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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 380 KB, 2560x1191, SuperHeavyLaunchers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15511342 No.15511342 [Reply] [Original]

Super Heavy-lift Launch Vehicle Edition

Previous: >>15507638

>> No.15511356
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I hate the metric system.

>> No.15511359
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>> No.15511362
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im so hungry bros

>> No.15511366

>Energia has both better performance to LEO and TLI than SLS block 1 despite being like half the size
The absolute state of SLS

>> No.15511369
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>> No.15511377


>> No.15511380
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Long March 9 won’t be operational until the 2030s with second stage reuse in the 2040s

… how long will it take for Russia to get a Starship clone running


>> No.15511382

china is going to collapse before then

>> No.15511383

Imperial is terrible. Base 10 is based.

>> No.15511387

SLS will also never turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.15511388
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>10 with it's four divisors is better than 12 with its six

>> No.15511389

What if the Nazis won the war?

>> No.15511396

well they didn't

>> No.15511402

Base 12 is only acceptable if you have extra digits like some Louisiana swamp native.

>> No.15511405

>nooo i need to count on my fingers
do base 10 tards really?

>> No.15511406
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>he hasn't made the switch to dozenal

>> No.15511407
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I don't answer what if questions :)

>> No.15511410

if Xuesen hadn't gone back to red china, china would not have a space program still. facts.
It should be illegal for MIT grads to leave this great country

>> No.15511412


>> No.15511414

why do you think this matters?
>inb4 cant into decimals

>> No.15511415

>"oh huh so we should use metric time then huh science-man??"

>> No.15511418

>he can't handle fractions

>> No.15511419

Never did Energia either. Polyus did.

>> No.15511420

You need to teach the system to kids who keep getting dumber every cohort as well.

>> No.15511427

I literally do not care. Chinese spaceflight sucks ass

>> No.15511428

I wish we had a third alternate super heavy launch vehicle to Starship and SLS. SLS will only fly one, if not every other year, SpaceX would just be too powerful if it didn't have SHLV competition within the US.

We need a third, maybe fourth for redundancy. China has like 2 or 3 comanies making Starship clones, we need a few more too. But who would make them? New Glenn with massive SRBs strapped to the side?

>> No.15511429

Any day now

>> No.15511432


>> No.15511433

>trusting russian numbers
>thinking a rocket is smaller because the payload is mounted to the side

>> No.15511434

>china would not have a space program still
Their space program was built on Soviet hardware and former Soviet rocket engineers so I doubt it

>> No.15511439

Yeah, I really don't give a shit about your subhuman reddit nigger ass spamming up the thread in protest.

>> No.15511441

New Glenn will be a super heavy lift, though on the low end like Falcon Heavy.

>> No.15511442
File: 2.19 MB, 2180x1178, Screenshot 2023-06-19 at 5.56.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny that abl wants to launch from all these places, it will probably take them years to launch a single rocket from each

>> No.15511443

Now that's some seethe right there.
I do not care about chinese faggot rockets and you should cry about it.

>> No.15511446

NASA had a full investigation of it in the early 90's as they were potentially buying flights so trust that then. When in the fuck did these threads get flooded with these retarded tourists?

>> No.15511450

I really don't care. I just care that you shit up the thread by mass replying like an absolute fucking subhuman retard rather than just using filters.

>> No.15511456

NASA was not potentially buying flights on Energia, NASA was interested in Soviet rocket engines.

>> No.15511457

holy fuck what in the 60s soviets were seriously saying 'fuck da moon, let's do a manned flyby of venus'

>> No.15511467

>non tethered micro submersible
what were they thinking?

>> No.15511468

Lurk more you newfag retard. This shit has been discussed to death already. Anobpdy got that pdf with the investigation? It even had the estimated dollar price and everything.

>> No.15511475
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Only have a page from it.

>> No.15511484

>when the citation you referenced undercuts your claim

>> No.15511485
File: 472 KB, 2048x1534, FzBBsdsaEAAUFWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supporting Neutron to first launch are our facilities like this Neutron test stand, ready to receive a full-scale second stage tank for structural & cryogenic testing in the coming weeks.

>> No.15511487


>> No.15511488

Looks like a dollar store Die Glocke test stand in Poland.

>> No.15511490

A figure of how much Energia cost per launch in a study of Soviet rockets after the fall of the Iron Curtain is not NASA being interested in buying launches on Energia.

>> No.15511496

>moving the goalpost this fucking hard
Offer anything substantial that they Soviets actually lied about the performance?

>> No.15511501
File: 61 KB, 1200x960, 20220912blueoriginabort-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of Blue Origin's newest astronauts, 49-year-old Glen de Vries, survived a ride to space alongside actor William Shatner. But less than a month later, he was killed in a small plane crash i New Jersey.
and now
>Hamish Harding went into space last year with Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin company. The British billionaire explorer is feared to be on board the missing Titanic tourist submarine somewhere in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.
BO is fucking cursed

>> No.15511505

meanwhile VG is killing passengers with old age before they can even fly

>> No.15511507

>people who are willing ride on one sketchy experimental craft are likely to ride on other sketchy experimental crafts
you'd almost expect it to happen more

>> No.15511508

How can the EU stop this?

>> No.15511509

or maybe bezos is killing them after they threatened to come forward

>> No.15511512

"Space" isnt real. Youre all also probably globecels.

>> No.15511514
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lol didn't read

>> No.15511515


>> No.15511517

I believe in the sphere Earth

>> No.15511522

When you get deep enough, the weight of the tether becomes too much.

>> No.15511524

neutral buoyancy tether?

>> No.15511525

How long would it take to get citizenship in the US and can you go work for a rocket company the day after you get it?

My manager offered me an opportunity today for an intra-company transfer to the US branch. It would be on an L1-B which is dual intent and I've always wanted to work on space shit. Anyone here done anything like this / looked into it / know someone who's done this sort of thing?

>> No.15511526
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Can't splat the Shat.

>> No.15511527

I have a friend that got his green card, and within a year was working for ULA

>> No.15511529

Not in your position but as a person with dual citizenship I would take any opportunity to work in the US. Sorry can't offer any advice but congratulations brother

>> No.15511530

how long did it take him to go from arrive in US to green card?

>> No.15511532

uh like 6 years

>> No.15511534

Does he really?

>> No.15511557

This poor man has now been roasted on /sfg/ for
a) not taking enough risk (flying on Jeff’s carnival ride) and
b) taking too much risk (getting killed by the Titanic wreckage)
Exploring is based, especially when it comes with risks.

>> No.15511588
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I thought I recognized that! That's from the Advanced Transportation System Study. It's less about a genuine American interest in buying Energia launches and more about comparing the capabilities and economics of high-end soviet rockets to the NLS vehicle that NASA and friends were sketching out back in 1991.

They considered it as a potential ride for Cassini, but quickly concluded that while Energia was capable of a direct trajectory flight to Saturn there were too many technical unknowns for it to be considered seriously, and it was unlikely that Russia retained the ability to launch it anyway. They were interested, but that didn't mean they didn't have realistic expectations about it.

>> No.15511596

It's literally me tooing Astra's plans.

>> No.15511602

Do you really believe everything you read on the internet?

>> No.15511606

No one is launching from Camden. That's NIMBY country.

>> No.15511635
File: 44 KB, 416x237, Screenshot 2023-06-19 174812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paywalling info about your company is Arca tier. At least people care enough about SpaceX to share.

infectious enthusiasm

>> No.15511656

That tweet is real, but it isn't Shatner running the account. It's one of his nephews or grandsons. I can't remember which, but there are pictures of the two of them together.

>> No.15511658

No, I choose to believe Shatner has opinions about Love Live.

>> No.15511690

if only there was some way to get a deep sea rescue vehicle up to 100 tons to any point on earth in 30 minutes...

>> No.15511697

Yes, as well all know Starship can land in the middle of bumfuck nowhere ocean with no land in sight.

>> No.15511701

That's the OFT-1 flight plan.

>> No.15511702

it can though
you just need a way to deploy the payload and willingness to expend the ship itself

>> No.15511704
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SpaceX will succeed.

>> No.15511753

Sometimes I forget this general is filled with drooling retards.

>> No.15511760

translation: your ass got served. bon appetit

>> No.15511805


>> No.15511816

Why don't they give starship two hulls, with something like 11 psi of pressure in the intermediate space between the outer hull and crew cabin which could be pressurized to 16 psi and not have to deal with the bullshit of relieving the cabin from sea level to space. And also not have massive outward pressure on those giant windows

Or am I retarded

>> No.15511822

You are retarded

>> No.15511836
File: 64 KB, 700x499, FzAY2HSWAAYbgTB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this possible?

>> No.15511838

no, i only belief the stuff that confirms my biases

>> No.15511839

tfw live on the short side

>> No.15511842

that isn't to scale

>> No.15511845

mars is flat, also earth has a dome

>> No.15511856

All planets are circular discs facing eachother head on

>> No.15511864

Only Earth is a hologram. All the other planets are real.

>> No.15511869
File: 420 KB, 1200x1600, Scott_parazynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh ohhhhhh

>> No.15511889

You can conquer space, you can conquer everest, you cannot conquer the oceans

>> No.15511944

>just make it twice as heavy bro

>> No.15511948
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Space is... hard??

