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File: 857 KB, 1280x1036, lighttravelillusionrussell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15494729 No.15494729 [Reply] [Original]

is the speed of sound in a medium related to the speed of whatever is emitting the sound?
>No - the speed of sound is constant relative to the medium. It is not measured relative to the observer, or the source.
of course not, that's the entire reason we get Doppler shift
why, then, were so many scientists trying at some point to prove that the speed of light would be different depending on the speed of whatever was emitting the light, even long after Maxwell had identified light as an electromagnetic wave?
and this was even before people started to pretend like there's no aether too, so that's not an argument no matter what you believe
fact is that people should always have expected the propagation of light to occur at a velocity that only depended on its medium, which is exactly what we observe
I don't get physicists can be so stupid sometimes

>> No.15494744

light and sound are not the same thing, sound requires a medium, light does not

>> No.15494754

>literally parrots some bullshit that I even explicitly addressed in the post
way to miss the point 100%, idiot

>> No.15494758

At a time when photons where understood for th first time but not phonons? Yeah I wonder why they though this dual wave/particle behaves differently than a pure wave.

>> No.15494761

if you move toward a sound emitter there will be less delay.

According to mainstream interpretation of einstein, if you move towards a light emitter it will be the same delay as moving away from it. Although most mainstream scientists do not really understand einstein's theory and neither do i, so maybe he said something different from that.

>> No.15494764

Light requires a medium (aether) to exist. Saying that a wave doesn't require a medium is silly and impossible (unless we live in a simulation.)

>> No.15494774

>if you move towards a light emitter it will be the same delay as moving away from it
except we know that's false, because we see Doppler shift with light too
Lorentz transformation is absolutely true, but that doesn't change those observational facts, and interpreting Lorentz transformation as "time dilation" and "length contraction" is pure retardation

>> No.15494780

read the post, retard
I literally pointed out that this was well after Maxwell made it abundantly clear that light was an electromagnetic wave

>> No.15494781

I mean experimental results were capable of proving the time dilation, but not on a large enough scale to attempt the length contraction bit yet. Though largely evidence suggests it would happen.

>> No.15494784

How so?

>> No.15494785

Time dilation *is* length contraction, just from the other inertial reference frame's POV

>> No.15494786

and it also fucking acts as a particle, and that dual nature is what lead to the experiments smoothbrain, read my fucking reply. Light was understood to be both and sound wasn't yet. And just because I clearly need to repeat my point with you, photons were understood but phonons were not observed yet as the mathematical model for them hadn't been invented yet, which is why light seemed to have a unique and testable dual nature, so experiments into it's nature were run. Hope that helps make it clear! Maybe next time try learning a little reading comprehension at all before you pretend you're a big boy.

>> No.15494788

>I mean experimental results were capable of proving the time dilation
this has never been done
what is observed with muons has nothing to do with time dilation, and everything else is just electromagnetic retardation as identified by Jefimenko
how so what?
because it doesn't happen, that's just all Doppler shift
yes, things will look shorter and appear to speed by faster, duh
that doesn't mean time itself or length itself is actually changing, believing that means you don't understand how vision works, and that you think vision somehow dictates reality
that's the same nonsensical line of thought that leads you to conclude that receiving a message before you see the message being sent is somehow impossible
>it also fucking acts as a particle
hilariously false
imagine still thinking there is any "wave-particle duality"
hint: transient waveforms (also called impulses) are not "particles" you retarded dumbfuck

>> No.15494800

Lil bro thinks he's the next einstein because everyone else is dumb/wrong

>> No.15494801

typical dumbfuck projection
nothing I'm saying is new or revolutionary, this is all old knowledge, it's just pointing out the retardation of a huge amount of people who consider themselves "physicists" without understanding that basic physics

>> No.15494803

>if I keep saying everyone else is wrong enough loud enough maybe I can be a physicist too
okay, have fun kiddo, don't stay out too late, dinner is at 7 and you have school in the morning!

>> No.15494804

You must be fun at parties

>> No.15494807

>keeps projecting like a retarded dumbfuck
pointing out that specific retards are wrong is now suddenly saying "everyone else is wrong"
typical mentality of a fuckwit with zero knowledge of physics
you must be great at physics
oh, wait, no, not at all

>> No.15494842

Aww it's a schizo. Show us your vixra publications

>> No.15494847

what a stock NPC reply, gtfo sci fucking normie lmfao

>> No.15494849

there's nothing that's even disputed in the OP, you fucktard
and the lack of anything substantial in your post is well noted, time for you to fuck back off to whatever board you just came from

>> No.15494850

Are you Nathan? Why are you so angry on a Sunday? Call your mom and tell her you miss her. Your family is worried about you, schizo.

>> No.15494859

>more retardation, still zero substance, still didn't read the OP

>> No.15494880

Come on schizo show us your vixra papers.

>> No.15494890

Paying closer attention I see you're quoting Walter Russel. No idea who that is, so I googled him.
>The author challenges the conventional wisdom that light is just another physical entity. He outlines a new role of light in the formation of the three main components of the universe - God, still light; the dual light waves emanated from God and the material world both organic and inorganic which is made of light bent into various spiral forms. Reading this book "is an important step toward understanding both the intellectual and spiritual balances that exist in the universe."
LMFAO. It's even worse than I thought. Not only are you a schizo, you're a godtard. Thanks for the laugh champ, that just made my morning. Religious schizos are my favorite types of schizos to laugh at.

>> No.15494900

>>more retardation, still zero substance, still didn't read the OP
>looks at image like a toddler, doesn't read the OP
what a surprise

>> No.15494903

It's Sunday. Don't you have a church to go to? Isn't it against your faith to troll on Sundays?

>> No.15494918

I did not say whether it was true or false, merely that it was "according to mainstream einstein interpretations", or in actuality, my interpretation of mainstream interpretations, which (factually) mainstreamer scientists do not understand some of einsteins theories anyway.

>> No.15494926

there's no such thing as a creator deity
nice try, retard
now try reading OP (yes, actually turning on your brain and reading is hard, but I believe in you)
no, that's not true according to any interpretation, everyone agrees that Doppler shift exists for light too
interpretation, by definition, does not pertain to the actual observables, interpretations are just various opinions about what the observables represent

>> No.15494934

>Creator deity
Weird way to say you believe in God. Go ahead and pray. It's Sunday.

>> No.15494936

you aether tards are always ready to pop out aren't you? impressive

>> No.15494938

>there's no such thing as a creator deity
>nice try, retard
>now try reading OP (yes, actually turning on your brain and reading is hard, but I believe in you)

>> No.15494942

>Weird way to say you believe in God. Go ahead and pray. It's Sunday.

>> No.15494946

>>no such thing as a creator deity
>>you believe in God
I can't even comprehend what it's like to be as retarded as you
>>try reading OP (yes, actually turning on your brain and reading is hard, but I believe in you)

>> No.15494954

>According to mainstream interpretation of einstein, if you move towards a light emitter it will be the same delay as moving away from it
Can you elaborate this?
I don't follow, and I don't think relativity does that.
Afaik SR: 1. Time dilates moving objects.
2. Length contracts in the direction of motion.
3. Postulates constant c.
4. The above things lead to different doppler shift equations than classical.
How does relativity imply moving towards or away from an observer not change the delay?
The speed of the wave is finite, so if I'm moving towards A by the time the light from A reaches me i will be in a closer spot, with less delay right?

>> No.15494969

Don't play coy. Why the qualifier of creator deity?

>> No.15494974

I already corrected that person here:
so there's not actually any time dilation or length contraction, that's just how it looks due to the compression or rarefaction of light in the direction you are traveling in relative to the direction of propagation
it's not a "qualifier", dumbfuck, I just refuse to use your retarded religious terminology
there's no such thing as any creator deity, and that's that
and you still haven't read OP and still haven't said anything of substance
typical retard

>> No.15494980

>Posts images which quote religious retards on the nature of light
>Hurrrrr durrrrr I don't believe le heckin "creator deity" even though literally nobody else is using that term
>Deflects direct question on whether he believes in god
Just admit you're making a religious argument on the nature of light. It's ok, your reputation won't be damaged; everyone already acknowledges you're a pseud and a schizo.

>> No.15494996

>>Posts images which quote religious retards on the nature of light
imagine being so retarded that you can't distinguish what someone says and what other retarded beliefs such a person might have
again: I can't imagine what it's like being as retarded as you
and you still never moved past the toddler stage of looking at the picture to actually reading the OP, and still have said nothing of substance
typical dumbfuck

>> No.15495011

>which is exactly what we observe
Sure, but what we didn't expect was the fact that there is no way to travel faster and make light appear to move more slowly than c in vacuum

>> No.15495015

first of all, that doesn't explain why they were looking for something they should never have been looking for
>there is no way to travel faster and make light appear to move more slowly than c in vacuum
except that's blatantly false, that's exactly what you'd see, and literally exactly what is observed
and that is still not even correcting the dumb idea that there's such a thing as a "vacuum" at all

>> No.15495017 [DELETED] 
File: 399 KB, 1600x900, schizo thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dumb idea that there's such a thing as a "vacuum" at all

>> No.15495023

still not addressing what it says in the OP, which is independent of that
typical retarded dumbfuck
and yes, the fact that there's no such thing as a "vacuum" is not disputed either, since the quantum field permeating all of space (read: quantum field theory, the single most successful theory in all of physics) postulates that space is entirely permeated with quantum harmonic oscillators with a minimum energy known as zero-point energy
but of course, I wouldn't expect a dumb retard like you to know anything about the single most successful and most well-established theory in the history of physics
geez, it's alarming how people like you are just getting dumber and dumber

>> No.15495027 [DELETED] 

>he didn't realize the poster count increased
you sound emotional right now. by the way, the term you're looking for is "vacuum expectation value". QFT has a manifest existence of a vacuum. if you don't want to be a schizo, then you're a pseud. gonna hide this thread, don't bother responding---don't feel like losing brain cells reading your drivel.

>> No.15495033

>>he didn't realize the poster count increased
low quality samefagging is low quality
imagine thinking you're fooling anyone, truly hilariously retarded
>you sound emotional right now
and you sound the same way as you've done since the beginning: like a braindead retard who still hasn't read the OP and who doesn't even understand basic physics
>the term you're looking for is "vacuum expectation value"
no, not even remotely close to any term I'm looking for, and it's hilarious how you try to desperately make it out as if you weren't just schooled hard on basic physics
>QFT has a manifest existence of a vacuum
except that it's not a "vacuum" at all, so continuing to use that term, which was derived from earlier conceptions of space as empty (from Latin "vacuus", literally meaning "empty"), is totally retarded
in other words, I'm not surprised that a totally braindead retard like you tries to keep using it that way, but it's still wrong
and it still has nothing to do with the original point either, which you're curiously trying to deflect from
typical brainfucked dumbfuck

>> No.15495044

>typical dumbfuck projection
>nothing I'm saying is new or revolutionary, this is all old knowledge, it's just pointing out the retardation of a huge amount of people who consider themselves "physicists" without understanding that basic physics

100% this

>> No.15495048

>Just admit you're making a religious argument on the nature of light. It's ok, your reputation won't be damaged; everyone already acknowledges you're a pseud and a schizo.

Whose "everyone". I like OP. He's right & he has passion. You wouldn't get it cause you're a fcking dork

>> No.15495052 [DELETED] 

that guy is pretty retarded
his logic goes like this
>person A makes true statement S
>person A also beliefs religious retardation R
>person B makes true statement S and points to person A also making true statement S
>person B now also believes religious retardation R
I mean, it's hard for me to comprehend how people that dumb even manage to operate a computer, but apparently they do

>> No.15495054

that guy is pretty retarded
his logic goes like this
>person A makes true statement S
>person A also believes religious retardation R
>person B makes true statement S and points to person A also making true statement S
>therefore: person B now also believes religious retardation R
I mean, it's hard for me to comprehend how people that dumb even manage to operate a computer, but apparently they do

>> No.15495064

Lorentz transformation is Doppler effect

>> No.15495071

>that guy is pretty retarded
>his logic goes like this
>>person A makes true statement S
>>person A also believes religious retardation R
>>person B makes true statement S and points to person A also making true statement S
>>therefore: person B now also believes religious retardation R
>I mean, it's hard for me to comprehend how people that dumb even manage to operate a computer, but apparently they do

You didn't understand his logic at all. You're just mad that he's exposing the grift that physicists are pulling. Everything he said is accurate, and something I've known for a while. Aether is real. As real as air and water.

>> No.15495075

>want to read people arguing about physics
>people are arguing about religion instead
guys what the fuck

>> No.15495078

>guys what the fuck

Lying, corrupt cosmologists and physicists always project their religion onto others.

>> No.15495079

>that guy is pretty retarded
>his logic goes like this

Unless you didnt mean OP. OP is one of the only based posters around.

>> No.15495082 [DELETED] 

Walter Russell was an American polymath, artist, and philosopher who proposed a comprehensive cosmology known as "The Russell Cosmogony." According to Russell, the illusion of light is the result of our limited perception and understanding of the true nature of light.

Russell believed that light is not composed of particles but rather consists of rhythmic waves of motion, which he referred to as "undulating light waves." He argued that our perception of light as separate and distinct particles is an illusion created by the limitations of our senses and the limitations of scientific instruments used to measure light.

Russell's view of light was deeply intertwined with his broader cosmological ideas, which included concepts like the interplay of opposing forces, the dynamic balance of nature, and the fundamental unity of the universe. He saw light as a manifestation of the rhythmic interplay of these opposing forces.

It's worth noting that while Russell's ideas have garnered some interest and followers, they are not widely accepted in the mainstream scientific community. The established scientific understanding of light is based on the wave-particle duality theory, which describes light as both a wave and a particle, depending on the experimental context. This understanding has been extensively supported by experimental evidence and is the foundation of modern physics.

>> No.15495084

Fuck that string theory nigger.

>> No.15495085

>You didn't understand his logic at all.
I did perfectly well understand his blatantly logically fallacious retardation
he took Walter Russell's (person A) correct statement about light (true statement S), then took his retarded religious belief (belief R) and projected it onto me for simply stating the same true statement S and pointing to Russell also expressing it
and the fact that you're literally too stupid to even understand something that simple is truly alarming, at this point I didn't know people as stupid as you even existed at all
>You're just mad that he's exposing the grift that physicists are pulling.
you're talking to the wrong person, buddy
look at who I was responding to and who they were quoting

>> No.15495086

>>people are arguing about religion instead
no one is "arguing about religion"
one braindead retard (this guy: >>15494890) desperately tried to make a straw man out of religion just because I used a true statement by Walter Russell in the image in the OP, despite none of my posts having a single thing to do with religion whatsoever
apparently that person is too much of a braindead retard to understand that a person can both make true statements and hold retarded beliefs at the same time
yes, I know, they're pretty fucking stupid, but don't try to make it out as if we're "arguing about religion" at all

>> No.15495089

I am OP
I wrote this post: >>15495054
look at who it was a reply to and who they were quoting, that's the dumb idiot I'm talking about
it's the same idiot I'm referencing here: >>15495086

>> No.15495090
File: 430 KB, 897x718, 2023-06-11_17.05.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are arguing about religion instead
>doesnt know its the same thing at different magnitudes, quantum and celestial scales describes at human scales

Retvrn to /xci/, my son.

>> No.15495091

Fair point. I'm a tourist after all.

>> No.15495100 [DELETED] 

Walter Russell's statements about light, such as the one you mentioned, reflect his philosophical and metaphysical perspectives rather than established scientific facts. Russell proposed a unique cosmological model that attempted to explain the nature of light and the universe in more holistic and metaphysical terms.

In the quote you provided, Russell suggests that the perception of light traveling as waves is an illusion caused by wave motion. He describes waves as pistons that operate radially and spirally, both inward and outward, as opposed to linear motion. These ideas reflect his belief in a dynamic, interplay of forces and his rejection of the concept of light as particles traveling in a straight line.

While Russell's ideas can be thought-provoking and may have influenced some alternative philosophical or spiritual viewpoints, it is important to note that they are not widely accepted within the scientific community. The established scientific understanding of light is based on extensive experimental evidence and mathematical models that describe light as both a wave and a particle, depending on the experimental context (wave-particle duality).

So, while Russell's ideas may inspire contemplation and alternative perspectives, they should be understood within the context of his unique cosmological model and not as widely accepted scientific facts.

>> No.15495102

>why, then, were so many scientists trying at some point to prove that the speed of light would be different depending on the speed of whatever was emitting the light
They were trying to find the inertial reference frame of the medium itself - the supposed "luminiferous aether". All results were null.

>> No.15495124

Nigger, they were trying to prove that it was the same. The result of the experiment was negative, and shocked everyone

>> No.15495131

>Walter Russell's statements about light, such as the one you mentioned, reflect his philosophical and metaphysical perspectives
lmao, it's the same braindead dumbfuck retard from before, still trying to rationalize his fucktard logical fallacies that have been pointed out in explicit detail
truly fucking hilarious
>Russell suggests that the perception of light traveling as waves is an illusion caused by wave motion
which is indeed 100% precisely correct, and not exactly news, everyone with even basic knowledge of physics knows this
that has jack shit to do with his belief in a creator deity, which is a retarded belief
see how you still can't manage to distinguish between a true statement and a retarded belief just because the same person states/holds both?
now go pull your head out of your ass and turn on your brain, retard
no, that's not what they were doing at all at that point, that's an entirely separate point
>the supposed "luminiferous aether". All results were null.
braindead retardation
that's like saying
>"ah, look, we're not experiencing 30 km/s winds, so Earth can't be moving at all"
imagine being that retarded
the existence of the quantum aether is a fact, but doesn't have jack shit to do with the point I'm making in OP, so get back on topic

>> No.15495133 [DELETED] 

In general, science and math boards are typically dedicated to discussing well-established scientific principles, theories, and empirical evidence within the realm of scientific consensus. These platforms often prioritize evidence-based discussions, rigorous scientific methodologies, and the exploration of established scientific knowledge.

Given that Walter Russell's cosmological ideas and perspectives on light are not widely accepted within the mainstream scientific community, it is possible that discussing his quotes on a science and math board may be met with skepticism or considered off-topic. However, if the board allows for open discussions, explorations of alternative viewpoints, or philosophical perspectives, then it could be a suitable place for discussing the quote and its implications.

It is always a good idea to review the guidelines of the board and gauge the community's interests and expectations to ensure that any discussions align with the purpose and focus of the platform.

>> No.15495134

literally the diametric opposite of the truth: they were trying to prove that it was different, and the results of the experiment was that it was the same
>Quirino Majorana (1871-1957) was an Italian experimental physicist who devoted many years of his active life to the search for gravitational absorption. Nowadays Majorana’s better known researches are those related to the second principle of the special theory of relativity. He attempted to detect changes in the speed of light emitted (or reflected) by moving bodies, but contrary to his expectations he confirmed that the speed of light is independent of the peed of its source. As this result was the opposite of what he intended to prove, it gives nice evidence that Majorana was a careful experimenter and not one of those scientists who always find what they want to find.

