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File: 48 KB, 346x714, S9tEjLdeJIGW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15515770 No.15515770 [Reply] [Original]

Science "accidentally" killed a bunch of babies again.
Why do scientists murder so many babies? Do they enjoy it?
This type of thing can't have become so commonplace by accident, it happens too frequently.

>> No.15515779

Gentile babies

>> No.15516007

its the price of science.

rsv kills a lot more than 12 babies

>> No.15516012

>why yes science does require child sacrifice, why do you ask?

>> No.15516020

>48 babies die in control group
>12 die in test group

>> No.15516023

It's not even about the results, the intention is clearly not to create worse health outcomes so the entire discussion is absurd to begin with.

>> No.15516027
File: 20 KB, 474x457, OIP[1].cQvew-LF5M6Umbsoq6zDVQHaHJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vax kills 12 babies
<vax doesn't actually kill 12 babies
>it's not even about the result

>> No.15516032

so why are babies dying in the test group?

>> No.15516045
File: 68 KB, 738x606, Jews Evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gentile babies
First post nails it.
Jews HATE non-Jewish whites. HATE them worse than the leftist Nazi's hated the Jews.

Jews have not been "persecuted" for thousands and thousands of years for "no reason".

>> No.15516081 [DELETED] 

>no bro the control group doesn't matter please ignore it
ironic, considering you're probably one of the 2 anons that's been pushing the muh modern scientists are doing science wrong narrative

>> No.15516158

Notice how scientists always have "accidents", and are never considered terrorists?
Look at who funds them.......

>> No.15516169

This is terrible.
But what race were the babies?

>> No.15516398

The parents should be jailed for life.

>> No.15516511

The doctors coerce them into it with
>do you want us to give your baby this experimental vaccine? if you don't agree to it and the baby dies of the disease then you'll be at fault

>> No.15516661
File: 341 KB, 800x765, 1626896260208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about keeping children in a warm loving clean environment. Why inject them with mystery goop for diseases they will never get if they don't crawl in the fucking sewer. Once the children grow up and want to take the vaccine then they can do so once they are capable of consent.

But nooooooo. Just like with foreskin we have to mutilate our children with all this pointless crap. I myself have to live with the daily reminder that my cunt parents injected me with goop, that likely caused my autoimmune problems at age 6 months, in the form of a disgusting disfiguring hyperpigmented vaccine scar on my left shoulder. My own father looked at it the other day and I could tell how ashamed he was of himself for mutilating me. Though he'd never admit that, not even in death. Stupid fucker

>> No.15516714

An injection that caused: a skull fracture, a tumour, Covid and gastroenteritis. I don't believe an injection caused that. Also, twelve children out of how many? How many died in the control group? Are you familiar with the word 'statistics'?

It's an injection but not a vaccine.

>> No.15516965

Fucking liar. This would mean that 36 out of 48 died of RSV, which would mean that 75% of all toddler deaths are because of RSV. In reality it's not 75% but maybe 2-3%. Which means the data is bullshit or someone - or something - murdered approximately 35 toddlers of the control group.

>> No.15516977

Why is it so easy to rile up you retards with an obviously ragebait news headline?

>> No.15516985
File: 746 KB, 658x1172, 1687204283286186.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect they just quietly changed the groups
300% excess mortality due to vaxocide

>> No.15517018

You're not smart.

>> No.15517059

drug clinical trials are tested on poor people
if 12 babies die to iron out the bugs and save more valuable kids, I say job well done

besides, babies are easily and readily replaceable
it takes 18 years to make an adult, but only 9 month to pump out a baby and with ivf, you can reliably pump out litters of little test subjects to inject with all kinds of chemicals

>> No.15517102
File: 173 KB, 639x1177, 1686696894819263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 9 month to pump out a baby
>to inject with all kinds of chemicals
Fun fact: Once you die, your torture in hell has no temporal limitations. You can't even be tortured to death since you're already dead, so the pain also has no limitations. It's a fair system, if you think about it: On earth, you are free to do what you want, but when you die you have to justify yourself.

>> No.15517132

666 means Nero in Jewish number code because the Jewish followers of the Jewish messiah thought Nero was going to try to kill all worshipers of the king of the Jews before the Jew king himself returned to save them

>> No.15517194

>We care about vax-injured kids because they're kids
>Proceeds to actively lobby against giving poor pupils a government-funded school lunch.

You know, looking back on it now, I have the impression that it was social media, all well-funded and well-connected, not some alternative media shit a la controlled opposition jones, that primarily pushed anti-vax propaganda.

>> No.15517200

...and by social media, I mean the ones in control of the whole enterprise, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, whoever owns any of the other platforms etc. It's not a secret that anti-vax posts got a lot more traffic even compared to other posts made by the same author. It's all deliberate, it was programmed that exact way.

>> No.15517631

>a government-funded school lunch.
100% guaranteed to be poison from whatever corporation paid the biggest kickback bribe to get the contract.

>> No.15518148

The worst words anyone can hear are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

>> No.15518239
File: 165 KB, 1022x476, totallySafe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science reporting is so awful, even the pro vax article published the (Wrong) 12 deaths number
Here's the actual published paper
>3 deaths
>all in the vax group
>totally not because the vax though

>> No.15518358

Yeah, just blame all your problems on bullshit that you made up in your head. Works for the Christcucks.

>> No.15518379


>> No.15518401

Checked. Any parental interaction with medical personnel is inherently and necessarily coercive, as even if they don't explicitly threaten it they always have the power of child protection services in their back pocket.

>> No.15518407

>saved from deadly diseases
>has a mark
Cry, baby, cry.

>> No.15518419

It's unlikely he would have even met someone who had a dangerous childhood illness, shot or unshot. After most houses started having baths and sewage systems that risk went to near null.

>> No.15518646

>Why do scientists murder so many babies?
because they're greedy and evil
>Do they enjoy it?
yes, they get a thrill out of murdering babies and
getting away with it, they never suffer any consequences for their atrocious misdeeds, instead they get financially rewarded for it

>> No.15518650

If only it targeted evil retards like you

>> No.15518652

Somehow this seems to happen every time

>> No.15518707

>Once you die, your torture in hell has no temporal limitations.
[Citation needed]

>> No.15518710

Based. Eugenics needs to be mandatory for any civilization to survive

>> No.15518837

The Bible, its the source of the big bang narrative and a lot of other things you believe in

>> No.15518880

>its the source of the big bang narrative and a lot of other things you believe in
[Citation needed]
It’s as true as the Illiad when it comes to historical events

>> No.15519483

>This would mean that 36 out of 48 died of RSV, which would mean that 75% of all toddler deaths are because of RSV
That's not how statistics work dingus

>> No.15519842


>> No.15520034

What they did with the covid vaxx is exclude anyone from the study group if they developed a severe symptom from injection.

>> No.15520092

It's honestly embarrassing to see this barbaric superstitious tripe posted on a board dedicated to science.

>> No.15520096

Science saves more babies than it kills so it's a net gain

>> No.15520435

holy shit! Jews want their own Holocaust this time?

>> No.15520496

Link the source.
WLT Report returns no search results.

>> No.15520515

Or you just wait for a baby to come into the hospital with RSV and flip a coin on whether they get the control or the test so you are only testing RSV babies. Do you think they test cancer cures on humans by giving them cancer?.

>> No.15520522

>Or you just wait for a baby to come into the hospital with RSV and flip a coin on whether they get the control or the test so you are only testing RSV babies.
What the fuck am I reading.