>> No.15511949

They were not

>> No.15511970

Sea is hard

>> No.15511982

he's not exploring shit lol

>> No.15512000

Jeff's carnival ride is still far safer than anything that goes that deep
You barely have time to scream once the structure starts to fail

>> No.15512003

If I shined a flashlight at a black dwarf, would it just look like a rock or what?

>> No.15512008

>hes talking about midget spooks

>> No.15512011

Yeah I'll be going to a Boeing any day before riding in a 100atm pressure crush death box.

>> No.15512014

first lets talk about how we reach the black dwarf and land on it

>> No.15512020

i looked up black dwarf i dont think we can land on it guys

>> No.15512023

every poster on this thread has looked up blacked dwarf before youre not alone

>> No.15512027


>> No.15512030

Why not? It's just a cold dead star.

>> No.15512040

idk it's a degenerate matter

>> No.15512054
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>> No.15512082

Based normies shitting on the dumbest glowop

>> No.15512106
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>> No.15512115

What the fuck is that between Neptune and Pluto?

>> No.15512118


>> No.15512125

Please refrain from making posts that are extremely dangerous to OUR democracy

>> No.15512134
File: 28 KB, 615x348, 0_Oceangate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX loves off the shelf components, do you think they would use a $20 controller for spacecraft?

>> No.15512144

The Dragon UI is written in JavaScript on a touchscreen. The manual controls are robust because they're only there as emergency backups.

>> No.15512150

Is this bait?

>> No.15512152

whatever happened to OceanX? kek

>> No.15512153


apparently some new info about something, not sure if its about SpaceX

>> No.15512157

>27 minutes
>soi faggot

Give us tl;dr you ape nigger

>> No.15512158

Fuck off, not spaceflight

>> No.15512167
File: 149 KB, 392x352, Screenshot from 2023-06-20 17-11-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angery Astronaut has shat the fucking bed
>shilling Avi Loeb's latest grift

>> No.15512177

Whatever Mick

>> No.15512192

wait his students are a bunch of young fertile chinese girls?

>> No.15512204

6-8 weeks

>> No.15512208

you can easily count on base 12 on your fingers
0 is putting you hand down, 1 is closed fist, 2 is fist + 1 finger etc.
you use thumb to count on tips and the two joints (on the other hand you count how many dozens you have) - that way you can count to 144

base 12 would require 2 extra numerals, not fingers

>> No.15512210

actually it's proven that smartphone adoption at young age enhances numerical literacy

>> No.15512212

guy looks like Thulsa Doom
It's not that surprising he has a harem of brainwashed exotic slave girls- I mean female inclusive unpaid internship students of diverse backgrounds

>> No.15512233
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>… how long will it take for Russia to get a Starship clone running
somewhere between infinite and never

>> No.15512235
File: 21 KB, 470x271, 1687252450610975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. if it works there is no point in reinventing the wheel. it looks like retards on the chans have never seen military hardware piloted by xbox controllers before and think every piece should be a 3billion cost plus contract grift with boeing/lockheed

>> No.15512237

As long as they have a second redundant controller

>> No.15512241

Gamer zogbots controlling reaper drones don't have their lives depending on a single Bluetooth controller and I'm pretty sure they have spares on the side you dumb faggot.

>> No.15512250

>Creators who only hunt viewer counts for $200.

>> No.15512271

Any of you guys into Telescopes? Seems like a fun hobby and I'm interested in getting into them

>> No.15512272
File: 450 KB, 1034x697, 004218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long term goal is to produce methane with renewables, when asked if the ecological focus of Tesla carries over to SpaceX too (the rockets use a lot of fuel said the interviewer)
I think this has been said before though
musk says there are no real collateral damage from the Starship explosion, nothing really lives on the salt ponds

>> No.15512282

>the rockets use a lot of fuel said the interviewer

This is the gayest fucking shit, my response would be; what about every celebrity climate change supporting faggot nigger cruising around the globe in their private jets? What about the thousands of gigantic transport ships burning crude bunker oil to deliver megatonnes of Chinese plastic toys from one side of the globe to the other.

I hate them, firing squads for all "journalists"

>> No.15512298

This has to be the weirdest cargo cult occurrence ever; look at how precise and symmetric the underlying rebar structure is. Even most fabrication shops in the first world would be hard pressed to do any better. They obviously had access to metalworking tools and welders, and moreover had a good grasp of structural engineering - and then... straw. Who the fuck built that?

>> No.15512305

The more I read about this "sub" the more this sounds less like sailors of old discovering the new world and more like your mate bob built a boat to go discover australia in 2023 and you end up sinking after an hour in the atlantic.

>> No.15512307
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> In an interview on the “Check 6” podcast by Aviation Week published June 16, Dave Calhoun said that Boeing was not “shutting the door” on Starliner after the company postponed the first crewed flight of the vehicle that had been scheduled for late July.

> “We’re not shutting the door on it in any way, shape or form,” Calhoun said of Starliner. “We intend to do it — make money on it — but we’re going to let the market and our customer let that play out, and we’ll see what happens.”


>> No.15512309

How much fuel to cover entire world in fiber connections, compared to total use for starlink

>> No.15512310
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> It will take about five months for Indonesia’s first very high throughput (VHTS) satellite to reach its 146 degrees East orbital slot via onboard electric propulsion, Thales Alenia Space spokesperson Sandrine Bielecki said.

> The $545 million satellite is slated to start providing around 150 gigabits per second of capacity across the thousands of islands in the Indonesian archipelago, and surrounding areas, by early 2024.

>> No.15512311
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>> No.15512312

>ping status
>not mentioned


>> No.15512313

How the hell do they intend to make profit from this mess at this point?

>> No.15512318
File: 66 KB, 1096x616, skynews-elon-musk-submarine_4358001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submarine bros...it's our time to shine

>> No.15512319

maybe trying to pressure NASA or congress through lobbying to make it cost+ instead of keeping it fixed cost
jim free shitting on fixed cost might be an indication of this

>> No.15512321

>The pedobuster 2000

>> No.15512323
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> In the second scenario, NASA’s budget would fall to $19.8 billion, 22% below its 2023 level. Many of the science missions facing delays in the first scenario would now be in danger of cancellation, NASA argued. There would be a “substantially increased risk to U.S. presence” in low Earth orbit by delaying the deorbit tug and commercial space station work while also cutting back on cargo flights to the ISS. The cuts would also threaten Artemis 4 and “defer lunar exploration beyond Artemis IV.”

> Nelson was also forced to defend, at both that Senate hearing and one the next day by House appropriators, a potential cut in the Dragonfly mission to Saturn’s moon Titan. Nelson said that the mission was still on schedule for a 2027 launch, although project officials later said they were evaluating the effects of the proposed cut on the mission.

>> No.15512324

Imagine Jimmy trying to argue for paying Boeing money they aren't owned and all it would take to make him cry is one congress man grilling him on stage

>> No.15512328

by just being there they keep other stuff like Dream Chaser out, they just forgot it wasn't cost plus

>> No.15512366
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>> No.15512368
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>> No.15512372


>> No.15512373

>when asked if the ecological focus of Tesla carries over to SpaceX
“Yeah, I’m the only one who doesn’t drop every single rocket I launch into the ocean when I’m done with it.”

>> No.15512374
File: 103 KB, 1200x675, 8BA05BD6-936F-44B2-AB9D-4CAB976112E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check yo weldin’

>> No.15512375
File: 30 KB, 611x870, Pavel Belyayev with Alexey Leonov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15512376

just fucking shoot it with an ASAT and eat whatever kesslerization(nothingburger) happens; by 2030 with falcon/starship you can replace whatever losses easily enough
every day I find that my already infinite hatred for NASA officials grows a little bit more that I didn't believe possible

>> No.15512379

the chinese quantum spaceflight dragon has developed new technology unknown to west of drop the rocket on small village, ecology friends and very education.

>> No.15512380

I doubt they will even try to work on a starship clone until after the war is over and they have money to spend on something other than the military.

>> No.15512382
File: 78 KB, 564x630, ED5D63E5-7050-4028-8F38-5CB3A606FC36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks by my calculations.

>> No.15512414

expensive unrewarding hobby

>> No.15512417
File: 1.05 MB, 1933x998, pia14943-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will an ISO 608 bearings be enough for a 3 kg flywheel spinning at 8000 rpm?

>> No.15512423

its dead this week. america is on holiday.

>> No.15512427

>The "Uran" battalion, which translates to Uranus, is to be made up of employees of Roscosmos, as well as those from its dozens of state-owned subsidiaries in the aerospace business. Recruits will receive a 100,000 ruble ($1,200) sign-up bonus, and a monthly frontline duty salary of 270,000 rubles, according to the report. This is far above the wages paid to most employees of Roscosmos.

definitely a slow week. OOF nonetheless.

>> No.15512440
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>This is far above the wages paid to most employees of Roscosmos.

>> No.15512443

Thats banger pay. Hope it works out for them

>> No.15512444

what holiday?

>> No.15512446

Damn that is grim and sad. I’m surprised China hasn’t offered some back door deal for all these slavs from RU and UK to just jump ship

>> No.15512451

And I thought the brain death in Russia were already bad enough with all the Soviet engineers dying off but now they send the new generation to die in a war? How far they have fallen kek. Is there even any better example in modern history of such massive loss of competence in one country?

>> No.15512452

Good! I hope the curse gets Jeff and the furfag next.

