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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15499927 No.15499927 [Reply] [Original]

A New Experiment Casts Doubt on the Leading Theory of the Nucleus

>A new measurement of the strong nuclear force, which binds protons and neutrons together, confirms previous hints of an uncomfortable truth: We still don’t have a solid theoretical grasp of even the simplest nuclear systems.

/sci/ lost, /sci/zos won, it's over

>> No.15499930

> But before explaining the crush of matter in neutron stars, physicists must first figure out why their predictions are so far off.
haha you /soi/entists are so proud of yourselves until you actually decide to test your fairy tales theories written by (((einstein))) and other frauds

>> No.15499935

More evidence that a new paradigm is maturing.

>> No.15499938

this is 100 times better than whatever abstract theories come out of academia, but it's still not enough, we need equations

>> No.15499941

seems weird they won't link an article, the lead author they list has never written a paper on the topic, and then editorialized the reports of other people not on the paper. Shouldn't have expected better from a woman.

>> No.15499944
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>> No.15499947
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>> No.15499950
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What is with the compulsion to teach kids things, even when top scientists can't agree if they're true?
Why can't we teach kids the truth, "we simply don't know?" Is that feeling of not knowing simply too much of a discomfort to children, so we tell them lies instead?

>> No.15499963

>why is the sky blue
well we don't know!
We can't know
It's to make them shut the fuck up dude.

>> No.15499974

And then children grow up to be depressed because all wonder and mystery is removed from their world. Everything's been discovered and every area on Earth has been explored, and there's no hope they'll ever be the 1st to do something.

Then people wonder why depression is on the rise. All because of a few lies.

>> No.15499981

So I was right once again? Imagine my shock.

lol just joking I know I am the only person on this board is who isnt a poser midwit

>> No.15499984

What is your take on >>15499935?

>> No.15500054

> We still don’t have a solid theoretical grasp of even the simplest nuclear systems.


>> No.15500065

Im not going to pretend to be an expert on what something is. I just know what it is not because I am not retarded and can look at the facts and figure it out. We will have to wait to see what they come up with before we jump to any conclusions

>> No.15500069

I dont see anything here other than an intro. Am I missing something? Do I have to buy the book?

>> No.15500071

They have the simulated atom models available on the website to play with and see their structure.

>> No.15500072

is my browser blocking something? Post a screenshot

>> No.15500076

Does this page work for you?

>> No.15500080

>I cannot provide evidence for something
>I can just point and say "THATS WRONG"
>we will have to wait to see what (((they))) come up with
How much do they pay you to post here?

>> No.15500081

yes this works, my browser is blocking elements on the first page I can tell by the way it looks. I turened of my ad block and it still didnt load though. I use brave and it is has security features out the ass so I am not going to try and figure out what it has decided is unsafe but I will take a look at this ty

>> No.15500083

get a load of this fucking retard

>> No.15500087

I like this 3D modeling software. I built something simialr for anatmoy when I was the Georgia Tech Advanced Technology Development Center working on healthcare software where you could peel layers of bodies off to view the individual systems. I think I still have the prototype on my storage hd somewhere kek. Looks interesting. I loved organic chem and was in advanced classes in highschool so I know my way around this stuff a little but that was a long time ago so I wont larp like I know enough to critique any of this

>> No.15500090

If you're curious enough to try it, maybe you could email one of the developers. They seem like nice enough guys and they do a lot of interviews and Q&As about their theory.

>> No.15500092

I might just do that anon, tks for sharing. rare based thread in this shithole where OP is not a faggot

>> No.15500100


Looks like it's

>> No.15500106

This experiment is literally scientific method working as intended, I dunno what you're on about. You're ngmi if you're talking about winners and losers.

>> No.15500217

>So I was right once again? Imagine my shock.
Constantly going "nuh uh" doesn't mean you're right if the real scientists doing the real work including the real formulaic theory at no point agree with any point of your bullshit. Unless you have a contrary formula and theory and explanation why from that theory with said formula, you're not "right". You're just a narcissist trying to feel smug.
And here's a decent summary writeup too https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/article/76/6/14/2893162/Theory-and-experiment-disagree-on-alpha
>haha you /soi/entists are so proud of yourselves until you actually decide to test your fairy tales theories written by (((einstein))) and other frauds
Scientists doing science continue to improve on said science. You may believe things by dogma, but scientists don't. Cope and seethe.

>> No.15500223

I must admit, it's exciting to see a development in the strong force, anything fundamental in force is gonna get me excited about it

>> No.15500229

Homosexual OP, cool finding though.
>/sci/zos won
I have seen 0 schizos question the makeup of an atom's nucleus, just nonsense about relativity being fake, viruses not being real or earth being flat.

>> No.15500233

>But the theory of the strong force was not developed to explain how nucleons stick together. Instead, it was first used to explain how protons and neutrons are made of elementary particles called quarks and gluons.
you fucking what mate

>> No.15500238

>I have seen 0 schizos question the makeup of an atom's nucleus, just nonsense about relativity being fake, viruses not being real or earth being flat.
According to those retards any evidence we have yet more to discover is somehow confirmation 100% of everything discovered so far is wrong.

No it doesn't make sense.

>> No.15500258



> The second reason has to do with Weinberg’s effective field theory. It worked because it allowed physicists to ignore the less important parts of the equations. Van Kolck contends that some of the parts deemed less important and routinely ignored are in fact very important. The microscope provided by this particular helium measurement, he said, is illuminating that basic error.

Do you fucking idiots even read the article? Particle physics is almost entirely based on experimental evidence so of course our understanding improves when we make more precise measurements.

>> No.15500277

>Do you fucking idiots even read the article?
come on you know they don't. If they bothered to read anything, ever, they'd stop being fucking idiots.

>> No.15500434

its not the schizos that question these things, its the sane, intelligent people who can spell a lie better that stupid soience nerds can spin them.
really makes my wonder how much of your life you've devoted to memorizing the details of model which is completely and obviously wrong, seems like a stupid waste of to me

>> No.15500541
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do you actually believe the retarded bullshit you're spouting anon?

>> No.15500543

Like many threads on sci, this is essentially a cope thread
>be smart but lazy
>finish high school, or maybe not
>don't get a degree
>play vidya games and post on 4cheddit
>see physcists and shit doing smart fun cool shit
>but mommy said im a smart boy :((((
>invent alternative reality where scientists are wrong and I am the real genius, despite not having mastered basic calculus

>> No.15500546

>I hate /sci/
why are you here?

>> No.15500548

Who said I hate it? It's funny. I enjoy tormenting autists like Gary and that angular momentum guy (forget his name), and the relativity schizo(s). And sometimes I see some interesting shit here too.

