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File: 312 KB, 2153x1345, Starlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15496239 No.15496239 [Reply] [Original]

Starlink - edition

previous >>15492737

>> No.15496247
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Starlink mission launching in 5min


>> No.15496249
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>> No.15496250

>starlink missio- *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

>> No.15496255

>Fheavy side booster converted back into an F9 first stage

>> No.15496257
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14h to launch


>> No.15496260

This one has a surprise. Tune in

>> No.15496261
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>> No.15496265
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>> No.15496266

Max Qute!

>> No.15496267
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>> No.15496270
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non-chode vacuum bell for once

>> No.15496271

SpaceX supporting Varda, Rocketlabs, Launcher all at the same time

>> No.15496272

>mars confirmed for starfield direct
>its only a mining colony
the fuck

>> No.15496274
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>> No.15496275

1.5M customers for Starlink


>> No.15496278

That's more that SLS's budget isn't it?

>> No.15496279

That's $150M/mo recurring revenue.

>> No.15496280

I was off by 10, just kill me now

>> No.15496282

Aliens are working with Lockheed Martin and /sfg/ is worried about Starlink

>> No.15496283
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Gd landing

>> No.15496285

1.5M with avg paying customer rate ~$100 - $150M per month x 12 = $1.8B/y run rate.

>> No.15496290

Decent income but the manufacturing costs for dishes and sats + f9 launches will be raping that figure.

>> No.15496291
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Aliens are both silly and distraction, which is what makes the push so evil.

>> No.15496294

Yes, but if the yearly rate continues to grow, it means the profit will be realized after 1 year of customer retention.

>> No.15496302

F9 second stage expenditure and first stage refurb are still money losers barring outside launch contracts. Starship is the missing piece.

>> No.15496311

86 starlink launches so far
Assuming $30M per launch that's $2.5B in launch costs

>> No.15496326

Elon has said the marginal cost for an reused F9 launch is about $15M, doubt that the sats cost another 15 on top of that

>> No.15496338

Yeah I'm highballing it, but the $15M is probably an underestimate

>> No.15496377
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america's second largest civil space program...

>> No.15496385
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>> No.15496388
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> “The major message from our simulations is that there’s a decent chance that the planet would be habitable,” Anthony Del Genio, a planetary scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told LiveScience.

> “Climate models with static oceans suggest that Proxima b could harbor a small dayside surface ocean despite its weak instellation,” the researchers explain in the new study. “With a dynamic (moving) ocean considered for the first time, the extent of this liquid water becomes much more significant, in some cases even dipping into parts of the nightside. The simulations showed that ‘with a dynamic ocean, a hypothetical ocean-covered Proxima Centauri b with an atmosphere similar to modern Earth’s can have a habitable climate with a broad region of open ocean, extending to the nightside at low latitudes.”

>> No.15496401


Astronomers need to shut the fuck up until they build some gravitational lensing scopes so we can actually properly observe exoplanets instead of making shitty half baked guesses.

>> No.15496414

Business idea: The wuhan flu lab, but in space so they can safley eat bats in space

>> No.15496451
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>> No.15496463
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>gravitational lensing scopes

>> No.15496464

>red dwarf planet
Get fucking real
In fact I doubt that more than a handful of exoplanets anywhere have atmospheres
I doubt even Mars has an atmosphere, looks fake to me

>> No.15496467

Looks like you aren't trusting the science, your social credit score is being downgraded and you will be relocated to a smaller pod habitat unit.

>> No.15496472
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>> No.15496482

>title: there *IS* a habitable world nearby
>article: there *MIGHT* be something there
modern day "journalism"

>> No.15496485
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>> No.15496488

Proxima B is definitely there. The actual surface conditions are a complete unknown.

>> No.15496498
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The superflares have scoured it clean nigga

>> No.15496500

Not all that likely if there's a strong enough magnetic field, but that's a big, unqualified if, I'll give you that.

>> No.15496503
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maybe proxima b wont be good for colonies but it might be useful for science outposts and remote strip mining. it's possible that we'll end up putting large space stations in the area for this.

>> No.15496506

>space stations
>for strip mining
>for interplanetary or interstellar trade
1. space stations as a waypoint for transport is a waste of DV, if you're using anything, use automated propellant depots.
2. interplanetary/interstellar trade is a pipe dream, if you're strip mining, it doesn't make financial sense to do anything but use the materials where you are.

>> No.15496509
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Launch mass 80,000 kilograms (180,000 lb)
Dimensions 37 m × 4.10 m
Start of mission
Launch date 15 May 1987
Rocket Energia

>> No.15496511

Interstellar trade is a huge meme for sure but Interplanetary trade is not a meme. Even in our one solar system there are planets that are poverty tier in various resources that other planets are massively rich in. It's just a case of whether you can make the transport cheap enough to facilitate it.

>> No.15496517

I don't think cheap interplanetary transport is possible, at least not for a very long time. At the risk of sounding like a schizo, I don't think that chemical or even nuclear rockets are capable of it.

>> No.15496522

Space stations have their uses as tether anchor points trading delta-v as they travel their eccentric orbits.

>> No.15496524
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Let's have JWST, Hubble, and Chandra do a deep spectral analysis of it.