>> No.15512455

>going up and coming back down a few minutes later
Nah, you're fucking retarded

>> No.15512456

Yep, chromosomes confirmed

>> No.15512457

China starving it’s entire nation after the great leap forward is up there. Also, Japan getting cocky enough to think they could surprise attack the entire US Naval Fleet in one go. Stalin and Hitler also had some trisomy 21 aces up their sleeves

>> No.15512458

I use three distinct positions for each finger to count to 242 on one hand

>> No.15512461

Well it seems like I need to clarify. I don’t think Jeff’s up and down trip is exploring; it is pathetic. The titanic trip is based though.

>> No.15512466

Bros only 2 more days until Starship spaces

>> No.15512470

>we’ll see what happens
yeah they're 100% gonna drop it like a rock

>> No.15512471

"Juneteenth", the day we celebrate 1/3 of our income being taxed to pay niggers to raise more niggers, riot and destroy cities, rape and murder anyone who is not capable of defending themselves, cause the budgets of police organizations to explode, make healthcare unaffordable for everyone, and complain about how they're not being given enough.

>> No.15512483
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>> No.15512485

Thundersisters... how do we cope?

>> No.15512486
File: 62 KB, 851x477, space enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15512496

at least the antenna isn't made out of hay

>> No.15512507

why cant black people just learn to copy. they appear to be "special needs" as they say

>> No.15512526

Wow imagine devoting as much brainpower to nonsense as anon

>> No.15512528
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Sadly, Elon isn't racist enough... yet

>> No.15512529

ariane 5 when?

>> No.15512553

>Was Starship’s Stage Zero a Bad Pad?

>> No.15512555
File: 79 KB, 843x580, god is american q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck built that?
John Frum teach fella get plenty cargo

>> No.15512559

Imagine black people but on the moon.

>> No.15512562

i think Luna is where ghosts live

>> No.15512589
File: 74 KB, 1261x626, Venus landscape erupting Maat mons Vitkus Justinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In light of the Titanic sub loss, do you think there will be a market for sending rich idiots down to the surface of Venus in wonky pressure vessels?

>> No.15512593

surface pressure on venus is 74 atm compared to titanic wreck at 400atm.

>> No.15512607

Great channel

>> No.15512611
File: 39 KB, 602x339, manned landing on venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, repeat customers? This is promising!

>> No.15512616

Cut out the funding for SLS Block 2. The cargo SLS is nonsense. No one needs that or wants it

>> No.15512620

Nobody ever tells me how you plan to get back in to orbit from a cloud city on Venus. You gonna rock the city a fuck ton? Or maybe just destroy it all together?

>> No.15512622

i think the heat is a bigger problem

>> No.15512625

I'm a poor idiot and I'd gladly take the risk.

>> No.15512627

use an electron roggot, venus orbit rendezvous with Hot Dragon

>> No.15512629 [DELETED] 

I was about to be a smartass about the temperature but

>the ESA’s Venus Express probe revealed that the polar regions have a surface temperature of -250 degrees Fahrenheit (-250 Celsius / 116 Kelvin), making them far colder than any point here on Earth.
What in fuck.

>> No.15512637

damn so basically venus isnt hard at all if you land in the right spot

>> No.15512638

>electron has 300kg to leo
>venus gravity is essentially the same as earth
>electron is still a fucking rocket that will fuck up the city
great plan idiot, tell me when you make that 200kg capsule and the let me know when electron is reusable, oh wait it never will be!!

>> No.15512642

>74 atm
>not hard at all
lol. lmao.

>> No.15512644

Dyel faggot

>> No.15512645

dont need a capsule, dont even need life support. as elon said in 2011, anyone can survive the trip to ISS in cargo dragon. a very minimal pressure vessel is fine

>> No.15512650

we've built manned pressure vessels for 1000 atm

>> No.15512652

Easier to heat electronics than to cool them.
Why haven't we exploited this yet?

>> No.15512653

>cargo dragon is still 6000 kg
Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.15512657

so if its like 250C on the equator or something and -250C on the poles, shouldn't there be some zone with temperatures around 0C?

>> No.15512659
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1905, The_new_temperature_map_of_Venus_southern_hemisphere_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The map comprises over a thousand individual images, recorded between May 2006 and December 2007, from a distance of about 60 000 km. Because Venus is covered in clouds, normal cameras cannot see the surface, but Venus Express used a particular infrared wavelength that can see through them. The new data are consistent with suspicions that the highland plateaus of Venus are ancient continents, once surrounded by ocean and produced by past volcanic activity.

>The map is centred at the South Pole. The measured temperatures range from 442°C (or 715K), red to 422°C (or 695K) blue; higher temperatures correspond to lower altitudes, while lower temperature correspond to higher altitudes.

So which is it

>> No.15512661

the point is you just need air

>> No.15512665

JPL doesnt make any money with venus

>> No.15512666

I’m pretty sure this isn’t a PMC but rather an actual security company subsidiary of Roscosmos that provides normal security for their own launch sites and offices in Russia and Kazakhstan as the idea that a rocket company would form a mercenary group and send it’s engineers and scientists into a war zone is so fucking retarded that the fact people on here of all places take obvious tabloid bullshit at face value makes me so disappointed in the intelligence of people here or it’s just tourist retards trying some kind of psyop like on the other boards.

>> No.15512671

JPL doesn't make money at all.

>> No.15512672

Goddamn popsci journotrash
>Recent observations by the Venus Express SPectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Venus (SPICAV) and Solar Occultation in the InfraRed (SOIR) instruments found thermosphere temperatures at high latitudes near 130–140km of around 120K (refs 8,9), consistent with our value.
So it's cold at 130km altitude

>> No.15512674

yep, and fuel is no problem if you can just call a truck in to bring in a load... oh wait

>> No.15512680
File: 93 KB, 692x610, 1577867326375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m pretty sure this isn’t a PMC but rather an actual security company subsidiary of Roscosmos
>I’m pretty sure
okay Satan, then I won't bother asking you for any further supporting evidence, if it's good enough for Satan, it's good enough for me

>> No.15512683

oh yes they fucking do lmao

>> No.15512684

It is. Being submerged in a 79atm fluid at 600K would take cooling systems akin to the Magma Diver setup in Evangelion, run all the way up to cooler layers of the atmosphere.

Toroidal cities with launchpads in the center.

>> No.15512685 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 529x815, 1687148015632563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Community Notes has gone too far. Elon must be cancelled.

>> No.15512686

what are we waiting for

>> No.15512692

It's not sending engineers, it's sending the guys who work in the factories building rockets, because this war has crushed Russia's ability to sell commercial launches, so they need less manpower.

>> No.15512693

so you admit that temperature is the only problem. thanks for agreeing with me. we can solve temperature by arriving at night

>> No.15512695

off topic, bait non-spaceflight post.

>> No.15512706

Why you need to leave citizen

>> No.15512710
File: 39 KB, 572x467, 00090232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, do you think this is the case here?

I think the responses to space tourtist death will be low higher especially if its a high profile company like SpaceX.

>> No.15512714
File: 105 KB, 1105x871, Gemini VII and Gemini VI-A success Flight Dir Kraft (left), MSC Dir Gilruth (right), Mercury astronaut Cooper (centre).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nights are over 100 days long so we might need to heat the vehicle somehow

>> No.15512719

it will have a crowd of people basically repeating Reagan's speech after challenger. rah rah they were brave space is for the courageous rah. nothing will change, an investigation will take place and design fixes will be implemented. such is life.

>> No.15512723

Delusional, the situation is completely different when it's not a government agency at fault.

>> No.15512725

If you don't agonize about literal who communist twitter opinions then it will be just fine.

>> No.15512726

The coldest and highest spot on Venus is Maxwell Montes at 716°F and only 45 bar pressure. That will be our home

>> No.15512727

not really. Look at aviation pre-1914. so many deaths and crashes. didn't halt growth of the industry.

>> No.15512735

greg autry is a paragon commercial space advocate. He almost managed to become CFO of NASA after his nomination to the post by Trump, unfortunately too late in his presidency. Congress did not bring it to a vote. Autry is currently trying to infiltrate the FAA

>> No.15512740

Literally no evidence they are sending anyone to the war because it’s not a PMC but a security company to stop retards wandering onto launch sites without permission. It’s like calling whatever company provides security for spacex a PMC. And I refuse to believe anyone to believe anyone is dumb enough to think Russia would create a PMC specifically for random engineers associated with Roscosmos to use them as soldiers rather than just offering them contracts with the normal military or Wagner.

>> No.15512741

FAA and NTSB didnt exist back then you fucking moron. They are frothing at the mouth to start regulating manned commercial spaceflight. Currently there is a hold on new laws, and that will expire soon

>> No.15512742

Gov will not hesitate to come down hard on spacex if they cause casualties, there will be no sympathetic voices waxing lyrical on the spirit of exploration, those are reserved for when gov is responsible. On the contrary: they won't hesitate to condemn spacex and demand both a settlement with the families of those involved and strict regulations.

>> No.15512749

What laws and regulations?
Falcon 9 and Dragon are certified safe.
There isn't anything to do other than fix what caused the accident.

>> No.15512755
File: 35 KB, 1079x585, 1685517856312062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner is politically unpopular due to their leader constantly shit talking the Russian MoD (picrel) and was rendered combat ineffective by taking severe losses near Bakhmut. The MoD can't offer this level of bribe for regular military service, so it's either these specialty PMCs or a general mobilization, which would require a formal declaration of war instead of muh Special Military Operation. It doesn't matter what you believe or don't, this is reality.