>> No.15500549

modern scientists claim natural selection magically doesn't apply to humans

string theory drama shows that there are problems even in "super hard" fields

once people who are obviously wrong start being held accountable by the scientific community maybe I'll start accepting argumentum ab auctoritate again

>> No.15500556

We're talking about physics, anon. What's the hardest physics calculation you've done?

>> No.15501187

There are a lot of developments in the strong force going on from the pure theory side. In the last 10 years there have been some improvements in the understanding of baryons in the principal chiral model (which is what the paper discussed in this thread is using) and there have also been improvements in understanding of the QCD string that leads to confinement of quarks.

>> No.15501292

>the neutron is no longer a fundamental particle
somebody is a stupid nigger

>> No.15501370

see >>15500543

>> No.15501482

Have you ever seen a neutron?

>> No.15501552

Tell me what the decay products of a "neutron" are, anon.

>> No.15501556

One of them is an antineutrino

>> No.15501568

So a packet of energy, good work. And what are the other two? If you don't know, you can google it.

>> No.15501639

electron cloud model has been questioned by /sci/zos since a long time

>> No.15501682

You lack critical reading faculties. The rejection of the electron is a rejection of the whole model.

>> No.15501846

>I hate science
Why are you here?

>> No.15501970

This. It's self-evidently absurd and everyone knows it.

>> No.15502014

>electron cloud model has been questioned by /sci/zos since a long time
"nuh uh" is not "being questioned" in any relevant sense. Nobody has produced any superior models and you types are completely allergic to even figuring out how the mathjax system works.
>This. It's self-evidently absurd and everyone knows it.
Yep, all you have is the flat earther level "Nuh uh". I suppose relativity is also self-evidently absurd to you, and you just "nuh uh" that too. Let me guess, you prefer Aether?

Let's not mince words. You people have nothing, never produce anything, and sit in your self-satisfied smug armchairs thinking "nuh uh" is satisfactory. So that any time other scientists find discrepancies, and unsurprisingly produce more work within already established theory, you pretend and delude yourselves into thinking that means you were right. No, you weren't, not in any meaningful sense. You are only "right" in the meaningless way people declaring the stock market will crash are "right", because it will inevitably do so. Being "right" like a vague prophet isn't really being right. It's just being deceptive.

>> No.15502415

typical of the narcissistic science expert, absolute inability to admit when they were wrong, no humility whatsoever even in the face of evidence of their mistake and as a result, no ability to learn

>> No.15502471 [DELETED] 

This article is about the woman's inaccurate prediction rather than the experiment for no other reason that the person whose prediction failed was a woman. If the experiment would have been done by a woman (laughable), then the article would have been about the experiment, which was obviously the real point of interest in this recent development in physics.
>woman gets shit wrong
>newsworthy because no balls

>> No.15502483 [DELETED] 
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In 2011, I proposed the third order elliptic curve equation as the obvious extension into new physics beyond the second order wave equation of classical physics and the first order heat equation of quantum physics. It seems like I was spot on today, and it seemed the same way 12 years ago before the USA decided I was a retard that should be raped to death since their top guys were too stupid and/or lazy to study what I wrote before they said it was garbage. These top guys are mostly one-eye lookers, I assume. On the upside of that, if these ignoranuses had acknowledged my good idea back then, I might never have grown to the hate them with the total hatred that is required for me to sufficiently destroy them.

>> No.15502495 [DELETED] 
File: 3.13 MB, 2550x9900, TIMESAND___66_Intro_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sixty-Six Theses: Next Steps and the Way Forward in the Modified Cosmological Model
The purpose is to review and lay out a plan for future inquiry pertaining to the modified cosmological model (MCM) and its overarching research program. The material is modularized as a catalog of open questions that seem likely to support productive research work. The main focus is quantum theory but the material spans a breadth of physics and mathematics. Cosmology is heavily weighted and some Millennium Prize problems are included. A comprehensive introduction contains a survey of falsifiable MCM predictions and associated experimental results. Listed problems include original ideas deserving further study as well as investigations of others' work when it may be germane. A longstanding and important conceptual hurdle in the approach to MCM quantum gravity is resolved. A new elliptic curve application is presented. With several exceptions, the presentation is high-level and qualitative. Formal analyses are mostly relegated to the future work which is the topic of this book. Sufficient technical context is given that third parties might independently undertake the suggested work units.

>> No.15502498 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15502513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15502692

Quantum anything is a complete fraud. Particle physics is a meme.

quantum mechanics meme


>> No.15502704

I dont know anything about strong or weak interactions and dont care to know.

>> No.15502992

stfu you retarded cunt. I have literally NEVER been wrong about anything I have effort posted about on this board and I have dunked on you seething psueds endlessly, the only thing you have is running your mouth. You don't know how anything works because you are a psued and all your models and the establishment you worships models are wrong because you start from a faulty premise at first principles. It is easy to prove dipshits wrong when you from step 1 they are already making false assumptions. I didn't just go "nuh uh" i told you precisely how the models are wrong and the correct model to start from. This is why I am always right you psieds are always wrong

You are a retarded faggot and will forever remain so

>> No.15503040

>I didn't just go "nuh uh" i told you precisely how the models are wrong and the correct model to start from.
Great. I am eagerly awaiting your better calculation of the alpha particle monopole transition form factor.

>> No.15503048

>I didn't just go "nuh uh" i told you precisely how the models are wrong and the correct model to start from.
As with >>15503040 I must've somehow missed all your predictive modeling and calculations. Where are they?

>> No.15503738

maybe we have "nuh uh" but all you have is god playing dice on your dumb probability waves, "nuh uh" is as helpful as your theory

>> No.15503879

except it's very easy for an outsider to notice problems in assumptions and conduct and consistency that are overlooked or ignored by those in it. any time i learn something i notice problems. not necessarily novel problems, but ones left unaddressed.

>> No.15503896

it's incredibly unsatisfying and the reason i don't respect them. whether they have expertise in a higher level speciality in a discipline is irrelevant they clearly either don't understand the basis they're working on or they do but wilfully ignore problems for their own career. i.e. do not actually care and just want pet models for their own purposes.

>> No.15503969

no it's really simple, your science is completely outdated, we dont have to read bunch of white papers and silly equations, you have more than enough technology to present you're right by making simulation of reality, yet you can't how is that?

inb4 molecular dynamics
MD is scripted and not based on fundamental principles

i'm yet to see any of you quantum fanatics make simulation of your theory

>> No.15504066

what a huge wall of text just to say you love cocks and gargling cum

>> No.15504072

The Copenhagen Interpretation works

>> No.15504076

quantum computers may be the first such achievement, if they actually pan out as theorized

>> No.15504077

>strong nuclear force
This is something that has been going on for a while so nothing changes
>Confinement: the equations of QCD remain unsolved at energy scales relevant for describing atomic nuclei. How does QCD give rise to the physics of nuclei and nuclear constituents?