>> No.15496544

nigga just use mass drivers

>> No.15496547

It's theoretically cheaper than sea travel, and time shouldn't be a constraint since they'd only be trading raw ressources

>> No.15496562

still too expensive, also immature, only realistic option is a coilgun, which requires huge amounts of power, so you also need vast amounts of infrastructure to support it. I'd argue that mass drivers will be more expensive than reusable rockets for a long time.
anon, when I say interplanetary I'm including liftoff.

>> No.15496587

I think you have to pay around $500 for the hardware, so $750m offsets dish costs. Also they have different plans depending on some places, ships are $250 a month, planes might be the same etc. Hard to really estimate their revenue but it will be far higher than $1.8b/yr

>> No.15496593
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This is what the US could have had. Several hundred "Energy" launches, deploying 9m wide Space Station Freedom modules. Dozens of launches of "Snowstorm" orbiters that could have done everything the shittle could have done and more (such as fully pressurised orbiters sending dozens or acting as recoverable lab modules)
Eventually a "Hudson" launch vehicle for cislunar operations and sending probes, as well as a fully reusable "Energy 2" launch vehicle.
Why did god send their most capable designs to its least capable space programs?

>> No.15496596
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Reading this page genuinely made me sad

>Had the Soviet Union not fallen and the Energia booster gone into production, huge projects were planned to take advantage of its capabilities to realize Soviet military and international space goals. These included:

>Restoration of the earth's ozone layer
>Disposal of nuclear waste outside of the solar system
>Illumination of polar cities by reflection of the sun's light
>Large-area space energy reflectors
>Solar sails for interplanetary flights
>Exploitation of lunar resources for fusion reactors on the earth
>Space control system to assure ecological compliance and guarantee strategic stability
>International global information communications system
>Removal of space debris in geostationary orbit
>Large space radio telescope to study galaxies

>> No.15496606

Dude, even if the USSR hasn't fallen, trying to undertake even one or two of these projects with expendable boosters would have bankrupted them. Get real, that list is some popsci tier copium.

>> No.15496632
File: 1.46 MB, 500x297, main-qimg-cd7652f59aedeccbd739fa632f3c2df1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blast jews into space.
Launch jews into the fucking sun.

>> No.15496648

>>International global information communications system
It'll never happen

>> No.15496651

>Believing Komintern bullshit

>> No.15496713
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I don't want to be that guy, but.....

>> No.15496749
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas_popsci_turning_your_mind_to_mush_(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Restoration of the earth's ozone layer
>>Disposal of nuclear waste outside of the solar system
>>Illumination of polar cities by reflection of the sun's light
>>Large-area space energy reflectors
>>Solar sails for interplanetary flights
>>Exploitation of lunar resources for fusion reactors on the earth
>>Space control system to assure ecological compliance and guarantee strategic stability
>>International global information communications system
>>Removal of space debris in geostationary orbit
>>Large space radio telescope to study galaxies

>> No.15496753

>Space control system to assure ecological compliance and guarantee strategic stability
>Restoration of the earth's ozone layer
Sounds like globohomo Trojan horses. The ozone layer turned out fine without any commie megaproject.
And "assure ecological compliance and guarantee strategic stability" sounds like rules for the USA and not for the USSR

>> No.15496759
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> In The Case for Space, Zubrin estimated that even with $200/kg launch costs, a space manufacturing company would need to generate at least $80 million in revenue, or 40 tons of product, to cover its costs. This economic reality is why Zubrin made the argument to focus on “advanced computer chips, unique pharmaceuticals, or lossless fiber-optic cables.” They’re the highest value-per-weight products that benefit from microgravity.

>It turns out that Zubrin was far too conservative, which we’ll address, but his larger point stands: space manufacturing companies should start with the highest $/kg product they can make and sell.

havent read the whole article yet but seems interesting, I guess the article lays out the business case and future of Varda

>> No.15496762
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they are betting on Starship working basically, not sure drug manufacturing has a case otherwise

>> No.15496801

>even with $200/kg launch costs, a space manufacturing company would need to generate at least $80 million in revenue, or 40 tons of product, to cover its costs
that doesn't make sense. they aren't paying spacex anywhere near 80 million to put a fridge sized chem lab in space. if they want to turn a profit they just have to produce something that's more valuable than the cost of construction, launch, and operation of the satellite.
if it weights a ton (2.6 million to launch), costs 10 million to build (almost all of this can be shaved off), and can produce 1 kilogram of pharmaceuticals, they just need to sell that product for over 12.6 million to turn a profit. that's $1,260 per 100miligram dose. well within the price range of expensive pharmaceuticals. LSD goes for like 10 times this price (~$10 for 80micrograms)

>> No.15496843

totally made up numbers

>> No.15496847
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>> No.15496869
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I long for the day that pictures like this are of yuuuuge installations orbiting L2 instead of gay ass tin cans in LEO

>> No.15496885

YALL READY FOR THE QUANTUM DRIVE TO LAUNCH TODAY????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVbG7Ia_Smo

>> No.15496898
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there's a lot of weird shit onboard. Hungarian sat, latin America sat, high schooler sat


>> No.15496908

"The Spei Satelles, or “Guardian of Hope” satellite will carry a record of the Pope’s Statio Orbis of 27 March 2020 – held at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic – into orbit around the earth.
The satellite—about the size of an American football—will house a “nanobook” version of Pope Francis’ Why Are You Afraid? Have You No Faith?, a book containing images and words from the Statio Orbis.
The nanobook was created by the Polytechnic University of Turin, is about the size of the tip of a pen, and can only be read by highly-advanced nanotechnology reading devices.
Yet, anyone with an amateur UHF-band radio can pick up a broadcast beamed from the satellite on 437.5 MHz to hear excerpts from the Pope’s book as it passes overhead."

p o p e s a t

>> No.15496909

For me it’s the vatican SpeiSat

>> No.15496915
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Shoot that antichrist down!