>> No.15512758

lol, virgin galactic had a pilot die and they just flew like a few days ago
it will be different, probably easier than being a government agency
the people riding on these things will sign a waiver

>> No.15512760

There is currently a moratorium on human spaceflight regulation that expires 1st October 2023. SpaceX can kiss their cadence goodbye after that

>> No.15512765

>had a pilot die
almost 10 fucking years ago

>> No.15512766

concern troll faggot. lmao

>> No.15512768

Biden has been the best president in history for spaceflight and /sfg/ just cant handle that. The FAA has been helping SpaceX

>> No.15512771

>Biden has been the best president in history for spaceflight
>The FAA has been helping SpaceX

>> No.15512776


>> No.15512778

yeah, people die and they know there is a risk they will die
if you look at that sub thing, nobody gives a fuck they died (or are about to die), people are laughing at the controller etc
these people knew the risks
do people cry when basejumpers and people playing other risky sports? no they don't
fuck off

>> No.15512782


>> No.15512783


>> No.15512789

It's actually highly likely that the FAA wont grant SpaceX another Starship license after OFT put the public at danger. at least ground them for a few years

>> No.15512791

>It's actually highly likely that the FAA wont grant SpaceX another Starship license after OFT put the public at danger
i can tell you're a redditor by that statement alone.
it's absolutely not likely.

>> No.15512793

Doesnt matter if I'm a redditor, I'm team space

>> No.15512795

so we've figured out that the Mexican viewing area is the way to go right? for the next launch?

>> No.15512796

shitty video. what a massive waste of time. add this guy to the pile of regurgitated content channels

>> No.15512798

>believing the telephoto jew
closest spot is raptor roost but you have to suck off labpadre to be there.

>> No.15512799
File: 594 KB, 1280x1826, 1596929102788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, if you don't mind rubbing elbows with cartelistas.

>> No.15512800

you are a retard

>> No.15512801

Bro so many people are terrified of Mexico. There's zero reported incidents in that area but EDA, NSF, and the Redditors are terrified and beg people not to watch the launch from there. I think they are secretly coping because they are piss scared and know that the views from there are god tier and dont want anyone to have what they cant

>> No.15512804

Raptor roost is much further than the view from Mexico. Mexico is 2 miles inside the FAA exclusion zone

>> No.15512807

You're an immature child. But I pity you

>> No.15512806

if you want to get kidnapped by a cartel, yes

yeah I thought there would actually be some insight like in the previous starbase video where he talked about dewatering and sinking of the ground etc
but this time there was absolutely nothing new, not even speculation
most of the video was talking about absolutely basic stuff and launch pads in florida
I guess it would be a lot of new information to people that don't know anything about this

>> No.15512811
File: 764 KB, 1345x1005, 004242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you talking about?


>> No.15512813

I thought cartels don't kidnamp American tourists because it's bad for business

>> No.15512814

all these thousands of mexican onlookers were never seen again after this day. they were last seen being loaded into a cartel schoolbus

>> No.15512815

you are dumb and wrong, it wasn't an insult, it was my assessment of your mental abilities based on your speculation about the issues you talked about

>> No.15512816

Reminder that I will shoot a racketeer or otherwise unsavoury individual on sight.

>> No.15512818

Hey, what can I say, sucks being a cute girl in Mexico :)

>> No.15512820
File: 708 KB, 724x1011, 004243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean do whatever you want man

>> No.15512822

There is no tourism in that part of Mexico. even Brownsville itself is a huge shithole

>> No.15512823


>> No.15512824

>waaaaaa they died
Space is hard.

>> No.15512825

> risk getting tortured and beheaded by a mexican cartel so you can see a Starship launch 50m closer

>> No.15512826


>> No.15512827

2 miles closer. 3 miles away from 33 raptors

>> No.15512828

Anon you are clearly a tourist here from either reddit or some other retard from /k/. Literally no evidence of any Roscosmos PMC operating in Ukraine and the only mention of such a PMC is from retards on reddit or tabloid rags and since you clearly indulge in both from the absolute state of your post I think we know where you came from.

Please kys you nafo tranny and remove yourself from a general about space flight if all you have to talk about is your unnatural desire to steer every conversation into an opportunity to talk about how your proxies are getting shit on and how their offensive failed once again and is now “paused” until they drag enough conscripts of the streets for another human wave.

>> No.15512831

what was yamamoto thinking, like what was the best outcome after Pearl Harbor lol

>> No.15512833

go the fuck back to /pol/

>> No.15512834

It's no longer about profit, but about maintaining the integrity of their faltering reputation. If they buck out of the Starliner program, it will be an indefensible reputation hit on capital hill. Politicians will back a losing horse as long as its still in the race. But if the horse gives up, its over for that horse. FOREVER. SpaceX has already crossed the finish line of the race after having lapped this horse. What's worse is that the next race is starting soon, and the horse that won, its offspring is going to get to the starting line very soon. Boeing has until just before that happens to cross the finish line, or they're politically in very hot water for a long time to come.

If Starship gets to orbit and returns from orbit without RUD and lands in water successfully all in one mission profile before the end of the year, it makes the minority in NASA that's in a leadership positioning making noise about how fixed price is bad and cost-plus is good (which Boeing was banking on with Starliner through side channels and back channels because they assumed SpaceX would fuck up and fail), will be told to sit down and shut the fuck up.

They're racing against the clock where cost-plus ever increasingly is being relegated to extinction.

>> No.15512836

Wasn’t the cartel’s explanation for this basically “whoops we got the wrong guys sorry!” lol

>> No.15512837

the absolute projection lmao coming from your redditor fingers

>> No.15512838

if you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to hide

>> No.15512840
File: 959 KB, 2560x1696, skylab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why on earth do you think you'll get any sympathy here as a drooling zigger? fuck off to /pol/ or shut the fuck up and discuss spaceflight

>> No.15512842

Boeing does. They're building the core stages after all. The hole Starliner is burning in their pocket needs to be fixed somehow.

>> No.15512843

what does this mean? also you sound like a faggot

>> No.15512844

How's about you go first, hmm?

>> No.15512846

it means he's a /pol/ retard contrarian, therefore he must support whatever the west doesn't support. therefore he supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine. it's sad and pathetic and best just not to reply and report, and move on.

>> No.15512847
File: 766 KB, 1580x1267, e00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have nothing to *ACK*

>> No.15512850

spaceflight only below this post ∨

>> No.15512851

I met my neighbor today, she is an old lady who works for Boeing. Nonstop she was shitting on them and described the horrors of the last 20-30 years mismanagement and mentioned the Indian outsourcing.

>> No.15512853

that guy had a lot to lose, his head for one

>> No.15512858
File: 145 KB, 960x991, MoonColors_Pace_960-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15512859

Let Boeing fund their own if they want to build a cargo variant.

>> No.15512860

>not the super heavy arrangement

>> No.15512862
File: 492 KB, 2560x1250, X59_rendering-scaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamamoto was thinking a war with the US was unwinnable so making us flinch first and not commit forces was Japan's only prayer of survival. He was also a former carrier captain so he knew the value in taking out our carriers if he could.

Boing! is a dead end airliner shop. Even their latest NASA X-plane is "hurr durr 737 sized plane with better fuel efficiency." Meanwhile Lockheed's latest NASA X-plane is about smoothing out sonic booms to allow overland flight again. Pic related.

Malding about /k/ is the mark of leftypol. Go back.

>> No.15512863

we just not gonna mention the moon is shrink?

>> No.15512864

>rivian bent the knee

now that tesla is making elon even wealthier, will he finally use that wealth for spacex instead of something dumb like twitter?

>> No.15512865

Thank you for revealing yourselves you absolute retards. I could tell instantly you weren’t from here but now we know for certain. Fuck off back to r*ddit you bottom feeding cretins and go try your pathetic psyops on those retards or do you want to get humiliated on here just like what happened on /pol/ or /k/?

Also I notice you didn’t argue about your heroes getting annihilated in another failed offensive so I guess this is where you ran to after getting ran out of the other boards.

Truly pathetic.

>> No.15512866

kek. this is the collagefag btw

>> No.15512867

you can only pour concrete so fast

>> No.15512868

>not berger
Shit article. 100% guaranteed.

>> No.15512870

It’s not so much bending the knee as it is recognizing that standardization can be a good thing. Hell, future rovers are probably gonna use a damn tesla standard eventually

>> No.15512876

you misspelled "arsetechnica"
hope this helps!

>> No.15512877

OK that's enough seed and feed general for one day

>> No.15512878

space docking standards and suit connectors needs to be standardized. docking is sort of but I'm pretty sure the Chinese have a weird variant of the IDA type

>> No.15512879
File: 416 KB, 1x1, The Moon Meets All_Requirements_of_the_IAU_Definit.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder the Moon is a planet and Pluto is not

>> No.15512880

God that was funny. Arse like .... ASSS?? LMAO FUCK

>> No.15512882

michio kaku is out of control

>> No.15512883

daily reminder the barycenter of the solar system is outside of the sun's diameter
we're a binary system

>> No.15512885

What's he done now

>> No.15512887


>> No.15512890

off topic, but i do find everything about michio kaku to be hilarious, along with the normies gagging on his cock. it's just so funny

>> No.15512898
File: 156 KB, 625x1109, 1641594866389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The IAU definition for “planet” requires that a body meet three criteria to qualify as a planet. The body must: 1) orbit the sun; 2) be massive enough to self-gravitate into a spherical shape; and 3) dynamically dominate or “clear” its orbital zone. While the Earth-moon system does not meet the proposed orbital barycenter definition for a double planet, it can be verified that the Moon does meet all three requirements for planethood as defined by the IAU even though it has not been included on the IAU list of planets. The omission of a body, the Moon, that qualifies as a planet according to the criteria of the IAU definition for “planet” can be addressed with one or more of the following changes: 1) adding the Moon to the list of planets as the Solar System’s 9 th planet; or 2) re- fining the definition of planet with additional criteria the Moon does not meet; or 3) adding definitions for “double planet” and “satellite” to the IAU taxonomy.
Because of a definition change, the US is the first nation to be boots down on another planet.
Commies fucking lose again.

