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File: 107 KB, 1024x685, Cyclops_1_Submersible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15513790 No.15513790 [Reply] [Original]

>be engineer
>make a submarine
>use carbon fiber like the areospace industry
>in spite of the difficulties in detecting defects in the material
>under a higher pressure differential
>it implodes
And I thought gays were supposed to be smarter than average?

>> No.15513791

>And I thought gays were supposed to be smarter than average?
Why did you think that?

>> No.15513796
File: 258 KB, 1920x2318, engineer gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar

>> No.15513901

>be not engineer
bro things are so much worse than you think
the fucking CEO dude isn't even an engineer.
he's an ex-pilot and business-fag that thought he knew what he was doing.
they're fucked.

>> No.15513916

The hired a bunch of engineers fresh out of college, not wanting "50 year old ex-navy white guys" and apparently none of them pointed out that carbon fiber wasn't a good material

>> No.15513920

blame uncontrolled capitalism

>> No.15513934

that's what you get with women and soys.
also apparently one of the older people who used to work for him pointed out it was all a catastrophe waiting to happen and he was fired/sued.

>> No.15513938

He was fired but sued for wrongful termination and got a payout.

>> No.15513943

luv me some captalism

>> No.15513945

Capitalism is when people trusted his boat because the incompetent but overly involved government declared it safe.

>> No.15513946

In his defense, ex-sailors are complete fucking faggots on the job. Fuck working with sailors.

>> No.15513956

>give some charlatan a bunch of money to be sent down to the titanic in a soda can
>thanks obama

>> No.15513959

>ex-sailors are complete fucking faggots
Well duh they're sailors, but so are engineers >>15513796

>> No.15513988


>> No.15513990

diversity hires due to socialist policies and thinking in our universities. Many such cases

>> No.15514095

I unironically haven't laughed so much in weeks

>> No.15514416
File: 34 KB, 613x350, Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 08-01-02 Missing Titanic Sub Once Faced Massive Lawsuit Over Depths It Could S….png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy that brought up safety concerns got fired and sued
Absolutely musk tier

>> No.15514417

Capitalism is when a person does a thing

>> No.15514446

"Capitalism" is an explicitly communist term used to conflate genuine economic concerns (speculation, monopolies) with the "big bad" strawman jewish marxists use to justify their takeover of the world at gunpoint.

>> No.15514466

Socialist policies hahaha. The CEO used 20 dollar controllers because he wanted it to be profitable. He only paid for a tube that can go 1.3k meters down because of profitability. Refused to pay for 4k depth, because of profitability.

When someone cuts corners because it's profitable, it's because of capitalism

>> No.15514467

Before embarking the guests signed a sheet that said that the sub wasn't approved by any regulatory body on the entire planet. This is because of capitalism

>> No.15514469

Capitalism is what enabled this retard CEO to charge 250k per person to ride in his unsupervised, unregulated, purely profitable death trap

>> No.15514516

>When someone cuts corners because it's profitable, it's because of capitalism

Google what percentage of soviet doctor's sausage was made of filler materials by 1991

>> No.15514521

What do you mean "percentage"? Sausage has always been made of filler material.

>> No.15514559

Scamming people is not capitalism. It is exchanging money for (faulty) goods and services. Do you not know what a capital good is?

>> No.15514561
File: 724 KB, 1106x1012, 14502860439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the basic gestalt is that the entire titanic sinking was a hoax made by the jew glownigger bankers and their families to make a ton of cash from the insurance and the movies around the faked event.
>Titanic was insured by the same company that insured the Hindenburg AND WTC on 9/11 (also MH17, MH370)
>as with the WTC/HB they paid out without investigation
>the exact! coordinates to the Titanic wreck are NOT public (you would need to ask James Cameron)
>Jew media had the story already prepared and pushed it way too early
>the water in April is 15 degrees celsius in that region (member icy lips DiCaprio? that was bullshit)
>Icebergs were NEVER spotted again in that region where she allegedly sunk
>wreck footage was filmed in a studio that explains why there are NO fishes seen anywhere
>the wreck was literally found by a monkey (((they))) are fucking with us)
>now they say they found a bacterium on the titanic that eats the steel away so the wreck will vanish in 10 years
>this bacterium was only found to eat on the titanic wreck (sure Moshe)
>according to the story Guggenheim a Billionaire jew refused to enter an empty Lifeboat (46 places were free) and instead sunk with the ship and let his wife escape with the money, hello? nigger are you awake?
>(((Jacob))) Astor also rich billionaire gigajew industrialist allegedly sinks with the ship, his life insurance is paid out (he only faked it same as Guggenkike)
>Titanic ship was moved to Germany where it was rebuild, mothballed and then sold to the US after WW1 and it became the USS Imperator

tl;dr: fake and gay globohomo psyop, it's being pushed all over the boards and mainstream media

