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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15498995 No.15498995 [Reply] [Original]

How did this happen?

>> No.15499002

social media made everyone's iq drop by 30 points

>> No.15499015

What is NSW?

>> No.15499026

IQ decline

>> No.15499051

I’m so sick of graphs that take a 1-10% drop and make it look like 80-90%. Even worse when it’s being used to express people are getting worse at understanding math.

>> No.15499486

It IS significant. That's kind of loss in intellectual capital that makes the difference between a successful high tech economy and an uncompetative third world shithole.

>> No.15499490
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How do you think? People are getting dumber

>> No.15500296


>> No.15500388


>> No.15500400


>> No.15500403

Concerted effort.

>> No.15500406
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this and niggers can’t do calculus because yt pipo invented it

>> No.15500412
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>typical math class in contemporary america

>> No.15500519

I don't understand the argument here. Basically mathematically illiterate Humanities graduates who make their money screaming "racism" at everything now wants to apply the same tactic in STEM.

The problem is, unlike their field, STEM is objective and inherently useful. If you dumb it down it just becomes a dumbed down associates which gets replaced by foreigners who don't have to dumb down their courses for non-Eurasians. Alternatively STEM will just survive in private schools and no one will hire grads from the shit schools except old, dying companies.

They should just accept that they destroyed the intellectual capital pool in the West with their retarded delusions and focus on protecting what we have left.

>> No.15500523

STEM isn't objective, take for example the recent string theory drama where it shows that even in a field considered very hard we can be working with what are essentially popular models, whether they represent actual reality or not.

and biology, which sure might be the softest hard science, is riddled with flat out wrong because people won't risk their careers to state the unpopular facts. look at what happened to the guy that literally discovered DNA recently when he shared an unpopular fact.

>> No.15500553

You're talking about the human professional element now. The ones who bring subjectivity into the field lose out to objective truth. This includes even String Theory, proponents obsesses with aesthetic, smooth topological space models will lose to stronger theories grounded in reality. Already many careers have been ended by CERN results.

In biology, for example, we have discovered numerous intelligence genes linked to academic achievement and IQ. The ones who accept this fact will be able to produce superhumans from their gene clinics like China is preparing to do, but the West will probably do the same.

Even Humanities tards have accepted this fact, in their case they simply changed the language to say intelligence and academic achievement is a White/Eurasian thing, so equity should now promote the unintelligent and schools should be dumbed. This is the last dying breath of cheap grifters who are seeing their idealogy evaporate in the face of hard evidence. Yes they will take down the weaker STEM departments with them. But then also the weaker companies hiring from there will die as their revenue evaporates to stronger competition. The only question that remains for the US is whether this happens on a regional or a national love. Well, the money is already moving to Texas...the US will be fine.

>> No.15500733

Number one is that the public education system is a joke. You spend fourteen years of your life sometimes just churning out information. So let's say. 90% of the people will take remedial or basic math classes, while the other 10% will take AP or basic math.

Then there is the way US schools develop math learning. Personally, I had a problem with math when I was in public education. I couldn't sit down and push myself into it. When I finally decided to go into higher education, I had to take a lot of math and that meant I was spending sometimes six hours on homework on top of any study time that I needed to memorize equations and identities. It's an applied subject and you have to use it and make it a part of your processing.

I read about the schism with mathematics and people and a lot of what instructors have said is that mathematics is a little like learning a language. If you don't talk that language for a while, it gets harder for you to understand it. Public school does not give the resources for those who are having problems to flex that muscle enough to get any gain. They have to make ways for everyone to equally understand what is going on and learn it.

>> No.15501770

and race mixing

>> No.15502071
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It's a state in Australia
Anyone saying it's migrants is retarded

>> No.15502097

It is immigrants. We had the same thing in Sweden: the score was falling because migrant kids so the leftist government just removed them from the PISA tests.


>> No.15502120
File: 16 KB, 474x266, mhr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did this happen?
Now show the dwindling white population graph.
Overlay each one, and the reason becomes obvious.

>> No.15502122

>What is NSW?
New South Wales, a big left-wing socialist state in Australia controlled by corrupt leftist factions like Labour. They are importing foreigners same as in south UK and many other socialist controlled areas.
China is behind it to destroy those nations.

>> No.15503187

>Israel native score is that shit


>> No.15503213

>IQ decline
People born when this ass pull got debunked will vote (Democrat) in 2024. Stop taking the Bell Curve seriously.

>> No.15504073

Those two lines look the same but flipped.

>> No.15504359
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The governments that run schools don't want ppl to be good at math because ppl who are good at math can figure out when they're being stolen from more easily

>> No.15504376

>In biology, for example, we have discovered numerous intelligence genes linked to academic achievement and IQ. The ones who accept this fact will be able to produce superhumans from their gene clinics like China is preparing to do, but the West will probably do the same.
You are full of shit. There is no such thing as an intelligence gene.

>> No.15504426

You are as stupid as white australians, those pieces of shit are so imbecile and moronic they shouldn't be considered humans.

>> No.15504429

The smart kids just pretend to be dumb while dumb kids are now practically useless vermin with no hope to become useful for society and therefore should be neutralized to save resources.