>> No.15496916
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Ciao Roma, we are on-track to establish the archdiocese of Mars

>> No.15496920

You'd think this would finally put the Bible thumping subspecies of flerfers to bed but it probably won't.

>> No.15496929
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flerfers are usually not catholic, they're weird burger-christians

godspeed popesat (holy trinity-speed?)

>> No.15496942
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>> No.15496955
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i think we can all agree that nasa has problems. but how would you solve those problems?

>> No.15496957

eliminate congress

>> No.15496966

its a hypotethical situation and a thought exercise you dimwit, jesus christ
assuming x and y, what would z have to be for profitability for instance

that is exactly zubrins point, even with very low launch costs (an order of magnitude lower than now), it would still only be economical to manufacture certain items like advanced computer chips, unique pharmauceticals or lossless fiber-optic cables
I'm guessing they are leaving something out like a minimum launch mass that zubrin assumed, the case for space came out in 2019, SpaceX first rideshare mission was in 2021.

The first rideshare program was announced like 3 months after the book came out

>> No.15496983
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> This afternoon, Varda is going to launch a drug manufacturing factory into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The factory will orbit the earth for a little over a month, running tests on the spacecraft and its drug manufacturing capabilities, and then come hurling back down into the Utah desert in mid-July.

> I was on a call with Varda co-founder and CEO Will Bruey the other day when, answering a question about how his company has been able to recruit so many SpaceX engineers, he said something that really helped put Varda in context:

> “For all of us who’ve been at SpaceX for the past decade working on how to get up to space cheaply, once we did that, the question became: what do we do up there? Manufacturing was the obvious next step to a lot of us.”


> If things go really well, Varda will also showcase its ability to manufacture drugs in space. It will crystallize ritonavir in microgravity in order to explore how gravity influences the resulting crystal structure. Ritonavir is a famous example of polymorphism in pharmaceuticals, where differences in the symmetry and structures of the crystals lead to drastic changes in solubility and bioavailability. By crystallizing pharmaceuticals in low-earth orbit, Varda seeks to explore how microgravity can be used to drive novel polymorphic outcomes.

>So today, we’ll cover:

> - The Varda Story
> - How to Build a Deeptech Company
> - Varda Goes to Washington
> - The Benefits of Dual Use
> - Manufacturing Drugs in Space
> - What to Expect from the First Mission
> - Expanding the Economic Bounds of Humankind

>> No.15496993

Repeal the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and 19th Amendment.

>> No.15496997

I'm ready for the comfy rtls. please no fog vandy

>> No.15497000

Article reposters are the worst posters. Just put the image of the front, the link and a comment. Anything more ruins the flow of the thread and makes you a Clear tier poster.

>> No.15497018

bad take kill yourself. you can start a conversation by posting the relevant information. the convo is dead before it begins if all you do is post the title and link

>> No.15497023

I used to make article posts but would only post a link, screenshot of the title / first paragraph, quote a short takeaway, and then a shitpost comment underneath

>> No.15497024

Cringe, take the L

>> No.15497025

>Clear tier
why so homosexual anon? you don't like cute girls?

>> No.15497028

by flow you mean short shitposts or schizoposts?
without posting any relevant chapters, usually people don't simply read anything at all, you actually get zero discussion
with some relevant interesting snippets there is a chance of some discussion
the most important aspect is how interesting the article itself is, but there is definitely a difference between posting an article without anything (which people might miss easily and then the same one gets reposted later) or read the headline and post something retarded about it

>> No.15497030
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Why is RTLS so interesting to people? Droneship is cooler by a mile

>> No.15497031
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>> No.15497032

back to roblox zoomer

>> No.15497035
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oof there's still time, jack

>> No.15497037
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>parachutes for cargo

>> No.15497040

I am not this poster. >>15497018
Youre still wrong though

>> No.15497041

>high schoolers have a satellite in space
>sfg doesnt
we're an embarrassment

>> No.15497061
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>now he's namefagging

>> No.15497065

you're right, it's high time we got started. you scrounge up the quarter million dollars for a rideshare and I'll wrap a raspberry pi in mylar blankets

>> No.15497068

cubesats are maybe $10k

>> No.15497069

but it takes 2 years to get communication permits from FCC, that's the tricky part.

>> No.15497073
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>> No.15497077

Brave man

>> No.15497079

zubrin vs rogozin
fight of the year

>> No.15497081

a substantial portion of USSR space engineering came out of Ukraine right?

>> No.15497092


>> No.15497107

What the other guy said, Flat Earthers are not Catholics. Usually, they believe that the Catholic church is actually the Synagogue of Satan or the Illuminati, or pick a fuckin' buzzword. They are almost without fail Evangelicals.