>> No.15495136

hilarious, the retard now resorts to spamming GPT
get in here and clean this up, jannies

>> No.15495158

bro you were just told you were wrong quit pissing and shitting and cumming everywhere it's making a mess

>> No.15495165

>light doesn't require medium because i was told there is no medium for light
nice circular shitpost fagfuck

>> No.15495176 [DELETED] 

you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.15495189

>light requires a medium because I said so
Wow didn't know you're God bro

>> No.15495214
File: 48 KB, 697x523, dk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>braindead dumbfuck retard fucktard fucking shit retarded retarded ass retard retardation retarded shit
Imagine writing like this and getting upset when others realize you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15495218

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck..

>> No.15495224
File: 25 KB, 609x503, 1662069880643318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is..is that you GPT?

>> No.15495272

Not OP but it's worth entertaining that there could be a non-matter ether that we don't understand instead of being smug on what high school physics told you.

It makes sense to me. If the speed of light is constant regardless of the speed of the source, it's more like ripples in a medium and less like a bullet. Maybe some relationship to gravity.

All through history people are smug that they know all the physics there is to know, and then someone like Einstein comes along and teabags the whole subject.

>> No.15495298

>Imagine writing like this
I don't have to imagine, I do it whenever people who don't have any idea what they're talking about come around acting like braindead retards
>getting upset
hilarious projection
imagine not being able to understand someone calling you a braindead fucktard without them being upset
>when others realize you have no idea what you're talking about
diametric opposite of the truth, everyone I've called a braindead fucktard so far haven't even tried to address the subject matter, precisely because they have zero idea what they're talking about
oh, and wouldn't you know, here you are doing the exact same thing
another retarded fuckwit, I take it

>> No.15495303

Based. This just popped up in my feed on YouTube, and it's extremely sad to see that Einstein went down in the history books when it should have been the genius Lorentz:

>> No.15495322

A bunch of misconceptions around the speed of light stem from only considering how particles travels through space. It makes a lot more sense in a framework of spacetime.

>> No.15495332

light isn't a particle
it's a wave
in fact, there's no evidence for particles whatsoever, literally every "particle" is known to ultimately be a wave
>It makes a lot more sense in a framework of spacetime.
first of all, the point I'm making in the OP is besides that
secondly, no, literally the diametric opposite of the truth, "spacetime" is essentially the type of retardation that you start having to use when you don't understand what's going on at all

>> No.15495338 [DELETED] 

>light isn't a particle
>it's a wave
>in fact, there's no evidence for particles whatsoever, literally every "particle" is known to ultimately be a wave
The statement you mentioned appears to align with the perspective of light as a wave rather than a particle. It suggests that there is no evidence for particles and that everything ultimately manifests as a wave.

While it is true that light exhibits wave-like behavior, such as interference and diffraction, it is also known to exhibit particle-like behavior, as demonstrated by phenomena like the photoelectric effect and particle scattering experiments. This duality of light is captured by the wave-particle duality concept in quantum physics.

However, it is important to note that the statement you provided is a broad and categorical assertion that goes against the established scientific understanding of particles and their interactions. Particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, are fundamental constituents of matter and are well-supported by experimental evidence and mathematical models.

The nature of particles and waves is a complex topic within quantum mechanics, and it is subject to ongoing scientific research and inquiry. It is always essential to approach such discussions with an understanding of the current scientific consensus while remaining open to new evidence and perspectives.

>> No.15495344

hope jannies come and clean up this GPT garbage asap
and no, the truth is what I just said: there's zero evidence for particles
even electrons, protons, and neutrons are all understood to be waves in quantum field theory
deal with it and stop hiding behind that retarded GPT garbage which is just regurgitating nonsense and doesn't have any understanding

>> No.15495346 [DELETED] 

I understand that you are asserting the viewpoint that there is no evidence for particles and that electrons, protons, and neutrons are all understood to be waves in quantum field theory. However, it's important to note that the scientific consensus and the currently accepted understanding in the field of physics recognize particles as fundamental entities with distinct properties.

Particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons have been extensively studied through various experimental methods and mathematical models. While wave-particle duality is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the dual nature of particles, it does not negate the existence of particles themselves.

Quantum field theory, which is a widely accepted theoretical framework, describes the behavior of particles in terms of fields, but it still acknowledges their particle-like characteristics. It is crucial to distinguish between the wave-like behavior exhibited by particles and their intrinsic nature as distinct entities.

Scientific understanding is built upon evidence, experimentation, and rigorous analysis. While scientific theories are subject to refinement and revision, the current body of knowledge strongly supports the existence of particles as fundamental building blocks of matter.

Engaging in open dialogue and considering different perspectives is valuable, but it's important to approach discussions with an appreciation for the scientific consensus and the evidence that supports it.

>> No.15495353

mods, come and clean up this garbage, please
see the above post and all the other GPT posts
and it's hilarious, even GPT here resorts to admitting:
>but it still acknowledges their particle-like characteristics
>particle-like characteristics
exactly, the "particle-like characteristics" of the WAVE, i.e. exactly what a transient waveform is, something I already pointed out earlier and above
no evidence for particles: https://arxiv.org/pdf/0807.3930.pdf
now quit the GPT bullshit before the mods come and give you the boot

>> No.15495364 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 237x213, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citing a schizo

>> No.15495366

>>citing a schizo
>professor emeritus of physics
thanks for once again outing yourself as the retard you've been called out for being throughout this entire thread
eternally BTFO

>> No.15495495

This. Nathan is right.

>> No.15495951

>>the supposed "luminiferous aether". All results were null.
>braindead retardation
>that's like saying
>>"ah, look, we're not experiencing 30 km/s winds, so Earth can't be moving at all"
>imagine being that retarded
>the existence of the quantum aether is a fact, but doesn't have jack shit to do with the point I'm making in OP, so get back on topic




>> No.15495955

>>"ah, look, we're not experiencing 30 km/s winds, so Earth can't be moving at all"




>> No.15495956


>> No.15495957

>>light doesn't require medium because i was told there is no medium for light
>nice circular shitpost fagfuck


>> No.15495960

>Wow didn't know you're God bro


>> No.15495964



>> No.15495970


That popped on my feed today too. Listened to the whole think and quietly said, "narrator is a fcking npc" then went about my day. Aether being real passes Occams razer, the schizophrenic insanity that is modern cosmology does not.

>> No.15495971

>"spacetime" is essentially the type of retardation that you start having to use when you don't understand what's going on at all


>> No.15495977

Gary stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.15496005

Wtf happened in this thread? Jannies removed posts from gpt and seemingly banned a dude for doing it meanwhile lets the schizos stay. Lmfao
Dunno who the new sci jannies are but this is unacceptable.

>> No.15496009

>Wtf happened in this thread? Jannies removed posts from gpt and seemingly banned a dude for doing it meanwhile lets the schizos stay. Lmfao
>Dunno who the new sci jannies are but this is unacceptable.


>> No.15496015

>literally exactly what is observed
except that's blatantly false. Every experiment that has been done has confirmed Lorentz transformations and the relativistic Doppler shift

>> No.15496060

Sound doesn't really need a medium it's just particles vibrating

>> No.15496073
File: 139 KB, 1225x913, overunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there could be

There absolutely is

>> No.15496086
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All waves require a medium including light.
The aether is real and your metaphysical interpretations of the mathematics is incorrect.

>> No.15496094

time-cube tier shit

>> No.15496108

>All waves require a medium including light.
Interesting, can't wait for your dissertation and evidence to support your claim, not sure if you'll be alive for that long, though.

>> No.15496116

>Interesting, can't wait for your dissertation and evidence to support your claim, not sure if you'll be alive for that long, though.

No one who matters cares what you NPCs have to say you fcking dweeb

>> No.15496117

>not sure if you'll be alive for that long, though.

Making threats is what your kind are best at. Burning Giordano Bruno alive. Murdering Ignaz Semmelweis. Forcing Socrates to drink poison.

Your not that good at science though. Science requires cooperation not blind hierarchical rage.

>> No.15496124
File: 447 KB, 250x235, 654155415165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
classic retard move
Scientific analysis does not deal with assumptions, it relies on empirical evidence, to assume something has to exist without any evidence is not science, it's delusion

>> No.15496227

>Jannies removed posts from gpt
>banned a dude for doing it
even better
incredibly based jannies
>meanwhile lets the schizos stay
yeah, stating basic physics facts is "schizo" now
imagine being as retarded as you
that other retard (probably you, I guess) even tried to call Casey Blood, a literal professor emeritus of physics at one of the best universities in all of the US, a "schizo"
you know there's probably need for rethinking cosmology when people stating basic physics are branded "schizo" by a bunch of retards talking out of their buttholes

>> No.15496235

that's exactly the point, you stupid dumbfuck, Doppler shift is exactly what you observe when light is traveling at a different speed relative to you
how the fuck is it possible to be this dense?

>> No.15496238

it was proven over a century ago, fucktard
not relevant to the point made in the OP, but true nonetheless

>> No.15496253

>yeah, stating basic physics facts is "schizo" now
No, Gary is a schizo.

>> No.15496301

>it relies on empirical evidence

Like the evidence that mature galaxies exist 300M years after the "big bang"

>> No.15496304


It's their buzz word and is pure projection along with crank and crackpot. They describe themselves

>> No.15496306

>how the fuck is it possible to be this dense?

They KNOW they are wrong. Blackpill: they are appeasing the pope and that fat wallet. Not even joking. They are a religious sect

>> No.15496307

Go away Gary.

>> No.15496308

>Blackpill: they are appeasing the pope and that fat wallet. Not even joking. They are a religious sect

I'm not even being a hater. I don't give af. Just spitting facts

>> No.15496312

>Go away Gary.


>> No.15496316


>> No.15496319



>> No.15496321

Wait, you think the modern world is run by the Pope?

>> No.15496324

>Wait, you think the modern world is run by the Pope?

Fuuuck I forgot that the US president, chairman of the fed and a MASSIVELY disproportionate % of the judicial are enlightenment atheists. My bad

>> No.15496330

>Fuuuck I forgot that the US president, chairman of the fed and a MASSIVELY disproportionate % of the judicial are enlightenment atheists. My bad

Also fck those enlightenment atheists for being the world's biggest private landowner, with the world's biggest academic, hospital, and farming network. DAMN THEM TO HEEELLLLLLL!!!!!

>> No.15496332

That's a funny way to spell Jews.

>> No.15496334

“Speed of light: 299,792,458 m/s. Coordinates of the Great Pyramid of Giza: 29.9792458°N"

this and how the placement of the 3 pyramids matches Orion's Belt.

>> No.15496336

>That's a funny way to spell Jews.

Biden, Powell and a majority of the Supreme are Jws? WOW THATS CRAY CRAY!!!

>> No.15496339

What do they have to do with anything? I thought you were talking about Vanguard and Blackrock, the Fed board, banks, etc.

>> No.15496345

>What do they have to do with anything?

Do you even know why cosmology is do fcked, kid? Literally to appease them. They burned Giordano Bruno alive in 1600 who predicted everything. They haven't apologized yet. And so they rewrote science to exclude his theories, which meant they had to write around the truth.

>> No.15496347

You're a hoot, Gares. It's almost charming how little you know about reality.

>> No.15496355


I'm not a hater, friend. I simply choke on lies. Lies disgust me for some reason. I could be wrong, but this is how I see it. I figure it must be a gene or something. I saw an article about how the average person tells 4 lies a day and it name me want to vomit. I joke around and sht, but I cannot even recall the last time I lied. Maybe never.

>> No.15496357

>I could be wrong, but this is how I see it.

As in my worldview could be wrong. I could be wrong about the sht I say. But it's said with honesty.

>> No.15496364

And I will honestly say this as always. OP is based af

>> No.15496366

>Lies disgust me for some reason.
Extremely ironic post.

>> No.15496369

>Extremely ironic post.

I don't lie, friend. I could be wrong, but it's how I see it. Aether is real. Big bang is bullsht meant to appease religious folk. Universe is an infinite fractal that can be simulated in MS Excel. U = E / S

>> No.15496374

Even when I was samefagging I wasn't lying which is why I kept joking around about being a GAN. And holy sht was that president in light of OpenAI etc... Very hard for me to lie. My conscious always hides the truth in it.

>> No.15496379



>> No.15496381

>And I will honestly say this as always. OP is based af


>> No.15496382

You constantly pretend to be someone else to disguise the fact that nobody likes your theories. That's lying.

>> No.15496386

>You constantly pretend to be someone else to disguise the fact that nobody likes your theories.

Not at all & lo fcking l at no one like my theories. Fyi, my not answering anymore questions to people asking in badwill is not lying.

>> No.15496392

To you, anyone who asks a question is "badwill."

>> No.15496395

People love the theory on any platform where corrupt cowards cannot blacklist, censure and harass free speech. Maybe you need to look inside your own heart. And fyi, I literally don't give af if none else does like the theories... maybe that's also part of the gene. The ancient Hebrew wrote about 1 profit being born to every congregation. Seems to fcking fit. Some kind of diversified gene. Like how some ants are born with a head that's a door for the colony. I don't fcking know. I just know I see shit that provably comes true. Lying is as hard as stabbing myself and I literally give 0 fcks what people think of what I have to say - I know it comes from truth and that's enough for me

>> No.15496397

So why don't you publish anything that would help people replicate your results, if you're so uncaring about opinions?

>> No.15496398



>> No.15496402

>To you, anyone who asks a question is "badwill."

BULLSHT. I have answered more questions related to the ideas than I can count. I don't answer questions from people trying to hurt me, but I don't give af if people attack the ideas. THATS SCIENCE. Just understand logical fallacies and ask in goodwill, don't play some zero fcking sum hierarchy game with me. I don't give a fck about your man-made fcking hierarchy

>> No.15496405

>I don't answer questions from people trying to hurt me
Like people who want to replicate your results for their own edification. Because having to explain yourself in legible math and words hurts you.

>> No.15496408

>So why don't you publish anything that would help people replicate your results, if you're so uncaring about opinions?

BRO I LITERALLY HAVE COUNTLESS TIMES. I make fcking videos literally walking people through how to program it. I have zoomed with everyone who ever reached out. I don't give af about the fake game of submitting to journals with their fcking pay to play and sht. Making a video is pure in my eyes. Anyone can see how to do it!

>> No.15496410

You have never done so any time I have viewed someone ask the question. Why don't you just write it down in a PDF and post it here on 4chan? Plenty of people have asked it of you, but you refuse every time.

>> No.15496413
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Great scientifically-minded retort. I liked the part where you included rational refutations of what is being postulated as well.

>> No.15496415

>You have never done so any time I have viewed someone ask the question. Why don't you just write it down in a PDF and post it here on 4chan? Plenty of people have asked it of you, but you refuse every time

You really don't get it.


I have made countless videos explaining how to program it. You think a pdf is better than a literal video screenshare walkthrough?!

I had hour long videos going into even greater detail before people started harrassing me. What the fck is wrong with people?! How are you so unable to recognize some who us acting in goodwill?

>> No.15496417

>You think a pdf is better than a literal video screenshare walkthrough?!
Yes, because you explain nothing useful for advanced calculation or prediction in your videos. All you do is basedface over basic cellular automata and claim (with no evidence and no mathematical derivations) that they represent the fundamental forces.
>I had hour long videos going into even greater detail before people started harrassing me.
And you took them down because you're so committed to the truth that the opinions of others have no impact on your behavior.

>> No.15496420

>And you took them down because you're so committed to the truth that the opinions of others have no impact on your behavior.

Because people were literally trying to doxx me and sent me physical threats. I keep records of everything. And I backup what I say including the threats I received.

>> No.15496427

>Because people were literally trying to doxx me
You literally said your name and occupation in your video.
>I keep records of everything. And I backup what I say including the threats I received.
Post proof.

>> No.15496432

>Post proof.

Withholding info is not lying, Anon. I keep records for when it matters. Now is not that time. I think I've said enough tonight and if you don't believe that Im fundamentally honest then you'll be proven wrong again and again and again, just like so many others. There is no secret to what I have been doing other than hard work, ingenuity, and dedication.

>> No.15496434

>Withholding info is not lying, Anon.

>> No.15496440


"Yes sure, Mr Nazi, Anne Frank is in our attic". Stop bro. I'm not like you. You're not like me. Get over it.

>> No.15496442

You're a schizophrenic with a job at a public middle school (unless they let you go?), it's not exactly what every young boy dreams of becoming.

>> No.15496445

Something interesting: if you assume a fixed universal background that light travels at a fixed speed on, then you actually still get visual time dilation, visual length contraction, and if you look at round trip times, you also get real time dilation in-object, but the dilation factor is gamma squared, so it isn't exactly the same as experiments show

>> No.15496516

Everyone with a vision is a schizo... until they aren't.

Elon Musk

Fun fact! Ignaz Semmelweis, the doctor who discovered that disease was caused by invisible entities that could be sterilized? Called a schizo! Was beaten to deat h by the guards in an insane asylum after he insisted that he had scientific proof! There is a statue of him now where it happened.

Those with small minds will never understand. They quite enjoy their stables and pens. Maybe what's why they call themselves sheep. That's their word, not mine.

Ritualistically eating the "flesh and blood" of zombie God? Totally sane. SUPER SANE.

Making a fucking physics simulation because you were bored. OH MY FCKING GOD ETEYEHENNDUXJXNXNXJXJDJENDNNDNDNDNXNDjsudujenenenendnene

Grow the fck up

>> No.15496518

Not even hating. Just spitting facts. Stay in your fcking pens. Like anyone gives a fck.

OP is based as fck, FYI. Get used to it. There will be more of him. A lot more. We're the future. I know. I am essentially a prophet, afterall.

>> No.15496521

Least narcissistic atheist.

>> No.15496536
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>Least narcissistic atheist

I try, Anon. But I don't claim to know what could have *created* an infinite, eternal, computational, fractal fluid. That's beyond me.

>> No.15496603

>"Lorentz thought of local time as a mathematical tool without physical interpretation"
Lorentz's "local time" has a very simple physical interpretation, if you talk about periods instead of time, as you should when talking about waves.

T' = T - vx/c^2

T = signal period (time distance between two pulses)
x = distance of source relative to receiver
v = velocity of source relative to receiver
c = signal speed, fixed by the medium

T' = apparent signal period after accounting for relative motion (Doppler effect)

Δt = x/c = signal propagation time
(time necessary to travel x distance with c speed, as the first pulse does)
Δs = vΔt = vx/c = distance travelled by the source during signal propagation
(distance gained/lost by the source relative to receiver)
ΔT = Δs/c = vx/c^2 = difference in propagation time due to source motion during signal propagation
(additional time necessary for the second pulse to travel Δs more/less distance at speed c due to source motion)

T' = T - ΔT = signal period seen by the receiver due to the source moving, Doppler effect

>> No.15496621
File: 99 KB, 708x697, tiredofbeingbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
this is very based
the biggest recent lie was Lemaître injecting Christian theology into physics by taking Slipher's suggestion about cosmological redshift being caused by expansion seriously
they never apologize for being wrong, of course, they always double down
please continue being based

>> No.15496623

it sounds like you get it, friend
it really is that simple
it was never hard, and there was never anything mysterious
it's like physicists all forgot that their previous ideas about light were based on it having been conceptualized as a particle even after Maxwell said, "uh, bros, this light thing seems to travel at the exact same speed as these electromagnetic wave things, our response??"

