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15507841 No.15507841 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start: People who claim college is a waste of time and money. The people who make these claims are either

1) Poor. and projecting as a sour grape at others who are fortunate to have the funds for tuition.

2) Dumb. People of lower intelligence are only capable of majoring in degrees such as Business Administration and Communications. These majors do not serve any real value, with networking necessary in order to land a stable career. Engineering, Medicine, and Law require college education filled with laborious classes and learning. These three majors have literal applications in real life which make a day-to-day impact, unlike the two aforementioned ones.

>> No.15507849

People who claim that college is a good allocation of time and money. The people who make these claims are either:

1) Financially illiterate. If you took a $100k loan 4 years ago and spent it on a college degree, you'd have -$100k today and owe interest on the money you don't have;

2) Larping retards. See (1).

>> No.15507852

>What are some methods to detect a low IQ individual?
that they still use IQ to measure anything :^) stop posting this thread now, it wasn't productive and turned into racebaiting last time and it will this time too.

>> No.15507882

This is not a catch all though. The college system has its obvious caveats, but it is a good enough filter. Most people who do this are lowborn retards kanging about still doing manual labor in 2023

>> No.15507884

Asking them any question. Even the most mundane topics have been revealing.

>> No.15507885

>This is not a catch all though.
I agree, I should've included this in the post. Trades are cheaper to learn and still require a brain.

>> No.15507886

it's easy to mistake a 140iq autist for a 90iq one or vice versa with this method

>> No.15507899

That's because you're a midwit.

>> No.15507902

Ask them about any topic. If they respond with the government propaganda consensus immediately they're low IQ.

>> No.15507953

you think that any test can be made adequate by the intellegence of the person performing it. this is typical midwit overconfidence. half the work is choosing the correct method in the first place, which relies on not overlooking your own limitations. my point is that you can't accurately discern intelligence through a good crust of autistic silliness no matter how perceptive you are

>> No.15507962

>If you took a $100k loan 4 years ago
I got by on pell grants. get fucked Retards

>> No.15508027

no one takes out this much in loans

>> No.15508030
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>> No.15508565

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.15508572
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Why are so many ultra high IQ people hateful chuds who want to stop progress?

>> No.15508579

I'm more worried why the "ultra high IQ" "geniuses" do nearly nothing of value.

>> No.15508657

Because they're smart enough to not waste their limited life on pleasing their inferiors. She has explicitly stated she doesn't feel obligated to solve anyone's problems unless they're a family member and that she writes books and articles because she enjoys writing more than anything.
Midwits chase the "glory" of external validation. The highly intelligent use their abilities to improve their own lives and those close to them.
For what it's worth, her husband invented the artificial heart. Don t know if any of her children have done anything that would match your desired exploitation of them.

>> No.15508833

That's how I see you too buddy

>> No.15508839

what if college is free or very cheap?
would you say that it is a good allocation of time in this case?

>> No.15508856

they post on 4chan

>> No.15508870
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I forget how full of fresh meant /sci/ is.
Do you think "free or very cheap" education could also be a quality one? This applies to everyone but the financial 1%:
College is a social rite. You go through your classes led by a bunch of /sci/-tier retards and get your bachelor's and your master's not to actually learn anything (consider for a moment the device you're using to post, and the access to information it grants you) but merely to waste years in exchange of social security. You are part of the herd and your compliance is rewarded. You may be mediocrity personified, but you have things that prove a certain level of confidence and supposed mastery your actions and your real achievements do not.
People like OP, however duplicitous their intent originally is, promote college education exactly because this is what it means. They're right in the middle of the bell curve (seeing as they don't profit from the academic system, at least not grossly so) and need to promote it, merely by natural and unconscious instinct, to assuage their anxieties and solidify their standing.
Do you consider external validation and security to be a good allocation of time? Because if what you're interested in is knowledge and truth then you can already guess the answer.

>> No.15508905

Its conservative and religious and/or a nigger.

>> No.15508917

People who think that random political opinions are an efficient test of IQ, as opposed to actual IQ questions like digit span, arithmetic, vocabulary, hypotheticals, analogies, etc.

>> No.15508947

Don't listen to the retards on this board. A lot of careers are locked behind the factor of having a degree or not and it is stupid not to pursue them - especially if your education is free, or even takes no hit to your finances.