>> No.15504130

If quantum mechanics is a meme then how come it's able to predict stuff better than any other physical theory

>> No.15504162

It isn't.

>> No.15504335

quantum computers are not about simulating quantum physics but bruteforce computations you fucking buzzword idiot

>> No.15504337

no it doesn't, never simulated, never proven, it exists purely in philosophical popsoi brain

>> No.15504353

>why is the sky blue
For the same reason the moon turns red during a lunar eclipse. Now go away and think about it.

>> No.15504407

>maybe we have "nuh uh" but all you have is god playing dice on your dumb probability waves, "nuh uh" is as helpful as your theory
Not my theory. I prefer stochastic quantum mechanics. The apparent randomness you see is no different from the randomness you see in literally every dynamic system, and is not "true randomness". Same for the "nonlocality" just being the sum of the system affecting how each moment is determined. Nothing mystical or weird or unexplained there, just the same thing we see literally everywhere.

Your alternative is... what exactly?

>> No.15504595

sounds like you have extensive experience in the field. you finally found a subject where you can intellectually best me in

>> No.15504602

>Still no model
>Still no equations
We're waiting bodhi I thought we were the pseuds. Where's your better working model?

You can be as good as anyone at trying to manipulate with words. Reality doesn't care. So all anyone ever has to do to show you're full of shit is ask a very simple question. Where's your model buddy? Don't have one, do ya? Cope and seethe harder

>> No.15504642

It's not, that's just your programming talking.

>> No.15504665

okay but why

>> No.15504668

Are people here still under the impression that b*dhi is not a braindead schizophrenic?

>> No.15504951

>no u
LMAO I laugh at your life.

>> No.15504997

of course its not your theory, you're just buzzwording spitting diarhea shitposter from academia

>> No.15505002

It works well enough mathematically to create workable machines such as transistors

>> No.15505005

transistors dont require any QM schizobabble

>> No.15505080

>I don't understand so other people don't either
You have to be over 18 to post on 4chan kid

>> No.15505122

I suggest you do some research on solid state physics

>> No.15505227

two homosexuals who should suck each other off, /sci/ special

>> No.15505257

>the seething
lmao the harsh reality of your true incompetence really burns doesn't it

>> No.15506410

It seems that Mach’s empirio-criticism is aging well.

>> No.15506417

mad bcuz fag

>> No.15506445

>It seems that Mach’s empirio-criticism is aging well.
how so?

>> No.15506459

Did they even mention by how much their calculations were off by? I couldn't see any quantitative data.

>> No.15507542 [DELETED] 

transistors dont require any QM schizobabble

>> No.15507626

Jesus Christ. I hopped into/sci/ to see if anything interesting is going on and all I see in this entire thread are Anons acting like literal children. Is this what /sci/ is usually like?

>> No.15508096


>> No.15508890
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>Protons: 7
>Inner electrons: 4
>Outer electrons: 3

>> No.15508896

Nvm, I now get what then meant. It's... certainly interesting. I hope this research goes somewhere, even if that somewhere is SAM being disproven with experimental evidence.

>> No.15508929

no, YOU'RE retarded! Yes, it's always like this.

>> No.15509149

everything is classical, you just need more data

>> No.15509179

how do you get that data is classical methods fail?

>> No.15509217

how come when we have ALL data about experiment, we clearly see universe is perfectly deterministic? each time we do the experiment we get the same result, its the same all the way down, everything is deterministic and predictable, quantum uncertainty is literally noise and lack of data

>> No.15509826

Yeah, obviously the /sci/ name attracts teens who think they are the smartest creatures to ever exist

>> No.15509898

you have schizophasia

>> No.15509920

you are in high school

>> No.15511094 [DELETED] 

>nooooooooo the garbage soience i learned on the bill nye tv show can't be wrong!!
>that makes me angry!!!
sorry kid, science doesn't care about your out of control emotional problems

>> No.15511192

>everything is deterministic and predictable
this claim violates Born's rule and the Uncertainty principle among other observable things like Radioactive decay

>> No.15511214

>this claim violates Born's rule and the Uncertainty principle among other observable things like Radioactive decay
Not him, but you can have local apparent randomness without true randomness. As others keep pointing out you see that in stochastic systems all the time, and it makes way more sense to suppose that's what is going on than "something completely different just because".

So by inference of everything we've ever seen it makes more sense to infer, if we are going to infer anything, that it works like everything else and it is merely apparent randomness like every other dynamical system.

>> No.15511297

>atom nucleus is not roughly ball-shaped
My whole life has been a lie

>> No.15511568

i don't care what born thinks, i care about facts and results

>> No.15511717

It's always amusing to see the people who believe in measurement errors call the people who question the validity of said measurement errors as mentally ill, uneducated, or incapable.

>> No.15511815

You don't care about facts, you are just butthurt that quantum mechanics destroyed classical physics forever

>> No.15511826

is this the flat earth analogue of the atom?

>research team consists of 5 IT guys, like literally lol
and not a single theoretical particle physicist PhD was seen that day

>> No.15511830

>It worked because it allowed physicists to ignore the less important parts of the equations. Van Kolck contends that some of the parts deemed less important and routinely ignored are in fact very important.
the absolute state of academia right now, no wonder we've been stuck for 80 years now

>> No.15512074

>Let me guess, you prefer Aether?
>Not my theory. I prefer stochastic quantum mechanics.
The irony.

>> No.15512075 [DELETED] 
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>fairy tales theories written by (((einstein))) and other frauds
just wait until the standard model is saved from being discredited with the invention of some sort of new, unobservable "dark" particle that makes it all work. now that they've gotten away with the dark matter trick once, and profited massively by doing so, they're just gonna use the same gimmick over and over again.
we are living in the dark ages. in 500 years they'll be LMAOing at us so hard, some sort of future monty python group is gonna get rich & famous by mocking us, we're gonna be a punchline and a synonym for stupidity

>> No.15512080

They're physics simulation developers with experience in the field.

>> No.15513882

>they hated anon because he spoke the truth
narcissistic injury can only be mended with physical injury, your efforts are in vain.

