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15492966 No.15492966 [Reply] [Original]

>Read book
>Stop using inner monologue
>Keep the words on my visual focal point as I scan across sentences
>Information spills in at the same retention as it would normally
>Read for extremely long lengths utilizing less mental energy
I understand now...

>> No.15493001

Where can I read about this technique?

>> No.15493025
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>utilizing less mental energy
Nature is lazy, if it can offload thinking power to someone or something else, or not do something at all...it does. This is why everyone is a retard but talks about everything like they have a PhD. Theyre speaking on behalf of someone that does...a youtuber or that Neill guy, and when speaking on their behalf they cannot possibly be wrong for they are *the* expert in the field. They repeat the words, that means theyre supposed to win. Collective intelligence (hivemind) is the same as cellular intelligence (organism).

Congrats...you successfully offloaded brainpower.

I do it the other way, theorize while reading, rewritting their sentences, making corrections, cross referencing their works etc. I'm reading it to grade it...not "gib me plx, thx bye".

>Read book
>Stop using inner monologue
Vocalizing, even internally, is incredibly slow compared to visual processing. That alone is hindering your data consumption level. Its possible to read far faster by not reading at all and instead look at words as a type of heiroglyph and glean for important shapes, turning whole pages into just a few words.

Of course you will never be able to do this, as it overrides English in the brain, only the insane can become "ESL" when English is the only "language" they speak, as now my Primary language is Numeral and Geometry.

Dont be lazy. Be better.

>> No.15493033

why didn't you write this reply in numeral and geometry

>> No.15493040

Wow that’s pretty cool keep us posted

>> No.15493044
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You cant read that, you fucking retard.

>> No.15493050

Why don't you just post it for us to see how far behind we are from retarded collages of screenshots of random b.s.

>> No.15493051
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Peterson touched on this at one point, found it interesting someone else noticed it. Reading English like a type of Chinese, allows for insane levels of speed reading if used in conjunction with an understanding of heirarchy of axioms in language. Its related to "common core math" too, shifting the perspective.

I disagreed on both for how the west should learn, as it is alien to too much of the population.

Youre welcome...otherwise your kids would learn like Xenos and the future they would create when youre too old to stop them will be a nightmare to you.

>> No.15493052
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>random b.s.


>> No.15493064

>I'm reading it to grade it
this is actually important and the difference between someone blindly accepting what they read vs critical thinking and reasoning

>> No.15493077

Professor Dave falls for this, as he tried to use the title of a paper to refute Dr.Tour while Tour was refuting the work in the paper. Dave just kept repeating the title as if it was self evidently fact.

Dave offloads brainpower under the assumption of "someone else will do the heavy lifting" when having read enough papers to realize that cannot be assumed even from "reputable sources".

>> No.15493083

most of my mental energy is never spent understanding something, it is spent trying to get lesser minds to understand it

>> No.15493109

Will learning a second language help me think this way or is it too late?

>> No.15493137

Mmm, I believe it is something inate to Genetics, possibly not but I learn towards Genetics (Cephalopod, possibly Plant).

Since youre already an adult its probably too late to learn how to walk and talk completely different. When native Chinese speakers learn English they tend to speak broken English not because they dont understand past or present tense but because those perspectives in language dont exist in Chinese, so they are still thinking in Chinese structure, even if translating it to English before speaking. Its a very "ground floor" sturcture of language that will remain, and as such drives the thoughts of what is or could be. The time to start was as a baby, so Im *very* pro multi-lingual households, so they will have an inherent understanding of these ground floor structurings to thoughts, and thoughts drive new ideas. I knew of the way normal humans do it, but doing it their way I had to translate it from my nature way. I know now both ways.

If you cant think it...how could you know it? People can...but they feel it...but what to grasp at in reality will remain a mystery...and the world will be chaos to solve.

