of them

>> No.15517767

you're too poor to even consider if diving on a carbon fiber cylinder 4km under water was a good idea before all this even happened.

>> No.15517773
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apparently this this was operating for a year already
begs the question, why has it failed this time

>> No.15517805

>Are you just fucked
I mean, maybe someone would hire you just for how wild of a ride it was regardless

>> No.15517811

I thought they were using a different vessel before this one

>> No.15517816

they glued two titanium domes to a thick cylinder of carbon fiber. that can in fact be very strong initially but gets weaker with every use.

>> No.15517825

losers get off boards, get a life.

>> No.15517832
File: 64 KB, 1200x675, https___cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_200128114911-01-space-shuttle-challenger-restricted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Challenger worked fine and had 10 launches with 995 orbits...

... untill it didn't.

The Columbia worked fine and had 28 re-entry and landings with 4,808 orbits...

...until it didn't.

>> No.15517836

All smart enough not to be in it when it failed.

>> No.15517842

Under rated.

>> No.15517845

Yeah, Carbon fiber fatigue cycles aren't great. The fact that the plastic deformation doesn't follow a standard modulus and you have so many more factors when it comes to layer delamination makes it a fucking stupid material to use unless you've got a safety factor of a million and you carry out routine NDT.

>> No.15517848


>> No.15517854


>> No.15517865

>comparing Challenger & Columbia to this

>> No.15517879
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I’m 95% sure the military has known for a while that it imploded and that’s why they haven’t been very serious about a rescue op. The US Navy has known the ship imploded and known where it is since shortly after it happened, but they didn't say anything because it would have exposed the advanced sonars and ocean monitoring systems that they have in place. It's no coincidence that they found the debris shortly after the oxygen was supposed to have run out.They don’t want to confirm/deny the location or range of their equipment.

>> No.15517886

the cold war listening arrays you're thinking of have been scaled down and decomissioned years ago, the cope nowadays is they have "mobile" platforms but SOSUS is a thing of the past

>> No.15517910

>the cope nowadays is they have "mobile" platforms
kek, the essentially modified trawlers that just drag a giant hydrophone array

>> No.15517926
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another orcas W

>> No.15517927

I always wonder if the instant death thing is cope, and first metal fastenings shoot off like bullets and high pressure water sprays in like death rays

>> No.15517928

serves him right

>> No.15517947

"A woman doesn't need to step foot off dry land to spend a third mates pay"

>> No.15517950

RIP in pisces Titan

>> No.15517959

okay so what was the banging sound heard every 30 minutes?

>> No.15517960

>carbon fibre
>in compression
they misunderstood why copvs work.

>> No.15517966
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"Instant" is completely relative. Living beings have been shown to stay conscious even with catastrophic damage done to vital segments of their body (their cranium for example). I'd imagine they were conscious for a few moments as the hull was crushed but I doubt it was long enough for any of them to even know what was happening before they lost consciousness/died.

>> No.15517980
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>> No.15517984

>You can also use the following general observations on action of blastwave on average human (1 kg/cm2 ~ 1 atm):
>1. dP is > 26 kg/cm2. Instant death, full body disintegration.
>2. dP is > 8 kg/cm2. Instant death, body throw back, disintegration of body parts.
>3. dP is > 5 kg/cm2. Fatal damage, 99% chance of lethal outcome. Disintegration of body parts, massive damage to soft tissue and bone .
>4. dP > 3.8 kg/cm2. Heavy damage, 75% chance of lethal outcome. In lucky case hospitalization for at least 2-3 months.
>5. dP > 2.5 kg/cm2. Moderate damage, 10% risk of fatality or hospitalization for 1-2 months.
>6. dP > 2.1 kg/cm2. Light injuries, hospitalization for 7-15 days.
>7. dP > 1.6 kg/cm2. Disruption of neural system up to loss of consciousness.
>8. dP > 1.1 kg/cm2. Rupture of tympanic membranes for average human.
>9. dP > 0.5 kg/cm2. Minimal safe distance for artilleryman.
>10. dP > 0.35 kg/cm2. Minimal distance of possible rupture of tympanic membranes.

