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15480356 No.15480356 [Reply] [Original]

How bad is the monkeypox epidemic?
The news pretty much stopped covering it shortly after the epidemic was announced, but its clearly still ongoing severely if governments are investigating superspreader events.
Should there be lockdowns for monkeypox?
Why isn't there a vaccine yet?

>> No.15480363

It only affects gay people having unrestrained sex with strangers, any media coverage or action taken on it risks harming the public perception of gay people so instead they're just pretending it doesn't happen

>> No.15480404

>How bad is the monkeypox epidemic?
Gonna get worse this month during "puuuuriiiiiiiiiiide month" Yays! Totes! Faaaaabulous!

>> No.15480435

So why did children and dogs get it?

>> No.15480449

This is not the defense of gay people you think it is

>> No.15480520
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>> No.15480716

When it turned out the only people getting it were fags who wanted to keep having unprotected sex despite disease risks (that is to say, 100% of fags), the medical experts didn't want to talk about it any more.

>> No.15480774
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>So why did children and dogs get it?

>> No.15480785
File: 1.70 MB, 1x1, NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was also the little factoid that it was a planned epidemic, and they left their plans up on the internet for everyone to see. Whoopsie! Read up, the "fictional" outbreak they talk about here happened only three weeks away from the actual monkeypox outbreak, and this document was made a year before the outbreak.

>> No.15480819

its a tageted attack on the homo population or something.

am not gay, but everytime i go to the local gay bar, i always end up getting these little bumps on my fingers.

the only thing my skin touches are the drinking glass and the bar. hands only.

>> No.15480835

it's not. it's implying "blablapox" is real. it's defending "pox"

>> No.15481076

then why didnt their prediction come to fruition?

>> No.15481198

there were no any outbreaks
another personal story on globohomo paid lovers site.

>> No.15481242

Just kill yourself already you embarrassing fucking faggot.

>> No.15481247

Can you explain what caused the so called plagues that decimated the european population in the 13th century?

>> No.15481251

as society tolerate their existence, degenerates will do degenerates things

>> No.15481257

poisoning, plus stress and famine.

>> No.15481258

shill, your religious feelings hurt? are you at war here?

>> No.15481261

yeah, for globohomo those who don't produce new slaves are enemy

>> No.15481303

How though?

>> No.15481325

so, retard, so.

>> No.15481370

That post is from a year ago. They already stopped the outbreak like 9 months ago you shilltard.

>> No.15481486

Was there any actual confirmation that Monkeypox is an STD because all i find is stuff saying that it isn't and i want something i can show to someone i would discuss this with instead of my word. I want proof

>> No.15481625

there was no "outbreak", "STDs" are globohomo psyop.

>> No.15481752

learn to understand subtext before posting again

>> No.15481760
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>How bad is the monkeypox epidemic?
It's bad.
>Should there be lockdowns for monkeypox?
>Why isn't there a vaccine yet?
Science takes time.

>> No.15481780

how's you gonhorea?

>> No.15481822

> the Mayo Clinic web page entitled Gonorrhoea states that, “In many cases, gonorrhoea infection causes no symptoms.” Most symptoms of ‘gonorrhoea’ occur in the genital area, but they can also occur in other body organs, including the eyes, throat and joints, which is highly anomalous for a disease that is said to be the result of sexual activity.

>> No.15481827

> bad
shills gonna shill

>> No.15481834

(Lister and Parker 2019)?

>> No.15482030

>Science takes time.
covid was only around for 8 months before a vax was ready, monkeypox had been going on for years already

>> No.15482033

yet, there were no such things

>> No.15482806

>Why isn't there a vaccine yet?
poisoning the gays with a "monkeypox vaccine" would be a dream come true

>> No.15482820

gays hurt your feelings. you should love and promote gays, more women for you.

>> No.15483703

nope, monkeypox is still ongoing, the media just stopped covering the issue because it makes gays look like pedos and dogfuckers

>> No.15483744

nope, no such thing. shilling ongoing though, shill.

>> No.15484613

>t. filthy diseased dogfucker

>> No.15485130

not science, shill

>> No.15485434

the namefag is really trying it's best to spam this thread to death and prevent discussion.
gays getting monkeypox and freely spreading it to children and dogs really seems to upset the namefag.

>> No.15485457

shill, it's impossible to prevent discussion here. what you do ispropaganda, paid shilling, intentional and deliberate deception.

>> No.15486727

you have sex with dogs and transmit your monkeypox to them

>> No.15486927

Are you retarded?
The one spreading faggotry is the one that hates people being faggots?