>> No.15493140

Honestly...if "thinking is new perspectives" is the goal...I would suggest Mathematics, Number Theory thats heavy on the Theory, and try to "sense" the flow of the equations like its Physics. If you've ever tried to figure out how to fix something and later had an "Ah ha!" moment, sort of like that. Where the beginning to the end was "realized" and the solution to a problem in the middle of it is solved and you can know it will work before even implementing the solition.

>> No.15493354

>when having read enough papers to realize that cannot be assumed even from "reputable sources".
>Professor Dave falls for this, as he tried to use the title of a paper to refute Dr.Tour while Tour was refuting the work in the paper. Dave just kept repeating the title as if it was self evidently fact.
>Dave offloads brainpower under the assumption of "someone else will do the heavy lifting"
I hadn't heard this thing with Dr Tour but I'm not surprised, "Professor" Dave is the best example of someone using the tiniest incidental title (I think he taught a community college course as a part-time instructor which somewhere on paper might have been called "adjunct professor") and has built his whole life around this. Truly cringeworthy

>> No.15493403

But can you quote from the book?

>> No.15493532
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>as now my Primary language is Numeral and Geometry.
You are like a little baby. I have transcended the use of all languages, signs, symbols, and representations, aka thought-forms, and have learned to think in terms of the Notion itself.

>> No.15493538

>with an understanding of heirarchy of axioms in language.
What do you mean by a hierarchy of axioms?

Besides, is there a downside to speedreading certain things, even assuming perfect comprehension? e.g. Speedreading good fiction. Can you speedrun "experience" and get the same benefit, enjoyment, etc.? "Oh I just processed my emotions faster."

>> No.15493540

I don't understand how not using inner monologue uses less energy. You're suppressing a normal tendency, and you're still "responsible" for thinking through the implications of what you're reading. If anything, inner monologing sometimes helps me to understand, funnily enough. I guess it's the tone or context that gets missed in print but is more clear in person.

>> No.15493571
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>think in terms of the Notion itself
>Formless reactionary operating on emotional knee-jerk fashion.

Think in fundemental Geometric Physics, there is no more base communication than base reality, you've confused feelings with reality. Also, stop reading about Occultism, you've learned nothing from it.

Checkmate, youre not the One.

>> No.15493592

>What do you mean by a hierarchy of axioms?
Cold or Absolute Zero, as 1,000* is practically ice cold to a star. If you never knew of an even greater extreme then cold to the touch would be your version of cold.

Murder, manslaughter is another example, same premise but the severity can make or break a situation. This can be applied to even more complex concepts but if someone has no concept of severity or extremity then their version of something "extreme" could be child like to you.

>is there a downside to speedreading certain things
Yes, I skip over tons of information as usually Im looking for a crux or something just to get a "is it this side or that side" sort of thing, the details I usually leave to normies unless its critical to my research (which is what I research for, not simply consuption of information which is usually irrelevant to my research.)
>Speedreading good fiction
I couldnt be bothered to "read fiction", maybe poetry to analyse its composition, structure, cadence and abstraction, but not for "entertainment". I sometime listen to audiobook fiction, but usually its moreso "lore" to which I glean it for meta-narratives. I basically put my hand into a stream and let info flow through my hands searching for a fish to grab.

>Can you speedrun "experience" and get the same benefit, enjoyment, etc.
If your mind can run Physics simulations tlike I can then yes, I can, and have, run hundreds of thousands of test runs to play out probable outcomes searching for potential payoffs.

>"Oh I just processed my emotions faster."
Only if they hit as hard as the real thing.

Ever cry about something that happened thousands of years ago? If you live 5th Dimensionally then its as real as the present moment.