>> No.15504444

>vertical axis starts at 485

>> No.15504475
File: 902 KB, 1926x1296, 41380_2021_1027_Fig2_HTML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See David Hill's 2022 review paper
>"Genetic variation, brain, and intelligence differences" (Nature, open access)
>The finding that intelligence is heritable has been replicated across multiple data sets sourced from different countries and times [28]. Our emphasis herein is on results from the newer, DNA-based studies rather than on traditional twin and family studies.
>Using genomic structural equation modelling [29] it was found that a genetic general factor explained, on average, 58.4% (SE=4.8%, ranging from 9 to 95% for individual tests) of the genetic variance across seven cognitive tests in people with European ancestry.
>In 2018, three studies, using substantially overlapping samples, attained sample sizes of over 200,000 participants and found hundreds of genetic loci significantly associated with intelligence [31, 46, 47].
>GWAS data sets’ results on intelligence have found associations between SNP variation and tissue-specific gene expression across many of the brain’s cortical regions (Fig. 2) [31, 46, 47]. SNP variation associated with intelligence has been linked to tissue-specific gene expression in specific classes of neuron, including pyramidal neurons of the somatosensory cortex, the CA1 region of the hippocampus, midbrain embryonic GABAergic neurons, [53] and medium spiny neurons [47].

There is both empirical and hard evidence. If you are this out of the loop it's not our problem. But if you want to argue politics instead of science then fuckoff to >>>/pol/ or just shutup and stop wasting everyone's time.

>Casual racism from some impotent ricedick

You are a GUEST in a country built by people much smarter than you and a GDP per capita 6x higher than your home country.

Have some respect and humility. Try integrating or go back home.

>> No.15504490 [DELETED] 

The twin study is wrong.

According to latest GWAS there is only a 17% max SNP heritability.

Markers like education only show <.15 correlation
"Within-sibship genome-wide association analyses decrease bias in estimates of direct genetic effects" Howe et al 09 May 2022

>> No.15504494

The twin study is wrong.

According to latest GWAS there is only a 30% max SNP heritability. Many of the recent studies show less than <.2 heritability, with the recent Howe Et al 2022 study showing study showing <.06 SNP heritability.

Markers like education only show <.15 correlation
"Within-sibship genome-wide association analyses decrease bias in estimates of direct genetic effects" Howe et al 09 May 2022

>> No.15504549

No. What you copy-pasted does not contradict the review I posted.

Again, there are intelligence geneS (plural), not an intelligence gene (singular), as I said from the very first post.

For example, you probably have a single intelligence and therefore your low IQ prevents you from understanding the article you hurriedly copy-pasted. I also have this gene, plus numerous other European genes that provides me with a superior brain morphology and high IQ necessary to read the actual papers and not just copy-paste wikipedia after getting BTFO on your ignorance.

>> No.15504575

GWAS heritability low.
all indicators like proxies for intelligence (education) are low heritable.

notwthstanding this, what are the genes then?
off course you cant identify them.
you point to undefined polygenicity and insist muh genes but cant define or specify any of them.

>> No.15504576
File: 383 KB, 456x1463, 03864509-34856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fins, Germans and Swiss natives score higher than the Japanese and Koreans (and Dutch and Belgians about the same), interesting. Though this score is likely also depressed by the 2nd and 3rd gen "natives".

>> No.15504578

Do you do anything else? I know you studied biology, but surely there must be a more interesting use of your time.

>> No.15504579

I also suspect Northern Italy would rank up there on it's own. This is fairly consistent as traditionally the highest IQs in Europe have been the Germans.

>> No.15504583

I’m just not gonna do the math… sorry!

>> No.15505318 [DELETED] 

>a successful high tech economy
how are modern technological terrors "successful"?
what aspects of life have they improved?

>> No.15505382

ironic considering it was controlled by the liberals for almost a decade until like 6 months ago

>> No.15505399

>traditionally the highest IQs in Europe have been the Germans.

not really, they did have a decent physics scene in the early 20th century, sure, but there was a strong mix of jews in that rabble

>> No.15506221

>cant refute anything I say. Confuses me with some other autist
I didn't study biology.

>> No.15506244

>we were sold the bill of goods that the internet was going to make everyone smarter and bring us closer together
>instead it's made everyone dumber, more lazy, less inspired, and divided and isolated us more than ever before

Burn it all down, I say.

>> No.15506247

The internet didn't fill America with low-performing minorities.

>> No.15506377

You got blown the fuck out in >>15466339
Surprised you're still this stubborn kek

>> No.15506391

checked but not sure why this matters, 485 is not good for a developed country

>> No.15506532

>what aspects of life have they improved?
Asymetric defense capabilities, security, child mortality, food security, healthspan and life span, wealth, access to knowledge, rich digital entertainement, transportation, cheap consumer goods and clothes, ...

Basically what you want to complain about is that your wage is low and your housing costs high, and I agree, but this is also 100% the fault of mass immigration. There is only this one single problem with Western prosperity. All other social issues follow from it.

>> No.15506582 [DELETED] 

He said he wasn't a biologist several threads ago. He's just a shill with no scientific education.

>> No.15506636
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I was talking IQ. Pic rel is from a study a few decades back by University of Ulster, and if I recall correctly this was a consistent result with Lynn's own earlier studies. Lynn also notes
>“a hitherto unrecognised law of history” that “the side with the higher IQ normally wins, unless they are hugely outnumbered, as Germany was after 1942”.
If you wanted to go purely by accomplishment, you'll hardly be able to come up with a nation like Germany, with upper-echelon greats across all fields like Euler, Goethe, Gauss, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Wagner, Riemann, Hilbert, Planck, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Jung, Heidegger, Leibniz, Kepler, Copernicus, Heisenberg etc etc.

>> No.15506748

>men overwhelmingly outnumber women in manual labor
Why even ask this fucking question? It's a shame to women they were ever even behind in this particular geographic region.

>> No.15506774

I want to get rid of this world from anti rational anti objective subhuman filth.

>> No.15507739 [DELETED] 

>Surprised you're still this stubborn kek
SJW politcal Jannie enables that by deleting wrongthink

>> No.15508191 [DELETED] 

If Germany is 107 with all those immigrants, just think what the average must be for the actual ethnic Germans.