We're dealing with around 400kg/cm2 of pressure differential here

>> No.15517997

So did they just turn to goo? is that what disintegration means?

>> No.15518016

The first thing that happened was the carbon fiber tube shattering turning into thousands of blades propelled by four hundred atmospheres of pressure rushing in so its all about how quick the mass of water engulfed them but assuming the tube just gave way it would be practically instant.

But once it did all their body cavities would instantly collapse turning the brain into goo faster than it could register anything happening, the end result being bones and pulverized flesh.

>> No.15518021


>> No.15518030

What part of the sub do you think gave in first?

>> No.15518038


>too autistic to realize all engineering failures start with the thing initially performing as intended.

>> No.15518045

>Investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long created by the jammed interior trunk door. With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.
I don't care WHAT multiverse you're from, thats GOTTA hurt!

>> No.15518046

I find this tableau disturbingly white.

>> No.15518052


I don't think you feel anything. The nervous system is not fast enough.

>> No.15518056

Crabs in a bucket mentality. Just because you're stupid doesn't mean everyone else is stupid.

>> No.15518057

>I’m 95% sure the military has known for a while that it imploded

>The US Navy detected “an acoustic anomaly consistent with an implosion” shortly after the Titan lost contact with the surface, an official has told CBS News, the BBC's US partner.

>The information was relayed to the US Coast Guard, which used it to narrow the radius of its search, the official added.

>The banging that was reported earlier is now thought to have been coming from other ships in the area, CBS reports.

>> No.15518060

Ah look another idiot missing the point of that post. No I wouldn't do it, but I know pseuds like yourself would. You've all climbed onto airplanes without ever considering the danger.

>> No.15518062

That was a decompression explosion with a 9 bar difference. The titanic submersible was a pressure compression implosion incident with a 366 bar difference. Complete different scenarios.

>> No.15518063

That's just an assumption. No one really understands how the mind works.

>> No.15518075

Oh, I get your point. You think anyone that has money would be tempted to do stupid shit like them while you, the smartass, are the exception. Typical thinking of people that deny personal responsibility for anything.

>> No.15518085

Confusing intelligence with risk aversion is one of the most midwit attributes I can think of. Nobody with a high IQ enjoys motorcycling, drugs, exploration, etc

>> No.15518093

Airplanes are safer than cars you massive faggot

>> No.15518094

Thinking intelligence evenly distributed among all abilities is just as stupid.

>> No.15518103

>Fucking hell that's why we need tard wranglers even in the upper echelons of society
They had a tard wrangler but he was a 50 year old killjoy white man they fired for not being "inspirational" enough

>> No.15518108

the scientists said if an implosion occurred they would be able to detect it on sonar. why didn't they know about the implosion until they sent a robot down?

>> No.15518113

you put pornographic actors but no elliot rodger? priorities

>> No.15518119

because it not only wasn't loud enough to get picked up passively, but they didn't report it missing until 12 hours after it launched. It imploded about an hour and a half into the dive. You do the math.

>> No.15518123

I'd definitely put it in my resume. I bet recruiters - which are possibly naval engineers - would love to talk about it.

>> No.15518130

Have you used any manual tool before? They usually just snap or shatter instantly upon failure with no visible signs beforehand.

>> No.15518143

Anon they were either vaporized or emulsified in a thousandth of a second

>> No.15518164

Ok, good thing I didn't do that...

>> No.15518176


Carbon fiber fails all at once, with no warning. Metal groans and crumples, carbon fiber shatters into bits like glass

>> No.15518232

The same as the 'people' on board the 9/11 planes, less than a fraction of a second, not enough time to feel anything

>> No.15518238

If you had trips I'd believe you

>> No.15518255

As soon as I ask what is the hull made out of and they say carbon fiber I would tell them to fuck off

>> No.15518258

There were a few cute college women working there, the real question is how deep can they suck?