>> No.15513899

ToE will be solved by programmers that can bring these equations to life in simulations, visual simulations and full 100% predictions with infinite sets of data from real and virtual worlds, not some boomer with paper and pencil, we've had enough of your meme science like einstein and schordinger, its time to retire boomers

>> No.15513904

you have to be at least 18 to be here

>> No.15513905

yes, except the fact that quantum mechanics destroyed all physics with bringing nothing new to the table except bunch of fooled people that are extremely stubborn

>> No.15514117
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thats called "learning the hard way"
people who are total know-it-alls are too image conscious to ever admit they were wrong about something. inability to admit fault is inability to correct mistakes and hence inability to learn.
they're the wrong people to be let into the sciences

>> No.15514129

Jesus christ, is this thread still going on? Not one of you losers can even tell me what chiral perturbation theory is.

>> No.15514145

>this thread makes me angry
thanks for letting us know, why does it upset you so much?

>> No.15514172

I'm just surprised you retards would waste so much time debating in a thread supposedly devoted to some mundane technical paper none of you read or would be able to read.

>> No.15514193

so you're here to call people names and proclaim that you're smarter than everyone else without providing any evidence to back your claim.
why are you even on /sci/ if looking at the board upsets you so much?
just don't look at the board and your anger will go away, problem solved

>> No.15514201

>so you're here to call people names and proclaim that you're smarter than everyone else without providing any evidence to back your claim.
Yeah, pretty much. Except I'm the guy who posted the arxiv link to the paper a week ago, so there's more evidence about my intelligence than anyone else in the thread. I don't really care to engage you in dialogue about whatever little irrelevant thing you have been talking about in the past week, but I know it had nothing to do with the actual research.

>> No.15515832 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-we-are-trying-to-prove-ourselves-wrong-as-quickly-as-possible-because-only-in-that-way-richard-p-feynman-35-42-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you devoted your entire youth and young adulthood to becoming an expert in a a nonsensical flawed theory, what would you do when it started to become glaringly apparent that when you devoted decades to was a total waste?
would you just laugh it off and try to start fresh from scratch or would you put a lot of effort into trying to deny reality in order to hide your shame from public view?

>> No.15515976

They could just map their theory to the new one like Christians.

>> No.15516026

>interest piqued
>read article
>it's literally just an approximation of the real model failing at an edge case
>pseuds in replies sperging out acting like this falsifies every scientific discovery since 1950

>> No.15516468

in the scientific method one disproof invalidates a theory no matter how many times the theory has otherwise been correct. the one disproof shows that the theory is not universally correct and therefor not a universal law and that theory is invalid and requires modification or replacement

>> No.15516474

That's only for gentile scientists. Weinberg's theory can't be disproven like that if it works 90+% of the time.

>> No.15516888

>you're wrong because i know more buzzwords than you

>> No.15516897

I really wish this website wasnt some wierd flash game "interactive" nonsense...

>> No.15517113

Those "buzzwords" are the topic the thread is about. The "Leading Theory of the Nucleus" referred to is some bastardization of chiral perturbation theory which is itself an approximation scheme for the low energy limit of QCD, so the experiment just implies one of many approximations being made is invalid, and this is not a challenge to fundamental theory. If you don't know the "buzzword" you aren't able to understand this until I tell it to you.

>> No.15517621

>more schizophasiac jargon and buzzwords
tell us you're a pseud without telling us you're a pseud

>> No.15517687

>I have no understanding of the thread topic
then why are you here

>> No.15517764

>experiment disproves popular theory
>people who have devoted time and energy to learning popular theory refuse to believe their theory is wrong due to sunk cost fallacy
>instead they choose to deny observational reality and ignore the scientific methon in favor of their disproved pet theory
why does science have to be like this? how come science "experts" hate learning and get so pissed off at the opportunity to gain new and potentially valuable knowledge? why does it upset them so much? they should be filled with glee and excitement at having a theory disproved and the opportunities for new understanding that are presented by the fall of an old theory, but instead it just makes them angry. why?

good pics, how come that class of scientist went extinct and was replaced by the dogmatic priest variety?

>> No.15517853

>>people who have devoted time and energy to learning popular theory refuse to believe their theory is wrong due to sunk cost fallacy
>>instead they choose to deny observational reality and ignore the scientific methon in favor of their disproved pet theory
point to where in the article this is happening

>> No.15518446 [DELETED] 

Well? I'm waiting >>15517764

>> No.15518449

Well? I'm waiting >>15517853

>> No.15518637

>We still don’t have a solid theoretical grasp of even the simplest nuclear systems.
and this board is wall to wall with nerds who whine about how theres no low hanging fruit left

>> No.15518708

yes i would laugh it off the same way i laugh off a bad beat in poker, kind of a sarcastic and astonished humor at how small the odds were of that bad beat but also at how nothing is ever a sure thing in this life then i would get to work on whatever the new thing is. i love having an astonoshing paradigm truth revealed to me. it is so rare to have a genuine paradigm changing epiphany and when it happens it is like an acid tripe slows down yet yourind is racing recalculating everything you thought you knew while rearranging all the information with this new revaluation and seeing all the gaps disappear that you could never figure out why didn't quite fit into place. i honestly don't know why anyone would choose differently. of course i am always in it for the search of truth itself and sadly most of academia and the corporate science community are not.

>> No.15519358

It's not low hanging fruit if people have been working on it for the better part of 100 years.

>> No.15519649

>i can't even figure out how the nucleus of a hydrogen atom works

>> No.15519924

The paper is talking about an excited state of a Helium-4 nucleus. It's not so easy, and the approximate theory actually does a reasonable job.

>> No.15521083

Obviously they weren't going to answer, anon.

>> No.15521676

Fun fact: jazz age harlem slang was invented specifically in order to mock the academic schizophasiacs who were so enamoured with jazz that they wanted to bask in it's reflected glory by making it into an academic topic

>> No.15522479

because deriving the laws of physics from simulations has gone well so far amirite

>> No.15523737

why are sºyence faggots so resistant to changing models that have been proved wrong?
are they really incapable of admitting that they don't know everything about the entire universe from start to finish?
>According to psychologist, speaker and author Guy Winch, most people who consistently refuse to admit they're wrong do so because they have incredibly fragile egos.
>They clam up and insist they're right, demonstrating what experts term "psychological rigidity", as a defense mechanism.

>> No.15523739

>are they really incapable of admitting that they don't know everything about the entire universe from start to finish?
Yes. Soientits are classical narcissists.