>> No.15497109

you could in principle go watch RTLS, not the case with a droneship

>> No.15497110

Yes, Korolev and Glushko were both Ukrainians, for instance.

>> No.15497119


>> No.15497127
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>> No.15497130

most countries dont care about spaceflight. they have no ambition. they're just existing.

>> No.15497131
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>> No.15497137

Is that quantized inertia memesat launching today?

>> No.15497138


>> No.15497141


>> No.15497142
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>> No.15497146

plus popesat

>> No.15497149
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The best way to get to Mars by 2033?
Move the fuck over and let the Wooki...er let Elon launch. As long as you're trying to hang on and claim "WE" credit, nobody is going to Mars.

>> No.15497154

I wonder if NASA would actually block a mars landing
they technically could just use an excuse like planetary protection

>> No.15497155

Don't give them any ideas

>> No.15497159

Didn't JPL basically block Red Dragon because it could cut off their intravenous graft supply?

>> No.15497164
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>> No.15497166

Yes, but Starship is already part of Artemis so it's no longer possible for them to cockblock. Astronauts outweigh JPL.

>> No.15497171

not the same. red dragon was just not funded by nasa

>> No.15497186

no, it went much farther than that
SpaceX was told something like if they go forward with Red Dragon, they will lose future contracts

>> No.15497197

to add to this, not directly of course but it was pretty clear
a bit like that one old geezer blocking all kinds of depots for a long time because that would potentially result in less launches necessary for some missions
in the Red Dragon case, SpaceX doing some very cheap mission on their own dime would make people question why the fuck JPL needs 10 billion per mission

>> No.15497202
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>> No.15497211

this is just floating in the solar system and nobody cares

>> No.15497214

Mind your business.

>> No.15497220
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>> No.15497222

I knew ron desantis was a good pick. bridenstine should be VP

>> No.15497228

I'm surprised astronauts haven't tried going for the presidency. Lots have made it to congress.

>> No.15497233
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>> No.15497234


>> No.15497255

If big jim is on, I am too
t. not even US citizen

>> No.15497263

rs-25s having serial numbers and nasa knowing them is an exciting part of boomerspace apparently

>> No.15497268

john glenn ran for the democratic party nomination in '84
>american energia-buran
never would have happened

>> No.15497285

astronauts would make terrible presidents

>> No.15497301
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China + ESA working together to advance space science research.

>> No.15497304

when will ESA learn their lesson?

>> No.15497310

Bridenstine is a rat fuck.

>> No.15497311
File: 470 KB, 1079x1089, Screenshot_20230612_115808_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QI test sat rebooked for Transporter-9.

>> No.15497312

Ok jew

>> No.15497317

I was wondering what was up, was looking at the satellites on the labeled picture and didn't see OVA or whatever

>> No.15497319

He literally spent four years saying how important SpaceX was, then the moment he is replaced he shacks up with an anti-SpaceX corporation for a job on their board and backs all of their legal attempts to kill Starlink via lawsuits and regulatory challenges at the FCC.

He is not your friend, he is not on the side of SpaceX.

>> No.15497326

This actually suggests his pro-SpaceX attitude at NASA came from his boss (Trump).

>> No.15497335

Quantum cooperation will unleash Chinese quantum dragon leaps. Hoping lesser western vassals do not copy superior Chinese quantic advancements

>> No.15497345

wasn't aware of that, interesting

>> No.15497346

16 years and no samples

>> No.15497348
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Trumptards clinging to their last shred of copium

>> No.15497351
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Realistically how difficult is it to get into the space industry? What sort of education/skills are most sought after?

>> No.15497357


>> No.15497368
File: 1.89 MB, 1x1, Torchala_2019.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this pdf in my old laptop, kind of interesting

>> No.15497389

of course. I was driving home and I pulled in just as they announced the successful landing and the crowd went wild. My neighbors must have thought I was crazy when I jumped out and did a happy dance, fist pumping.

>> No.15497390

Based Krystal enjoyer. I knew it was coming.

>> No.15497394

indeed. When Russia invaded, they effectively killed half of their own launch fleet:
* Dnepr
* Rokot
* Tsyklon
* Zenit, including Sea Launch

>> No.15497395


>> No.15497399

Oh you gotta be fucking with me

>> No.15497406

(((they))) know it works and they can't let you have free interstellar travel

>> No.15497409

Can't trust anybody these days.

>> No.15497412

mountain dew bros..

>> No.15497417

Use this for fuel

>> No.15497423
File: 13 KB, 184x184, 1557623803052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Disposal of nuclear waste outside of the solar system

>> No.15497427

These are the same retards that say throw nuclear waste in to the sun

>> No.15497432
File: 940 KB, 1144x638, firefox_2023-06-12_16-07-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scam or legit?

>> No.15497434
File: 299 KB, 2480x3508, otrag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do my chances of working in the space industry (DE) with a MechE degree look? How is the euro market? Would it be better to study something else if my goal is to work in the spaceflight sector (old space satellites, startups, government, anything) ? I don't want to study Aerospace En.
Pic related, nu-german legacy

>> No.15497444

EARTHER (derogatory)

>> No.15497445

havent posted or lurked in /sfg/ for about eight years
what's happened since then

>> No.15497449


>We want to send congratulations to all aboard @SpaceX
Transporter 8 launching this afternoon! The IVO Quantum Drive mission has been rebooked on @SpaceX
Transporter 9 due to launch October of this year. We want to extend a massive thank you to @RogueSpaceCorp
and their partners for their attention to detail and drive to change the world.