>> No.15518263

They had a monitoring system that probably told them a few seconds in advance, not like that would do anything for them

>> No.15518267

i like the way you think slugger

>> No.15518270

The more trips you take your carbon fiber sub on the closer the probability of catastrophic hull failure gets to 1.
Stockton's law

>> No.15518277

i miss the guy who spamed about his amazon woman fetish disguising it as science, at least he was fun

>> No.15518279

Possibly milliseconds by one account.

>> No.15518282

your character sheet has 0 skillpoints dedicated to material science

>> No.15518284

This image hurts to look at, especially Steve Irwin

>> No.15518316

>engineering sisters
>submersiblepilot is the least meme tier job among that hashtags

>> No.15518335

And they were too poor to have it properly checked and certified as safe.
But at least I'm poor and alive.

>> No.15518343


>> No.15518365 [DELETED] 

The US Navy is full of faggots, shitskins and women. I doubt the militarys ability to find it's ass with both hands unless the directive involves fucking over white men somehow.

>> No.15518376

it's the shit eating schizo. that is the only kind of posts he ever makes here, just schizo rants and retardation. He doesnt actually know any science or .... anything else, his time consists solely of acting like a moron to get his attention fix. If you watch the board you will learn to be able to post him fairly easily, his posts are only ever antagonizing, confrontational screeching that looks like it is something a child would post.

>> No.15518383

not all posters are the same schizo, bodhi. I know others have already told you the same.

>> No.15518388

I didnt say they were you fucking idiot

>> No.15518395

nor did that anon imply you did? He just said that not every schizo poster is the same person. Are you feeling okay?

>> No.15518398

They did mention in a statement that they saw the "acoustic anomaly" that lined up with the timeline as to when contact was lost.
Coasties were notified and they apparently used it for narrowing the search.
I'm not surprised that they didn't broadcast that info immediately, because it'd be super fucked up to the families of those idiots to just get an image like the one you posted with the govt. going:
>"Yeah, you see that. 'Pop.'"
Then giving them a shrug and walking away.
At least having tangible proof might make it easier for them to grieve.

>> No.15518420

>The same as the 'people' on board the 9/11 planes, less than a fraction of a second, not enough time to feel anything
lol no not even close are you dumb
they probably lived for quite a few seconds even after the impact

>> No.15518423


>> No.15518431

tbf I saw a court document come out that said the customers wouldn't be informed of any of the flaws
Like I walk into buildings and under bridges and just assume they won't collapse
Getting into a submarine with the CEO of a company and assuming its safe is understandable

>> No.15518433

>Like I walk into buildings and under bridges and just assume they won't collapse
And yet when they're designed by women, they do collapse.

>> No.15518455

how is highschool treating you anon

>> No.15518456


these days a US navy listening buoy can probably stochastically identify exactly which russian is picking his nose in a sub on the other side of the planet. they've been working on almost nothing BUT pulling data out of noisy channels since like WW2. doesn't mean they're going to tip their hand by just telling everyone immediately.

>> No.15518536

why do you need so much affirmative action as a woman in STEM? preferential treatment in tenure track positions? i mean i'll authorize it, but damn. you sure need a lot of help, haha!

>> No.15518775

Were they, by chance, listening to these songs?


>> No.15518781

Composites be do like that

>> No.15518797

Why are antivaxxers so butthurt none of their predictions came true?

>> No.15518804


>> No.15518809

Oh no no no no no no no.

>> No.15518814

You have to be retarded to want to see the Titanic in the first place.

>> No.15518964
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, IMG_1465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His father wanted it and that was Sule all the way - he'd do anything for anyone.

I mustn’t run away

>> No.15519071

>That's just an assumption. No one really understands how the mind works.

We know how fast nerve impulses travel (approx 120m/s at most, usually slower) and we know that an implosion like this can completely destroy a full-sized military sub in 40 milliseconds. You'd be paste before the pain signal was even halfway to your brain.

>> No.15519087

? All of my predictions came true. Being unvaxxed wouldn't matter in two years, covid was harmless, lockdowns would end and mask wearing would be forgotten.

You're incorrect. But he's right, saying "darwin award" is pretty fucking reddit, go back.