>> No.15496627


Yep. Red shift is caused by energy loss to the aether. Happens to all waves in a medium. CMB is just the reemission of some that energy loss, while a % is simply absorbed deeper than detectable at our scale... this universe is very very very deep.

>> No.15496629

Zwicky: genius madlad cosmic wizard
Lemaître: seething religious retard

>> No.15497051

>Elon Musk
Except none of those people were diagnosed with schizophrenia. However only a schizo would think there's a common theme among them. Let your shrink know your meds are not working.

>> No.15497067
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>only a schizo would think there's a common theme among them
Thats not how Statistical Analysis works.

>> No.15497431

You don't even know what statistical analysis is, schizo.

>> No.15497905

>However only a schizo would think

Way to bring the whole vibe down. We're literally just a bunch of guys talking about the deepest questions in the universe... it's going to be a far out conversation because of the subject matter, and there is always some pos like you who shows up, contributes nothing, and threatens to institutionalize people. No one likes you. No one needs you. And not a damn one of us is going out Luke Semmelweis, Bruno, Socrates, etc... three was enough. Next inquisitor gets the rope. Just stfu, enjoy the far out conversation, and that's that.

>> No.15497908
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>> No.15497937

Here's your Lorentz transform bro: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/c7gtxipfbk

>> No.15497956

No you fucking retard. The relativistic Doppler shift makes quantitatively different predictions from the classical Doppler shift. The relativistic Doppler shift is correct, while the classical one is not. How can you spend this much time obsessing about this issue and still not know the most basic shit?

>> No.15498690
File: 251 KB, 1034x631, Screenshot from 2023-06-13 10-18-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Gezari joined the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland in 1978. He has been a pioneer in the the development of several new fields of observational astronomy

Why does this article from 2009 claim the same things as the guy you obsess over?
>Furthermore, it is a little-known fact that a classical transverse Doppler
>effect is observed in acoustics, which would suggest an analog in the classical wave theory
>light, although no such effect is described in textbooks.

>> No.15498695
File: 171 KB, 1031x574, Screenshot from 2023-06-13 10-20-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the five optical effects predicted by relativity have been observed? That's... impossible. Relativity sisters this can't be happening!

>> No.15498700
File: 152 KB, 1034x456, Screenshot from 2023-06-13 10-29-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"All optical tests of relativity produce null results"? This sounds /sci/zo speak! He must be wrong! He even said the e-word and didn't apologize for it!! He's a crank!!!

>> No.15498707
File: 151 KB, 1034x631, Screenshot from 2023-06-13 10-19-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Emeritus from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center who works directly with light interferometry saying these things... NASA has fallen to the chuds... Has he not read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_special_relativity??

>> No.15498723
File: 274 KB, 1144x656, Screenshot from 2023-06-13 10-39-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's even talking about ether-drift experiments... Those were debunked!! My college professor assured me that was the case!! Relasisters our response???

>> No.15498727


Listen, Based Anon, we are right. They are wrong. DO NOT waste your life arguing with these subhumans. THEY ALREADY KNIW THEY ARE WRONG. Instead live a life that is remarkably based. Be fit. Be attractive. Be popular. Attract women. Ignore the subhuman filth "cosmologists". In time they will bow to the truth, or not. Who cares. Fuck'em. Do you mind the opinion of rodents, roaches and germs even though they outnumber us? Of course not. This is similar.

>> No.15498729
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>Do you mind the opinion of rodents, roaches and germs even though they outnumber us?
I do. I can hear their language unspoken.

They mostly say "Kill all humans." but there is still good in them, I know it.

>> No.15498737

>but there is still good in them, I know it.

They are a lost cause. Do not harm them. But also pay them no mind. We have all seen how idiotic the herd is. Cosmologists are soothsayers for that herd. But they are an animal herd all the same. The human race will diversify as all supreme-species do. When it does do you want to be among the sheep or the wolves?

>> No.15498741

I'll never stop dunking on midwits. There's always a chance that they or a bystander will learn.

>> No.15498743


I use the term "subhuman" only because their false "science" is counter to the truth and prosperity of our species. I know they are technically human like us. Technically.

>> No.15498744

>I'll never stop dunking on midwits. There's always a chance that they or a bystander will learn.

Based apostle of TRUE science

>> No.15498746
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I want to be among the armored sentient tanks.

>> No.15498748

>I want to be among the armored sentient tanks

You can be. Your being uploaded to the cloud. Eternal. Immortal. Laying waste to the widwits & yet able to slipstream to paradise at any moment.

>> No.15498753
File: 69 KB, 680x449, what a shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ask for this.

>> No.15498876

unequivocally and irrevocably based

>> No.15498886

>They mostly say "Kill all humans." but there is still good in them, I know it.
well, considering the state of most of humanity, I don't blame them, sounds like they're trying to do good to me

>> No.15498938

so strings are just the aether?

>> No.15500342

Sound needs a medium to travel in so light does to
Simple as

>> No.15500583

strings are gay vortex atoms

>> No.15500616


He's calling string theory FAGGTRY. Are you going to let that stand? Tell us about how galaxies form in 300M years again when it took Earth a billion years just to cool down. Also tell us about how two biological women can breed together, or men for that matter. Tells us all about your totally not BULLSHT CULT FAGGTRY.

>> No.15500694

Sound isn't a physical object ESLtard

>> No.15500709

>Sound isn't a physical object ESLtard

Does this even require a response? I feel like we have some straight up gangsters in this thread. Is it even worth worth correcting? Kek. Maybe best to let the self described livestock (they call THEMSELVES sheep) continue to be livestock.

>> No.15500713
File: 130 KB, 1029x1025, FtZXzGhWcAAsSOw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yur totz right. Sound ain't physical

>> No.15500719

>the existence of the quantum aether is a fact
And how did you determine this "fact"? What experiment confirms its existence?

>> No.15500728

Please point out to me the aether that is required to exist for atoms to move around, I'll wait

>> No.15500729

it's not "fact", it's fact, objective and true
every experiment ever done confirms its existence
but it's not relevant to the OP, so stick to the topic

>> No.15500738

>fact, objective and true
Are you sure you're talking about science?
>every experiment ever done confirms its existence
Like what?

>> No.15500741

>Sound doesn't really need a medium it's just particles vibrating
The particles ARE the medium

>> No.15500750

The speed of a sound wave measured by an observer is different when the observer is moving in relation to the medium as opposed to light.
Sound and light only share the property of the frequency shifting when the source and observer are moving in relation to each other.
So concluding that sound and light propagate by the same kind of mechanism is wrong if you base it on the Doppler effect.

>> No.15500753

>you're talking about science
>Like what?
every single one ever
now get back to the topic

>> No.15500755

Since when are there objective facts in science?
>every single one ever
Like what?

>> No.15500756

now stop crying about how wrong you are and get back to the topic

>> No.15500759

But are you gonna explain this discrepancy between sound and light?

>> No.15500760

already answered your questions
also see: >>15500756
now get back to the topic

>> No.15500762

there is no discrepancy
see: >>15500756
now get back to the topic

>> No.15500764

I just explained one discrepancy. What about it?

>> No.15500768

>The speed of a sound wave measured by an observer is different when the observer is moving in relation to the medium as opposed to light.
Literally the first point mentioned in the paper lmao.
>The five new photon effects are:
>invariance of the speed of light (c) to motion of the observer
>Surprisingly, none of the five new optical effects assumed or predicted by special relativity have ever been observed to occur in nature or demonstrated in the laboratory.

How about you actually address what has been pointed out to you rather than stubbornly assuming you're right?

>> No.15500774

I can cite papers too
>We show that the conclusion of a recent experiment[1] that claims to
have discovered that “the speed of light seems to depend on the motion
of the observer” is wrong.
>In conclusion, because of the error we point out above, the claim in [1] that
the velocity of light as measured by a moving detector does not equal cis wrong.
>Since the claimed anomalous result does not
depend on the recorded time of flight, this experiment has, in fact, measured nothing.
References: [1] https://arxiv.org/abs/0912.3934 by Daniel Y. Gezari

>> No.15500837

He's repeating the objection already addressed in the original paper, calling it a faulty argument with a faulty argument. If you subtract ∆D you're implicitly putting the observer's motion back in.
From the point of view of the observer, who considers himself stationary, the pulse has travelled a distance 2D with speed c+v0 towards it once emitted by the source.

>>That is, using the procedure of [1] to find cO, any random number put in for the time of flight T would give a result that is v0 larger than cS. Since the claimed anomalous result does not depend on the recorded time of flight, this experiment has, in fact, measured nothing.
That's just how mathematical relations work and also the desired result.

>> No.15501909

>The particles ARE the medium
And they have a non-zero distribution throughout the entire space of the universe, so...you win at life?
Are you happy?

>> No.15501910
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based Crab King.

>> No.15502218
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Wow you must be pretty smart to know what the entire universe is like, I'm sure you have plenty of evidence to back up your claims, right?

>> No.15502346
File: 1.57 MB, 200x159, hystericallylaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sound doesn't really need a medium it's just particles vibrating
lmao even
>doesn't really need a medium
>it's just particles
my fucking sides
how is it possible to be this stupid?

>> No.15502779

michelson mogged you guys so hard I don't know how there are any tards believing in it remaining

>> No.15502794

If you squint, sound and light are sorta similar therefore they are exactly the same.

>> No.15502819

entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

>> No.15502825

then cite and name some, since you seem so well read about them

>> No.15502826

The aether is the same as the phlogiston needed to make fire happen (but not electricity that's a different particle). Aether is light, Phlogiston is Elemental Fire's medium, and matter is sounds.

>> No.15502843

&ur mum a ho

>> No.15503147
File: 38 KB, 600x600, wikipedian_protester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner you kill yourself, the sooner Mother Earth can use your matter as substrate.

>> No.15503175

How do you make sound waves slower in any medium without changing the medium?

>> No.15503183

>this has never been done

>> No.15503190

Since the speed of the sound is a property of the medium, you can't.

>> No.15503194

Right. Just like light.

>> No.15503202

Except it's not because sound and light are different things and the mechanism of propagation is different. When light passes through a "medium", it's the electromagnetic interaction of that medium and the light that causes the apparent slow down.

>> No.15503223

>When light passes through a "medium",
You changed the medium, so the properties change. When sound passes through a less dense medium, its speed slows down.

>> No.15503231

They are both travelling energy waves. Light is electromagnetic and sound is kinetic. They both travel different speeds through different media because of the way the medium interacts with them.

>> No.15503241

Sound cannot pass into vacuum.
Matter also doesn't replace electric and magnetic fields, they are still present when you put a solid object in vacuum.

>> No.15503255

Light can't pass through lots of things.

>> No.15503261

Waves and their media are not magic.

>> No.15503432

Light can pass through anything depending on its wavelength. That's not true for sound.

>> No.15503440


>> No.15503555
File: 62 KB, 817x857, 1494942355623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
>shitty ad hominem
You could at least try

>> No.15503702

>Sound cannot pass into vacuum.
It can as far as the atoms float into it, so technnically infinite. When it hits something; percussion.

>> No.15503708

We're entering a very vague territory of what sound is.

>> No.15503726

No, an atom pushing against your ear drumb is sound. Does it make sound if shit bears in the woods?


>> No.15503750
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>Does it make sound if shit bears in the woods
Yes via causality

>> No.15503756

>an atom pushing against your ear drumb is sound
A single atom striking the eardrum will not produce any perceptible sound.

>> No.15503764

This is a Physics thread.
Not a Phenomenology thread.
Is or isnt, did or didnt, we're not here to evaluate on feelings.

Lets go over the facts;
Nuclear bomb is noise.
Gamma ray is light.
Fart smell is poop particles.

These are the facts.

>> No.15504424

Waves and their media are not magic.

>> No.15504447

>expect drag when photons are not particles, but waves in the aether
imagine being this retarded
of course there's no aether drag on light, just like sound isn't dragged anywhere regardless of how the medium itself moves
it's literally the exact same fallacious reasoning as described in the OP
it's like people never understood what Maxwell explained to them 150 years ago

>> No.15504451

every single empirical observation ever made demonstrates clearly the existence of the aether
but it's not the topic, so get back on topic
you're retarded and don't even understand or know the history of science
the existence of the aether is not even remotely analogous to phlogiston, and it's simply a fact that waves are always, by definition, waves in a medium
aether is not light at all, light is a wave in the aether
the fact that you're still too retarded to understand this is hilarious
>parrots Hafele-Keating with zero understanding of it
go read Jefimenko, retard
there's no such thing as a "vacuum", you fucking retard
time to brush up on quantum field theory, the literally most successful physical theory in the history of science
this is literally peak retardation, how many times were you dropped on your head as a kid?

>> No.15504482

These people believe physical phenomena to be just a collection of properties held together by unexplainable magic. It's ridiculous.

>> No.15504489

Ny logic is ireefutable and fundemental to sound itself. You being able to percieve the noise or not is ireelevent. Wether it is a series of atoms diplacing others or one is irrelevent, the cutoff point was the ear drum where I asumed "more atoms in a vacuum universe" per example instructions.

What...kind of Physicist did you say you were?

>> No.15504512

>as described in the OP
Ah, OP, not CoP. Sorry...Im so used to fighting and being fought that I see it in every single human on the planet, every organism, to the components of atoms themselves.

>> No.15504572
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Which people? Nobody here explains how the shit sticks.

>michelson mogged you guys so hard
WHO ROFL? Themselves and everyone else's misinterpretation of the "experiment", including kingshit crackpot himself?

>waves and their media
As if water was something different than "waves of water". A wave is not even something at all, it's what the water does when it reacts to a disturbance.

>> No.15504601

Are you the "i is negative" guy, lmao

>> No.15504641

Light moves at the same speed for each observer. If the aether existed then you would see a different speed of light depending on your relative velocity to the aether

>> No.15504666

>every single empirical observation ever made demonstrates clearly the existence of the aether
>but it's not the topic, so get back on topic
okay but can you tell me any of them? You seem to be trying REALLY REALLY hard not to cite a specific example for some very suspicious reason? Worried you're wrong? Just tell me about a few specific studies, that's all I'm asking for.

>> No.15504676

>okay but can you tell me any of them?
every single one of them
>not to cite a specific example
because every single observation ever made is an example

>> No.15504679

okay so you can't cite an example because there aren't any, got it!

>> No.15504684

The two concepts aren't connected. The thought that they are can only be an academic conjecture(Jewish Conspiracy).

>> No.15504702

I am citing every example ever, which is every empirical observation ever made

>> No.15504714
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>The two concepts aren't connected.
Time is still currently taught as a measure of cycles, which is a binary measure of an arbitrary distance.

Unless you've unified Gravity and Matter into the equation of Time you are hypothesizing without a conclusion.

I can SEEE your soul, Borkun.

>> No.15504716

Y'see, when people "cite" an "observation," they list names and papers with them. I can see by the fact you are not providing those that you must be making this all up. Thank you for confirming!

>> No.15504741

Great citation. I'm gonna use it in my next paper.
>References: My ass

>> No.15504743

in this case that list includes every paper ever written documenting empirical observations, since every empirical observation demonstrates the existence of the aether
progress isn't really made in single papers, but in comprehensive treatises like that of Maxwell

>> No.15504748
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>Implying light isn't articles vibrating

>> No.15504762

You still haven't given a single example which suggests you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.15504863

>go read Jefimenko, retard
The predictions of a straightforward, easy to understand direct experiment with moving clocks confirmed the simple time dilation calculation in special relativity. That's a fact. I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics you have to do to not accept that.

>> No.15504874

okay, but citing something requires being specific. I also cite every single observation ever and say MY point is right. Now we are at an impasse. Please stop dancing around this and just give some specific examples, it makes you look cowardly and disingenuous when you avoid answering the same, very simple question multiple times in a row.

>> No.15504893

I've given every example ever
the exact same empirical observations are expected with classical electrodynamics and an aether
no need to include the braindead retardation that is relativity theory
again: go read Jefimenko, retard
>citing something requires being specific
not when what you're citing is literally every empirical observation ever made

>> No.15504901

>I've given every example ever
Well, you certainly said that you did.
You can start by giving specific examples though.

>> No.15504902

I've already given you all of them

>> No.15504904

Actually, every fact ever conceived by a human mind says you are wrong.

>> No.15504924

wrong, because every fact ever conceived by a human mind is based on what the empirical evidence is, and the empirically observed evidence all conclusively demonstrates the existence of the aether

>> No.15504944

wrong, every fact ever conceived by a human mind is based on you being wrong and every empirical test shows you have the iq of an used condom

>> No.15504950

Can you demonstrate any of that "evidence"?

>> No.15504975

is this "evidence" in the room with us now?

>> No.15504978

I cannot emphasize how little gravity or weight your argument carries when you appear to engage this disingenuously.

>> No.15504985

all of it already has been demonstrated, hence why it's evidence
the same reality which is the basis for all the evidence is indeed with us on a constant basis
and if you have access to the web you can also access the vast majority of all that evidence too
your attempts at disingenuously steering away from the undeniable facts of reality have been noted, and successfully dealt with

>> No.15504987

>ken wheeler


>> No.15505001

>there's no such thing as a "vacuum"

sure there is, about ~40+ million light years in any direction, there is true vacuum that nothing has affected yet

>> No.15505003


>> No.15505009

>that nothing has affected yet
Except for all the radiation and grvaitational purtibations.

>> No.15505016

If that were so then that would imply light and gravity will evebtually cease forward movement and return to the universe, we should see a dim glow coming from the outside of the universe.

Or...it all lenses back towards the southern pole of the universe eventually, gravity not being an "emitted" object but a negative-space effect of matter itself.

>> No.15505017

>If that were so then that would imply light
Otherwise light and matter would have relation to each other, because if it did then the universe would be "out-gassing" matter out of the universe to never return. Eventually it would all evaporate away.

>> No.15505018

radiation and gravitation move at the speed of light, there is some space somewhere that is beyond how far light/gravity could have possibly traveled, that is all I'm saying

>> No.15505021

I do not believe in a big bang model. My model is more a torus with us at the north pole where expansion of the universe is occuring. On the souther end the universe will contract.

It makes more sense to me that the minor effects of the total gravitational pull of the universe would lens it back towards the sountern end than for it to evaporate out of the universe all together.

"Visible" universe is a key word, and with the JWST's findings, this shows our view is very limited and a Theoretical Physicist's Neo-Model is needed to correct the errors of expected findings.

>> No.15505025

>the universe will contract
This conctracting space allows for the re-combining of rays to form matter again, then shoots it out the north pole to remake the "known universe".

>> No.15505028

>I do not believe in a big bang model
yeah fair enough I was going with the assumption of big bang

>> No.15505033

But it would also look similar from our current viewpoint, so not all of that perspective is for nothing.