>> No.15512899

No way

>> No.15512900

Holy shit it sucks to be on page 1 of /sci/ where all the /sci/zos can drive by to drop their off-topic "funny" turds and flerfing.

>> No.15512903

michio kaku is the midwits idea of a some stereotypical genius

>> No.15512904
File: 179 KB, 1033x1024, WhVXV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's slightly more complicated than that.

>> No.15512908

so we've been a binary system since 1993

>> No.15512911
File: 20 KB, 741x741, VjyLz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only since this year using that incorrect definition.

>> No.15512914

Why is it doing that when jupiter is like 1% of the mass and the rest don't matter

>> No.15512916
File: 90 KB, 1000x1083, 1687282481402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget:
>The Cassini rocket will be powered by 72 pounds of plutonium — the most ever rocketed into space. Protesters say that if the rocket explodes it could sprinkle deadly poison for hundreds of miles.
>“Winds can blow (plutonium) into Disney World, Universal City, into the citrus industry and destroy the economy of central Florida,” said Michio Kaku, a protesting physics professor from New York. He claimed that casualties could run as high as a million people if there were an accident.

>> No.15512917

Ive been the only one telling them to go back for weeks and it takes this much for you to notice? They literally post reddit links here all the time

>> No.15512918

Whoops. 2007? Looks like there's a few different ones of this and some of them are wrong.
The other gas giants are also big enough to matter.

>> No.15512923

go back newfag

>> No.15512924

wtf does any of this mean

>> No.15512925
File: 14 KB, 320x320, Masses_of_gas_giants.svg__31772__thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other gas giants cant satisfy OP mom

>> No.15512928
File: 46 KB, 500x278, fargo yanagita2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's making married women uncomfortable

>> No.15512932

it's called creating a discussion

>> No.15512933

multi-body physics

>> No.15512935

how can the 3 body problem exist when relativity works perfectly in all ways

>> No.15512936
File: 65 KB, 959x924, imgs_touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gravitational center of the soalar system lies outside the sun, sometimes.

I'm not dumb. There has to be something fuck huge out there to be causing that. What are the jews hiding

>> No.15512937
File: 152 KB, 965x694, apollo 12 playboy b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barycenter depends on both distance and mass so Saturn and the ice giants move it too

>> No.15512940

Millions of people
? From 72 pounds of Plutonium, in a non-nuclear explosion? It's great that they always interview the most knowledgeable of experts

>> No.15512941
File: 34 KB, 640x640, xlarge_Mike_McCulloch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't

>> No.15512942

jupiter is fat

>> No.15512943
File: 16 KB, 480x480, 1549033367548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15512944

Distance is dumb an gay. The jews are hiding planet x

>> No.15512946

>slavwar freakout general
I don't care about it, but some of you fags get very butthurt whenever someone mentions uran. Not really worth discussing anyway since there's barely anything known about it.

>> No.15512949
File: 221 KB, 1498x760, moonshorty_apollo17_1498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15512950

This tells me that radial velocity is bullshit. not a single scientist on earth can stare at the sun and tell me how many planets are in the solar system AND their masses

>> No.15512953

Look up the Flyby Anomaly.

>> No.15512954

>A commonly cited quote by Ralph Nader states that a pound of plutonium dust spread into the atmosphere would be enough to kill 8 billion people.[145] This was disputed by Bernard Cohen, an opponent of the generally accepted linear no-threshold model of radiation toxicity. Cohen estimated that one pound of plutonium could kill no more than 2 million people by inhalation, so that the toxicity of plutonium is roughly equivalent with that of nerve gas.[146]
lol, only 2 million! per pound!

>> No.15512955

bro we figured it out in like the 1600s with careful ephemeris calculations.

>> No.15512956

>It's slightly more complicated than that
You're a nigger. There's nothing complicated about it.

>> No.15512959
File: 25 KB, 713x611, 5e16abb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Yeah. Why can't they find planet x with this.

Just unwind the curves nigga ahaha

>> No.15512962

shit keeps me up at night

>> No.15512966

funny how hundreds of pounds of nerve gas have been released and never killed 200 million people.
maybe the calculations are straight up retarded drivel?

>> No.15512968

MOND fixes this
exercise left to the reader

>> No.15512970

The quantized inertia solution for it actually works pretty well.

MOND doesn't produce working propellantless thrusters.

>> No.15512971

There was at least a one minute contemplation on whether or not it was worth it to skrrrrt down that crater

>> No.15512972

it looks like it doesn't exist. Every recent flight with better tracking/sensors/tech have shown no anomaly at all.

>> No.15512975

>The quantized inertia solution for it actually works pretty well.
Which version? McCulloch keeps saying it solves problems and then when a new problem shows up he reformulates it to solve *that* problem and I don't think he has a consistent one for everything he's thrown the theory at.

>> No.15512981
File: 364 KB, 668x809, 004246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


translation and transcript of it

>> No.15512982

>wekipedia:talk section
I'd trust /x/ with my life more than i'd trust these faggots on anything

>> No.15512983

Scientist cope. Just addmore free parameters and twist those nipples!

>> No.15512993

ok now post the bezos interview

>> No.15512998

There's only one "QI equation" to my knowledge, he's just finding new places to plug it in where the equivalence principle seems to be violated.

>> No.15513005


>> No.15513006

QI equation of the gaps

>> No.15513009
File: 107 KB, 1076x737, srb-x_ shuttle 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If supersymmetry respecters can do it, why can't Mike?

>> No.15513012

haha so funny, you posted the reddit meme

>> No.15513017

Get the fuck outta here Jeff

>> No.15513025
File: 147 KB, 1291x752, bezos figuehead lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15513026


>> No.15513027


>> No.15513042

post the interview faggot

>> No.15513056

Particle physicists' obsession with SUSY set the field back by at least 30 years.

>> No.15513061

They can't breathe. They're all dying of exposure to vacuum. This is great!

>> No.15513066
File: 398 KB, 1544x1510, cirno baka core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SUSY baka

>> No.15513065

Look. Basically I'm just not gonna post the interview.
I know.. UGH I know.. IM SORRY!
It's just that I'm not posting it is all. Hahahaha.

>> No.15513068

Drop the rocket and air launch

>> No.15513073

i looked up venus, i dont think we can land on it guys

>> No.15513080

it was so perfect

>> No.15513086

It was beautiful. But beauty is not truth.

>> No.15513112
File: 27 KB, 348x348, matamoros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you're right
>be a moor
>go to a place named Moor-killer
>get killed
it's like pottery

based cartelbros

>> No.15513128
File: 18 KB, 488x513, Leonids from space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15513155

Why is there so much bullshit arbitrary junk in astronomy?

>> No.15513158

3 examples please

>> No.15513160
File: 2.63 MB, 1206x2390, St_Jacobus_in_Budapest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new patron saint of space x just dropped

>> No.15513161
File: 40 KB, 910x696, 8446ABCD-17FF-4375-98C9-009710962275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bruno even went so far as to say that by the end of 2025, his company would launch a rocket every other week.

>> No.15513162

The completely made-up distinction between dwarf planets and planets.

>> No.15513165

oh you mean arbitrary things like that. same reason Pringles aren't a potato product, you gotta draw the line somewhere

>> No.15513167

Quasars and pulsars or whatever being the exact same fucking thing, just classified differently based off of how they are orientated relative to us

>> No.15513171

Someone randomly decided one day that europe was north instead of south

>> No.15513173

yes and? hurricanes are for the northern hemisphere and typhoons are for the southern or whatever.

>> No.15513175

Meteoroid, meteor, meteorite

>> No.15513179

but that's useful
>is it in space, in the atmosphere, or on the ground

>> No.15513180

Uhhhhhh our model doesn’t work, oh look dark energy and dark matter
This is another stupid fucking distinction

>> No.15513181
File: 6 KB, 300x168, 1687288769767..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that private moon landers will go the same route than the titanic sea dick.
The private sector always goes cheap.
Also reminder that modern NASA and modern Boeing took part in the design of the hull.

>> No.15513183

That's a nonexistent distinction and should be deleted.

>> No.15513186

>we are currently tracking this meteor
>wow that meteor is bright, look at it go!
>woah my metal detector just found a meteor
Not that confusing. This doesn’t require such a specific naming scheme

>> No.15513187

what about panthers and leopards

>> No.15513195

Panther is overarching. Jaguars and Leapords are distinct enough to warrant their own names.

>> No.15513197

Panthers don't exist. It's a word people use but doesn't actually refer to any specific species of big cat. A generous definition could be "Any species in the clade pantherinae", which would be any big cat like lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, except for the American "mountain lion" or "cougar", which are in a different clade called felinae which also contains house cats. The animal most often called a "panther" is literally just a leopard.

