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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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15515432 No.15515432 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15515433

replace the captcha with a brief iq test

>> No.15515436

Shhh, it's against the rules to talk about the poor moderation of the board. That's assuming the one mod left is active enough today to find your thread.

>> No.15515437


>> No.15515439

Why bother contributing to this shithole?

>> No.15515444

Rangeban glowies, bot posters, and namefags.

>> No.15515445

Make everyone subscribe for $1/month, and the mods get paid.
If the site is good and well moderated, it will have good discussion and attract more users, and mods will get paid more.
Anyone who does labor for free is a retard.

>> No.15515448

Change the age limit from 18 to 40. That would get rid of all the uneducated schoolchildren.
Seeing endless predictable opinions from inexperienced Dunning-Kruger syndrome victims doesn't generate any meaningful or interesting content, it only gets in the way

>> No.15515450

This is an excellent answer.

>> No.15515454

Just be yourself.

>> No.15515466

Penis inspection.

>> No.15515479

No IQ threads
No space thread
No LaTeX
Just pure math and science (including philosophy, science of self)

>> No.15515481

New philosophy board and a ban on "meta" conversations about science would kill 90% of the threads on this board

>> No.15515482
File: 194 KB, 1154x1200, D0gsnAWU0AAYsh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No LaTeX
>Just pure math

>> No.15515483

Is there a forum that already does this?

>> No.15515488

If I wanted to hear someone be stupid, soft spokenly whilst disguised with cryptology maybe I'd accept LaTeX. Not on muh sci. GET OUT.

>> No.15515490

you sound obnoxious, if using LaTeX makes you specifically leave the board I'm all for it

>> No.15515493

mathchan? it went overly autustic

>> No.15515494

I get the feeling most of the time they're saying something unintelligent but it is guised by incomprehensible text you must first learn in school. If I could read it, I'd probably disagree with a lot.

>> No.15515495
File: 123 KB, 650x480, 2023-05-15_20.18.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling me to get out
Lol...I research more fields of study than anyone else on this website.

This meme isnt actually accurate. I dont meditate in silence, that was just a play off the "...", the truth is I curse the world and individual dirtbags that exist in it before I get out of bed. Every day. Without fail. I sometime begin before I even wake up, I start to curse the world in my dreams and it continues in to my waking state.

>> No.15515498

Shut up nerd

If you said that in my town you'd get swirled, neckbeard

>> No.15515501

>brainlet gets triggered by IQ threads
Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.15515505

I understand. You like to get away from the world and pretend your petty thoughts have meaning. Fag.

>> No.15515508

It's fine like this, instead you should ask about how make it worse so it's removed from 4cuck.

>> No.15515510
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oooh namefag talks big game on an Anonymous Mongolian Throat Singing Forum, I'm practically trembling in my boots

>> No.15515511

It might be gud I just don't understand it and I zàd

>> No.15515517

Eat my barkel

>> No.15515519

a stickied list of banned "Well Established's" for the social sciences would severely limit the retardation of the board

>> No.15515520
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I better than u but you hide

>> No.15515521
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>> No.15515523

I think we should turn this board solely into discussions about niggerIQ and jew cockcutting, those topics are definitely not discussed enough anywhere on this website and should have a welcome home here

>> No.15515526

Basically what I was going to say. Just make the captcha 2-3x harder

>> No.15515527

im a mathematician

>> No.15515529

doin your mom
doin your mom
doin your mom

>> No.15515533

>you hide
Can we see the post that got you banned then, or the pic if they deleted it?

>> No.15515535

go stick to whatever board you came from, you don't belong here

>> No.15515540


>> No.15515542
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>> No.15515545

Ban all frogposters, wojakposters, >>>/x/ posters, IQ/vaccine/global warming/other political flavor of the year posts, and there you go you probably would have a 10x better board
mods are faggots who delete all on topic threads so nothing will ever happen

>> No.15515546

I think every thread should be dedicated to jerking off about how all current models of physics are totally fake and never providing any solution to the real world phenomena the models are used to describe, because admitting they're useful mathematically valid model is bad because the jews did it.

>> No.15515550

We need more female posters.

>> No.15515552

So >>>/x/?

>> No.15515554

>a thread complaining about the state of the board shows up again
>a mod logs on for the only 2 minutes a day they give a shit
>delete the thread complaining, leave all the shit threads
>no bans

>> No.15515558

Women are not usually good math because mathematics is about the search for abstract truth and most women are not capable of it because their biological imperative is manipulation and coercion instead of the search for truth.

>> No.15515572

sup im a girl sometimes and am the progenitor of your species