>> No.15508974
File: 4 KB, 248x203, wtfareyousaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Maybe use simpler words next time you fucking pedo. Had to read your shit three times before I could comprehend it. Here, now your turn:

My esteemed educational institution, situated amidst the apex of regional academia, distinguishes itself with unparalleled eminence. Alas, the pursuit of erudition within its hallowed halls does not come without fiscal obligations. However, fortuitously, I find myself absolved from such financial burdens, courtesy of a coveted and fiercely earned scholarship. It is imperative to assert that the absence of pecuniary obligations does not impinge upon the caliber of education provided. In fact, I daresay that the educational standard remains rather commendable, particularly within the context of tertiary diplomas.

Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly concur with your assertion that college is an esteemed social ritual. Additionally, your astute observation regarding the illusory confidence bestowed upon graduates by their esteemed degrees is resoundingly accurate. Despite boasting a stellar grade point average and an assortment of prestigious accolades, I regrettably confess that my capacity to retain substantive knowledge throughout my college tenure is woefully lacking. Engaging in the futile exercise of cramming copious amounts of information during one semester, only to have it swiftly fade into oblivion in the subsequent one, has been an all too familiar refrain.

As a denizen of a developing nation mired in destitution, my raison d'être for attending college is not rooted in a fervent pursuit of knowledge or the attainment of truth. Rather, I am compelled by the pragmatic necessity of securing a document, a mere piece of parchment, which holds the potential to procure sustenance for myself and my kin. I believe this sentiment resonates with a multitude of college students, not solely confined to my own personal circumstances.

>> No.15508981

holy kek

not him but could someone dumb down this post for me

t. diagnosed 95 IQ

>> No.15508982


>> No.15508993

>I need the paper because I'm poor
With an addendum: that's not how you use raison d'etre desu

>> No.15508997
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>Midwits chase the "glory" of external validation.
so you're saying morality can only arise as a cope for insecurity? bad take

>> No.15509012


>> No.15509018

>A lot of careers are locked behind the factor of having a degree
Those jobs require degree signalling. All it takes is another grad who is willing to do the same for less, the degrees are deprecating commodities.
>especially if your education is free, or even takes no hit to your finances.
your time isn't free

You should explore your options but don't get sweet talked into going to college because 'it is stupid not to.'

>> No.15509021

I'm summarizing >>15508974 just like you asked. In steps:
>Holy shit. I'm ESL.
>My college is okay for being in a brown shithole desu. They try.
>But yeah college is bullshit. You don't learn anything.
>That said, I'm brown and poor. I need a diploma. I think that goes for most.
tl;dr he needs the paper because he's poor.
But again, that's not how you use "raison d'etre".

>> No.15509073

Verily, that is exceedingly precise, but pray tell, whence didst thou ascertain that I am of a brown hue?

>> No.15509098

"Developing nation" and too much time here desu

>> No.15509394
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It's preferable to make a "portfolio of predictive factors, which are relatively mutually independent". Here are some of the best predictive factors in terms of direct appearance you can observe.
First I'll start with the classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP2tUW0HDHA
Picrel is helpful. Here are some more:
https://psyarxiv.com/mn2je/ (scroll down to intelligence, then look at cue validity)
So, an intelligent person can be recognized by:
Low pitch, variable, expressive tone of voice.
Ease of understanding (lacking accent for example)
Very high levels of educational and occupational attainment
Delay having kids
Good at quitting smoking
Autistic tendencies
Do not have ADHD
A non-neurotic temperament
Lack depressive symptoms
Large head size
Lack schizophrenic symptoms
So dumb people are the opposite of that. Promiscuous,(if female or sufficiently attractive as males) distractible, anxious, neurotic, psychotic, heavy-accent, incomprehensible(both ideationally and phonetically) squeaky-voiced(if male) druggie losers with low educational and occupational attainment with 10 kids on welfare. Also niggers.
Also, as much as I hate it and have my qualms about verbal intelligence, one can't deny it's usually a really a good insight into a person's intellect, especially if they're monolinguals. Not perfect, mind you, but good. In written form a lot of things can make you seem somewhat dumber like lacking capitalization or punctuation, but I don't know whether that's necessarily a valid marker. Then again I think the hoes on social media who put 5 emojis after saying two words can't be too intelligent either.
Please note the relationship between intelligence and other traits is linear. The midwit is a myth. The phenomenon real, but it's not caused by some reverse U curve around 120 IQ on the bell-shape. That's again from the myth of misunderstanding

>> No.15509406

Dunning-Kruger. https://web.archive.org/web/20190303054722/https://www.talyarkoni.org/blog/2010/07/07/what-the-dunning-kruger-effect-is-and-isnt/comment-page-2/

>> No.15509418

Some low IQ traits
1. Low income
2. Lack of sexual activity
3. Fails to adapt to social norms
4. Introverted

>> No.15509420

>so you're saying
I'm "saying" exactly what I posted. Not sure why you want to reword everything when the meaning of the original post was as clear as can be.

