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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15495806 No.15495806 [Reply] [Original]

Explain how the double slit experiment proves that we live in a simulation...

>> No.15495808

Because it brings all the bots from /pol/reddit out of the woodwork when mentioned

>> No.15495810

If things are only rendered when observe, that's kinda like a video game

>> No.15495822


>> No.15495824

well but even if it doesn't explain it with the double slit.

>> No.15495829


>> No.15495834
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>> No.15495931

Once you internalize the experiment, it becomes obvious. We're living in a world where almost everyone has been thinking in binary, and yet the human brain has been capable of quantum thinking.

>> No.15495934

When your dick oscillates it gives you a girl or a boy

>> No.15497735

it doesn't. Why would it proove that?

>> No.15497761

This is actually a good argument.

>> No.15497850

no, it's not. You can't make a good argument for simulation from inside the universe when you only know one (1) universe. Proponents of simulation hypothesis are basically saying that our universe doesn't look like IT SHOULD (it looks simulated) and you can't say that when you have no other universes to compare it with. You don't know if something is a proof for simulation or is it simply just the normal state of the universe. Using quantum mechanics to support the argument has another flaw built in. Quantum mechanics only seems weird to us because we, as a species, have evolved on a macro scale. We don't operate on a quantum level. I can easily imagine purely fantastical beings that did evolve like that (whether it's possible or not is beside the point, it's a thought experiment) and for them quantum mechanics has no weirdness attached to it. It's normal, it's not a proof that their reality is le fake and simulated

>> No.15497865

it doesn't, it is just one piece of evidence that implies it, in a sense

>> No.15497870

simulation is just another way to see pre-determined. If you understand the 9 code and scared geometry you understand the map is already drawn and our actions don't and couldn't change anything in the way the reality will unfold

>> No.15497873


>> No.15497915

>If you understand the 9 code and scared geometry

>> No.15497926

Simple and concise post to show you are double digit IQ. Well I do commend you for not wasting my time, bravo lad

>> No.15497936

thats a lot of words for saying absolutely nothing at all

>> No.15497938

>Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions.[1] It is associated with the belief of a divine creator of the universal geometer.
how is this not /x/?

>> No.15497939

How is math not /x/? Well gee idk this is the MATH board. Maybe you should fuck off if you are too retarded to understand that geometry is MATH

>> No.15497944

read it as many times as you need. It'll click eventually

>> No.15497948

geometry is math. Sacred geometry is /x/

>> No.15497949

It doesn't

>> No.15497951

WTF does your stupid ass know about sacred geometry? Very obviously absolutely nothing so stfu dumb shit. Try reading more and yapping your dick sucker less

>> No.15497958

why are you this tense? Are you being gangstalked?

>> No.15497960

Here I will help you out with your first lesson



When you finish those then you are allowed to post. Until then silence yourself

>> No.15497961

The double slit experiment fails to produce observer bias when repeated hundreds of times. Religious sointists don't bother looking up this and assume the limited tests where it was repeated a few times are gospel. Midwits.

>> No.15497970

>numbers magick
totally not /x/ lmao

>> No.15497972

wtf did I just say? I told you to stfu

>> No.15497973

bodhi is a well-known schizo and drug addict who came here from /biz/ to get ad views on his website.

>> No.15497978
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu schizo