>> No.15514568

Scamming people is just free market capitalism you disgusting hick

>> No.15514572

Yes it is. Capitalism is when someone conducts business without the aid of the government which happened in this case one billion percent. It was unregulated, no government body ever stamped their approval on this shit and therefore this is the supreme example of capitalism.

They're going to regulate the shit out of submarines in the future because of this and therefore communism will prosper. You won't be able to deploy a submarine without a permit next time which is a hallmark of socialism

>> No.15514575

Whatcha doing, rabbi?

>> No.15514576


I mean like sawdust and shit

>> No.15514641

>diversity hires kill their own CEO and some paki trust fund kids

>> No.15514652

Based and eat the rich pilled.

>> No.15514662

Billionaire Hamish's friend is in the limelight now. He's sharing the "last chilling text Hamish sent me" which is literally something like "Heading out tomorrow. Looks good". I love how the rich don't really have any friends who give a shit about them.

>> No.15514664

I know a guy worth a couple of hundred million and have meet his "friends" of similar wealth.
The reason none of them have real friends is you don't get that rich without being willing to fuck over everyone you can make a dime off.

>> No.15514695


>> No.15514702
File: 151 KB, 1069x1200, 3ka7uj8jrga81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes are real.
Scientists are not.

>> No.15514736

the only disgusting people are orcs, hook noses and undead troons

>> No.15514752

Done. What now?

>> No.15514773

if they were hired straight out of college then they literally can't be engineers. it takes 4 years of experience working under a licensed engineer to get that title and be able to certify work, only 1 year of which is allowed to come from pre-graduation work. They are at best "graduates of engineering"

>> No.15514788
File: 555 KB, 2000x1616, 1678076346351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15514793

Adopt autocracy

>> No.15514853

yo pinko cross dresser. Explain glorious vatnik union memedustry and the absolute coffins it produced since it was cheap

>> No.15514857

yeah and I know another guy too. Maybe they dont trust anyone since as soon as jealous peasants like you get a whiff of money you start scheming how to get your claws in it

>> No.15514860

Its a good thing the CEO is dead, his business is over forever

>> No.15514897


>> No.15514904

No, I get that. But why did you think that gays/engineers are smarter than average?

>> No.15514913

because socialist regimes are well known for producing the highest quality goods where cost is no object. there wasn't even a word for "shortcut" in the ussr

>> No.15514926
File: 219 KB, 1544x437, engineers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep talking about how smart they think they are

>> No.15514972

I bet you they all thought it, but the CEO just fired the people who said the obviously unsafe vehicle was unsafe.

>> No.15515008

This is good though
The submarines that kill people won't make as much money
So after a few thousand people die, people will stop dying in submarines

>> No.15515045


>> No.15515153

Not everyone is a civil engineer.

>> No.15515161

>And I thought gays were supposed to be smarter than average?
Guy who designed it, and guy who approved it were bought off, look up the whistleblower who called them out in 2018 and got fired, pretty shifty stuff, I don't know where gay people came from in this regard, the guy was straight as far as I could tell.

>> No.15515282

sure, but not all engineers are civil engineers either. if you work with safety critical systems where failure results in serious injury / death then you need an engineer to sign off. could be a mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, software engineer, doesn't matter as long as they have their license.

civil are just the most likely to get it because 99% of the work they do could crush someone

>> No.15515485

Civil is literally the only one of those fields that has a PE license scheme.

I mean really, a licensed software engineer? Have you seen the shit that's under the hood of most systems?

Companies have certs and processes. PE's are just for civil engineering.

>> No.15515543

that is LITERALLY wrong though.

P.Eng is available to all who took an accredited engineering degree, regardless of what that may be and the P.Eng is mandatory for certain kinds of work. for example, if you're building an xray machine for a hospital, you need a licensed engineer to approve it and he sure as shit is not going to be civil, more likely electrical or mechanical. if you're writing software for a missile system, you need an engineer to approve it and it's most likely to be a software engineer.