>> No.15523973

Are you going to answer? >>15517853

>> No.15523997

Your stage of grief is: Denial

>> No.15524136
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-we-are-trying-to-prove-ourselves-wrong-as-quickly-as-possible-because-only-in-that-way-richard-p-feynman-35-42-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOO, muh pet theory can't be wrong!!!
>I memorized it out of a textbook, took me a whole hour to memorize it
>that book cost $120 it can't be wrong
>Imma just ignore the experimental evidence and keep on insisting muh pet theory i memorized out of a textbook is correct
why does the IFLS crowd hate learning and scientific progress so much?

>> No.15524202
File: 1.74 MB, 498x373, sm1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you can't, then.
Concession accepted.

>> No.15524215

It's due to their narcissism. The soience establishment is made up of people whose entire sense of self depends on being know-it-alls.

>> No.15524344
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because inventing new laws and theories has gone well so far amirite?

>> No.15524543

>get grants and funding and write articles and get degrees for studying a particular theory
>"teehee it was actually all wrong"
There's science and all but that wouldn't sit particularly well with those giving them money

>> No.15525242

know-it-alls aren't capable of learning, they already know everything

>> No.15525554


>> No.15525575

why are they trying to rework a clearly flawed model? Things should get simpler the more fundamental you go, if they aren't or if your model is adding complexities over time then you've got to go 'deeper'

>> No.15525608

please delete this post, your putting my SOIenTITS taxpayer welfare at risk

>> No.15525675

I didn't go into depth, but the first problem I encounter here is this:

Quantum mechanics is used to explain why electrons DON'T just get pulled into the nucleus. How exactly is it in this model that we are to understand why they aren't, when it is claiming that the nucleus is just protons+electrons.

It seems like their claim to just ignore the uncertainty principle in the nucleus, but this seems very adhoc and arbitrary, and leads to the apparent contradiction above.

>> No.15525708

>Quantum mechanics is used to explain why electrons DON'T just get pulled into the nucleus.
There is no reason to believe this is a problem at all in the first place.

>> No.15525715

It's not a flawed model. The article in the OP is discussing an approximation scheme to the fundamental theory (which is quantum chromodynamics). And the approximation scheme actually works pretty well it is just not perfect.

>> No.15525756

>There is no reason to believe this is a problem at all in the first place.

You don't know anything about the topic.

>> No.15526102

>Quantum mechanics is used to explain why electrons DON'T just get pulled into the nucleus.
because electrons repel eachother, next

>> No.15526104

You're upset that all the most difficult problems in your made-up field are resolved by applying simple mechanistic solutions.

>> No.15526111

why would negatively charged electron fall into negatively charged quark? someone missed on basic classical mechanics

>> No.15526129

>Positively charged nucleus repels negatively charge electrons


I was willing to entertain the theory, but your rhetoric is all the evidence I need it's just nonsense.

Nice trips.

>> No.15526139

You were never willing to entertain something which challenges your deeply held religious beliefs. That's why you brought up objections which are only relevant according to a debunked model of the atom. They're simply not problems if the structure is sensibly and mechanistically modeled.

>> No.15526149


I hope you're trolling. You don't even understand the theory you're promoting. It doesn't debunk electron orbitals, it's about the structure of the nucleus.

You must be trolling.

>> No.15526153

>You don't even understand the theory you're promoting.
Ironic post.

>> No.15527001

holy shit what a clickbait headline
this is bad even for quantamag

>> No.15527241 [DELETED] 

>emotionally triggered

>> No.15527267

Seeing ghosts, anon?

>> No.15528063

>Positively charged nucleus repels negatively charge electrons
are you retarded? do you think two and more electrons will go straight to nucleus even though they repel eachother? or what do you think happens?
dumbass, the whole thing you call "wave function" and "electron orbitals" is actually the optimal position electrons find themself in around nucleus where their EM force is net zero towards each other electrons AND nucleus

>> No.15528064

nucleus consists of negatively charged quark or two aswell, why you faggots think nucleus is ultimately positive? its not

>> No.15528065

Modern nuclear models are exceptionally bad, but nobody wants to discuss it because they want to believe they know every fundamental particle and their jobs depend on them existing.

>> No.15528084

>why is the sky blue?
>go ask it

>> No.15528126


I'm so tired of you retards.

>> No.15528291

>but nobody wants to discuss it because they want to believe they know every fundamental particle and their jobs depend on them existing.
also because questioning jewish physics leads to career ending antisemitism accusations

>> No.15529283

>are they really incapable of admitting that they don't know everything about the entire universe from start to finish?
Yes, clearly.
Spend a day or two on this board and you'll realize how insane with delusions of grandiosity they all are

>> No.15529516

So true. The think they know everything about everything and can flawlessly predict the future.

>> No.15529539

god the samefagging is so fucking obvious

>> No.15529542

>"The voices!!!!"

>> No.15529547

He's right, you literally don't even know what you're promoting, which his funny. It's not about not being open to changing models, it's about not throwing an entire model in the bin over a single study. Any new model would have to be tested against existing phenomena to see if it would still produce the same results, not just provide one solution to one fringe case.

>> No.15529550

Replacement is independent of falsification.

>> No.15529557

It only contradicted one aspect of the strong force, which is a force that was never really understood very well any way so it just offers a new angle of investigation. Retards in this thread are acting like the entire Rutherford model goes out the window based on this. Nuclei still stick together as per you would expect with the strong force in most circumstances, this is just one unexpected phenomena that offers a slight experimental contradiction on a fringe case.
Even more retarded is that this was literally performed by academics and scientists, so the whole idea that heckin based schizos have owned the soientists is nonsense, it's scientists doing experiments on their own models and finding discrepancies (something schizos never do)

>> No.15529560

Independent researchers perform more experimentation on "settled science" than soientits ever will. You just don't read it because you hate having your worldview challenged.

>> No.15529566

"Independent researchers" don't perform any experimentation, they just write schizo ramblings on the internet. The study mentioned in the article was literally performed by universities not "independent researchers".

>> No.15529567

More research has been done on arc discharge cratering by one man than by the entire soientitic establishment. And he publishes videos of the experiments to show exactly what his setup is and what the results are.

>> No.15529570

You STILL haven't answered my question. We all know why, of course.

>It only contradicted one aspect of the strong force
Not even that. It contradicted an *approximation* of the strong force.

>> No.15529571

I don't give freebies to schizophrenics.

>> No.15529584

Thank you for confirming that it's one person instead of two, by the way.