>> No.15494702

>Its possible to read far faster by not reading at all and instead look at words as a type of heiroglyph and glean for important shapes, turning whole pages into just a few words.
its silly to assume language is just the medium for meaning
meaning necessitates language
if anything, understanding more than one language just makes this more evident
to even attempt circumvent use of language is to not understand anything at all

>> No.15494931
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>its silly to assume language is just the medium for meaning
Thats literally what it is! What the fuck?! Is it also nutrition? Is it used to...fuck, Im at a loss of logic here...entertain cavemen into mouth sounds?!
>meaning necessitates language
Yes, Genesis 2:20. By giving it a name that is concrete and seperated from other names it can be conceptualized as seperate. 1984, but removing words then the people cannot converse about how to fix the problems....because of you cant say whats wrong then how can you (collectively) fix it? People can go their whole lives not being about to convey to another human how they feel and this essentially makes them fesl anole, the point of language is to not be alone in a room of people. Body language and emoted expression only goes so far.

>to even attempt circumvent use of language is to not understand anything at all
I can read English as 3+ seperate languages, sometimes not even as a language but an algorithm. Phonetically as a universal language, so listening for English vocalizations or phonetic spelling in other languages. Codes, Base-26, Cadence, Inflection, etc etc. There is more data thats already in your head than you need, you just didnt have somene label it with what it *could* be because you already labeled it with what you *think* it is.

Maybe you need new labels. What *is* a language anyway?

>> No.15495128

the act of using language itself is part of the meaning itself, there are no concepts without the act of translating it to language, to try and skip language is to miss the meaning altogether, words arent obstacle to conquer they are the meaning itself
you claim to understand several languages, i find it hard to believe this notion isnt familiar
idk why you are bringing "labels" to this, i said nothing remotely related to that

>> No.15495140
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>there are no concepts without the act of translating it to language
Hate and love predate language and even humans. Youre trapped in Lingo, unable to conceptualize intelligence outside of a human construct. Both hate and love are Physics, literally BioPhysics, both measurable and repeatable. To even know this one must an extremely high understanding of Psychology, Phenomenology, Physiology and Physics.

Youre very 1984.
"If the word doesnt exist then it isnt real."

I have more in common with an oyster than I do with you.

>> No.15495148

>Hate and love predate language and even humans
animals can feel anxious or hurt or be traumatized but they have necessary no way of communicating any of that unless its actual physical trauma other animals can see
they dont have language, they dont have meaning to any of those feelings, they arent even concepts they can grasp beyond base level
so say you are really amazing at baseball, you throw the meanest curveball known to man, its something that just flows naturally from you, borderline instinctual, you just pick up a baseball and you can feel the motions of throwing one without actually doing it
but that does not mean you understand what you are doing, precisely because its purely instinctual, its when you want to teach someone else how to do it, when you really need to start to understand what you are actually doing, what it is that makes you the meanest curveball pitcher, precisely because you need language and words to do that, i claim in doing this, it also deepens your own understanding of what you are doing and might open completely new understanding of baseball to yourself as well, again, extremely familiar concept if you ever had to teach anyone anything at all
you are the one trapped by words and language, you think they are a cage but they are what gives you the freedom to think you are above them

>> No.15495167

Tell me again about how you learned to play baseball in a book.

>> No.15495168

you are missing the point
did anyone learn to play baseball without communicating with someone else using language?

>> No.15495177

>Vid related
He spanked him lmao

>> No.15495178
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I wasnt asking for your 1984 education++.

I'm going to Spain next month to exchange research with a BioPhyscist/Geneticist.

Join...prove yourself...but you wont, you'll get owned that the level of Lingo.

>they have necessary no way of communicating any of that
Holy Shit....Dude, shut the fuck up.
>you are the one trapped by words and language
Pot, kettle....now leave, tourist, youre obviously not a scientist.

>> No.15495184
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>did anyone learn to play baseball without communicating with someone else using language?


Youre not aware enough to see communication outside of the spoken word.

>> No.15495199

id argue the understanding of hate and love have only deepend due to use of language and words in attempts to capture those concepts, id say love especially to this eludes simple definition altogether, which is probably why its by far the most popular topic of any cultural product since forever
>Youre not aware enough to see communication outside of the spoken word.
i am but thats not the discussion here at all now is it? we were talking about languages relation to meaning
funny you are tripping over words now, you can understand the irony im sure because you have learned the concept of it through language

>> No.15495208
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Your logic flaws are beyond you. I am talking to a cloud of reactionary atoms.