Believe it or not, webshit is not the only thing that uses software

>> No.15515591
File: 17 KB, 360x640, treestump_brainlet_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refused to pay for 4k depth, because of profitability.

>> No.15515636

Ok, this might just come down to jurisdiction.

Eurofag here. No PEs anywhere, as far as I can tell. Can't even tell you for civil, since I'm not civil. Here it's all ISO EN bullshit.

>> No.15515699

An idiot cutting corners for profit has nothing to do with capitalism. USSR had quality issues with what they made as well. When there's no incentive to produce high quality goods, then high quality goods won't be made.

>> No.15515709

Good don't murder me on use sounds like enough motivation

>> No.15517259


>> No.15517270

you're obese. stop pestering us and go take a shower.

>> No.15517299
File: 1.48 MB, 1450x1036, SUSY vs String Theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be a faggot somewhere else

>> No.15517336

>>use carbon fiber like the areospace industry
aerospace industry needs to hold 1 atm pressure from inside out
submarine industry needs to hold 400 atm pressure outside in.
Two completely different situations

>> No.15517351

are you stupid?
took 10s

>> No.15517362

>Two completely different situations
that's what OP said

>> No.15517364

>inside out
>outside in
>Two completely different situations
Just make your hull concave.

>> No.15517370

no,you're literally wrong.
>if you're building an xray machine for a hospital
you need it to pass various tests on EMI, radiation, isolation, etc. etc. executed by various labs and enforced by various regulatory bodies, and no PEs involved.
> if you're writing software for a missile system
you need to pass whatever certification the military you're making it for uses, which nowadays does include software verification but that sure as flying fuck have no such thing as a licensed engineer involved.
you're making things up.
The PE exams are bullshit, the only two places they're relevant are:
1. civil bs
2. public area power generation/transmission/i.e. the civil part of EE.
(if you do your own generator and so on no one cares, otherwise you'd have "PEs" having to sign off on every 12v shitbox SMPS.
Everything else has no such thing of note, despite the exams they made up to con people.
And you can check this for yourself by looking up CVs and profiles of engineers in various companies, people advertise their phds and what not but no one would ever mention PE, because no one remotely cares or needs it.
You looked up the table of P.Eng. Exams, saw that they have everything, and got conned by their bullshit.

>> No.15517379

wasnt arguing just making it clear in case someone didnt got it
i was thinking about this, would be interesting, something like a cubic frame in which each side is an inverted dome? it probably has a lot of obvious downsides im not seeing. Sphere seems to be what they all tend to

>> No.15517397

USSR was literally infamous for "cutting corners." They used to dump spent nuclear reactors directly into the sea by ships acting like they were damaged and circling a permiter to look like they were listing in order to hide what they were doing from the international community. Chernoybl literally caused global disaster just to cut cost on the fuel rod tips.

you are an illiterate moron, but of course you are a socialist so that is a given from jump

>> No.15517421

I'd assume being convex is superior at keeping pressure out, if it matters at all. They just don't need to make concave airplanes, so they don't.

>> No.15517464

oh and btw now China is the one infamous for cutting corners and the shittiest possible products. I wonder what they had in common?

>> No.15517476

lmao leftypol troons thought this sub situation was a good opportunity to raid online forums and spam their tranny comm propaganda. Get rekt you mentally ill freak

>> No.15517501


>> No.15517602


Why do you fags keep exaggerating the Chernobyl disaster? Next time you will claim it was about to explode with the force of 50 megatons and sterilize Europe or something.

>> No.15517662

very VERY true, I fuck over all my friend every time I get the chance ALWAYS

>> No.15517667

No, being a total Jew is what made him do it.

>> No.15517722
File: 40 KB, 680x527, 54c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blame uncontrolled capitalism

>> No.15517724

Is it time for Elon to step in and make reusable submarines?

>> No.15517728

>He only paid for a tube that can go 1.3k meters down because of profitability. Refused to pay for 4k depth, because of profitability.
He thought of it as one time business model and went on the sub himself?

>> No.15517729

I would say those have already been invented,but that that wouldn't stop Musk from making a second rate one and pretending that he came up with the idea first.