>> No.15513199

Jaguars and leopards live on different continents and haven't shared a common ancestor for several million years. They are, however, more closely related to eachother than either are to American mountain lions. Both are in pantherinae, mountain lions are not.

>> No.15513200

>0.5 bar pressure difference
>live video speed radio communications
>can go outside and fix things
>can be up to 100 tons going up on Starship, huge room for safety margins
>requires FAA and NTSB certification
yeah not even remotely similar.

>> No.15513201

Big cats are fucking COOL and rockets should be named after them the same way Atari named consoles.
“Yeah I have a Lynx kick stage on my Jaguar rocket”

>> No.15513203

careful if we bring up cookies vs biscuits the brits will murder us all

>> No.15513206

No the Nazis did that with tanks so it'd be racist and fascist to do that

>> No.15513219

bezos is completely irrelevant with respect to spaceflight, might as well post some random flat earther or something
he isn't involved with BO almost at all, never talks about it anyway and BO almost never gives out info
if you have some relevant bezos interview, post it yourself

>> No.15513222

back to leftypol

>> No.15513225

*based and redpilled

>> No.15513234

like private rockets and airplanes?

>> No.15513235

>same reason Pringles aren't a potato products
They're literally potato products.
>you gotta draw the line somewhere
Why? There's no reason to make up fake distinctions. Pluto is a natural object in hydrostatic equilibrium, so it's a planet.

>> No.15513241

not according to our court system https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-jul-05-fi-pringles5-story.html

>> No.15513242

Who got ya?

>> No.15513249

huh? it's not that fake url LaIimes or whatever one it's the real one lol. Here's another news article about the same thing https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2009/may/21/pringles-vat-tax-crisps-snacks

>> No.15513251

You need an actual scientific news, not garbage tabloid journals

>> No.15513253

>the government's lies determine reality

>> No.15513256

it's just a news report on the court case I was referring to idiot. Of course they have potatoes in them, it's just they're not classified as potato chips

>> No.15513259
File: 563 KB, 3000x1262, 1682279488039380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The new data are consistent with suspicions that the highland plateaus of Venus are ancient continents, once surrounded by ocean and produced by past volcanic activity.
yeah, its a failed earth alright. Really shitty its rotation and thus magnetosphere got fucked up in the crib. Would have been interesting to see what effects cross world insemination would have had between venus and earth with asteroid bombardment

>> No.15513263

Terraform Venus NOW

>> No.15513265
File: 34 KB, 547x810, the moon's path around the sun a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pluto only masses 1/6th that of the smallest true planet, the Moon. It's out of club, cope.

>> No.15513270
File: 102 KB, 640x416, 1687290656669..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15513271

It's mass in comparison to other objects is irrelevant as long as it can reach hydrostatic equilibrium.

>> No.15513273


>> No.15513278

this thread is terrible

>> No.15513282
File: 25 KB, 640x428, water droplet in space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, a planet!

>> No.15513299

Rounded by surface tension, not gravity, so not a planet.

>> No.15513303


>> No.15513304

you're seething tranny

>> No.15513307

Argument won.

>> No.15513310
File: 433 KB, 1668x655, IMG_1073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We finally know the payload that was on HASTE. It was a hypersonic glide body anti ship missile prototype called MACH-TB from Leidos. It is meant for the US navy and the demonstrator was developed in 49 days


>> No.15513311
File: 881 KB, 450x324, 1542718424082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15513317
File: 121 KB, 1200x674, bezos-apollo-engines-01-jeff-bezos-rgb 1200xx3714-2089-0-417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

props to Jeff Bezos for having the balls to fly on his own rocket unlike Elon Cuck Musk

>> No.15513320


>> No.15513322

Musk is too busy to spray champagne on an ex-alcoholic

>> No.15513325

Chinks on suicide watch.

>> No.15513328
File: 27 KB, 434x377, now you're thinking with portals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make a working portal gun, fire it on Mars, then fire it on Venus. Use a balloon on the Venus end if you need some kind of hard surface.
Then just wait for the atmosphere to transfer over. Two terraforms at once!

>> No.15513338

Are we just gonna ignore the billionaire at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean?

>> No.15513343


>> No.15513346

Who cares?

>> No.15513349
File: 18 KB, 1240x614, Oceangate-Titan-inArticle_620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15513351


>> No.15513354

slow leak would be way worse.

>> No.15513355

>saddam hussein

>> No.15513357

>carbon fiber in compression
Compositecucks BTFO yet again

>> No.15513358
File: 36 KB, 889x393, Mercury flyby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15513361

honestly they should've built the damn thing out of steel

>> No.15513362

I'm stealing this and putting it on /k/ lol

>> No.15513363

Where's the sadam edit?

>> No.15513364
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>> No.15513367

what's Saddam got to do with this?

>> No.15513368

go back

>> No.15513369

Saddam is the key to all of this

>> No.15513373

So are they confirmed dead, or is there still a chance of them getting out of this alive?

>> No.15513374

its obvious that china is stationing troops in cuba so they can spy on cape canaveral and boca chica

>> No.15513375


>> No.15513379

we detected Russian troops in Cuba because they built soccer fields. Have we seen ping pong tables on sat images or something now

>> No.15513380

Reminds me of that thai cave rescue

>> No.15513382

Nothing confirmed yet. We haven't found them yet.
They could have air left, assuming they haven't imploded or panicked and sucked it all down.

>> No.15513388


>> No.15513389

Who's Elon gonna call a pedo this time?

>> No.15513396
File: 60 KB, 692x538, ayy ocean base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayys Atlantic mothership abducted them. theyre getting probed to death

>> No.15513397


what now /sfg/?

>> No.15513399
File: 614 KB, 2048x1536, starship 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15513402

>Dust sweeping happening now under S25, good sign for tomorrow!
>Dust sweeping happening now under S25, good sign for tomorrow!
>Dust sweeping happening now under S25, good sign for tomorrow!

>> No.15513405

thank god some starship news

>> No.15513406

>Dust sweeping
thank god for those mexicans

>> No.15513408


>> No.15513416

I love you

>> No.15513418


>> No.15513420

thanks, bro!
r u qt? i might love you, too.

>> No.15513434

Why is it so dinky

>> No.15513435


>> No.15513468
File: 86 KB, 850x400, hexapodia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, hexopodia is the key

>> No.15513478

This is fucking based, although I would go to deep space WAY before climbing in this thing and trying to go to the ocean floor

>> No.15513484

What's a good program to sketch out some shitty diagrams and whatever? Does Paint work?

>> No.15513485

a piece of paper and a pencil


>> No.15513487

powerpoint, unironically

>> No.15513489

I don't have anything to take good photos with.

>> No.15513491

whats tomorrow

>> No.15513492

iPhone you can open the Notes app and scan documents quite well. idk android

>> No.15513509

How about you go back there you subhuman /pol/mutt instead?

>> No.15513521
File: 65 KB, 988x674, sub gaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15513523

kinda makes me wanna go

>> No.15513529
File: 420 KB, 984x840, D4D5C80A-A0D6-4DEB-820D-9A518327672B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol sorry if you find this to be low quality but I saw this on /his/ and had a laugh

>> No.15513531

you say that but most of us would take a trip to mercury or some shit

>> No.15513544

Hello? Mars?

>> No.15513546

Kupier belt at a minimum. Anything closer in and there's a change the IRS won't give up on getting you to return their calls.

>> No.15513548

whats the consensus on spacex work culture? Seen conflicting reports, about to finish Aerospace Engineering and I can pull some strings with alumni to work at SpaceX so I'm weighing my options

>> No.15513567

What a stupid question to ask. Imagine weighing your options with an opportunity like that. I'd suck fat cocks just to put SpaceX on my resume

>> No.15513568

It is obviously satisfying work and you will always be doing something productive to get a rocket in space but they work you like a mule so theres not much work life balance. If you want meaning in your work and dont really care too much about a few extra hours on the job go for it. But if all you care about is the pay, go get your corporate handouts at Boeing or Lockheed. Upward mobility in both is probably limited without experience

>> No.15513577

Take it. Worst case scenario you burn out in a few years and easily get a cushy job at a second tier company (i.e. all of them) from having it on your resume.

>> No.15513583

My rationale is building up my career somewhere else and then joining SpaceX so I can cut out the early career bullshit as >>15513568 mentioned. I've heard success stories with "boomerang employees" from the software industry, obviously I don't know as much with the aero industry. I of course will end up applying, was just wondering if /sfg/ would have any insights thats all

>> No.15513584

Why are (((people))) so obsessed about the sub? People die every day, what makes them so special?

>> No.15513585
File: 99 KB, 1282x812, elon sub killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon is to blame...somehow

>> No.15513590

Germans still name their tank after a big cat tho.

>> No.15513593
File: 723 KB, 1789x2571, CAPTAIN_NEMO_PLAYING_THE_ORGAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Starlink work 20,000 leagues under the sea?

>> No.15513594

they're rich people doing something cool

>> No.15513598
File: 157 KB, 817x811, lunar base bulldozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The circumstances are ghoulishly funny, especially as evidence of the shoddy nature of the operation emerges

>> No.15513605
File: 881 KB, 1080x1625, fe235290-c78b-477c-967e-20dedfae3968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof you should really delete your post

>> No.15513606

Why would they need to send troops there to spy when they can just watch the live stream and weekly progress update videos of literally every single paper clip that gets moved.

