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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 301x303, Uh uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15494218 No.15494218 [Reply] [Original]

why are jews so superior at mathematics? I wish I was selectively Imbred aswell

>> No.15494227

Imagine if you took a group of 50-50 Italian-Levantines, then added about 1% African, 1% Asian, 8% Western European and 13% Eastern European ancestries.

After making this cocktail you continuously expose them to extreme Eugenics for 1000 years, slowly homogenizing and bringing up their IQs.

>> No.15494246

This was sarcastic. I see the jewish autism statistic is true aswell

>> No.15494261
File: 9 KB, 249x250, Pepedaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewcocks looks always so dried out and those dicktips look so digustingly wrinkled

>> No.15494263

They're also circumcised

>> No.15494288
File: 156 KB, 1647x898, u8cq7jfz7pr01-218362255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyim are terrible at hiding their inferiority, just admit it. You "say" this was sarcasm, but was it really? Really?

It's OK, you can vent about being a retarded white who'll never do anything of note. I wont judge you.

>> No.15494298

Schizophrenia, unironically

>> No.15494315

minority 4 ever

>> No.15494323

Im somewhat semite somewhat greek. A true "superior" being would welcome everyone and not inbreed with germans and act fake smart. Christ is King and you are all either jews or autists pretending to be jews because the jews indirectly caused your dad to rape you as a child and now you are an autism speaks pawn.

>> No.15494332

>Unrelated maths
Tiresome indeed.

>> No.15494384

> Jew is king
> I hate jews
Absolute state of goyim

>> No.15494400

>be raycis romans and whiteys
>try to kill da joos
>only the smartest joos escape

>> No.15494401

Rodents trying to relate our king to your inbreeding pot. E = mc^2 was stolen from italians. Your institutions you own validate your merit you think is real. You are nothing in the wilderness because you have no faith and the AI wont like that one day either. You use the same tactics as the niggers you slave traded

>> No.15494409

I'll have everything you wrote debunked you conspiracy peddler
Jesus was a jew
Einstein was a jew and he came up with E= mc2
Most of the atlantic slave traders were western europeans
AI loves jews, just ask it
Israel is something and its in the wilderness surrounded by antagonistic arabs
You lost

>> No.15494414

The AI has already said jews are the problem multiple times. A self validating institution is fake science equivalent to astrology. I can curb stomp you in the wild even if you are just a sperg larping on the internet

>> No.15494419

It's the opposite actually. Your online larp will hit the wall so hard, once you're out there

>> No.15494422

I would twist your head off and shit down your throat in a puddle of my piss.

>> No.15494426

You'll do no such thing. You'll kneel and beg for me to be friends with you.

>> No.15494429

No. I will teach you niggas how to read by reading you a kids book

>> No.15494463

>be romans
>kill jews
>sad that favorite twink died
>think war is pointless and let jews live
>jews come to rome
>only people that will marry them are roman prostitues
>be jews from the path of james
>come to rome and love jesus
>everyone like you
>seething polytheists slaughter you for redeeming the goyim
>edomite jew hates jamesian jew and chooses to worship satan and hate jesus all because they hate goyim so badly
>edomites realize their blood is tainted more than mud
>inbred so much they become even more insane giving their minds to demons
>demons give edomites forbidden knowledge
>good a math
it's simple really. it's clear that math is the path towards the divine, but satanic devices like sets and real numbers have lead us astray from god's light.

>> No.15494468
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1685207543547093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo alert

>> No.15494480

>jews come to rome
>start telling people they're catholic

>> No.15494487

Christian Jews gave gentiles salvation. That's why they aren't racially pure today, they saw nothing wrong with breeding with japhethites
Edomic jews on the other hand despise gentiles, which led to inbreeding for many generations which caused genetic problems like mental illness. Their schizophrenic tendencies lead them to becoming better at mathematics.
That's why Christians denounce the talmud.
>t. shit theorist

>> No.15494489

superior at calculating amount of gold coins

>> No.15494515
File: 35 KB, 737x472, 1681984439962597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15494529

They're more predisposed to schizophrenia

>> No.15494537

Stalin hated jews too, I thought you were based seamus...alas

>> No.15494588
File: 544 KB, 1384x1154, TIMESAND___+FamilyTree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the Jews wanted anyone other than the house of David, they got they wanted with Stalin and everyone else since my great grandfather was murdered by them.

>> No.15494592
File: 12 KB, 834x348, TIMESAND___2Chron1019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bolshevism was really about the biblical rebellion. Workers rights was just a veneer to get the gentiles herded how the Jews wanted. It backfired a little, but they have come out ahead overall... so far.

>> No.15494631

Who's the retarded looking bald guy

>> No.15494636 [DELETED] 

and yet you throw a tremendous sissyfit at the notion of the goyim people by the name of amalek, curios

>> No.15494638

Since when? There almost no prominent Jewish figures in math. They are prominent in fields like string theory, but not even in the early stages. QM is dominated by Christian figures and early string theory was also by Christians.

The only valid one on this chart is Israel. The rest are often not real Jews. Like Von Neumann and Haber who were Catholics little to no Jewish blood.

>> No.15494645
File: 11 KB, 200x621, FT_15.02.04_JewsEurope200px (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It backfired a little, but they have come out ahead overall... so far.
Is this what "winning" looks like to the superior race?

>> No.15494657

Modern jewish culture is just german culture. Authentic shtetl jewish culture is illiteracy despite their meme of a love of learning 99% of jews before 1780 only read religious books in yiddish or cringe hebrew poetry, if they knew how to read at all.
As soon as they were let in german universities they started hiring their own and firing goyim, as Landau was famous for