>> No.15505045

I'm not trying to steer you away from undeniable facts I'm asking you to tell me a single one of them, incredibly on topic. So if you could tell me some of the studies and observations that would be the thing I've been asking.

>> No.15505134

>sure there is
>about ~40+ million light years in any direction
zero "vacuum" there at all
even if you don't acknowledge the existence of the aether, you have to at least acknowledge the existence of the quantum field without embarrassing yourself, and the quantum field postulates that space is filled to the brim
>not trying to steer you away from undeniable facts
it's not me you're trying to steer, you're the one steering away
>I'm asking you to tell me a single one of them
every single one of them
>incredibly on topic
not at all, the topic is actually completely besides your nonsense, as explicitly stated in it:
>and this was even before people started to pretend like there's no aether too, so that's not an argument no matter what you believe
time to learn how to read
>if you could tell me some of the studies and observations
every single study and observation ever

>> No.15505145
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Is there a speed of sound? Just because a sound barrier 'breaks' at high speed flight doesn't mean it has a speed. It takes a certain number to break the sound barrier but does that mean sound is travelling at speed. Wouldn't it be something more complex such as being overarcing sound? Or overarcing light? Or overarcing color?

I'm sure light does not have a speed. Though speed is something that can break sound complexity, it's more an arcing (like rainbowing). What we're aiming at is more complex than just speed. I'm sure.

>> No.15505188

>Here is a vacuum
>Yet here I am, negating it.
This is the worlds oldest litmus test to figure out if someone is wise and you failed it miserably.

>Wouldn't it be something more complex such as being overarcing sound? Or overarcing light? Or overarcing color?

It's overcoming the hysteresis of the medium.

>> No.15505194

thinking of something doesn't mean I traveled there

>> No.15505195


He uses the term "rate of induction", but that probably wont make much sense unless you understand the model he is working from. I found it quite enlightening.

In my model it is closer to a proportion based off of matter, gravity and time, and would only be apparent to someone with not only a heavy foundation in Physics and Geometry but Number Theory specifically, as it shows up of spherical measures when using certain base systems.

(One of) the ultimate goals of mine is deducing fundemental base-systems that correlate to base reality, ergo Physics, so the rest of my measure would become applicable to the rest of reality at any scale (Quantum to Celestial) to which modern science cannot reconcile yet.

>> No.15505198

>ken wheeler

>> No.15505206
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Lmao, filtered by Proportional Geometry?!

Its literally inherent to reality, to brush it off of Physics is PEAK midwit. Go back to your PBS Spacetime, leave the bulwark of innovation to the men, boy.

>> No.15505208

Sure, some of it I would disagree with but I would have a coherent rebuttle. Its not meant for students (you), its meant for post doctorate Theory crafting. You need to be "finished" with your greens to get the meat.

You cant rebuttle because you have nothing but a bruised ego.

>> No.15505213

Maybe black holes are just places where there is no medium for light, and the gravitational bounds mean nothing.
Aether is a stupid idea, but it's a simpler explanation than overlapping branes.

I'll say that any serious physicist needs to be willing to consider all models simultaneously, and ascribing to only one is idiotic.

However, the way you've worded your post is generalizing them.

There is a clear and concise difference between a physicist, and a person who has studied physics. Do not get them mixed up.

>> No.15505237
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This is more of how I interpret. As you approach the "speed of light" it is more accurate to say your speed is irrelevent but your time approaches nil progression (from extrernal viewing), hence in infinite time you could travel vast distances "fast". From internal viewing the universe would evolve in real time, when you stopped moving millenia or more had past (case dependent) and now youre moving at the same rate as everything else.

Very Interstellar, youre progressing time more than space, hence the "speed" is an irrelevent metric.

>> No.15505240
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>thinking of something

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.15505244

yeah you've said it's every single one, now name a few, it's a very easy question and I'm genuinely trying to engage in discussion, but your attitude is making it very difficult to believe you. It seems like you care more about a facade than the actual discussion, like a stageshow. I would appreciate if you engaged with me on a level of sincerity.

>> No.15505248

>Is there a speed of sound?
yes, in a given medium there is indeed a speed of sound
the speed is a function of the medium
>Just because a sound barrier 'breaks' at high speed flight doesn't mean it has a speed.
the sound barrier breaks at exactly the speed of sound in a given medium, which has been measured countless times
just like you get Cherenkov radiation whenever a particle breaks the speed of light in a given medium
>I'm sure light does not have a speed.
it does, just like sound, and just like sound the speed of light depends on the medium
in a medium where there is e.g. atmosphere present, light will be a little bit slower than through pure aether
the speed of light through the aether is defined by the permittivity and permeability of pure aether
there's no such thing as a black hole
"black holes" are essentially "mother stars", plasmoids which emit huge quantities of matter
>Aether is a stupid idea
wrong, aether is fact (even though it's not actually the topic for this thread)
>I'll say that any serious physicist needs to be willing to consider all models simultaneously, and ascribing to only one is idiotic.
wrong, any serious physicists must consider what model the evidence favors, and that is aether, ascribing to anything else is idiotic
>There is a clear and concise difference between a physicist, and a person who has studied physics.
yes, the former is typically paid money extorted and stolen by the state through taxation and inflation respectively for engaging in ridiculous nonsense with zero basis in reality
the latter, on the other hand, can actually have a good idea about how reality works as long as they pay attention and don't fall for most of the retarded nonsense peddled by charlatans (e.g. relativity theory, Big Bang cosmology, and other idiotic drivel)
I name every single one
>I'm genuinely trying to engage in discussion
no, you're desperately steering away from acknowledging the facts and that you're clueless

>> No.15505254

yes that's why I'm asking a question, to know more. So I would like it if you named a few of the observations and studies. You're being incredibly disingenuous with me, and you're not doing a very good job of presenting this case or proving it true as a byproduct.

>> No.15505265

>and other idiotic drivel
Explain this;
>there's no such thing as a black hole
"black holes" are essentially "mother stars", plasmoids which emit huge quantities of matter

You show a clear lack of understanding of Gravity to a retarded degree. How would "matter" be emitted by a black hole?! Its the very thing that couldnt.

Then you must not believe in Hawking Radiation, and if matter escapes why wouldnt light? Why isnt it just a star?

State your model, I assume Plasma Universe? It has some points, sure, but it has some bigger holes. Its probably a portion of the whole equation but your model is a two legged table....

>the speed of light depends on the medium
Then why is it measured "in a vacuum" and not in our atmosphere?

>that is aether, ascribing to anything else is idiotic
If you cannot address the holes...then youre not a man, youre a charlatan.

>> No.15505293

"Sound" isn't actually a thing, neither is "the speed of sound" There's "the speed longitudinal waves usually travel at", which most peopel call "the speed of sound" but that's a seperate matter.
For example it's obviously possible to move faster than the speed of sound, and shockwaves are literally "waves moving through a medium faster than the speed of sound" which is baffling since the "speed of sound" is defined by how fast waves move through a medium, and you're saying there's a wave moving faster than that and somehow it doesn't change anything?

Like let's assume an ether for a second, light could easily travel "superluminally" just by moving some patch of ether around while light was travelling through it, just like how the radio in a fighter jet is outputting "supersonic audio" inside the cockpit when the plane is moving faster than sound.

>> No.15505351

>that's why I'm asking a question, to know more
no, that's not why you keep trying to desperately steer away from the facts, something that's very transparent
you are clearly not nearly as cunning as you believe yourself to be
>So I would like it if you named a few of the observations and studies.
every single observation and study ever
yes, that's what you are being
>Explain this;
>>there's no such thing as a black hole
>>"black holes" are essentially "mother stars", plasmoids which emit huge quantities of matter
what's there to explain?
those are simply the facts
>how a clear lack of understanding
if you are trying to contradict the above facts, then you are the one severely lacking in understanding, and you clearly don't even understand what gravity is or how it works
>How would "matter" be emitted by a black hole?
it wouldn't
there's no such thing as a "black hole", doesn't exist
>Then you must not believe in Hawking Radiation, and if matter escapes why wouldnt light?
talking about something "escaping" when there's no such thing as a black hole in the first place means you clearly don't understand what you're talking about
>Why isnt it just a star?
plasmoids behave very differently from regular stars
>State your model
>Then why is it measured "in a vacuum" and not in our atmosphere?
the speed of light is measured in many media
for example, the speed of light in water is only ~75% of that through pure aether, which is why Cherenkov radiation is frequently seen in nuclear reactors
>cannot address the holes
there are no holes, these are simply the basic facts of reality

>> No.15505364
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>you clearly don't even understand what gravity is or how it works
My thesis was on it, Gravity, Time and Matter.

Youre pure cope, schizo babble, baseless retorts and disingenious dodging.

>> No.15505397

>"Sound" isn't actually a thing
the term "sound" refers to acoustic waves in a medium
>neither is "the speed of sound"
yes, the speed of sound is the speed of the propagation of those acoustic waves in a given medium
no, not usually, it's a function of the medium, always
>it's obviously possible to move faster than the speed of sound
>shockwaves are literally "waves moving through a medium faster than the speed of sound"
not true at all, because shockwaves alter the medium in which they're traveling along the wavefront, drastically increasing the speed of sound in the exiting medium
>which is baffling since the "speed of sound" is defined by how fast waves move through a medium
not baffling at all when you consider the above
>you're saying there's a wave moving faster than that and somehow it doesn't change anything?
it does change something: the speed of sound in the medium along the wavefront, until the shockwave slows down to the speed of sound in the medium in any other part of it, at which point it propagates at that speed
>let's assume an ether for a second
no need to use hypothetical language, since the aether does indeed undeniably and undoubtedly exist
>light could easily travel "superluminally" just by moving some patch of ether around while light was travelling through it
yes, you can both have shockwaves through the aether that travel far faster than c, and you can even alter the speed of light through the aether by reducing the permittivity and permeability through appropriate polarization, setting up a more permanent "highway" for light
and in addition to this there are of course other ways to transmit signals superluminally
yeah, just like many physicists still believe in idiotic nonsense like relativity theory and Big Bang cosmology
enjoy being a delusional idiot, I guess

>> No.15505426

So then what does this aether consist of? A thin layer of hydrogen that propagates the universe?

How then, is light able to travel through a vacuum?

How do you account for the signal delay in satellite and probes radio communication?

>> No.15505433

>nonsense like relativity theory
why then do scientists claim that is was necessary in the creation of the atomic bomb?

>> No.15505438

Wait, people claim that? If they do they're full of shit.

>> No.15505444

so oppenhiemer did not use Einstein's theory to create the atomic bomb? Neither in whole or in part?

>> No.15505450

Oppenheimer didn't do anything. He was a nepo-baby who almost screwed up the entire project but claimed credit for it anyway.

>> No.15505454

i see.

back to my original queries then


>> No.15505455

>relativity theory
Explain clock experiment then.

No hand wave. No "its false /post".
Show your work, schizo.

The reason Schizo-savants cant work up top is because low effort schizos had a mind-break and tasted true reality for the first time but never updated their mental model to fit concrete findings, ergo; delusional.


>> No.15505460

It's a thought experiment, schizo. They never actually performed it with real clocks and the twin paradox isn't a paradox because the twin experiences the opposite doppler effect on the return trip.

>> No.15505465

>Explain clock experiment then.
refresh my memory?

>> No.15505469

Sir, I can not address your theory if you can not answer these queries, as they are imperative to my understanding of what it is you are saying.

>> No.15505471

Go away Rindeep.

>> No.15505478

If you can go over the limit of sound. You can go over the limit of light. Yet all it takes is speed to break, but not utilize sound. I theorize it would take trajectory in magnetic launch of ship doing rotary motions in slalom like drive that has infinite speed increase so long as the ship and universe can handle it. We never found anything special breaking the sound barrier. Perhaps we're truly not going faster than sound, perhaps we missed the point completely.

>> No.15505483

The magnetic launch apparatus would create a motion that breaks light, it would seem out of bounds - a trajectory only obtainable by magnetic pull.

>> No.15505486

you can not make such a claim as there is some sort of aether through which light travels without establishing what that aether is, and how light propagates through that medium.

I do not believe you can necessarily dismiss the idea that the speed of light is a constant unless you can explain the delay in communication between satellites and unmanned probes using radio communication.

>> No.15505492

>I do not believe you can necessarily dismiss the idea that the speed of light is a constant unless you can explain the delay in communication between satellites and unmanned probes using radio communication.
Rindeep, I...

>> No.15505504

>So then what does this aether consist of?
the aether consists of small dipoles, protons and electrons bound so tightly together that they are in a state below what is typically considered the ground state of hydrogen, a state in which the magnetic moment giving rise to mass becomes drastically lowered (but is still present)
this state is also referred to as "subhydrogen", and thus it can be said that aether consists of subhydrogen
this is also known in physics by other names, perhaps most famously as "dark matter"
>A thin layer of hydrogen that propagates the universe?
well, that's actually surprisingly close, given the above explanation
not quite, but almost
>How then, is light able to travel through a vacuum?
light propagates through the aether, and no one has ever created a true vacuum where aether is absent, whether or not this is even possible remains a good question
>How do you account for the signal delay in satellite and probes radio communication?
not sure what you're asking here, are you asking about the time it takes for the electromagnetic waves to travel?
because those signals are traveling through the aether, and the speed of their propagation through the aether (when not manipulated by us in any way) is what is known as c
people claim lots of nonsensical and absurd things
the idea that relativity is even remotely relevant for fission or fusion is hilariously idiotic
not relativity theory, no
he might have used some of Einstein's actual physics insights and discoveries, though
all effects on clocks in those types of experiments are perfectly well explained by electromagnetic retardation
read Jefimenko
but then there are also some ideas which have never been experimentally verified, some of which were posted earlier in this thread, and those ideas simply have zero basis in reality (and their nonexistence is yet another sound refutation of relativity garbage)

>> No.15505510
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>It's a thought experiment
>Pure "they lied" hand wave.

Youre not a research scientist, youre a charlatan, a troll or delusional. There is no other option, I have eleminated them.

t.Psychogist and Physicst

>> No.15505513

>t. homeless drug addict

>> No.15505515

Sound has speed but it's not relevant in the course of going 'over' sound which you're suggesting when you imply you're going faster than sound - no you're not - you just broke the sound barrier and went passed the point where you do go over sound. The fact of the matter is, sounds speed is not what is primary about that fact, it's so-called arcing like a rainbow and speed, though a factor, is not how you go over this arc, nor is it a lone, primary factor of its arcing.

>> No.15505519

>magnetic moment giving rise to mass becomes drastically lowered (but is still present)
are you referring to, perhaps, the strong and weak nuclear forces that are often referred to by nuclear physicists?
or is this some other phenomenon?

>> No.15505525

also, as to my second query, how do you explain the delay in satellite radio communications? Some sort of resistance encountered by light traveling through the aether?

Why then does the speed of these communications, when measured, appear to be at a constant?

>> No.15505531
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...I miss my chic condo in Kuapa Lumpur, having to rough it out in Warsaw, Poland this month. In two weeks Im going to Valencia, Spain to meet and greet with a Geneticist to exchange findings and maybe contact info. Six weeks out from that. Then Russia and central Asia, ending in Afghanistan.

Being homeless is Rrruff.


>> No.15505532

while i agree sound will propagate differently through different atmospheric mediums, such as on Mars or Venus, what then leads to light propagating through this 'aether' at variable speeds?

>> No.15505536


>> No.15505545

I mean I suppose you could claim that radio waves travel at different speeds than the visible light spectrum, but haven't similiar experiments been done with infrared lasers, such as referenced in this charming sitcom regarding jr. scientist undergrads?


>> No.15505556

Would you just answer the question? It really is not that difficult I promise. Specific names of people, or names of studies, anything more specific to go off of. Your not answering has lead me to believe you do not any, but that would mean you're arguing in bad faith, and nobody does that.

>> No.15505559

>are you referring to, perhaps, the strong and weak nuclear forces that are often referred to by nuclear physicists?
no, I was referring to mass, as I explicitly wrote
but yes, the weak and strong forces are also mediated by the aether
electromagnetism is ultimately the only force there is, all other forces are just different names for various modes of mediation of the aether
>how do you explain the delay in satellite radio communications?
like I said, I don't know what you're asking about here
if you mean the fact that it takes time for light to propagate, I already answered that
if you're talking about "time dilation" effects observed in the clocks of such satellites, that's due to electromagnetic retardation caused by the aether wind at those altitudes
this causes the clocks to run slower than they would if they were still relative to the aether
>Why then does the speed of these communications, when measured, appear to be at a constant?
because the speed of the propagation of the electromagnetic wave through the aether remains exactly the same, it's the clocks that end up running differently
effects like these are what I described in the last part of this post: >>15505504
what's interesting is how everyone else is busy actually talking about the facts, while you're still stuck trying to desperately steer away from acknowledging your own ignorance

>> No.15505574

so light propagating through, say, an atmosphere, or water, would travel at a different speed than light traveling through the aether? Does the aether still exist in some form while light travels through an atmosphere, body of water, or other forms of matter?

Would the aether best be described as consisting of particles, waves, some combination of the two or something else entirely?

>> No.15505579

could the aether be said to consist of matter?

>> No.15505585

>light propagating through, say, an atmosphere, or water, would travel at a different speed than light traveling through the aether?
that's a fact no one disputes
it was even mentioned earlier
for example, light propagates at ~0.75c in water, which is why Cherenkov radiation is frequently observed in nuclear power plants
>Does the aether still exist in some form while light travels through an atmosphere, body of water, or other forms of matter?
of course, the light is always propagating through aether, but the surrounding higher-energy matter causes electromagnetic interference and thus increases the permittivity and permeability (which means it causes light to propagate slower; personally I would recommend inverting those quantities so higher permittivity and permittivity means light travels faster through the medium on purely semantic grounds, but that's obviously besides the point)
>Would the aether best be described as consisting of particles, waves, some combination of the two or something else entirely?
I already gave a complete description of what the aether consists of here:
>the aether consists of small dipoles, protons and electrons bound so tightly together that they are in a state below what is typically considered the ground state of hydrogen, a state in which the magnetic moment giving rise to mass becomes drastically lowered (but is still present)
>this state is also referred to as "subhydrogen", and thus it can be said that aether consists of subhydrogen
>this is also known in physics by other names, perhaps most famously as "dark matter"
yes, absolutely, it is as mentioned above the exact same thing as is currently known as "dark matter" in physics

>> No.15505589

>aether wind
similiar, to, perhaps, solar wind?
or am I off the mark again?

>> No.15505594
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>read Jefimenko
I know you havnt. You read peoples interpretations OF Jefimenko, not his books. There is no fucking way you could crunch those equations and act such a jackass here.

Your story is full of holes, youre authority posting with nothing of yourself to be of judge, only HERESAY.

>> No.15505600

Everything he is describing is the cosmic microwave background, which yes, will involve dark matter, but he add all sort of retardation to it.

He isnt a Physicist, he is riding an "alternate theory" as a contrarian, disregarding anything that contradicts and hand waving away criticism.