I’m surprised nobody has copied Musk yet considering all the components and general layout of everything is filmed and photographed daily and uploaded straight to the internet for all to see.

>> No.15513611

I would still go to SpaceX first, then move up at another place then come back for the position you want (I'm assuming) at Starbase. Boomeranging seems to be more accepted in this day and age, just dont burn bridges at SpaceX or other companies because it will probably come back to bite you.

>> No.15513618

There is no regulatory body that is fit to approve deep sea submersibles so it's a retarded point by media

>> No.15513632
File: 36 KB, 444x767, hardsuit wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously the NOAA must expand its remit. Pay up taxcucks.

>> No.15513637

They have no jurisdiction

>> No.15513642
File: 36 KB, 590x751, Personal Rescue Enclosure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it global, like the FAA. How many more must die you Rethuglican monster?

>> No.15513649
File: 51 KB, 1200x675, dm2_recovery4-1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon is a boat first, spaceship second

>> No.15513652
File: 112 KB, 870x688, Shuttle_Enterprise_at_Ellington_Airfield_1978_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shuttle was a hardpoint-mounted ordnance?

>> No.15513654

Dagon must be sated

>> No.15513658

>stays mum

>> No.15513660

In the same sense as a JDAM, maybe. Once the shuttle orbiter was subsonic it was desperately seeking the ground.

>> No.15513661

Means to keep silent

>> No.15513677
File: 40 KB, 779x317, shuttle jets 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15513686

Oooh looked up the artist in pic and he has some great stuff. Adding that to my running list of artists on wikipedia, thanks

>> No.15513687


>> No.15513698

I hate skittle shills so much bros.

>> No.15513701
File: 127 KB, 640x800, IMG_2175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit aint gonna last. We cant have expendable heat shields

>> No.15513715

works fine

>> No.15513719

To be honest, the hex tile idea is really great. And SX have their own formula, and they have already flown SS tiles to orbit and have tested them in reentry. Like yes it’s great on paper.
But Starship is simply way too big. There are too many critical places a tile failure could lead to a mission failure. No matter how “universal” and “easy to make” your tiles are, it won’t help you if you need to inspect the entire heat shield every time you’re about to reenter. We really need more advancement in lightweight, heat resistant, yet non-brittle technology.

>> No.15513721

I think hextiles are fine, I also think that the way they are attached is stupid if we want to reuse these ships.

>> No.15513725

Yeah I agree. Doing the ol’ shuttle TPS checkup before every landing isn’t exactly conducive to rapid reusability

>> No.15513726

I mean it’s not terrible. Just annoying. SS could easily deploy some tiny little RCS probe to scout out the vehicle every time. Could be done ~1hr before landing burn.
But yeah in the cooler timeline humanity has already unlocked some meme titanium chromium nickel copper whatever alloy tile that is super lightweight, gets hard bolted on once, and doesn’t require any thought after that

>> No.15513728


>> No.15513730

Well go ahead, elaborate

>> No.15513732

How has there not been more memes of Elon dancing in a club in Mexico?
First I've seen of it just now

>> No.15513734

yeah all SpaceX needs is this pixie fairy dust sprinkled over it to make all the boo boos go away. just listen to yourself retard

>> No.15513736

Assange did it better years earlier

>> No.15513740

oh man i forgot this is elon musk's every move tabloid general

>> No.15513743
File: 626 KB, 1638x2048, musk muscle doge starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15513744

Hey retard, I know you’re ESL so let me explain something to you: I implied we don’t have that tech and that I wish we had it

>> No.15513747

Heatshields are expendable all the time. What do you think ablator is?

>> No.15513748

Post the one with the 30 year old boomer riding the cybertruck out of california

>> No.15513752


>> No.15513754

>Hey retard
Not talking to you again. You Just shit your panties again I see. Pretty sad but not pretty surprised. Your baby ass shits big time

>> No.15513783
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>> No.15513787
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>> No.15513811

The Moon does not orbit the Sun.

>> No.15513817
File: 46 KB, 579x572, nrol68_patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ULA and DIVH's first of the year tonight

>> No.15513822
File: 376 KB, 2480x2480, FzF-UiSacAE6edP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the recent launch for A Leidos Company has a patch now too

>> No.15513823

Neopets Reconnaissance Office

>> No.15513824

blue eyes white cutie

>> No.15513827

D4H's penultimate flight.

>> No.15513862

I've been doing some autistic scribblings in Paint, and it seems that, if you wish to classify planets by their mass, you have to either have the size classes be of more-than-linear increases or decreases of scale in comparison to eachother, or an excessive amount of categories that make the whole intention useless.

>> No.15513863
File: 1009 KB, 1667x2500, FywxJw9XgBEh8m4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planets are just things that orbit the sun and are noticed enough.

>> No.15513896
File: 888 KB, 1755x785, PlanetGravMassChart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the best way to classify planets is by their surface gravity and their composition.

>> No.15513900
File: 323 KB, 1930x1136, Astra-chan-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a rough time at Astra, with the prospects of a shrinking team and cash depletion looming in the minds of many. Though, it sure is a good motivation for the hectic efforts to push Rocket 4 to the next major test milestone.
>"Until the company folds, I will see you next time."

>> No.15513906

thinly veiled zoo/furfaggotry

>> No.15513911

>in space
s-space wolves?

>> No.15513958

What's wrong with that?

>> No.15513963
File: 1.01 MB, 512x679, IMG_2137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we talking about Krystal?

>> No.15513970

he didn't even talk about ANY of the real civil engineering stuff going on. The current theory between tank watchers and SpaceX/Elon (at least the last we heard from him) is that the ground under the concrete pad experienced soil liquefaction from the intense acoustic pressure, reducing support on the concrete and letting it flex and crack which led to exhaust getting beneath the pad and lifting the concrete. There was also no mention of the fact that SpaceX knew about the erosion issue but thought the pad would survive a single launch. This is all publicly available information and it's literally the entire focus of his channel and he skips out on it? I really like his channel but this is one of the worst videos he's ever made from an informational stanpoint; very disappointing.

>> No.15514004
File: 821 KB, 1064x1570, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole dragon fleet.

>> No.15514005

It does seem likely that the soil liquefied but I don't think it would have made any difference if it hadn't. It only takes one little chip and it will ablate like a motherfucker from there.

>> No.15514008

Wait holy fuck I just realized the Cargo crafts are unnamed. That’s interesting

>> No.15514026

Boeing doesnt even have one.

>> No.15514028

They should name them

>> No.15514037
File: 222 KB, 1468x660, Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 11.17.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit NROL-68 is going to cost 350,000,000 million dollars?

Also, who made the flight patch a fucking furry

>> No.15514038
File: 99 KB, 350x346, nrol68_patch-350x346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15514041

You think with all the commercial stations going up, they could bring Dragon 1 back into service just because of the demand?

>> No.15514047

nah. this is good

>> No.15514048

Why are they phasing out Crew Dragon?

>> No.15514050

lol. elon wouldnt ever do that. just make dragon 2 go faster

>> No.15514054

too much competition from starliner

>> No.15514108

Why do they need to build more? That'll be five of them, plenty even with regular refurbishing. No need for another unless something happens to an existing one, and by then Starship might be ready for crew.

>> No.15514118

We should have millions of spacecraft tooling around.

>> No.15514124

Why? Just remove the seats from crew dragon.

>> No.15514128

I always take the imperial side during measurement system arguments. Keeping track of ft vs in and lbm vs slugs isn't really a big deal if you keep track of your units (which you should do anyways) so having a strong preference for one system never made sense to me.

Customary has some benefits too that people rarely mention. When a system tried to base itself on fundamentals you end up with extremely fucked up units such as pascals and newtons that are annoyingly small. Customary units are scaled much more conveniently.

>> No.15514143


>> No.15514178

man, I loved "Fire upon the Deep", partly because it is a sendup of UseNet and other high-latency fora

>> No.15514207


>> No.15514222

slow leak would be fucking impossible at that depth turbo nigger retard
The air supply is supposedly 96hrs but the CO2 toxicity becomes a problem much faster than O2 runs out, and OF COURSE this same company has had issues with the scrubbers before. As for what happened it's almost guaranteed to be an instantaneous implosion, the sub had like 6 different redundant ascent systems with both electric controls and manual mechanical backups, the simplest of which is just a big steel weight that gets unhooked to increase the buoyancy. The CEO is a retard but he's unironically right that an impervious pressure vessel and a bulletproof ballast system is really all you need for a sub; he just fucked up on the pressure vessel side of things. Their previous carbon fiber meme was originally intended for 3,800m depth but after repeated pressure cycling to shallower depths while testing they found evidence of fatigue failures in the CF and the depth was capped to 3,000m. Same thing happened to this one more than likely, CF has horrible fatigue properties especially in compression.

>> No.15514233

>As for what happened it's almost guaranteed to be an instantaneous implosion
Nah, the west has some pretty damn good mics waiting to pick up explosions.

They probably got snagged and then suffocated.

>> No.15514236

NROL-68 delayed to tomorrow morning "due to an issue with a ground systems pneumatic valve." Shamefur dispray, Tory.