Oh how convenient

>> No.15497448
File: 240 KB, 327x240, promotion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497452


>> No.15497457


>> No.15497459


holy shit

>> No.15497466
File: 213 KB, 1908x1080, we're going on a trip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497468

Lmfao and the clown show continues

>> No.15497469

Nothing. Go back to sleep.

>> No.15497475

Dont hate the player, bitch

>> No.15497476

>The IVO Quantum Drive achieved 45mN of thrust consuming only a single watt and zero fuel. This was done at 9x10-6 Torr with temperature cycles ranging from -100c to 100c. The thruster performed as expected with no variation in performance.

King Elon said a purely electric thruster isn't possible so these guys are bullshitting

>> No.15497477

gotta keep nasa workers employed somehow

>> No.15497483

Just let me believe

>> No.15497484

>How is the euro market?
Non-existent unless you're working on solid fuel or turbo prop for weapons.

>> No.15497485
File: 392 KB, 1116x1117, 4ASS logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been telling you guys for years this is real science.

>> No.15497487

>european spaceflight
Look man just escape this place to literally any other continent and you'll have a better chance to actually work on space related stuff. The indians mog europe at this point.

>> No.15497490

Tempering my expectations, NASA also looked at EM-drive and that went nowhere

>> No.15497493

There is rfa they make real stuff.

>> No.15497494

The EM drive was also the mother of all replication crises. IVO, Becker, and McCulloch all had clear positive results.

>> No.15497495
File: 306 KB, 1539x907, apps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck

>> No.15497497

purely electric thruster would break current physics
cranks are a dime in a dozen, it even happens quite often with people who have studied physics in university
before it is demonstrated its just another fringe theory

>> No.15497498

don't they claim 'no no, see we actually get energy from the sun's field' or something

>> No.15497499

Then maybe current physics is meant to be broken

>> No.15497508

That sounds like it's bad for the Sun

>> No.15497509

It's literally already broken. No galaxy rotates as predicted.

>> No.15497511

Current physics is already broken. QI is a proposed patch set.

>> No.15497516

They should be looking at the Flyby Anomaly.

>> No.15497519


Have to wait till October now

>> No.15497521

>Flyby Anomaly.

>> No.15497523

No, you're thinking of the plasma magnet sail that works on the solar wind.

>> No.15497528

>Flyby Anomaly
didn't know this. physics cucks are so embarrassed to mentiom their failings

>> No.15497533

>Flyby Anomaly.
This is some "at the very bottom of the physics iceberg" type shit what the fuck

>> No.15497538
File: 103 KB, 961x649, firefox_2023-06-12_16-46-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497545

I'm reading McCulloch's book and the QI explanation for it is actually sensible. It's basically the Oberth Effect modulated by inertial mass change instead of expelling propellant.

>> No.15497549

>“The IVO Quantum Drive really is a total departure from the current limitations of modern space propulsion. It is the first pure electric propulsion device, meaning it requires only electricity to run. Gone are the days of complex fuel systems which require special fuel solutions to propel the spacecraft. As long as we have electricity, we have thrust, which is why unlimited Delta-V is possible for the first time ever. Due to its self-contained nature, this is the first propulsion device that can be completely internal to a spacecraft.”

Well there's your answer for the weird drones/UAP, especially the cylinder/orb shaped ones, only question is if its ours or alien tech

>> No.15497556

>ISP: 0.000001

>> No.15497557

>flying cars, new kinds of aircraft
>structures that hover
>weird drones/UAP
wouldn't this thing take on the order of gigawatts to be able to hover in atmosphere? I thought it was useful in that you could keep it running for months at a time to do non time sensitive maneuvers

>> No.15497558


>> No.15497562

if its a reactionless drive all bets are off.
there is no reason to think you couldn't make a tremendously better one using the new knowledge.
it's just unlikely to actually work

>> No.15497563

Onboard micro-fusion reactor

>> No.15497565 [DELETED] 

They're probably taking one meme tech and then hypothesizing about what you could do with it if you could make hyper-advanced fusionmeme real too. It's meme^2.

>> No.15497566

still no flickr upload

>> No.15497571

bruh this seems like a big deal

>> No.15497577

>inertial mass change

>> No.15497580

At ~0.05N/W you'd need a ludicrously high specific power to pull those kind of maneuvers so the real question would be the power system. Even assuming the atmospheric craft were short range battery powered and could only fly for a few hours that's still higher than our current tech could do.

>> No.15497581


Landing #200 coming up!

>> No.15497584


>> No.15497586

Acceleration relative to Earth based on inclination change. The flybys with no inclination change had no anomaly.

>> No.15497588

3min until live


>> No.15497589

That would still have thrown off one hell of an IR signature which I don't think most of these UAPs had.

>> No.15497590

>The flybys with no inclination change had no anomaly.

