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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15513785 No.15513785 [Reply] [Original]

>depression and suicidal thoughts are listed side-effects of antidepressants

>> No.15514235

Modern medical fields are all extensions of Nazi science, psychology especially.

>> No.15514427

technically, a gunshot to the head is a cure

>> No.15514868

>Causing sickness to profit from treating it

>> No.15514932

>might cause death on a permanent basis as a side-effect

>> No.15514939

It causes a manic upswing and a burst of activity. If you can't spin that to your advantage to turn your life around and live without fear, then death is the better option.

>> No.15514946

>claimed mechanism of action based entirely on conjecture
>"it is believed to work by..."
>requires statistical analysis to uncover possibility of slight therapeutic effect, maybe

>> No.15514978

>the global antidepressant drugs market accounted for $14.11 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach $15.98 billion by 2023

>> No.15514994

Yeah, it's called a paradoxical side effect. Such things are possible in many types of medication, actually. It's not exclusive to anti-depressants.

Thankfully, in anti-depressants, these side effects tend to subside within the first 2-4 weeks as the medication builds up in your system and your body adjusts.

>> No.15515006

>claimed mechanism of action based entirely on conjecture
Again, not exclusive to psych meds. Most medication in general is based on clinical outcomes, and not the biological specifics.

>> No.15516055
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>>the global antidepressant drugs market accounted for $14.11 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach $15.98 billion by 2023
Says it all.
Treating the symptoms, rather than the cause, is more profitable and ensures a long-standing customer.

>> No.15516063

Believe it or not there's mental illness that can't be solved by "treating the cause" (whatever the fuck that even means).

If you solved your major depression by going for a jog every day and eating a Joe Rogan meme diet then you probably weren't depressed to begin with.

>> No.15516091

>mental illness t
The fact that schizo big pharma cultists//shills like you still separate the "mind" from the body is a very medieval way of thinking.

The brain is just an organ same as all the others. Not some mystical "mind" or "soul".

>> No.15516233

>If you solved your major depression by going for a jog every day and eating a Joe Rogan meme diet then you probably weren't depressed to begin with.
except you don't get to decide who has depression or not.

>> No.15516238
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>bro if you change that means you werent messed up
thats you. thats how dumb you sound.

>> No.15516272
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>he isn't pill maxxing
Take the pill taking pill.

>> No.15516286

and I thought smoking a cigarette, a few hits of smoke, and a beer before bed were bad

>> No.15516289

Good lord, And to think her pill problems will only worsen as she get's older. What the fuck went wrong with zoomers?

>> No.15516362

polypharmacy lmao

>> No.15516760

>on 4 different psychiatric meds
>this person is going to reproduce
I changed my mind. Canada's MAID program is a good idea and we should introduce it over here.

>> No.15516974

I suddenly feel the urge to dispense violence
What a punchable face

>> No.15517283

>except you don't get to decide who has depression or not.
No, but I get to doubt whether morons had depression or not.

>> No.15517294

>and I thought smoking a cigarette, a few hits of smoke, and a beer before bed were bad
Inhaling combusted plant matter and drinking alcohol are objectively worse for you than any of that shit. Not sure how you didn't know that.

>> No.15518487

I know :(
but a cocktail of psych meds cant be good either

>> No.15518492

>chasing sleeping meds with coffee

>> No.15518498

so she doesnt oversleep bro

>> No.15518512
File: 134 KB, 1920x1516, british doctor's study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people below age 40, there is no evidence whatsoever that smoking has any harmful long term effects. The largest and longest term study ever conducted on the effects of tobacco found that the life expectancy of people who smoke, but quit before they're 40 and the life expectancy of people who never smoked at virtually the same, people who were never smokers see no benefit.
similar data and studies about swallowing petroleum based medications daily do not exist

>> No.15518521

>For people below age 40, there is no evidence whatsoever that smoking has any harmful long term effects

>> No.15518522

mental illness is a result of living in a sick society schizo. change the society better the person

>> No.15518631

you're not willing to put any effort into self improvement, you presume that you're above doing so, thats why you're mentally ill

>> No.15519061

>Drink water.
>This is a threat.

Spooky moon in background

>> No.15519063

>muh self-improvement

>> No.15519315

>you're not willing to put any effort into self improvement
That's a bold claim to make unsubstantiated. Where did you get your degree?

>> No.15519321


>> No.15519357

Psychology is completely Jewish which is as anti-Nazi as it gets. There is a reason post WW2 was extremely interested in anti-authoritarianism. The roots of cultural marxism, homosexuality, transgenderism, feminism, non-traditional families can all be found in post war Jewish psychology. The Nazis specifically burned these people's book, destroyed their institutions and ran them out of the country.