>> No.15486945

Risk of Resurgent Mpox Outbreaks Warrants Increased Prevention Effort


>CDC continues to assess that the risk of resurgent mpox outbreaks is substantial in the United States. Although the daily number of reported mpox cases has fallen dramatically since August 2022, the diagnosis of several unlinked cases each week and intermittent wastewater detections across jurisdictions are consistent with ongoing undetected transmission. The risk of outbreaks could further increase as people gather this spring and summer for festivals and other events with high potential for skin-to-skin contact or increased sexual activity. Healthcare providers, public health agencies, and partner organizations should help ensure disproportionately affected populations—currently gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender people—have access to vaccines, testing, and treatment. People at risk for mpox exposure should 1) be vigilant of the possibility of community transmission, 2) take steps to reduce risk of infection, and 3) seek vaccination.

>> No.15487142

deception and schizophrenia, shill.

>> No.15487146

> .gov
propaganda and bullshit.

>> No.15487707

stop spreading monkeypox, faggit

>> No.15488816
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thats the price a society pays for tolerating homosexuals

>> No.15489761

Its not the medical community, its the media that covers the medical community.

>> No.15490695

>How bad is the monkeypox epidemic?
when all the faggots are dead you'll really how fantastic it is

>> No.15490729

you know why,and that's why we must not tolerate this immorality to become normalized.

>> No.15490869
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>> No.15490893
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dmisinformation, hatred shilling.

>> No.15491623

Why do they lead all the STD statistics and apparently not realise that unprotected intercourse may be bad?

>> No.15492212

The only people who got it were gays and family members and hospital staff who were in direct contact with them. It peaked after pride month last year and they stopped talking about it as soon as the statistics from the UK showed it was something like 96% homosexuals and 4% family members and hospital staff.

>> No.15492316
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because they are literal biblical demons

>> No.15492549

it will be a lot worse after all the pride garbage this month

>> No.15492649

>Infected person can carry the virus from touch by skin surfaces like hands etc
>Hetero fuckboys are just as strong carriers
>Just touching someone from casual handling like petting a dog etc can be enough for transmission etc
Time to get new material for your degenerate outrage porn mentality.

>> No.15492831

disinformation, constant samefagging

>> No.15492832

> """statistics"""

>> No.15493630

>Hetero fuckboys are just as strong carriers
Fags coping yet again

>> No.15494499

homosexuals are all liars and atheists, they are biblical demons

>> No.15494512

you are liar here, shill. so, you are really faggot

>> No.15495396

Even Africans have enough IQ points to figure out that faggots are human garbage

>> No.15495672

double propaganda.

>> No.15496370

heterosexual don't get monkeypox, its a gay disease, 98% of all cases are gays, the other 2% are also gays

>> No.15496371

disinformation, samefag

>> No.15497820

The namefag seems unusually triggered by this thread, it has made nearly 40% of the posts ITT so far in an attempt to shill it to death

>> No.15498534

Reminder that monkeypox originally transferred to humans when faggots started sucking monkey dicks

>> No.15499144

there is no covid, and there is no monkeypox
educate yourself

>> No.15499149 [DELETED] 
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didn't happen to me when i sucked monkey dicks

>> No.15499786
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>> No.15499908
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you namelessfag account for 80% comments on this board, all propaganda in entertainment cover

>> No.15500442

yep, i wonder why its so upset at the content of this thread?

>> No.15500718

>its a gay disease, 98% of all cases are gay

Only 97.4% of cases are gay!

>> No.15500770

It sure is convenient that Covid was fake but this nothingburger will kill all faggots any day now (In two weeks, bambi.png)

>> No.15500921

> """"cases""""
who cases those cases? """doctors"""

>> No.15501687

schizo namefag really is unusually triggered by this thread, has now made 1/3 of the posts here

>> No.15501690

You can't fake a poxvirus outbreak. Anyone can see the sores on a sick person.

>> No.15501713
File: 35 KB, 737x472, 1681984439962597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo namelessfag really is unusually triggered by this thread, has now made 9/10 of the posts here

>> No.15502286

absolutely unhinged

>> No.15502320

shill, you project. let's have uids on this board. without them there's no discussion

>> No.15502563

fags get a bad case of herpes and suddenly it's national news. All of those
>missing sense of taste and smell
middle class long covid thots were real too, you know.

>> No.15502603

>How bad is the monkeypox epidemic?
>Should there be lockdowns for monkeypox?
>Why isn't there a vaccine yet?

>> No.15502619

it's disinformation. cattle loves about "lesser" people, makes them feel superior

>> No.15503664
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>How bad is the monkeypox epidemic?
Not severe enough

>> No.15504297

This, faggot holocaust, best day of my life

>> No.15504713

same shill again.

>> No.15505358 [DELETED] 

its now 30 out of 86 posts by the triggered schizo who is trying to spam the thread to death

>> No.15505640
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rest is yours

>> No.15506550 [DELETED] 

monkeypox is real, covid is fake

>> No.15506589

no, shill.

>> No.15507099

Grand Canaria? Couldn't this fucking faggots get fucked somewhere else?

>> No.15507666 [DELETED] 

sorry, kid, but your favorite vacation island is ruined now, the faggots have infected it with monkeypox, you'll have to find somewhere else