>> No.15497592

IR deflecting/reabsorbing hyper material shiny silver coating

>> No.15497595

Schizodrive GODS rise up, our time is at hand

>> No.15497596

>At ~0.05N/W
and unfortunately these things get 1.2mN/kW so you would need to find a way to make them 400,000 times as powerful before you even consider doing that

>> No.15497597

its delayed

>> No.15497598

schizodrive was moved to transporter 9 in october for some reason

>> No.15497599

There's a whole chapter on the flyby anomalies in McCulloch's book and I'm phoneposting in between reading the ebook. He also addresses the CMB asymmetries and "axis of evil" without requiring bent space, dark matter, or dark energy.

>> No.15497604


>> No.15497605


>> No.15497606

They get 50mN/kW per IVO.

>> No.15497607


>> No.15497610

scratch that then, I guess you only need to make them 10,000 times better

>> No.15497611
File: 200 KB, 1162x845, Robert McCall Gemini IV m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobel & knighthood in 2024 screencap this poast

>> No.15497612

15.69 MW to levitate a 80kg person
or 21k horsepower

>> No.15497615

stage 2 propellant loading is complete WHERE'S THE FUCKING STREAM

>> No.15497618

No Q? No view.

>> No.15497619
File: 83 KB, 747x735, elon cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>King Elon said blah blah
He said his car was orbiting Mars when in fact its in a heliocentric orbit. He's a bullshitter not an oracle

>> No.15497622


>Angry astronut covered the plasma drive

umm based, I dont follow him but good that its gaining traction, if the quantum meme drive fails to work in space this is our only real option (unless it also fails to work due to plasma fuckery)

>> No.15497623

yeah, and the IAU told me the moon was orbiting earth when in fact its in a heliocentric orbit. what's you're point?

>> No.15497624

plasma sail*

>> No.15497627

what is my best bet for spess related work?education in Mechanical Engineering or EE / mechatronics / material sciences etc

I have US and EU citizenships and C2 english qualification so work in yeehaw land should be fine

>> No.15497628

it was in jest, I know he's so hyperfocused on his view of space travel that he's potentially closed off from considering these options with an open mind

>> No.15497630

This. Midwits will not understand

>> No.15497632

I really hope so. Physics has grown stale and some random twitter phd with 4 times more tweets than followers actually being the next Einstein would be wonderful, to say nothing of its practical applications. It reeks of schizophrenia, of course, but no more than previous theories did to previous generations.

>> No.15497635

Just shoot electrons out the back retard

>> No.15497636

>what is my best bet for spess related work?education in Mechanical Engineering or EE / mechatronics / material sciences etc
software lmao

>> No.15497637


>different video with 270k views
>plasma sail mentioned again

oh shit nice

>> No.15497639

its on

>> No.15497640


>> No.15497641


>> No.15497642

Why are they hiding this?
Holy shit, they reall have craft?

>> No.15497643

no i hate software i am always rock hard

>> No.15497645

>some random twitter phd with 4 times more tweets than followers actually being the next Einstein would be wonderful,
Would be based af

The Galileo of our times

>> No.15497646
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, 1684070907294318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497653

im not subscribe, i cant comment :(
can someone message her for me? tell her Derek from Michigan says she is beautiful

>> No.15497655
File: 325 KB, 428x387, 003968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she get a promotion?

>> No.15497657
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2023-06-12_17-28-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so good

>> No.15497658


>> No.15497659
File: 295 KB, 424x396, 003969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497662

uhhhhhhhhhhhh is it supposed to do that?

>> No.15497665

do what?

>> No.15497666


>> No.15497668

take a better screenshot faggot.
she's not actually that much of a golem

>> No.15497670


>> No.15497672

pro tip: youtube builds up a ~30 second buffer on live streams, you can set your playback speed to 1.25x or 1.5x to catch up to *actually* live

>> No.15497673

cope lmaooo

>> No.15497675
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 00143406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497677
File: 34 KB, 547x810, the moon's path around the sun a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and double planet pilled

>> No.15497678


>> No.15497680
File: 665 KB, 859x777, 003971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explosion oh no
its over

>> No.15497681


>> No.15497682
File: 670 KB, 1920x1080, 00143544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497683

launch cat MIA

>> No.15497684


>> No.15497687

Along as the experiment never happens, the schizos can consider it a real thing. I knew something would happen to put it off.

>> No.15497690

Max Q was awesome, too bad twitter doesnt have rewind buffer I missed the instance

>> No.15497689

If you have the skills and education, I'm sure you'll get a job on missiles or something here. Any actual aerospace engineering trickles down from that though.

>> No.15497691

oh shit meco failed

>> No.15497693

Gentlemen, I am fucking drunk and I love rocket launches.
Also I won the bid on an apartment I put in during Starship OFT because nothing ventured nothing gained, wooo. /blog

>> No.15497694

Nozzle humilitation ritual

>> No.15497695
File: 994 KB, 1920x1080, 00143802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short MVac Nozzle again

>> No.15497696

>cuck nozzle again

>> No.15497697


>> No.15497698
File: 907 KB, 937x669, 003973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497703

Why bother when you have a tug to deliver shit?

>> No.15497705

they forgot to put an engine rat on this time

>> No.15497708

Nah, it just fell off.

>> No.15497710

hellloooooo west coast

>> No.15497713
File: 1003 KB, 1920x1080, 00144204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497715

give it up for landing two-hundred lads
ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.15497716


>> No.15497719
File: 928 KB, 1920x1080, 00144309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497721

SpaceX: 200
rest of the solar system: 0

>> No.15497723


>> No.15497724
File: 211 KB, 695x596, 003974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bit weird landing leg deployment

>> No.15497725

Dirty fucking slut of a rocket. Just start painting them black.