>> No.15509443

Sexual activity is a marker of low IQ and autism is the only mental illness positively correlated to intelligence.

>> No.15509460
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You didn't mention one of the bigger (heh) ones, weight. Criminality too, IIRC the average IQ of prison inmates is something like 90.

Health too, more intelligent people live longer and are less prone to diseases - mostly because of better genetics, not due to diet and lifestyle

>Please note the relationship between intelligence and other traits is linear
Most of the time, but there are exceptions. Crime and number of sexual partners (for men) both peak around 90 IQ and decline in both directions.

>> No.15509490
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Behold the 4
Jewish insults
Nice try, shill
>1 Low Income: Albert Einstein and Norman Borlaug were low income most their lives
>2 Lack of Sexual Activity: Jesus King of Kings and Buddha Sage of Sages are the figureheads for literacy in the West and the East advocate for sexually abstinent long term relationship covenant bonds ascetic denying present urges and doubts with religious faith
>3 Fails to adapt to social norms:
Again ascetics and recluses are against the grain and intransigent incorruptible always being the influencer not the influenced
>4 Introverted: a studious people gain nothing from gregarious recirculation of repetitive static sterile stimuli like concerts and sports and topical talk shows and instead dedicate themselves to tasks like Chorales and Cathedrals instead of the buzz of the Bazaar

>> No.15509495

I'm generally distrustful of inverted U curves for intelligence correlations. Though I suppose it makes sense for crime and maybe number of sex partners. Then again, for example in the Idiocracy intro, the 2 compared groups are 84 IQ vs. 140 IQ. That's mere -16 IQ against a gigantic +40 IQ. That's kind of fishy. I'm kind of growing to dislike this "90 IQ archetype" with time. That's not 90 IQ, just extraordinarily poor impulse control.
Surely there are people like Cyrax. (though FFS I hate the lolcow board site so much, coming to it I didn't know it's crystalcafe 2.0, fuck I hate women so much) Now as to his number of sex partner, that'd be harder to argue, but a lot of incest rednecks living in kike communities... maybe??

>> No.15509779


>> No.15510313

yeah, sure buddy

>> No.15510411

I put a lot of credence in this myself. I like how the give-away arrived so quickly when the anon replied to you. Stupid people have a hard time telling the difference between smart and stupid people. It's like they can't "see" dumb people like smart people can, and they can't tell the difference between themselves and smart people, as they are unaware they themselves are stupid.

>> No.15510418

protip: communications is one of the most powerful and influential degrees you can get. makes no difference how super smart you are at your STEM field if nobody knows about it. communications majors are the ones who decide what information is publicized and what isn't. they're also the ones who circulate the rumor that its a degree for brainlets, because they don't want share power with anyone who isn't smart enough to see past that lie

>> No.15510465
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so women? interesting

>> No.15511178
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Ask them if they are a tits man or an ass man.

>> No.15511191
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I'm an armpits man.

>> No.15511193

It’s easy. Whether or not you can read graduate math textbooks. Or whether or not you can read Latin and Greek. Most other “intellectual” standards are for midwits

>> No.15511590
File: 228 KB, 1600x1083, Saving-Daylight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask them their opinion on daylight saving time. There's no particular answer I'm looking for, I'm looking for what reasons they give for their view on the subject. If they don't say very much, I'll pry a bit about the amount of sunlight in the day, especially during the winter, but for the most part, what they choose the mention of not mention is an important factor.
As a bonus, it can often also become an empathy test. It's a bit shocking how much it reveals the lack of empathy amongst elementary school teachers.

