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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15500266 No.15500266 [Reply] [Original]

I don't believe in gravity.

>> No.15500270

Oh but gravity believes in you though.

>> No.15500274

Things just be sliding down the slope of spacetime. Plenty of what you feel is only a big stack of air on your head.

>> No.15500278

What do you want me to say? "Jump off a building"? There, I said it. Now fuck off with your retardation.

>> No.15500283

I consider the spacetime model to be inadequate.

What does 'gravity' mean to you?

>> No.15500298

the supposed "laws of gravity" are so stupid that they fail to accurately predict orbits in galaxies. galaxies are virtually all of the visible matter in the known universe, so the "laws of gravity" are pretty much completely wrong, only an idiot would believe in them.
>b-b-but muh dark matter
should be renamed "cope matter"

>> No.15500301
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>turn off the lights
>fuck! I just stubbed my toe on some dark matter

>> No.15500310
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I'm the CEO of gravity

>> No.15500337

>be scientist
>mock christcucks for giving money to churches, believing in an intangible god, following the words of a book obviously written by lesser men
>pay $20000 to a university
>study gravity

>> No.15500343

You fail to understand the gravity of this situation.

>> No.15500347

Give us your universal theory, Einstein.

>> No.15500351

nigga failed Physics 1

>> No.15500379

Do you believe in gravity?

>> No.15500419


>> No.15501423
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lack of self awareness amongst the atheists is a common theme in our society

>> No.15502177
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>> No.15503354
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>> No.15503356

yet there you are, submitting to it all the same.

>> No.15503361
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I believe in cocks

>> No.15503430

Based on what?

>> No.15503444

I don't believe in other people's intelligence I think I'm the only intelligent man

>> No.15503468

You don't have to believe in reality for it to work. That's how we know it's real

>> No.15503474
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The good thing about Science is that it's true irregardless of whether you "believe" in it.

>> No.15503476

Thank you my nigga smokedegrass tyson

>> No.15503478

Is sciens stopid or smrt

>> No.15503775

Beat me to it

>> No.15504264


>> No.15504458

Gravity doesn't need you to believe in it.

>> No.15504588

you should test your theory on the high building you can find

>> No.15504617

You were late >>15500278

>> No.15505340 [DELETED] 

I jumped off a building 10km high and I'm just fine. The building is made out of dark matter so you can't see it, but its still there. If you don't believe me then I can't help you, science deniers are all mentally ill, I'm a physicist, not a psychiatrist.

>> No.15505741
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Yeah my nigga it's the ytboi with his tricknology keepin a brother down!

>> No.15506192

gravity is not a religion anyways so you should be fine

>> No.15506625 [DELETED] 

it does need faithful believers to exist, its just a lame theory with glaring flaws that could disappear tomorrow, no different from any other system of belief. religions existed before gravity did and those religions will also outlast gravity

>> No.15506795

Gravity isn't a belief, it's a law. Laws are above everything in this world.

>> No.15507731
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>isn't observable
>isn't measurable
>isn't testable
Gravity only exist in your mind

>> No.15507741

Don't fall off the edge

>> No.15507767 [DELETED] 

>Gravity isn't a belief
yes it is
furthermore its a stupid belief that leads to other stupid beliefs like dark matter. you can't believe in gravity without also believing in dark matter. dark matter is a non disprovable conjecture, its not a scientific theory, its not scientific in any way.
so gravity is also not scientific, its belief just like any other religious belief. gravity is atheistic dogma, not science, not "law"

>> No.15507785

>sliding down the slope of spacetime

>> No.15507790

>Observe the planets
>Observe falling objects
>Measure differences in g in different places on earth due to spherical imperfections
>Test alternative theories of gravity
Nothing exists in your mind.

>> No.15507798

Serious question, are you a retard?

>> No.15507809

What a cope

>> No.15507811

>Observe the planets
>Observe falling objects
I will call this observable Jewvity and you should do so, I proved it, its a law.
J for Jewvity
You can also test alternative jews.

>> No.15507833
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May we see it?

>> No.15508046

whoa, 1/r^2 gravitational force doesn't come close to describing the rotation of galaxies. maybe there's some heretofore unseen matter around the galaxy which could account for the discrepancy. how much of it do we need to balance the equation? oh, it has to account for 90-95% of all matter in the universe. whatever, just fit the curve and call it a day.

>> No.15508188 [DELETED] 

>1/r^2 gravitational force doesn't come close to describing the rotation of galaxies
given that virtually all visible matter in the universe is in galaxies and GR fails completely at predicting galactic orbits, what does that have to say about GR?
GR is a total failure

>> No.15508428

>GR is a total failure
Do you have an alternative that does better?

>> No.15508582
File: 74 KB, 736x460, gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship Satan. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.

>> No.15508583
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>> No.15509116 [DELETED] 

yes, not being mired in dogma and clinging to an observationally disproved dead theory.
or are you so cowardly and image conscious that you're afraid ppl will think you're low iq if you admit that you don't know everything about the entire universe?