>> No.15497726
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 16464646464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 200
> competition status
> 404 not found

>> No.15497729
File: 1.43 MB, 1854x1105, 003975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

45min until payload deployment

>> No.15497731

I wonder if for these RTLS they could have a 1st stage design with fixed always-deployed legs.

>> No.15497732


>> No.15497733

absolutely mogged

>> No.15497737

It's all a bit fucking sad ain't it?

>> No.15497738


>> No.15497748

>200th launch
>CHarIN folds on NACS
a good day for elong

>> No.15497750

yes, pathetic actually

>> No.15497749

what if instead of landing legs the launch tower caught it?

>> No.15497751
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>> No.15497754
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>> No.15497755
File: 208 KB, 1200x1218, 1651043272303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Disposal of nuclear waste outside of the solar system
Nuclear waste is a psyop to make you think that the "fuel" is limited. In reality the problem is the continued use of old reactor designs due to new reactor construction always getting blocked. Newer designs don't need highly enriched isotopes that give up when the fuel isn't enriched enough anymore.

>> No.15497759

I think it even passed its own contrail on the way back down

>> No.15497762
File: 1.00 MB, 653x868, 003979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497764

They're going the same route as the n1?

>> No.15497765

that's crazy, man! nobody would ever try something so insane!

>> No.15497766

Who cares.

>> No.15497768

They're also building an FFSC cycle methalox booster engine.
Absolutely deranged

>> No.15497769
File: 352 KB, 400x492, 1601277299023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't disprove it if they keep stalling the test.

>> No.15497773
File: 433 KB, 657x664, 003980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497783

Last one should be "Being a protagonist in a TOOL video".

>> No.15497785
File: 216 KB, 540x876, 00145903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497797

>purely electric thruster would break current physics

>> No.15497798


Yeah I'm thinking QI chads will succeed.

>> No.15497808

Brace for yet another disappointment.

>> No.15497815

I'm already disappointed because its not on this flight

>> No.15497828

The October launch will be delayed and the delayed launch will be further delayed because actually flying a QI craft will prove it is a scam,

>> No.15497831


>> No.15497832

deployments starting. start listening on 437.5 MHz for a sermon soon

>> No.15497837
File: 985 KB, 1605x1065, 003982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to separate, some separations confirmed already

>> No.15497842

Reminder that Stoke is more exciting than RL and Relativity combined.

>> No.15497846
File: 1.19 MB, 1832x1093, 003983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497853

it must be a wild time for universities, startups, researchers, small countries. Every two months you have an opportunity to launch shit on a F9 into SSO for not much money

>> No.15497858

>Ukraine Vengeance Sat separation confirmed

wait what???!

>> No.15497860

>still have blackouts for spacecraft

>> No.15497862


I don't think this was on Spacex's flightplan

>> No.15497874



>> No.15497876
File: 16 KB, 682x256, 003985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15497877

These deploys will never not be kino

>> No.15497885
File: 2.46 MB, 446x720, 1602634072412.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to worry, is just Gregor again.

>> No.15497889
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 00155706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy and kino.

>> No.15497901

its ogre

>> No.15497906

spacex just showing off now lmao

>> No.15497909

mmm glouds

>> No.15497918

They are all equally unimportant and boring.

>> No.15497919

kys namenigger

>> No.15497923


>> No.15497930

Based estronaut stealing our greentexts

>> No.15497931


2022 is just like a zipper

>> No.15497940

>zubrin says this
>zubrin says that

>> No.15497943


>> No.15497952

Day late dollar short anon here. What's up with the much shorter mvac nozzle?

>> No.15497953

this falcon 9 was jewish

>> No.15497955

We saving mass and money and shieeet nigga

>> No.15497966

worldwide shortage of copper, but spacex is too afraid to say it

>> No.15497968


>> No.15497983


>> No.15497986


>> No.15497992

absolute mogging

>> No.15497993


>> No.15497994

I failed high school physics do flashlights create thrust?

>> No.15497999

yes electrons move from one side of the battery to the other. This imparts momentum onto the flashlight.

>> No.15498001

I don't know how helpful this is but
Highschool level physics is about:
Drawing the scenario
Adding all known forces
Looking at what is being asked
Fill in with correct formulas that has all of the known forces in use
Sometimes you can't get trickier stuff, but I think if you focus on first learning decomposing forces in x/y components you will get a better overall understanding of the full subject.
Start with the formulas for throwing objects/theory around them
Then go over to forces on a object using the decomposition stuff
I know this is technically what you learn last, but to me this was the biggest eye opener>>15497994
that helped me get through the subject

>> No.15498005

How do you fail highschool physics and keep interest in this? YWNGTM, theres no point for you.

>> No.15498009

This is peak midwit posting.

>> No.15498011

for me, it's the Right-hand rule

>> No.15498018
File: 592 KB, 1280x960, 1679389776164916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this habitable exoplanet wankery is so retarded if you dont even look around but look at earfs own history. Take modern human monkey back a certain amount and it will suffocate since the air is unbreathable. What if a perfect earth likes atmo has a couple of percentage points higher CO2 concentration or higher trace amounts of secondary gasses? This is before major happening like tidal locking when being stuck with a fucking violent and dim red dwarf

Only way for exosystem is building your own like fully self contained ships in ideal preferential orbits.