>> No.15505603

okay, so we've established that the Aether consists of matter. And I presume that, (though it is a bit advanced for me as a laymen) that the type of aether scientist generally refer to as vacuum is not actually 'vacuum', but trace elements of matter in some altered (presumably lower energy) state, similar to the way plasma is matter in a highly excited state.

Then does such a thing as a 'true' vacuum exist? An measured area of space in which there is no matter?

>> No.15505609

perhaps he just has different names for the same things. what part of his theory do you take issue with?

>> No.15505612

>(even though it's not actually the topic for this thread)
It is now. Defend your claim, present the observations supporting your position. "Because I say so" is not evidence.

>> No.15505617

not quite, but I wouldn't be surprised if Solar wind does in fact involve and/or affect the aether somehow, Solar physics is probably the by far most interesting subject in all of science currently, due to the combination of how it's so incredibly complex that there are tons of unanswered questions and how it's constantly observable and very visibly dynamic on timescales that humans can actually perceive very easily during their lifetimes
but for the time being what we think of as Solar wind refers to ions, whereas the aether wind being referred to is due to the movement of the satellites through the aether (essentially the drag that the MMX failed to detect due to the fact that aether near and in Earth is dragged along with it much like atmosphere is around it, i.e. for the exact same reason we don't detect 500 m/s winds when we walk outside near the equator)
but it's a great question
>I know you havnt. You read peoples interpretations OF Jefimenko, not his books.
then you are demonstrating another great example of how what you think you "know" is incorrect
>There is no fucking way you could crunch those equations and act such a jackass here.
you don't need to "crunch those equations" to understand the general principles
but yes, I am in fact able to "crunch those equations" too if there's anything particular I want to investigate closer
>full of holes
there's no "hole" in anything I'm saying, just the facts of reality and how physics works
>we've established that the Aether consists of matter
correct, what is known as "dark matter", or "subhydrogen", an electron and a proton bound together very tightly in a state below the ground state of hydrogen
>the type of aether scientist generally refer to as vacuum is not actually 'vacuum'
correct, as no one has ever created an aether pump or a container which is completely opaque to aether
>Then does such a thing as a 'true' vacuum exist?
perhaps, if one could have to manage to do the above

>> No.15505625

>>State your model
This is a flat earth tier discussion lmao

>> No.15505629

>>let's assume an ether for a second
>no need to use hypothetical language, since the aether does indeed undeniably and undoubtedly exist

>> No.15505630

So what do you believe the phenomenon of a 'black hole' truly represents? If it is not a condensed singularity of matter that prevents light and matter from escaping, how would you describe the observable phenomenon?

>> No.15505635

and before you get off on a tangent with this question, how is it that the aether in vacuum remains at a relative constant, without variations in 'density' as it were of this 'dark matter'

>> No.15505638

>light is always propagating through aether
Aether IS light, radiation, the cosmic microwave background, and it doesnt "propagate" through it, it IS is. He doesnt understand the entirety of space (all that black stuff) is SOLID RADIATION.

This *can* be thought of as "misted matter", as light and matter are correlated, and I count this as dark matter (plus exansion of the universe throwing math off) to account for this...but it isnt genuine to flat out call it matter.

He is giving vacuum properties and forgetting light has them, mixing things up.

>> No.15505641

>I am in fact able to "crunch those equations"

Timestamp, now. Youre basically saying you do PhD level equation while making MASSIVE errors in Phsyics. You Pure Math? Applied and Trying?

Fess up, WHAT ARE YOU?!

>> No.15505642

>but it isnt genuine to flat out call it matter.
so then it does not consist entirely of particles or waves propagating through those particles? Observations of the Aether cannot be attributed solely to said medium?

>> No.15505643

>Aether IS light
And magnetic fields, its everything that ISNT gravity, which isnt a force or field.

>> No.15505646

>Observations of the Aether
There are ZERO. I use Aether while Acdemia uses the terms I listed above.
Your definition of Aether is retarded and criss crossed.

Post "Aether".


>> No.15505650

So, you posit that the aether is not just matter, but forms of radiation that do not propagate through sub atomic particles?

Is there then some other medium through which this radiation travels, or does it exist independently of those particles which compose the substance of matter?

>> No.15505655
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x1159, plasmabubbles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the desperation is more and more visible with every post
feel free to join our conversation about the actual facts anytime you like
>what do you believe the phenomenon of a 'black hole' truly represents?
as I explicitly mentioned earlier, "black holes" are plasmoids
>If it is not a condensed singularity of matter that prevents light and matter from escaping, how would you describe the observable phenomenon?
well, once you understand that mass, and thus gravity, is derived from electromagnetism, like all the forces are, it becomes easier to understand
a plasmoid is essentially a densely packed tangle of magnetic field lines (not real field lines, but a useful construct), which is why it will appear dark from most directions, but owing to its ultimately toroidal shape it will emit ion beams in opposite directions
this is why it's referred to as a "mother star", as it is what is constantly emitting the matter that eventually becomes stars
hence why articles like this crops up:
>Aether IS light
that's like saying "air IS sound"
completely erroneous
light is a specific type of propagation of electromagnetic energy through the aether
I did PhD level physics and mathematics while I was still in high school, let alone long before earning my actual PhD
>while making MASSIVE errors
there's zero error in anything I'm saying, just facts
you on the other hand appear to be making very fundamental and obvious errors, such as e.g. something as egregious as thinking a propagation through a medium (light) is the same as the medium (aether)
>You Pure Math? Applied and Trying?
I work in the semiconductor industry, which is where I did my PhD

>> No.15505658

we are just having a friendly conversation. there is no need to be upset. we have nothing to fear from the truth, and scientific inquiry will lead us all there eventually.

>> No.15505660

>do not propagate
Shut up.

You dolts are using terms you dont understand and instead of analysing a single "thing" to define it you IMMEDIATELY pick it up and fuck with it in an experiement saying "is this one thing?"

No. Stop putting your penis in shit and saying "I didnt do it."

>> No.15505664


Youre full of shit, Aether is all the properties found in space, those rays permate all the universe with a non-Zero level of energy.

THAT IS THE ENERGY YOURE RECORDING....you then record light AGAIN, a SECOND TIME. Your equations are retarded.


>> No.15505667

incorrect, everything I've stated so far has been entirely factual
>Aether is all the properties found in space
aether is a specific type of matter, just as described earlier
>those rays
the term "rays" refer to ions, which are "ordinary" matter, and electromagnetic waves, which are propagations of electromagnetic energy through the aether
you seem to have a very difficult time comprehending that when energy is transmitted through a medium, the medium itself is not moving significantly, but rather oscillating back and forth in a synchronized manner

>> No.15505670

>the desperation is more and more visible with every post
You know, you could have just posted the evidence of aether and we would have been long done with that.

>> No.15505671
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There is no such thing as "friends and family" in my dimension of reality.

You are all agents of Satan.

>> No.15505672

I must say I find your theories fascinating, perhaps even credible. Unfortunately the math will probably always be beyond me, but hopefully you can explain it to a layman using the principles of observation and logic as you have with me.

In a way, I hope you are correct, as that would mean good things for our species future prospects in space. Unfortunately, you are challenging a accepted, working body of knowledge on which many applications rely. If you could somehow make a demonstrable experiment that would prove your interpretation of this theory, you could very well upset the current status quo of the scientific establishment. It would have repercussions, of course. One should always think before revealing certain details to the public, as new knowledge and understanding can have a profound impact on people's lives, with perhaps unintended consequnces.

But if you are patient here as you have been with me, then perhaps you will find your audience.

My curiousity is mostly satiated, but I do have one follow up question. What do you think of the discipline known as 'quantum physics', as practiced by scientific community, and not charlatans as so often is the case? Is it a legitimate discipline?

More specifcally, what do you think of quantum entanglement theory? Could it theoretically be used to create 'ansible' that would enable faster than light communications?

>> No.15505675

>aether is a specific type of matter
Its just dark matter. Lets just hand wave that away with that answer and accept it as "You know nuffin :)))"

If Harvard can do it...why cant we?

>> No.15505683

babylon will fall, my brother.
fear not.

>> No.15505690

Well, he continues to claim that somehow everything is evidence of aether but is unable to show a single specific example. I just want him to concede to actually say something of substance.

>> No.15505692

>I find your theories fascinating, perhaps even credible
well, you should, as they are completely factual
>the math will probably always be beyond me, but hopefully you can explain it to a layman using the principles of observation and logic as you have with me
yes, that's the beauty of it, ultimately the general principles can be understood without any advanced understanding of mathematics at all, that's really only something you do to work out details, like e.g. approximations of the various quantities, or more precise measurements if you're e.g. manufacturing technology
>that would mean good things for our species future prospects in space
most certainly, simply understanding that superluminal movement and communication is entirely possible changes a lot about how we conceptualize our galactic neighborhood
>you are challenging a accepted, working body of knowledge on which many applications rely
well, not quite, think of it more like a modification which preserves all the parts that are working and throws out the ones that don't
>If you could somehow make a demonstrable experiment that would prove your interpretation of this theory, you could very well upset the current status quo of the scientific establishment.
this has been done countless times
for example, superluminal speeds have been measured in myriad experiments, and subhydrogen has been manufactured in the laboratory too (which coincidentally releases a huge amount of energy due to the transition where the electron drops down to a lower state, and is a far superior source of energy than fusion is)
none of that really "upsets the current status quo of the scientific establishment", because it's long since been established, most famously by Max Planck, that science progresses one funeral at a time, as the people fervently clinging to outdated models die and make room for the people who have grown up acquainted with the new and better models

>> No.15505693

So then you believe that vacuum is absolute, then? there are no traces of matter or hydrogen through which light travels, or that if there are, they do not significantly effect the propagation of radiation through vacuum?

You dispute the existence of this 'invisible' aether because you claim it can not be observed or proven to exist?

>> No.15505694

No. RAYdiation.
>through a medium
I dont give a fuck about your polluted experiement.


>> No.15505697

>So then you believe that vacuum is absolute, then
The absolute opposite, read the thread before posting back.

Everything else you typed you strawmanned and has no bearing to anything I have posted.

>> No.15505698

>and subhydrogen has been manufactured in the laboratory too
is this commonly referred to as 'anti-matter' by laymen?

>> No.15505700

>So then what does this aether consist of? A thin layer of hydrogen that propagates the universe?
>How then, is light able to travel through a vacuum?
Because it's a wave.
>How do you account for the signal delay in satellite and probes radio communication?
See above.

>> No.15505701

pardon, that vacuum is absolute in the sense that it does not generally contain matter or a material medium through which radiation travels save for the particles comprising the radiation itself?

why are you so angry my friend? there is no need to be upset. perhaps if you work on your argumentation and presentation, you will be more effective in convincing people of the truth of which you speak.

Becoming angry and abrasive only hurts your chances of convincing others of your position, one could only assume that you are upset if there were something only tangentially related to the discussion at hand, and had other motives for participating in the discourse.

>> No.15505705

Exactly. Feelings dont care about facts...people need to FEEL comfortable believing, the logical axioms of the theory is ireelevent to being woo'd by smooth talkers.

Youre openly admitting, without knowing it, your succeptible to brainwashing. Be careful...your a sucker

>> No.15505706

>so oppenhiemer did not use Einstein's theory to create the atomic bomb? Neither in whole or in part?
Einstein's theory is entirely unnecessary to create an atomic bomb. Physicists knew well before Einstein that positively charged nuclei repel each other, and that particles emitted from atomic nuclei had much higher energy than could be generated artificially at the time. Beta radiation is given its name because beta is the ratio v/c, and beta radiation travels so close to the speed of light that it made sense to refer to it by its ratio.

Sommerfeld's Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines gives a good overview of physicists understanding of radioactivity prior to WWII. The atomic bomb would have happened with or without Einstein.

>> No.15505707

>What do you think of the discipline known as 'quantum physics', as practiced by scientific community, and not charlatans as so often is the case? Is it a legitimate discipline?
quantum physics is absolutely a legitimate discipline insofar that it's an extremely accurate model for a lot of phenomena, but it does need to be modified and expanded to make room for all the new knowledge we have
most notably the lower ground state beneath hydrogen needs to be fully incorporated, but luckily it fits right in with few modifications
>More specifcally, what do you think of quantum entanglement theory?
solved by aether and the possibility of superluminal signals
in reality Einstein was right, there was in fact no "spooky action at a distance" at all, just extremely rapid signals, many orders of magnitude faster than c
>Could it theoretically be used to create 'ansible' that would enable faster than light communications?
yes, absolutely, that is a certainty
then, much like you can now see lightning long before you hear thunder, you will then have the privilege of reading a message from someone before you see them sending the message to you
no, as I mentioned earlier a few times that's the same thing as dark matter, i.e. aether
in other words, to make it clear: "aether", "dark matter", and "subhydrogen" all refer to the exact same thing, viz. a small dipole consisting of an electron and proton bound so tightly together that they no longer interact with electromagnetic waves or matter in the same way at all, but become an ideal transmission medium for electromagnetic waves instead (and still exert gravitational force on other matter, albeit markedly less)
>No. RAYdiation.
the term "rays" typically refers to both ions and to electromagnetic waves
not something I made up, just stating the facts
not quite, as the ions included in the term "rays" are just nuclei, such as e.g. alpha particles (helium nuclei) and protons (hydrogen nuclei)

>> No.15505718

what would you say antimatter is then, assuming it exists? Another form of this subhydrogen?

>> No.15505721

to the contrary, it is your emotional state which I find disconcerting. There is nothing at stake here, yet you are angry.


>> No.15505723

>refers to both ions and to electromagnetic waves
Factually wrong.
>not something I made up
You did.
>just stating the facts

Rays are NOT matter, you are confused or LYING at this point.

Post citation....you cant, so you wont...

>> No.15505726

i suppose you've already answered that question, pardon my ignorance.

>> No.15505729

>If you could somehow make a demonstrable experiment that would prove your interpretation of this theory
The Pioneer anomaly proves that the speed of light isn't constant (it accelerates at 1/4c). This is why Hubble's constant is 1/4c^2 and the gravitational constant is (1/4c)/(4pi*r^2).

The Pioneer anomaly is the most precise and accurate measurement of an object moving in free space ever made. Incontrovertible evidence that Einstein's theory is wrong.

>> No.15505731

well if a ray of light is composed of photons, and photons are particles, and particles are a form of matter, then is not a ray of light matter?

>> No.15505733

>There is nothing at stake here
Youre a liar. I detest liars.

You have already been boxed into your lies with a checkmate, youre a charlatan and making mistakes in everypost.

Rays are not matter...this level of mistake WOULD be a clear signal to anyone but the sucker here that youre full of shit...but that poor sucker already made it clear he isnt researching Phsyics...he is looking for a Daddy to lead him by the hand...

>> No.15505735

I hope you do understand that your understanding is not the consensus, and that you represent a minority. You may have to wait a very long time before it is accepted, assuming it ever will be.

>> No.15505736

Youre a Pseudo-Logician, not even a Philosopher, and DEFINITELY not a Phsycist. Double-Defnitely not a Mathematician

>> No.15505737

I have not made a single argument, only asked questions. Are you accusing me of deceiving you through the process of inquiry?

>> No.15505749

Is there some consequence you fear as part of this process of inquiry? perhaps you should be upfront about it instead of badgering us.

For example, I sometimes fear that fusion without the need for fissile material could make nuclear war far worse than it would be otherwise, scarring the ecosystem and the planet far worse because of the unlimited capacity to manufacture atomic weapons.

Its a reasonable concern that you might argue for the rational ignorance principle in this case, but we can't possibly know to remain silent on the subject if you can not give us a sense of the consequence which you fear.

>> No.15505750

>what would you say antimatter is then, assuming it exists?
anti-matter provably does exist, but this refers to something quite different, namely to particles identical to the ones we know, but with their attributes reversed (most notably charge, i.e. the positron having positive charge instead of the negative charge of the electron, and the antiproton having negative charge instead of the positive charge of the proton)
when a particle meets with its antiparticle, they are annihilated, a process wherein which only energy, momentum, and spin are conserved
>Another form of this subhydrogen?
as seen above, not really, subhydrogen refers exclusively to that state described previously
but there's no reason to suspect the antimatter equivalent of subhydrogen can't form, i.e. through a positron falling down to a lower ground state around an antiproton than would be the case for what's commonly considered the ground state of antihydrogen
>Factually wrong.
you may not like it, but fact is that "ray" does indeed refer to both of those, hence why helium nuclei are known as "alpha rays", and why there is such a thing as "neutron radiation"
there are also e.g. cosmic rays, many of which are significantly heavier nuclei too
but of course, the most prevalent use of "ray" does indeed refer to electromagnetic radiation, which is the propagation of electromagnetic waves through the aether

>> No.15505752

Or whichever that jackass is...

You must be the sucker looker for a daddy and guaging Physics models based on which one sweet talks you the best...like some ditsy tween girl...

Thats retarded. Youre retarded. Leave.

>> No.15505758

If you claim that the aether is not composed of said invisible matter, then what do you make of our friends claims that it can be created in a suitable laboratory (perhaps such a particle accelerator) and observed?

What is your rebuttal?

>> No.15505760

>but fact is that "ray" does indeed refer to both of those
POST CITATION....because as a Phsyics "WRONG."

You dont get it...your model is full of holes and errors and all you do it say "Im right." Not Phsyics. Not Mathematics. Just "Bro, trust me."

That doesnt work on me....YOUR WORDS MEAN NOTHING.

>> No.15505761

>Thats retarded. Youre retarded. Leave.

>> No.15505763

>What is your rebuttal?
Read the thread, youre obviously not a Physicist.

(Which strong man can protect me from my ingorance?)
You needed a father because you clearly didnt really have one...

>> No.15505764

If you continue to be abrasive, I'm afraid I must cease engaging with you.

>> No.15505771

helium nuclei have been known as alpha particles for over a century, as is the case for cosmic rays
the fact that you are unaware of these basic physics concepts (that are typically taught as early as in junior high) is rather alarming, and makes it clear that your physics knowledge is severely lacking
>full of holes and errors
there are no "holes" in anything I'm saying, and certainly no errors
it's all factual

>> No.15505772

if you're not trolling, you need to study communication skills for a while before you come back to post, you're terrible at communicating your point in a way that makes it clear and understandable by building foundational ideas to support your point. This whole thread is embarrassing. And of course I'm assuming you're not trolling because this isn't /b/.

>> No.15505775
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>> No.15505777

It seems one of my questions was lost in our bombastic friends impassioned retort.

If you'd care to respond I could complete my analysis, if you'd rather not we can call it here; its been enlightening. I am a bit weary of all this, it is more exercise than my brain is typically used to and our friend seems to be getting overexcited.

>> No.15505781

>helium nuclei have been known as alpha particle
with or without nuetrons?

>> No.15505783



Fuxking retarded....all of your theory is retarded, copy/pasted from wiki articles (I noticed it a couple times), and heresay from other people.

Youre not a Physicist...youre "a dude on a mission".