>> No.15519109

I think the difference is that bridges don't normally collapse. This submersible is new technology and hadn't been tested, plus they could have done research themselves.

>> No.15519127

Who's the raccoon and person next to the raccoon? and what's with the cartoon penguin?

>> No.15519129

Just found out the 19 year old on there didn't want to go and was terrified but went on to make his dad happy over fathers day weekend and his dad was super into Titanic lore. I hope they all died without even realizing it cause fuck man.

>> No.15519134

Never do something stupid because your father said so

>> No.15519138

I wonder what they saw and felt as their hull shattered and the weight of the enitre ocean fell on them whilst all the shattered pieces entered their body at a tremendous force and while at the same time all the air moluecules in their body contracted at an enormous speed going from 1 bar to 367 bars.

>> No.15519139

Anon, they didnt just get crushed, they got compressed down to the genetic level. The submersible collapsed upon them with such intense pressure that their very dna was pulverized into atomic dust. Their bodies, flesh and bone, effectively ceased to exist. As the air inside flash fried into plasma, perhaps even their clothes and the equipment inside are all but fused into the remaining chunk of evidence that was the submersible. Their brain never had time to register anything. It happened faster than the letters that appear on screen as you type could show up and be recognized by your mind.

>> No.15519141

Their brains didn't have time to receive the action potentials so they couldn't even see it

>> No.15519156

why would they build the hull out of carbon fiber?, boats don't need that kind of weight reduction and its harder to fabricate than metal

>> No.15519167


>> No.15519209

Is my ballpark math good enough here?
idk about ideal gas laws and other fancy shit, cant find a calculator and algebra is hard, but compressing air to half the original volume doubles the pressure, 1000L of air compressed to 380bar or so would be reduced to a volume of around 3L?
Assuming adiabatic and static pressure.
1000 1
500 2
250 4
125 8
62.5 16
31.25 32
15.625 64
7.8125 128
3.90625 256
1.953125 512

>> No.15519223
File: 250 KB, 600x600, think hang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what I'm hearing is that deep sea implosion is the most painless form of suicide

>> No.15519239

Imagine getting roped into your fathers retarded plans when your 19 years old
You should be beating them at that age

>> No.15519270

>bridges don't normally collapse.
Submarines don't normally implode
>plus they could have done research themselves
That's what I'm saying, I don't research the technology of a bridge before going across or under it

>> No.15519286

with advances in lab grown meat, how long before we can build flesh based vehicles?

>> No.15519301

Literally no. Submarines themselves are older than airplanes. Deep submersibles comparable to the one that they were riding date back from 1948 (but were in development before ww2). Since then their manufacture and operation had a billion cycles and became extremely standarized and normalized. That normalization lead to protocols and procedures for everything, including testing new crafts, which brought down the accident rate drastically. Statistically its probably much safer than airplane travel, which in itself its much safer than bus travel.

The problem is since these retards were diving in international waters they thought they were very clever by bypassing established protocols, which were not made by goverment agencies but rather by other submarine companies who were in the business.

It's like if you decide to build your own airplane in a lawless island in the middle of the sea, then decide to ignore every known safety protocol and fly it untested yelling "checklists are for suckers". Almost literally what happened

Cant get a better example of modern natural selection than this.

Im not against millionaires, im against dumb millionaires, so many ways to lose your money and so many people who want it, if they were this dumb it was bound to happen one way or the other

>> No.15519349

nothing, retard. Honestly a better death than 99% of people.

>> No.15519365
File: 15 KB, 720x383, FzTltUkaYAIii2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?

>> No.15519366

Could Mozart be still alive though?

>> No.15519373

imagine this:
but 400 times faster.
probably around 1000 m/s or faster even.
It was over before any kind of nervous receptors even got a chance to send a signal, much less have it travel to the brain and be processed which is what you need to experience anything

>> No.15519419

>his time consists solely of acting like a moron to get his attention fix.

>> No.15519423

Its different but 8 bar difference produces a gore wattapad fanfic in real life so you can make an guess what happens with 360 bar crushing you

>> No.15519985

Yes you did...