>> No.15498019

Yes but barely. It's 1/c Newtons per Watt.

>> No.15498021

Oh so you're smart huh? Well then what does THIS stand for:


>> No.15498023


>> No.15498025

whatever the fuck i want it to

>> No.15498029

Yeah, 0% chance we ever find a planet that perfectly recreates our atmosphere. Best case you find something real close and maskcuck it or you terraform it.

>> No.15498031


Jim Bridenstein endorses Desantis

>> No.15498036

mars is a habitable endoplanet
cry about it

>> No.15498037
File: 14 KB, 445x296, lynx upper stageW445-thumb-560x373-thumb-445x296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when there was Space flight? Me neither

>> No.15498038

Based Bridenstein making sure to support the candidate who stands with our greatest ally.

>> No.15498039

Be a woman or non White. Or better yet be a non White woman.

>> No.15498043


>> No.15498044

Oh no how will Russia ever make it to space now that the prestigious and world renowned Ukrainian space industry is no longer willing to work with them.


>> No.15498046

I hate political sfg sometimes, but I do wonder - what would prez Desant do in regards to spaceflight?

>> No.15498048

There are no such thing as a "woman". There are only man and "non-men". The usage of the word "woman" is transphobic.

>> No.15498049

jfc is it election time again. can't wait for the another whole year of non-stop two party system bullshit.

>> No.15498050

He's anti-regulations, thus regulations would be cut down/simplified/etc.
He's a Florida gov, thus more support for space exploration.
He's a fan of Musk, thus support for SpaceX is guaranteed.

>> No.15498052

heck yeh you from r/spacexlounge too guise?

>> No.15498056
File: 33 KB, 600x800, 85A46B79-4A88-4619-80E6-9508868704AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15498089

>ywn have a threesome with jessie and this chick
c'est fini

>> No.15498093

you can rape them if youre strong/quick

>> No.15498096

he's not

>> No.15498098

You couldn't pay me to have sex with Jessie, that nasty looking skank is loaded with venereal diseases.

>> No.15498100

She is abstinant

>> No.15498101


>> No.15498116

How can I trust space x when elon musk has never been to space? jeff bezos has been to space

>> No.15498117

thats an a, the first letter in the american alphabet (and also the first letter in america)

>> No.15498123

*and alphabet

>> No.15498128

Karmen line is not space

>> No.15498131

Reminder, the number will pentuople in pentayears

>> No.15498137

just because she's brown? :(

>> No.15498139


>> No.15498154

holy shit i haven't seen this in years

>> No.15498155

Remember when the internet used to be cool and not corporate dogshit

>> No.15498157

I hate brownoids. Make sure none come to Venus

>> No.15498158

>be alien civilization
>your planet gets bombarded by human nuclear waste

>> No.15498160

I prefer white blondes like Emily from Linux Tech Tips.

>> No.15498168

>indian astronaut.png

>> No.15498172

>tfw my high school didn't even have physics
its over

>> No.15498206

QI just got proven today yet /sfg/ is sleeping

>> No.15498217

its not on this launch read the thread

>> No.15498218

no wonder we haven't been back to the moon.

>> No.15498220

Not gonna serve you in the long run

>> No.15498222

Its on Transporter 9

>> No.15498261


>> No.15498282

Is that normal?

>> No.15498283

It's not ready yet

>> No.15498286

They thought of a better type of tape for the outgassing drive

>> No.15498294

oh har har har it wasnt funny the first time

>> No.15498322

Years and years ago, I went into this with an open mind and hope, but I honestly don't know what people still see in it after years of experiments keep showing that the better job of controlling for experimental error you do, the less evidence for signal there is.

>> No.15498349


>> No.15498363

last ariane 5 launch in 4 days. sad, but also happy

>> No.15498366

outgassing isn't real

>> No.15498369

t. Taco Bell Internet Defense Force

>> No.15498406

The nozzle extension is pure niobium and radiatively cooled. A copper shortage would not have any impact on MVAC nozzles.

>> No.15498415

Correction, it's an alloy of niobium. Furthermore, if there was a copper shortage that was enough to impact engine production, the regular engines and Raptors would be most affected, since the regeneratively cooled nozzle is made from a sandwich of milled copper and an inconel liner.

>> No.15498421

Raptor combustion chambers are partially copper as we learned from the green fart of death.

>> No.15498423

how much extra reverb does a raptor fart make? and in any case it should be referred to as a braptor

>> No.15498426

would desantis be good for spaceflight? he's pretty cancerous but trump was god tier for space. biden? he's just riding on trump's success, so he's okay to keep for now.

>> No.15498435

Trump > DeSantis > Biden for space. Whichever one wins, Artemis will keep trucking and the Space Force will keep subsidizing newspace startups.

>> No.15498454

DeSantis > Trump

>> No.15498460
File: 274 KB, 1100x619, ow-interloper-fullcomet_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15498465

What to eat for a midnight snack. hmmmm

>> No.15498501

Bread, fresh bread

>> No.15498555

Thread has staged.


>> No.15498581

Absolutely garbage music

>> No.15498615

nobody listens to alice in chains anymore dad