>> No.15505785
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>> No.15505788

>how is it that the aether in vacuum remains at a relative constant, without variations in 'density' as it were of this 'dark matter'
it doesn't
again, aether and dark matter are the same thing
in relatively local neighborhoods the density is the same, such as inside the heliosheath, but in different parts of interstellar and intergalactic space the aether density can vary significantly
with neutrons
an alpha particle, also known as an alpha ray, is the same as a helium nucleus, i.e. an aggregate of two neutrons and two protons, which is an ion
without neutrons there'd just be two protons, i.e. two hydrogen nuclei instead
by definition wrong, since alpha rays and cosmic rays have been termed rays for over a century, and are atoms
this is basic physics knowledge that you learn in high school (and which you would have learned at that point if you were to have paid attention)
sounds like you have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to physics before you'll be able to discuss most of this

>> No.15505789

>in relatively local neighborhoods the density is the same, such as inside the heliosheath, but in different parts of interstellar and intergalactic space the aether density can vary significantly
that makes perfect sense.

thank you for your time. it has been a pleasure.

>> No.15505791

>helium nuclei have been known as alpha particles for over a century, as is the case for cosmic rays
Cosmic Rays is a misnomer. The name stayed because it's catchy and memorable. Like Big Bang even though it's a stupid name.
Cosmic Rays are called Cosmic Rays because they were believed to consist almost entirely out of electromagnetic radiation (rays).
It's not a physics concept. It's branding. Bad names have plagued science (and a little bit of math) for centuries and are a source of various scientific misconceptions.

>> No.15505796
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you're welcome
>Cosmic Rays is a misnomer.
like I said, you might not like the terminology, but fact is that it does exist
the term "rays" refers both to ions like cosmic rays and alpha rays as well as to electromagnetic radiation, which is a wave in the aether
you not wanting it to be true and not liking that it's true does not change the fact that it is in fact true

>> No.15505799
File: 285 KB, 709x916, 2022-10-07_03.02.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

......cant post anything but "BRO, TRUST ME."

Sad thing is is people still will believe him.

>He cheated once...but he peomises he wont again, and I dont know...hes an alright guy, lets give him another chance.

>> No.15505800

so far I've explained all the facts in quite great detail
people can believe what they want to believe, I'm simply offering the facts of reality

>> No.15505801

Terminology is terminology. It's not physics. The terminology here clearly stems from a misunderstanding but it's inconvenient to change it.
Thinking that terminology is somehow evidence of anything is flat earth tier think.

>> No.15505804

>Terminology is terminology. It's not physics.
physics uses terminology
and in physics, the terminology of "ray" refers to both ions like nuclei and to electromagnetic radiation
this remains true no matter how much you want it to be otherwise

>> No.15505806

>so far I've explained all the facts in quite great detail
You failed to provide evidence for aether since this thread started yet you still pretend you have a point to make.

>> No.15505808

>refers both to ions like cosmic rays and alpha

"TRUST ME." means nothing from a LIAR.

>told to post his work and refuses for a dozen posts and retards dont understand why Im posting in all caps...


>> No.15505810

>the terminology of "ray" refers to both ions like nuclei

>> No.15505811

all evidence ever observed demonstrates the existence of the aether
these terms have been used in physics for over a century
like I said earlier, the most alarming thing here is that you're not aware of that fact, and thus I have to assume that your understanding of physics is still not yet at high-school level

>> No.15505812

>all evidence ever observed demonstrates the existence of the aether
Then it should be easy for you to post it.

>> No.15505814

I have, repeatedly
here, let me post it again: all of it
there you go

>> No.15505818

>these terms have been used in physics for over a century

>> No.15505820

Okay, then post some.

>> No.15505821
File: 164 KB, 250x230, tenor (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fine. I am ok with this.


>> No.15505824

well, since you're too lazy to luck up the origin of the terminology that you don't understand, here is Rutherford and Soddy's original article from 1903, where they use the term alpha radiation: https://zenodo.org/record/1430702/files/article.pdf
it's really rather amazing how you can possibly think anyone would ever believe you understand physics well when you don't even understand basic physics terminology that has been in use for over a century
already have
here, again: all of them

>> No.15505826

look up*

>> No.15505839

I tried searching for a researcher named "All Of Them" but nobody turned up, are you sure you're not just making this up?

>> No.15505840

Read it, dumbass.

When you read old books youre supposed to already know MODERN terms to understand the limitations of their view of reality. This is so you dont look like a fool trying to use incorrect terms like "Aether" without knowing the old definitions have been debunked...youre supposed to rewrite the defnition, not copy/paste an old book. Amature....

You skipped modern and jumped straight to the Elements section, thats for Advanced Learning...youre not a Physicist, youre a charlatan.

>> No.15505841

If it's too hard for you, I'll make it easier.
Post 3 of your favourite pieces of evidence for the existence of aether.
That should be simple enough for you.

>> No.15505848

the term "ray" in optics specifically refers to electromagnetic radiation
I never said "ray" didn't also refer to that, in fact I explicitly always said it referred to both that and to atoms like alpha rays and cosmic rays
you on the other hand apparently had no idea that "ray" could also refer to the latter in physics
this makes it clear that you don't yet have a high-school level understanding of physics
once again: alpha rays and cosmic rays have been physics terminology for over a century, and just because you don't like that fact does not make it less factual
I don't have any favorites, to me all observations are equally important when it comes to constructing a model of reality, none can be left out

>> No.15505855

>When you read old books youre supposed to already know MODERN terms
Rutherford didn't have a limited view of reality at all, he in fact suspected and later proved that alpha rays were indeed doubly ionized helium: helium nuclei
>incorrect terms like "Aether"
"aether" is not an incorrect term at all, it is precisely the medium in which light and other electromagnetic waves propagate

>> No.15505863
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>> No.15505871
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I rest my case. Youre not a Chemist, Physicist or Mathematician...what are you?

>> No.15505878

nothing wrong with that observation at all, and it's evident that you don't really understand what's being talked about at all given your lack of knowledge about the use of "ray" to describe ions for over a century
keep in mind that in the same paper he also coins beta radiation, which while not really an ion is a single electron, i.e. another form of radiation which is not an electromagnetic wave
of the three types of radiation in that context it's only gamma radiation which is actually electromagnetic radiation
still find it really strange how you still don't know basic high school physics

>> No.15505879

So it is too hard for you. Okay lets try this, it should be easier because it's objective, list the first 3 studies supporting observations of the aether in chronological order. If you can't do that then you're either very very stupid or trolling.

>> No.15505883
File: 379 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230617-015621_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alpha rays
Imagine being so lost in your research as to not know your own research.
Jesus...Alright. They do use that term, I heartely disagree with that, to the death.

Wont, cant, refuses, unable, 1900s book....Jesus...dude, the fact you cannot show your work means YOU DO NOT TRULY KNOW IT.

Fucking particle physicists...stay in your own lanes...

>> No.15505889

>still find it really strange how you still don't know basic high school physics
I read Brief History of Time is 7th grade. I spent highschool skipping it and getting high because shcool is for stupid people.

You dont know your research and show virtually ZERO work for anything you post. Youre ASKING to get beaten up, not aknowledged.

Also, I call most Physicsts alive retards and flip tables all the time. Stop talking tall...YOU AINT THAT GUY.

>> No.15505893

>it's only gamma radiation which is actually electromagnetic radiation
Part of my Theiss was on Z-Rays, the rays at the end of the spectrum, so that is why.

Dude...you need to show your work. Youre asking for fights, not understanding.

>> No.15505894

I'll tell you what, I'll meet you in the middle and give you one early account that you can enjoy:
>They do use that term, I heartely disagree with that, to the death.
yes, which is exactly what I said
you might not like it, but it's still a fact
>Wont, cant, refuses, unable, 1900s book...
what I posted is not a book, it's the original article where Rutherford coins the term, called "Radioactive Change"
it's not even that long
and you were the one asking for a citation for the fact that the term has been used to describe that for over a century, so now you seem to further demonstrate that you don't really understand what you're talking about at all
>I read Brief History of Time is 7th grade.
well, that would explain a lot, because at that point you should be preparing to learn real physics in high school, not dream your life away with popsci books
>I spent highschool skipping it and getting high
well, now it certainly all makes perfect sense

>> No.15505902
File: 76 KB, 720x720, 2023-05-26_21.29.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you were the one asking for a citation
These are the facts;
You refused for 20 posts.
That is the facts.

>Exlains a lot.
Im not just a Physicist (Mathematical Theorist of Dimensional Space-Time), Im also a Number Theorist (Pure, Vortex/Chaos Math and Base Systems) as well as a Geneticist (Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Genetics/MetaGenetics) as well as a Theologian (Developmental Psychology, Phenomenology).

Im busy. Youre lazy.

We are not the same.

>> No.15505911

Oh...and because youre so sloppy...how right you are is 100% irrelevent, you've wasted more time than you enlightened.

This is why real Phsyicists detest and reject them the second they make a major mistake, MASSIVE time sink....like this time.

>> No.15505912

>You refused for 20 posts.
I simply stated the facts
and, to no surprise, they turned out to indeed be the facts, like everything else I've said
and you, as expected, turned out to yet again be wrong
>Im not just a Physicist (Mathematical Theorist of Dimensional Space-Time), Im also a Number Theorist (Pure, Vortex/Chaos Math and Base Systems) as well as a Geneticist (Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Genetics/MetaGenetics) as well as a Theologian (Developmental Psychology, Phenomenology).
yeah, I figured all of that by your description of how you spent your time when you should have been learning physics
and also by what you just claimed your "thesis" was on
well, at least at this point it will be quite obvious for any external observer to this conversation what the extent of your actual knowledge of physics is

>> No.15505920

>youre so sloppy
actually, I've stated all the facts so far with impeccable precision
>how right you are is 100% irrelevent
well, it's relevant to actually being a reflection of reality and not some fantasy without any basis in reality
I'm sure you enjoy spending your time engaging in the latter after a few tokes of cannabis, but personally I prefer learning actual physics and finding out what the world is really like
>you've wasted more time than you enlightened
by definition I cannot waste my time if I spend it just the way I want to
also, all the facts I've stated have almost certainly been registered by quite a few people, some even explicitly thanked me earlier
so once again you are quite clearly wrong

>> No.15505923

You counted the effects of light TWICE and call light matter. Irredemable errors that you refuse to correct, I on the other hand do not work in the field of Particle Physics because thats for Plebs, so me not understanding your foreign termology is understandable. You refusing to aknowledge your error of "Bro Trust me." on a tehcnicallity instead of posting a citation IS SCIENTIFICALLY AN ERROR.

My Job Isnt To Proof Your Your Paper.


I rest my case, YOU ARE NO PHSYCIST.

>> No.15505926

>impeccable precision
You may not like it...but no, 50% wrong.

This is a fact. PER YOUR DEFINITIONS AND POSTS. You agree, so when someone doesnt understand this and you REFUSED to clarify.....


>> No.15505930

(You) have utterly failed at every single point to present, defend, justify, or explain any of your statements. You've come to the thread, said "I'm right" over and over, and told people "I justify it because I said so." You're not doing science here, this is just dogma. You might find >>>/x/ more homely than here.

>> No.15505932

>counted the effects of light TWICE
>and call light matter
no, never did that
aether is matter
light is an electromagnetic wave, something Maxwell identified 150 years ago
light propagates through the aether, but light itself is not aether, it's a description of what the aether is doing
>errors that you refuse to correct
there's no error in anything I've said
>I on the other hand do not work in the field
well, it's fair to say at this point that the only "field" you work in is in the field where they grow cannabis plants
>not understanding your foreign termology is understandable
no, not being aware of basic terms like alpha rays and cosmic rays is not understandable at all, that's as basic physics knowledge as it comes
>refusing to aknowledge your error
there's no error in anything I've said, and thus nothing to acknowledge
everything I've said is 100% correct, and stated with the utmost clarity and in great detail
>when someone doesnt understand this and you REFUSED to clarify
I made it abundantly clear what the facts were, and also that's it something you should have been learning in high school when you were busy smoking cannabis instead

>> No.15505934

>if i say something in latin it will make me look smart

>> No.15505937

Since electromagnetism requires a medium (aether) as you claim, and you also say that aether is matter, and you also claim that strong and weak forces are electromagnetism, then how can the electromagnetic forces between the particles of aether propagate when there's nothing between them to act as the medium?

>> No.15505946

>yeah you've said it's every single one, now name a few, it's a very easy question and I'm genuinely trying to engage in discussion, but your attitude is making it very difficult to believe you. It seems like you care more about a facade than the actual discussion, like a stageshow. I would appreciate if you engaged with me on a level of sincerity.

You are obsessed with human make hierarchies - all of you crackpots are. Youre nit real scientists. You want a specific paper so you can assess your perceived value of the authors social status, not because you actually care about science. You don't. The aether as a concept is blatantly real and it doesn't natter how you try and twist things to gaslight the human race and pretend you are better than everyone with access to esoteric knowledge. The universe us simple. And your politics are boring.

>> No.15505949

>and stated with the utmost clarity
Peak delusion.

This is how I know to disregard everything you say. Youre claiming things you yourself admit otherwise;
>in that context it's only gamma radiation which is actually electromagnetic radiation.
Which context to you define? Not this one. Well...guess what, I use that one.

Jesus...the first time I get into it with a "Particle Physicist" and *this* is the shitshow I received?

A sloppy "Its a fact." as the source material?!

Hark! Good lord...Im gunna shower and go to bed, this was retarded, but thanks for refreshing my mind on Time Dilation, I hadnt thought of that equation in ages.

>> No.15505952

I want a paper so I can read the fucking contents of the paper you deranged schizo, you're the only one here thinking about politics.

>> No.15505959

>utterly failed at every single point
incorrect, I've succeeded greatly at every single point
I've presented my factual statements quite clearly
>defend, justify, or explain
I've done all of that in great abundance
>You've come to the thread, said "I'm right" over and over, and told people "I justify it because I said so."
clearly you are not actually reading my posts
feel free to actually join the conversation whenever you like, where we've been discussing the facts I've stated for quite a while now
>You're not doing science here, this is just dogma.
incorrect, everything I've stated is based on all the empirical observations that have been made over the centuries
what I'm stating are the scientifically established facts of reality, the diametric opposite of dogma
>Since electromagnetism requires a medium (aether) as you claim
not quite what I'm saying, no
"electromagnetism" refers to several things
what requires a medium is electromagnetic waves specifically
>and you also say that aether is matter
that is correct
>and you also claim that strong and weak forces are electromagnetism
indeed, another correct statement
>how can the electromagnetic forces between the particles of aether propagate when there's nothing between them to act as the medium?
this conclusions is based on the first faulty assumption I addressed above, i.e. the notion that all electromagnetic phenomena are propagated like waves through the aether
the very reason electromagnetic waves propagate through the aether in the first place is due to how the electromagnetic dipoles of the aether interact with one another
you seem to have misunderstood on quite a fundamental level
>Peak delusion.
not at all, everything I'm saying is quite clear
>Which context to you define?
again, as you should have learned in high school physics, the terms alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are virtually always used together (as Rutherford did), that's the context of that

>> No.15505963

that is entirely correct, that is indeed what they are doing
I now even decided to meet them in the middle and give them an early treatise which was instrumental to understanding light, and yet they are clearly not satisfied
they are simply trying to deflect away from any discussion about the actual facts

>> No.15505964
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Point to the particle.

>> No.15505965

>the very reason electromagnetic waves propagate through the aether in the first place is due to how the electromagnetic dipoles of the aether interact with one another
>you seem to have misunderstood on quite a fundamental level
You still aren't explaining how those electromagnetic forces can propagate. The interaction between those "electromagnetic dipoles" must propagate somehow between one aether "particle" and the next. It can't be turtles all the way down, can it.

>> No.15505973

No, you have failed. You didn't do a good job. It didn't work. You're not stating facts, you're spewing ideas with fervor. You're no better than a priest on a pedestal. Your idea isn't conveyed because you did a shitty job. It's true because I said so.

>> No.15505976

>as Rutherford did
Hes an idiot and his low hanging fruit research is worthless in my eyes.

You dont understabd the fields of Phsyics have diverged in the laat100 years and your research is obsolete. Particle Physics isnt Optical Physics isnt Magnetic Physics.

They use different terms. Learn the difference...you are wrong, SAYS SCIENCE. I dont care if "technically I was right." Youre talking to "technically youre wrong."

Deal with this.

>> No.15505985

as I've stated explicitly numerous times, electromagnetic radiation is not a particle, but a wave in the aether
but that is only one of the two things "ray" is used to refer to, the other being particles like alpha rays and cosmic rays
it's not very difficult to understand the terminology
>still aren't explaining how those electromagnetic forces can propagate
I never once throughout this thread said that I was trying to explain that, that is a much more fundamental aspect of physics that is far beyond the scope of this discussion
this discussion is about how all the forces, and electromagnetic waves as well, are explained by the fact that they are mediated by this fundamentally polarizable medium, it's not about the even deeper physics of how that polarization itself works
>The interaction between those "electromagnetic dipoles" must propagate somehow between one aether "particle" and the next.
yes, ultimately there must indeed be a reason why charges behave as they do, but as mentioned above that is far beyond the scope of anything being discussed here
to understand what the fundamental cause of electromagnetic acceleration itself is you have to delve into the subquantum origins of what we think of as protons and electrons themselves and how the pressure of that even more fundamental reality causes like charges to repel and opposite charges to attract
but again, that's far beyond anything mentioned so far, everything I've mentioned is rather a description of how all the forces emerge from dipoles behaving in that way, and how this is necessary for electromagnetic waves to propagate
>you have failed
I most certainly have not
>didn't do a good job
I have done and continue to do a great job
>It didn't work.
it very clearly does, given how people have thanked me and how even now I'm teaching basic physics to people who skipped high school
I'm sure he'd be very offended by being called this by a pot-smoker

>> No.15505988

>deranged schizo

Quit projecting. Modern cosmology and theoretical physics is peek schizo. Its deranged word salad meant to confuse everyday people into believing the speaker is intelligent because they gave access to a thesaurus and can wrote down equations that they themselves cannot even explain in simple terms - or even at all. It's all fcking nonsense.

The universe has all the characteristics of an infinite, eternal, unified, fractal like "perfect fluid". ALL OF IT. Doesn't matter what words you want to give it. Semantics are even more dull than your office politics masquerading as science.

Stop holding our species back by being a fcking npc. There is an infinite universe to explore once you people give up your cult like death grip on your sect like cosmology and simply LET US EXPLORE without your constant harrassment and badwill and faith

>> No.15505991

>meet them in the middle and give them an early treatise

Concessions are probably a bad idea. The biggest mistake the electric universe folk made was in trying to appeal to these people. Do not wait for their permission or approval. Fck'em

>> No.15505994

>You're no better than a priest on a pedestal.

What >>15505973
>You're no better than a priest on a pedestal.

It's always projection with you lot

>> No.15505995

yes, you failed. You keep saying people in the thread have not understood what you're saying, that is a failure to convey your points. Even assuming people did understand your points very well (which you do not believe) you have done nothing to justify them besides just say "everything that has ever happened justifies it," which is not citing evidence, that is saying "it's true because I said so." The word "thank" shows up 8 times in this thread; 5 of them are making fun of you, one of them is genuine, two of them are you. You're delusional, and all of the observations of this thread prove it.