>> No.15520105

How do fish survive at the bottom of the ocean?

>> No.15520108


>> No.15520130
File: 372 KB, 1110x542, Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 01-49-48 Kono Healer Mendokusai 07 VOSTFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip scientists and explorers, the true heroes of our era

>> No.15520136

The US navy monitored what was likely an implosion in real time but let the media run with their drama. It was a great distraction from the Hunter Biden fiasco.
This is how the world works now

>> No.15520139

That would be too stale pale and male

>> No.15520145

Dayum water, you scary

>> No.15520148

Carbon fiber shatters. Failures are pretty catastrophic

>> No.15520154

I dou>>15520148
So far I'd been skeptic that the whole thing imploded to the point of pulverizing, but when you point out the fact that the thing was made of carbon fiber, it makes sense

>> No.15520165

>I'd been skeptic
Show us the source

>> No.15520172

what source

>> No.15520178

Of your scepticism. What makes you sceptical?

>> No.15520209

well if it was made of metal I doubt it would do more than crush itself like a water bottle. it would still remain mostly intact. it wouldn't be shatter.
with carbon fiber though I have no idea

>> No.15520260

But yeah, I'm sure hunter biden has anything to do with what the military did.

>> No.15520266

With the ones I've seen that come from the bottom,
Without express permission from god

>> No.15520271


>> No.15520275

>"We don't need safety checks where we're going!"

>> No.15520279

They may need to spend 2 weeks writing an SOP and briefing a CONOP before they'll do it, but the military will find your ass with both it's hands soon enough.

>> No.15520298

It would implode. These things are meant to be spherical. Literally all the other DSVs use spherical metal hulls.

>> No.15520301

Women are bad luck for ships.

>> No.15520302

The Challenger orbiter was fine. The SRBs are what was fucked.

>> No.15520304


>> No.15520309

>The banging that was reported earlier is now thought to have been coming from other ships in the area, CBS reports.
Amusing how many retards latched onto the banging as proof they were still alive because they heard that suggested by the media.

>> No.15520318

Who uses such goofy units? psi or pascals, please

>> No.15520323

Measuring pain reaction times is trivial.

>> No.15520326

No its not, I'd rather die in my bed at old age than die without even knowing I died. I need to confess my sins and receive holy communion before I die. Dying with pain yet sin free is much better than dying swiftly but with sin.

>> No.15520415

explain astronauts then
>inb4 astronauts are somehow midwits
then you become one nigger

>> No.15520421

i think i misread your post

>> No.15520449

You did, we agree

>> No.15520589

No they don't. Aluminaut has gone that deep and it's a cylinder bigger than Titan. The important part is it's a forged aluminum cylinder 6" thick instead of a carbon fiber cuck tube glued to dissimilar materials.

>> No.15520598

1. Hipster meme points
2. I imagine wrapping a big carbon fiber drum is cheaper than putting together a ~5" thick metal hull that size
3. The lighter your vehicle is the less additional buoyancy you need, and the less complex your launch infrastructure can be. Old DSVs had massive floats filled with petroleum to keep them from sinking. Newer ones have molded exteriors made out of incompressible structural foam. Titan was basically just a cylinder with a hydrodynamic fairing around it. No pricey exterior bits.

Tl;Dr: The CEO was obsessed with making it novel and cheap

>> No.15520612

Why not just live without sin?

>> No.15520618

>Statistically its probably much safer than airplane travel
Not a chance. All the submarine trips in all of world history likely wouldn't surpass today's the weekly air passenger numbers. And planes don't crash most weeks. Commerical carriers anyway.

>> No.15520672

Don't try to be smart with me faggot, you know why.

>> No.15520814

they hold their breath

>> No.15520948

All the people on board might have been turned into mush in an instant but the controller is in one piece for sure

>> No.15521875

>Dying with pain yet sin free is much better than dying swiftly but with sin.
Why? Are you afraid the dementors are going to come and take your soul to azkaban?

>> No.15522359

Imagine taking the vore sub down to the titanic [math] \unicode{1F924} [/math]

>> No.15522459