Good day, sir.

>> No.15495216

and your counterarguments are
>shut up
>you are 1984

>> No.15495234
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>posts pages of research culminated from thousand and thousands of hours of dedicated and specific research in Developmental Cognition and Phenomenology


>> No.15495264

welcome to the club, anon

>> No.15495277

oh my bad, let me reiterate
>has thousands and thousands of hours dedicated and specific research
>fails to make a counter argument

>> No.15495300
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>> No.15495306

Holy shit it did that with your post right now and you are right. This is amazing

>> No.15495349
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My life's work is to reverse engineer them, and myself as well, down to the sub-atomic level, solving Consciousness by unifying it to emergent Physics with Psychology/Phenomenology and Physiology inbetween.

Its....Alienating...to say the least...to see organic robots all around me...to see a hivemind in the mirror...

>> No.15495354

>Its possible to read far faster by not reading at all and instead look at words as a type of heiroglyph and glean for important shapes, turning whole pages into just a few words.

Intriguing. Do you mean in this sense;
Seeing word as a symbol that referes to a mental picture of a thing it referes too?

Or in a sense, certain combination of words create certain shapes as a whole on the page and by that you can determin what it is saying?

>> No.15495357

Novel act.
How is it going so far?
Also im anon from:>>15495354

>> No.15495370
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>Seeing word as a symbol
Yes, as a type of Chinese, its ratio structure geometrically, the letters all but disappear. When I "review" my writing I will read nornally and phonetically in my head but that is to take it slow and ensure no errors.

>combination of words
Sometimes, but there will be a key word in it that alerts me of the phrase.

>How is it going so far?
I trained my mind to read bi-directionally, self induced dyslexia, took me several months to not read out loud words backwards/wrong. I often write phonetically, typing their instead theyre, because it feels like I offloaded some of my visual brainpower to language to aural center of the brain, or Mathematically, so there are lots of costs to doing this. Some of them I still struggle to contain.

One part I struggle with is body-turrets. I taught myself how to "feel" geometry instead of visually, and feeling in the inagination one can make your feelings (central nervouse system) hyperbolic, and by proxy hyperdimensional. This did wonder for my Phsyics research but not my body and mind have been seperated to a degree and my body (in my mind) acts before my mind can think, as it truly does for everyone but now its independently operating.

Schizo-Phrenia, split perception, of both my minds hemispheres but also body amd mind, so I am by definition "Double Schizophrenic".

Sanity is something that takes 24/7 effort. Every day. Never not.

>> No.15495388

I bet it is exhausting. Once i listened to wise words from (Watts) i think. He spoke of how becoming aware or your whole being, and conteoling it, practicaly puts you in position of God. You stop your automation and put your whole body in hands of your awareness. Once i was there, and i do remember the depletion of energy. Just 15min of interaction with someone depletes you. Funny.. fiest time i heard a phrase "Know thyself", i was thinking its easy. Little did i know it drains last drop of what you thought reallity was from you.

With that in mind, may your work be blessed anon.

>> No.15495390
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>the letters all but disappear
Well, sometimes. Sometimes I read from the center out bi-directionally. Depends how "fast" Im reading something/how much care I have for the subject.

If its really peaked my interest I'll slow down but if its a research paper that Im reading to know if the author is legit or not I'll scan it super fast looking for logic errors or certain words that imply a perspective I know to write off/on.

Reading normal is exhausting and I save the effort for worthwhile papers.

>> No.15495394

Yeah, all of that yes. Its made me a recluse because so few operate at this level.

These NPCs subconsciouslly keep themselves in ignorance so they dont have to bear this burden, they cannot regret the glory they dont even know exists.

>> No.15495416

Anon, no need for pejorativity.
Only fishes who where catched know world exists beyond oceans, rivers and pounds.