>> No.15529585

He proved you can move dirt in a pot with electric charge, he didn't really prove anything else (like where the space charge would come from, or what would even be discharging onto the moon)

>> No.15529588

the charge doesnt come from single point in nucleous, additionally the electron wont fall into nucleous because other electrons want to fall into nucleous aswell and they push eachother out till they reach equilibrium
that's the whole concept behind atomic orbitals, not your QM fairy tales from soience bible

>> No.15529595

strong force is a meme and bloat theory, neutrons are negatively charged from one direction due to 2 down quarks, even though their net charge is 0 from generalized further distance

proton's up quarks bind with neutron's down quarks, thats how nucleus works

>> No.15529608

>neutrons are negatively charged from one direction due to 2 down quarks
Then you've be able to attract them with a positive field, which you can't. they also wouldn't bounce the way they do and would have their energy absorbed by electrostatic force interactions more readily like what happens to electrons and protons.

>> No.15529614

"Neutrons" are a proton+electron pair. That's why one side is slightly negatively charged.

>> No.15529619

quarks are just mythology, they were invented fro the sake of an argument, just like dark matter. they don't exist in irl, the ppl who claim to see them in particle accelerators are idiots who have their judgment clouded by confirmation bias. they want to see quarks soooooo bad that they managed to find them even though quarks are fictional

>> No.15529643

no you wouldnt, they're too close to eachother to be affected by some distant field differential, cosmic radiation/noise will throw off your results due to that

>> No.15529689

>The theory claims that electrons exist in the nucleus
>It says to ignore exclusion principle and uncertainty principle in the nucleus
>when questioned why the remaining positive charge in the nucleus doesn't attract the remaining negative charges to reach equilibrium you reinvent the exclusion principle in other words


>> No.15529692

What you guys are talking about (the net charge of the neutron being zero but having more negative charge on one side) is called a "neutron electric dipole moment." Real physicists have tried measuring this and it doesn't exist. Standard QCD (without something called a theta term) does predict it is zero, by the way.


>> No.15529891

negative charged electrons repel eachother while being attracted to nucleus, no electron can reach it because other electrons will push it out, no matter how many electrons you put there they will orbit around the nucleus

>> No.15529894

>Real physicists have tried measuring this and it doesn't exist
just like they measured atoms double slit, electron double slit, it can't be measured in any meaningful way, theres no proof of such experiments anyway, its just ChatGPT generated wikipedia page, you can replace "ChatGPT" with "NPC" or "academia idiot" in my sentence too, it wont make difference

>> No.15529899

>no electron can reach it because other electrons will push it out
OK, explain hydrogen

>> No.15529905

Why lie?

>> No.15529907

>SUSY CP problem

Fundamentally though why case about something you can't even see, electrons are fucking gay and protons are double gay

>> No.15529933

not for long though, they're going to kick him out

>> No.15530118

the fact that the standard model is all wrong explains why trillions of dollars can be wasted on useless supercolliders without producing any noteworthy or useful results whatsoever

>> No.15530196

the standard model is not wrong at all though

>> No.15530527

>a simplified model made for computational tractability fails in an obscure scenario
anon is a faggot

>> No.15530738

It's not wrong it's just not finished. It works in most cases. Nobody has ever said the standard model was a complete explanation of everything with no flaws.

>> No.15531144

its clearly wrong, you have both wasted your lives chasing phantoms and are now unwilling to own up to the fact that you made a mistake

>> No.15531162

>it's clearly wrong
>why? errrrrr because I said so
>please buy my book

>> No.15531328

>its a conspiracy!!!!
it isn't, you're just too small minded to admit you were wrong, too low iq to adjust and move on, too invested in your memorized textbook "facts" to progress

>> No.15531355

>its a conspiracy!!!!
But that was your claim

>> No.15531497

The experiment referred to in the OP is not a direct challenge to the standard model, fwiw. The calculation was done in an approximate theory.

>> No.15531855

physicists routinely make shit up on the flimsiest of assumptions, like the nuclear model, magnetic reconnection, dark matter, redshift exclusively implying retrograde velocity, spacetime, etc

>> No.15532134

why are you so married to the standard model when it clearly doesn't work and is wrong? why are you so resistant to learning how things actually work instead of adhering to dogma that is undoubtedly false?

>> No.15532587

>learning how things actually work
Oh? So you have a better model, them? Please enlighten us.

>> No.15532811

> why are you so resistant to learning how things actually work instead of adhering to dogma that is undoubtedly false?
You don't even realize how ironic it is that you post this

>> No.15533034

I bet you have never even published, yet you assume you are educated enough to trounce others work upon the ground?

>> No.15533110

any model is better than one thats been disproved.
why is it impossible for you people to say "i don't know"?
do you have a mental disorder that prevents it?

>Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15533333

More irony from the schizo

>> No.15533489 [DELETED] 

>any model is better than one thats been disproved.
Not when you actually have to make predictions. If you want people to stop using the old model, a better model has to be provided.


>> No.15533529

People only truly care about science if it produces results. What is science gonna do that is interesting in the near future? I don't mean interesting to fucking nerds I mean normal people. If you want science to be about crushing the dreams of the kiddos well guess what? kids ain't gonna give a fuck about it.

>> No.15533578

The fact that every single experiment they do is only reproducible due to the effects of electromagnetism should tell you everything you need to know. These "scientists" bounce around endlessly with theories justified using mental gymnastics and at the end of the day all they do is move the fucking magnets and lasers around in their gay little experiments.
Whatever would your dumb theories do without the archaic Herztian waveform you refer to as "electricity"? They would fall flat on their ass is what.

>any model is better than one that's been disproved.
How about everyone just stops telling others what to believe?
>why is it impossible for you people to say "i don't know"?
Because "science" revolves around "knowledge". They have a hard time grasping the concept, let alone admitting they have no knowledge of a particular subject.

>do you have a mental disorder that prevents it?
>Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw.

The "disease" is a old belief system dubbed "atomism". It's literally where they get the word "atom" from. They believe the universe has to be made of discrete, indivisible particles because that's what makes their math work and justifies the high paying salaries they receive. They tell you it's "science" because they can point to something they descritized using a belief system that already per-assumes "quanta/quantity" exists. It's objective because it's objectified in other words, so therefore its knowledge to be known. Even though it's the same knowledge re-described using another language as a filter.

>> No.15534206

>What is science gonna do that is interesting in the near future?
they'll come up with new lies to justify demanding ever more money while producing no useful results, thats the pattern they've been stuck in for over 50 years

>> No.15535055

>It's not wrong it's just not finished.

>> No.15535060

down quark pushes electron out, next

>> No.15535063

>you can replace "ChatGPT" with "NPC" or "academia idiot" in my sentence too, it wont make difference

>> No.15535077
File: 44 KB, 635x665, 1640637438688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shock and horror. I was absolutely convinced I was living in the age of true enlightenment, where the priest class really does know the secrets of the universe and people aren't just deluding theselves.