>> No.15514246

stainless is far superior to the cuck aluminum shit every other reentry vehicle since (not including) apollo has used
>you now remember starship surviving at least 40 seconds after the FTS blew a human-size hole in its side - puncturing both the methane and lox tanks - while it tumbled sideways at mach 1.7

>> No.15514259
File: 320 KB, 828x703, Kerbal Submarine Program.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15514284

there isn't some special surface coating that reduces ablation, the fondag itself is resistant and the entire cross-section, which is like 8 inches or so, is equally resistant. the problem is (believed to be) that the concrete cracked _all_the_way_through_ and allowed the exhaust pressure to get underneath the slab, which then lifted it up and caused the whole cascading failure of the pad. a 4 inch deep crater in the pad wouldn't have caused a failure assuming it didn't become a stress concentration and fail structurally. SpaceX had a lot of data on the erosion rate for fondag and not just from static fires, they had a months-long test campaign blasting it with raptors on the horizontal test stand. I'm inclined to believe that they really knew beforehand that erosion wouldn't be an issue for that singular launch.

Also, look at the increased number and size of concrete foundation piles they've been driving in ahead of the plates. With all the added structure of the plates - that's on top of the new concrete they poured - they wouldn't be worrying so much about ground support failure unless soil liquefaction is still a big danger. Them beefing up the foundation so much really leads me to think SpaceX is even now concerned about the same issue that destroyed the pad, after the plates go in. If erosion was the big killer then the plates alone should fix that; no need to triple the foundation strength.

>> No.15514308

>as if the NOAA glowies care enough about some rich tourist (death)trap to reveal their powerlevel even a little bit
jk; but I haven't actually seen any info on the hydrophone arrays having picked up anything, or heard nothing for that matter. I think the public is supposed to be able to access the data but there's like a long hold time before it's released, so the glownigs can glow all over it and clean all the navy glowie noises (and cum) off

Snags are a possibility but the mothership lost comms at 1h45m into the dive, and the sub only reaches the target depth at 2h10m, so they were more than 25 minutes from reaching the titanic at last contact. Maybe the next tourist sub can find the debris field on their way in, there's apparently like five different fucking companies all doing this but I bet enthusiasm has waned.

and their shit really glows btw
>original program literally named SOSUS, so sus
>used to track subs everywhere during the cold war
>monitoring a secret deep see acoustic channel
>SOFAR discovery directly created the roswell alien conspiracy

>> No.15514309

Am I retarded but why are we not using the Bosch reaction

CO2+H2>hot catalyst>C(graphite)+H2O

Stick the water in electrolysis bath, feed H2 back into Bosch reactor and there is your life support system, just have to clean off the carbon deposits but it can hardly be that fucking much.

>> No.15514313

There should have been a dead-man switch to surface the submersible automatically and begin pinging if the crew becomes unresponsive.

>> No.15514320

Nigga the window company wouldn't rate that shit beyond 1300m, they have carbon fibre meme hull with titanium mating parts. Titanic is at 4000m, like 450 atm or something. They are red paste.

>> No.15514326

>Snags are a possibility but the mothership lost comms at 1h45m into the dive,
Yeah, I guess you're right about that. But it could be that they somehow because uncontrollable and then snagged.
He mentions in the interviews letting anyone play with the offbrand controller. Maybe someone contorted it wrong.
There were numerous redundant surfacing methods. If it's intact they should've been able to surface, but if it collapsed someone should've picked something up.

Maybe the oxygen failed and they just gassed themselves.

That was the previous model. But, yes, the company was poorly run and didn't care for standards.

There should've been, but the CEO didn't want experienced people involved. So no one told him the most basic shit.

Don't underestimate the power of hubris.

>> No.15514327

The same sub has been down there several times before. No guarantee it ruptured.

>> No.15514330

I was given to understand this was its first time beyond like 1000m or so

>> No.15514333

You understand wrong.

>> No.15514348

They've been taking people down to the Titanic since 2021. I'd wager there was a failure not involving the pressure vessel itself, but who knows? Maybe they didn't do basic shit like check for fatigue damage that could result in pressures that were previously withstood overcoming the vessel.

>> No.15514357

just inspect it with drones that are automated

>> No.15514374

>They've been taking people down to the Titanic since 2021

Carbon fibre stress microfractures have entered the room, they dead af.

>> No.15514390

yep, really lazy one

>> No.15514393


Relevant AGAIN

>> No.15514394

so it was very early in development still from a reliability standpoint
why would you put people in? seems retarded

>> No.15514401

this video is pointless

>> No.15514410

i dont get it

>> No.15514475

Sabatier provides both methane and oxygen as outputs which is more convenient for Starship.

>> No.15514478

It's where they belong, plus isn't it 2 billionaires and a billionaire's son?

>> No.15514489

Apollo 13 lem nuclear battery was crashed into the pacific ocean, so it already happened.

>> No.15514520



>> No.15514522

not enough demand currently
starship will increase demand, but with starship you no longer need as many dragons
dragon might as well be a dinghy, the space shuttle would be analogous to a small sailing vessel, and starship would be a medium sized ferry capable of long haul trips. We need space shipyards building 1,000 passenger star liners and I will fucking kill whichever boing employee stole that name for their fucking cuck canoe of a capsule.

relevant article
>The main task on the agenda is to build two new submersibles capable of diving as deep as 6,000 meters [...]. OceanGate will take advantage of lessons learned during the construction of its carbon-hulled Titan submersible, which was originally built for Titanic journeys. Rush said tests that were conducted at the Deep Ocean Test Facility in Annapolis, Md., revealed that the Titan’s hull “showed signs of cyclic fatigue.” As a result, the hull’s depth rating was reduced to 3,000 meters.
That was two years ago, and the test depth for that sub was supposed to be 4,000m which was never even reached, just calculated. As far as I can tell it's a different sub than the one with a body count, but shares the same name? Also, what a shit name. They had to have known about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wreck_of_the_Titan:_Or,_Futility#Similarities_to_the_Titanic

>> No.15514529

Sure, but with sabatier you have methane as an output, locking up lots of hydrogen. If you are on Mars absolutely useful 100% but not for spacecraft, space stations or anywhere that doesn't need methane and can't input H2 from external sources.

>> No.15514564

>450 atm
SpaceX COPV with 1mm shell could handle that

>> No.15514566

Can someone explain to me how Saddam Hussein is related to the submarine vessel?

>> No.15514587

what is there to explain? its obvious

>> No.15514601



>> No.15514604

Ice is common everywhere but Venus.

>> No.15514624


>> No.15514721

newfag lurk moar

>> No.15514727

Clean carbon deposits is a major pain in the ass

>> No.15514728

How do we capture pure carbon directly from the atmosphere?

>> No.15514766

Space is a top priority exactly because of the war and the military applications

btw, the Economist magazine estimated the war is costing about 3% of Russian GDP

>> No.15514797

the war is not good for Russia

>> No.15514824

The Ars Technica article claims
>The "Uran" battalion, which translates to Uranus, is to be made up of employees of Roscosmos, as well as those from its dozens of state-owned subsidiaries in the aerospace business.

The FT article is rather vague and refers to various social media posts as its sources, yet does not have a single link to those posts. I guess FT journos simply consider themselves too good for that. Can anyone find the actual social media posts they are referring to?

Also from the FT article, the exact nature of this "Uran" battalion or its connection to Roscosmos isn't exactly obvious
>The origins of the militia appear to be outside of the agency: a Moscow mixed martial arts club that advertised military-style training courses for prospective soldiers. The battalion’s webpage is owned by an “association of sport, patriotic and veteran organisations” established in 2014 called The Shield and the Sword, a reference to the KGB’s logo.

>Roscosmos, like state corporations such as Gazprom, has never acknowledged any role in supporting militias. There is no mention of the Uran battalion on the website of Roscosmos. The space agency did not respond to a request for comment.

>> No.15514826

part 2
The only official link to Uran battalion that I could find, was on Turbonasos' website
A link to the Telegram page t.me/uranwar, which in turn links to uranwar.ru
Browsing around using translation software since my Russian is very limited, I see no mention of Roscosmos or aerospace. The "partner" page lists the Ministry of Defense as the main partner.
There is on every page a main credit to
The "About us" page says
>Association was founded by employees of law enforcement agencies and functionaries in the field of contact martial arts.

The main link to Roscosmos I saw was this: an ad with the Roscosmos logo and the slogan "Roscosmos calls on you to join the infantry battalion Uran"

My guess is that Putin issued some blanket order that all state corporations have to help with volunteer recruitment efforts so that another mobilization can be avoided, and this was the what Roscosmos did in order to comply with that order.

>> No.15514827

No, it goes into space and then falls into the ocean. You've got it backwards.

>> No.15514829

Did I say it was?
However, just because it is bad for Russia's economy as a whole doesn't necessarily mean it is bad for Russian space spending, at least not in the near-to-medium term

>> No.15514836

Their increasing their own demand. The head of Roscosmos, Borisov, said they need to increase satellite production from 15 per year to one satellite per day

>> No.15514842

how the fuck can a plane detect an underwater signal?

>> No.15514846



reposting again, mods keep removing threads

>> No.15514862

so you are after the paycheck as when somebody mentions career they usually think about more money with a nice ego stroke to along with it. ULA is more for your types

>> No.15514865

and ship will immediately burn up if a few tiles fall off because...?

>> No.15514901

please understand. They only get to launch this beast once a year, so the ground infrastructure is rotting away from disuse. Blame SpaceX for stealing all the sweet, sweet military contracts.

>> No.15515022

sounds reasonable, then again rogizin did get "promoted" to the front where his dick got blown off so it's not impossible for roscosmos staff to be nonconsentually volunteered for service