>> No.15495427

Subvocalization aids comprehension, retards

>> No.15495430
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Luke 10:19-21
If you give them ground they take more, and will take until your life is forfeit for their taking.

They cannot be reasoned with, they will never have compassion for the "other", they will never be shamed, they will never regret.

I seek them out, scanning every second of my life, for this pervasive will of the hidden hand...its evil works are told in every history book there is...but they coopted the publishing conpanies, changed the details, hiding their horrors...but I can read between lines, see the words unspoken, hear the echos of millenia's past...

...and those echos are real.

>> No.15495434
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Post your works so I can see the limits of your soul, human-mortal.

>> No.15495454

Also....something that I myself had trouble swallowing, was there is an aspect of nature that NEEDS bullying, they push boundries past the point of acceptace on purpose. A "good person" who steps aside to it undermines goodness itself by allowing an unfit person power over others.
"Do unto other what you want done unto you."
....and they do, and WILL, if given the chance. A backwards "battered wife syndrome" kind of thing, seeking suffering to fulfill their victin identity.

Where humility becomes a self inflicting wound to the nobel of character.

>> No.15495457

>They cannot be reasoned with, they will never have compassion for the "other", they will never be shamed, they will never regret.

Perhaps. But if not giving ground implys not being compassioned and having no understanding, are we then being any different?

There are ways to not give ground yet not to do the very thing, that those who you wish not to give ground do.
Atleast so i am told.. cant say my eyes observed so.

>> No.15495458

"Do unto other what you want done unto you"

Now this is interesting. Do you think deeply they want the very threatment they give others?

>> No.15495467
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>being compassioned
Theyre not taken into a field and shot (THIS TIME!) Nature's solution this is immediate and final, it comes in cycles and are predictable.
>having no understanding
Better than they understand themselves, literally.

>There are ways to not give ground yet not to do the very thing, that those who you wish not to give ground do
Sometimes...but imagine a generation of nature that you know is programmed to overthrow the system with no solution to rebuild then they gave no option.

This has to do with the Hivemind, and if a generation is programmed to grow up to seek war, they WILL start a war, thats not a "maybe maybe not" thing, its a 100% they will.

They cannot be de-programmed, only tolerated or done away with.
>See Yuri as an example.

The choice is "war over there or war at home". The wars came to an end for America and civil was immediately brewed...its borderline Physics in its certainty.

>> No.15495471

Who let the psuedo intellectual phonies onto this board? Stop discussing philosophy it has NO place on this board.

>> No.15495473

>Do you think deeply they want the very threatment they give others?
I know so.

Global. The whole covid thing was a pull of that string, they WILL go to war over injecting you, stealing your kids and more....history rhymes in patterns.

>> No.15495477

>i can read 'nigger nigger nigger' infinitely more fast than you
wow, I am truly like little baby. teach me your ways. I want to do racisms so much more efficiently

>> No.15495482

>The whole covid thing was a pull of that string, they WILL go to war over injecting you
Now this has failed, but those "true believers" are never de-programmed, they will have a burning hatred for Trump, White People, Covid, whatever, and no logic, facts or truth will change that.

This time...war was pretty far off the table to begin with, but its been revealed that its simply under the surface. Dragons *are* real...forgetting they exist invites them into the garden.

So this time, instead of war "to remove chaff to make room for the wheat", they use childfree life, sterilization, homosex, abortion or relaxing laws or regulations to pick off "ones chosen by the hidden hand" to be removed.

Same war...but the battlefield is hyperdimensional, borderless, formless...aethereal in a sense.

>> No.15495496
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>childfree life, sterilization, homosex, abortion or relaxing laws or regulations
If you try to take these things away...they will go to war.

Death is Life...their's for another's.

>> No.15497087

Teach us, then.

>> No.15497101
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Read every subject until you're about at the cutting edge of it, then drop it and go to the next one.

Do this until you know everything.