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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15495828 No.15495828 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ayys always shown as little green men? What if they're some fucked up lovecraftian entity? What if they can't even see or hear in the same range as us? Everything would just be a blank screen or a noise beyond what we can hear. Why do they have to be carbon based or have the same biological processes or cellular structure as us? They are probably gonna be completely different in every way if we ever do find aliems

>> No.15495835

Movies. Otherwise they are described as gray.

Fun fact: of their eyes bend over the side they are most likely vegetarians, because you need your eyes looking forward for good hunting.

>> No.15495851
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Science is made up garbage, it is just like watching movies making up their own science laws.

>> No.15495914

the alien probes attempt to recreate a life form we would be familiar with in order to communicate with us

>> No.15495915
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>Why is ayys always shown as little green men?
cause it's convenient for movie making. in written sci fi you will find odd lifeforms more often
there is such a thing as convergent evolution though. there is a good chance a marine predator on an alien planet evolves to look like pic related. intelligent life out there likely has complex hand like things to manipulate its environment and a brain far from the ground for protection. however with a sample size of (1) intelligent lifeform anything goes and little green man are just as likely as lovecratian siliconmonsters

>> No.15495954
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>> No.15496050 [DELETED] 

>Fun fact: of their eyes bend over the side they are most likely vegetarians, because you need your eyes looking forward for good hunting.
This is obviously incorrect, because we know a major counterexample from Earth.

>> No.15496058

>Fun fact: of their eyes bend over the side they are most likely vegetarians, because you need your eyes looking forward for good hunting.

>> No.15496078

Ah yes, the hammerhead shark, my favourite herbivore.

>> No.15496104

You need your eyes facing forwards to use complex tools. Depth perception is necessary to build shit.

>> No.15496351

He means the opposite, having side facing eyes means you can't hunt. Saying the opposite would be idiotic, as monkeys use it to pick fruit.

>> No.15496880
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>Hearing and smell are thought to be effective at great distances. As sharks get closer, they may be able to see the prey. In the final approach, the shark may use its lateral line to detect prey movement, then its ampullae of Lorenzini to detect the prey's electric field.
Also sperm whale's have eyes on the side but use echolocation to find their prey. eyes can be sideways as long as you have other senses that make up for sight

>> No.15497034

based and sciencepilled


>> No.15497169
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>Barney and Betty Hill report seeing the first ever Grey
>all the other 1970s hallucinogenic abusers say, "Hey, I like, saw that, too!"
>Spielberg incorporates this design into "Close Encounters"
>meme gets fully solidified by "Communion" best-seller and "The X-Files" in 1980s and '90s
>Chinese toy company jumps on the trend, makes the Grey green to make it cute and avoid copyright hassles
>further meme infestation with the dancing alien gif from the 2000s and "ayy lmao" in the 2010s
>you are here

>> No.15497175

what are you, some anti-science alien-denier conspiracy theorist?