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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1551535 No.1551535 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody taken the engineering PE or FET?
How difficult were the questions?
And does anybody know where you can find a sample test online to practice?

>> No.1551592


>> No.1551637

If you know your field and read a FET/PE study book, you'll be fine. Basically, preparation and confidence are key to all the /sci/ topics like this.

>> No.1551661
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where do you think you are? /y/? /cm/?

>> No.1551663

Oy, faggot, engineering is applied science. Shut your gob.

>> No.1551666

im no american op, what is PE/FET

>> No.1551679

Yeah, just like being a janitor is applied chemistry. GTFO FAGGOT!

>> No.1551684

Except a janitor doesn't make anything useful. Until mootykins adds /eng/, I think my engineering ass will stay right here.

>> No.1551686


Being a Janitor is applied chemistry.

Being a teacher is applied neuroscience.

>> No.1551704


Yeah. It's funny how engineers are actually the ones who should be called scientists. Most people here are highschoolers or fanboys that think liking science makes them scientists. You can be a math/physicsfag but if you arent a researcher you are not doing actual science, in fact engineering feilds like aerospace are the ones who actually do researching.

Lab rat or engineer? I prefer the latter

>> No.1551709

Ignore the retarded children shitting up /sci/, they're just mad because they couldn't pass calculus in high school and they're majoring in liberal arts.

There are plenty of resources for different FE exams out there. I found some by just googling 'electrical engineering FE exam materials'

You can even find practice exams.

>> No.1551716
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Well thats like your personal choice man.
I am not a homophobe, but you have to relize that not everyone is into gay sex!

>> No.1551734
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>> No.1551743
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This helped me a ton for the FET

>> No.1551746
File: 97 KB, 346x441, daddys_roommate-large.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