>> No.15511637

1)an inability to empathize and see other people dilemmas taking in account their skills, mindsets, resources, current situation, etc
2)an inability realistically project the possible consequences of his plans and actions or to imagine that past actions may have resulted in different outcome due to variables beyond his control.
you fit both bill I believe. good luck with your useless degree and the jab you took to go to school(don't know if it's your field but here a freebie why not an excess death in the 20-25 age range between the college and university graduates (all vaxxed!) and compared to those who said fuck this gay shit!
If you really want to learn something just use lib.gen and scout bookstores for used uni textbooks(around 2$ in my parts with access to chem, bio, etc).

>> No.15511726

If there was a 100+ IQ test required to post here, your post would've been filtered. You sound underage imo.

>just use lib.gen
Yeah it's a good resource.

>> No.15511757

Posting on this board. I'm serious.

>> No.15511793

Why do you say this? Is it that:
Lingua franca of science and tech
Trad anglo man of letters educational background

IMO our world is math and the cultures that we modelled our institutions after, so yeah. I think I might agree with you.

>> No.15511796


>> No.15512779

>People who claim that college is a good allocation of time and money
University is free where I live and with well recognized degrees and courses +student discounts on most things
> Financially illiterate
Most higher paying jobs require at least a bachelor's in something

>> No.15512913

This post is low IQ, most higher paying jobs are locked behind a bachelors degree. Enjoy having a high floor low ceiling on your career. Also state schools are cheap. This thread is low IQ because yet again it’s another fucking iq thread on this board that gets created ad nauseum by incel beets as a coping mechanism because a chud did research and discovered that the best iq to have to income personality and charisma max (leadership) is 115-120iq


>> No.15513166

You misremembered the study. What was found is that people's impression of their supervisors' competence peaks at a difference of about 20 IQ points. Income does not cease to increase past the 120 IQ mark. Neither does the actual (rather than perceived by rank and file) managerial performance.

>> No.15513665

All this was cope for having 115-120iq

But anyway I agree generally with you. If you talk the merely high-school educated, even the high IQ people of that variety are stunted by only ever getting a localized understanding of life. The higher ideas are still housed at the university IMO. But this is changing.

>> No.15515797

>what is 2+2
>omg that is the government consensus you are low iq

>> No.15516424

ITT: The most insufferable people on the planet.

>> No.15516942

OP here, I regret making this thread and I'm sageing it. These people are unbearable.

>> No.15517146

Forgot Newton for lack of sexual intercourse

>> No.15517159

College => Intelligence
There is a reason why book smarts is different from street smarts, or rather intelligence is not wisdom. Tact on GPA represents more of adherence to a professor's ideology over any actual achievement, and colleges simply act as a funnel of government money into a bunch of communist trust funds.
I do have a degree, due to my family bitching at me till I got one. Does not help me professionally, or privately. My drive for self-improvement, and engaging in conflict does improve my capabilities.
Another argument against you Anon is from Cicero. He discussed two types of education. one meant for slaves and one meant for men. The one you indulge and promote is the one meant for slaves. The drive to learn and master any skill present before a man, and the capabilities necessary to do so, is the education of a man. That is to say, you want everyone to be slaves to some communist bastard.

>> No.15517205

>I do have a degree, due to my family bitching at me till I got one
Is your family east or south asian?

>...two types of education. one meant for slaves and one meant for men. The one you indulge and promote is the one meant for slaves...

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. However, those who feign about college aren't learning things in their free time, they're NEETs and leeches, arguing in bad faith.

>> No.15517212

You want to know the single factor with the most predictive power: lack of nuance/very gungho dismissal of an idea without any critical judgment. You see this on 4chan a lot.

>> No.15517495 [DELETED] 

I think you are wrong. An obsession with education is usually a sign of low intellect, and a compensation for the limited ability to think. The smarter you are, the less you need to learn.

>> No.15517539

I think you are wrong. An obsession with education is usually a sign of low intellect, and compensation for the limited ability to think. The smarter you are, the less you need to study.

>> No.15517558 [DELETED] 

For you.
They do.
>what if college is free or very cheap?
>would you say that it is a good allocation of time in this case?
I'd need more detail to give a financial opinion.
>University is free where I live and with well recognized degrees and courses +student discounts on most things
Good for you.
>Most higher paying jobs require at least a bachelor's in something
>This post is low IQ,
Thanks for the warning.
>most higher paying jobs are LOCKED BEHIND a bachelors degree
Gaymer detected.