>> No.15519499

I want to airlift this girl into the wilderness and drop her off a few hundred miles from civilization to see what would happen

>> No.15519507


>> No.15520230

You can be "messed up" without having major depressive disorder, at least by any meaningful clinical definition. You can understand something this simple, right?

>> No.15520359

I understand that your myopic interpretation of depression means you think no one can ever be cured of it

>> No.15520365

>I understand that your myopic interpretation of depression means
I'm talking specifically about clinically defined major depressive disorder. Not whatever the fuck your headcanon version of it is.

>> No.15520383
File: 40 KB, 500x434, psychiatry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinically defined
There is a relevant meme for this.
You are helpless and duped if you trust the pseud-science field of psychology/psychiatry.

It is just another government backed scam on the ignorant masses.

>> No.15520399

>You are helpless and duped if you trust the pseud-science field of psychology/psychiatry.
It's time to run back to whatever james bond conspiracy circle jerk you came from, little guy.

>> No.15520444

Has anyone considered that, perhaps, it isn't an all or nothing "society bad illness fake" "illness diagnosis you can identify the depression cells," and that perhaps there is some sort of grey zone about the causes of these issues, especially given the broad nature of the symptoms? Oh wait this is /sci/ nobody stops to think anything.

>> No.15520457

That's very cute, but no, psychiatry is a lie.

>> No.15520459

>Big Pharma Government Reeeeeeeing
>No, stop speaking truths, there is no room for the truth or science here!

>> No.15520477

Major depressive disorder is a clinical diagnosis, there's no other context where the term is relevant.

If you """diagnosed""" yourself with something you made up on your own, and then """treated""" it on your own, there's no reason to consider it major depressive disorder, because it was clinically meaningless.

>> No.15520518

And your doubt is meaningless. You have no point here, anon.

>> No.15520537

>And your doubt is meaningless.
Just as meaningless as your self-diagnosis, yeah. Glad we could clear that up.

>> No.15520544

>nooooo you simply cannot diagnose yourself and get healthy without big pharma and big government!
>We have a system and money must be paid to us to point out the obvious and more money to sell you poisons so you get more fucked up and need us more!

>> No.15520545


>> No.15520561

>American reading comprehension
The entire point of a clinical diagnosis is so that a clinic can create a treatment plan. You have a child's understanding of how medicine works lmao.

>> No.15520569

>obssessed about america out of nowhere
your replies make a lot more sense now

>> No.15520573

Americans really are soulcrushed by big pharma huh

>> No.15520574

Oh you're an amerilard, that's you're damage kek

>> No.15520576

>still can't read words or sentences properly
Christ I hate this place.

>> No.15520577

I hope you know, the next time you hear someone talking in another language, they're making fun of you.

>> No.15520579

>see no benefit.
>Graphic shows a little extra benefit
Why lie, why approximate, you don't know what the sample used were like, maybe they were lots of overweight people who were already below average to being with. No fucking accounting for confusion factores either probably. Tobacco smokers really are drug addicts.

>> No.15520583

I'm not American. I was making fun of the Americans for not being able to read, and also for being braindead conspiracy schizos. Happy to clear that up for you.

>> No.15520616

>depression doesn't actually exist unless it is exactly how I imagine it so
Alright, armchair psychologist

>> No.15520624

>depression doesn't actually exist
Depression as a mental illness is literally a term invented by doctors, so yes. The clinic is the context wherein it's meaningful. Why do you retards have such a hard time grasping this?

>> No.15520633

>Depression as a mental illness is literally a term invented by doctors
specifically for use within a clinical setting, I should add.

>> No.15520732

>I'm not American.
Then your opinion is worthless and disregarded on the global scale.

>> No.15520738
File: 47 KB, 440x412, gretafume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinical diagnosis
>so that a clinic
>treatment plan.
Sounds scammy.

>> No.15521196

No, that's literally how medicine works. If you feel that there's something wrong with you that can't be treated by a doctor, then there's no reason to have a diagnosis.

>> No.15521205

>no true depression fallacy
maybe you're just full of shit and depression is just your belief with no basis in reality

>> No.15521207

>no true depression fallacy
No, it's more like MDD is a specific condition that only doctors are qualified to diagnose. If I wake up one day and decide I'm schizophrenic it doesn't magically mean I have schizophrenia lmao.

You retards are like teenage girls on tiktok who constantly talk about how "OCD" they are.

>> No.15521220

>implying that only uncurable people get diagnosed
yeah you're fallacying all over yourself

>> No.15521221

Who the fuck said that? Use your reading comprehension, fatty.

>> No.15521232

women truly are the niggers of genders

>> No.15521247
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>> No.15521339

That's fucking perfect lmao.
Dude third from the left on row three (with the light pointing out from the right side of his head) and dude at bottom-right (red shirt) are the only two faces that wouldn't make me want to slit my wrists. I could make those work with my non-chud personality.