>> No.15505997
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>but that is only one of the two things "ray" is used to refer to, the other being particles like alpha rays and cosmic rays
Guess why Google does this....because Rutherford is WRONG but its already documented so its "technically still valid"
(...also called, redirected from...)

Science changes...evolve with it or forever be a Crank.

You keep saying "Highschool Phsyics" like thats a burn...youre in the late 1800s level of research, dude...youre so far behind its pointless to consider your works if you didnt even know the alternate definitions of the very word you use.


>it's not very difficult to understand the terminology
Yet you got filtered by it because youre using OLD TERMINOLOGY.

You need to update your entire body of work, ALL OF IT.

>> No.15505999

>It can't be turtles all the way down, can it.

Yes. It is. Infinite universe. Depth and scope

>> No.15506001

oooh he REALLY didn't like that one! Upset that you're being called out for wild tangents nobody brought up, or just mad that everyone is disagreeing with you because you're retarded? Just send a paper so I can read it, I started off this thread genuinely curious what you had to say but you've done nothing but convince me you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15506005

This is a schizo version of using an elastic sheet and gravity to explain gravity.

>> No.15506007


I said what I said. I come here to blow off steam shtposting not because I'm actually waiting up for you lot who went off track for 100 years. And certainly not because I care what you gave to say. ChatGPT will give ne answers better than you when talking to an NPC actually matters, and it does occasionally.

>> No.15506010

>Just send a paper so I can read it

No one cares what you have to say or think. I'll post to GPT if I want an NPC take on things. We only interact with you here for fun.

>> No.15506013

then you're not on the science and math board for discussion of science and math, you'd probably find /adv/ a better place.

>> No.15506014

>deranged word salad
>infinite, eternal, unified, fractal like "perfect fluid"
>Doesn't matter what words you want to give it.
I choose Finite, Time-Dependent, Polar, Field like "Static Structure".
If you actaully read one you would write words that better structure reality than "Infinite weee Im so freee!"
>perfect fuild
What a hand wave way to describe base reality...no different than "Its all vortices." Yeah, what about everything else?
Its practically Jesus talk.

>> No.15506019

Want to theorize about an eternal universe, about how big bang is bullsht? About how the aether is real? You need a real person for that.

ChatGPT is a better Wikipedia-summarizer than any of you NPCs with you schizo modern cosmology and theoretical physics could ever hope to be.

Something you cosmology cultists don't understand is we like talking about how the universe really works because we ALREADY KNOW your gaslighting lying bullshit.

>> No.15506020

>you failed
not at all, I have succeeded greatly
>keep saying people in the thread have not understood what you're saying
only a few people who are being willfully obtuse
others showed clear signs of understanding what I was saying judging by the questions they proceeded to ask, and thanked me openly
>that is a failure to convey your points
not at all, as it's not possible to make someone who is desperate to not understand actually understand, no matter how clear you make it
>assuming people did understand your points very well
as many indeed have
>(which you do not believe)
incorrect, as mentioned above only a few people are being willfully obtuse
>you have done nothing to justify them
blatantly false, as I have justified them in great detail over the course of all my posts
>"everything that has ever happened justifies it"
not what was said at all
the facts I'm mentioning and explaining are what justify it
you asked for observations, and the answer to that is: all observations ever made
>not citing evidence
I'm stating what the observational facts are
do you also ask for citations when someone says the sky appears blue?
>"it's true because I said so"
incorrect, not once have I said anything to that effect
I've always explained exactly why what I'm saying is true
>one of them is genuine
that in and of itself is a great victory, but others have clearly expressed gratitude in other ways too
great success in my view
given that I'm stating the facts of reality, I'm the diametric opposite of delusional
yes, alpha rays and alpha particles are the same thing
>Rutherford is WRONG
not at all, he correctly deduced that alpha rays were indeed double ionized helium particles
>You keep saying "Highschool Phsyics" like thats a burn
oh no, not at all, highschool physics is a great start
your problem is that you skipped it to smoke cannabis and never progressed past...well, who knows where exactly your understanding is, around that of an 8-year-old

>> No.15506023

not at all, there's nothing "schizo" about anything of this, just real physical facts
>Want to theorize about an eternal universe, about how big bang is bullsht? About how the aether is real?
none of that is anything to "theorize" about, those are simply facts
>you cosmology cultists
I'm not a Big Bang cultist
I thought that much was obvious by now
>we like talking about how the universe really works
exactly what I'm doing, and apparently one of the only few people doing

>> No.15506024

>you'd probably find /adv/ a better place.

Lol, what? I think I'm here for your advice? Don't flatter yourself. I'm here because there is an awakening happening, and I like to show support to it. Your old ways of hierarchy, human "science" are ending. The universe is amazing. The real universe. Not your bullsht.

>> No.15506025

>just real physical facts
And I'm sure you can demonstrate those facts using empirical data.

>> No.15506026

>I'm sure you can demonstrate those facts using empirical data
yes, indeed, all empirical observations ever made are in perfect agreement with those facts

>> No.15506027

>Yeah, what about everything else?

It's all perfect, non-viscous fluid. ALL OF IT. ALL OF IT.

>> No.15506030

Then it's not a problem for you to present those observations you are speaking of surely.

>> No.15506031
File: 348 KB, 712x1281, 2022-10-21_11.17.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alpha rays and alpha particles are the same thing
Wrong, its redirected because THAT IS AN ANTIQUATED TERM. Physicists differentiate matter from non matter, YOU DONT. Thats some OLD Phsyics knowlegde dude....inapplicable, not accepted these days.

>never progressed past
You've convinced no one but that poor sap that couldnt know one way or the other...

>> No.15506032

you do not believe others in this thread understand you and that is evidence of your poor communication. this thread is entirely evident of how much you failed. if you disagree you simply do not understand what the people replying to you are saying. you are delusional because you refuse to look at evidence people present you and seem to think saying "every observation ever" is proof. People smarter than you wrote differently because they are smarter than you.

>> No.15506034

>>Want to theorize about an eternal universe, about how big bang is bullsht? About how the aether is real?
>none of that is anything to "theorize" about, those are simply facts

Spot on

>> No.15506042

>Then it's not a problem for you to present those observations you are speaking of surely.
indeed it is not, I have been stating them quite a few times over the course of this thread
incorrect, it is still very much in use by virtually every physicist in the world
alpha, beta, and gamma radiation are terms that won't be going away anytime soon
better deal with it, or you'll stay angry that reality isn't how you want it to be forever
oh, and since you're apparently quite fond of Wikipedia (understandably so, given your background), you should definitely consider giving this article a read:
looks like you might learn an interesting thing or two
>do not believe others in this thread understand you
I explicitly told you that that only applies to a couple of willfully obtuse people
strange that you repeat yourself when I already addressed it that explicitly
>evidence of your poor communication
the gratitude expressed towards me by several people, and how even the willfully obtuse have had to concede multiple points already makes it clear that my communication is superb and effective
>think saying "every observation ever" is proof
yes, empirical observations themselves are indeed ultimately what constitutes proof, that's what physics is based on

>> No.15506044
File: 231 KB, 719x637, 2023-06-17_03.15.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this then.

>> No.15506046

>you do not believe others in this thread understand you and that is evidence of your poor communication.

I understand him just fine, and he's not alone. The awakening is happening globally. You're the one people hate, friend. Covid accelerated that mass awakening like nothing else.

>> No.15506049
File: 138 KB, 904x512, radiation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are synonymous terms
phew, well that wasn't so hard
my turn

>> No.15506050

>indeed it is not, I have been stating them quite a few times over the course of this thread
So far I only saw a single citation by you from 17th century. The time where hygiene meant not bathing and using old clothes as menstrual aids.

>> No.15506051

>the gratitude expressed towards me by several people,

You might be surprised how many agree with your thinking. Cultists like the one you have been talking too benefit from something called "manufactured consent".

>> No.15506054

I know what you said, but the objective reality disagrees with you, the observations made in this thread are directly opposite to what you claim. One person, not multiple people, that's an incorrect claim. Delusional, as evidenced by the thread yet again.

>> No.15506057

I'll note that "ray" just means "line", a theoretical geometric construct, and inherently has nothing to do with light OR articles except in so far as the two of them seem to follow lines. Another word for ray would be vector, and just like polar charge can be reffered to as scalar, it's purely a mathematical categorization for use in formulas and geometry. "radiation" is everything from light rays, to alpha particles, to the leaves of a tree "radiating" from the branches.

And I feel you guys are also getting twiested around with "aether" since you're using two seperate conflicted definitions. First, there's the aether in terms of "dark matter", which one of you is using, which really represents "one step down" in electromagnetism and, while explaining current experiments in greater detail than existing theories, doesn't attempt to fundamentally explain WHY or even HOW electromagnetism functions, merely WHAT it does. Secondly, the definition the other one seems to be using is the "inductive aether" which is the continuum between the limit as scale approaches zero, all the way up to the limit as scale approaches infinity, summed up in a single term.
In other words, one "aether" is the definite integral of an electromagnetic field within certain boundaries(say from sub atomic particles to atoms) and the other is the definite integral of all electromagnetic forces.

However while it's possible to directly observe the "definite aether" it's impossible to do so for the "indefinite aether", since we literally can't measure things that are infinitely small or infinitely large, and at best we can indirectly observe it through it's effects and attempt to model it's behavior in a formula.

>> No.15506058
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Give it some time and it will be an Irradiating Particle soon enough. Not a Ray.

Took 100 years to fix Alpha Particle, that dunce Rudderfud...Im working on it...

...as you may not know, Linguistics is a thing for me too.

>> No.15506060

>One person, not multiple people, that's an incorrect claim

You are obsessed with human opinions and hierarchies. It leaks out of your every pore. OP would be correct if it was him alone.

>> No.15506063

So....not a Ray, the thing emitted from the particle and not the particle itself denoted as "alpha"?

>> No.15506069

op is incorrect because they claimed multiple people thanked them. have you forgotten how to count too?

>> No.15506068

Oh, and you seem to have confused what it is with what is does.

Definitions are not descriptions.

>> No.15506074

the facts are not limited what has been written about, the facts I'm stating are based on what has been observed by everyone
once again: do you also ask for citations whenever someone says the sky appears blue?
but yes, consider it a highly magnanimous gesture on my part to even share a single treatise with you, treasure it and read it well, you will learn much
>time where hygiene meant not bathing
fantastic argument, I'm sure trying to ad hominem Huygens makes him less of one of history's most brilliant scientists
I can envision you two meeting in my mind:
>Huygens: "so that is how light is and why it behaves in all those ways we observe"
>you: "y-you s-stink..."
I must admit, this made me laugh
thanks for the laugh, anon
at your own expense nonetheless, not everyone is prepared to make fun of themselves like that, I respect that
oh yes, the facts always win out in the end, and science keeps progressing one funeral at a time
>objective reality disagrees with you
blatantly false, as everything I've said so far is in 100% agreement with objective reality
>observations made in this thread are directly opposite to what you claim
incorrect again
>One person, not multiple people, that's an incorrect claim.
this is based on you searching for the explicit word "thank", whereas gratitude has been expressed towards me and my posts on several occasions throughout this thread without the explicit use of that word
quite fallacious reasoning on your part
still, that is the terminology that has been in use for over a century, and there's nothing wrong about using the word "ray" for that given the etymological origins of that word
in any case you are still wrong and I am right, just as stated already
yes, radiation and ray refer to the same thing, both from Latin "radius", which referred to the spoke of a wheel and subsequently to straight lines in countless other contexts
there's nothing about it that precludes particles

>> No.15506077

>but yes, consider it a highly magnanimous gesture on my part to even share a single treatise with you, treasure it and read it well, you will learn much
Literally a cult leader.
Since you speak of revolution and how everyone is wrong, why are you trying to hide knowledge? It's like you don't want it scrutinized because it doesn't stand on its own legs.

>> No.15506080
File: 230 KB, 719x621, 2023-06-17_03.33.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is the terminology that has been in use for over a century
Not for long.


>> No.15506087

>radiation and ray refer to the same thing
You've confused a description of what it does with what it is.

One is an action of, the other is the definition of it, since the particle is irrelevent to the danger-part, it was ignored.

FINALLY. We figured out the error!

>> No.15506094

this is all entirely correct, but nothing we're getting "twisted" about at all, I've even explained all of that explicitly
and I agree that you could use "aether" for the even more fundamental basis of electromagnetic particles in the first place too, but then you'd have to find some other name for the "aether" acting as the transmission medium for electromagnetic waves
but you're absolutely right, and this more fundamental and "indefinite aether" has also been called the "transmuting aether", and it's indeed only possible to model formulaically in a computational manner, although who knows what we might achieve a billion years hence
I notice that you keep trying to desperately deflect from the facts by calling me names and ascribing intentions to me that I clearly do not have
but what I said remains true regardless
>everyone is wrong
at this point it's mostly a couple of people who remain wrong due to being willfully obtuse
most others have likely understood all of this by now
>why are you trying to hide knowledge?
I'm doing the exact opposite of this
there's no reason why it wouldn't remain that way
and that's still irrelevant to the fact that it is that way, and that it's been that way for over a century
and also that it's actually perfectly descriptive etymologically too
no matter how you look at it you are simply wrong, and I am right, but then again I've already made that quite clear
no, I haven't confused anything
you, on the other hand, seem to not even understand what the etymological root of the word even is
it's also interesting how you desperately try to avoid acknowledging even the most basic mistakes

>> No.15506095

>trying to desperately deflect
I'm not the one consistently refusing to provide evidence for your claim
>I'm doing the exact opposite of this
>consider it a highly magnanimous gesture on my part to even share a single treatise with you
Of course

>> No.15506097

>ITT: anon argues that scientific progress halted 300 years ago and no new discovery has ever been made since
you know blaming capitalism on your problems is soi and cringe

>> No.15506098

Just to make it clear....

Alpha (Particle) Ray (Radiation)

Youve confused the description of the particle's emmitions for the particle itself.

StonedSchool did more for me than your Highschool did.

>> No.15506100

>it's also interesting how you desperately try to avoid acknowledging even the most basic mistakes


>> No.15506105

>I'm not the one consistently refusing to provide evidence for your claim
I have provided endless evidence for my claims
>Of course
there's nothing in that treatise I haven't already explained
I'm not hiding anything, I'm explaining everything
>Just to make it clear...
given that you barely understand what you're talking about, you can't really make anything clear
>Alpha (Particle) Ray (Radiation)
yes, those are synonymous terms, given that alpha rays are a form of particle radiation
>Youve confused
no, I haven't confused anything, as I've explained
>description of the particle's emmitions for the particle itself
no, particle radiation refers to the particle itself representing the radiation
i.e. an alpha ray represents a helium nucleus, which itself is called alpha radiation, or an alpha particle, given that it's particle radiation
no, not the same at all, as I've been explaining basic physics to you for quite a while now, while you've been explaining why you never learned those basic physics and what you did instead

>> No.15506106

you're just doing the "I said it's true so it's true" thing again. providing specific citations might avoid this blunder in the future, hope this helps!

>> No.15506108
File: 7 KB, 232x218, images (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those are synonymous terms


>> No.15506109

a real scientist would have given a specific citations, figure, name, study, or observation that other people can verify by virtue of its specific claim. I noticed you're still not doing that.

>> No.15506112

You just don't have enough faith.

>> No.15506115

>you're just doing the "I said it's true so it's true" thing again
given that I never once did that in the first place, I certainly can't do it again
and I'm not doing that now either
>providing specific citations
not necessary at all to explain what the facts are and to state what has been empirically observed so far
>avoid this blunder
I've made no blunder at all, so there's nothing to avoid in the future either
if anything I will do more or less exactly the same to ensure that I replicate the great success this thread has been
>>those are synonymous terms
in this context, the context of an alpha ray/alpha particle, those are indeed synonymous, given that we're talking about particle radiation
thus it's simultaneously a ray and a particle
nothing wrong with that either given what "ray" means etymologically speaking
your fallacious ideas about what a "real scientist" would do are primarily your own problem, and lead to you obsessing over the wrong things when you could have joined the conversation a long time ago
>I noticed you're still not doing that.
I've been explaining the facts throughout the entire thread, and I am still doing that

>> No.15506121

>I've been explaining the facts throughout the entire thread, and I am still doing that
You know, instead of "explaining the facts" you could just provide the empirical evidence used to conclude those facts.

>> No.15506126

you claim to have said nothing but objective reality, yet you've lied almost every message. You're a charlatan. Do you actually believe all of this?

>> No.15506130
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>> No.15506134

>instead of "explaining the facts" you could just provide the empirical evidence used to conclude those facts
the empirical evidence is the sum total of all observations ever made
I reference those all the time
putting those observations into a working model of reality is the interesting part, which is what I'm doing and explaining
>you claim to have said nothing but objective reality
that is 100% correct
>yet you've lied almost every message
I've not lied in a single post, every single post has contained nothing other than 100% factual statements
>You're a charlatan.
I'm essentially the diametric opposite of a charlatan
>Do you actually believe all of this?
the facts of reality are not a matter of belief, but of knowledge
I know all of this, hence why I'm explaining it to you and others
yes, 100% correct
they are indeed both particle and rays simultaneously, which is exactly what particle radiation refers to

>> No.15506139

I can also say things and insist they're true, the difference is I cite specific evidence to prove it. You can insist you're right all you want.

>> No.15506141

>they are indeed both particle and rays simultaneously
>particle radiation (rays)

You JUST said RAY (particle) RAYS (radiation).

>> No.15506142

>I can also say things and insist they're true
you can, but that's irrelevant to whether or not they're actually true
>the difference is I cite specific evidence to prove it
I also state what the evidence is constantly
>You can insist you're right all you want.
well, I happen to in fact be right, which is why I insist
yes, particle radiation
particles can be rays, just like alpha rays and cosmic rays are
once again, given the etymology of the word "ray" and "radiation", this is not strange or surprising at all, and there's no reason to change it either

>> No.15506144

>empirical evidence
You're arguing about semantics. What's the "empirical evidence" that the word "blue" stands for the color blue?
>Blue isn't a word at all and the REAL color of the sky is AZURE
>where's you're evidence that the sky is blue? Blue isn't even a real word!
>in the future everyone will use AZURE instead of the backwards antiquated "blue" of the modern age!
This is you.
There exists a thing called an "alpha ray". It doesn't matter what that thing is, it has NOTHING to do with those two words and could be just as easily called a "blargle flargle". The only real meaning or utility of the term "alpha ray" is that it's commonly used and, if mentioned to the average scientist, will evoke the concept of the thing itself and easily allow communication of information involving it.
>I'm detecting large amounts of alpha radiation coming from this sample
Obviously has more utility than
>I'm detecting large amounts of blarge flarge from this sample
Excepting the case where the person you're talking to understands that "blargle flargle" refers to high energy helium nuclei, in which case it's equivalent.