>> No.15535089


>> No.15535092

Stuck firmly up the tripfag's ass.

>> No.15535130
File: 28 KB, 1347x114, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15535398

that maliciousness is the necessary result of science being an emotional rather than a rational issue for them. they invested their entire personality in the science meme so any criticism of it becomes a personal offense to them. its like criticizing a nationalist's country

>> No.15535572

Best post in this thread.

>> No.15535619 [DELETED] 

i concur, it is a high quality post

>> No.15535638


>> No.15536496

>they invested their entire personality in the science meme so any criticism of it becomes a personal offense to them. its like criticizing a nationalist's country
…or an atheist's religion

>> No.15537588

t. >>15533578

>> No.15538308

QM says theres 50% probability of QM denying article to be correct

>> No.15538575

>We still don’t have a solid theoretical grasp of even the simplest nuclear systems.
just tack on some dark matter wherever its needed to make the current theory work and that will fix everything

>> No.15538621

See I told you guys Atoms are fake. Science takes DECADES to come to the same conclusions schizos already have.

>> No.15539522
File: 113 KB, 1306x1398, snowflake u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of the genius university students here needed to go to emotional counselling therapy when they found out that the standard model is wrong?

>> No.15540705

most of them are still in the denial phase, they'll have to acknowledge it before they can seek emotional counselling

>> No.15541895

thats how science works these days. peer review is for reinforcing consensus, not for establishing rationality

>> No.15543220

sorry to disappoint you, but it turns out that the infallible priests of s o y e n c e are just as fraudulent and intellectually bankrupt as they were in the days of rain dances
some things never change

>> No.15543536

Is there a way to pivot around the selected atom as a point of center?

>> No.15543543

also stats on the selected atom, perhaps a side panel with bonding info

>> No.15543614

Have you guys really just been circlejerking about an article you haven't read for 5 whole days?

>> No.15543619
File: 29 KB, 1073x275, Screenshot - 2023-07-05T073614.918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Seems perfectly organic to me.

>> No.15543984

the strong force is partially dark energy, thats why observations and theory don't match

>> No.15544204

>5 whole days?
This thread was posted on June 13th. They've been circlejerking about an article they haven't read or understood for almost a month.

>> No.15544301 [DELETED] 

Basically one besides them has posted in the last 5 days, which is what I meant.

>> No.15544305

Basically no one besides them has posted in the last 5 days, which is what I meant.

>> No.15544353


>> No.15544364

How many years are we from admitting that mystics were right about everything being pure vibrational energy?

>> No.15544416

>Goes on to schizo path
Get smacked by science
>Goes on to science path
Get smacked by schizos

You know what. I dont care anymore. Solipsism it is.

>> No.15545180
File: 2.14 MB, 1280x720, The Wrong Interpretation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "disease" is a old belief system dubbed "atomism".




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bSp3mnyOuM (the orginal upload without the "evil nazis" was removed from YT)

The Philosophic Corruption of Physics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdbppB5zL_o (quantum fairy tale excerpt)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtPAcvJ-f93-TTaU4SKpy3gkWRRdMnI9S (full lecture playlist)


>> No.15545482

good webm

>> No.15545759

>Is that feeling of not knowing simply too much of a discomfort to children
When I was still taking physics classes and it got to quantum shit, the teacher made it quite clear that this stuff was just our current understanding and was subject to change.
>What is with the compulsion to teach kids things
Because no one will be able to research a field if you don't teach them the stuff we currently understand about said field.

>> No.15545784

>They believe the universe has to be made of discrete, indivisible particles because that's what makes their math work
continuous math is easier than discrete math you hopeless retard

>> No.15545798

Schizos are the most powerful race on earth

>> No.15545989

Electic Universe theory already has this figured out

/sci/ retards are behind the times as usual

>> No.15546615


>> No.15547381

Do you think /sci/ will ever be as smart as Electric Universe chads?

>> No.15547879

Half the website is broken and I'm supposed to believe them on the structure of the atom?

>> No.15548746

You probably have plugins disabled.

>> No.15549224

Einstein was not as smart as Newton or Tesla. He is a Michio Kaku.

>> No.15549315

i'm literally more interested in wolframs theory of everything than this

>> No.15549371

youre more autistic and schizo than you think bub, that ego of yours sounds pretty high risk

>> No.15550464

Sadist who take joy from torturing others are a perfect fit for science. Give the guy some experimental drugs and about 500 chimpanzees and we'll learn something valuable before long

>> No.15551488

dude couldn't even do math, he was a fraud

>> No.15551951

He was smarter than you, chud.

>> No.15551966 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 800x473, 6gc0xv3x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Electic Universe theory already has this figured out
>Do you think /sci/ will ever be as smart as Electric Universe chads?

>> No.15551978

>Midwits still falling for the Einstein couldn't do math meme

>> No.15552558

its not a meme, einstein couldn't do math

>> No.15553094

> its not a meme, einstein couldn't do math
t. midwit

>> No.15553119

If he could do math then why are all of his equations full of letters instead of numbers?

>> No.15553633

its funny how the soience nerds get so upset at seeing their precious standard model dogma disproved and at being granted the opportunity to develop something superior, reminds me of how the jesuits chimped out on galileo for providing evidence of heliocentrism

>> No.15553654

>asking for numbers, constants, behaviors, reproductions, experiments, proofs, fundamentals
that's anti-semitic

>> No.15553681
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, your soul is stored in one of these, like a hard disk drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your hands real?
Are they made of cells?
Are those cells made of proteins and other biomolecules?
Are those proteins and biomolecules chemicals?
Are chemicals made of atoms?
Are atoms made of quantum particles?
Are electrons maintaining stable orbits around atomic nuclei in a vacuum?
Are electrons moving in complex shared orbits with other electrons between atomic nuclei in a vacuum?
Are quantum particles subject to wave particle duality?
Are those wave-particle energy fields representable as a 3D matrix of layers of topographical maps?
Are 3D matrices translatable to binary?
Your hand electrons are made of infinitely many points of color, that are made of infinitely many points of color.
Your experience of being is a product of measurement and willful differentiation.
You, your memories, your senses, all of these are collections of shapes.
Color, sound, and taste are electricity and chemicals which are also electricity moving in the brain.
We literally, no irony, live in a video game.
We're all code people. Colored beads on an infinite abacus.
Your hands aren't real. None of our hands are real.

>> No.15553962

obvious bumpfag is obvious

>> No.15554824

He came from a low IQ family, his father went broke betting on direct current when Tesla's AC was clearly superior. Thats why Einstein hated Tesla

>> No.15555397

einstein was actually great at math he just directed his talents for the wrong cause and couldnt see the trees from the forest

>> No.15556284

he was low iq

>> No.15557180

>quantum particles?