>> No.15517568

For you.
They do.
>what if college is free or very cheap?
>would you say that it is a good allocation of time in this case?
I'd need more detail to give a financial opinion.
>University is free where I live and with well recognized degrees and courses +student discounts on most things
Good for you.
>Most higher paying jobs require at least a bachelor's in something
>This post is low IQ,
Thanks for the warning.
>most higher paying jobs are LOCKED BEHIND a bachelors degree
Gaymer detected.

>> No.15517604

usually politics works great for these things. It's foolish to believe that low iq people flock to any particular political trend (because there are very smart people and very dumb people in every ideology) but you can glean their intelligence based on the level of political thinking they are in. Some low iq characteristics in political thinking:

inability to understand abstract concepts such as averages
>Women are on average worse at math? But what about Julia Roberts!
Inability to think beyond group level
>That person is a nazi/jew, therefore everything they say is wrong
Only using philosophy and science as tools for political arguments, and never considering them in themselves
>What? Utilitarianism has to be the best ethical system, it justifies my favorite political ideology
Inability to look further than current politics, and projecting that onto the past and future
>lol the romans were too right wing, unlike the lefitst druids

I can think of more later

>> No.15517607

These examples can be found in people from every political trend. Idiocy flies no banner

>> No.15517614

Not the guy who you replied to, but he's right. Those with 130+ IQ are less likely to have sex than those with <70 IQ (this goes for male and female). It peaks at around 95. Also, autism tends to have polarized intelligence, so there are extremely smart and extremely dumb autists, moreso than in the general population.

t. 140 IQ autist

>> No.15517713
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Here is an example of a low IQ individual giving his input on what he sees as a low IQ. picrel

>inability to understand abstract concepts such as averages

Good example. It's like when you point out that Indian men are like 5'5" on average, only for someone to object because they know an Indian guy that is 6'3".

>> No.15517774

Anxiety levels and general benevolence. Person who are low IQ are overwhelmingly competitive rather than cooperative and have higher anxiety in general (though half of this is that their life outcomes are worse because of their IQ already).

I'm not sure how much can be attributed to associated life experiences and how much is actual, literal magnanimity.

>> No.15517864

Then yes, as long as it's qualifying you for a job market that's rewarding personally or financially. Otherwise, it's a waste of time unless you're going to learn for personal enjoyment/fulfillment.

College in the United States is a literal death sentence unless you come from a reasonably affluent family. They should study abroad in an actually civilized country.

>> No.15517876

Offer them a ride in an uncertified submarine made out of carbon fiber...

>> No.15517972
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>> No.15519260

yeah but again linear relationship. autism and delayed sex rise with age. I suppose at the extremes of IQ you have no children

>> No.15519263

I'm MD and almost everyone in my program was a midwitt. Average IQ dropped so hard compared to math undergrad.

>> No.15519323

>b-bu-but everyone should go to college!!!!!

>> No.15519384

(For the record, I am in the 130s, I don't presume to speak for 140+s)
I can see why this would happen. Some of my opinions, or mostly counter-questions (those are to streamline the discussion and apply the Socratic method, not because I "answer a question with a question"), could sound less thought out, as the listener does of course not have my exact mind state and where I am coming from. However, I wonder how much it informs the impression of the other side (about my intelligence) that I usually instinctually start with "That's a very interesting question." when I do genuinely deem the other question interesting. I also use "complicated question", but the main feature is that I first give an open-minded assessment about the question itself being posed, not already conflating the two realms of "my answer to the topic" and "my evaluation of the form of the topic".
Do 90 IQs ever actually use sentences like that? I want to understand their mental state. Do they ever ponder questions not related to something instrumental, gainful or (para)social, just for their own sake?

>> No.15519895

This post is an example of an extremely high IQ person t. anus et al

>> No.15520051

A good way to gauge IQ is just having a conversation with someone. Low IQ individuals are easy enough to spot after just a few sentences as many anons mentioned above. What's harder though is separating midwit pseuds from actually smart people. One good litmus test i found is observing whether they ever say "I don't know", midwits won't do this because their pride and competitiveness won't let them.

>> No.15520114

>One good litmus test i found is observing whether they ever say "I don't know"
Lmao, just the other day I was asking a colleague what he did last Friday. He kept saying "I don't know."

I hung out with him on Friday.

>> No.15521047