>> No.15506146
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Good lord....Im gunna have a drink and think about how I got twisted around on a technicallity...

I didnt focus on Particle Phsyics much after Highschool with Fusion/Fission, I had a life to live...particle physicists are fucking plebs, man...

>> No.15506147

Replied to the wrong message?

>> No.15506152

it's not a "technicality" at all, it's what the word "ray" has referred to for over a century, and what is consistent with the etymology of the word
so rather than a "technicality", it's just you being extremely wrong on every level imaginable
I'm not "arguing" about anything, just explaining the basics to this poor sod
in fact, if you go back you will see that I even said from the beginning that it doesn't really matter at all, but that it's the terminology that was chosen over a century ago for several types of particle radiation, and also that this is fully consistent with the etymology of the word in any case

>> No.15506153

No. The other guy is the one repeatedly asserting that "alpha radiation" is a high energy helium nucleus, which it is.
I quoted you, the person arguing that the term "ray" can only be applied to optics, even though it existed for millennia before electromagnetism even existed as a field and was commonly used to refer to the rays of invisible light that shot out of a man's eyeballs to allow him to feel the color of objects it touched.

>> No.15506156

So you did reply to the wrong message. My message had nothing to do with the semantics of rays and particles or whatever.

>> No.15506158

yes, they did reply to the wrong message
they didn't realize there were three different anons posting

>> No.15506161

>particle radiation
>particles can be rays
>particle radiation


>> No.15506163

I just realised there are 62 posters in this thread btw.

>> No.15506169

>>particle radiation
>>particles can be rays
>>particle radiation
you really struggle to understand context
in the term "particle radiation", "radiation" is the overarching phenomenon being described, and "particle" is a noun adjective describing what type of radiation it is
in this case that type of radiation is particle radiation
thus when you describe individual types of particle radiation, like alpha radiation, you can both call it an alpha particle and an alpha ray
this is not very hard to understand at all, it's in fact quite easy
that's great, I know there were a lot of people earlier who enjoyed learning about aether
but lately it's primarily been 3 people as far as I've been able to discern

>> No.15506172

you don't cite evidence though, you just say all observations ever support you and don't cite or specify how or why, why would you lie? what do you have to gain from lying?

>> No.15506173

>I know there were a lot of people earlier who enjoyed learning about aether
People like going to the zoo but it's certainly not to enjoy learning science from chimps.

>> No.15506175
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>particles can be rays
>particle radiation
particles can be rays

You will confuse Physicists the world over with this shit dude....youre a 100 years behind the lingo....you are saying RAY RAY and see nothing wrong with it.

Fascninating at this point...

>> No.15506178

>you don't cite evidence though
again: do you ask for citations if someone states the sky appears to be blue?
you still haven't answered that question
>you just say all observations ever support you
it's not me they support
that way of thinking makes it clear that you think this is somehow about "me" or "you"
the observations support what I'm stating, not "me"
>don't cite
you are the one desperate for this even when I've been so grand as to give you a treatise to read, mostly out of pity for your desperation
>or specify how or why
that's wrong, I specify how and why at great length, and always have
>why would you lie?
I don't lie
haven't done that once, and I'm not doing it now
>what do you have to gain from lying?
nothing, hence why I don't do it
yeah, I guess some people just thought it was funny to have a few laughs at pot-smoker-anon and obsessive-anon, but most of them seemed genuinely interested in learning about aether and expressed their gratitude for it
>particles can be rays
I just explained the context of that to you
let me quote myself verbatim, maybe you'll understand it after reading it twice (yes, you could of course read it twice without me doing this, but let's not kid ourselves that this is something you'd actually do):
>you really struggle to understand context
>in the term "particle radiation", "radiation" is the overarching phenomenon being described, and "particle" is a noun adjective describing what type of radiation it is
>in this case that type of radiation is particle radiation
>thus when you describe individual types of particle radiation, like alpha radiation, you can both call it an alpha particle and an alpha ray
>this is not very hard to understand at all, it's in fact quite easy
>will confuse Physicists the world over
unlikely, given how this is something everyone who isn't busy smoking cannabis learns in high school, and something all physicists worldwide already know very well

>> No.15506181

>let me quote myself verbatim
No, let me;
Particle Ray= RAY RAY, its NONSENSE.

Your antiquated terminology has been replaced in academia and will take a generation to flush out of the system. RUDDERFUG WAS A DOLT!


>> No.15506184

you repeating the exact same thing I already addressed does not make it any less false
I already explained the context of the term "particle radiation" twice, and there's nothing nonsensical about it
there's nothing "antiquated" about it either, as I've mentioned multiple times, since it perfectly encapsulates the etymological origins of the word

>> No.15506186

no I wouldn't ask for citation but I might ask why, and a citation would explain. You assume I attribute you some main character status; you said an argument, you said evidence supports that, ease of conversation permits the shorthand - pointing out otherwise is a semantic argument avoiding substance. You don't specify to any extent, regardless how hard you insist "every observation ever" is the exact opposite of being specific. You're still lying, but clearly asking why won't work as you're delusional, to the point you're trying to rewrite a new fake reality just to justify what you think. You're a liar, wether you believe you are or not, in the same way a parrot saying "the sky is red" is lying, except that you have the capability of knowing and doing better.

>> No.15506188

>"particle radiation"
What is "ray radiation"?

My termilogy is unfalsifiable and 100% factually correct.

>> No.15506204

>I wouldn't ask for citation
except you obsessively do, instead of joining the conversation about the facts
>I might ask why
that's exactly what you should do, and many people have, to which I've provided detailed explanations
>a citation would explain
not at all, I'm making this easy as possible to understand, my explanations are going to be a lot easier to understand than any paper or treatise
I shared Huygens' excellent treatise with you as a compromise, so that you have something to read, but as I've stated already there's nothing in it that I haven't already explained
>You assume I attribute you some main character status
no, and I've refuted that notion thoroughly already
you are the one claiming that I do that
in reality I'm not doing that at all
I'm explaining everything I'm saying in great detail, not telling you to believe it because I say it
you're the one refusing explanation and instead obsessively asking for citations
>You don't specify to any extent, regardless how hard you insist "every observation ever" is the exact opposite of being specific.
my explanations are specific
all the observations ever made are by definition not specific, but broad and encompassing
>You're still lying
I haven't lied once, so I can't "still" be doing that
nor am I doing it now, so that's a doubly wrong claim
>clearly asking why won't work
it absolutely does work
many people asked for explanations earlier, and I've provided those in great detail
asking "why" is precisely what you should be doing, rather than asking "what"
>you're trying to rewrite a new fake reality
that sounds eerily like what you're the one trying to do right now to avoid acknowledging that you're completely wrong
>You're a liar
blatantly false, given that I haven't told a single lie or falsehood
>What is "ray radiation"?
again repeating what I've already explained to you

>> No.15506212

yes I do, for the reason I said. You're still just not explaining yourself. Try doing that next time.

>> No.15506220

your "reasons" are all logically fallacious nonsense
and yes, I'm explaining everything I'm saying
once again it's not "myself" I'm explaining, this is still some weird focus of yours on people rather than facts
what I'm explaining are the facts, not "myself"
and explaining the facts is not something I need to try to do next time, as I've done it in abundance so far, and keep doing it

>> No.15506227

>explained to you
Then explain this;
>There are also secondary cosmic particles produced after cosmic rays interact with Earth's atmosphere

This is so odd;
>cosmic particles produced after cosmic rays
Did you see?
>cosmic particles cosmic rays
Particles....rays....RAYS RAYS!

>> No.15506232

>Then explain this;
>>There are also secondary cosmic particles produced after cosmic rays interact with Earth's atmosphere
not much to explain once you understand the context I've already described
>This is so odd
not at all
>>cosmic particles produced after cosmic rays
>Did you see?
perhaps you should have also read the last part of the sentence:
>including muons, mesons, and positrons
see, those are in that case of cosmic origin, but since they don't fall under the definition of cosmic rays, the are described only as cosmic particles
your failure to distinguish between these categories is your own problem, especially given how I've already explained it all to you very clearly by now

>> No.15506236

>perhaps you should have also read the last part of the sentence
After the word INCLUDING it is irrelevent to the previous phrase.

>> No.15506239

no, because that refers to what those cosmic particles are
the muons, mesons, and positrons are all cosmic particles that are not cosmic rays, hence why they're explicitly called that
once again, I've already explained all of this to you
less cannabis haze, more physics, maybe you'll reach high school level soon

>> No.15506240

>cosmic particles
Yes, cosmic rays.
>cosmic rays
No, cosmic particles.

This can't be made any more clear.

>> No.15506242

>>Yes, cosmic rays.
no, muons, mesons, and positrons are not included in the definition of cosmic rays at all
hence why they're called cosmic particles
>>cosmic rays
>No, cosmic particles.
yes, cosmic rays are indeed all particles
but the opposite is not true
very easy to understand
especially since I already explained that multiple times

>> No.15506243

>cosmic particles
Cosmic rays.
>that are not cosmic rays
Cosmic particles.
>synonymous terms


>> No.15506245

>>cosmic particles
>Cosmic rays.
no, muons, mesons, and positrons are not included in the definition of cosmic rays at all
>>synonymous terms
yes, "alpha particle" and "alpha ray" are synonymous terms, 100% correct
oh, right, I already told you that

>> No.15506257

they're not logically fallacious they're observations of the thread. you cannot possibly grasp reality so you invent your own. You're again engaging in the semantic debate in detail because your scientific ideas are bunk. stop trying to be specific about semantics and answer the questions soany people are asking you coward.

>> No.15506266

>Alpha Ray
>100% correct
Then why does the computer auto-correct me? Why does the Wiki redirect me? Why do search results show the other way? Why do I agree with the computers, wikipedia, academia, google?

Why do you disagree with everyone except a man who mistermed a phrase 120 years ago?

>> No.15506273

>not logically fallacious
yes, and blatantly so
>they're observations of the thread
not even remotely the case
>you cannot possibly grasp reality
of course I can, and so can you, the problem is that you're not even trying, and you're obsessing over something irrelevant instead of engaging with the facts of reality
>you invent your own
the diametric opposite of what I'm doing
>again engaging in the semantic debate in detail
it's not a "debate", just me explaining to that poor sod how he doesn't even understand basic physics and can't distinguish between very simple concepts
>your scientific ideas are bunk
they're not "my" ideas
once again, for the third time in short succession, you keep demonstrating your inability to deal with objective facts by trying to make it personal, as if anything I'm saying is "mine" or has anything to do with "me"
>stop trying to be specific about semantics
not even what is occurring, it's rather that person who tries to worm out of acknowledging their error
but of course I'll keep reminding them that they're wrong
>answer the questions
exactly what I've been doing during the course of this entire thread
>>Alpha Ray
>>100% correct
or alpha particle, equally correct
both describe the exact same thing
>why does the computer auto-correct me?
it doesn't
>Why does the Wiki redirect me?
because Wikipedia always redirects to the article name, which in this case is "alpha particle"
that's true even if you search for synonymous terms
>Why do search results show the other way?
most likely because "alpha particle" is more popular, despite "alpha ray" being the original term and equally valid
>Why do I agree with the computers, wikipedia, academia, google?
you certainly don't agree with "academia", since alpha radiation is the most broadly used term in scientific contexts
why you think only "alpha particle" is correct is clearly due to how you didn't even know the word "ray" also refers to particle radiation, too much pot

>> No.15506274

so you're trolling

>> No.15506276

>so you're trolling
not even remotely the case, I'm explaining the facts quite clearly to anyone interested
many have demonstrated earnest interest so far, and they're quite welcome
people like you are of course not that interested and rather more interested in being willfully obtuse, but even you are most likely picking up on some of the facts here and there

>> No.15506279
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>since alpha radiation is the most broadly used term in scientific contexts
Then why is the main page for the field WRONG?

Why are two called particles and one called radiation?

Your field of research is retarded, Particle Physicists are retarded, Rutherfuck was midwit.

I cannot stand the retarded errors by "so called smart people", these are too egregious to forgive.

>> No.15506284

>>since alpha radiation is the most broadly used term in scientific contexts
>Then why is the main page for the field WRONG?
it isn't wrong at all
again: the terms are synonymous
just because the term "alpha radiation" is most broadly used in scientific contexts does not mean it's used exclusively
>Why are two called particles and one called radiation?
in this case it's to make it clear, as in the illustration, that alpha and beta radiation is particle radiation, hence referring to them explicitly as particles
but elsewhere in the article "alpha radiation" is also used, something you of course leave out due to how disingenuous you are
>cannot stand the retarded errors
well, if that's the case you should start by learning high school physics, and you'll make a lot less of them

>> No.15506287

if you actually believe this and you're not trolling that's both more pathetic and embarrassing in how poorly and flimsily you've presented your case. You're so bad at this I would otherwise assume you're being this stupid, wrong, and obtuse on purpose.

>> No.15506288

>that alpha and beta radiation is particle radiation
Ray radiation? This simply doesnt make sense. What is "ray rays"?

>> No.15506291

Cult recruitment on /sci/ should be a ban-worthy offense.

>> No.15506297

>believe this
as I already explained, none of this is a matter of belief
these are fact, and as such it's matter of knowledge
>not trolling
well, it's clear that this is only something you suggest as further desperate attempts at deflection away from the facts, which you still refuse to enter a conversation about, even though it's been going all thread long
>more pathetic and embarrassing
that's a great description of your lack of addressing the facts I've stated
>how poorly and flimsily you've presented your case
once again, for the fourth time (but I'll keep calling you out, of course), you try to make it about "my" case, as if this has anything to do with "me"
I'm simply presenting the facts, and this is about the facts, not "me"
and those facts have been presented extremely well, to the point where many people have expressed their gratitude and only a couple of willfully obtuse people are left to refuse acknowledging the facts
it's cute when someone learns a new word from you and demonstrates that they picked up up, even though they still don't quite understand what it means
keep trying, you'll find the right context for it at some point
>Ray radiation?
no, "alpha" and "ray" are not synonymous terms, neither are "beta" and "ray"
your lack of basic language understanding is quite alarming
maybe cannabis smoke isn't so harmless to the brain after all
>Cult recruitment on /sci/ should be a ban-worthy offense.
agreed, but I doubt mods will do anything about threads promoting relativity cultism or Big Bang cultism

>> No.15506302

>"alpha" and "ray" are not synonymous terms
>the terms are synonymous
just because the term "alpha radiation" is most broadly used


>> No.15506304

>>"alpha" and "ray" are not synonymous terms
>>the terms are synonymous
yes, the terms "alpha ray" and "alpha particle" are synonymous terms
the terms "alpha" and "ray" are not
the fact that you can't tell the difference is, again, extremely alarming
this makes me want to investigate just how severely damaging cannabis can be to the language centers of the brain

>> No.15506307

Im no longer trying, Im just beating a dead horse in the retardation of false terms.

Your field is retarded and needs retooling, I may work on that by pointing out the retardation at the foundation of Particle Physics.

Those guys are retarded.
You cannot comprehend reality, only semantics.
I can solve Particle Physics errors.
I can educate the retarded.

The field is doomed...

>> No.15506313

>no longer trying
you were never really trying, you've just been repeating things I've already explained to you multiple times for a long time, and before than you were never really trying to begin with
the fact that you still try to avoid acknowledging your basic error when it comes to basic physics terminology used for over a century and still in active use today is quite telling

>> No.15506322

am I to assume the first time I see anybody use a new word I've already used they must have learned it from me? Your entire message history is incredibly self centered, even when you try to play stoic. you're not as unbiased impartial (or correct) as you've convinced yourself you are. please take this thread to reflect and improve your communication if anything, because I would love to believe you are genuine, but everything you do and say combats both this notion and contradicts truth. You're still trying to argue semantics to avoid the substance of your debate. look how far I've tricked you into discussing from the aether, because you've refused to engage in any discussion about it the entire thread.

>> No.15506327

>look how far I've tricked you into discussing from the aether
So you ARE trolling on purpose then.

>> No.15506333

>am I to assume the first time I see anybody use a new word I've already used they must have learned it from me?
not at all
luckily this doesn't describe anything I'm doing, since I've clarified terms and explained exactly what I've said all throughout the thread
>Your entire message history is incredibly self centered
no, but given how you keep repetitively trying to project that onto me it speaks volumes about your own thought process
nothing about this is self-centered at all, it is reality-centered and facts-centered
>even when you try to play stoic
clearly you don't know what Stoicism even is
and Stoicism is quite idiotic in any case
Epicureanism is the Greek philosophical tradition of the wise
>you're not as unbiased impartial
yes, everything I'm stating is entirely unbiased and impartial
>(or correct)
everything I'm saying is most certainly 100% correct
>you've convinced yourself
I haven't convinced myself of anything, I've simply allowed myself to be convinced by reality about what it is
>take this thread to reflect
this thread is the product of already reflecting quite a great deal
>improve your communication
clearly not necessary, given the great success of the thread and how many people expressed their gratitude for my clear explanations, and how only a couple of willfully obtuse people are left trying to avoid acknowledging the facts of reality
>I would love to believe you are genuine
once again trying to make it about "me"
>everything you do and say combats both this notion and contradicts truth
blatantly false, given how everything I've stated is 100% true
>still trying to argue semantics
as I already explained, I'm not arguing about anything, I'm simply explaining the truth
>avoid the substance
that is, as I've said repeatedly, what you've been doing all along
cute when you keep trying to repeat my words, but in the wrong contexts
>how far I've tricked you
even cuter, pretending like you're "tricking" anyone after getting corrected on facts

>> No.15506340

that person isn't even "trolling", they're just obsessive about the wrong things and have very little understanding of how to find out what's true
when they claim that they've "tricked" anyone it's essentially just another desperate attempt at deflecting from their own lack of ability to address the facts I've been explaining all along
so it's more about them than about me
luckily I've dealt with this type of personality many times before, so it's certainly nothing new to me, and very easy for me to deal with

>> No.15506341
File: 367 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230617-055159_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only video on youtube I can find with the term Alpha Ray in the title, search term was Alpha Ray Lecture.
>India location.
>Its in Hindi.
Lmfao...this autist is funny, particle physics is a joke.

>> No.15506394

obviously not, it's impossible to be trolling when the OP is engaging in bad faith, we're both just shitposting, as openly stated. No words mean anything if you pretend they don't.

>> No.15506420

Wait, does Theoria post here?

>> No.15506679

the term most prominently used is "alpha radiation", the term "alpha ray" is only singular of that term
the term "alpha radiation" is quite literally plastered all over the article you were spamming earlier, which is quite ironic
>OP is engaging in bad faith
that's ironic, given how I've been explaining the facts to everyone throughout the thread and eagerly clarifying for anyone interested in learning (helping many along the way), whereas you've been obsessively asking for something irrelevant in order to desperately deflect from the fact that you're not even trying to address the facts
>we're both just shitposting
you and the other willfully obtuse person, yes
but certainly not me, what I'm doing is the diametric opposite, I'm posting factual information that everyone should know

>> No.15506833

Really hope we'll have more Walther Russel threads in the future