>> No.15557234

So what you're all saying is this guy was right all along:

>> No.15558017

/sci/ has too many schoolchildren who only seem to use the board to get dopamine by regurgitating their memorized popsoi schoolbook factoids

>> No.15558052

im sure the repeated page 10 bumps are perfectly organic guys

>> No.15558405
File: 77 KB, 1000x748, albundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acktually, before the salaries and the math, atomism was inferred by Leucippus in ca. 440 BCE, and was subsequently repressed and its proponents were subjugated to punishments for heresy.

As for your retareded diatribe-thread in particular, a chemist laughs because it doesn't fucking matter what a theoretical physicist discovers about the structure, they've been doing chemistry with the existing model for centuries now and it works fine. Nothing against a new theory or finding, of course. Only a Mega-troon such as yourself would think it controversial.

>> No.15559180
File: 25 KB, 1200x1200, Mathemeticians Hate Him!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acktually, before the salaries and the math, atomism was inferred by Leucippus in ca. 440 BCE, and was subsequently repressed and its proponents were subjugated to punishments for heresy.
It was discovered before the ancient egyptians and was debunked at least by the Pythagoreans

>As for your retareded diatribe-thread in particular
It was about "the particulars", numbnuts.

>Nothing against a new theory or finding, of course. Only a Mega-troon such as yourself would think it controversial.
That they're still relevant? Yes I believe there is a controversy surrounding their existence since they aren't needed.

>Numbers is easier than numbers

>> No.15560378


the "standard model" is a load of garbage

>> No.15561257

They claim to have this supposedly super important and powerful knowledge of how atomic nuclei work, but for SOME REASON, they can't do anything useful with it. And that reason is their model doesn't work and is wrong. If is were not wrong then they would be able to do things like build a machine that turns iron into gold. They aren't willing to admit they know nothing about what they claim to be experts in because if they did that then the trillion dollar research gibes gravy train would come to a crashing halt

>> No.15562234

they can't figure out cold fusion either
cold fusion would be easy to figure out with model of the atomic nucleus that was realistic
its too bad that they're too full of themselves to admit that their current model is wrong

>> No.15562446

happy 1 month anniversary

>> No.15563442
File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-it-doesn-t-matter-how-beautiful-your-theory-is-it-doesn-t-matter-how-smart-you-are-if-it-doesn-t-richard-feynman-61471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the same shit as relativity, its been observationally disproved, but regardless that nobody is willing to give up on it or is allowed to surpass it with a theory that actually fits observed reality

>> No.15564906

this is sadly very true

>> No.15565781

whats the /sci/zos model for atomic nuclei?

>> No.15565783

Structured Atom Model, linked above. >>15499935

>> No.15565788

We already knew effective field theory was a fudge.
>just replace everything we don't know about with scalar that we'll adjust to fit the data

This is a "girl does science while being a girl" story. You can tell because the new experiment was the main thing that happened, and that got almost no attention compared to the girl's wrong prediction for what the experiment would find.

>> No.15567405

the noticers have long since noticed how fake and gay physics is. its all just a bunch of hopeless nerds suffering from delusions of grandiosity about their supposedly superior intellects with which they are mysteriously unable to accomplish anything

>> No.15568162

>Its the same shit as relativity, its been observationally disproved, but regardless that nobody is willing to give up on it or is allowed to surpass it with a theory that actually fits observed reality…
because that would detract from the reputation of the jews who took credit for the debunked theory

>> No.15569089
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>memorized popsoi schoolbook factoids
and lies they saw on cable tv documentaries

>> No.15569210 [DELETED] 

Its not fake and gay there are just occasional paradigm shifts and thinks that looked 100% correct before are actually a smaller part of a bigger theory like what happened with Newtonian gravity to GR
Time flies I guess.

>> No.15569212

Its not fake and gay there are just occasional paradigm shifts and things that looked 100% correct before are actually a smaller part of a bigger theory like what happened with Newtonian gravity to GR
Time flies I guess.

>> No.15569291
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>Its not fake and gay

>> No.15570532

That explains a lot, checks out too. I looked up Einstein's dad's wiki page and it says exactly that.
A more technically proficient German company put Einstein Sr out of business and bankrupted him by employing Tesla's technology and Einstein Jr had to get a job as a result.

>> No.15571505

I don't get this thread at all, there was a fairly important breakthrough discovery made in experimental nuclear physics and instead of being excited about it, a bunch people are outraged that the experiment disproved theory.
The only purpose of experiment is to disprove theory, you have to be completely ignorant of the scientific method to not understand that.

>> No.15571561

People only know about Science, not the scientific method.

>> No.15571580
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>> No.15572478

more like it would advance technology beyond what retard inbred kikes can comprehend and control with infiltration and bluffing

>> No.15572606

science had an ever improving model of atomic structures from the late 1800s until the mid 20th century and then all progress ground to a halt. somehow or other reverence for the current model replaced desire to learn the true nature of reality and the dogma is now so locked down that anyone who dares to surpass it or disprove it is attacked for heresy.
atomic physics was once the amongst the most based areas of science and now its one of the cringiest.
what changed?

>> No.15572613

Did something change about the scientists working on it before the mid 20th century and after?

>> No.15572702

atomic bomb 1947, science had to be banned via all measures

>> No.15573348

Other anons said before that the low hanging fruit has been picked so you can either get creative and work with the constraints you have or join a huge research group. 1/4 of physicists do not have the creativity to do the former.

>> No.15573424

Are we sure scientists today would be able to recognize a low hanging fruit if it fell on their head?

>> No.15573442

The pseudoscientific swindle known as QFT happened.

>> No.15573504

they can't let science progress beyond their limited, retarded grasp.
They gatekeep everything, especially science, by nepotism and by raising up a wall of midwits to compete against actual geniuses in an antimeritocratic system

this won't last long, they've only had their empire for 80 years and they've already ran it into the ground

>> No.15573514

turns out when you just teach people lists of facts rather than treat them as mostly irrelevant, transient, probably fundamentally false and eventually to be replaced artifacts of the scientific method, they become attached to those facts. Maybe a system of education originally developed to turn Prussian peasants in to compliant and competent army recruits isn't the best way to train people to do science? Crazy thought, I know

>> No.15573958

Maybe they already know that and they're doing it on purpose. Crazy thought, I know

fucking retard NPC

>> No.15575006

>reverence for the current model replaced desire to learn the true nature of reality
(((peer review))) did this

>> No.15576111
File: 125 KB, 1056x457, peerreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
